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[ sab-oh; French sa-boh ]

/ ˈsæb oʊ; French saˈboʊ /

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noun, plural sab·ots [sab-ohz; French sa-boh]. /ˈsæb oʊz; French saˈboʊ/.

a shoe made of a single block of wood hollowed out, worn especially by farmers and workers in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, etc.

a shoe with a thick wooden sole and sides and a top of coarse leather.


  1. a wooden or metal disk formerly attached to a projectile in a muzzleloading cannon.
  2. a soft metal ring at the base of a projectile that makes the projectile conform to the rifling grooves of a gun.



Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Good luck!

Question 1 of 7

Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.

Origin of sabot

1600–10; <French, Old French çabot, blend of savate old shoe (of uncertain origin; akin to Old Provençal sabata,Italian ciabatta,Spanish zapato) and botboot1


sa·boted [sa-bohd, sab-ohd], /sæˈboʊd, ˈsæb oʊd/, adjective

Words nearby sabot

sable, sable antelope, sablefish, Sable Island pony, sabora, sabot, sabotage, saboteur, sabra, sabre, sabre-rattling

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

Words related to sabot

disc, plate, platter, circle, discus, dish, flan, quoit, saucer, shell, discoid

How to use sabot in a sentence

  • The boy drew pictures in the loose sand with the toe of his sabot and brushed them away one after the other.

    Seeing Things at Night|Heywood Broun

  • "I came here before my children woke, because it pierces my heart to listen to their crying," the sabot-maker said dejectedly.

    The False Chevalier|William Douw Lighthall

  • One was a perfect staple, another the letter "L," another like an axe-head, and one like a peasant's sabot.

    The Magnetic North|Elizabeth Robins (C. E. Raimond)

  • A sabot filled with salt, a frying-pan, and a large kettle hung inside the chimney.

    The Country Doctor|Honore de Balzac

  • "There's many a pretty foot in a sabot," retorted Peter, with an air of philosophy.

    The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes|Israel Zangwill

British Dictionary definitions for sabot


/ (ˈsæbəʊ, French sabo) /


a shoe made from a single block of wood

a shoe with a wooden sole and a leather or cloth upper

a lightweight sleeve in which a subcalibre round is enclosed in order to make it fit the rifling of a firearm. After firing the sabot drops away

Australian a small sailing boat with a shortened bow

Word Origin for sabot

C17: from French, probably from Old French savate an old shoe, also influenced by bot boot 1; related to Italian ciabatta old shoe, Old Provençal sabata

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Sabin Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com

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[ sey-bin ]

/ ˈseɪ bɪn /

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Physics. a unit of sound absorption, equal to one square foot (929 square centimeters) of a perfectly absorptive surface.



Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Good luck!

Question 1 of 7

Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.

Origin of sabin

First recorded in 1930–35; named after W. C. Sabine

Words nearby sabin

sabermetrics, saber-rattling, saber saw, saber-toothed, saber-toothed tiger, sabin, Sabina, Sabine, Sabine Lake, Sabinianus, Sabin vaccine

Other definitions for sabin (2 of 2)


[ sey-bin ]

/ ˈseɪ bɪn /


Albert Bruce, 1906–93, U.S. physician, born in Poland: developed Sabin vaccine.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

How to use sabin in a sentence

  • Often delivered on a sugar cube, Sabin’s easily digested vaccine was the inspiration for the song “A Spoonful of Sugar” in the movie Mary Poppins.

    Epidemics have happened before and they’ll happen again. What will we remember?|Aimee Cunningham|October 27, 2021|Science News

  • Sabin’s approach was to weaken the poliovirus by making it replicate in nonhuman cells.

    Epidemics have happened before and they’ll happen again. What will we remember?|Aimee Cunningham|October 27, 2021|Science News

  • The search might be quixotic, but Sabin would regret not tilting at these windmills.

    The 50-year-old problem that eludes theoretical computer science|Siobhan Roberts|October 27, 2021|MIT Technology Review

  • A decade later, when Sabin made the altruistic decision to donate his strains to the World Health Organization, global access to the vaccine increased considerably.

    The U.S. and Russia could join forces to get people vaccinated. They did before.|Yana Demeshko, Ruth Gabor, Ivan Grek, Kristen Ho|September 1, 2021|Washington Post

  • The impact of the collaboration between Sabin and Chumakov extended well beyond the borders of Eastern and Central Europe.

    The U.S. and Russia could join forces to get people vaccinated. They did before.|Yana Demeshko, Ruth Gabor, Ivan Grek, Kristen Ho|September 1, 2021|Washington Post

  • “We follow the Geneva Convention, just like any country,” said Sabin Hadad, spokesperson for the Israeli Interior Ministry.

    Gay Palestinians In Israel: The 'Invisible Men'|Itay Hod|August 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • (The Sabin versus Salk debate is one of the great arguments in modern medical history and will not be recapitulated here).

    U.N. Calls Middle East Polio Outbreak ‘Greatest Polio Challenge in History’|Kent Sepkowitz|April 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • Mr. Sabin smiled a curious smile, and lit a cigarette from the open box before him.

    Mysterious Mr. Sabin|E. Phillips Oppenheim

  • “A fairly well hit ball, I think, Dumayne,” Mr. Sabin remarked.

    Mysterious Mr. Sabin|E. Phillips Oppenheim

  • Mr. Sabin was on the point of asking another question, but Wolfenden interrupted him.

    Mysterious Mr. Sabin|E. Phillips Oppenheim

  • Mr. Sabin had thrown several balls upon the green, and was practising long putts.

    Mysterious Mr. Sabin|E. Phillips Oppenheim

  • He has ceased now, I suppose,” Mr. Sabin remarked, “to take much interest in the matter?

    Mysterious Mr. Sabin|E. Phillips Oppenheim

British Dictionary definitions for sabin (1 of 2)


/ (ˈsæbɪn, ˈseɪ-) /


physics a unit of acoustic absorption equal to the absorption resulting from one square foot of a perfectly absorbing surface

Word Origin for sabin

C20: introduced by Wallace C. Sabine (1868–1919), US physicist

British Dictionary definitions for sabin (2 of 2)


/ (ˈseɪbɪn) /


Albert Bruce. 1906–93, US microbiologist, born in Poland. He developed the Sabin vaccine (1955), taken orally to immunize against poliomyelitis

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for sabin (1 of 2)


[ sā′bĭn ]

A unit of acoustic absorption such that one square meter of material of one sabin absorbs 100 percent of the sound energy that strikes it.

Scientific definitions for sabin (2 of 2)


Albert Bruce 1906-1993

American microbiologist and physician who developed a vaccine against polio that contained an active form of the polio virus (1957). This replaced a less effective vaccine, invented by Jonas Salk, that contained an inactivated form of the virus.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Playing with letters | Papmambuk

Playing with letters

Marina Aromshtam April 4, 2022 5866 Read in English

The ability to recognize the graphic image of a letter is one of the most important conditions for teaching a child to read.
Letter exercises and games wander from one pedagogical system to another, from one teacher to another, like folk songs or fairy tales. Therefore, it is impossible to indicate their exact origin. But all of them have been tested by practice and can be useful to both teachers and parents concerned about the problem of teaching children to read and write.
We recommend playing these games with children of five or six years old.

“Constructing” letters
Letters can be laid out on the table, on the floor, on the ground from strings, matches, sticks, cones, pebbles, pasta; “draw” with a handful of sand or cereals, which are poured out in a thin stream from a paper bag. Such "man-made" letters can be given appropriate names: "stone", "forest", "pasta". Along the way, you can compose stories who needed to use such signs.

Maze letter
Players choose a driver. The driver lays out a letter on the floor from long thick ropes. This is a labyrinth. The rest of the players are trying to get through the maze without slipping off the ropes. The game becomes even more interesting if you have to go through the maze with your eyes closed and guess which letter is laid out. The winner is the one who does not slip off the rope and correctly name the letter.

Breadfruit of letters
Letters can be baked from salt dough. Ready-made letter products can be painted and hung on the “letter tree”. Then you can play the game "Go there, I don't know where."

Game "Go there, I don't know where"
The king is chosen. He sits down on the throne and addresses one of the players: “Go there, I don’t know where; bring something, I don't know what." The player who was addressed approaches the tree and “rips off” the letter from it, while the king closes his eyes.
The player comes to the king: “I brought you a gift, king: do not open your eyes, what is the letter - guess!”
The king takes the letter in his hands, feels it and names it.
Players can guess a short word. The letters are laid out in front of the king in a certain sequence. The king, touching the letters, tries to guess what word they make up.

Letters can be molded from plasticine sausages and made into stucco bas-reliefs. Such bas-reliefs will become a worthy decoration for family coats of arms, knightly shields, fairy-tale castles. You can start a game: invite the children to guess the name of the character (knight, wizard, princess), on the doors of the castle of which (or which) such a coat of arms flaunts.

Unfinished letter
The leader draws part of the letter and asks the others what letter he has in mind. The one who guesses finishes the letter. This game can be played on paper, board, asphalt, sand.

I can't see the letter, but I feel it
Two people play this game. One player turns his back to the other, and the latter “draws” on his back with a letter sign that needs to be guessed. If the letter is guessed correctly, the players switch roles.
Can also be played as a group. Two leaders are selected. One turns his back to the rest of the players. Another calls the "scribe": he beckons someone from the group with his finger and instructs him to draw a letter on the back of the first driver.

Letters on loose background
Take a small tray with rims. Fine sand or semolina is poured into it. Children take turns drawing letters with their fingers on the loose material.

Letter upside down
The leader places the letter upside down in front of the players. You have to guess what letter it is.
The game can be made more difficult if there are several letters presented at the same time. And the most difficult level is when you need to read the word laid out upside down.

Mirrored letters
Children are given cards with mirrored letters. You can recognize them only by looking in the mirror. The game can be made more difficult if words are written on the cards in mirror letters.

We grow the letter
Two teams of two or three people are selected. Two long paths of wallpaper are rolled out on the floor. On one in the lower left corner, a very small letter is drawn, on the other, on the left side, the same, but very large letter is depicted. On a prearranged signal, team members take turns drawing the same letters. Some should “grow” their letter by the end of the track, others should decrease it. The winner is the team that finishes the work in the shortest time and at the same time draws more letters.

Marina Aromshtam

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Playing with letters


Goal : memorize letters, develop coordination of movements.

Age : from 4 years old.

What you will need: fish pictures (from bingo or children's magazines/paper cutouts), paper clips, colored pencils or markers, string (30 cm long), magnet, ruler (20-30 cm long), adhesive tape, hoop (blue scarf / blue rug / blue blanket), bucket.

How to play ?

Before starting the game, you need to make a fishing rod and a "catch". To make a fishing rod, tie a string to the ruler, and attach a magnet to the end of the string (you can tie it or stick it with tape). On the fish, write the letters that your child currently remembers. Attach a paper clip to each fish.

Place a hoop on the floor - it will be a "lake". Instead of a hoop, you can use a large scarf, blanket, rug, blue or light blue. "Run" the fish into the lake - put all the fish in a hoop. Now your child, like a "real fisherman", can fish in the lake. The main rule of the game: only that fish is considered to be caught, the "name" of which (the letter attached to it) the child can recognize. The entire catch of the fisherman is added to the bucket.

Please note! Before starting the game, decide for yourself how it is more beneficial for your child to turn the fish in the lake - letters up or letters down. If the child sees what letters are written on the fish, then perhaps he will not specifically "catch" fish with letters unfamiliar to him. On the other hand, if the fish are turned upside down, you can tell the child which fish to catch. In this version of the game, the child will need to remember what the letter you named looks like, and after the kid catches the corresponding fish, he will only repeat the name of the letter written on the fish.

Letter dress

Purpose : memorize letters, develop fine motor skills.

Age : from 5 years old. What you need: a set of white cardboard, a set of colored paper, PVA glue, a glue brush, a simple pencil.

How to play ?

First, determine which letter your child would be interested in "making a dress" for: maybe it is the first letter of his name, or maybe you want to "make a dress" for a letter that your child cannot remember for a long time , or for the letter with which you will introduce him today. On a sheet of cardboard with a simple pencil, draw the outline of the selected letter. Discuss with your child what color dress for this letter he would like to make, you can offer to choose several colors for the dress. Tear off small pieces from sheets of paper of the chosen colors, spread them with glue, attach the pieces to the cardboard, filling the outline of the letter with them. If the child has chosen several colors for work, tell him how to arrange the pieces of different colors. For example: glue them as you like (you will get a colorful dress), glue pieces of one color at the bottom, pieces of a different color in the middle, and pieces of a third color at the top (you will get a striped dress), etc. Point out to the child that the pieces must be glued tightly to each other, "so that there are no holes on the dress." The color of the dress can be chosen based on the names of different colors. So, for the letter K, a red or brown dress is suitable; for the letter C - blue, gray, lilac; for the letter G - blue, for the letter Zh - yellow; for the letter 3 - green; for the letter P - pink; for the letter F - purple; for the letter 0 it is orange, and for the letter H it is black. You can choose the "design" corresponding to the letter. For example, the letter C will wear a colored dress (flowered / multi-colored), the letter M will become a sailor and put on a vest. This choice of color and decoration method will contribute to better memorization. If your child likes this kind of paperwork, you can make all the letters of the alphabet with him as he learns them, coming up with a dress color for each letter. Option: Incredibly fluffy, soft and cute letters are obtained if instead of plain paper you use colored (printed) or multi-colored paper napkins.

Letter in the box

Goal : memorize letters, learn to distinguish similar letters, train attention.

Age : from 5 years old.

What you will need : white and colored cardboard, colored pencils or markers, scissors.

How to play ?

Prepare cards from colored and white cardboard of the same size, approximately 13x18 cm. Colored cards can be used 3-5 pieces, and determine the number of white cards based on the number of letters to be memorized. On white cardstock, write large letters with felt-tip pens. Cut out "windows" of various shapes (round, square, triangular, oval, rectangular) in colored cardboard cards: there is one window in each card. It is advisable to cut the windows not in the middle of the card, but shifting them slightly up or down. Hide the card with the letter behind the card with the window. Try to do this so that the child does not see the letter ahead of time. Show the child the box with the letter. Ask him to recognize and name the letter in the window (by fragment). Note! The same letter can be guessed many times, alternating cards with windows or changing the presented fragment in the window (this is easy to do by turning the card with the window upside down).

The game will help to memorize the graphic images of letters well, not to confuse the letters in the further learning to read.

Mirror letters.

Goal : memorize letters, train attention and observation. Age: from 4 years old.

What you will need : cardboard, scissors, pencil/marker/pen. How to play? Prepare cards of the same size (approximately 8x12 cm) at the rate of 2 pieces for the letters studied by the child. Write 1 letter on each card. Letters must be written in the correct and mirror ("back to front") image.

How to play?

Place a pair of cards with the same letter in front of the child. Please choose the correct letter. Organize an independent check of the task by the child: give him the opportunity to compare the selected letter with the letters from the "ABC" or "Primer". Be sure to ask the name of the letter. The exercise will help in the future to avoid mistakes in writing letters.

Toy shop.

Target : learn to identify the first sound in words, find the corresponding letter.

Age : from 4 years old. What you will need: 5-10 of your child's toys, letters that begin with the names of these toys (magnetic / from the cash register of letters / written on small pieces of paper).

How to play ?

Organize a store at home. Lay out different toys "on the counter": a ball, a doll, a pyramid, a car, etc. The seller is you. The buyer is your child. The main condition is that the goods can be bought only by correctly naming the first sound of the word and "paying" the seller with the corresponding letter.

Switch roles: you are now the buyer and the child is the seller. When you "buy" toys, choose the wrong letter on purpose. The seller will have to refuse your purchase and explain why he cannot sell this toy for the "money" you offered.

Pay attention ! Not need use for games items , starting letters E , Y , I , Y !

Variants : All children love to play "shopping", but to keep this game from getting boring and to memorize more letters, you can change the "profile" of the shop. Today it's a grocery store, tomorrow it's a sports store. Sell ​​dishes, vegetables and fruits, clothes and shoes, educational supplies. It is very convenient for this game to use a set of pictures. With the help of pictures, you can "sell" not only those items that are actually laid out by the "seller" on an imaginary counter, but also "goods" of a much larger size, for example: vehicles, furniture, trees, flowers. Such pictures will be useful to you for other games.

Bring loads

Goal : learn to identify the first sound in words, memorize letters.

Age : from 4 years old.

What you will need : 3 trucks, alphabet letters, adhesive tape, small toys - a pyramid, a gun, a doll, a clown, a cube and a brick from a wooden constructor, a ring, a ball, a scoop, a bucket .

Like play ?

All children - both boys and girls - enjoy using cars in their games. The game "in cars" at your desire turns into a developing and educational game. It is quite easy to do this! Attach the letters K, P, M to the cars with adhesive tape. These will be the "brands" of the cars. Place toys in front of your child. Offer to distribute the loads among the cars. To choose which machine to put the load in, you need to determine the first sound in the name of the toy and find the corresponding letter on the machine. Cars carry only those items that begin with a letter - the "brand" of the car. Please note that not all cargo can be transported on these machines. Ask your child what other vehicles are needed to transport the remaining toys.

Variant : Invite the child to arrange the toys according to the last letter of their name. Remember that the names of toys ending in G, Z, C, D, F, B will not work for such a task, because these letters at the end of the word denote other sounds.

Magic bag

Goal : memorize letters, learn to invent a word for a given letter. Age: from 4 years old.

What you you will need : letters from the set (plastic or magnetic), pouch.

How to play ? An opaque plastic bag or gift bag may be suitable for play. Put the letters known to the child in the bag. Offer to take out the letters one by one, guess them by touch, come up with a word that begins with this letter. If the child, taking out the letter, makes a mistake in the name, correct it, and lower the letter back into the bag. When the child takes out this letter again, he will already name it correctly. You can put letters new for the child in the bag, but there should be no more than 1-3 for 1 game. After a few games with the magic bag, put a few small items in the bag to maintain interest in the game. These can be: a paper clip, a cap from a felt-tip pen, a button, a cork from a plastic bottle, a counting stick, a number from a set, a geometric figure, etc.

Smart hide and seek

Goal : memorize letters, develop attention.

Age : from 4 years old.

What you will need : colored paper, white paper, scissors, colored pencils or markers, paper clips, tape.

How to play ? Cut out large three-dimensional letters from colored paper or write them on landscape sheets with colored pencils (felt-tip pens). For one game, 5-7 letters are enough. Of these, no more than 3 are new for the child. Hide all the letters somewhere in the apartment (or in the room) so that only small fragments of them remain visible. You can hide the letters: behind a mirror, under a closet, behind a curtain, in a book, in a desk drawer, on the ceiling, under a pillow, behind a lampshade, etc. Use tape or paper clips to fasten the letters. Do all the preparatory work without the child. Tell your child that the letters are playing hide and seek with him. Offer to find letters. The child will be interested in finding both familiar and new letters. If the child sees a letter familiar to him, before he gets it, ask him to guess from the visible part what kind of letter it is. For better memorization of new letters, you can place them in "special" places. For example: the letter X can be hidden in the refrigerator, the letter 3 can be hidden behind a mirror, the letter K can be hidden in a chest of drawers, the letter C can be hidden in a pot with a potted flower, the letter B can be hung on a hanger in the hallway, etc.

Letters on the back

Purpose : memorize letters, develop attention.

Age : from 4 years old. What you'll need: No props are needed for this game.

How to play ? Play riddles with your child. Simply "write" on the back of the child with your index finger or the blunt end of a pencil the letter known to him. Ask what letter you wrote. Invite your child to write a letter on your back, and you guess. Guess the letters in turn. Thus, it is useful to memorize letters that the child cannot for some reason firmly learn.

Variant : You write on your child's back while he writes the same letter on a blackboard with chalk or on paper with a marker.

Find the same letters

Goal : memorize letters, develop attention.

Age : from 4 years old. What you will need: white cardstock, colored pencils or markers, and scissors.

How to play ? For this game, you must first prepare the cards with letters. Cut the cardboard into rectangles, write one letter on each card. Letters must be written in several variants (styles), two letters of each variant. Letters can vary in size, color, font style. Lay out the letters in front of the child. Invite him to find paired - the same letters. Do not forget to ask the child what letters he found.

Option : Let the child sort the letters into groups: large and small, by color, by writing style. Then he will name all the letters in each group.

Cut the letters

Goal : memorize letters, learn to distinguish similar letters, develop spatial thinking.

Age : from 4 years old. What you will need: white cardstock, colored pencils or markers, and scissors.

How to play ? For this game, you must first prepare the cards with letters. Cut the cardboard into rectangles about 13x18cm in size. Write one letter on each card. Cut the cards first into two parts. Encourage your child to collect letters by presenting parts in different ways: parts of one letter, parts of one letter + one part from another letter, parts of 2-3 letters at the same time.

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