Reading assignments for kindergarten
Free Kindergarten Reading Worksheets - Understanding the names of objects.
Free Kindergarten Reading Worksheets - Understanding the names of objects.
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Kindergarten Reading Worksheets - Superstar Worksheets
valerie2022-11-15T11:56:04-08:00Free Kindergarten Reading Worksheets
to help your students learn to read. Our free worksheets hit a number of important kindergarten reading standards including; alphabet, rhyming, segmenting, spelling, sight words, compound words, CVC words, and more! Use these free kindergarten reading worksheets to build a fun, hands-on year for your kindergarten students. Looking for more? Try our Kindergarten Reading Curriculum or our Kindergarten Morning Work Binder for kindergarten homework.
- Kindergarten Alphabet Worksheets
- Kindergarten Sight Words Worksheets
- Kindergarten CVC Reading Worksheets
- Kindergarten Phonics Worksheets
- Kindergarten Rhyming & Word Family Worksheets
- Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Worksheets
- Alphabet Curriculum Notebook⭐
- Kindergarten Reading Curriculum ⭐
- Kindergarten Morning Work Homework ⭐
Students learn letter recognition, letter formation, letter sounds, consonants, vowels, beginning letter words, and more with our free letter worksheets. Includes letter mazes, and activities for hands-on learning.
Free kindergarten sight word lists, sight word charts, and kindergarten sight word worksheets. Cover all the kindergarten sight words your students need to learn for the year with our free printable games and actitivities.
CVC Words WorksheetsFree Kindergarten CVC Worksheets for reading short vowel sounds. These CVC printables are great for classroom and homeschool use. Our worksheets will help your preschool and kindergarten students build key skills in writing, reading, vocabulary, short sound vowels, spelling, and listening comprehension.
Phonics WorksheetsFree phonics worksheets for preschool and kindergarten students to learn to read word families and rhyming words. Students blend letter sounds and segment words with our free printable phonics games, activities, and worksheets.
Rhyming Worksheets Word FamiliesFree rhyming words worksheets for preschool and kindergarten! Students build important phonics and literacy skills with our word family printables. Tons of fun activities like Color by Word Family, Rhyme Picture matching, Phonics Mazes, and so much more! p
Free kindergarten reading comprehension worksheets. Each worksheet features simple sentences for kindergarteners to read and respond to. Students use the word bank, answer true and false questions, and find descriptive words within the text.
Compound Words WorksheetsFree compound words worksheets, games, activities, matching pages, printables, and more! Learning about compound words can be fun and engaging with our free hands-on teaching resources.
Kindergarten Reading CurriculumOur best-selling Kindergarten Reading Curriculum will take your students from letter sounds to reading full and complete sentences! Covers word families, sight words, blends, grammar, language arts and more!
Kindergarten Alphabet Worksheets
Kindergarten students work on alphabet letter recognition and beginning letter sounds.
Kindergarten Phonics Worksheets
Free printables kindergarten phonics worksheets featuring word families, blends, and more.
Kindergarten Sight Word Worksheets
Free kindergarten sight word worksheets, activities, games, and teaching resources.
Kindergarten Rhyming Worksheets
Kindergarten students work on identifying rhyming words and sounds with these free printable worksheets.
Kindergarten Beginning & Ending Sound Worksheets
Learning to identify beginning and ending sounds is an important skill learned during the kindergarten year.
Kindergarten Vowel Sounds Worksheets
Free printable worksheets for students to learn the short and long vowel sounds.
Kindergarten Grammar Worksheets
Kindergarten students work on nouns, syllables, and more with these free kindergarten grammar worksheets.
Kindergarten Spelling Worksheets
Learning to spell is a beginning skill for kindergarten students. Use these free kindergarten spelling worksheets to get started.
Teaching Reading - A set of games and tasks to develop reading skills
In the "Teaching Reading" section you will find a lot of interesting educational materials for children of preschool and primary school age. Here are a variety of printable educational materials designed to teach preschoolers to read, as well as to test the child's level of knowledge in the humanities. These tasks are suitable for regular homework with the child, developing his speech and intellectual abilities, as well as fully preparing him for the school curriculum.
Also in this section you will find classes to develop reading skills and verbal-logical thinking. This category contains printable tasks that educators can use as didactic material for working with a group of children. Teaching reading to preschoolers is always faster and more effective when it sparks a child's interest. So do not neglect the variety of materials presented to make classes with your child more fun and interesting.
Making a word from letters - Reading task
In this section you will find many tasks, in each of which you need to make a word from letters. In some tasks, you need to compose words from given letters, and in some you need to learn the letters yourself (by the first letter of each word-picture). There are also tasks in which you need to make words from mixed letters or find hidden words.
Stories with pictures instead of words for children
Here you can download short stories for children with pictures instead of words for children of preschool and primary school age. When reading the presented stories, you need to insert the right words instead of pictures. This kind of learning to read is very interesting for children who are learning to read.
Russian alphabet in order for preschoolers
Here we will study the Russian alphabet in order, from the letter A to the letter Z. Two letters are given on each worksheet. Each letter corresponds to several pictures. You need to circle only those picture words that begin with a given letter.
Learning the Russian alphabet
In this section you can download materials that will help you learn the Russian alphabet easily and simply. Here are special tasks for teaching the Russian alphabet, and cards with letters for printing, and much more ...
Find a word by spelling in a square
In these colorful tasks for learning to read, the child needs, guided by pictures, to find a word by spelling in a special square, where the letters are arranged in a chaotic order. Each search word corresponds to one picture outside the square. The order of letters in words can be horizontal, vertical and diagonal. Here you need not only to be able to read words, but also to be very careful to find them...0008
Read by syllables are activities and printables that teach children how to form words from syllables. Here you can download various tasks, print on a printer and work with your child following the instructions for each task.
Semantic reading - Working with text for children
Here you have to complete tasks for semantic reading. Working with text is a very important stage in teaching children to read. In these tasks, the child will practice finding synonyms and antonyms for words, understand and interpret the meaning and meaning of words and sentences, summarize and name the signs of objects, analyze the read text and answer questions asked about it, learn to compose sentences and stories, write dictations and much more other...
Reading for preschoolers
In this section learning to read for preschoolers is presented in the form of interesting game tasks that you need to download and print on your computer. Here the child can train his ability to hear words and find their visual representation on paper, learn tongue twisters and tongue twisters, guess words, recognize words from pictures and much more . ..
reading for preschoolers fun tasks
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- Preschool Reading - Fun Activities
Reading for preschoolers may not always be standard and boring. Often it is presented in the form of game tasks. Lotto "Geometric Shapes" is not an ordinary lotto. It was compiled with the aim of developing verbal-figurative thinking, since here the child must find exactly the set of figures that he will hear from the leader.
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks to develop reading skills
You need to start the task with the child in the following words: "Left, right, lower, higher - I will draw as I hear - the rule according to which you must complete a new task. This task can be performed with similar materials (the main thing is that there should be a large number of objects on one sheet at different positions on the plane).
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks for the development of reading skills
The exercise "Reading tongue twisters" is an excellent activity for the development of a child's speech. Reading and telling tongue twisters, the child learns to speak clearly and clearly, without "eating" the letters.
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks for the development of reading skills
Here, reading for preschoolers is presented in the form of an exercise "Clean tongues for children - Learning to speak correctly", which allow you to develop the correct, "clean" speech in a child. Moreover, with regular classes, he himself will not notice how his speech becomes clean and clear.
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks for the development of reading skills
"Draw a picture" exercise is an interesting creative activity for children of all ages. Usually children really like to do such tasks. And they do not even realize that the learning process is taking place, since this activity reminds them of ordinary drawing, to which they are accustomed and without which they cannot live ...
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks for the development of reading skills
Another reading activity for preschoolers is presented in the form of an interesting guessing game. The didactic game "Guess the word from the pictures" will teach the child to recognize objects by their graphic symbol and schematic representation. After completing the task, the child can color those cards that he guessed on his own.
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks for the development of reading skills
Before you is an abbreviated alphabet. Only those letters that are most often found in words remained in it. And under each letter there is a number corresponding to it. Here we learn to read words without opening our mouths and without making a sound. How to do it? Surprisingly, it turns out that words can not only be said, but also slammed. To learn how to do it, you just need to follow our instructions.
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks for the development of reading skills
We continue reading for preschoolers with the task "Count the number of letters." This is an activity in which you need to find the letter that occurs in the square more often than others. And in order to find out, you need to count their number. Here are five task squares, in each of which you need to find the most "popular" letter.
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks to develop reading skills
Reading task - Clean tongues for the sound "C" - this is a training for beautiful and "clean" reading in children. If you regularly engage in pure language with your child, then he will not only not swallow words when reading, but will also develop the habit of speaking and reading beautifully, distinctly and clearly.
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks for the development of reading skills
Vowels and sounds - Pronunciation lesson. Here we will learn how to pronounce the vowels of the Russian alphabet in the process of a didactic game. This is an activity to study the sounds that make up vowels. Such activities are extremely useful for preschoolers.
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks for the development of reading skills
Learning colors from cards is a wonderful tool for teaching a child who is learning math counting, as well as learning the colors of the spectrum. You can easily, with the help of individually cut out pictures, compose all sorts of tasks for the baby, thereby making the child's education quite versatile. Turn your child's learning into a game - and the result obtained from this will pleasantly surprise you!
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks for the development of reading skills
Reading task for preschoolers "Fill the missing words in the crossword grid" is a crossword puzzle in which the words are distributed in the form of a ladder. "There are hints in the form of pictures on this ladder, the child must use them to fill in the cells. You can solve a crossword puzzle not only in alone, but also with other children...
Published in Learning to read - A set of games and tasks to develop reading skills
Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing "Magic rug" is an exciting activity for a child in which he needs to color the rug only with the colors that correspond to the first letters of the spoken words.