Rhyming words cat in the hat
Rhyme Time with The Cat in the Hat
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NEW: I have created a round-up of our rhyming and Dr. Seuss printables and activities: 15+ Activities to Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday.
Lately, NJoy (at 3.5 years of age) has been exploring rhyming all on his own. I’ve listened in as he’s said things like, “chimp and bimp; they rhyme.” Many times, it’s made up words and sometimes it’s WAY off; but for the most part, he’s got it! NJoy also has a thing for The Cat in the Hat. So much so, that he was The Cat in the Hat for Halloween this past year.
And a cute one at that! 🙂
So, to honor Dr. Seuss’ upcoming birthday on March 2 (and to combine his love for The Cat in the Hat) we spent our week rhyming away. Yes, I know we did our celebrating a little early, but if all goes according to plan, I will be in the hospital on March 2nd, doing my own celebrating of our little one being born! Exciting!
I put out all our Dr. Seuss books (and a few other rhyming favorites) in the schoolroom. His face lit up when he saw them all. It took no time at all for him to surround himself with all the books.
I also put a few rhyming books out for MBug. She found her beloved Brown Bear, right away. {Find more of our favorite rhyming books here.}
Rhyme Time Activities
Most of the rhyming activities you’ll see in this post are ones that I created in my Rhyme Time Packet. You can download the activities by clicking on the image above or HERE.
A-Rhyming We Will Go! All three kids immensely enjoyed this one. MBug chimed in every time we sang “go”. FUN!
Cut & Paste Rhyming Mats-There are five different rhyming mats included in the download.
Clip a Rhyme
Hat on a Cat Emergent Reader: I read it aloud to him and he glued on the pictures that rhymed.
ALuv decided he wanted to read the book to NJoy afterward, so off they went!
That’s Not a Rhyme! This is one of the last activities we did because it requires a little more higher order thinking to find the one that does NOT rhyme, but he did very well with it. {We also have FREE clip cards that ask kids to do the same thing, if you’d like extension activities.}
Rhyming with File Folder Games: I had a few file folder games (from Carson Dellosa) in my files. I pulled them out and he rhymed away!
The Cat in the Hat Games
Find that Cat in the Hat!
The objective: To listen to the rhyme to find The Cat in the Hat. Prep work: I took this coloring page picture and shrunk the cat by 50% on my scanner, colored, and laminated him. I picked 6 pictures: fox, bell, bug, hat, dish & dog to put in the pocket chart. (My pictures came from my teaching files, but you can find FREE pictures in every lesson of Reading the Alphabet).
I asked NJoy to close his eyes while I hid the cat behind one of the pictures. Then, I gave this clue: “The Cat in the Hat is hiding behind the picture that rhymes with bat.”
He would then say the name of each picture and try to find the one that rhymed with bat.
He greatly enjoyed this game!
We finally played with his new Dr. Seuss matching game. I only pulled the 4 cards that went with The Cat in the Hat story.
The next few activities all came from Making Learning Fun.
Cat in the Hat coloring page: Except for the red tummy (oops!), he tried his hardest to color his cat just like The Cat in the Hat. He even drew in his own black tail.
C is for the Cat in the Hat
Cat in the Hat Beginning Letter Sounds-He did GREAT with this! I picked 8 random letters to print off and laminate: B, F, H, K, L, R, W, & Z.
Cat in the Hat Craft
To integrate a little math, we made these patterned hats this week.
First, I drew out the cat’s head onto card stock, and copied it for both boys.
I pre-cut strips of colored construction paper (red, orange, yellow, blue, green, and white–about 8 of each color) and modeled how to make different colored patterns with my strips of paper. Then, I let them choose the colors they wanted to make their own patterned hats.
I hope you enjoy Dr. Seuss’ birthday as much as we did!
More Rhyming Fun:
- Roll-a-Rhyme {3 levels of rhyming fun!}
- Rhyming Books that You Can SING!
- Listening for Rhymes with Clip Cards {That Doesn’t Rhyme!}
Follow This Reading Mama’s board Dr. Seuss Fun on Pinterest.
Follow This Reading Mama’s board Pre-Reading Skills: Rhyming & Phonological Awareness on Pinterest.
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Words to the poem The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss
the sun did not shine.
it was too wet to play.
so we sat in the house
all that cold, cold, wet day.
i sat there with sally.
we sat there, we two.
and i said, 'how i wish
we had something to do!'
too wet to go out
and too cold to play ball.
so we sat in the house.
we did nothing at all.
so all we could do was to
and we did not like it.
not one little bit.
and then something went BUMP!
how that bump made us jump!
we looked!
then we saw him step in on the mat!
we looked!
and we saw him!
the cat in the hat!
and he said to us,
'why do you sit there like that?'
'i know it is wet
and the sun is not sunny.
but we can have
lots of good fun that is funny!'
'i know some good games we could play,'
said the cat.
'i know some new tricks,'
said the cat in the hat.
'a lot of good tricks.
i will show them to you.
your mother will not mind at all if i do. '
then sally and i
did not know what to say.
our mother was out of the house
for the day.
but our fish said, 'no! no!
make that cat go away!
tell that cat in the hat
you do NOT want to play.
he should not be here.
he should not be about.
he should not be here
when your mother is out!'
'now! now! have no fear.
have no fear!' said the cat.
'my tricks are not bad,'
said the cat in the hat.
'why, we can have
lots of good fun, if you wish,
with a game that i call
up-up-up with a fish!'
'put me down!' said the fish.
'this is no fun at all!
put me down!' said the fish.
'i do NOT wish to fall!'
'have no fear!' said the cat.
'i will not let you fall.
i will hold you up high
as i stand on a ball.
with a book one one hand!
and a cup on my hat!
but that is not ALL i can do!
said the cat...
'look at me!
look at me now!' said the cat.
'with a cup and a cake
on the top of my hat!
i can hold up TWO books!
i can hold up the fish!
and a little toy ship!
and some milk on a dish!
and look!
i can hop up and down on the ball!
but that is not all!
oh, no.
that is not all...
'look at me!
look at me!
look at me NOW!
it is fun to have fun
but you have to know how.
i can hold up the cup
and the milk and the cake!
i can hold up these books!
and the fish on a rake!
i can hold the toy ship
and a little toy man!
and look! with my tail
i can hold a red fan!
i can fan with the fan
as i hop on the ball!
but that is not all.
oh, no.
that is not all...'
that is what the cat said...
then he fell on his head!
he came down with a bump
from up there on the ball.
and sally and i,
we saw ALL the things fall!
and our fish came down, too.
he fell into a pot!
he said, 'do i like this?
oh, no! i do not.
this is not a good game,'
said our fish as he lit.
'no, i do not like it,
not one little bit!'
'now look what you did!'
said the fish to the cat.
'now look at this house!
look at this! look at that!
you sank our toy ship,
sank it deep in the cake.
you shook up our house
and you bent our new rake.
you SHOULD NOT be here
when our mother is not.
you get out of this house!'
said the fish in the pot.
'but i like to be here.
oh, i like it a lot!'
said the cat in the hat
to the fish in the pot.
'i will NOT go away.
i do NOT wish to go!
and so,' said the cat in the hat,
i will show you
another good game that i know!'
and then he ran out.
and, then, fast as a fox,
the cat in the hat
came back in with a box.
a big red wood box.
it was shut with a hook.
'now look at this trick,'
said the cat.
'take a look!'
then he got up on top
with a tip of his hat.
'i call this game fun-in-a-box,'
said the cat.
'in this box are two things
i will show to you now.
you will like these two things,'
said the cat with a bow.
'i will pick up the hook.
you will see something new.
two things. and i call them
Thing One and Thing Two.
these Things will not bite you.
they want to have fun.'
then, out of the box
came Thing Two and Thing One!
and they ran to us fast.
they said, 'how do you do?
would you like to shake hands
with Thing One and Thing Two?'
and sally and i
did not know what to do.
so we had to shake hands
with Thing One and Thing Two.
we shook their two hands.
but our fish said, 'no! no!
those Things should not be
in this house! make them go!
they should not be here
when your mother is not!
put them out! put them out!'
said the fish in the pot.
'have no fear, little fish,'
said the cat in the hat.
'these Things are good Things.'
and he gave them a pat.
'they are tame. oh, so tame!
they have come here to play.
they will give you some fun
on this wet, wet, wet day.'
now, here is a game that they like,'
said the cat.
'they like to fly kites,'
said the cat in the hat.
'no! not in the house!'
said the fish in the pot.
'they should not fly kites
in a house! they should not.
oh, the things they will bump!
oh, the things they will hit!
oh, i do not like it!
not one little bit!'
then sally and i
saw them run down the hall.
we saw those two Things
bump their kites on the wall!
bump! thump! thump! bump!
down the wall in the hall.
thing two and thing one!
they ran up! they ran down!
on the string of one kite
we saw mother's new gown!
her gown with the dots
that are pink, white and red.
then we saw one kite bump
on the head of her bed!
then those things ran about
with big bumps, jumps and kicks
and with hops and big thumps
and all kinds of bad tricks.
and i said,
'i do NOT like the way that they play!
if mother could see this,
oh, what would she say!'
then our fish said, 'look! look!'
and our fish shook with fear.
'your mother is on her way home!
do you hear?
oh, what will she do to us?
what will she say?
oh, she will not like it
to find us this way!'
'so DO something! fast!' said the fish.
'do you hear!
i saw her. your mother!
your mother is near!
so, as fast as you can,
think of something to do!
you will have to get rid of
thing one and thing two!'
so, as fast as i could,
i went after my net.
and i said, 'with my net
i can get them i bet.
i bet, with my net,
i can get those things yet!'
then i let down my net.
it came down with a PLOP!
and i had them! at last!
those two things had to stop.
then i said to the cat,
'now you do as i say.
you pack up those Things
and you take them away!'
'oh dear!' said the cat.
'you did not like our game...
oh dear.
what a shame!
what a shame!
what a shame!'
then he shut up the things
in the box with the hook.
and the cat went away
with a sad kind of look.
'that is good,' said the fish.
'he has gone away. yes.
but your mother will come.
she will find this big mess!
and this mess is so big
and so deep and so tall,
we can not pick it up.
there is no way at all!'
and THEN!
who was back in the house?
why, the cat!
'have no fear of this mess,'
said the cat in the hat.
'i always pick up all my playthings
and so...
i will show you another
good trick that i know!'
then we saw him pick up all the things that were down.
he picked up the cake,
and the rake, and the gown,
and the milk, and the strings,
and the books, and the dish,
and the fan, and the cup,
and the ship, and the fish.
and he put them away.
then he said, 'that is that.'
and then he was gone
with a tip of his hat.
then our mother came in
and she said to us two,
'did you have any fun?
tell me. what did you do?'
and sally and i did not know
what to say.
should we tell her
the things that went on there that day?
should we tell her about it?
now, what SHOULD we do?
what would YOU do
if your mother asked YOU?
rhymes | Speech therapy for all
Sep 20, 2011, the author Ekaterina
developed a speech therapist
Kondrashova Galina Nikolaevna
MDOU “Children's Garden No. 3” 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 The game "Rhymes"
We played rhymes - we picked up words.
Let's play with you now.
Show a picture and suggest a word -
Which one we will take with us.
I’ll say an accordion, and you tell me ... (potato),
I’m holding a shirt, you see ... (a bug),
I took a basket, you bought ... (a picture).
I see: a ram is grazing in the field,
And a little boy is carrying - ... (drum),
An ant is crawling along the path with a reed,
And after him flies ... (sparrow).
Violinist gives us concerts on "Bis"0003
All children are treated by our…(doctors).
Game " Good Elephant".
A good elephant lived in the world,
He wrote stories.
He wrote good books,
And gave them to his friends.
He liked to play rhymes,
So that he would not be bored with his friends.
Here is a picture, here... (basket, car, etc.),
Here is a camomile, here is ... (bug, piece of paper),
Here is my house, here is yours . .. (volume, catfish),
Here is a cannon, here is ... (fly, drying, mug),
Here is a donut for you , but ... (book, mouse, lid),
Here is a neighbor, but ... (lunch, clarinet, vinaigrette).
So that we don't get bored,
We'll pick up rhymes.
(The game can continue indefinitely until the child gets bored.)
Gifts game. nine0006
Monkey has a birthday,
Everyone brings congratulations:
The cockerel brought her a cannon,
And the horse - ... (cracker, rattle, spinner, etc.).
White bear - chocolate,
A Hedgehog - ... (marmalade, lemonade, etc.)
The game "We play - we select rhymes."
A monkey and a cuckoo, a cockerel and a cat
We decided to play rhymes with the children a little:
The monkey suggested: a bear, ... (then the children choose pictures). nine0003
The cuckoo crowed: reel,…
The cat also purred: hand,…
The cockerel crowed: sack,… .
Task: Find rhymes. Children are offered pictures: bear, bump, donut, boy, reel, rattle, pillow, feeder, palm, potato, accordion, midge, bag, pot, strap, top. They choose a picture and substitute the word into the poem.
Miniature rhymes
A mouse rustled in the pantry,
Under the pine lay - ... (cone).
Garik lives in our house,
He has a blue ... (balloon).
Our capricious Masha,
In her plate ... (porridge).
There is an old house in the village,
We got caught in the net - ... (catfish).
They took a volume from the library,
In winter, the guys sculpt - ... (com).
Mice are very fond of cheese,
There are a lot of -… (holes) in good cheese.
The wind blew very strongly,
There was a terrible ... (hum) everywhere. nine0003
A sheep lives with a farmer,
Runs in the desert - ... (lizard).
Mom was cleaning the floor,
Dad was waiting: when will . .. (goal).
A pack fell on the deck,
Because there was - ... (rolling).
A daughter is writing a letter to her mother,
At the end of the story is - ... (dot).
The tailor chose red silk,
So he knows about fashion...
They played in KVN for a day,
Everyone liked the hall - ... (jokes).
There was a nut on the shore,
The fish was dragged away - ... (seagull).
Porridge is smoking in a bowl,
With tea is - ... (a cup).
It was very bad in a fairy tale,
Until a -… (miracle) appeared.
The boy is crying very loudly -
He hurt with glass ... (finger).
Onions grew in the garden,
May ... (beetle) crawled in the garden.
There was not enough honey for the bear,
The bee showed ... (sting).
In the raspberry forest the bear grumbled,
Next to him there was a stream… (murmured). nine0003
Arkady slept lightly at night,
He was afraid of the dark. .. (terribly).
The athlete put on his jacket,
He holds in his hands ... (racquet).
The children are waiting for the holidays -
Red summer ... (ongoing).
The oldest in the group is Venya,
He has a friend - ... (Zhenya).
Green bunch of parsley
Gluttonous ate ... (bug).
The woman screamed loudly -
Scared her - ... (toad).
People in fairy tales love to feast,
Everyone in the world needs ... (peace).
Concrete is being made at the construction site,
In the subway they will require -…(token).
I bought a fashionable Klim vest,
I bought ... (ticket) to the theater.
There lived a boy Zhora,
He has a little sister... (Laura).
Tanya-baby is the most boastful of all,
On her hat - ... (brooch).
The old leopard dreamed of stars.
He wanted to fly to ... (Mars).
Lost to Seryozha fant,
The girls tied . .. (bow). nine0003
A jar fell off the table,
Now Sveta has a pain...(a wound).
Vasya was on duty in the class,
He cleaned the floors with a rag ... (washed).
There lived an old dog in the world,
He regularly served ... (carried).
They gave Ram a pipe,
And a sentry ... (booth).
Ilya has beautiful hair,
And pleasant, resonant… (voice).
The leader issued a victory cry,
Do not interfere with him ... (rain).
You can't take someone else's,
And, of course, you can't ... (lie).
To make the hairstyle glossy,
We will need ... (wax).
Yaga did not get the crown,
Carried her away ... (crow).
The picture was painted by the creator,
He depicted on it ... (palace).
Nightingale can not hear the trill,
Muffles it ... (drill).
I saw a wonderful dream,
That I went to ... (Don).
A dark night has come,
My . .. (daughter) is falling asleep.
Cat's beautiful paws -
Fluffy shoes (slippers).
Vitya didn't take a satchel to school,
He studied there all day...(dance).
A ship has come to a distant port,
A sailor is carrying a friend...(cake).
The soldier does not need sleds,
He will study ... (tanks).
The incident happened once -
They overturned a copper ... (basin).
Grandfather loves tobacco,
A granddaughter - ... (zucchini).
Exotic mango fruit.
An unfamiliar dance…(tango). nine0003
There are bushes in the yard,
They are very…(thick).
There is a hill near the house -
Ice on it ... (crust).
Someone dug a big grotto-
It turned out to be ... (mole).
A goose lives in the poultry house,
Runs in the forest ... (hare).
Glasha danced the polka,
She sang a song loudly ... (Klasha).
Grandfather went to chop wood,
And grandma - onions . .. (weed).
The boxer cut his eyebrow with a blow,
And immediately ran ... (blood). nine0003
Brought the ship of athletes to the port,
They went to ... (court).
There was a crumb left on the table,
I fed the birds ... (Proshka).
The roses ran away from the flowerbed,
Very prickly... (roses).
In the morning dew fell -
Go out to the meadow ... (spit).
Horses competed at the races,
Children rode in the park ... (ponies).
The cat licked all the sour cream,
He wiped it with his paw ... (mouth).
There was a donut on the table -
I caught the smell ... (mouse).
In the realm of fairy tales, a ball is gathered -
There were both old and ... (small).
The big boss needs a folder,
And, of course, in winter, of course… (hat).
If children are walking in the park,
Do not break at the bushes ... (branches).
Kitty's muzzle warms in the sun.
“Whiskas” is filled with delicious ... (bowl).
Natasha baked a cake,
Our…(Rex) loves them very much.
The clown took off his funny cap,
Grandfather planted in a fairy tale ... (turnip).
There is a school desk in the last row,
There is a pen, a textbook and ... (map) on it.
We will put on a mask for the carnival,
A soldier will put on a battle ... (helmet).
The mouse saw the crust -
Dragged it into ... (mink).
Artur began sawing the log,
He hurt himself…(knee).
A drop was falling down from the sky,
He is not afraid of her... (heron).
Faith's cutting was not successful,
Now it is in the magazine ... (troika). nine0003
Mila made a salad,
Washed her…(robe).
The cold is very terrible for a hare,
But even more terrible ... (hunger).
Bought sour cream Gleb,
Bought Vasily ... (bread).
Slowing down time,
The old . .. (year) is leaving us.
The hop blossoms luxuriantly in spring,
... (bumblebee) sits on it.
That guys start fights,
Don't believe it! It's just - ... (lies).
A puppy ran in the meadow,
Lena wove for him ... (wreath).
There lived a giant in the world,
And he had ... (pelican).
Strict norm for a soldier:
Always ironed ... (uniform).
Arseniy pultik took in his hands,
He wanted to see ... (cartoon).
The border guards have a post,
Under guard they have ... (bridge).
Daddy calls Ira:
“My daughter is…(honey)”.
Fedya loves fat very much,
Everything is for him, poor fellow, ... (not enough). nine0003
They like kitty serials,
Buy in "Trek" ... (discs).
Vika brushes her teeth in the morning,
Then she paints brightly…(lips).
A cloud floated across the sky,
In the river splashed ... (pike).
The baker bakes bread for the table for us,
Gives out medicine - . .. (healer).
There is sand on the river bank,
And there is ... (wood) around.
The boat did not reach the target,
It ran into ... (stranded).
Petya hands with soap soap,
All microbes quickly ... (washed away).
A cat was sitting on the window
And meowing… (a little bit).
The children were running, jumping
And in the evening everyone ... (tired).
Look - a steam locomotive,
He's wagons ... (carried).
On a large green branch
Squirrels are sitting ... (children).
nine0588 Like |
Author: Ekaterina
Hello! My name is Ekaterina and I am glad to welcome you to the site " Speech Therapy for All " If you liked the materials of the site, then you can subscribe to new publications by RSS or Email. Also join our speech therapy group at Facebook and Vkontakte .
The author has published 485 articles. nine0003
Previous material from the rubric -
- Phonetic warm-ups
- The specifics of correctional and developmental work in the conditions of a social rehabilitation center for minor children
- Experience in diagnosing children with general speech underdevelopment [1 language level]
Headings: Speech therapist to help Tags: speech therapy games
LitKult - Squares are not for battle. Alternative classification of rhymes
Yesterday I was told that I rhyme with squares, and this is so bad that I should forget about it forever. Naturally, I began to google, because the square rhyme in my mind is abcd abcd, which I never used, and the unfortunate squares were found in texts with adjacent rhyme (aabb). Quite quickly, a suitable article was found that clarified where the legs grow from.
“Squares are rhymes where rhyming words have the same endings (hand=torment, mountain=time). There are a lot of such words, as well as verbs, in the language, so it’s not at all difficult to come up with such a rhyme. True, there are several nuances, which will be described below. I do not advise using such rhymes in texts, unless, of course, you want to quickly fly out of the battle and go for a walk. nine0003
I am not familiar with the traditions of rap battles at all, so the article seemed interesting. First of all, the given examples.
The author/authors did not bother with the already existing conceptual apparatus and proposed their own designations - and this invention of the bicycle sometimes raised questions, and sometimes amused. For example, to consider as a square only a grammatical exact rhyme or any adjacent exact one? “Square divisions”, for example, “pine - from sleep”, “arguments - to water” or “pistol - sleep a hundred years”, “which are no better than squares in their pure form”, - why couldn’t they be called punning rhymes? We open Kvyatkovsky’s dictionary and observe examples no worse: “I’ll beat you on a kalach”, “negligent - without giving birth”, “brown rocks - with a pun” and, of course, “element - I am poetry”. nine0003
I don't know how common the following classification is among battle participants, but if someone brought it closer to a long-standing conceptual base or justified the need for a separate system of terms, then it would be more logical, in my opinion, than to stagnate in the middle. Well, or more clearly, or something, they would inform novice authors that there were also rhymes in poetry, and even compound, and assonant ones, and a lot of things already existed in written culture. And that even the squares will live a little longer.
The text of the article from the site RapForce.net
Author: 15-183-2
My dictionary of rhyme Version 2.0
1) verb rhyme
666666 widely used by famous poets, in text battles its use reduces your chances of success to a minimum. This type of rhyme is the simplest of all existing because of the great variety of verbs in Russian. You can rhyme with verbs a whole text in fifteen minutes without any problems. nine0003
I advise you to read this, look at examples, and then forget about the existence of verbal rhymes.
“Who was sitting on the bench,
Who was looking at the street,
Tolya sang, Boris was silent,
Nikolai shook his foot.” © Mikhalkov
“We heard their clatter in parallel while we were going up,
And we were terribly frightened” © Guf
). There are a lot of such words, as well as verbs, in the language, so it’s not at all difficult to come up with such a rhyme. True, there are several nuances, which will be described below. I do not advise using such rhymes in texts, unless, of course, you want to quickly fly out of the battle and go for a walk. nine0003 a) Standard square Example: “In the archive of the 15th psychiatric hospital b) Modified square Examples: “The game is slowly getting serious. "And he says menacingly, don't be afraid to be wounded, c) Adverb-adjective type square *** We have dealt with the types of rhymes that are discouraged in text battles. Now let's move on to those that are considered prestigious and give you a chance to become a winner. 3) Accent / for consonances a) Fine b) Inexact We have dealt with the very technique of composing rhymes for consonances, now let's look at examples. I think you should not look for specific lines, you yourself will be able to find them when you understand what it is using the example of the performers. a.1) on one syllable “Waiting = cord” © Oxxxymiron A.2) for two syllables “Powder” © Oxxxymiron a.3) three syllables “xenophobe=xylophone=semaphore” © Oxxxymiron c) To hissing Example: “After all, how can you convey this feeling, d) Rhymes like "ts=tsa" *** Now we will move on to different types of complex rhyme, that is, the one to strive for. 4) Internal rhyme a) Ordinary internal “Your number is always number two, like on Maldini’s back b) Double internal “Do not follow in my footsteps, I am an eternal outsider, c) Multiple internal “I climbed in on the go, and even if I disappear here, "Anatoly Wasserman himself gave us a monopoly on hasol, 5) Initial rhyme For example : “Not up to sleep - they send me couplets on Skype - metaspam, “From lobsters and coke on trays to gop-stop, The examples are not ideal, because a lot of unnecessary embarrassing rhymes. But exact examples of this type of rhyming, without improvising, are quite difficult to find. 6) Double rhyme/double-rhymes Examples: "But don't be afraid, it's all very civil, "Sweatpants, airmax, knife - “Rage, like that of a green giant, slumbers at times, A more complex and less common variant of the double rhyme. In the case of a triple-rhyme, not two, but the last three words in a line rhyme. Such examples are rarely seen among popular performers, but still. Examples: “Everything you heard about is right, sort of, but only “We actually had to get out of the zeros here, All types of rhyming, where more than three words rhyme, but which are not full-line, are usually called half-line rhyme or under-pantorhyme. 8) Full line rhyme/pantorhyme However, there is some separation between true pantorhyme and full-line rhyme. See examples: "Waterfall in the heads. Packed the crowd, Full-line rhyme: “Not a sign of schizo inclination misanthrope and homophobe, 9) Tight rhyming "My prediction - you will lose, bro, and just go home" © *** This ends the types of rhyming and the techniques of rhyming begin. 1) Partitions a) Square b) Ordinary Examples: “gimp=on the beat” © Oxxxymiron “garden=paso doble” © Oxxxymiron “Smoky Mo=pokemon” © Oxxxymiron. Such divisions are used in double and triple rhymes: “Still no dough, still in debt, rigmarole, “Among the discordant crowds, my simple initiative will be c) Complicated Examples: “You're not from the street, boy, you're just suicidal, “Remember, no one believed that we were together and married? "And the city is moored, floating on a long cable, This is how one can describe such a rhyming technique as duplication. At first glance, these are nothing more than squares, sometimes even verbs, and square partitions. In fact, it takes great skill to make dubbing beautiful and unusual. Usually, homonyms (homophones, homographs, especially homoforms) are used for this technique. If duplication is carried out not for one, but for two or more words, this indicates the highest skill of the author. nine0003 Examples of beautiful correct duplication (so rare): “You will not be loved like an Ema nation,
His case history is 183 pages.
And once every 2 years, as per instructions,
He comes here with an obsession with the hip-hop revolution ”© Guf
Many novice text writers believe that a square with a modified ending is not a square. It's not like that at all. If punishment=indication is a square rhyme, then changing the case or number of one of the rhyming words will not make the rhyme non-square (punishment=indication is also a square). I ask you to pay serious attention to this point, so as not to enter into stupid disputes with the judges later. nine0003
I can attack without leaving the secret headquarters" © Guf
Learn to wait, the will must be made of stone." © Grotto and 25/17
Adjectives are almost always squares. Long=strong, bad=deaf and so on. But let's not forget about such a part of speech as adverbs. After all, the word "strongly" can not be called an adjective, is it? But the rhyme long = strong cannot be called anything other than a subspecies of a modified (sorry for the tautology) square. The same applies to any similar rhymes, such as fast=sour, cramped=possessed, etc. nine0003
The basis of the foundations of all texts. Both double and triple rhymes should be accented. Usually, after partially getting rid of the squares, the text writer switches to inaccurate accent rhymes, or accurate, but for one or two syllables.
A rhyme for consonances is a rhyme with different endings and consonant syllables. Their number determines the volume of the rhyme. The more syllables are consonant - the more voluminous (and therefore more difficult) the rhyme. The exact rhyme for consonances has a rhyming ending, but it is not square. The meaning of this type of rhyme lies in the vowel sounds. For example, the word "milk". It sounds like "ma-la-ko". We need a word where there are syllables consonant with "ma" or "la" or "mala". The word "young" came to mind (ma-la-doi). It turns out an accent rhyme for three syllables, and exact (the last syllable also rhymes, but not with a square). Or a simpler word, just one syllable - "a rogue." We need a word with one syllable and the vowel "y", while at the end there should not be the letters "t" or "d". For example, the word "Louvre". It suits us just fine. rogue = Louvre - one syllable accent rhyme. nine0003
Now consider an example of an inexact rhyme for consonances. This is a rhyme where the last syllables do not rhyme. Suppose we have the word “balcony” in the text, while we cannot change its form because of the meaning of the line. We need rhyme. The transcription will be "bal-con-ny." We need a word where there are syllables consonant with "bal", "ko", or "balko". For example, the word "parking". Two syllables rhyme well, but the endings are inaccurate "ny" = "ka". But in general, it turned out to be an accent rhyme for two syllables balcony = parking. For a beginner, this is a good option. I think you should not give up inaccurate rhymes, this is definitely better than squares. nine0003
“Collage = Sign” © Oxxxymiron
“ Jason=face” © Oxxxymiron
“metaspam=Herostat” © Oxxxymiron
“Titanic=wanderer” © Oxxxymiron
“promote = Moriarty” © Oxxxymiron
“Cost = rebuilt” © Sieg_Wanez
There is one more small but generally accepted nuance in writing accent rhymes. On text battles, rhymes for hissing are not welcomed, the score is reduced for them. This category includes words whose rhyming syllables have the consonant "sh", "u", "c" or "g". These consonants make rhyming easier, and the prestige of rhyme disappears. nine0003
When there is no one who would stand shoulder to shoulder.
I don't want to remember those days, but to forget them is also blasphemy." © Oxxxymiron
A very popular case. You can’t exactly call such rhymes a square, but it’s easy to come up with them. Therefore, they have found such a large-scale application in the texts. The move, which consists in the use of these consonances, is very hackneyed and of little interest. Hundreds of specific cases can serve as examples: try = pararazzi, outskirts = prick and others. nine0003
So, internal rhyme. This is a type of rhyme when not one word rhymes in a line, but several - in the middle of the line and at the end. It can be either ordinary two words or two double rhymes.
Standard version, when one word in the middle and one at the end rhymes.
I injected myself with an injection of rhyme, here against Em “Fifty kopecks” ©
At least three words are already rhyming here. Moreover, at the end there can be both a double-rim and a simple accent rhyme. The same is true in the middle. For example:
My goal is to burn down space, not a river and a manor” © Oxxxymiron
Here the number of options is almost unlimited. All lines may consist of consecutive double or triple rhymes. Otherwise (if all words rhyme, but one at a time) - see paragraph 9.
Cross on my hump, flight is a taboo, no one knows
Reading the text of Vagabund, until there is a place in the coffin.” © Oxxxymiron
In the radio tape recorder more than once at your mothers, the infidel spoke." © Oxxxymiron
Different people call this method of rhyming differently, but let's focus on the term "initial rhyme". The bottom line is that words rhyme at the end of one of the lines, then at the beginning and at the end of the second line. Also, two lines can rhyme exclusively at the end, and the third will contain a rhyme relative to the ends of the two previous lines at the beginning.
Pray for rap? I will come to this temple - Herostratus,
I don’t give a shit, it’s time for you to leave the fairway . .. ”© Oxxxymiron
Just like that, oysterka, according to postcodes on crosses” © Oxxxymiron
Here, perhaps, we have come to the main and most popular type of complex rhyme. In battles, double rhymes have always been a success. Inventing them is not so difficult, while it is quite possible to keep the meaning. And they sound great both with a simple reading of someone else's text by a judge, and in audio. In a word, rhyme for all time. nine0666 Double-rims rhyme the last two words in a line. The complexity of a double rhyme depends on the sum of the rhyming syllables. The larger it is, the more voluminous and better. Here I will give not ideal examples, but without partitions and other factors that complicate perception.
I'm a beggar, but like your Bentleys, I have eight cylinders." © Oxxxymiron
Any teenager can have strangers here" © Oxxxymiron
But our couple - as if they entered the Cerberus dolphinarium” ©
Your London is bounded by your dad's golf course." © Oxxxymiron
Measuring the length of the distance by the number of cunts” © Oxxxymiron
This is generally the most complex and prestigious rhyme. Very few can write in pure pantorhyme. Most often, such a rhyme happens interspersed, since the entire text written in pantorhyme usually turns into prr. nine0666 The essence of full-line rhyming is that all the words in each line rhyme.
In the case of a pure pantorhyme, all vowels in both lines are the same, i.e. every rhyme is exact. With full-line rhyming, all the words in the lines simply rhyme, whether it's accurate or not.
As you understand, the first option is much more difficult and, therefore, more honorable.
Pure pantorhyme (syllable to syllable):
Brought the hearse home. Typhoon
Matov attacked the farce. Dam riot,
While you were selling the caravan, it was high. Buuu!" © Lawanda
“The years are like an Odyssey on the outskirts,
The city of London against everyone, part two, man” © Oxxxymiron
And the psyche breaks out of life and rolls brownie" ©
This is a special case of multiple internal rhyme. All words, or almost all words in the lines, must contain the same syllable, or several common syllables.
In principle, half of all complex rhymes rest on partitions. This is a fundamental technique of rhyming, which, however, can also be a way of rhyming in itself. Let's consider all this in more detail. Partitions are:
The simplest partitions that are no better than pure squares. They are easy to come up with, and they do not represent much value.
Examples: pine tree = from sleep, arguments = to water, gun = sleep a hundred years, etc.
These divisions are the most popular, they are used by all more or less strong rhymers and do their job well.
Splitting in general is a rhyming technique in which the syllables of one longer word rhyme with the syllables of several shorter ones. nine0003
Still in the basement, still Parliament on the beat” © Oxxxymiron
I bring the concept to life with mercury or cyanide.” ©
These divisions themselves can be a great alternative to complex rhymes, because they sound just great. To write in this way, you need to have a very high level of rhyme.
Because you kiss my finger twenty-first” © Oxxxymiron
But an inept prestidigitator confused our cards. © Oxxxymiron
On the high seas, an aircraft carrier hawks the kraken" © Oxxxymiron
Boys, you are not Em, not even his emanation.