Super short stories for kids
10 Lines Short Stories With Moral Lessons for Kids
Published February 4, 2021
When trying to impart an important moral lesson to kids, short stories are often the go-to for most parents. It not only tickles their imagination, but it also teaches them about life.
Short stories have a way of teaching lessons that makes them more relatable and interesting. Rather than just telling your kid not to lie, relating a short story about it helps them understand what happens when they lie. It helps them become more aware of their actions and their consequences. The moral lessons from these stories also help shape their character and moral compass as they grow old.
Here are 10 short stories with moral lessons that your kids (and even some adults) will learn a thing or two from:
1. The Hare and the TortoiseThere was once a hare who was friends with a tortoise. One day, he challenged the tortoise to a race. Seeing how slow the tortoise was going, the hare thought he’ll win this easily. So he took a nap while the tortoise kept on going. When the hare woke up, he saw that the tortoise was already at the finish line. Much to his chagrin, the tortoise won the race while he was busy sleeping.
Moral of the story:
There are actually a couple of moral lessons we can learn from this story. The hare teaches that overconfidence can sometimes ruin you. While the tortoise teaches us about the power of perseverance. Even if all the odds are stacked against you, never give up. Sometimes life is not about who’s the fastest or the strongest, it’s about who is the most consistent.
2. The Dog and the BoneOnce there was a dog who wandered the streets night and day in search of food. One day, he found a big juicy bone and he immediately grabbed it between his mouth and took it home. On his way home, he crossed a river and saw another dog who also had a bone in its mouth. He wanted that bone for himself too. But as he opened his mouth, the bone he was biting fell into the river and sank. That night, he went home hungry.
Moral of the story:
If we always envy what others have, we’ll end up losing what we already have, just like the greedy dog.
3. The Thirsty CrowAfter flying a long distance, a thirsty crow was wandering the forest in search of water. Finally, he saw a pot half-filled with water. He tried to drink from it but his beak wasn’t long enough to reach the water inside. He then saw pebbles on the ground and one by one, he put them in the pot until the water rose to the brim. The crow then hastily drank from it and quenched his thirst.
Moral of the story:
If there’s a will, there’s a way. Every problem has a solution if we just look hard enough and don’t give up.
4. Lazy JohnThere was a boy named John who was so lazy, he couldn’t even bother to change his clothes. One day, he saw that the apple tree in their yard was full of fruits. He wanted to eat some apples but he was too lazy to climb the tree and take the fruits. So he lay down underneath the tree and waited for the fruits to fall off. John waited and waited until he was very hungry but the apples never fell.
Moral of the story:
Laziness can get you nowhere. If you want something, you need to work hard for it.
5. The Fox and The GrapesOnce there was a hungry fox who stumbled upon a vineyard. After seeing the round, juicy grapes hanging in a bunch, the fox drooled. But no matter how high he jumped, he couldn’t reach for it. So he told himself that it was probably sour and left. That night, he had to sleep on an empty stomach.
Moral of the Story:
Most of us have the tendency to act like the fox. When we want something but think it’s too hard to attain, we make up excuses. We tell ourselves that it’s probably not that great instead of working hard for it.
6. The Ant and The GrasshopperThe ant and the grasshopper were good friends. In the summer, the ant works hard to fill his storage with food. While the grasshopper was enjoying the fine weather and playing all day. When winter came, the ant was lying cozily in his home surrounded by the food he stored during the summer. While the grasshopper was in his home, hungry and freezing. He asked the ant for food and the ant gave him some. But it wasn’t enough to last the entire winter. When he tried to ask the ant again, the latter replied: “I’m sorry my friend but my food is just enough for my family to last until the end of winter. If I give you more, we too will starve. We had the entire summer to prepare for the winter but you chose to play instead.”
Moral of the story:
Winter, in this story, represents a time in our life where food and resources are scarce. While summer is that time where everything is abundant. So if you have a lot right now, save some of it for the winter.
7. The Boy Who Cried WolfThere was once a shepherd boy who liked to play tricks. One day, while he was watching over the herd, the boy decided to play a trick and cried “wolf! wolf!”. The people who heard rushed over to help him. But they were disappointed when they saw that there was no wolf and the boy was laughing at them. The next day, he did it again and people rushed to his aid only to be disappointed once again. On the third day, the boy saw a wolf devouring one of his sheep and cried for help. But the people who heard him thought this is just another of the boy’s pranks so no one came to help him. That day, the boy lost some of his sheep to the wolf.
Moral of the story:
If you always lie and cheat on other people, there will come a time when no one will believe you anymore.
8. The Ugly DucklingMost of us have probably heard of this story as this is one of the most popular fairy tales in the world. The story revolves around a duckling who from the moment of his birth has always felt different from his siblings. He was always picked on because he didn’t look like the rest of them. One day, he had enough and ran away from the pond he grew up in. He wandered near and far looking for a family who would accept him. Months passed and seasons changed but everywhere he went, nobody wanted him because he was such an ugly duck. Then one day, he came upon a family of swans. Upon looking at them, he realized that during the months he spent looking for a family to call his own, he had grown into a beautiful swan. Now he finally understood why he never looked like the rest of his siblings because he isn’t a duck but a swan.
Moral of the story:
We shouldn’t be too quick to judge others based on their physical appearance. Just because someone doesn’t fit societal definitions of beauty doesn’t mean they’re ugly. Each of us is beautiful in our own unique way and it’s time we accept and celebrate that individuality.
9. The Lion and the Poor SlaveThere was once a slave who was treated cruelly by his master. One day, he couldn’t take it anymore and ran away to the forest to escape. There he chanced upon a lion who couldn’t walk because of the thorn in its paw. Although he’s scared, the slave mustered his courage and took out the thorn in the lion’s paw. When the lion was finally free of the thorn, he ran into the forest and didn’t harm the slave. Sometime later, the slave was caught by his master along with some animals in the forest. The master then ordered the slave to be thrown into the lion’s den. When the slave saw the lion, he recognized it as the same lion he helped in the forest. The slave was able to escape the den unharmed and he freed all the other animals.
Moral of the story:
The good you did will always have a way of coming back to you. So do good deeds and be kind to others and the world will be kind to you.
10. The Elephant and the AntsThere was once a proud elephant who always bullied smaller animals. He would go to the anthill near his home and spray water at the ants. The ants, with their size, could do nothing but cry. The elephant just laughed and threatened the ants that he would crush them to death. One day, the ants had enough and decided to teach the elephant a lesson. They went straight into the elephant’s trunk and started biting him. The elephant could only howl in pain. He realized his mistake and apologized to the ants and all the animals he bullied.
Moral of the story:
Be humble and treat everyone with kindness. If you think you’re stronger than others, then use your strength to protect them instead of harming them.
21 Must-Read Short Moral Stories For Kids
Each story has a lesson to teach.
Stories for kids are perhaps the best approach to teach them life lessons. You may teach children morals and values without coming across as preachy when you take the storytelling route. So why not cook up some interesting short moral stories for kids to have a fun learning experience.
If you are still unsure and feel confused, here is a collection of fun stories with videos that you may use the next time your kid requests a story.
The classics are the best. These are short stories we have heard more than once, and even told more than once. But we like listening to these stories and telling them to our kids and anyone who is willing to listen!
Classic Moral Stories
1. The boy who cried wolf
Once upon a time, there lived a shepherd boy who was bored watching his flock of sheep on the hill. To amuse himself, he shouted, “Wolf! Wolf! The sheep are being chased by the wolf!” The villagers came running to help the boy and save the sheep. They found nothing and the boy just laughed looking at their angry faces.
“Don’t cry ‘wolf’ when there’s no wolf boy!”, they said angrily and left. The boy just laughed at them.
After a while, he got bored and cried ‘wolf!’ again, fooling the villagers a second time. The angry villagers warned the boy a second time and left. The boy continued watching the flock. After a while, he saw a real wolf and cried loudly, “Wolf! Please help! The wolf is chasing the sheep. Help!”
But this time, no one turned up to help. By evening, when the boy didn’t return home, the villagers wondered what happened to him and went up the hill. The boy sat on the hill weeping. “Why didn’t you come when I called out that there was a wolf?” he asked angrily. “The flock is scattered now”, he said.
An old villager approached him and said, “People won’t believe liars even when they tell the truth. We’ll look for your sheep tomorrow morning. Let’s go home now”.
Lying breaks trust. Nobody trusts a liar, even when he is telling the truth.
Did you know?
You can find out if someone is lying by noticing the change in their tone and speech.
2. The Midas touch
In ancient Greek, there was a king named Midas. He had a lot of gold and everything he needed. He also had a beautiful daughter. Midas loved his gold very much, but he loved his daughter more than his riches.
One day, a satyr named Silenus got drunk and passed out in Midas’ rose garden. Believing that Satyrs always bring good luck, Midas lets Silenus rest in his palace until he is sober, against the wishes of his wife and daughter. Silenus is a friend of Dionysus, the god of wine and celebration. Upon learning Midas’ kindness towards his friend, Dionysus decides to reward the keg.
When asked to wish for something, Midas says “I wish everything I touch turns to gold”. Although Dionysus knew it was not a great idea, he granted Midas his wish.
Happy that his wish was granted, Midas went around touching random things in the garden and his palace and turned them all into gold. He touched an apple, and it turned into a shiny gold apple. His subjects were astonished but happy to see so much gold in the palace.
In his happiness, Midas went and hugged his daughter, and before he realized, he turned her into a lifeless, golden statue! Aghast, Midas ran back to the garden and called for Dionysus. He begged the god to take away his power and save his daughter. Dionysus gives Midas a solution to change everything back to how it was before the wish. Midas learned his lesson and lived the rest of his life content with what he had.
Do not get greedy. Be happy and content with what you have.
Related: 11 Inspirational & Motivational Stories With Morals For Children
3. The golden egg
Image: Shutterstock
Once upon a time, a farmer had a goose that laid a golden egg every day. The egg provided enough money for the farmer and his wife for their day-to-day needs. The farmer and his wife were happy for a long time. But one day, the farmer got an idea and thought, “Why should I take just one egg a day? Why can’t I take all of them at once and make a lot of money?”
The foolish farmer’s wife also agreed and decided to cut the goose’s stomach for the eggs. As soon as they killed the bird and opened the goose’s stomach, to find nothing but guts and blood. The farmer, realizing his foolish mistake, cries over the lost resource!
The English idiom “kill not the goose that lays the golden egg” was also derived from this classic story.
Think before you act.
4. The miser and his gold
Image: iStock
An old miser lived in a house with a garden. The miser hid his gold coins in a pit under some stones in the garden. Every day, before going to bed, the miser went to the stones where he hid the gold and counted the coins. He continued this routine every day, but not once did he spend the gold he saved.
One day, a thief who knew the old miser’s routine, waited for the old man to go back into his house. After it was dark, the thief went to the hiding place and took the gold. The next day, the old miser found that his treasure was missing and started crying loudly.
His neighbor heard the miser’s cries and inquired about what happened. On learning what happened, the neighbor asked, “Why didn’t you save the money inside the house? It would’ve been easier to access the money when you had to buy something!”
“Buy?”, said the miser. “I never used the gold to buy anything. I was never going to spend it.”
On hearing this, the neighbor threw a stone into the pit and said, “If that is the case, save the stone. It is as worthless as the gold you have lost”.
A possession is just as worthy of what it is used for.
5. The tortoise and the bird
Image: Shutterstock
A tortoise was resting under a tree, on which a bird had built its nest. The tortoise spoke to the bird mockingly, “What a shabby home you have! It is made of broken twigs, it has no roof, and looks crude. What’s worse is that you had to build it yourself. I think my house, which is my shell, is much better than your pathetic nest”.
“Yes, it is made of broken sticks, looks shabby and is open to the elements of nature. It is crude, but I built it, and I like it.”
“I guess it’s just like any other nest, but not better than mine”, said the tortoise. “You must be jealous of my shell, though.”
“On the contrary”, the bird replied. “My home has space for my family and friends; your shell cannot accommodate anyone other than you. Maybe you have a better house. But I have a better home”, said the bird happily.
Better a crowded hut than a lonely mansion.
Did you know?
Tortoises can follow the human voice and they hear really well (1).
6. The cows and the tiger
Image: iStock
Four cows lived in a forest near a meadow. They were good friends and did everything together. They grazed together and stayed together, because of which no tigers or lions were able to kill them for food.
But one day, the friends fought and each cow went to graze in a different direction. A tiger and a lion saw this and decided that it was the perfect opportunity to kill the cows. They hid in the bushes and surprised the cows and killed them all, one by one.
Unity is strength.
Witty Moral Stories
Who says moral stories for kids need to be all serious or morose? Here are a few that have a touch of humor.
Related: Top 25 Short Panchatantra Stories For Kids
7. The four students
Image: iStock
There were four friends who hated studying. They partied all night before their exams and planned to skip the test by lying to the professor. So they went to the dean and told him that they had been to a wedding the previous night and on their way back, they had a flat tire. They continued to say that they had to push the car all the way back, as they didn’t have a spare tire and hence, were not in a position to write the exam.
The dean listened and agreed to let them take the test on a later date. Happy that they got a second chance, the four friends studied hard and were ready for the exam. On exam day, the dean asked the students to sit in separate classrooms, which the students agreed to.
The examination paper had only two questions, for a total of 100 marks. The questions were thus:
- Your name:
- Which tire of the car burst: a) Front left b) Front right c) Rear left d) Rear right
You may be smart, but there are people smarter than you in the world.
8. The boasting traveler (Aesop’s fables)
Image: iStock
A man came back from a tour and boasted about his adventurous journeys. He talked at length about the different people he met and his amazing feats that got him fame and praise from people everywhere. He went on to say that he went to the Rhodes where he had leaped to such distances that no man could ever match his feat.
He even went on to say that there were witnesses who would vouch for his words. Hearing the man boast so much, a smart bystander said, “Oh good man, we do not need any witnesses to believe your words. Imagine this place to be Rhodes and leap for us”.
The lying traveler didn’t know what to do and went away quietly.
He who does a thing well does not need to boast.
9. The camel and the baby
Image: Shutterstock
One day, a camel and her baby were chatting. The baby asked, “Mother, why do we have humps?” The mother replied, “Our humps are for storing water so that we can survive in the desert”.
“Oh”, said the child, “and why do we have rounded feet mother?” “Because they are meant to help us walk comfortably in the desert. These legs help us move around in the sand.”
“Alright. But why are our eyelashes so long?” “To protect our eyes from the desert dust and sand. They are the protective covers for the eyes”, replied the mother camel.
The baby camel thought for a while and said, “So we have humps to store water for desert journeys, rounded hooves to keep us comfortable when we walk in the desert sand, and long eyelashes to protect us from sand and dust during a desert storm. Then what are we doing in a zoo?”
The mother was dumbfounded.
Your strengths, skills, and knowledge are useless if you are not in the right place.
Did you know?
There are more than 160 words for camel in Arabic (2).
10. The farmer and the well
Image: Shutterstock
A farmer looking for a source of water for his farm bought a well from his neighbor. The neighbor was cunning, though, and refused to let the farmer take water from the well. On asking why, he replied, “I sold the well to you, not the water”, and walked away. The distraught farmer didn’t know what to do. So he went to Birbal, a clever man and one of the nine courtiers of Emperor Akbar, for a solution.
The emperor called the farmer and his neighbor and asked why the man was not letting the farmer draw water from the well. The cunning man said the same thing again, “I sold the well, not the water. So he cannot take my water”.
To this, Birbal replied, “All that sounds fine to me. But if you have sold the water and the water is yours, then you have no business keeping your water in his well. Remove the water or use it all up immediately. If not the water will belong to the owner of the well”.
Realizing that he’s been tricked and taught his lesson, the man apologized and left.
Cheating will not get you anything. If you do cheat, you’ll pay for it soon enough.
Fables From Everywhere
This section has fables and good short stories with morals for children, from different parts of the world.
11. True friends love you anyway
Image: iStock
Lord Krishna and Sudama were childhood friends. While Krishna thrived and prospered, Sudama didn’t. He led the life of a poor Brahmin man, living in a small hut with his wife and kids. Most days, the kids wouldn’t even get enough to eat from what Sudama got as alms. One day, his wife suggested that he go and ask his friend Krishna for help.
Sudama was reluctant to seek favors, but he also didn’t want his kids to suffer. So his wife borrows some rice from the neighbors to make some rice snacks that Krishna liked, and gave it to Sudama to take it to his friend. Sudama took it and set out to Dwaraka. He was amazed at the gold that was used to build the city. He reached the palace gates and was obstructed by the guards, who judged him by his torn dhoti and poor appearance.
Sudama requested the guards to at least inform Krishna that his friend Sudama has come to meet him. The guard, although reluctant, goes and informs the lord. On hearing that Sudama was here, Krishna stops doing whatever he was doing and runs barefoot to meet his childhood friend.
Krishna hugs Sudama, welcomes him to his abode and treats him with utmost love and respect. Sudama, ashamed of the poor man’s rice snacks he got for Krishna, tries to hide it. But the all-knowing Krishna asks Sudama for his gift and eats his favorite rice snacks that his friend brought for him.
Krishna and his friend spend time laughing and talking about their childhood but Sudama, overwhelmed by the kindness and compassion showed by his friend, is unable to ask for help. When he returns home, Sudama finds that his hut has been replaced by a huge mansion and his wife and kids are dressed in fine clothes.
Sudama realized how lucky he was to have a true friend like Krishna. He didn’t even ask, but Krishna knew what Sudama wanted and gave it to him.
True friends do not distinguish between rich and poor. They are always there for you when you need them.
Related: 11 Short Indian Mythological Stories With Morals For Kids
12. Elephant and friends
Image: Shutterstock
A lone elephant wandered the forest looking for friends. She came across a monkey and asked, “Will you be my friend, monkey?” “You are too big and cannot swing on trees as I do. So I cannot be your friend”, said the monkey.
The elephant then came across a rabbit and asked him if she could be his friend. “You are too big to fit inside my burrow. You cannot be my friend”, replied the rabbit.
Then the elephant met a frog and asked if she could be her friend. The frog said “You are too big and heavy. You cannot jump like me. I am sorry, but you cannot be my friend”.
The elephant asked a fox, and he got the same reply, that he was too big. The next day, all the animals in the forest were running in fear. The elephant stopped a bear and asked what was happening and was told that a tiger has been attacking all the animals.
The elephant wanted to save the other weak animals and went to the tiger and said “Please sir, leave my friends alone. Do not eat them”. The tiger didn’t listen and asked the elephant to mind her own business. Seeing no other way to solve the problem, the elephant kicked the tiger and scared it away.
She then went back to the others and told them what happened. On hearing how the elephant saved their lives, the animals agreed in unison, “You are just the right size to be our friend”.
Friends come in all shapes and sizes!
13. The wolf and the shepherds
Image: Shutterstock
This is one of the many Aesop’s fables that one can relate to in any day and age.
One day a wolf was chased away from a farm for trying to steal some of the sheep for food. Later that week, the wolf came back to the farm hoping to find some food. He peeped inside the house and found the farmer and his family feasting on lamb roast.
“Aha!”, he thought. “If I were to do the same thing that the farmer and his family are doing now, I would be shunted and chased, or even killed for killing a weak, innocent lamb. ”
We are quick to judge and condemn others for what they do, but see nothing wrong in doing so ourselves.
14. The young crab and his mother
Image: Shutterstock
One day, a young crab and his mother were on the beach, spending some time together. The young crab gets up to move, but it can only walk sideways. His mother scolds him for walking sideways and asks him to walk forward by pointing his toes out front. The young crab responds, “I would like to walk forward mom, but I do not know how to”.
Hearing this, his mom gets up to show him how, but even she is unable to bend her knees forward. She realizes that she was being unfair, apologizes sheepishly, and sits back in the sand.
Don’t condemn someone for not doing something that you yourself are unable to do.
15. The other side of the wall
Image: Shutterstock
A young woman inherited a beautiful garden from her grandmother. She loved gardening too and was very proud of her garden. One day, she saw a very beautiful plant in a catalog and wanted that for her garden. She ordered it and planted it at the base of the stonewall in her backyard. She took great care of the plant, which grew quickly and had beautiful green leaves on it.
Months passed, but not a single flower bloomed on the tree. Vexed, she almost wanted to cut the tree down. At such a time, her invalid called and said, “Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers. You have no idea how much I enjoy looking at the blooms of the vine you have planted”.
Hearing this, the young girl rushes to the neighbor’s side of the wall and sees the most beautiful flower in bloom. All the care she took had paid off. Only the vine crept through the crevices because of which it did not flower on her side of the wall but did generously on the other side.
Just because you cannot see the good results of your efforts does not mean that it bore no fruit.
Modern Moral Stories
Morals that most fables come with are timeless, although the stories may be ancient. So, here are a few modern short stories with the same morals for kids that the age-old fables came with.
Related: 9 Funny And Interesting Short Stories For Kids To Read
16. The dog at the well
Image: iStock
A dog and her pups lived on a farm, where there was a well. The mother dog told the pups, do not go near the well or play around it. One of the pups wondered why they shouldn’t go to the well and decided to explore it. He went to the well. Climbed up the wall and peeked inside.
There, he saw his reflection and thought it was another dog. The pup saw that the other dog in the well (his reflection) was doing whatever he was doing, and got angry for imitating him. He decided to fight with the dog and jumped into the well, only to find no dog there. He barked and barked and swam until the farmer came and rescued him. The pup had learned his lesson.
Always listen to what the elders say. Question them, but do not defy them.
Did you know?
Greyhounds are faster than cheetahs. Their top speed of 45mph makes them cross paths in a few seconds (3).
17. Controlling anger
Image: Shutterstock
There was once a young boy who had a problem controlling his temper. When he became angry, he would just say anything that came to his mind and hurt people. So his father gave him a bag of nails and a hammer and said, “Every time you get angry, hammer one nail into the fence in our backyard”.
The first few days the boy hammered so many nails that he emptied half the bag. Over the weeks, the number of nails he hammered to the fence reduced and gradually, his temper was much in control. Then came a day when he didn’t lose his temper at all. His father asked him to remove one nail each day so that he manages to control his temper.
Finally, on the day the child was removing the last nail, his father says, “You have done well, boy. But do you see the holes in the wall? The fence is never going to be the same, even after repainting. Likewise, when you say mean things in anger, you will leave a scar in the person’s mind, as the nails did to the fence”.
Anger is a dangerous weapon like a knife. When you put a knife in a man and draw it out, the wound heals but the scar remains.
18. The wet pants
Image: Shutterstock
A nine-year-old boy was sitting at his desk in class, when suddenly, his pants felt wet, and there was a puddle at his feet. His heart almost skipped a beat, as he got worried that his classmates would see that and make fun of him.
He quickly wanted to do something, and saw the teacher and his classmate Susie walking towards him. Susie was carrying a bowl of goldfish. As they came closer, the boy thought that the teacher noticed his wet pants, and suddenly Susie trips and drops the fishbowl in his lap. While thanking God for helping him, he pretends to get angry with Susie and yells at her.
Everyone in the class thinks it is Susie’s fault that the boy’s pants got wet. The teacher helps the boy change into dry clothes, and the class continues. Later that evening, the boy asks Susie, “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” “I wet my pants once too”, whispers Susie.
Each one of us goes through good days and bad days. Only those who help you out on your bad days are your true friends.
19. Bad habits
Image: iStock
A wealthy businessman was worried about his son’s bad habits. He sought counsel from a wise, old man. The old man met the man’s son and took him out for a stroll. They walked into the woods, and the old man showed the boy a small sapling and asked him to pull it out. The boy did so with ease, and they walked on.
The old man then asked the boy to pull out a small plant. The boy did that too, with a little effort. As they walked, the old man asked the boy to pull out the bush, which he did. The next was a small tree, which the child had to struggle a lot to pull out. Finally, the old man showed him a bigger tree and asked the child to pull it out.
The child failed to pull it out even after trying several times, in different ways. The old man looks at the boy, smiles and says, “So is the case with habits, good or bad”.
Bad habits are hard to get rid of once they have settled in our system. It is best to get rid of them early on.
Related: 25 Short Bible Stories For Children To Read
20. Good company, bad company
Image: Shutterstock
Two parrots built a nest in a banyan tree. They lived with their two young ones, which they took good care of. The mother and the father parrot went out to gather food in the morning and came back home by evening. One day, when their parents were away, the young parrots were taken by a cruel hunter.
One of the birds managed to escape and flew away from the hunter. He ended up at a hermitage and grew up listening to kind words and compassion. The hunter put the other parrot in a cage, and soon it learned a few words and phrases. The hunter and his family were crude and didn’t care much about kind words.
One day, a passerby was resting outside the hunter’s hut. Sensing someone outside, the parrot said, “Fool, why are you here? Fool! Leave! I’ll cut your throat”. Scared, the traveler went away, and on his journey, he reached the hermitage where the other parrot was. The parrot at the hermitage spoke, “Welcome traveler. You are free to stay here as long as you want”.
Surprised, the traveler told the parrot that he encountered a similar parrot elsewhere and it was very cruel. How is that you are so kind?” The parrot replied, “That must be my brother. I live with the sages, and my brother lives with hunters. I learned the sage’s language, and my brother learned the hunter’s language. The company we keep decides who we will be”.
Keep good company if you want to be a good person.
21. The man and the cat
Image: iStock
One day, a man was walking by a road when he heard a cat meowing from the bushes nearby. The cat was stuck and needed help getting out. When the man reached out, the cat got scared and scratched the man. The man screamed in pain but didn’t back down. He tried again and again, even as the cat continued to scratch his hands.
Another passerby saw this and said, “Just let it be! The cat will find a way to come out later”. The man didn’t pay heed but tried until he helped the cat. Once he let the cat free, he told the other man, “The cat is an animal, and its instincts make him scratch and attack. I am a human and my instincts make me compassionate and kind”.
Treat everyone around you like you want to be treated. Adhere to your own rules or ethics, not theirs.
1. What kind of stories are good for my child?
At their nascent stage, children enjoy reading or listening to stories that are simple, easy to follow and have a fascinating storyline. Fairy tales, fables and folktales, trickster tales, and rhyming stories are some of the best story types that children may love.
2. What makes a story interesting?
An engaging and exciting story has memorable characters, a gripping narrative, plots, and subplots. It should have drama, suspense, emotion, relatability, and spark your child’s imagination.
3. What are the different types of children’s story books?
They are primarily of two types- fiction and nonfiction. They are further classified into chapter-based story books, classic fairytale story books, children’s literature, pictures or illustrative books, folklore, juvenile fiction or nonfiction books, novels, and more.
Moral stories for kids are a wonderful way to teach your children some important life lessons. They help in the development of a strong character and ethics. These stories will also help your children be grounded and prevent them from straying away from moral values. ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf,’ ‘The Golden Egg,’ and ‘The Miser And His Gold’ are some classic moral stories they will love. Hence, introduce some moral stories in their bedtime routine for a relaxing and engaging storytime that will help them imbibe good values effortlessly.
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Vitaliy Bianchi's story, read online
Vitaliy Bianchi
Musician - Vitaliy Bianchi's instructive story for children. The author tells about an old bear cub who really wanted to become a musician, for this he even played the violin. But the melody turned out clumsy and unsightly. A random collective farmer gave advice to the bear cub to stop playing the violin, it is better to hunt the bear. The negligent musician followed the advice of a passerby, but his opinion changed from what he saw in the forest. The Musician's story with an unusual ending will cheer up all family members. nine0003
Reading time: 2 min.
An old bear cub was sitting on a mound and chirping on a violin. He was very fond of music and tried to learn to play himself. He did not do well, but the old man was pleased that he had his own music. A familiar collective farmer passed by and said to the old man:
— Throw down your violin, grab your gun. You're better off with a gun. I just saw a bear in the forest.
The old man put down his violin and asked the collective farmer where he had seen the bear. He took a gun and went into the forest. nine0003
In the forest, the old man searched for a bear for a long time, but did not even find a trace of it.
The old man was tired and sat down on a stump to rest.
It was very quiet in the forest. Not a knot will crack anywhere, not a bird will give a voice. Suddenly the old man heard: "Zenn! .." Such a beautiful sound, like a string sang.
A little later again: "Zenn!.."
And from the forest again: "Zenn!.." - yes, so loudly, affectionately.
The old man got up from the stump and cautiously walked towards where the sound was coming from. The sound was heard from the edge. nine0003
An old man crept up from behind a Christmas tree and sees a tree broken by a thunderstorm at the edge of it, long chips sticking out of it. And a bear sits under a tree, grabbed one chip with its paw. The bear pulled the chip towards him and let it go. The sliver straightened up, trembled, and there was a sound in the air: "Zenn! .." - like a string sang.
The bear bowed his head and listened.
The old man is also listening: the chip sings well.
The sound ceased, - the bear again for his own: he pulled the chip and let it go.
In the evening, a familiar collective farmer once again passed by the hut of a bear-cub. The old man was again sitting on the mound with the violin. He pulled one string with his finger, and the string quietly sang: “Dzinn!..”
The collective farmer asked the old man:
— Well, did you kill the bear?
“No,” the old man replied.
— What is it?
- How can you shoot him when he is a musician like me?
And the old man told the collective farmer how the bear was playing on a tree split by a thunderstorm.
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