Printing for preschoolers
Printmaking for kids - The Artful Parent
Printmaking for kids - The Artful ParentJoin our newsletter and get a FREE eBook with The Artful Parent’s 10 BEST Kids Art Ideas!
Printmaking is an art activity that allows kids to see cause & effect in action! Try these easy printmaking activities for kids with materials found at home!
6 Easy Paper Marbling Techniques
Here are six paper marbling techniques that are easy, fun, and kid friendly. Plus, the results are beautiful! Updated September 2022 Marbling is one of
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Marbled Paper and Tips for Success
Making shaving cream marbled paper is an all-time favorite kids’ art activity. Here are some tips from years of experience to make the process easier!
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How to Do Shaving Cream Marbling
Our favorite marbled paper technique for kids is shaving cream marbling! So fun and easy, this is one of our top art activities for kids
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How to Create Bubble Prints for Kids
Making bubble prints is an easy and fun printmaking activity. First blow colorful bubbles and then use them to make cool bubble prints! If you
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How to Make Sun Prints
Create beautiful sun prints in a few easy steps with a sun print kit for kids. Learn about Anna Atkins, an early female photographer too!
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How to Print with Leaves on Cloth Napkins
Learn how to print with leaves to make beautiful cloth napkins. They are the perfect addition to your Thanksgiving table, or can be given as
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How to Make Fruit and Vegetable Prints
Make colorful fruit & vegetable prints on paper in this easy introduction to printmaking for kids. Stamp potatos, apples and celery! Printmaking can sound like
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How to Do Flower Printing
Flower printing is a fun and beautiful nature art project for kids.
And it can be done with just about any kind of paint! Updated
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Potato Printing for Kids: How to Make Potato Prints
Potato printing is an easy year-round art activity for kids of all ages. This fun and easy craft idea comes from The Artful Year book.
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Paper Marbling with Oil and Food Coloring
Paper marbling with oil and food coloring is one of the easiest ways to marble paper and it uses materials you likely already have at
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How to Create Bubble Snakes
Use a water bottle and an old sock to create bubble snakes! This fun action art activity makes colorful and unique designs! Updated July 2022
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Painting with Bubble Wrap for Kids
Painting with bubble wrap and making a print onto paper is a favorite process art activity for toddlers and big kids too! Have you ever
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Printing for Kids- 20+ Easy Printmaking Ideas
Check out over twenty fun and easy ideas for printing with kids!
What exactly is printmaking?
Printmaking is one of my very favorite art processes to explore with kids. Printing covers a huge variety of processes and materials- lots of which you already have!
Printmaking is an artistic process that involves transferring an image from one surface (a matrix) to another, often paper or fabric. Explore a few different varieties of the printmaking process that are perfect for kids!
Best first printing for kids experience…
This found object printing is perhaps the most basic printmaking for kids process I’ll show you but also one of the most fun!
Go on a treasure hunt and gather up some unique shaped objects and begin printing! I’ll also show you how to simplify this process by using only one color of paint to print and adding color later!
I want to explore found object printing with my kids!
Printing robots…
Explore two different ways to build your own robots through the printmaking process. Choose to start printing with kids using a collection of boxes, spools, and other found objects or Lego.
I want to make robot prints from found objects!
I want to learn how to print a LEGO robot
Printmaking with an emphasis on texture…
Use scraps of wood and washable markers to explore the element of texture. Then use the resulting prints to “build” an architectural collage.
I want to make textured wood prints!
Make your own stamps….
Stamping is one of the simplest forms of printmaking for kids to explore. Try this DIY stamp made from puffy paint and up-cycled wine corks.
I want to make stamps with my kids!
Print your own pet portraits…
This printmaking process for kids involves drawing on a slick surface with a washable marker and transferring the drawing to a second paper.
Kids can trace an image or draw their own original drawing for printing. Add colors with marker or crayon!
Psst… this same process can be used with any subjects, not just pets.
I want to print pet portraits!
Printing for kids using styrofoam…
We all know that styrofoam isn’t exactly environmentally friendly but it’s definitely a material that is easy to up-cycle and give another use.
I want to try the basic Styrofoam printing process!
Styrofoam is perfect for a very basic form of relief printing for kids to explore. Instead of “carving” away material the Styrofoam is soft enough to be depressed down by drawing with a dull pencil. Only the remaining high areas of the image will print.
I want to print butterflies!
I want to learn how to use washable markers when making Styrofoam prints
Linoleum printing for kids…
Linoleum printing is a process best reserved for kids on the older elementary through middle school aged because it does require using a sharp carving tool to carve away the linoleum material.
I want to see the introduction to linoleum printing!
Once your kids have a bit of experience with linoleum printing try this fun portrait printing lesson. You’ll want some fun selfie pics to start this lesson with!
I want to print two value portraits!
Crayon printmaking for kids….
Use crayons and sandpaper for a printmaking project that’s suitable for any age. Focus on texture or color with these graphic prints!
I want to make sandpaper and crayon prints on paper!
I want to print on a t-shirt with crayons!
Printing patterns….

This collograph style printmaking process is a super fun way to focus on building patterns. Create patterns by repeating simple objects or basic cut paper shapes.
I want to make a collograph!
Printing with plants…..
These rainbow leaf prints are some of my favorite printing projects ever. They’re vibrant and beautiful. And they’re so quick your kiddos will want to make a whole stack of them!
I want to make rainbow leaf prints with kids!
Make a printed leaf mandala…
Use watercolor paints and a variety of leaves from your yard to create a mandala design.
I want to print a leaf mandala!
Washable marker leaf prints…
This leaf printing project is a great open ended invitation to creating with nature. Washable markers make this an easy printmaking process to explore with even very young artists!
I want to make leaf prints with washable marker
Prints with connection….
Printmaking has a rich history with connections to many cultures.
Create your own Adinkra stamps using craft foam and tempera paint!
I want to make Adinkra stamps
Print your own kente cloth…
Celebrate the art of the kente cloth by creating this DIY paper version. Printmaking is just one step of this multilayered project.
I want to make a paper kente cloth!
Rubber band prints for kids…
Create bold prints using rubber bands wrapped around boxes. These look especially sophisticated when layered, one print on top of another.
I want to make rubber band print
Mono printing with kids…
Mono printing is a style of printing that results in a single print. I love this type of printmaking with kids because it’s speedy and spontaneous. It’s fun to make a stack of prints!
Create mono prints with a foil printing plate and tempera paint with this process!
I want to make foil prints!
Floating chalk prints allow for so much action and participation. They make a great group activity- especially if you can create in the out of doors!
I want to make floating chalk prints
If you love these ideas for printing with kids please share this post!
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Printing for schools - fast and inexpensive
The cost of printing products for schools and kindergartens depends on the volume of the order, the selected materials and the complexity of the layout, but in any case, we guarantee a low price, as we work without intermediaries.
Polygraphy for school - we will quickly and inexpensively print to order on our own equipment in the "Armix" printing house in St. Petersburg:
- commemorative cards,
- certificates of honor and diplomas,
- invitations,
- badges and insignia, patches with initials.
It is now very popular to organize graduations not only at the end of the last class of school, but also at the end of each academic year. Moreover, holidays for graduates of kindergartens have become popular.
Printing house "Armiks" Saint-Petersburg offers a full range of printing services for graduations for schoolchildren and kindergarten graduates.
We will develop an original design and promptly print diplomas, certificates, letters of thanks, postcards for teachers, medals, incentive stickers, grades and much more to organize a holiday or graduation at school and kindergarten.
School years are the brightest period in the life of every person. Despite the fact that many events are quickly erased from memory, most colorful moments associated with the school are remembered forever. It is for this reason that modern parents are trying to provide their children with high-quality and bright school supplies. In the printing house "Armix" you can order notebooks, original notepads for notes. Thanks to a wide range of customers will be able to choose products for children of different ages.
Fortunately, modern equipment allows us to produce bright, colorful notebooks with the image of your favorite fairy tale characters. Thanks to this, the learning process arouses more interest in kids. The range includes products for boys and girls. Teenagers will be delighted with printed products depicting their favorite actors, musicians. It is a pleasure to hold a beautiful and high-quality notebook in your hands. This is not surprising, since only high-quality materials are used for the manufacture of products.
Printing house "Armix" produces school printing products of the following types:
- exercise books: their size may vary.
A colorful notebook will delight not only the child, but also the parents;
- notebooks: they are necessary for schoolchildren, because they can record important information, contacts of friends. This product may have different designs. All children's notebooks are colorful and pleasing in appearance;
- diaries: the diary is considered to be the "face" of the student. It contains information about all the successes and failures of the student. Originally designed diary will be the pride of its owner.
Printing house "Armix" offers customers only high-quality and original printing designed for school. The design of covers of diaries, notebooks is constantly updated. Regardless of the volume of the order, the products are manufactured promptly, within the agreed time. You can order products on attractive terms.
"Children's typography" by the hands of children, as an element of the "speaking environment". Using the "Children's Typography" in preparation for teaching literacy.

Published on 17.03.2018 - 21:19 - Fedorenko Marianna Viktorovna
Using the "Children's Typography" set in preparation for learning to read and write. "Children's typography" by the hands of children.
Colleagues, I want to introduce you to the "Children's Typography" set by the "National Education" publishing house, which has become one of my children's favorite hobbies in kindergarten!
The set consists of 84 wooden stamps - letters of the Russian alphabet and punctuation marks. The stamps are joined together with the help of a wooden spike connection. A notebook with exciting tasks has been developed for this set.
With the help of stamps, the child will get acquainted with the letters and learn how to form words from them. Children who are familiar with letters will find extensive use of "Children's Typography" in their games, hobbies and creativity. Preprinted letterheads, medical prescriptions, menus, announcements will make role-playing and other games and activities even more “real”. "Typography" will become indispensable in the creation of postcards and posters, children's books, babies and the design of other educational and creative children's projects.
The work in the notebook is structured in such a way that the child is enthusiastically involved in the work. For beginners, it is proposed to get acquainted with the alphabet - print all the letters according to the model. Then the letters are added into syllables. After the child is visually and auditory familiar with the letters, he is offered the tasks “Insert the missing letter”, choosing from a number of suggested ones. Further, work is proposed on compiling semantic series - sentences. All work is built in a playful way that attracts the attention of children.
The guys of our group, having got acquainted with the "Children's printing house", offered to make a printing house with their own hands. We supported the children's initiative and prepared material for making a printing house. So, from waste material, plasticine and gouache, an element of a "speaking environment" created by the hands of children was obtained. And the guys felt like real inventors!
The main task of the "Children's Printing House" is to instill in the child the feeling that the Russian language is so interesting!
Summary of organized educational activities in preparation for learning to read and write for children with mental retardation 6-7 years old in preparation for learning to read and write sounds K and K. sign...
Planning classes to prepare children for literacy in the middle group of kindergarten.
Planning classes to prepare children for literacy in the middle group of kindergarten includes a sequence of taught material, tasks, didactic games, demonstration material. on the importance of speech hearing...
Preparing for teaching literacy. Lesson planning of classes in preparation for teaching literacy in the preparatory group.