Recognition of numbers

Number Recognition Games Your Preschooler Will Love

To work up to counting, adding, subtracting, and multiplying, your child will first master a universally helpful skill — number recognition!

But what does it take to help your child learn to recognize numbers? HOMER is here with tips and games perfect for developing their skills at home (having lots of fun!).

What Is Number Recognition?

Number recognition is the ability to recognize numbers by their names and the way they look. Not only that, but children will also learn how to write numbers and match them to their representative quantities. It’s no easy feat!

This process takes time, patience, and lots of practice. But all great things do! Number recognition is an essential skill needed to solve basic mathematical problems.

Tips For Encouraging Number Recognition

Practice The Language Of Math Together

Thinking of math as a separate language may sound funny at first, but think about it — as we advance in math, we’re always learning new terms, like primes, composites, and absolute value.

While your child won’t be solving quadratic equations just yet, at their age, numbers can be equally confusing. By speaking to your child “in math,” you can help this new world of numbers and symbols feel more familiar.

We recommend incorporating number names, counting, and basic addition or subtraction terms into your daily conversations.

Keeping it short, simple, and sweet can be super effective in these early learning stages.

For example, you can sneak math experiences into small moments you share with your child. If you are making dinner together — let’s say assembling pizzas — you can ask your child to help you count the number of pepperonis you want on your personal pie.

You can take math conversations anywhere using words such as:

  • More
  • Less
  • Straight
  • Curved
  • Longer
  • Shorter
  • Heavier
  • Lighter

Try doing this while folding laundry (How many blue socks do you have?), running errands (There are 2 red cars beside us, but there are 4 black cars ahead of us. Are there more red or black cars?), or just watching a movie (Which character is the tallest?)

Showcasing how common numbers are in our daily lives, as well as how they can spark conversations, will motivate your child to learn number recognition!

Reinforce Number Sequencing

Knowing what numbers come before and after one another will help things make sense in your child’s mind. As they begin working on number recognition, we encourage counting and organizing numbers in order — a.k.a. in sequence.

Their skills will grow over time. Once that happens, you can play around with numbers together by counting by twos, fours, or even counting backward.

The possibilities are endless! But we recommend mastering the basics of sequence counting first.

Use Counting Principles

Even as your child learns to count in sequence, they will also learn that as numbers ascend, their values increase as well.

When counting objects, your child will learn that only one number is “assigned” to each object they count. To identify how many items are in a single group, they will assign a number to each one, in sequence, until they’ve all been counted.

This means that if they have seven grapes as an afternoon snack, when counting them, they cannot count each grape as “number one.”

With each additional grape, the total value of the group goes up. The last grape they count equals the final amount.

This is a difficult aspect of number recognition. Have no fear, though! With time (and the fun, easy games we’ve listed for you below), your child will get there.

Number Recognition Games

Number Bubbles

What You’ll Need
  • Chalk
  • A bubble blower
  • Some sunshine! (You’ll be playing outside)
What To Do

You’ll want to start by drawing numbers on the sidewalk. Don’t be afraid to start small with numbers 1 – 5. You can gradually expand the numbers your child works with as they get more comfortable with small numbers.

Using the same chalk, encircle each number with a “bubble” (a circle drawn around the perimeter of the number). Next, you’ll call out a number for your child to identify.

For example, you might call out the number 4. Your child’s job is to run to the number 4 as fast as they can. If they identify the number correctly, then they get to do a quick celebration dance beneath a shower of bubbles!

Repeat until you finish all the numbers or run out of bubbles.

Number Scavenger Hunt

What You’ll Need
  • Walk-worthy weather
  • Number cheat-sheet (optional)
What To Do

The best part about this game? You can take it anywhere!

All you’ll need to do is go on a stroll with your child. Around the block, in a park, through the grocery store — really any place will do.

You’ll be “hunting” for numbers together in sequence. For example, if your child sees the number 1 on a neighbor’s mailbox, they must point to it and shout, “One!”

You’ll continue on until they reach their limit of numbers. Each time you play, you can aim to reach a new “high score” by identifying the next largest number.

When your child is just starting out, it may be helpful to have a cheat-sheet handy with numbers and names. That way, in case they can’t quite put their finger on a number they spot, you’ll be there to lend a helping hand!

Drawing Numbers With Shaving Cream

What You’ll Need
  • Shaving cream
  • A flat, dry surface (like a baking pan)
  • Lots of paper towels for cleaning up
What To Do

This activity is a sure-fire hit. Mostly because kids love any excuse to get messy! They’ll have fun and hone their number recognition skills at the same time. It’s a win-win!

To start, cover a flat, clean, dry surface with a good bit of shaving cream. Try to keep the shaving cream somewhat level and flat so it’s easy for your child to see what they’re drawing.

Your job is to call out number names. Your child will try to draw the number you gave as a prompt. For every correct number they draw, they receive a point. Be sure to smooth out the shaving cream either after each number or when the tray gets full.

The tactile nature of the activity means your child is sure to be engaged, excited, and absorbing all the numbers they draw!

Making Number Jewelry

What You’ll Need
  • Colored beads
  • String
  • A “color code” that matches individual colors with individual numbers
    • For example: Blue beard = 1; pink bead = 2; orange bead = 3; etc.
What To Do

For this activity, you will help your child create their very own jewelry by following the color code you write out.

The color code necessitates that for every color your child places on the bracelet or necklace they’re making, they have to use the number of beads noted.

This activity specifically reinforces the idea of number values. It will also help your child work on their counting skills.

For example, your child may want a bracelet that alternates between blue and orange beads. That means they will need to count out 1 blue bead, then 3 orange beads, and so on until their bracelet is complete.

Who knew math could be so stylish?

Number Basket Toss

What You’ll Need
  • 2 or 3 laundry baskets or buckets
  • Sticky notes
  • A sharpie or marker
  • Paper balls or regular balls (at least 20)

What To Do

Label each of your baskets with a different number. We encourage you to change it up to make the activity more challenging!

For example, if your child is just starting to work on number recognition, you could label the baskets, “1,” “2,” and “3;” but to advance difficulty, you could choose “4,” “7,” and “10.”

Your child’s goal will be to throw the correct amount of paper balls into each basket until they hold a matching number of balls. So, the “3” basket would hold three paper balls.

Once all of the balls are full, their reward will be to dump the balls over their head (or yours) like a jug of Gatorade at the Superbowl! Make sure to play up the excitement!

As we mentioned before, there are all types of ways to make this activity unique to your family.

You can add or subtract the number of buckets, use colored paper to signify different number values for the paper balls, add in bonus points for trick shots . . . the list goes on!

Number Cookies

What You’ll Need
  • Sugar cookie batter
  • Number shape cookie cutters (optional)
What To Do

What’s better than a math activity with a sweet prize at the end?

Together, you and your child can not only be master bakers but master mathematicians, too. Using an easy sugar cookie dough recipe, you and your child will make and form cookies into number shapes.

It might take some creativity and handiwork to figure out how to make the dough look like numbers. But don’t worry; if the process ever becomes too difficult, that’s what the cookie cutters are for!

We know that eating is the best part of this activity. You can eat like a mathematician, too! Once the cookies are cool, challenge your child to eat their number cookie in the same amount of bites it represents.

The number 9 cookie will require lots of small nibbles, while for the 1 cookie, they’ll need to open up ultra-wide!

Number Recognition Leads To Success

With number recognition under their belt, your child will be able to master those first tricky aspects of pre-k math in no time.

We hope these number recognition games gave you some things to look forward to at home. But if your home is particularly busy some nights (we all have those times!), HOMER has plenty of other amazing options for your child.

Our Learn & Grow app offers fun and effective number recognition games built right in. Your child won’t miss a beat when exploring our personalized activities. In fact, they’ll be making music out of algebra equations before you know it!


Number Recognition – The Best 16 Games To Teach It (+ Tips) – Early Impact Learning

In the ten years I have spent teaching young children between the ages of 3 to 5, one of the most important secrets I have discovered is how to teach recognizing numbers.

Some children will just pick this up from exposure to numbers in their environment. However, for most children this a long process, and needs some real expertise and strategies to get them confidently recognizing numbers. This is where this article comes in!

So, for the short answer, how do you teach children to recognize numbers?

Teach children to recognize numbers by using fun stories or chants for each number. Practise sky-writing the number in air, drawing it in foam or other messy play substances, and by making numbers in craft activities. Seeing numbers throughout their play is crucial.

That’s the simple version, but there is just so much more to it than that!

In this article I have condensed ten years of trial and error into 17 tried and tested strategies that you really should try to get children recognizing numbers.

Pretty much all of these games can be used either at school or nursery, or at home. Good luck!

1.Use Stories For Each Number

A great way to introduce stories to start with is with storytelling.

Stories are great for teaching lots of different skills, as stories really tap into children’s sense of curiosity and attention like few other things.

One way to do it is have a bag of a few objects. If you are introducing number 3, for example, you could say something like ‘This is number 3. Today it went on an adventure. It found 3 magic stones.’ (Take them out of the bag). ‘It rubbed the stones, and out popped 3 frogs.’ (Take the toy frogs out of the bag).

It is good to spend time during the story looking at what the numeral looks like, and getting them to draw it in the air, or on their hand.

2. Number Stones

Beautiful materials help in the teaching of anything, and these number stones are certainly a fantastic natural resource.

All you need for these are some pebbles. I happened to find some excellent white, sparkly stones by chance, that the children really love.

The idea is to write or paint some numbers on some of the stones. There are other things you can do, like create stones with quantities on as well. For example, I have created these stones with different numbers of bugs on:

These stones are great for some of the following things:

  • Finding objects, such as 3 pine cones, and matching to the right numeral
  • Match numeral stones to quantity stones, e.g. 4 bugs to the number 4
  • Trying to copy a number line and put them in order.

This activity is just one of many exciting ways to use stones and pebbles for learning. To find out a whole load more, you can check out this definitive guide on how to use story stones.

3.Use Chants

There are little fun ditties and chants you can use for each number.

For example, number 3 is:

A curl for you, and a curl for me

That’s how you make number three!I have used chants that I just found on the internet before. For example, this video has some excellent ones you can use:

Also, children really love this song when it comes to numeral formation:

4.Have Number Actions

Many children learn letters through actions when they do phonics, so why wouldn’t the process work for numbers.

The good news is – it does work!

Multisensory learning is definitely the way to go when you are teaching things like recognizing numerals or sounds. It activates a lot more of the brain if you have movements, sound and visuals all mixed together.

The number actions I use I have just invented. They go like this:

0 – Make a circle with your fingers

1 – Throw one arm straight up

2 – Two arms up

3 – These are like Mickey Mouse ears on their side. Put your head to one side, and put Mickey Mouse ears on top (honestly the sideways ears do look like mouse ears)

4 – I get them to cup both hands round their mouths and call ‘Four!’ This is like when a golfer loses their ball and calls ‘fore!’

5 – Show five fingers

6 – Put two fingers up high in the air. This is the signal in cricket for a ‘six’. Apologies to my American friends that I know read this blog in droves! If you have no idea what this means, please feel free to invent your own action for six.

7 – Do a salute with your hand. Your arm will have made the shape of a ‘seven’.

8 – Pretend to hold two apples, one on top of the other. Put them to your mouth and say ‘eight’ (as though you just ‘ate’ the apples)

9 – Put your hand vertically underneath your head with your fingers on your chin. It looks like your head is on your arm, like a lollipop. I looks a bit like a nine – a stick and a circle

10 – Two sets of hands thrown forwards (with ten fingers)

Using actions such as this works a treat for teaching numbers, and is also an excellent way to teach phonemes (sounds) as well.

5.Skywrite Numbers

Skywriting is another great multisensory experience.

It is good if you can show them what the numbers look like on something – maybe a chalkboard, interactive board, or written on big pieces of paper.

The simplest way of skywriting is to stand up, and use your finger in the air to draw the numbers. Make them as big as you can! (i.e. get the children to bend their knees, and stretch up high respectively)

You can make the experience even more exciting by:

  • Using ribbons or streamers to draw the numbers in the air
  • Skywrite to music!
  • Use puppets or toys in their hands to write with

6. Link Numbers To Books

Books are another route to firing up children’s curiosity and interest.

The idea of this strategy is that you find opportunities in books to count or find numbers, and then talk about it. You can write the numbers that you find, or link one of the other strategies in this article to the numbers (for example, skywriting the numbers that you find).

There are a mixture of books you can use:

  • Many books are clearly about maths, and they have lots of numerals in anyway. These work really well.
  • Some books are nothing to do with counting, but you can link numbers to them anyway. You can count the dwarves in Snow White for example, and write the number. You can count the dogs in Hairy Maclary.

7.Loose Parts On Numbers

Decorating numbers, and turning the numerals into fun art activities is a great way to go to get children recognizing them.

One way is to use loose parts to experiment with the formation of numbers.

All you need to do is create some big numbers somewhere, and the children put lots of loose parts like bottle tops or gems and other things over the top of them to make the shapes of the numbers.

You could:

  • Draw numbers on big paper
  • Chalk them on the floor outside
  • Have big wooden numbers

Good loose parts include things like shells, stones, screws, wood slices, pegs, pompoms, and whatever else you can find. If you are looking for ideas of what other materials you can use for loose parts, then I have written an article containing at least 100 ideas, that you can check out here.

8.Number Lines

Number lines are great for children to start to visualize what numbers look like in a sequence. They are also great for number recognition.

Some excellent ways to use them for this purpose include:

  • Making number lines in artistic ways. The children can decorate them, or stick numbers onto sticks or something similar
  • They can order numbers on a blank line, copying a number line
  • Refer to number lines as you sing songs, or do chants. The more they use them the better they will get.

9.Matching Games

Some old-school memory games are great for number recognition. For example, pairs. Have two sets of number cards. I would just focus on the numbers that you are trying to teach, so it could be numbers 1-5 or 0-10.

Place the pairs of cards down, and take it in turns to turn over two and try to find pairs.

Another game that is similar is number bingo.

Matching games like this are quite simply excellent for memory in general. If you want to find out the definitive list of the best preschool memory games for children, then check this out.

10. Number Golf

They really love this one! Many children really enjoy sports, and so if you can tap into this interest then go for it!

There are different ways of doing this, but one easy way is to use big paper. Draw big circles all over the paper – these are the golf holes. Write numbers in these golf holes.

Then all you need is a golf club and a ball. I normally use a small playdough ball that you roll yourself, and the club can be something like a lolly (popsicle) stick.

Hit the ball around the golf-course and try to get it into the holes. This is great for number recognition. You can also:

  • Go in order like a real golf course
  • Recognize numbers beyond ten
  • Try a big outdoor version using large rubber balls and huge circles drawn with chalks. You could kick or roll the balls

Playdough games like this are brilliant for fine motor.

11. Messy Number Formation

The messier numbers can get the better!

The idea is here is to get some kind of messy surface that the children can mark-make numbers on.

You could use:

  1. Shaving foam
  2. Shaving gel
  3. Porridge oats
  4. Glitter (if you’re feeling brave as this will be very messy!)
  5. Flour
  6. Sand

Have some big numbers for them somewhere to look at and copy. The children try writing the numbers in the messy substance! Hours of fun.

12. Put Numbers On Construction Toys

Another good strategy to teach numbers is to find out what the children enjoy doing anyway, and just add some numbers to these activities.

A good example is construction toys. Lots of children love using lego and building blocks, and lots of other things like this. Why not add some numbers to these resources?

For example, you can write some numbers on some old building blocks. Can they put them in order?

Can they build numbers out of construction toys?

Can they make a tower using a quantity of blocks that matches a number card?

Tapping into interests is one of the key ways of motivating young children. If you want to find out the definitive list of things you can do to focus pre-schoolers then take a look at this article I wrote about the 15 top strategies.

13. Numbers On Vehicles

Vehicles are another thing that many young children are fascinated by. These offer many opportunities, including:

  • Make a car-park. Get a large piece of cardboard or paper, and draw some car park spaces on it with numbers on. If the cars have numbers on anyway, even better! You can match the numbers
  • Have races and put the winners on a podium of some description, labelled 1, 2 and 3
  • Put vehicles with numbers on in order, maybe following a number line

14. Numbers In Environment

This is a really important way that many children will learn numbers – encountering them in the environment.

There are many things you can do to help the process:

  • Point out numbers that you or children may find in the environment, and talk about them. Examples could be numbers on doors or bins, numbers on football shirts, numbers on signs
  • Encourage children to count and record in the activities that they do. For example, build a tower and count the blocks. Make a model of an alien and count the arms.
  • Include numbers in displays around the room

15. Number Dice Games

Competitions and games with dice really help children to learn now to recognize numbers.

The repetition of seeing numbers again and again really helps, and also a little bit of competition really focusses the minds for some.

Some great games to do with a numeral dice include:

  • Roll the number dice and do that number of actions – e.g. clap, jump, hop etc
  • Have a simple racetrack drawn on the floor. This could be with chalk outside, or something similar. Have a long line of about ten sections in a line, so that it looks a bit like a ladder. All children start at one end. One rolls the dice and then jumps forward that number of squares. Then the next person goes. It is a race to take it in turns, and get to the end first! There are lots of fantastic outdoor maths games such as this one. Check out 50 of the best ideas here!
  • Whack the dough! This is a fantastic playdough game that they really love. What you quite simply do, is first make lots and lots of little balls of playdough. Then you roll the dice and whack that number of balls! This is great for number recognition, and 1:1 counting. Playdough is one of the most exciting resources you can use for early Maths. If you want to learn more playdough maths games, then check these out.

16. Fishing Game

This is a simple adult-led game that they really enjoy.

Get some kind of number cards, and stick a big paperclip to the top. Get a stick such as a broomstick, and tie a string to it. At the end of the string have a magnet tied on.

The idea is to have the number cards in the middle of a circle of children all faced down. One child goes first, and tries to pick up a card with the magnet. Hopefully the magnet will be strong enough. If you are having problems picking them up, then stick more paperclips on the cards!

Fish for a card and then identify what it is!

This is one of the favorite games in my book 101 Circle Time Games…That Actually Work!

This book contains:

-All the best math circle time games

-Phonics and literacy circle time games

-Emotion and mindfulness circle time games

-Active and PE circle time games

-And so much more!

You can check out 101 Circle Time Games…That Actually Work here.

Right, that’s the end of the 16 best games I know to teach recognizing numbers. I’m going to finish with some key questions that many people ask about recognizing numbers.

Common Number Recognition Questions Answered

Why is it important to know number names?

Recognizing numbers is a foundation skill of early maths. It is important to develop before you can go on to many other skills.

Some examples of skills that cannot be attempted without first recognizing numbers includes:

• Ordering numbers in any way

• Finding missing numbers in a sequence

• Being able to add and subtract with written number sentences

How to teach numbers to special needs children?

Many of the same strategies will apply if you are trying to teach numbers to special needs children.

Try to make the strategies as multi-sensory as possible. Actions and physical movement is good to support number recognition.

Please bear in mind that the age and speed with which children will learn numbers will vary greatly if they have any disabilities.

Some children, for example with autism, may learn numbers at a very young age, and number recognition can be an exceptional skill of many autistic children.

At what age should children recognize numbers?

This is a tricky question and really will differ for different children.

In general, children will begin to learn how to recognize numbers somewhere between the age of 2 and 5. It is hard to be more precise than that!

Just because a child learns numbers later than another does not mean that their rate of progress will be slower in the future. It is more an issue of child development rather than an indicator of intelligence.

When are children ready to recognize numbers?

Normally children will display some signs before they start to recognize numbers. These include:

• An interest in numbers in the environment

• They are starting to rote count (or indeed are already good at this skill)

• They are beginning to count objects

Do you teach letters in the same way as numbers?

There are definitely parallels between strategies that work well for both. These include:

• Make it multisensory – the more active and fun the process the more chance they have of learning them

• Use songs, chants and books to help the process

• Repeat and practise what you have learned

Find out more about how letters and sounds are taught here.


The more multisensory you can make number recognition learning the better. Spark children’s curiosity with exciting resources, and get them dancing, moving and singing, and the process becomes fun and effective. Good luck, teaching those numbers!

If you liked this article, then why not try one of these:

  • What Is Rote Counting? And How To Teach It
  • Symmetry Activities For Kids – 10 Fantastic Activities

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Number recognition. Practical guide. Part 1 / Sudo Null IT News

It all started trite - for a year now my company has been paying a monthly fee for a service that could find a region with license plates in a photo. This function is used to automatically sketch the number for some customers.

And one fine day, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine opened access to the register of vehicles. Now it has become possible to check some information about the car by the license plate (make, model, year of manufacture, color, etc.)! The boring routine of linear programming faded in front of a new super-task - to read numbers from the entire photo database and validate this data with those that the user specified. You know how it is, “eyes lit up” - the challenge was accepted, all other tasks became boring and monotonous for a while ... We set to work and got good results, which, in fact, we decided to share with the community.

For reference: about 100,000 photos are added to AUTO. a day.

Data scientists have long known and are able to solve such problems, so dimabendera and I wrote this article specifically for programmers. If you are not afraid of the phrase “convolutional networks” and know how to write “Hello World” in python, you are welcome under the cat…

Who else will recognize

A year ago, I studied this market and it turned out that not so many services and software can work with exUSSR country numbers. Below is a list of companies we have worked with:

There are many commercial systems with closed software, but we have not found a good open source implementation. In fact, this is very strange, since the open source tools that underlie the solution to this problem have long existed.

What tools are needed for license plate recognition

Finding objects in an image or video stream is a task from the field of computer vision, which is solved by different approaches, but most often with the help of the so-called convolutional neural networks. We need to find not only the area in the photo in which the desired object occurs, but also to separate all its points from other objects or the background. This kind of task is called "Instance Segmentation". The illustration below visualizes different types of computer vision tasks.

I'm not going to write a lot of theory about how the convolutional network works now, this information is enough on the net and reports on youtube.

Of the modern convolutional series architectures for segmentation problems, the following are often used: U-Net or Mask R-CNN. We chose Mask R-CNN.
The second tool we need is a text recognition library that can work with different languages ​​and that can be easily customized to the specifics of the texts that we will recognize. Here the choice is not so great, the most advanced is tesseract from Google.

There are also a number of less "global" tools with which we will need to normalize the area with the license plate (bring it to a form in which text recognition will be possible). Usually opencv is used for such transformations.

It will also be possible to try to determine the country and type to which the found license plate belongs, in order to apply a refinement template specific to this country and this type of number in post-processing. For example, the Ukrainian license plate, starting from 2015, is designed in blue and yellow design and consists of the template “two letters four numbers two letters”.

In addition, having statistics on the frequency of "meeting" in license plates of one or another combination of letters or numbers, you can improve the quality of post-processing in "disputable" situations. "

Nomeroff Net

From the title of the article it is clear that we have implemented everything and named the project Nomeroff Net. Now part of the code for this project is already working in production on the website. Of course, commercial analogues are still far away, everything works well only for Ukrainian numbers. In addition, acceptable speed is achieved only with GPU support from the tensorflow module! You can also try without a GPU, but not on Raspberry Pi :).

All materials for our project: tagged datasets and trained models, we have made publicly available with the permission of under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license
What we need

  • Python3
  • opencv-python version 3.4 or higher
  • fresh Mask RCNN, tesseract
  • through the pip3 package manager, you will need to install several python3 modules, they will be listed in a separate requirements.txt file

Dmitry and I have everything running on Fedora 28, I'm sure it can all be installed on any other Linux distribution. I would not want to turn this post into instructions for installing and configuring tensorflow, if you want to try and something doesn’t work, ask in the comments, I will definitely answer and prompt.

In order to speed up the installation, we plan to create a dockerfile - expect in the next updates of the project.

Nomeroff Net “Hello world”

Let's try to recognize something. We clone the repository with the code from github. We download the trained models for searching and classifying numbers into the models folder, we will slightly tweak the variables with the location of the folders.

UPD: This code is deprecated, it will only work in the 0.1.0 branch, see the latest examples here:
Everything can be recognized:

 import os import sys import json import matplotlib.image as mpimg # change this property NOMEROFF_NET_DIR = "/var/www/nomeroff-net/" MASK_RCNN_DIR = "/var/www/Mask_RCNN/" MASK_RCNN_LOG_DIR = os.path.join(NOMEROFF_NET_DIR, "logs/") MASK_RCNN_MODEL_PATH = os.path.join(NOMEROFF_NET_DIR, "models/mask_rcnn_numberplate_0700.h5") REGION_MODEL_PATH = os.path.join(NOMEROFF_NET_DIR, "models/imagenet_vgg16_np_region_2019_1_18. h5") sys.path.append(NOMEROFF_NET_DIR) # Import license plate recognition tools. from NomeroffNet import filters, RectDetector, TextDetector, RegionDetector, Detector, textPostprocessing # Initialize npdetector with default configuration file. nnet = Detector(MASK_RCNN_DIR, MASK_RCNN_LOG_DIR) # Load weights in keras format. nnet.loadModel(MASK_RCNN_MODEL_PATH) # Initialize rect detector with default configuration file. rectDetector = RectDetector() # Initialize text detector. textDetector = TextDetector() # Initialize numberplate region detector. regionDetector = RegionDetector() regionDetector.load(REGION_MODEL_PATH) img_path = './examples/images/example1.jpeg' img = mpimg.imread(img_path) NP = nnet.detect([img]) # Generate image mask. cv_img_masks = filters.cv_img_mask(NP) for img_mask in cv_img_masks: # Detect points. points = rectDetector.detect(img_mask, fixRectangleAngle=1, outboundWidthOffset=3) # Split on zones zone = rectDetector.get_cv_zones(img, points) # find standard regionId = regionDetector. predict(zone) regionName = regionDetector.getLabels(regionId) # find text with postprocessing by numberplate region detector text = textDetector.detect(zone) text = textPostprocessing(text, regionName) print('Detected numberplate: "%s" in region [%s]'%(text,regionName)) # Detected numberplate: "AC4921CB" in region [eu-ua-2015] 

Online demo

We sketched a simple demo for those who don't want to install all this and run it at home :). Be indulgent and patient with the speed of the script.

If you need examples of Ukrainian numbers (to test the correction algorithms), take an example from this folder.

What's next

I understand that the topic is very niche and is unlikely to be of great interest to a wide range of programmers, in addition, the code and models are still quite “raw” in terms of recognition quality, speed, memory consumption, etc. But still there is hope that there will be enthusiasts who will be interested in training models for their needs, their country, who will help and suggest where there are problems and together with us will make the project no worse than commercial counterparts.

Known issues

  • The project has no documentation, only basic code examples.
  • The universal OCR tesseract is chosen as the recognition module and it can read a lot, but makes a lot of mistakes. In the case of recognition of Ukrainian license plates, a specialized correction system has been written there, which so far compensates for some of the errors, but there is a premonition that much better can be done here.
  • "Square" numbers (license plates with a ratio of 1:2) are quite rare and we have just begun to deal with them, so the error will be greater with them.
  • Sometimes, instead of a license plate, our model finds road signs with the name of a settlement, a dashboard inside the cabin, and other artifacts.
  • If the quality of the number is poor or the resolution is low, the region of 4 points is not quite accurately determined


If it will be interesting to someone, in the second part we are going to talk about how and with what to mark up your dataset and how to train your models that can work better for your content (your country, your photo size). We will also talk about how to create your own classifier, which, for example, will help determine if a number is drawn on a photo.

Some examples in Jupyter Notebook:

  • Example of finding region masks with license plates
  • Example of Finding and Converting Region Masks to Quad Polygons
  • Example of license plate recognition with visualization

Useful links

  • Nomeroff Net homepage
  • Nomeroff Net on GitHub
  • Online demo Nomeroff Net
  • OpenALPR online demo
  • UPD: Number recognition. How we got 97% accuracy for Ukrainian numbers. Part 2
  • UPD: License plate recognition. How to speed up everything

License plate recognition system

Reliable and affordable system of passage control, access control and vehicle accounting based on license plate recognition technology

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It is easy to add vehicle number recognition functionality to the developed software using the Automarshal recognition module. SDK or recognition service Automarshal.SDK Service API.

Supplied with application examples for the most common languages.

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Automated - an ideal solution for automation of parking lots and parking lots, passing and checkpoints of enterprises, entrances into closed courtyards of multi -apartment and private houses

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On product

Automarle solves the problems of automation in traffic flow and at control points.

The functionality of the system, expanded through additional modules, allows you to create custom access lists, track statistics and generate reports, download third-party databases, calculate the time and cost of a car in the parking lot, manage barriers and traffic lights, interact with access control systems, video surveillance systems and integrated systems security. See the overview video for more details.

Automarshal is included in the register of Russian software.

Automarshal System Brochure Recommended IP Video Cameras

Download the free full version of the Automarshal License Plate Recognition system and test it for 15 days! Download demo

System components

The Automarshal software is installed on a computer with an operating system of the Windows family. One or more IP cameras are connected to the computer via Ethernet.

The system recognizes license plates by analyzing video coming from cameras and saves information about all passing cars to the database: date/time of travel, direction of travel, vehicle image, vehicle number, camera name, comments, etc.

Comparing the recognized license plates with access lists, the system gives a command to external devices - barriers, gates, traffic lights.

Key features

Support for numbers of the Russian Federation, CIS, EU and other countries

Web client for remote access from any browser or mobile device

Automatic calculation of the time and cost of parking at specified rates mail; SMS, E-mail, Telegram alerts

Classification of vehicle types

Linking front and rear vehicle numbers in the system (for example, tractor and trailer numbers)

Displaying pre-configured texts and images on the LED panel in response to specified system actions

Organizing access to the territory using contactless cards access and RFID tags


Access control

- Automatic entry / exit of vehicles from specified lists

— Integration with ACS to control barriers and gates

— Maintaining a database of passed cars

— Calculation of the time spent by a vehicle on the territory

— Improving the security of the territory, preventing theft

— Eliminating the misuse of RFID cards and RFID cards by third parties for access to the territory

— Cost savings on the operator’s salary

Vehicle accounting

— Automatic registration of entries / exits, calculation of the time spent by the car on the territory

- Control of personnel and services provided, prevention of theft by employees

- Control of loading / unloading vehicles

- Automation of business processes

Calculate project


Over the past 14 years, more than 2000 Automarshal systems have been implemented in Russia, the CIS, the EU and other countries. Below are just a few of them.
It is possible to install a turnkey recognition system (including installation), you can also install the system with the help of our partners or yourself.
Technical support is provided before the sale, during the implementation and operation of the system at the facility.

Automarshal.SDK to ensure the transport security of the 2018 FIFA World Cup

To ensure the security of the stadium, the leading Russian system integrator Asteros has developed a territory security concept. The outer security perimeter "closes" more than 50 temporary and permanent infrastructure facilities and includes 7 pedestrian and 6 vehicle checkpoints. The video surveillance system integrates more than 1500 cameras.

Automarshal.SDK as part of the vehicle access system at SPIEF 2019

Automarshal.SDK has been used for the fourth year in a row as part of the system for providing vehicle access to the territory of the SPIEF forum, the world’s leading platform for discussing key economic issues facing Russia and emerging markets and the world as a whole.

Automated vehicle access to Fazer factories

Automarshal controls vehicle access to the territory of two Fazer factories through 8 checkpoints. Drivers and passengers are accounted for. To speed up and facilitate the work of operators, directories with the most frequently used data are maintained in the system. Territory marking functionality helps track the location of cars and control the availability of parking spaces in the factory. Data from 8 checkpoints are transferred to a single centralized database.

Vehicle access control to the service parking of the Globus hypermarket

The Automarshal distributed system has been providing access control to the closed parking area for personnel and suppliers of the Globus hypermarket chain since March 2018 (Kotelniki, Moscow region). There are no local databases at the facilities, all information is transmitted from the cameras directly to the central server located in Moscow.

Automarshal system at the point of discharge / loading of oil products of the Argosi ​​Group of Companies

In May 2017, the SRNA Automarshal was successfully implemented at the container filling station of the Argosi ​​Group of Companies as part of the project “Technical and technological re-equipment of the Oil Discharge Point of the Prosvet CPS of the RITEK-Samara-Nafta CCI”.

Automarshal is part of the integrated system for recording oil products discharged by vehicles and transmits information about their recognized numbers to the “Neftebaza” automated workplace.

Control of entry to the territory of the warehouse complex "Prime Logistic"

Since 2017, Automarshal has been providing control of access to the territory of the warehouse of LLC "Prime Logistic". Entry is carried out using a barrier and magnetic induction loops. This makes it possible to take into account cases of passage by a “train” (when 2 or more vehicles move one after another) so that the barrier boom does not touch the cars following in the queue. And for reliable detection of cars of different heights, 2 pairs of photocells are used on each barrier.

Regulation of vehicle access to the territory of the village

Automarshal fully automates the work of 5 checkpoints at the facility, provides recognition of Russian and Belarusian license plates. All control points are connected by optical fiber and managed centrally. There are security officers at two checkpoints who remotely, through the Automarshal Web client, monitor the operation of the system and regulate access to the territory of the village if necessary.

"Automarshal" as part of the regional control system for photo and video recording complexes "Intellect"

Automarshal recognizes vehicle numbers, all data is processed on the spot by the Intel NUC mini-computer and transferred to the Intellect system for further analysis. The integration carried out allows, on the basis of information received from the entire network of photo and video recording complexes, to identify wanted or stolen cars, as well as car owners who have tax and fine debts.

Display of targeted advertising to customers of the car dealership

In January 2018, the Automarshal system was installed on the highway near the automobile center of OOO AVTOGRAD plus (Voronezh). It made it possible to segment car dealership customers passing by in their car into groups to show them targeted advertising on an outdoor LED screen. The system matches the read numbers with the lists and plays a specific video or ad from the default playlist.

Supported countries

If you have not found your country on this list, please contact us, and we will definitely add it










Hong Kong





Spain 9France



Czech Republic



South Korea

South Ossetia

Show all

about the company

Mallen systems - developer of products and solutions in the field of technical vision, artificial intelligence, computer modeling and machine learning. Deep specialization in the field of machine vision, extensive experience in development and successful implementations, highly qualified employees and a wide partner network make Mullenom Systems one of the most reliable and attractive companies in the Russian IT market.

From diamond sorting to nuclear power tracking systems, from nanofiltration membrane control to railcar identification, we solve the toughest problems with machine vision. But Automarshal remains our first and favorite brainchild. We are constantly improving its algorithms and expanding its functionality to offer our customers a highly accurate and reliable license plate recognition system to effectively solve their problems.

Go to website

Automarshal in numbers

months of free software updates

software module for solving problems on any objects

recognition accuracy at vehicle speeds up to 270 km/h

supported countries

years on the market

installed systems Web- customer Automarshal

Here you can see in real time the log of the Automarshal system installed at the entrance to the parking lot of our company:

number recognition. rf


Specification Automarshal

Automarshal software is easily integrated with access control systems (ACS), video surveillance systems, automated parking systems and systems for car washes / service stations. At the integration stage, free technical support is provided. At the moment, integrations with the following systems have been implemented:0152 Automarshal.SDK or Service Recognition Automarshal.SDK Service API .


Partner Program

The Automarshal Partner Program is a portfolio of benefits that includes high-tech solutions, financial privileges and support in the implementation of projects of any scale and complexity, in accordance with market trends and customer tasks.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the provisions of the Program and, if you wish to join the ranks of our partners, send us a completed Application for Authorization to the address:

Automarshal Affiliate Program

Application for Partner Authorization

Ask a question

Demo version

Download the free full-functional version of the Automarshal system and try it for 5 days!
Fill out a short registration form to download a demo from this page.

I agree with the privacy policy

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Here you can see in real time the log of the Automarshal system installed at the entrance to the parking lot of our company:

Download the price list

Where to buy

You can buy Automarshal directly from us.

Sales department:

Anastasia Timofeeva
tel.: 8-800-700-35-17, +7 (8202) 20-16-35
our partner network. Find a partner in your city in the proposed list and contact him to discuss the project.

Download price list

through the partner network:

Armeniabelorussia KazakhstaniReStanriyazbekistheskistolsha




  • Techno-service AT

    +7 7172 99-51-63
    +7 7172 99-50-39

  • LLP "Promat-A"

    +7 7172 97 20 93

  • Center for Cross-Border Services LLP

    7 747 120-16-40

  • Smart Systems LLP

    +7 7018 76 37 10

  • Techno-service AT

    7 7172 99-51-63

  • LLP "Lookwide Distribution"

    +7 (727) 367-10-44

  • IT Security Technical LLP

    • IP Gogolev A. Yu.

      +7 (495) 150-17-14

    • Satro-Paladin Group of Companies


    • Gren Geek

      [email protected]
      8 (903) 577-29-79

    • AVANTERN Group

      8 (495) 744-66-66

    • Security Industry LLC

      8 9272 11-41-37


      8 (495) 646-85-80

    • CNS/Bitrace

      8964 626-73-61

    • Comfortparking



      8 (985) 433-28-00

    • LLC "3S GROUP LTD"

      8 499 702-50-20 ext. 123

    • Telecom XXI Century LLC

      8 909 655-82-62

    • ShtromTech MSK LLC

      8 (495) 542-69-89

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      8 925 545-14-63


      8 965 109-12-91

    • IP Babchenko A. Yu.

      8 (495) 127-05-30

    • Dipol LLC

      8 (812) 372-88-48

    • E-mart LLC

      8 965 771-28-13

    • Larga. Videoserver LLC

      8 (812) 740-78-28


      8 (911) 774-96-63

    • Synthesis Security Systems LLC

      8 (812) 640-65-69


      8 (812) 643-20-10

    • Phoenix LLC

      8 906 226-01-90

    • AvroraComp LLC

      +7 (812) 640-43-90

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      +7 (812) 327-13-07

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      8 (812) 332-52-72


      +7 (49621) 65272

    • Dedush LLC

      +7 8126 285 358

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      8 (812) 292-23-35

    • Integrated Security Systems LLC

      +7 (391) 204-64-90

    • Jupiter LLC

      +7 812 327-28-27

    • 1C: North-West LLC

      +7 (812) 385-15-99