Where the wild things are rumpus
Where the Wild Things Are Activity
It’s time for a new season of Virtual Book Club for Kids! We have some great books for kids lined up for the year. This month we are featuring Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Get ready to move with this gross motor literacy activity!
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The Book
In the Where the Wild Things Are, Max is causing lots of mischief and is sent to his room without dinner. His imagination quickly sails him away to the land of the wild things where he becomes their king. A wild rumpus is had by all until Max sends all the wild things to bed. He then decides he misses home and sets sail to return. A warm dinner is awaiting his return.
This classic book has entertained children for generations. I love that is all about imagination!
The Activity
Time for action word rumpus. This is an activity to work on gross motor skills and learn about action words (verbs). It’s super quick to prep and you just need a big open space such as the yard or an empty room.
Materials needed: gift wrap roll, bubble wrap, sheer material (optional), tape, colored paper, and marker
First, make your super easy action word scepter. We just made a ball out of bubble wrap and secured it with tape. The cardboard roll slid right inside. We added a little sheer material for flair.
On small colored pieces of paper write different action words (see below).
The king or queen of wild things is in charge of telling the wild things what action to perform. A crown is optional.
He or she will place an action word on the scepter and make the grand announcement.
When it is time to switch actions, the king or queen should announce, “Be still!”
Then, switch the action word on the scepter and continue the rumpus.
action words to use:
gnash your teeth (chomp your teeth)
roll (can be eyes, head or whole body on the ground)
row (use arms to pretend row a boat)
A super fun gross motor activity to compliment the classic, Where the Wild Things Are.
So, what books will be featured in this year’s Virtual Book Club for Kids? Here is the lineup so you can plan ahead.
Check out all the other great posts that compliment Where the Wild Things Are from all of the co-hosts of Virtual Book Club for Kids.
Name Crown Craft by The Pleasantest Thing (name activities)
Where the Wild Things Are Counting Game by Mom Inspired Life (counting activities)
Wild Things Scented Monster Play Dough! by The Preschool Powol Packets (sensory activities)
Where the Wild Things Are Treats by I Can Teach My Child (cooking)
Where the Wild Things Are Monster Glyphs by Inspiration Laboratories (science activities)
Where the wild things are – Mapping our Backyard Habitats by Rainy Day Mum (science activities)
Where the Wild Things Are Sand Tray Activity at Study at Home Mama
Where the Wild Things Are Gross Motor by 3 Dinosaurs (movement activity)
Make a Wild Thing Shape Craft by Still Playing School (shape activities)
Monster Hands Alphabet Match by Toddler Approved (alphabet activity)
Where The Wild Things Are
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By Gina Frangello
It isn’t much of a contest to say that Julie Coyne is the single most inspirational human being I have ever met. And I am here—in Xela—in part because I could use a little inspiration.
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Wild Things
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The Wild Thing With People Feet Was My Favorite
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The one with people feet, I thought, had once been human, but had changed. He grew wild. Everyone grew wild at times…
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Halloween Costumes for Book Nerds
By Lauren O'Neal
Need a last-minute, low-hassle outfit for trick-or-treating? This list of literary Halloween costumes (with pictures, natch) has some great ideas—just grab a “Hello, My Name Is” sticker and write “Ishmael,” and you’re good to go. There are also some fantastic examples of costumes that clearly took a lot of time and effort, like a child dressed […]
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Wild Things Take NY, The Spike Jonze Special
By Rozalia Jovanovic
In conjunction with the national release of Spike Jonze’s Where the Wild Things Are, 10/16/09, the first feature film Jonze has directed since Adaptation (2002!), there are a lot of Wild Things happenings around New York. (Also, his company Girl Skateboards is releasing a limited edition Where the Wild Things Are Board Series. And check […]
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90,000 Waves roar and splash. It hurts the eyes with sparkle: janemouse — LiveJournal Waves rustle and splash. Cuts eyes with sparkle: janemouse — LiveJournal ?- Birds
- Travel
- Music: The flood is circled, bridges washed off .
But it's so nice to escape into the forest after quarantine and forced seclusion!
Three days of leisurely floundering along the Kirzhach River, on a fat funny catamaran.
Completely forgotten sensations: swimming 5 times a day, running barefoot, drawing...
Pine shores with sand, with beautiful cliffs. Rose hips and viburnum bloom with might and main, filling the air with aroma.
Wagtails on twigs above the water. Cuckoo. Choir of birds - from 4 am, if not earlier. On sandy cliffs there are cities of coastal swallows.

Blockages, traffic jams, foam, flooded logs, walkways dragged by water, debris, branches ... Fallen and washed trees, dry grass in tufts hanging on the branches of bushes above my head, stripes of mud - where the upper edge of the water was - traces of a recent flood everywhere. nine0024 Usually we go to the camp at this time, load things, introduce the first shift. And this year it's not like that...
This is what our summer is like...
Tags: Kirzhach, water, catamaran, forest, summer, trips, hike, river
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- nine0000 9 things that annoy tourists. Tips from locals
July 19, 2022, 12:35 pm
We know what it means to be a tourist, to explore new places, to sunbathe on the beach without keeping track of time.
However, not everyone will understand how people living in a city filled with tourists feel. Local residents shared what annoys them the most about tourists, Tengritravel.kz reports with reference to Boredpanda.com. nine0036
Based on a Reddit poll about what people living in tourist areas dislike the most about the behavior of visitors from other cities and countries. So, users shared the most annoying moments. The post received more than 13,000 comments in a week. Here are the most "liked" ones.
1. Respect the rules and laws of a foreign country
"During a pandemic, some say, 'You demand masks and negative tests!? Well, in that case, we won't come and leave our money elsewhere!" Great. Go elsewhere. We don't want tourists without masks on our island, where all healthcare is a small clinic with five beds. Don't threaten us with your money"
"Irritating tourists who complain that they can't buy branded drinks, fast food or chain food on a Caribbean island.
They are people who are angry that a tiny island in the Caribbean doesn't look like a suburb of Houston. If you want to get what you have in the USA, stay in the USA"
2. Leave wildlife and animals alone
"Coyotes attack people mostly because people give them food. Bears get used to people for the same reason and this leads to their death. Do not feed the otters and sea lions. They are not cute creatures. They are wild animals, they can kill you. And then they will kill them because they are "dangerous to people"
"For your own sake, don't try to pet a buffalo! Unless you want to entertain the public with a video of you flying through the air"
logs and is about half a mile from the hiking trail. Despite the many "no entry" signs and locked gates, tourists still come in. Some of them are so arrogant that they sit in rocking chairs on my porch. My house has a beautiful view. But this is my view, for which I pay a mortgage"
Put your trash away
"I used to live in a small surf town. Kilos of beer cans, broken bottles, pieces of paper, used condoms. Damn, disgusting"
"Start to respect the place you visit. Everyone when I go to crowded places after tourists have been there, all I see is rubbish, names carved on monuments, chewing gum stuck to the path.0153 Photo by pixabay.com
Top 10 most visited countries for tourists in 2022
like where you come from. Many tourists complain that they are not allowed to do this or that, how they are shocked and offended by someone's behavior. You came to another country with a different culture, and no, you cannot get a free supplement just because that they do it in your country"
"Not everyone in African countries likes to be photographed"
"Also, please stop trying to touch our hair"
"We had to move out of the tourist area because it was very noisy. neighborhood. We feel unwelcome in our usual places because we have children.
Many tourists act as if we have no right to bring a child to eat pancakes on a Saturday morning"
6. Don't carve your name on the walls
"There are so many people who need to carve their names on historic buildings and statues. Don't be stupid. You're ruining this place. Yes, it's a nice street with cute houses and charming gardens. But it does NOT give you the right to vandalize walls, enter people's private property, look in their windows, walk in their gardens and try to open their doors." because tourists chipped off pieces of stone for souvenirs"
What to do if your luggage is lost - expert advice
7. Behave appropriately
"Don't take selfies at the Holocaust memorial. I live in Berlin and this applies to German and foreign tourists: please don't run, don't take selfies, don't play hide-and-seek, and don't sit on the Holocaust memorial"
"You don't have to go to the middle of a busy street in the city center to take a picture in costume at the site where Kennedy was shot"
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