Rhyming words for come
234 best rhymes for 'come'
1 syllable
- I'm
- From
- Mum
- Some
- Them
- Numb
- Um
- Bum
- Dumb
- Drum
- Rum
- Thumb
- Scum
- Gum
- Hum
- Yum
- Slum
- Ton
- None
- One
- Un
- An
- Been
- Done
- Fun
- Run
- Son
- Gun
- Pun
- Crumb
- Chum
- Strum
2 syllables
- Rhythm
- Victim
- Album
- Venom
- Wisdom
- Random
- System
- Awesome
- Welcome
- Become
- Kingdom
- Bottom
- Problem
- Freedom
- Condom
- Adam
- Phantom
- Outcome
- Malcolm
- Poem
- Fathom
- Anthem
- Handsome
- Magnum
- Autumn
- Income
- Muslim
- Harlem
- Atom
- Succumb
- Blossom
- Ransom
- Gruesome
- Prism
- Saddam
- Custom
- Denim
- Gotham
- Stardom
- Seldom
- Islam
- William
- Boredom
- Threesome
- Heaven
- Season
- Children
- Lion
- Prison
- Lesson
- Dragon
- Mountain
- Poison
- Chosen
- Foreign
- Workin'
- Smokin'
- Fallen
- Villain
- Taken
- Written
- Jordan
- Captain
- Spoken
- Leavin'
- Question
- Gotten
- Ruin
- Movin'
- Beaten
- Haven't
- Cousin
- Rotten
- Driven
- Christian
- Asian
- Sudden
- Version
- Martin
- Given
- Begun
- Garden
- Million
- Human
- Jason
- Stolen
- Jackson
- Ion
- Button
- Pardon
- Fortune
- Happen
- Billion
- Justin
- Woman
- Seven
- Doesn't
- Talkin
- Vision
- Women
- Weapon
- Certain
- Thousand
- Frozen
- Actin
- Hidden
- C1
- Chicken
- Common
- Golden
- Person
- Sittin'
- Kitchen
- Often
- Demon
- Satan
- M1
- Listen
- Broken
- Gettin'
- Someone
- Couldn't
- Open
- Reason
- Lebron
- Quantum
- Tantrum
- Totem
- Lonesome
- Rectum
- Symptom
- Shotgun
- Forum
- Risen
- Semen
- Fearsome
- Item
- Spectrum
- Liam
- Possum
- Column
- Mortem
- Solemn
- Graham
- Salem
- Engine
- Bacon
- Phenom
- Tyson
- Spasm
3 syllables
- Platinum
- Eminem
- Minimum
- Overcome
- Racism
- Cranium
- Asylum
- Maximum
- Stadium
- Momentum
- Medium
- Imagine
- Decision
- Forgotten
- Religion
- Medicine
- Alien
- Superman
- Opinion
- Illusion
- Eleven
- Precision
- Anyone
- Everyone
- Confusion
- Opium
- Pendulum
- Podium
- Orgasm
- Valium
- Sodium
- Assassin
- Museum
- Sarcasm
- Troublesome
- Helium
4 syllables
- Lyricism
- Criticism
- Titanium
- Terrorism
- American
- Adrenaline
- Tv
- Uranium
- Millennium
- Optimism
- Exorcism
- Aluminum
- Mechanism
5 syllables
- Pandemonium
- Cannibalism
6 syllables
- Materialism
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Words That Rhyme with Come - Come Rhymes
We found 71 rhyming words for Come. These rhymes are great for any poet, rapper, singer, songwriter,etc who is struggling to find words that rhyme with come. You can click on the word you like for more information or for fun you can Unscramble come
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We found 71 rhymes for Come
You can browse the rhymes for Come below. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.
Rhyme | Len. | Syllables | PoS |
Alum | 4 | 2 | noun |
Ancrum | 6 | 2 | noun? |
Baucum | 6 | 2 | noun? |
Become | 6 | 2 | verb |
Bluhm | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Boyum | 5 | 2 | noun? |
Brum | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Brumm | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Bum | 3 | 1 | noun, verb, adjective satellite |
Chum | 4 | 1 | noun |
Clum | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Crum | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Crumb | 5 | 1 | noun, verb |
Crumm | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Cum | 3 | 1 | noun |
Drum | 4 | 1 | noun, verb |
Dum | 3 | 1 | noun? |
Dumb | 4 | 1 | adjective satellite |
Dumm | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Exum | 4 | 2 | noun? |
From | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Frum | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Glum | 4 | 1 | adjective satellite |
Gmbh | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Grum | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Gum | 3 | 1 | noun, verb |
Gumm | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Hum | 3 | 1 | noun, verb |
Humdrum | 7 | 2 | adjective satellite, noun |
Income | 6 | 2 | noun |
Klumb | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Krum | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Krumm | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Krumme | 6 | 1 | noun? |
Kumm | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Lum | 3 | 1 | noun? |
Lumb | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Lumm | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Maam | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Mccrum | 6 | 2 | noun? |
Mccrumb | 7 | 2 | noun? |
Mum | 3 | 1 | noun, adjective satellite |
Mumm | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Numb | 4 | 1 | adjective satellite, verb |
Outcome | 7 | 2 | noun |
Overcome | 8 | 3 | verb |
Pflum | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Plum | 4 | 1 | noun, adverb |
Plumb | 5 | 1 | adverb, noun, verb, adjective satellite |
Rhumb | 5 | 1 | noun |
Previous 1 2 Next
Antonyms of Come
- Depart
- Go Away
- Go
Homophones of Come
- Cum
- Kumm
Helpful Info
These are word lists that we think you may find interesting.
- Longest English Words
- Most Common English Words
- History Of Rhymes
- How To Find Rhymes
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Russian-English dictionary, translation into English
Russian-English dictionary - exemplary erudition
Russian-English dictionary - the prerogative to use the variant functionality, numbering several hundred thousand unique English words. To use the service, you will need to specify your preferred word in Russian: the English translation will be displayed in a pop-up list.
Russian-English Dictionary is an automated system that displays search results by relevance. The desired translation into English will be at the top of the list: alternative words are listed in order of how often they are used by native speakers. When you click on a query, a page with a selection of phrases will open: the system will display examples of using the searched word. nine0003
The Russian-English dictionary contains a search string, where a query is specified, and then a direct search is started. The system can "offer" the user examples of how to use the word: "hello" in English, "chrysanthemum" in English. Additional system options - display parts of speech (will be highlighted in the appropriate color). In WordMap, the Russian-English dictionary is characterized by the presence of a query filtering function, which will allow you to "weed out" unnecessary phrases. nine0003
Application of service and dignity
English translation with WordMap service - an opportunity to improve the student's vocabulary. Additional benefits in the use of WordMap:
- Words with different meanings that are optimized for any level of English proficiency;
- Russian-English dictionary contains examples to improve the practical skills of spoken English;
- The list of results shows all possible synonyms and paronyms that are common in complex English. nine0023
The online WordMap service offers a space for improving intellectual abilities, contributes to effective preparation for the exam. A quick translation into English can be used for a gaming purpose: to compete with a colleague or teammate; challenge the teacher by exceeding the expectations of your own mentor.
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Consultation for parents on the topic: "Education of a sense of rhyme in children of the older group" | Consultation (senior group):
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Pushkinsky municipal district
Kindergarten No. 15 “Aistenok”
Consultation for parents on:
“Education of a sense of rhyme in children of the older group”
prepared by the teacher:
Chebotareva Chebotareva Diana Tagirovna
Senior group No. 5
Pushkino, 2018
One of the fascinating and interesting forms of work on word creation is rhyme. nine0003
Not every adult feels rhyme, not everyone is given this God's gift. So are children. Someone can suggest a word in rhyme, but someone finds it difficult. But it's never too late to learn. And it is best to start from preschool age. When children, like a sponge, absorb all the information from the outside, think clearly, are not insecure, when you can still learn while playing.
No need to force, coerce, nothing good will come of it. You will kill the creative inclinations in children, they will lose the desire to think independently, they will wait for prompts and repeat after someone, even if this prompt was ridiculous. nine0003
It is not necessary to organize special classes and hammer in 30-35 minutes what rhyme is. This topic should be approached carefully, taking into account the mood and disposition of the children. This may be during their independent activities.
As if inadvertently clinging to a word spoken by a child. I heard: "garage". Here I say: "luggage". Oh, how difficult it is! Garage - luggage, like a poem. You can even come up with a quatrain for example
I went to the garage,
Taking luggage with them
And believe me, there will be no need to force them, they themselves will begin to pick up words similar in sound. And then they will work with interest, with passion. The rhyme theme is fascinating, but very difficult. It will take a lot of effort, attention and patience to master it at least a little.
First, explain to the children what rhyme is in a form that is accessible to their age. What to say in rhyme means to speak fluently, in verse. When speech flows like water on glass, without clinging to anything, without falling anywhere. They are pleasantly and softly perceived by ear, and like even strands of hair are woven into a beautiful braid, the lines rhyme just as skillfully and evenly, creating wonderful poems. For example, you can read the Russian folk tale about Shisha Valentina Kuplevatskaya Dobrikova. nine0003
Children will definitely like this fairy tale and will stimulate their work. They will repeatedly ask you to read it again, memorize it and from time to time repeat Shisha's folding verses:
Your grandfather Ivan
Put the cat in his pocket.
The cat cries and sobs,
scolds your grandfather.
And the coherent, but absurd verses of the peasant, the owner of the horse:
If you are Silantius
Then from my horse of dismounting.
Be sure to introduce D. Chiarde's famous poem "About amazing birds". nine0003
On the street
I saw yesterday.
He was carrying a box,
On the box
It is written: “Game”.
I followed him for two blocks
(Believe me, I'm not lying).
And finally
I asked him:
— And how to play
The game?
He smiled
Then he answered me:
— I'm sure,
What kind of game is this
You haven't met yet. nine0003
Two birds
In my box.
And if you want,
Then with you
We will play together.
And so that we
could begin,
You must remember,
What the dissimilar
These birds have
Such funny birds -
Very hard work.
No wonder people
Their rhymes
Name. nine0003
The birds are nimble
From the big box
Suddenly they started to pull
The word follows the word.
One got
The word NAIL,
The other immediately -
One got
The word SAD,
Another phrase:
One got
The word ELEPHANT,
The other got
RING and PHONE. nine0003
- Now,
- A man told me,
- It's time for us to play.
I will
Get the words,
You must
He took out the word Bump,
And I answered:
And two LEAVES at once,
And a parting POINT.
...We played with him for an hour
In similar words.
We are leaving you,
And you play yourself.
At the first stage, we are practicing from the syllable:
Well - pull, tone, wave ...
on - moon, wall, one ...
NOT - days, stump, sleep ...
You are flowers, screws, manti ...
TA - dream, beauty, fuss . ..
La - broom, saw, yula, came ...
Um - noise, naum, kum ...
Home - hold, raisins, perfume ... etc. nine0003
At the next stage we select a rhyme for the word:
Moon - one
Heat - light
Tyapka - cap
Country - Sea
Machine - Tire
Saw - whirligig
Nina - picture, etc.
At the third stage, we try to match not one word to the syllable, but a whole phrase. But for this, you first need to introduce children to the words signs (which, which, which) and the words actions (what to do, what to do):
BUT - BUT - BUT - I've been waiting for a long time, I'm going to the cinema;
RA - RA - RA - children played out, etc.
At the fourth stage, we begin to gradually expand the rhyme. To sound not only neat, but also beautiful. To do this, we introduce children to the words of helpers:
NA - NA - NA - I am sitting all alone;
- we caught a wild boar;
- at an open window;
- the round moon shines;
- the cat sat by the window. ..
BUT - BUT - BUT - I've been waiting for you for a long time;
- I am going to watch a movie; nine0003
- we open a window to the garden;
- as it is dark outside...
- I love you alone;
- I'm walking on a log...
- I got on the horse; nine0003
MU - MU - MU - pour some milk for someone;
- let me hug you; - I'll take you with me, etc. only sounded coherent, but also suited the meaning of the originally given line:
The sun has begun to set - Isn't it time to go to bed;
- We are tired of frolicking.
The squirrel hid in a hollow - It is dry and warm there;
- She was lucky today.
By the open window - I am sitting all alone; nine0003
- A wall has collapsed.
Little Zina - Standing by the shop;
- Her basket is in her hands.
I took the basket - I walk to the store;
- And I rush through the store.
The sun set behind the mountain - We went home ... etc.
Children love to play the didactic game “Give me a word”. It's fun and exciting. For a warm -up, I take any familiar works and read the ends, and the ends are prompted by children:
Uncle Styop this time
,drowning ... (Savior).
Very... (clean). nine0003
Fly went around the field
,Fly money ... (found), etc.
relaxed, enthusiasm and fun reign. And suddenly ... I read something completely unfamiliar. How to be? The rhyme must be chosen in such a way that it fits the meaning. And for this you need to think, and think seriously.
Gradually approached the sixth stage. We select a rhyme for two given words:
Moon, alone:
The yellow moon is shining,
I am going home alone.
For a long time, movie:
I was going to watch this movie for a long time
It’s cold, hungry:
It’s cold outside in winter,
And it’s cold for the little animals in the forest.
Fox wonders:
Miracle - miracle miracles -
The fox dances the field.
With each step, the tasks become more difficult. I propose to consider the plot picture, clarify what kind of plot is captured there and try to give a rhyming definition:
- Bunny, stretching his mustache
Runs away from the fox;
- Children go to kindergarten
There are many children in the kindergarten;
- The ball jumped and jumped
Got into the paws of a bunny.
Particular importance should be given to the topic "Comparison" in order for the language of children to be beautiful, poetic, so that they understand figurative expressions. You need to read as many poems and stories as possible, where there are fantastic comparisons. Be sure to comment. Constantly children delve into and independently read to indicate what is being compared with what in this case.
Dark forest with a cap
was a wonderful
and fell asleep under it
,tightly, unforgettable.
... As if with a veil, all dressed him.
... In the enchanted winter the forest stands bewitched.
And trees, and yards, and sleepy houses
Zimushka - Winter is wearing white fur coats.
Winter - she is Mother, because she is caring, she put on fur coats on trees, yards and houses so that they would not be cold. How does a mother take care of her children?
While walking, pay attention to what the clouds look like, what they are, light, white, fluffy, like cotton wool)
Ice is like glass, just as fragile. Try to split it.
Be sure to remember that the forest fell asleep for the winter until spring, soundly, soundly. nine0003
The river fell asleep, fell silent under the ice.
Winter froze streams, lakes, rivers.
It is necessary to listen to the birds singing in summer and compare them with their behavior in winter.
Like cotton wool clouds - white, fluffy,
And the needles of the Christmas tree are fresh, fragrant.
Children should be praised for each correctly chosen rhyme, and in case of failure, help and encourage. The kids are very happy - if they succeed, as if they are flying on wings, they get excited. nine0003
Children are very fond of being read Russian folk or fairy tales, listening to the stories of children's writers with pleasure. , about various fun, etc.), you can just play with them regularly.
- Invite them to be writers and write a work for their younger comrades;
- Offer to write a letter to a friend, which will tell about something that you want to share; nine0003
- Interview children on a given topic, where the educator is undoubtedly the reporter.
Then, if you try, you can come up with a lot.