Rhyming words for understand
248 best rhymes for 'understand'
1 syllable
- Stand
- Band
- Land
- Sand
- Planned
- Hand
- And
- Brand
- Cant
- Grand
- Plant
- Damned
- Ant
- Kept
- Tank
- Stabbed
- Slapped
- Past
- Dank
- Thank
- Bland
- Bank
- Trapped
- Strapped
- Cast
- Wrapped
- Grant
- Tanned
- Canned
- Task
- Stacked
- Snapped
- Banged
- Last
- Smashed
- Blast
- Blank
- Packed
- Rant
- Panned
- Slammed
- Spanned
- Fast
- Gland
- Scanned
- Asked
- Drank
- Grabbed
- Pant
- Strand
- Zand
- Tant
- Stank
- Chant
- Stant
- Frank
- Manned
- Smacked
- Mask
- Chand
- Tapped
- Vast
- Dant
- Fanned
- Rand
- Crashed
- Fact
- Scant
- Act
- Cracked
- Ask
- Gassed
- Slant
- Laughed
- Quant
- Gant
- Jammed
- Tap
- Hanged
- Sant
- Craft
- Stashed
- Clapped
- Crammed
- Fant
- Shank
- Scammed
- Camp
- Stamp
- Backed
- Crank
- Grasp
- Cap
- Rammed
- Dragged
- Bashed
- Jacked
- Spank
- Clammed
- Tagged
- Snap
- Nap
- Rank
- Zapped
- Mapped
- Halved
- Dashed
- Tat
- Ankh
- Tact
- Champ
- Cashed
- Slashed
- Bagged
- Clap
- Slap
- Map
- Lap
- Dat
- Snatched
- Napped
- Sank
- Plank
- Mashed
- Trashed
- Flashed
- Lapped
- Spat
- Crap
- Strap
- Cat
- Trap
- Bat
- Rap
- Gap
- Sapped
- Flapped
- Scrapped
- Blacked
- Jazzed
- Lacked
- Bask
- Swank
- Yank
- Apt
- Damp
- Mast
- Bast
- Gat
- Stack
- Stab
- That
- Jagged
- Lamp
- Classed
- Hast
- Flask
- Hank
- Splashed
- Whacked
- Gashed
- Lashed
- Stadt
- Clashed
- Nast
- Tak
- Nabbed
- Prank
- Gagged
- Jabbed
- Sat
- Pad
- Pack
- Chat
- Flat
- Dad
- Flank
- Patched
- Draft
- Zagged
- Shaft
- Clank
- Daft
- Scratched
- Hat
- Fat
- Tag
- Pat
- Glassed
- Matched
- Jank
- Lank
- Snagged
- Thatched
- Blabbed
- Thrashed
- Shalt
- Hacked
- Rat
- Back
- Bad
- At
- Nagged
- Hashed
- Vamp
- Taft
- Staffed
- Cask
- Sagged
- Gasp
- Sacked
- Rast
- Shrank
- Tramp
- Scrap
- Grassed
- Flagged
- Lagged
- Whack
- Wack
- Abt
- Latched
- Snacked
- Talc
- Bragged
- Clamp
- Bag
- Racked
- Slacked
2 syllables
- Firsthand
- Demand
- Surpassed
- Expand
- Withstand
- Command
- Burbank
- Harassed
- Nightstand
- Adapt
- Handstand
- Bandstand
- Grandstand
- Newsstand
3 syllables
- Wonderland
- Motherland
- Unsurpassed
- Understaffed
4 syllables
- Misunderstand
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Near rhymes with understandB-Rhymes | B-Rhymes
Word | Pronunciation | Score ? | ||
1 | misunderstand | misanduhrs_taan_d | 3932 | Definition |
2 | undermanned | anduhrmaan_d | 3813 | Definition |
3 | countermand | kah_uuntuhrmaan_d | 3700 | Definition |
4 | underpants | anduhrpaan_t_s | 3638 | Definition |
5 | secondhand | sekuhn_dhaan_d | 3633 | Definition |
6 | ampersand | aampuhrsaan_d | 3607 | Definition |
7 | commandant | komuhndaan_t | 3580 | Definition |
8 | portend | porten_d | 3580 | Definition |
9 | overhand | uh_uuvuhrhaan_d | 3535 | Definition |
10 | wonderland | wanduhrlaan_d | 3530 | Definition |
11 | offhand | ofhaan_d | 3515 | Definition |
12 | overspend | uh_uuvuhrs_pen_d | 3508 | Definition |
13 | candlestand | kaanduhls_taan_d | 3498 | Definition |
14 | goddamned | godaam_d | 3483 | Definition |
15 | underwent | anduhrwen_t | 3482 | Definition |
16 | command | kuhmaan_d | 3465 | Definition |
17 | forehand | fawrhaan_d | 3459 | Definition |
18 | shorthand | shawr_thaan_d | 3459 | Definition |
19 | beforehand | bifawrhaan_d | 3459 | Definition |
20 | unhand | anhaan_d | 3458 | Definition |
21 | borderland | bawrduhrlaan_d | 3456 | Definition |
22 | upstand | aps_taan_d | 3454 | Definition |
23 | normand | normaan_d | 3445 | Definition |
24 | strand | s_t_raan_d | 3442 | Definition |
25 | withstand | withs_taan_d | 3442 | Definition |
26 | stand | s_taan_d | 3442 | Definition |
27 | contraband | kont_ruhbaan_d | 3439 | Definition |
28 | contend | kuhnten_d | 3435 | Definition |
29 | multiplicand | maltip_likaan_d | 3433 | Definition |
30 | expand | eks_paan_d | 3433 | Definition |
31 | canned | kaan_d | 3433 | Definition |
32 | planned | p_laan_d | 3433 | Definition |
33 | forfend | fawrfen_d | 3433 | Definition |
34 | timberland | timbuhrlaan_d | 3432 | Definition |
35 | hinterland | hintuhrlaan_d | 3432 | Definition |
36 | band | baan_d | 3422 | Definition |
37 | gland | g_laan_d | 3422 | Definition |
38 | bands | baan_d_z | 3422 | Definition |
39 | bland | b_laan_d | 3422 | Definition |
40 | disband | disbaan_d | 3422 | Definition |
41 | brand | b_raan_d | 3422 | Definition |
42 | grand | g_raan_d | 3422 | Definition |
43 | supplant | suhp_laan_t | 3417 | Definition |
44 | aslant | uhs_laan_t | 3415 | Definition |
45 | sand | saan_d | 3414 | Definition |
46 | motherland | madhuhrlaan_d | 3409 | Definition |
47 | hands | haan_d_z | 3404 | Definition |
48 | hand | haan_d | 3404 | Definition |
49 | hildebrand | hilduhb_raan_d | 3390 | Definition |
50 | unmanned | anmaan_d | 3378 | Definition |
51 | fatherland | fardhuhrlaan_d | 3370 | Definition |
52 | overland | uh_uuvuhrlaan_d | 3366 | Definition |
53 | broadband | b_rawdbaan_d | 3366 | Definition |
54 | washstand | woshs_taan_d | 3356 | Definition |
55 | armband | arr_mbaan_d | 3356 | Definition |
56 | chargehand | charr_jhaan_d | 3353 | Definition |
57 | discontent | diskuhnten_t | 3340 | Definition |
58 | saraband | saaruhbaan_d | 3338 | Definition |
59 | pants | paan_t_s | 3338 | Definition |
60 | plant | p_laan_t | 3338 | Definition |
61 | damned | daam_d | 3338 | Definition |
62 | confidant | konfidaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
63 | confidante | konfidaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
64 | scant | s_kaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
65 | cant | kaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
66 | transplant | t_raan_zp_laan_t | 3338 | Definition |
67 | pant | paan_t | 3338 | Definition |
68 | decant | dikaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
69 | kant | kaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
70 | descant | deskaan_t | 3338 | Definition |
71 | brant | b_raan_t | 3327 | Definition |
72 | brandt | b_raan_t | 3327 | Definition |
73 | grant | g_raan_t | 3327 | Definition |
74 | demand | dimaan_d | 3323 | Definition |
75 | remand | rimaan_d | 3323 | Definition |
76 | longhand | longhaan_d | 3319 | Definition |
77 | slant | s_laan_t | 3319 | Definition |
78 | consent | kuhnsen_t | 3311 | Definition |
79 | concent | kuhnsen_t | 3311 | Definition |
80 | subtend | suhbten_d | 3310 | Definition |
81 | schantz | shaan_t_s | 3309 | Definition |
82 | fanged | faang_d | 3309 | Definition |
83 | firsthand | ferr_s_thaan_d | 3309 | Definition |
84 | attend | uhten_d | 3302 | Definition |
85 | append | uhpen_d | 3293 | Definition |
86 | torment | tawrmen_t | 3291 | Definition |
87 | newsstand | n_yuuzs_taan_d | 3290 | Definition |
88 | foreland | fawrlaan_d | 3290 | Definition |
89 | tableland | te_ibuhllaan_d | 3287 | Definition |
90 | firebrand | fah_i_uhrb_raan_d | 3281 | Definition |
91 | suspend | suhs_pen_d | 3276 | Definition |
92 | riverbank | rivuhrbaang_k | 3275 | Definition |
93 | ascend | uhsen_d | 3274 | Definition |
94 | offend | uhfen_d | 3264 | Definition |
95 | bookstand | buks_taan_d | 3262 | Definition |
96 | nightstand | nah_its_taan_d | 3262 | Definition |
97 | grandstand | g_raan_ds_taan_d | 3262 | Definition |
98 | inkstand | ing_ks_taan_d | 3262 | Definition |
99 | handstand | haan_ds_taan_d | 3262 | Definition |
What is B-Rhymes?
B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.
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How to choose a rhyme for the word understand?
Writing poetry is a fascinating thing, especially if you were born a poet who enjoys this work. Now it has become fashionable at school to give assignments for writing poetry. And who will help the children of elementary grades to accomplish this? The answer is obvious - of course, loving parents.
How to choose a rhyme
For example, how to choose a rhyme for the word "understand"? First, consider the meaning of the word. What does it mean to understand, whom to understand, with whom and what to understand. The ending should be the same as the original word, that is, the presence of the letters "T" and "b" is simply necessary. nine0003
Usually words that rhyme with others are arranged symmetrically throughout the poem, and finding a rhyme is not so easy. Even if the word is simple, it does not always alternate with other words.
For example, how to choose a rhyme for the word "understand". It is advisable to immediately choose the exact rhyme, but which would continue the idea of the work. There are many analogues to the word "understand", for example:
How to make rhymes? What are the rhymes in...
The most important thing that should be in a poem is rhymes. What are their types, soon you will become ...
- Take it down.
- Remove.
- Drive.
- Accept.
- Drive.
- Drop.
- Frightening.
- Wish.
The words "drive" and "drop" are exact rhymes, only one letter changes in them. In this case, the letter "P" changes to "G" and "R".
Writing poems
When searching for a rhyme, you don't need to grab the first word that comes across, it is advisable to work out several versions of the poem. In order not to be frightened and not to despair, not knowing how to choose a rhyme for the word "understand" or other words, you can use the dictionaries of the great scientists Ozhegov, Dahl, turn to morphological dictionaries. But we must not forget that poetry is written according to the mood and rhyme does not always dominate in them. nine0003
Nosov has a funny story about Dunno, who picked up the rhyme "herring" for the word "stick". The fact is that Dunno is not to blame, his friend Tsvetik incorrectly explained to him the essence of the rhyme. In rhyme, the main thing is not the ending (the words "stick" and "herring" end in KA), but that the rhymed words sound the same. A significant role in this is played by the vowel on which the stress falls. Therefore, knowing the rhyme for the word "understand", you can compose a rhyme:
Suitable rhyme for the word truth
Every creator of rhyming lines sometimes faces the problem of choosing consonant expressions....
It's easy to understand me,
You don't need to chase me.
Dropping flowers through the window
Our cat wishes.
A fifth-grader can compose a similar rhyme if he masters the techniques of rhyming.