Preschool math at home

How to Teach Preschool Math That Your Child Will Love

Give Your Preschooler a

Great Start in Math!

 When my first child was a preschooler, I couldn’t believe how quickly and easily he learned new things.

He was always absorbing new information, whether he was playing with his beloved Thomas trains, listening to his favorite picture books, or trying to figure out whether I really meant it when I said he had to eat his broccoli.

I knew my little guy learned best by moving, talking, and playing—not sitting in a chair and doing worksheets. But when I looked for preschool math programs, all I found were repetitive workbooks with way too much writing.

I wanted learning about numbers to be fun, hands-on, and interactive, not boring, tedious, and separate from real life.

And so, I decided to create my own preschool math program.

I had plenty of background as a math teacher and curriculum writer, but I was busy with a new baby. So, every activity had to be short and easy to implement for my sleep-deprived self. Plus, I didn’t need any extra errands, so it had to use things I already had around the house.

Now, I’ve put together those activities in Preschool Math at Home. It’s an easy-to-use preschool math curriculum that any parent can use to give their child a fun, hands-on start in math. 


These simple, short lessons are fun. This is a great resource if you're looking for ideas to be more intentional with incorporating math/number sense into play time.

I love how this book is an easy read and I can spend 3 minutes and have three activities to do for the next day. I also just feel more confident now that I know what expectations for math at the preschool look like...HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for preschool age math curriculum!

My 4 yr old daughter loves doing math now and asks to play the games all the time!

“My 3 year old thinks she is just playing …but she is getting a solid foundation in these early math skills.

“This book is clearly written with explanations about why I am using each exercise. This is especially helpful so that I know where I am going with him in terms of math and not just using a math activity book.”

“I rarely ever write a review, but this one is worth writing about. I have been using this math curriculum for about a month with my 3 year old and her progress has been amazing.”