Rhyming fairy tales
Children's Songs Fairy Tales & Nursery Rhymes
These sections contain more than just the words/lyrics. Each section has free printable coloring pages, craft ideas, puppets, felt board characters, word wall word worksheets, picture crossword puzzles and other activity sheets to go with the songs, rhymes and stories!
[Fairy Tales] [Nursery Rhymes] [Songs] [Videos]
- Aesop's Fables (Greek)
- Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp (Middle East)
- Beauty and the Beast (French)
- Bremen Town Musicians (German)
- Cinderella
- Emperor's New Clothes (Danish)
- Frog Prince
- Gingerbread Man
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- Greek Mythology
- Hansel and Gretel (German)
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Little Mermaid (Danish)
- Little Red Hen
- Little Red Ridinghood (French)
- Marie and the Orange Fish (African)
- Molly Murphy and the Scorched Leprechaun (Irish)
- Moon Maiden (Japanese)
- Puss in Boots
- Rapunzel
- Rumpelstiltskin (German)
- Seven Voyages of Sinbad (Middle East)
- Shakespeare Stories (British)
- Sleeping Beauty
- Small Abdul and the Caliph's Daughter (Muslim)
- Snow White and the Dwarves
- Stone Soup
- Three Little Pigs
- Thumbelina (Danish)
- Ugly Duckling (Danish)
- A Tisket, A Tasket
- Baa, Baa Black Sheep
- Daffy Down Dilly
- Donkey, Donkey Old and Gray
- Five Busy Honey Bees
- Five Green Shamrocks
- Five Little Chickens
- Five Little Ducks
- Five Little Fishies
- Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
- Five Little Owls
- Five Little Pumpkins
- Five Little Snowflakes
- Hey Diddle Diddle
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- Humpty Dumpty
- I Had a Little Nut Tree
- I See the Moon
- Jack and Jill
- Ladybug, Ladybug Fly Away Home
- Little Bo Peep
- Little Boy Blue
- Little Jack Horner
- Little Miss Muffet
- Man in the Moon
- Mary, Mary Quite Contrary
- Old King Cole
- Old Mother Hubbard
- Owl and the Pussycat
- Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater
- Pussycat, Pussycat where have you been?
- Sing a Song of Sixpence
- Star Light, Star Bright
- This Little Chick
- Three Blind Mice
- Wise Old Owl
- Baby Bumblebee
- B-I-N-G-O
- Bullfrog Song
- Butterfly Song (bible)
- Crocodile Song
- Farmer in the Dell
- Five Green and Speckled Frogs
- Going on a Lion Hunt
- Hand Washing Song
- Here Comes Peter Cottontail (Easter)
- If You Should Meet an Elephant (four seasons)
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Jesus Song
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Mr.
- Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- Penguin Song
- Six Little Ducks
- Squirrel Song
- Teasing Mr. Crocodile
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Wheels on the Bus
You may also enjoy our nursery rhyme themed online jigsaw puzzles.
Try nursery rhyme picture bingo cards or fairy tales picture bingo cards.
Little Red Riding Hood Activities
[en español]
The first time the story was collected into a book was in Charles Perrault's book published in 1695.
Listen, Print, Read or Watch the story of Little Red Ridinghood |
Little Red Riding Hood Activities |
Little Red Riding Hood Activities |
Crafts to go with this story: |
Little Red Riding Hood Activities |
Little Red Riding Hood Activities Age 3+ |
Little Red Riding Hood Activities Age 5+ |
Little Red Riding Hood Activities Age 3+ |
Little Red Riding Hood Activities Age 3+ |
Little Red Riding Hood Activities Age 3+ |
Wolf Crafts for Kids |
Worksheets to go with this story: |
Anagram Puzzles |
Crossword Puzzles |
Draw and Write |
Informational Writing |
Sudoku Puzzles |
Tracer Pages |
Word Ladder Puzzles |
Word Mine Puzzles |
Word Search Puzzles |
Word Wall Activities |
Writing Prompt |
Little Red Riding Hood Videos on Pauseitivity. ![]() | ||
Little Red ASMR Story |
Little Red Move Along Story |
On-line Little Red Ridinghood Jigsaw Puzzles
Fairy tales in verse - read free online
Fairy tales in verse - favorite works of children and adults in poetic form. Thanks to the rhythm of the syllable, interesting plot twists and colorful characters, fairy tale poems are remembered for a long time by a young reader. They were created with love by the great poets of the world. In them, familiar events take on a new meaning, animals, birds and things can speak. In order to comprehensively develop a child, read fairy tales in verse to him from a young age. They will teach him goodness, justice, friendship and fidelity to the given promise.
Sort by: The popularity of the reading of the Vessing Audit -Westing
Alexander Pushkinskazy at the Night of the Steal of Children 12 Stealnaya Sadadlya of the Senior Group of the Preparatory Group
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Chukovsky's poemsIn verseFor children 2 years oldFor children 4 years oldFor children 5 years old Korney ChukovskyInstructiveFunnyYounger group
Poems of Chukovsky Veckhdly children 4 years of fly 5 years of flying 6 years of Chukovsky Motynoye of the Middle Group of the middle group of the senior group
Poems of the Chukovsky -ski at night of the verse of children 4 years of Chukovsky of the senior group of Chukovsky Chukovsky Chukovsky years For children 6 years old Korney Chukovsky Kind For kindergarten For the middle group
Russian epics and legendary People's Narodnyv Vecheheric
Marshakastih poems for children 5 Lettihi 6 Lettihi for children 7 years of poet of children 7 Lettsmuel Marshakdl of 3 classes 9000 -marshmallow.
gardenFor the middle group
Chukovsky's poemsIn verseFor children 2 years oldFor children 4 years oldFor children 5 years old Korney ChukovskyFor schoolchildrenFor grade 1FunnyFor the middle group
verses Marshakapro Meshkupro Rybv Vechakhdly children 2 years of fly 3 years of children 4 pilots Malysamuel Marshak
Marshakastikhi for children 7 years old Vechyakhsamuil Marshak
9000 9000 9000 marshmushkuv Merseshdl children 2 years of teddy marshy middle group -
Chukovsky's poemsIn versesFor children 5 years old Korney ChukovskyKindFor schoolchildrenFor grade 1
Marshak's poemsAbout the dogIn versesFor children 7 years oldSamuel Marshak
Russian epics and legendary people of Boers of the Vechedlya 3 years of 4 years of the children of the children of 4 years of the Children kindergartenFor the preparatory group
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That's how absent-minded - Samuil Marshak, read online
Samuil Marshak
That's how absent-minded - a poem by Samuil Marshak, beloved for eighty years by entire families. It shows the story of an ordinary citizen. Only now his absent-mindedness sometimes plays cruel jokes with him. What comical and sad stories will the eccentric character of the poem get into, and how does he get out of them? Find out with the children in a fairy tale. She recalls how important it is to be responsible for your actions and life itself, and composure, daily routine and self-discipline will help this.
Reading time: 2 min.
There lived a scattered man
On Basseinaya Street.
He sat down on the bed in the morning,
He began to put on a shirt,
Put his hands into the sleeves -
It turned out they were pants.
That's some scattered
From Basseinaya Street!
He began to put on a coat -
They tell him: "Not that!"
Began to put on gaiters -
They tell him: "Not yours!"
That's how scattered
From Basseinaya Street!
Instead of a cap on the go
He put on the frying pan.
Gloves instead of felt boots
Pulled on his heels.
That's some scattered
From Basseinaya Street!
Once on a tram
He was going to station
And, opening the doors,
The counselor said:
Carriage respected!
By all means
I have to go.
Is it possible at the tram
Stop the train station?
The counselor was surprised -
The tram stopped.
That's how scattered
From Basseinaya Street!
He went to the canteen
Buy yourself a ticket.
And then he rushed to the cashier
Buy a bottle of kvass.
That's how scattered
From Basseinaya Street!
He ran to the platform,
Climbed into the uncoupled car,
Carried in bundles and suitcases,
I put them under the sofas,
I sat in the corner in front of the window
And fell asleep peacefully. .
“What kind of stop is this?” —
He screamed early.
And from the platform they say:
"This is the city of Leningrad."
He slept a little again
And again looked out the window,0099 I saw a big station,
He scratched himself and said:
“What kind of stop is this -
Bologoe or Popovka?”
And from the platform they say:
"This is the city of Leningrad."
He slept a little again
And again looked out the window,
I saw a big station,
He reached out and said:
“What kind of station is this -
Dibuny or Yamskaya?”
And from the platform they say:
"This is the city of Leningrad."
He shouted: “What a joke!
I am going for the second day,
And I came back,
And he came to Leningrad!
That's some scattered
From Basseinaya Street!
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