Preschool math projects
15 Best Math Activities for Preschoolers
The first five years are crucial for a child’s brain development. Almost 90% of the brain develops before kindergarten. Therefore, including interactive math activities in the preschool curriculum is highly helpful.
It can improve attention, memory, and basic cognitive skills among kids. But simple flashcards or counting blocks are not sufficient to motivate preschoolers to learn math. Instead, teachers have to practice engaging and fun math activities to set a strong math foundation for students.
Let’s explore fun math activities for preschoolers in detail.
15 Fun Math Activities for Preschoolers to Boost Their Overall Growth
Math can build confidence, logical mindset and improve academic performance among students. But that’s only when you make math fun for them instead of their arch enemy. So, let’s check out some fun and easy math activities for preschoolers:
Online Math Activities for Preschoolers
Best For: Immersive math practice basis common core standards
SplashLearn covers over 400 math skills in engaging game forms. It is a gamified platform for preschoolers to learn basic math concepts while playing free games. The platform has a vast 4000+ content library to make math fun and simple for preschool and kindergarten students. It is a web and mobile app-based learning platform offering activities like counting in groups, comparing numbers, and more.
2. Moose Math
Best For: Multi-level math training
Moose Math will take your kids on a mathematical adventure. The program offers multiple math activities for preschoolers to engage them in counting, subtraction, addition, and more. Through interactive graphics, kids will better understand the relationship between numbers and quantities. They will also learn geometry a bit better from quirky ducks.
3. Monster Math
Best For: National curriculum math standards
Take your child on wonderful math adventures and story rides under the national curriculum math standards with Monster Math.
This application will introduce a friendly monster, Math, to your students and help them practice addition, subtraction, or division with fun games. Preschoolers will learn math along with an exciting storyline while interacting with other players. It is a fun virtual community to learn math through games.
4. Marble Math Junior
Best For: Common core curriculum
Marble Math Junior is an engaging mental math platform for early math skills development among students. It has an interesting storyline where students have to earn marbles and watch out for math whizzes. It lets students replay the question or move to the next one. Preschoolers can learn to do many basic things with the app like telling time, addition, subtraction, shape matching, and more.
5. Math Kids
Best For: Basic math for preschoolers
Math Kids is a simple application to teach addition, subtraction, counting, and basic math to kids. Through games and interactive storylines, toddlers can learn math without even realizing it.
It is a free app with a number of puzzles and mini-games to teach math in a fun way.
DIY Math Activities for Preschoolers
6. Cup Stacking
Best For: Counting double-digit numbers
This is a simple math activity that requires 100 plastic cups and markers. You just have to label all cups from 1 to 100. Ask your kid to stack cups in numerical order while counting aloud. You can even jumble cups a bit to make it harder to stack all 100 cups.
7. Sorting Candy Shapes
Best For: Learning patterns and shapes
Kids are going to love this math activity. You need to get different shapes of candies, jelly beans, M&M, and whatnot. Put together all the delicious treats in a bowl and ask your kid to sort them in different shapes like circles, squares, etc. And finally, let them devour some candies as their reward.
8. Math Twister
Best For: Counting and recognizing shapes
As you might have already guessed, this preschooler activity contains lots of bending, twisting, and fun. You need to grab a big piece of paper, divide it into different squares and write a number or shape on each square. Now, spin the twister and ask your students to step on a certain number or shape.
9. Guess the Weight
Best For: Counting and measurement
Teachers can include this math activity in preschoolers’ homework curriculum to improve their measuring skills. In this activity, ask your students to guess the weight of different things lying around their home like onions, teddy bears, etc. Later you can ask them in class questions like “which is heavier — the apple or the can of soup?”
10. Make a Number Collage
Best For: Counting
Give your kids a stash of old newspapers, magazines, and books. Ask them to search for the numbers from 1 to 30 in them. Once they found numbers, give them child-safe scissors to cut those numbers and glue them to paper to form a pretty collage.
Group Math Activities for Preschoolers

Best For: Addition and subtraction
You can play some cards with your preschoolers to teach them addition or subtraction. Grab a deck of cards containing numbers 1 to 10. Have each student pick two cards at a time and ask them to add or subtract the numbers together.
12. Find the Shape
Best For: Recognising shapes
You can ask your class to bring everyday objects like socks, cups, or water bottles to class. Then, place all items on a table and ask students to find different shapes from the pile of objects like round, cylindrical, etc.
13. Math Tic Tac Toe
Best For: Addition and Subtraction
Put an addition or subtraction problem in each 3*3 tic tac toe. Divide your class into two teams and give each team one by one chance to solve the problem to place their Xs or Os.
14. Burst Your Number
Best For: Numbers recognition
Grab colorful balloons from your nearest supermarket and blow them with your class. After that, label balloons with different numbers and ask your students to burst the balloon with the said number.
15. Pouring and Comparing
Best For: Measurement
Give a plastic cup containing rice to your students. However, pour rice up to different levels in every cup and ask your students to compare the rice amount in their cup and their friend’s cup.
Why Are Math Activities Important for Preschoolers?
Math is an important subject in a preschool curriculum. It helps kids learn basic things like seeing time, checking calendars, etc. With fun math activities, preschoolers not only learn math easier, but it also helps in:
1. Developing Interest
It is a common misconception that math is a tough and boring subject. Many kids don’t even try math because they think it is hard. So, you can break this myth when you make counting and measuring fun with math activities. You can spike preschoolers’ interest in math and make them less nervous about pursuing it in kindergarten.
2. Use Math in Real Life
Math activities for preschoolers are set in a real environment. It allows students to understand how they can use basic math skills in day-to-day life. For example, counting can help students see how much time is remaining for a lunch break.
3. Build Confident Personality
According to NAEYC, early math experience can build a child’s confidence regardless of math skills. When children solve math problems every day, it will give them confidence. They feel that if they can solve complex math problems, they can solve any hardship in their lives. That is very useful for a child’s overall character development.
4. Logical Mindset
Mathematics is not all about number crunching. It is also about the presence of the mind and observing small things. Thus, early math training will make your child develop a logical mindset that first observes the situation and then reacts.
Let’s Have a Playdate With Math
There you go, teachers! You can now organize a playdate with math using different engaging math activities in your classroom. When you make math fun and simple for preschoolers, they will not hesitate to learn new math formulas and concepts in higher classes.
This will also build their overall character and brain. So, try to include as many math activities as you can in your preschool curriculum to motivate more students to learn math.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is math important for a child's early development?
It is very important to introduce math early in your child’s life. Mathematics teaches several life skills to children, like measuring, problem-solving, and understanding different shapes and patterns. Math is important for overall cognitive skills development in a child’s life.
How to select math activities for preschoolers?
While selecting math activities for preschoolers, ensure that the activity must teach a math value to students like counting, addition, patterns, etc. Besides this, an activity has to be fun to keep students engaged and motivated.
Preschool Math Games and Activities to Engage Young Learners
Preschoolers have lots of important math skills to learn before they start kindergarten. Counting, number sense, sorting, patterns, comparing size, and so much more—these are all concepts toddlers need so they can move on to more advanced math concepts. These preschool math games and activities help kids master those skills in ways that are just as fun as playtime!
1. String beads on pipe cleaners
This is one of those classic preschool math games that has so many benefits for young learners. They get fine motor control practice along with learning to count, recognize numerals, and put numbers in order. All you need are pipe cleaners and beads.
Learn more: Laughing Kids Learn
2. Monster Dice Match
Rolling dice gives kids a chance to practice counting and subitizing. Get the printable for this free matching game at the link.
Learn more: The Measured Mom—Monster Dice

You’ll find lots of dice-related preschool math games out there. In this one, kids roll the dice and then stack blocks together. They finish by counting the blocks all together, an early intro to addition.
Learn more: Hands On as We Grow
4. Flip Uno cards to make a match
Get some memory practice while you learn numerals. Uno cards, with their bright and cheery colors and large numbers, are perfect for this, but regular playing cards work too.
Learn more: Primary Playground
5. Tag the number
We love that this game gives kids a chance to move! Tape up numbers on the wall (or write them on a whiteboard). Then have kids roll a die and run to tag the number that comes up. You can play this game in other ways too, like calling out the numbers randomly yourself, or taping the numbers in a variety of places around the room.
Learn more: This Reading Mama

Stack building blocks and build a city skyline. You’ll get a different result every time, making this one of those preschool math games kids can play again and again.
Learn more: Cinta + Co.
7. Race to fill the cup
So simple and so fun! Grab a bin of math cubes or small toys and some plastic cups. Kids roll a polyhedral die (you can also try flipping playing cards or Uno cards) and place that many items in their cup. The first to completely fill their cup wins!
Learn more: Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls—Fill the Cup
8. Hunt for numbers
Combine a sensory experience with some number practice. Fill a bin with sand, then bury playing cards for kids to find and match up.
Learn more: Busy Toddler/Number Hunt
9. Bounce a balloon
Everyone loves playing with balloons! Roll a die, then see if you can bounce a balloon into the air that many times without letting it hit the ground.
Learn more: Confidence Meets Parenting

This is just like the original Cootie game, but no need to buy anything! Just cut beetle pieces from construction paper, then roll a die and see if you can be the first to assemble your bug!
Learn more: Teach Beside Me
11. Create shapes with sticks
Toddlers need to master their shapes, and this is a clever way to do it. Put together sets of wood craft sticks (use the same color for each shape) and let little fingers turn them into triangles, squares, and other shapes.
Learn more: Team Cartwright
12. Send bears into hibernation caves
Make “caves” from plastic bowls, then send little toy bears into “hibernation” in each one! Learn how the game works at the link.
Learn more: Pocket of Preschool
13. Park numbered cars
Vroom vroom! Number your toy cars to match the slots in a cardboard parking lot. Kids will have fun zooming them into the right places.
Learn more: B-Inspired Mama

Dominoes are fantastic math learning tools. This game is a sneaky introduction to addition, as kids count up the total number of dots on each domino and put them in the proper place.
Learn more: Busy Toddler—Domino Line-Up
15. Copy ice tray patterns
Seeing and matching patterns is a key skill for preschoolers. Placing pom-poms into ice cube trays with plastic tweezers helps them work on fine motor skills too.
Learn more: Planning Playtime
16. Rubber Duck Math Race
In this game, kids race to see who can be the first to get their rubber duckies to 10 (or any number you choose). They roll a die and lay out tiles to move their duck. The twist? To get to 10 at the end, they must roll the exact number they need—no going over! Preschool math games like this help kids master counting to 10 and counting on.
Learn more: Happy Toddler Playtime—Rubber Duck Race
17. Feed the LEGO monster
Sort LEGO bricks by color, shape, or number of dots. Then compare the number that wind up in each bag to learn the concept of “more or less.”
Learn more: Toddler Approved
18. Drop blocks into tubes
Upcycle some empty cardboard tubes by labeling them with numbers. Then drop small items like blocks or caps into the tubes to match the numbers.
Learn more: Happy Toddler Playtime—Tube Counting
19. Compare numbers to music
Prep for this game by using dot markers on paper plates as shown (visit the link below for more examples). Each kid takes a plate and uses it to “drive” around the room as you play music. When the music stops, they find a nearby partner and compare what they see on each other’s plates (e.g., “8 dots is more than 4 dots. 1 green dot is less than 4 green dots.”). Then start the music up and repeat!
20. Hold a shape scavenger hunt
Preschool math students are learning to recognize shapes in their environment and also to categorize and sort. This scavenger hunt does it all! Send them out to find objects in the room that match the shapes. Then count and compare to see how many you have in each category.
Learn more: Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls—Shape Scavenger Hunt
If you loved these preschool math games, be sure to check out 20 Simple and Fun Preschool Science Experiments and Activities.
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Educational project "Entertaining mathematics" in the preparatory group | Preschool education
Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects in the school cycle, therefore, for a child to be successfully taught at school already in kindergarten, it is necessary to promote the mathematical development of a preschooler, expand their mathematical horizons, and improve the quality of mathematical preparation for school. This will allow children to more confidently navigate the simplest patterns of the reality around them and actively use mathematical knowledge in everyday life. nine0003
To teach preschool children to love mathematics, to maintain interest in intellectual activity, to encourage them to solve search problems, it is necessary to approach the organization of the learning process creatively and with interest, use the variety and variability of educational games with mathematical content.
Type of project : educational and playful.
Implementation period : long-term
Composition of participants : group (teacher, children of the group, parents). nine0003
The purpose of the project: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age through entertaining material in the organized and independent activities of children.
1. Create conditions for preschoolers to master mathematical concepts, ensure the successful development of children's abilities and thinking.
2. To improve the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10, to help consolidate the ability to recognize and name geometric shapes. nine0003
3. To help improve the ability to identify sets of objects or figures that have a common property.
4. Promote the development of mental operations: logical thinking, ingenuity, visual memory, imagination, the ability to compare and analyze.
5. Promote the development of interest in games that require mental effort, intellectual effort.
6. Promote the development of independence, the ability to understand the learning task and perform it independently. nine0003
7. To help increase the level of readiness of children of senior preschool age to study at school.
8. Encourage parents to participate in the project and work with children at home.
Expected results:
1. Raising the level of mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age.
2. Children have developed an interest in the very process of learning mathematics.
3. Children independently find ways to solve cognitive problems, strive to achieve the set goal, overcome difficulties, and are able to transfer the acquired experience to new situations. nine0003
4. Activation of parents' interest in the use of mathematical games and exercises.
5. Parents' awareness of the importance of forming elementary mathematical concepts in children with the help of entertaining material, expanding parents' knowledge of entertaining material.
v Determining the topic of the project.
v Setting the goal and objectives of the project.
v Selection of methodical, fiction literature on the topic of the project. nine0003
- familiarization with the Frebel technique.
v Selection of didactic, outdoor games, dynamic pauses on the topic of the project.
v Production of educational games in mathematics.
v Plan the main phase of the project.
v Development of summaries of proposed educational activities, quizzes.
v Involvement of parents in joint work on the project:
- help of parents in the production of didactic games on FEMP.
v Conversation with parents "How to organize children's games at home using entertaining material"
Main stage:
v Classes according to the calendar-forward planning in the preparatory group for school:
- Lesson on FEMP "Letters of the Queen of Mathematics" , "City of Mathematics";
- Visual activity lesson: drawing, "A pattern in a strip of alternating geometric shapes", modeling "Funny numbers".
v Reading mathematical fairy tales, fairy tales with counting elements: "Three Bears", "Two Bear Cubs", "Twelve Months" by S. Marshak, "Flower - Seven-Colored" by V. Kataev; K. Ushinsky's story "Four Desires". nine0003
v Learning poems about numbers, counting rhymes, riddles about geometric shapes and numbers.
v View computer presentation "Funny Shapes".
v Mathematical coloring, drawing numbers.
v Design.
v Working with counting sticks.
v Didactic games with mathematical content: “Dice for everyone”, “Dots”, “Tic-tac-toe”, “Mathematical loto”, “Labyrinths”, “What numbers are lost”, “Funny numbers”, “Math houses”, "Magic Circles", "Domino", "Wonderful Pouch", Gyenes Blocks, Number Houses, "Playing Math" "Ladybugs and Daisies", Kuizener Sticks
v Guessing riddles, entertaining questions, comic puzzles, puzzles.
v Outdoor games: "Make a figure", "The sea is worried."
v Finger exercises.
v Physical education minutes "Exercise", "Make a figure".
v Conversation “What interests me about mathematical games”.
Questioning of parents.
Advice for parents.
Final stage:
v Exhibition of educational games made together with children and parents. nine0003
v Independent activities of children in the mathematical corner.
v The use of didactic games on FEMP
v The final event - the quiz "Clever and clever".
v Processing and design of project materials.
Project progress.
The work on the project took place in several stages. At the preparatory stage, a plan for the implementation of the main stage of the project was drawn up, methodological and fiction literature, illustrative material, a computer presentation "Funny Figures", didactic games, physical exercises, finger gymnastics were selected. Developing games of mathematical content were made. nine0003
Parents were involved in the preparation of the project implementation: a survey was conducted with them, a folder was made for them - the “Mathematics for Preschoolers” movement. Parents also helped in the production of educational games in mathematics. Parents took an active part, choosing entertaining mathematical material (problems, riddles, puzzles, rebuses) and colorfully designed it.
At the main stage of the project, many lessons were related to the theme of the project. In the classes on the development of speech and reading fiction, they read mathematical stories and fairy tales with mathematical content:
- "Three Bears", "Two Bear Cubs", "Twelve Months" by S. Marshak, "Flower - Seven-Colored" by V. Kataev; K. Ushinsky's story "Four Desires";
- memorized poems about numbers, counting rhymes, mathematical riddles.
At the art classes, children created drawings using geometric figures, made "magic" figures from plasticine.
In mathematics classes and during free activities, children worked with mathematical prescriptions - coloring books, made buildings from construction kits, mosaics, Gyenesh blocks. The children also worked with counting sticks: they assembled figures according to the model and according to the plan. nine0003
We played a lot of self-made didactic games with mathematical content:
• Tic Tac Toe. Tasks: to promote the development of attention, memory, the ability to focus on a particular subject for a long time, to promote the development of the ability to distinguish between concepts such as "diagonally", "vertically", "horizontally".
• Mathematical Lotto. Tasks: to promote the assimilation of the sequence of numbers from 1 to 10; consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes. nine0003
• Labyrinths. Tasks: to promote the development of logical and spatial thinking, multivariance, the ability to achieve goals, to promote the development of perseverance and patience.
• What numbers are missing? Purpose: development of the ability to determine the place of a particular number in a series and the relationship to the previous and subsequent number.
• "Math Houses". Purpose: the formation of knowledge about the composition of the number of two smaller ones.
• Tangram puzzle. Purpose: to develop the ability of children to analyze images, to highlight geometric shapes in them, to break the whole object into parts, and vice versa - to compose a given model from elements. nine0003
• Math tablet. Purpose: formation of the ability to create images, development of imaginative thinking, concentration,
• "Magic Circles". Purpose: development of counting skills and consolidation of the composition of the number.
• Ladybug Trainer. Purpose: formation of the ability to navigate the playing field with cells, move the ladybug in the indicated direction, determine the spatial arrangement of objects: “above”, “below”, “right - left”, “left - right”.
• "Clock" Purpose: to exercise in determining and setting the time on the clock. nine0003
• "Mathematical Scales" Purpose: to teach children how to add numbers, compare numbers with each other.
• “Mathematical puzzles” Purpose: to develop the ability to compose a whole from parts, improve the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.
• “Strawberries in jam” Purpose: to develop the ability to count, graphic and alphabetic writing of numbers, the concept of quantitative composition.
• "Count" Purpose: to exercise in solving examples for addition and subtraction.
• "The Fourth Extra" Purpose: to develop the ability to classify and group shapes by color, shape and size.
• "Decide correctly" Purpose: to consolidate the skills of oral counting within 10 and the ability to designate a number with a number.
• “What first, what then” Purpose: to improve understanding of time periods.
• “Composition of a number” Purpose: to practice decomposing a number into two smaller ones and making a number from two smaller ones.
• "Hide and Seek" Purpose: to consolidate ideas about geometric shapes, their properties, the ability to recognize shapes regardless of their spatial position. nine0003
• "Add a shape" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to classify and group shapes by color, shape, to find patterns.
• Used in the classroom sets of games "Frebel's Gifts"
- "Funny Numbers". Purpose: the formation of the ability to lay out numbers from various materials at hand, the development of fine motor skills.
We solved comic problems, puzzles, guessed mathematical riddles. In this work, we used baby books made by parents. Together with the children, we learned and mastered new outdoor games, dynamic pauses and finger gymnastics of mathematical content. nine0003
At the final stage of the project, the following were arranged: a corner of entertaining mathematics, an exhibition of joint creative works of parents and children.
90,000 project "Entertaining Mathematics" Intellectual Games and Funny tasks as a means of entertaining mathematics of older preschool childrenProject
"Entertaining mathematics"
Intellectual Games and funny tasks as a means of entertaining mathematics of older preschool children
Full name of the project: "Entertaining Mathematics"
Project author: Shikina T. V.
Project participants: children, educators, parents.
Age of children: preparatory group.
Problem significant for children, which the project aims to solve:
In the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts, many children had no interest in mathematics, there were difficulties with thinking and attention. To increase the level of mathematical development, the activity of children, to develop their interest in mathematics, I decided to use entertaining material: puzzles, mazes, didactic games, worksheets for self-fulfillment, do-it-yourself manuals for individual lessons with children. nine0003
" The directions of work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age are clearly indicated, not only in direct educational activities, but also in joint activities with children, as well as in independent play activities of children. nine0003
This allows me to form elements of logical thinking and develop the intellectual abilities of children without violating the laws and stages of mental and physiological development, as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of children and makes teaching children interesting, meaningful, unobtrusive.
Purpose of the project.
To create conditions for the assimilation of mathematical concepts by preschoolers, to ensure the successful development of children's abilities and thinking. nine0003
Objectives of the project
- to develop interest in mathematics in children of senior preschool age;
- expand and systematize children's knowledge of FEMP.
-To form the ability of children to independently use the acquired knowledge in various activities, to involve peers in games;
- contribute to the development of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, logical thinking.
-To form children's interest in intellectual activity;
- to form the interest of parents in the achievements of their children in joint activities with them.
Expected result
- application of mathematical knowledge and skills by children in independent activities, manifestations of creative initiative;
-development in children of interest in mathematics, the desire to overcome difficulties;
- parents' awareness of the importance of forming elementary mathematical concepts in children with the help of entertaining material, expanding parents' knowledge of entertaining material
- preliminary work with children and parents about the importance of the problem;
- selection of methodological literature;
- selection of educational, didactic, role-playing, outdoor games;
- work with parents on interaction within the framework of the project.
Stage II. Main
- work on the project (see "Project implementation model")
- work with children: implementation of the set goal and objectives through various activities; nine0003
- work with parents;
October - April
Stage III. Final
- Mathematical entertainment “In the country of mathematics”
1. Bessedians
2. Didactic, didactics 2. Didactic. board games, outdoor games
3. Reading cognitive, fiction
4. Interseys, observations
5. Productive activities of children
6. Jitopian event
Work with parents
1. Consultation for parents
2. Assistance 2. Help 2. Assistance in the production of printed board games
3. Exhibition of mathematical games
4. Parent meeting
Methodological support
1. Organization of a developing environment for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts
2. Development of a cycle of didactic and outdoor games
3. Development of abstracts directly educational activities, conversations
4. Selection of fiction
5. Consulting material for parents
Work with children
1. Game activity 1. Game activity 1. Game activity 1. Games :
Educational didactic games:
- "Fold the pattern";
- "Funny account";
- "Mathematical problems";
- "Make a number";
- "Collect the figures";
- “Colored mosaic figures”;
- "Spread the cards by color";
- "Make a pattern";
- games with tablets "Mathematical account";
- games with Gyenesh blocks;
- solving fun math problems.
2. Cognitive, speech, social and communicative development:
- Entertainment "Journey to the country of geometric shapes and numbers";
- Learning poems by S. Marshak "Merry Account"; nine0003
- memorization of counting rhymes, nursery rhymes, riddles, finger games to consolidate the score;
- Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev "Flower - Semitsvetik";
- Drawing up descriptive stories from pictures;
- Exercise "Complete the sentence";
- Role-playing games "Pharmacy", "Shop", "School"
3. Artistic and aesthetic development:
- Productive activity ”, “Draw on assignment”, “Hatching of geometric shapes”; nine0003
- Modeling on the theme: "Christmas tree decorations", "Flowers"
4. Physical development:
- Outdoor games "Hurry up in 1 minute", "Classics"; “Get up in a hoop of two, three ...”
Work with parents
1. Information and analytical measures
Purpose : identify interests, needs, requests of parents
- Individual conversations;
- Questionnaire
2. Cognitive activities
Goal : To increase the competence of parents in the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children
3. Visual and information activities
Purpose: To increase the level of knowledge of parents on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children
- "Games for the development of elementary mathematical concepts at home and on the street",
- "Using game jokes in your free time",
- "Math is interesting"
2 4. Leisure activities
Exhibition - "Mathematical games for preschoolers" and family mathematical newspapers.
In conclusion, the following conclusion can be drawn: the development of cognitive abilities and cognitive interest of preschool children is one of the most important issues in the upbringing and development of a child of preschool age. The success of his schooling and the success of his development as a whole depends on how developed the child's cognitive interest and cognitive abilities are. A child who is interested in learning something new, and who succeeds in it, will always strive to learn even more - which, of course, will have the most positive effect on his mental development. nine0003
Project activity stimulates the development of logical thinking and imagination in children, increased motivation for research activities.
— Children began to use this knowledge in independent activities.
Participation in the project of parents increased the significance of the work being done, showed the relevance and necessity of interaction between an adult and a child. The children received answers to their questions and concluded that mathematics is a very interesting science. Mathematical concepts can not only be studied and familiarized with them. Using them in research, creating a lot of new and interesting things, you can play different games. nine0003
This project made it possible to make the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in children more interesting and accessible.
Developing games of a mathematical orientation contribute to the successful learning of the basics of mathematics, the formation of mathematical thinking, stimulate the development of creative imagination, the cultivation of perseverance, will, perseverance, determination.
The use of modern scientific literature helped me implement this project and manifest my professional knowledge, imagination, and creativity in practice. nine0003
Mathematical entertainment "We count, we decide"
Two teams - "Knowers" and "Dunno" - enter the hall to march.
Puzzle: Today we have gathered in this room to find out how you can count and solve riddles, how resourceful and dexterous you are. The "Znayki" team and the "Dunno" team take part in our competition (Represents the captains)
A flag is awarded for each correctly completed task. At the end we will count them. The team with the most flags wins. nine0003
We will start the competition with warm-up. It is necessary to solve one problem.
1 .Seven sparrows descended on the garden bed,
They jump and peck at something without looking back.
A cunning cat suddenly crept up,
Instantly grabbed one and sped away.
That's how dangerous it is to peck without looking back!
How many are left in the garden now?
(Not a single one - everyone got scared and flew away)
2 . Maryushka, Marusenka, Masha and Manechka
Wanted a sweet sugar gingerbread.
An old grandmother was walking along the street,
The grandmother gave money to the girls:
Maryushka, Marusenka, Manechka and Mashenka
They ran to the shop to buy gingerbread,
And Kondrat thought about it, looking from the corner:
Did Grandma give you many kopecks? nine0003
( One, since Maryushka, Marusenka, Masha and Manechka are the same girl)
Petrushka: Each team had to prepare riddles for the other team. The first to make riddles are "Znaiki"
1. Two bellies, four ears. (Cushion .)
2 . Two in the hands,
Two in the legs -
You won't fall through the snow,
But you will pass without difficulty -
Only two tracks will fall. nine0003
(Skis and ski poles. )
Puzzle: And now the Dunnos are guessing their riddles
1. I'm spinning, spinning, spinning,
900 twisting on one leg.Cum - immediately on the barrel. My name is ...... (Notes)
Parsley: Who will be the most dexterous,
We want to know. nine0003
Let's stand in two lines
And start playing.
Captains, count ten people from your team and line them up (Children do)
Each child receives a card with a number on it (from 0 to 9), but in one team the cards are blue, and in the other - pink.
Puzzle: (to children). Now, to the music, you will perform different movements: march, run, dance. And when the music ends, you need to quickly line up in order; the team that builds first gets a flag. nine0003
(The game is repeated 3 times.)
Educator reads a poem by S. Ya.
The first doll is thick,
And she herself is empty inside.
It splits into two halves.
Another one lives in it
Doll in the middle
Open this doll-
There will be a third in the second. nine0003
Unscrew the half,
Dense, ground -
And you will be able to find
The fourth chrysalis.
Take it out and see,
Who is hiding inside it.
The fifth hides in it.
Pot-bellied chrysalis.
And inside is empty
The sixth one lives in it.
A in the sixth-seventh,
A in the seventh-eighth.
This doll is the smallest,
A little bigger than a walnut.
Here, lined up,
Standing doll sisters.
"How many of you?" - we will ask them.
And the dolls will answer "Eight!".
Petrushka: You are given a task: a representative from each team must go to the tables where eight matryoshka dolls of different sizes lie in disorder, and, on a signal, quickly arrange them on the flannelgraph in order of height: from the largest to the smallest (team "Znayek" ) and from smallest to largest (team " Dunno"). Whoever completes the task faster will receive a flag.
Then there is a competition for captains. Everyone gets a card
Puzzle: What shapes are there? How many?
The following task is performed on a flannelograph: to make a whole out of parts - a ball (the captain of the first team) and a vase (the captain of the second team).
The teacher organizes the game "Don't get your feet wet" (the number of participants is even).
Teams line up in two columns, one against the other. Numbered "bumps" are laid out between them. nine0003
Parsley: (explains the task) You are on different sides of the swamp. You can only go through it over bumps, and you need to step on the bumps in the order indicated by the numbers (1, 2, 3, 4,5, etc.). Anyone who makes a mistake and gets up on the wrong bump must go back and start over.
When a player of one team overcomes the "bog", he touches the first player of the other team, and he starts his way over the bumps in the reverse order (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, etc.).
The team with the fewest mistakes wins.
Puzzle: And now we will rest and read the poems for everyone.
Representative of the "Znaek" team.
Centipede ant
Met on the path:
--- Good morning!
How are you?
Forty paws filed.
In the meantime, he was waiting for his paws,
And then .. evening came running. (E. Geltsman)
Representative of the Dunno team .
Two feet got up from the bed,
They put on two sandals.
Leaves rustle outside the window,
Legs jump: one and two!
And at the old porch
Two magic wheels.
Two sandals came running,
They pressed the pedals.
The cat from the path - on the run,
The bell is pouring.
The sun is shining on the road.
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet jump along the road,
And two wheels run. (G.Sapgir)
Parsley: I know that you all love to sing. Now the music will play. You have to find out what the song is and start singing it. (The task is performed by commands in turn.)
Puzzle. You are good at singing. And now let's play
the game "Who will find the items faster" (two representatives are allocated from each team).
In the center of the hall there is a table on which objects of various shapes are laid out. There are four chairs in the corners, cards with different geometric shapes are attached to their backs. The players stand near the chairs. At the signal of the presenter, the first ones run to the table, choose an object that corresponds in shape to "their" geometric figure, and transfer it to "their" chair. Then the second players run (only one item can be taken at each approach to the table). The team that completed the task first receives a flag. nine0003
Parsley. Now I will read the stories, and you listen carefully and say what is confused in them. (Each team is invited to find errors in two stories .)
1 . It is very cold in summer. When I go skiing or skating, I put on a warm jacket and felt boots. Even in the summer there is a New Year. The kids are decorating the tree. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come to visit them.
2 . Leaves bloom on the trees in autumn. Birds come from warm countries. The guys and I hang birdhouses. nine0003
3 . In winter, everyone goes to the forest for mushrooms and berries. Apples, pears and cherries ripen in the orchards. Colorful butterflies fly from flower to flower. The guys sunbathe in the sun and eat delicious watermelons.
4 . In spring, the first snowflakes fall to the ground. A hare changes into a white fur coat, a bear climbs into the den, and the birds fly away to warmer climes.
When conducting entertainment using entertaining mathematical material, the following rules must be followed:
1 . Combining artistic and cognitive material, taking into account the leading role of the latter (attributes and design should stimulate the activity of children in solving intellectual problems).
2. Gradually increase the difficulty of tasks, exercises, questions included in the entertainment content.