Sentence with easy

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The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of

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The Word "Easy" in Example Sentences

1160341 It's easy to distinguish good from evil. Eldad 3060708 It's easy to see Tom is a stranger here. sharptoothed 1192583 It's not easy to be honest all the time. nadsat 264152 It's not easy to keep up with the times. CM 2144572 The next few years won't be easy for us. oneconor 55089 These books are easier than those books. CM 56944 This book is easy enough for me to read. CK 55412 This is a story written in easy English. CK 1847635 This phenomenon is very easy to explain. al_ex_an_der 2640831 Tom was surprised how easy it was to do. CK 2526586 Tom's last name isn't easy to pronounce. CK 961862 Translating this text will be very easy. CK 57101 Which is easier, this book or that book? CK 290030 He is a frank person and easy to talk to. CM 3204128 I never told you it was going to be easy. CK 667920 It is easier to stay out than to get out. CK 246509 It is easy for me to answer the question. CK 325841 It is easy to distinguish good from evil. CK 28727 It is easy to love, but hard to be loved. CK 28574 It is not easy to get rid of a bad habit. CK 43620 It was easy for him to solve the problem. CK 247292 It was not easy for us to find his house. CK 284629 It's easy for him to compose a good poem. CM 1336544 It's incredibly easy to cheat the system. Scott 807414 Madison's first four years were not easy. Source_VOA 68720 That cocktail is sweet and easy to drink. CK 2744329 Tom didn't expect the test to be so easy. CK 26226 What is the easiest way to learn English? NekoKanjya 485807 A driver's job is not as easy as it looks. adjusting 1281737 All this is simple and easy to understand. al_ex_an_der 301789 He is leading an easy life in the country. CM 456143 It isn't easy to learn a foreign language. lukaszpp 374744 It's really easy for me to speak Japanese. shirayuki 400397 Speaking English isn't easy, but it's fun. CK 804132 That half of the battle would not be easy. Source_VOA 1841797 That sounds a lot easier to do than it is. CK 57017 This book is easy enough for them to read. CK 458053 English is not easy, but it is interesting. Capuchin 1981142 Finishing this job by Tuesday will be easy. CK 288062 Go easy on him. He's still new around here. CM 51715 It is by no means easy to please everybody. CM 273707 It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. CM 240452 It is not easy to find the way to the park. CM 21899 It is not easy to learn a foreign language. NekoKanjya 284241 It wasn't easy for him to keep his promise. CK 1539956 It's easier to make war than to make peace. Scott 33750 For Hawking, writing this book was not easy. CM 920878 It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. Scott 1981143 It'll be easy to finish this job by Tuesday. CK 1975725 It's actually a lot of easier than it looks. CK 

Sentences with the word "easy"

We found 80 sentences with the word "easy". Synonyms for easy. Meaning of the word. Characters. "easy" - morphemic analysis.

  • Finally light bump and shaking: the plane is running along the airfield.
  • I almost forgot in Polish, and although I understood easy conversation, I could no longer explain myself, and others forgot that I am not a natural hare.
  • Emma and Hugh became friends, they even had an easy novel.
  • Bruno's writings concerning Lull's art follow his main works everywhere, like a light swarm .
  • By the end of 1940, these colleagues acquired the professionalism, stamina and slight cynicism of seasoned warriors.
  • This is the easiest way to avoid difficult political decisions.
  • In the line of infantry, I noticed light tank from our division, firing at the nearest Dutch dugout.
  • Here he remained the same painstaking, diligent worker, perfectly presenting his far from easy subject.
  • Hitler preferred light genre: love films and stories from the life of secular society.
  • The air was a little fresher, a warm light wind was blowing.
  • I doubt even that the light field tractor could have caught on at all if the car had not opened the farmer's eyes.
  • The night was clear, dry and moonless, blew light breeze.
  • I was seized by a slight attack of melancholy mixed with relief.
  • My words fell like a sword, and a slight trembling passed among those present.
  • Even the light noise was deafeningly loud.
  • Soon our light luggage was in the cabin, but the lockers did not fit through the hatch.
  • But the bear was not there, only a huge hole in the snow could be seen, from which light pairs were coming, and Kitaev's back and head appeared.
  • During one of these trips, a division of torpedo boats and light cruiser "Cologne" hit a minefield not marked on the map.
  • Especially since psychiatrists, on duty, deal with people not like you: they can consider a mild case and inadvertently treat.
  • A light breeze ruffled his expensive tunic and caressed his thick, jet-black hair.
  • The white head looks like fluff, light - light .
  • Light frost pleasantly pinched ears and cheeks.
  • We stood quietly in front of him and reported on our arrival, and he, marking the new ones in the lists, "mercifully" made us a light bow .
  • The morning was beautiful, a light breeze was blowing from the sea.
  • At that moment there was an explosion on the road, and I saw a light armored car engulfed in flames .
  • Light grayish fog melted every minute, and soon the sky cleared and turned blue.
  • We got on the plane, we smell smoke, light such, unpleasant.
  • From the flower beds a light fresh breeze carried the fragrance of roses.
  • In addition, strong waves tossed the light boat like a shell, making it almost impossible to control.
  • Very similar to our domestic light tank .
  • During a break between business, I did some light shopping , bought gifts, and got so carried away that I see that I am hopelessly late.
  • Then you lunge lightly and the fly is impaled on the point!
  • The sun was shining, and a light pleasant breeze was blowing.
  • A generous helping of lubricant would certainly do the trick, but there was a much more easy way to get the Faithful to serve.
  • She did not move, and this light light kiss seemed strangely feigned, forced, painful.
  • Dul light northeast breeze, the sea looked grey-green and very cold.
  • That is, with such pressure, the most ordinary weather was expected: the sun could shine, clouds could run up and light rain splash.
  • Already the soldiers could distinguish something, and a light whisper of interest ran along the ranks.
  • Colonel Ben, light on foot the Spanish governor of Cap Juby, immediately closed the span for subsequent Latecoer flights.
  • Since the airfield had a slight slope to one side, I could never select the correct altitude when landing.
  • They made a light splashing sound, as if small waves were crashing against a pier.
  • I remember I was very afraid that my light elegant scooter would break under the huge Genka Marina.
  • I noticed that at first a light blush appeared on his pale face, and then his eyes filled with tears.
  • Easy , a cheerful person, always ready to help.
  • In her speech, though light accent, but still her Russian was almost perfect.
  • I didn't even ask where she was from, although I noticed a slight accent in the conversation.
  • A light mist hung between the trees, and the grass and bushes were heavy from the rain.
  • It was a clear autumn morning, a light breeze was blowing from the sea.
  • The forward squad moved to light gallop , followed by the entire squadron.
  • He himself light - light , and I carry him in my arms, and he clings to me like a child.
  • The sun was hot enough, but a light sea breeze was pleasantly refreshing.
  • The gondola quickly disappeared into the night, because the moon hid, and the light winter cold celebrated its triumph.
  • The trees that grew along the road cast long shadows, and a light mist stretched across the valley.
  • This last one, having received command of light Corps, began to ask Suvorov to come to him.
  • The four transports were escorted by six destroyers and one light cruiser of the Nagara type with a displacement of 4000 tons.
  • The blast wave destroyed a light wooden barrack.
  • The report, received shortly before 2. 30 pm on May 31, was alarming: "We are observing the enemy light cruiser on the west, moving to the north."
  • He has a tenacious memory and a lively mind, a light style and a sharp look, quirks and oddities, depth and lightness, humor and charm, brilliance and poverty.
  • The day was clear and sunny, a light breeze was blowing.
  • As we emerged from the Denmark Strait into the Atlantic, the north wind died down, leaving a cloudy sky and light mist at the edge of the Gulf Stream.
  • A light south wind blew from the sea almost perpendicularly towards Vera Cruz, and from the very dawn everything was in action.
  • The night before the offensive was cloudless, the wind blew from the southeast, and a light fog spread over the Don.
  • We hold most of the world's gold reserves, which gave us easy , too easy credit.
  • He was a big and strong man, but, unfortunately, he put on a light headdress .
  • A light wind carried me along a wide street right in the middle between the buildings.
  • Some had a light fluff on the chin.
  • It was supposed to be a light, light predawn hour.
  • The fashionable ethics of that time was light Epicureanism, instilled in Roman society by the graceful poetry of Horace.
  • This was a strong hull steel plating, called light hull.
  • First, the glider (more than light ) took off from the ground, then the plane.
  • Laughed, clinked glasses, but over the years a slight chill appeared in these feasts .
  • Plato, medium, more open, cheerful, light .
  • And then I felt a light slap on my back.
  • In the last hour before departure we came under light artillery fire.
  • Not at all light "Nuremberg" tossed like a weightless shell.
  • I am thin now and light as in the old days.
  • They did not yet know that their hopes were destined to turn into light smoke.
  • At light heat was not paid attention at all.
  • Hersing spotted light cruiser Pathfinder on the horizon.
  • The boy was light and talented and musical, with incredible imagination.

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Synonyms for "easy". Meaning of the word. Characters. "easy" - morphemic analysis.

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Sentences with the word "light"

We found 80 sentences with the word "light". Synonyms for easy. Meaning of the word. Characters. "light" - morphemic analysis.

  • His son could remember his father's stories about this difficult siege and compare them with the easy capture of Damietta by the troops of King Louis IX.
  • And this made every hobby enjoyable, easy and maximally saturated for me.
  • His irony was tempered with light humor, his southern German charm reminded me of my native places.
  • So judge why, with a light heart, gave the party leadership under the command of Kruglov the security agencies.
  • He was the brother of the Danish King Christian, served in the Danish Navy in his youth and spoke Norwegian with a slight Danish accent.
  • Therefore, Eichmann, with a light heart, recommended Heydrich to add gypsies to the list of the doomed.
  • He spoke in a friendly tone with a slight Swabian accent.
  • It was a kind, gentle, loving creature, full of aesthetic sense, with a slight touch of the gentlest humor.
  • Goes out to the pre-holiday street covered with light snow, gets on the subway.
  • I have never seen such a downpour, whose jets literally whipped light fighters.
  • When we entered a wide plain, on the left At a light gallop, two riders rode up to greet Faisal.
  • Gross's graphic cycles are characterized by an expressive line with a slight hint of chiaroscuro.
  • The ensuing silence was only broken by the slight rustle of leaves.
  • If he had remained in Munich, then the lightest punishment would have been to deprive him of the right to reside.
  • But Beria's path to the top was not easy and easy .
  • Memory and ability made learning very easy and helped to get fives at every turn.
  • The war with a small African state seemed an easy matter, but in the end it dragged on for many years.
  • Her interlocutor stood up and walked with a light step around the office.
  • With a light roar he rushes at the picador and strikes the horse's leg with a sharp, as if honed horn.
  • A Dutch general taught me Dutch, which I found pretty good is light because I speak Low German.
  • Meanwhile, Streltsov's return to big football was not easy .
  • We begin our present task with a perfectly light heart.
  • When landing on frozen arable land, his fighter broke a wheel, the pilot himself escaped with only a slight fright.
  • All three paid tribute to moderate drinking and horse riding, and Nietzsche enjoyed light flirting with Deussen's sister.
  • But Fulgencio Batista's path to a return to the presidency was not so easy .
  • She performed four songs from the TV movie "The Irony of Fate, or With Easy Steam!".
  • The next morning the Solo emerges from the white mist and skims over the swell in a light breeze.
  • To make the engine light , its main parts were made of aluminum, which was rare at the time.
  • Golitsyn ruined in 1687 and 1688 in the waterless steppes from Poltava to Perekop the noble militia and got off for it slight fright.
  • Attitude towards mysticism has become too easy , mysticism becomes the property of literature and easily confuses into mystification.
  • Having finished his report, Guderian with a slight bow stepped aside.
  • She was easy and at the same time a very kind person, but she devoted a lot of time to social life.
  • However, the most cheerful and easy to climb in this trinity was Solovyov.
  • You are weighed in the balance and found very light .
  • I think he was a centrist with a slight left bias.
  • Only a third of the ships managed to break through, including Antony himself and light ships of Cleopatra , which did not participate in the battle.
  • The weather that morning was dry, almost snowless, with light frost.
  • VYa-23 guns in action on medium tanks, and ShVAK guns and on light tanks turned out to be ineffective.
  • Since most of Maidstone's equipment has been relocated, it has become over light and less stable than usual.
  • The whole body suddenly became light , almost weightless.
  • Sergey does not get married for a long time, but not because of his love for " easy " novels.
  • Of course, this was a side effect of his miraculous provocations, but every time Kuryokhin with a slight gesture made naked kings out of arrogant snobs.
  • On Saturday, February 7, the comedy "The Irony of Fate, or With Easy Ferry!" was repeated on the Central Television.
  • I went back to Verbena with a light heart .
  • The first touch was a light , but it was immediately followed by a much stronger impact, accompanied by a crunch and screech.
  • Shenlank liked Gelfand not only as a journalist who had a light pen, but also as a person.
  • In appearance he was short, dry, clean-shaven, from light fluff on a bald head.
  • This ceremony, which was only the appearance of a wedding, ended with a light and an innocent touch of the Bishop of Pampelun.
  • I drove back with a light heart, knowing that I was bringing news that no one expected.
  • Introduction was optional and easy .
  • In the light of the dawn, this colossal structure 120 meters high seemed light and airy.
  • Access to his house, as in the 1760s, remained extremely light .
  • The way Maltsev, whose ice skating was easy and graceful throws, owned the sticks and sticks, is inherent in really real nuggets.
  • This did not mean, however, that Tugut accepted the loss of the Netherlands with a light heart or deliberately sabotaged the course of strengthening the Reich.
  • Now they went on such missions with a light heart and faith in their ship, commander and Supreme Commander.
  • With a light sigh, my father opened it and, after thinking it over, wrote down the menu for tomorrow with his graceful, flowing handwriting.
  • Mop of red hair, divine porcelain skin with a slight pink blush.
  • A similar feeling is created by the swift and light blue-white strokes.
  • I woke up with a particularly light feeling, I knew that only pleasant impressions were ahead of me.
  • Yes, in fact, not a single generation could say about its time that it was light .
  • No one but them felt the snow cover more supple and lighter .
  • Inspired by easy success, Stenka camped on the hills near Kamyshin and prepared for new exploits.
  • During four of the eleven months I spent in Rome, I acted as ambassador, but at that time Rome was a very easy post.
  • Why, then, did he not take the opportunity to hold the US-Japan summit as easy way to buy time?
  • After making sure that Bukefal had calmed down and was breathing deeply, Alexander threw off his cloak and jumped on his horse with a light jump.
  • But the majority of liberals escaped with only a slight fright.
  • In total, there were about 6200 people armed with light weapons and guns of caliber no more than 45 mm.
  • He was an intelligent, highly refined person with a slight touch of snobbery and cynicism.
  • With a slight movement of his hand, he could drive anyone from New York to Atlanta.
  • Obviously, the military revolutionary elements had no access to these easy assassination routes.
  • He spoke with a light Polish accent, but figuratively and vividly.
  • So the work of the German pilot was not at all easy .
  • Then we let them graze a little while we rested ourselves, enjoying the light breeze from the sea.
  • He himself had a good pen, light , aphoristic style.
  • All this was played with a easy swing and intertwined with each other in the most bizarre way.
  • I used to be quite an easy person, but at that moment I felt absolutely happy.
  • There is pure forest air, necessary for the sick lungs .
  • The text proposed for translation turned out to be ridiculously easy , something about partisans and the Great Patriotic War.
  • She grabbed the candle and brought it to her short light hair.
  • We are talking about "The Irony of Fate, or With Easy Steam!".

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Synonyms for "easy".

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