Rhyming words for understand

248 best rhymes for 'understand'

1 syllable

  • Stand
  • Band
  • Land
  • Sand
  • Planned
  • Hand
  • And
  • Brand
  • Cant
  • Grand
  • Plant
  • Damned
  • Ant
  • Kept
  • Tank
  • Stabbed
  • Slapped
  • Past
  • Dank
  • Thank

  • Bland
  • Bank
  • Trapped
  • Strapped
  • Cast
  • Wrapped
  • Grant
  • Tanned
  • Canned
  • Task
  • Stacked
  • Snapped
  • Banged
  • Last
  • Smashed
  • Blast
  • Blank
  • Packed
  • Rant
  • Panned

  • Slammed
  • Spanned
  • Fast
  • Gland
  • Scanned
  • Asked
  • Drank
  • Grabbed
  • Pant
  • Strand
  • Zand
  • Tant
  • Stank
  • Chant
  • Stant
  • Frank
  • Manned
  • Smacked
  • Mask
  • Chand

  • Tapped
  • Vast
  • Dant
  • Fanned
  • Rand
  • Crashed
  • Fact
  • Scant
  • Act
  • Cracked
  • Ask
  • Gassed
  • Slant
  • Laughed
  • Quant
  • Gant
  • Jammed
  • Tap
  • Hanged
  • Sant

  • Craft
  • Stashed
  • Clapped
  • Crammed
  • Fant
  • Shank
  • Scammed
  • Camp
  • Stamp
  • Backed
  • Crank
  • Grasp
  • Cap
  • Rammed
  • Dragged
  • Bashed
  • Jacked
  • Spank
  • Clammed
  • Tagged

  • Snap
  • Nap
  • Rank
  • Zapped
  • Mapped
  • Halved
  • Dashed
  • Tat
  • Ankh
  • Tact
  • Champ
  • Cashed
  • Slashed
  • Bagged
  • Clap
  • Slap
  • Map
  • Lap
  • Dat
  • Snatched

  • Napped
  • Sank
  • Plank
  • Mashed
  • Trashed
  • Flashed
  • Lapped
  • Spat
  • Crap
  • Strap
  • Cat
  • Trap
  • Bat
  • Rap
  • Gap
  • Sapped
  • Flapped
  • Scrapped
  • Blacked
  • Jazzed

  • Lacked
  • Bask
  • Swank
  • Yank
  • Apt
  • Damp
  • Mast
  • Bast
  • Gat
  • Stack
  • Stab
  • That
  • Jagged
  • Lamp
  • Classed
  • Hast
  • Flask
  • Hank
  • Splashed
  • Whacked

  • Gashed
  • Lashed
  • Stadt
  • Clashed
  • Nast
  • Tak
  • Nabbed
  • Prank
  • Gagged
  • Jabbed
  • Sat
  • Pad
  • Pack
  • Chat
  • Flat
  • Dad
  • Flank
  • Patched
  • Draft
  • Zagged

  • Shaft
  • Clank
  • Daft
  • Scratched
  • Hat
  • Fat
  • Tag
  • Pat
  • Glassed
  • Matched
  • Jank
  • Lank
  • Snagged
  • Thatched
  • Blabbed
  • Thrashed
  • Shalt
  • Hacked
  • Rat
  • Back

  • Bad
  • At
  • Nagged
  • Hashed
  • Vamp
  • Taft
  • Staffed
  • Cask
  • Sagged
  • Gasp
  • Sacked
  • Rast
  • Shrank
  • Tramp
  • Scrap
  • Grassed
  • Flagged
  • Lagged
  • Whack
  • Wack

  • Abt
  • Latched
  • Snacked
  • Talc
  • Bragged
  • Clamp
  • Bag
  • Racked
  • Slacked

2 syllables

  • Firsthand
  • Demand
  • Surpassed
  • Expand
  • Withstand
  • Command
  • Burbank
  • Harassed
  • Nightstand
  • Adapt
  • Handstand
  • Bandstand
  • Grandstand
  • Newsstand

3 syllables

  • Wonderland
  • Motherland
  • Unsurpassed
  • Understaffed

4 syllables

  • Misunderstand

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Near rhymes with understandB-Rhymes | B-Rhymes

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 misunderstand misanduhrs_taan_d 3932 Definition
2 undermanned anduhrmaan_d 3813 Definition
3 countermand kah_uuntuhrmaan_d 3700 Definition
4 underpants anduhrpaan_t_s 3638 Definition
5 secondhand sekuhn_dhaan_d 3633 Definition
6 ampersand aampuhrsaan_d 3607 Definition
7 commandant komuhndaan_t 3580 Definition
8 portend porten_d 3580 Definition
9 overhand uh_uuvuhrhaan_d 3535 Definition
10 wonderland wanduhrlaan_d 3530 Definition
11 offhand ofhaan_d 3515 Definition
12 overspend uh_uuvuhrs_pen_d 3508 Definition
13 candlestand kaanduhls_taan_d 3498 Definition
14 goddamned godaam_d 3483 Definition
15 underwent anduhrwen_t 3482 Definition
16 command kuhmaan_d 3465 Definition
17 forehand fawrhaan_d 3459 Definition
18 shorthand shawr_thaan_d 3459 Definition
19 beforehand bifawrhaan_d 3459 Definition
20 unhand anhaan_d 3458 Definition
21 borderland bawrduhrlaan_d 3456 Definition
22 upstand aps_taan_d 3454 Definition
23 normand normaan_d 3445 Definition
24 strand s_t_raan_d 3442 Definition
25 withstand withs_taan_d 3442 Definition
26 stand s_taan_d 3442 Definition
27 contraband kont_ruhbaan_d 3439 Definition
28 contend kuhnten_d 3435 Definition
29 multiplicand maltip_likaan_d 3433 Definition
30 expand eks_paan_d 3433 Definition
31 canned kaan_d 3433 Definition
32 planned p_laan_d 3433 Definition
33 forfend fawrfen_d 3433 Definition
34 timberland timbuhrlaan_d 3432 Definition
35 hinterland hintuhrlaan_d 3432 Definition
36 band baan_d 3422 Definition
37 gland g_laan_d 3422 Definition
38 bands baan_d_z 3422 Definition
39 bland b_laan_d 3422 Definition
40 disband disbaan_d 3422 Definition
41 brand b_raan_d 3422 Definition
42 grand g_raan_d 3422 Definition
43 supplant suhp_laan_t 3417 Definition
44 aslant uhs_laan_t 3415 Definition
45 sand saan_d 3414 Definition
46 motherland madhuhrlaan_d 3409 Definition
47 hands haan_d_z 3404 Definition
48 hand haan_d 3404 Definition
49 hildebrand hilduhb_raan_d 3390 Definition
50 unmanned anmaan_d 3378 Definition
51 fatherland fardhuhrlaan_d 3370 Definition
52 overland uh_uuvuhrlaan_d 3366 Definition
53 broadband b_rawdbaan_d 3366 Definition
54 washstand woshs_taan_d 3356 Definition
55 armband arr_mbaan_d 3356 Definition
56 chargehand charr_jhaan_d 3353 Definition
57 discontent diskuhnten_t 3340 Definition
58 saraband saaruhbaan_d 3338 Definition
59 pants paan_t_s 3338 Definition
60 plant p_laan_t 3338 Definition
61 damned daam_d 3338 Definition
62 confidant konfidaan_t 3338 Definition
63 confidante konfidaan_t 3338 Definition
64 scant s_kaan_t 3338 Definition
65 cant kaan_t 3338 Definition
66 transplant t_raan_zp_laan_t 3338 Definition
67 pant paan_t 3338 Definition
68 decant dikaan_t 3338 Definition
69 kant kaan_t 3338 Definition
70 descant deskaan_t 3338 Definition
71 brant b_raan_t 3327 Definition
72 brandt b_raan_t 3327 Definition
73 grant g_raan_t 3327 Definition
74 demand dimaan_d 3323 Definition
75 remand rimaan_d 3323 Definition
76 longhand longhaan_d 3319 Definition
77 slant s_laan_t 3319 Definition
78 consent kuhnsen_t 3311 Definition
79 concent kuhnsen_t 3311 Definition
80 subtend suhbten_d 3310 Definition
81 schantz shaan_t_s 3309 Definition
82 fanged faang_d 3309 Definition
83 firsthand ferr_s_thaan_d 3309 Definition
84 attend uhten_d 3302 Definition
85 append uhpen_d 3293 Definition
86 torment tawrmen_t 3291 Definition
87 newsstand n_yuuzs_taan_d 3290 Definition
88 foreland fawrlaan_d 3290 Definition
89 tableland te_ibuhllaan_d 3287 Definition
90 firebrand fah_i_uhrb_raan_d 3281 Definition
91 suspend suhs_pen_d 3276 Definition
92 riverbank rivuhrbaang_k 3275 Definition
93 ascend uhsen_d 3274 Definition
94 offend uhfen_d 3264 Definition
95 bookstand buks_taan_d 3262 Definition
96 nightstand nah_its_taan_d 3262 Definition
97 grandstand g_raan_ds_taan_d 3262 Definition
98 inkstand ing_ks_taan_d 3262 Definition
99 handstand haan_ds_taan_d 3262 Definition

What is B-Rhymes?

B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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How to choose a rhyme for the word understand?

Writing poetry is a fascinating thing, especially if you were born a poet who enjoys this work. Now it has become fashionable at school to give assignments for writing poetry. And who will help the children of elementary grades to accomplish this? The answer is obvious - of course, loving parents.

How to choose a rhyme

For example, how to choose a rhyme for the word "understand"? First, consider the meaning of the word. What does it mean to understand, whom to understand, with whom and what to understand. The ending should be the same as the original word, that is, the presence of the letters "T" and "b" is simply necessary. nine0003

Usually words that rhyme with others are arranged symmetrically throughout the poem, and finding a rhyme is not so easy. Even if the word is simple, it does not always alternate with other words.

For example, how to choose a rhyme for the word "understand". It is advisable to immediately choose the exact rhyme, but which would continue the idea of ​​​​the work. There are many analogues to the word "understand", for example:

How to make rhymes? What are the rhymes in...

The most important thing that should be in a poem is rhymes. What are their types, soon you will become ...

  • Take it down.
  • Remove.
  • Drive.
  • Accept.
  • Drive.
  • Drop.
  • Frightening.
  • Wish.

The words "drive" and "drop" are exact rhymes, only one letter changes in them. In this case, the letter "P" changes to "G" and "R".

Writing poems

When searching for a rhyme, you don't need to grab the first word that comes across, it is advisable to work out several versions of the poem. In order not to be frightened and not to despair, not knowing how to choose a rhyme for the word "understand" or other words, you can use the dictionaries of the great scientists Ozhegov, Dahl, turn to morphological dictionaries. But we must not forget that poetry is written according to the mood and rhyme does not always dominate in them. nine0003

Nosov has a funny story about Dunno, who picked up the rhyme "herring" for the word "stick". The fact is that Dunno is not to blame, his friend Tsvetik incorrectly explained to him the essence of the rhyme. In rhyme, the main thing is not the ending (the words "stick" and "herring" end in KA), but that the rhymed words sound the same. A significant role in this is played by the vowel on which the stress falls. Therefore, knowing the rhyme for the word "understand", you can compose a rhyme:

Suitable rhyme for the word truth

Every creator of rhyming lines sometimes faces the problem of choosing consonant expressions....

It's easy to understand me,

You don't need to chase me.

Dropping flowers through the window

Our cat wishes.

A fifth-grader can compose a similar rhyme if he masters the techniques of rhyming.

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