Sentence with the word children
Children in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)
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Sentence count:292+89 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: child, grandchild, only child, chill, chilled, drench, cadre, mild.
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1, Children are certain cares, but uncertain comforts.
2, Children have the qualities of the parents.
3, Children and fools speak the truth.
4, Children and fools tell the truth.
5, Happy is he that is happy in his children.
6, Children and fools have merry lives.
7, Children are what the mothers are.
8, Children learn to creep ere they can go.
9, Children are the parents’ riches.
10, Children should be seen and not heard.
11, Oh, do not cry--- be good children and we will all meet in heaven.
12, He that has no children knows not what is love.
13, One father can support ten children, ten children cannot support one father.
14, He that hath no children, knows not what is love.
15, If you want your children to keep their feet on the ground,( put some responsibility on their shouldres.
16, Women and children first.
17, I count religion but a children toy, and hold there is no sin but igno-rance.
18, He adores his wife and children.
19, She prostituted herself in order to support her children.
20, Both her children still live at home.
21, The war has left thousands of children as orphans.
22, The children played happily in the sand.
23, His children are very precious to him.
24, Children should be disciplined when the need arises .
25, He knows not what love is that has no children.
26, As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents.
27, The fundamental defect of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to them.
28, Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and obedience of the
children the submission to love.
29, The best smell is bread, the best savour salt, the best love that of children.
30, Education commences at the mother's knee, andevery word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character.
More similar words: child, grandchild, only child, chill, chilled, drench, cadre, mild, wild, while, dress up, build, dream of, redress, dreaded, kindred, hundred, address, dream up, dreadful, build up, boil down, rebuild, builder, nihilism, addressed, scoundrel, wildlife, building, meanwhile.
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Children's in a sentence | 99+ Example sentences
1. In fact he was still combing thru boxes of children's wear abandoned by someone who had owned this house before Ava did
2. But if you are in this age group then you would be in a bit of a dilemma: trying to catch-up on retirement planning at the same time paying/saving for your children's higher education
3. Klowee must remember the desert and took to heart a children's adventure of survival there
4. Once they thought they were safely out of their children's line of sight, they lit much-needed cigarettes, took the smoke down into their lungs in huge gulps and started to laugh and cough all at the same time
5. people who believe that wolves only exist in children's stories
6. Now all that he heard were other children's parents telling them
7. out of their children's line of sight, they lit much-needed cigarettes,
8. children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs
9. And our children's children shall be given the choice as well---regardless of their gender
10. Because most of the children's clothes were all dirty
11. Often they worry unrealistically or excessively about life circumstances, their children's
12. The children's parents had large wooden boxes there, in which vegetables for the kitchen were planted, and little rose trees besides: there was a rose in each box, and they grew splendidly
13. It was to be a children's ball in every sense of
14. When the proud and fond parents attempted to unbutton their children's
15. ornaments which from year to year she had saved for her children's
16. ironed clothes, "but they're better than the Parker children's
17. children's saint ever hope to gain a pass to that exclusive entrance
18. *From "The Children's Hour," published by the Milton Bradley Co
19. the little children's faces
20. The other aspect of this is your children's expectations
21. But, you want your children's hearts to be with you as well as their mother
22. How we sow into our children's lives will vary from season to season and circumstance to circumstance
23. (Co-Parenting With Your Children's Mother)
24. Now that you are a separated (reconciled) father, one of the more difficult tasks could be keeping a peaceful relationship with your children's mother
25. As separated-parents of the children you both love – you need the grace of God to cooperate for the children's best interest
26. Do not let your personal feelings about your children's mother determine how, when, or why you handle your relationship with your children
27. One of the most important things that you should know is what your relationship to your children's mother is and what it is not
28. When there is no possibility of getting back together with your children’s mother, you should accept that the relationship with her is strictly based on the fact that she is your children's mother and no more
29. If you have issues with your children's mother, you should not use your child to try to get at her
30. Klatte, William, Live-away Dads : Staying a Part of Your Children's Lives When They Aren't a Part of Your Home
31. And another thing," she added, "he does nothing but watch those silly children's cartoons on the television all day
32. With more than a little irony, Calley was invited as a guest of the Kiwanis Club of Columbus, Georgia, a charity known for its worldwide endeavors for justice and children's welfare
33. This is a children's village
34. He offered to the religious men the children's rooms, as these would stay at their grandparents; and if necessary, they could leave them there for a few days
35. 41 So these nations feared the Lord, and served their graven images, both their children, and their children's children, as did their
36. Mary had not instilled any poison of the kind Miss Cornelia had feared into the manse children's minds
37. Rainbow Valley was wind-haunted and star-sentinelled only where he was, but afar from the upper end came the gay notes of children's laughter and voices
38. Mary's heart was down in the Rainbow Valley, whence came sweet, distance-softened sounds of children's laughter, but her fingers were under Miss Cornelia's eye
39. 17 My breath is strange to my wife, though I entreated for the children's sake of mine own body
40. He could not commit such a sacrilege even for his children's sake
41. In their children's eyes
42. 17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children's children;
43. Where were sparkling the Children's eyes
44. inheritance to his children's children; and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just; much food is in the tillage of the poor, but
45. poor reproaches his Maker, and he who is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished; children's children are the crown of old men;
46. How can I change the pursuit of the children of low-income families and look forward to?The research shows that children's goal
47. will yet plead with you, says the Lord, and with your children's children will I plead
48. fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge
49. The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge? 3 As I live, says the Lord God, you shall not have
50. There's a children's song that goes like this
51. your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell in it, even they, and their children, and their children's children forever, and my servant
52. 13 Before him there were none such, neither did ever any stranger put them on, but only his children and his children's children
53. done against me; that they may tell their children's children: 6 Because the sins of their fathers are increased in them, for they have
54. you for your children's works, and will have mercy again on the sons of the righteous
55. 15 She beheld her children's flesh dissolving around the fire; and their
56. 20 When you did see children's flesh heaped on children's flesh that had been torn off, heads decapitated on heads, dead falling on the
57. 1 If, then, even a woman, and that an aged one, and the mother of seven children, endured to see her children's torments even to
58. 3 When Seth heard these words from his father Adam, he went from him, shed a flood of tears over his face, and gathered together his children and his children's children, and brought them to his father Adam
59. 16 Then Adam let his blessing descend on Seth, and on his children, and on all his children's children
60. 1 After the death of Adam and of Eve, Seth severed his children, and his children's children, from Cain's children
61. 7 Then Seth and his children, and his children's children, met together, and came down from the altar, and went to the Cave of Treasures - where they prayed, and blessed themselves in the body of our father Adam, and anointed themselves with it
62. 4 And when they were come to him he prayed over them and blessed them, and said to them, "you are righteous, innocent sons; go you not down from this holy mountain; for look, your children and your children's children have gone down from this holy mountain, and have estranged themselves from this holy mountain, through their abominable lust and transgression of God's commandment
63. Their source? A 1985 children's book, Facts and Records
64. 36 (God commanded Enoch to live on Earth thirty days more, to give his sons instruction & on to his children's children)
65. 23 And some of them said these words to the king saying, The seven good cattle denote that seven children will be born to you, and they will kill seven of your children's children in the latter days; and the seven good ears of corn which you did see in the second dream, are those princes against whom seven other less powerful princes will fight and destroy them in the latter days, and avenge your children's cause, and the government will again return to your seed
66. 15 And you my sons, honor each his brother and his relative, and command your children and your children's children after you to serve the Lord God of your ancestors all the days
67. 16 In order that you may prolong your days in the land, you and your children and your children's children forever, when you do what is good and upright in the sight of the Lord your God, to go in all his ways
68. 17 And you, Joseph my son, forgive I pray you the prongs of your brothers and all their misdeeds in the injury that they heaped on you, for God intended it for so and your children's benefit
69. 20 For I know that many and grievous troubles will befall you in the latter days in the land, yes your children and children's children, only serve the Lord and he will save you from all trouble
70. 36 And all the Israelites said, We will serve the Lord our God all our days, we and our children, and our children's children, and our seed forever
71. And the angel, having said this, went away from them; And Seth and Eve came to the tent where Adam was lying; And Adam says to Eve: Why did you work mischief against us, and bring on us great anger, which is death, holding sway over all our race? And he says to her: Call all our children, and our children's children, and relate to them the manner of our transgression; Then Eve said to them: Listen, all my children, and my children's children, and I shall relate to you how our enemy deceived us
72. 16 For all the riches which God has taken from our father, what is ours, and our children's: now then, whatever God has said to you, do
73. 10 And you shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and you shall be near me, you and your children, and your children's children, and your flocks, and your herds, and all that you have:
74. 4 And the Lord shall sever between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt: and there shall nothing die of all that is the children's of Israel
75. 7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, and on the children's children, to the third and to the fourth generation
76. 9 And Moses swore on that day, saying, Surely the land on which your feet have trodden shall be your inheritance, and your children's forever, because you have wholly followed the Lord my God
77. Egypt: and there shall nothing die of all that is the children's of Israel
78. upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the
79. 3 When Seth heard these words from his father Adam he went from him shed a flood of tears over his face and gathered together his children and his children's children and brought them to his father Adam
80. 16 Then Adam let his blessing descend on Seth and on his children and on all his children's children
81. 1 After the death of Adam and of Eve Seth severed his children and his children's children from Cain's children
82. 7 Then Seth and his children and his children's children met together and came down from the altar and went to the Cave of Treasures - where they prayed and blessed themselves in the body of our father Adam and anointed themselves with it
83. 4 And when they were come to him he prayed over them and blessed them and said to them "you are righteous innocent sons; go you not down from this holy mountain; for look your children and your children's children have gone down from this holy mountain and have estranged themselves from this holy mountain through their abominable lust and transgression of God's commandment
84. our children's: now then, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do
85. me, thou, and thy children, and thy children's children, and thy flocks, and thy
86. Pro 13:22 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just
87. 36 (God commanded Enoch to live on Earth thirty days more to give his sons instruction & on to his children's children)
88. the children's hands and jumped onto the drawing, they all shrunk
89. 23 And some of them said these words to the king saying The seven good cattle denote that seven children will be born to you and they will kill seven of your children's children in the latter days; and the seven good ears of corn which you did see in the second dream are those princes against whom seven other less powerful princes will fight and destroy them in the latter days and avenge your children's cause and the government will again return to your seed
90. 15 And you my sons honor each his brother and his relative and command your children and your children's children after you to serve the Lord God of your ancestors all the days
91. 16 In order that you may prolong your days in the land you and your children and your children's children forever when you do what is good and upright in the sight of the Lord your God to go in all his ways
92. 17 And you Joseph my son forgive I pray you the prongs of your brothers and all their misdeeds in the injury that they heaped on you for God intended it for so and your children's benefit
93. 20 For I know that many and grievous troubles will befall you in the latter days in the land yes your children and children's children only serve the Lord and he will save you from all trouble
94. After breakfast, Rosie sat at her treadle sewing machine mending the children's clothing for school
95. 36 And all the Israelites said We will serve the Lord our God all our days we and our children and our children's children and our seed forever
96. And the angel having said this went away from them; And Seth and Eve came to the tent where Adam was lying; And Adam says to Eve: Why did you work mischief against us and bring on us great anger which is death holding sway over all our race? And he says to her: Call all our children and our children's children and relate to them the manner of our transgression; Then Eve said to them: Listen all my children and my children's children and I shall relate to you how our enemy deceived us
97. 4 And the word of the Lord came to me saying 5 Go your way and show my people their sinful deeds and their children their wickedness which they have done against me; that they may tell their children's children: 6 Because the sins of their fathers are increased in them for they have forgotten me and have offered to strange gods
98. 9 O Jerusalem the holy city he will scourge you for your children's works and will have mercy again on the sons of the righteous
99. 15 She beheld her children's flesh dissolving around the fire; and their extremities quivering on the ground and the flesh of their heads dropped forwards down to their beards like masks
100. 19 Nor when you did see the eyes of each of them looking sternly on their tortures and their nostrils foreboding death did you weep! 20 When you did see children's flesh heaped on children's flesh that had been torn off heads decapitated on heads dead falling on the dead and a choir of children turned through torture into a burying ground you lamented not
Sentences with the word "children"
We found 80 sentences with the word "children". Synonyms for children. Meaning of the word. Characters. "children" - morphemic analysis.
- The fact that these are “adult” children's poems, Sapgir himself hints in the preface: “Dear children and respected adults children !
- But the wife of Heinrich, Wilhelm's brother, is also their sister, and she has children , so the hope is that there may be children here too.
- In those years we were not just children of , we were children of Bolshevik communists.
- The family is poor, and the children must earn their own living .
- A children have children : while bathing, these toys were grabbed and exploded.
- I wanted my children to communicate with me in the same way as his sons with Tom, so that my children also loved Shakespeare and South Park.
- And finally, you understand: exactly children and grandchildren of these people were thrown into the street in the seventeenth year, when it exploded!
- A family in which children of a general and children of a seminarian grew up together lived in a large neglected villa.
- The master's children , like all children , loved scary stories.
- Children wear short pants all winter and at the same time catch colds much less than Russian children , whom their parents are used to wrapping up.
- Like all children of , of course, I always tried to involve my mother in my game, and then one of the servants.
- Children , who wanted not prunes, but Pushkin, are none other than children of Pavel Ivanovich Panafidin, married to Anna Ivanovna, born.
- Children took food on their own, older children looked after the younger ones.
- After all, there were no students in our class children repressed, children "enemies of the people", so there were no dissidents here.
- We ourselves were still children , as the old proverb says, and tenderness helped not to let blackness come to the heart.
- For the time being, children were small, everything was fine, but when children grew up, the scythe went to the stone.
- Children of often copy adults, children of artists become artists simply out of imitation, having neither talent nor vocation.
- Their children grew up in Hempstead and all children of attended good schools.
- The servants and children of were completely devoted to her and immediately obeyed her every word.
- To be not angry like children is not true, children are very angry.
- I remind you that these are not peasant children and not workers.
- In the 16th century, it was at this age that noble children entered the military service, and children of nobility received lower court positions.
- And it seems to me that when the children of fell asleep, Tabby and I made love.
- If she stays alive, we will still have other children !
- Pieces of the soul are children - poems, children - cripples, because the soul appears not as a single canvas, but in shreds, pieces, in discontinuity.
- Children ran next to the car, trying to sell us chewing gum and cookies.
- Some children frolic in the pool, separated from the frost by a transparent greenish wall.
- And my father couldn't get it right in his head: if we are children of the most advanced teaching in the world, then why is everything around so ugly?
- The first years after marriage, Keke regularly gives birth, but children die.
- According to Halakha (Jewish law), only the descendant of a Jewish mother (her children and children of her daughters) is considered a Jew.
- Of course, the current children of would find them obsolete, but Mrs. Molesworth had a knack for plot twisting and character building.
- Until now, I thought that only children quarrel, and this does not happen with adults.
- Maria Mark stood between two swearing women, not knowing what to do, and only lamented: " My children , children ".
- Children of and they mocked Vincent, but he still patiently worked with them, diligently taught them and spoiled them.
- It was a very expensive school, where children of ministers, children of top bourgeoisie, children of scientists study.
- Nobles, children officials, teachers, district guards, prasolov, kulak children and rarely the poor.
- They thought much less about their children being “no worse than others”.
- She understood that children are children , and that children's nature, as well as world history, cannot be changed.
- Five of them were soldiers children and children workers.
- Why do children really love stories about bears, wolves and witches?
- Parents often think that their children are special in everything, simply because they are their children .
- Probably, she, like any mother, believed that her children were infallible and were spoiled by some other evil children .
- The closest to the school was the 61st secondary school where I studied, and children of many commanders who worked at the school.
- But we were children , her children , and this protected us from all evil.
- In the end, the children of agreed to command the Austrian army together in order to smash the French to smithereens.
- At this age, children of the nobility entered the military service as "novices", and children of the nobility received lower court positions.
- They say that in the barracks everyone sleeps side by side: men, women, children .
- In his presence, the children fell silent, enchanted by his stories and at the same time frightened by his sudden outbursts of anger.
- All children are like children , and this one made up an excuse for not going to school.
- My children will definitely have to read all her books.
- Where not "cooks" children ended up (who were just forbidden to be admitted there by the circular of Minister Delyanov).
- The following acted as heirs: children , adopted children , grandchildren, children from a slave-concubine, if the father recognized them as his own.
- In Khoiniki, not only children of Jews, who were very numerous, but also children of Belarusians, spoke Belarusian and Jewish.
- Children of grow up there physically, spiritually and morally healthy (for me, these qualities are inseparable).
- Goats and children .
- You know, sometimes it's hard for me to believe that these are my children that I am their father.
- The children of grew up, but they were rickets and semi-idiots.
- Some time later Fedor and Alena, children of Bondarchuks, appeared in the restaurant.
- children of responsible and semi-responsible workers, children of figures from the service and trade sectors stood out sharply.
- Children of brought us a lot of happiness (but, of course, like all children , and not only happiness).
- Even children of Solombala, playing on the water until late in the evening, sing their special songs.
- It is unpleasant if children of grow up stupid, ugly, but too smart and successful children of drive us into complexes and become judges of our failures.
- In the event of Edward's death (in the absence of heirs), Mary will inherit him, then her children , then Elizabeth and her children .
- Marguerite and I also argued heatedly about how children .
- The ancient prediction of the Delphic oracle was fulfilled: “Blessed is Kipsel himself, and his children, but not his children, his children.
- But children there are children : there are always problems with literacy and thought.
- He knows perfectly well that his children are , and my wife will be the first to complain if he does not agree.
- And so he himself led the newlyweds into the bedroom and ordered: “Come on, children !” And stood by the bed until " children "did not become husband and wife.
- And defiantly rude, like many children with physical disabilities.
- He even led the newlyweds into the bedroom and ordered: “Come on, children !” And he “was on duty” at the bedside until “ children ” became husband and wife.
- Three-month-old children do not understand words, but they feel intonation.
- Women were the same children , only taller.
- Mr. Artur Frenkel's children my children .
- He loved Karlin no less than his wife, with the only difference that the consequences of his tenderness were not those from which children were born .
- In "It" , the children of call it Wasteland, we called it the jungle.
- children from the Belostok region of Belarus rested here, children from Lithuania, as well as a large group of children from neighboring Poland, who back in 1939
- Their mother and their children went hungry, hiding from the iron paw of the authorities, but children of survived, received education and became worthy people.
- After such a sale, the woman became the legal wife of the buyer, and her children from this new marriage were also considered legitimate.
- When I asked him how his children survive all these searches, he answered me: “ The children of are used to it, but the dog is very nervous.”
- Children there are children , we are sitting at the lesson, we are playing “sea battle”.
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Sentence with the word "children"
Only now you hear on radio and television: neglected children , children - orphans, children under guardianship , orphanages.
Philosophy of Steep Steps, or Childhood and Youth of Nastya Chugunova, Albert Karyshev, 2013
Half a thousand children - now it has become more noticeable that these are children - the most ordinary children , raged among the ruins, reaching for a bath.
A golden cloud spent the night, Anatoly Pristavkin, 1987
but we want to know why children of these heroes and we, children of their children , do not now have either democracy or at least some progress in our life?
Conspirators. Crime, Nick. Shpanov, 1951
And children he turned out excellent - the valve was kept in order with all the ensuing consequences for their children and children their children .
You never know what they say, Tatyana Solomatina, 2012
Someone has children small, someone has medium, someone has big, someone else has a child , and someone is not going to have children .
New world. Collection of articles, Igor Vlasiev
the deacon answered and, after a short silence, continued with a smile: – Small children – a small sorrow, large children – a great sorrow.
Man in a case (compilation), Anton Chekhov
All children are healthy, all children are beautiful, and this one, you see, what a!
Great Rosicrucian, Vsevolod Soloviev
That children - his children - are born with the thought of something else.
Hard labor. Criminals, Vlas Doroshevich
Children hold me, children , they knit my hands and legs.
Hard labor. Criminals, Vlas Doroshevich
Children - God's blessing, children - joy.
Kreutzer Sonata (collection), Leo Tolstoy
Since there were children and the more they grew, the more often it was the children themselves who were both a means and an object of contention.
Kreutzer Sonata (collection), Leo Tolstoy
we will see the bridge, but our children will not see , and neither we nor our children will see the railway.
Remarkable eccentrics and originals (collection), Mikhail Ivanovich Pylyaev, 1898
I have children , I must tell you the truth, extremely rare children !
Abraham, Nikolai Zlatovratsky, 1878
Strange children , one might say, unprecedented children , but if they call themselves that, so be the Lord with them.
About fathers and children and about Mr. Chekhov, Nikolai Mikhailovsky, 1892
And I can say with a clear conscience: “O children , children , how dangerous are your summers!” It's not about age though.
About fathers and children and about Mr. Chekhov, Nikolai Mikhailovsky, 1892
These were children of the poor, children of streets…
“Resurrection and Life…”. Easter prose of Russian classics, Vladimir Nabokov
children what will they say children about such a father.
Nostalgia Boulevard, Vladimir Savich, 2016
Lord, all children are like children , but everything is not like other people!
One bright story, Olga Vysotskaya
Why our children are must live in an orphanage with a living father, for whom other people's children turned out to be more expensive.
Captured by the Snow Queen. Book 1, Helen Hoffmann
Most, if not all, actors in the cinema are children of other actors, and officials are children of big businessmen or other officials.
12 rules of a cunning monkey, Oleg Igorevich Mezentsev, 2020
Here is the extension: children - happiness, children - joy, children - light in the window!
Tsar-fish, Viktor Astafiev, 1976
Children were grief, children were the cross, children were the punishment of the woman tearing her belly for them.
Yashka's children. Chekhov's heroes in the XXI century (collection), Galina Shcherbakova
Children - drug addicts, children - drunkards, children - criminals ...
Inspector. City novel, Roman Chikin
Correct - children , children live like this, and their children , who are also called fashionably “journalists”, these retell how Western stars go crazy.
Zeremids - demons of the state, Almaz Braev, 2018
For a baby it is excusable to soil diapers, that's why he is a baby , and you are not child and have soiled not diapers, but an offensive operation.
Don stories (collection), Mikhail Sholokhov, 2014
No, of course, he was the same child , like many other children , - lively, intelligent, lively, but sometimes dreamy child .
Magi, Vsevolod Soloviev
In her arms, wrapped in a warm blanket, lay a child , but child is not small, not chesty, but, judging by its height, it is three or four years old.
Great Rosicrucian, Vsevolod Soloviev
But then I decided that she was still a child , a spoiled child , that although she is very educated, she was brought up “there”…
Magi, Vsevolod Soloviev
And so the child is sick, and it is necessary to get on this very best, the one who saves, and then the child is saved;
Kreutzer Sonata (collection), Leo Tolstoy
She will have 9 soon0443 child , child Jamie, and when he sees his own child, his own flesh and blood, marries his mother to name his son.
Schemer, Sidney Sheldon, 1982
Do you really think that Ivan knows that our child is his child ?
We all burn with a blue flame, Anatoly Andreev, 2003
Second - immediate abortion, otherwise child or mother and child will die.
APARTMENT. Novels and stories, Valery Osinsky
“Oh, come quickly, otherwise the child will wake up!” If baby wakes up, who puts him to bed?
Happiness?, Arseniy Nikitin, 2014
But since Elena was traveling, it was necessary to take with her both children , of whom Provorov had two, and children , which mainly served as a delay on the way.
Servant of Emperor Paul, Mikhail Volkonsky, 1903
Incomes are small, children many: Martha graduated from progymnasium, her son studied at the gymnasium, other children were even less.
Small demon, Fyodor Sologub, 1902
Men and women, old people and children , and after children and dogs came to see an unprecedented spectacle.
Air ship, Alexander Belyaev, 1934g.
Let her go for a walk with children , and from a distance it seems that children are driving a cab.
Witch (collection), Hope Teffi
children were found among the forest animals, the customs of which these children learned for themselves;
Philosophical letters (collection), Petr Chaadaev
But we, people who have children , do not need more children , they are extra care, expense, co-heirs, they are a burden.
Kreutzer Sonata (collection), Leo Tolstoy
Fathers ducked, children began to stir, fathers began to be afraid of children , respect them, began to fawn.
Death of Vazir-Mukhtar, Yuri Tynyanov, 1928
Dogs and small children of the owner also sometimes went out to the visitors, and the visitors caressed children and dogs.
Humiliated and Insulted, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1859
Kolotukhin had only two children , a son and a daughter - red children , as they say in the villages.
In the woods, Pavel Melnikov-Pechersky, 1871-1874
Mrs. Morland was a very kind woman and wanted her children to become everything that should be children ;
Northanger Abbey (compilation), Jane Austen, 1818, 1817
Or her neighbor, who also has small children , and half of children we already have fatherlessness.
Case of Kukotsky, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, 2001
Don't let the child cry too long, the lack of response to the call causes the children to stop crying.
Alphabet of education, Valentina Nikolaevna Morozova
But since we are talking about children , about baby souls, I have only one option: these are unborn children .
Once upon a time, Olga Lisenkova
Zinaida did not let her children go anywhere from herself, being afraid of getting infected, but children of of the neighboring family became infected.
Forgive me, mother. Roman, Sergey Shishkov
This order, by the way, was later carried out by children children and their grandchildren.
Fly to the call of Sofrata, Olga Sergeevna Moteva, 2018
And now I basically answer him in Bulgarian that there is no need to call me, he wants to know how children are - let call children .
Fly to the call of Sofrata, Olga Sergeevna Moteva, 2018
Children , these bastards did not even spare children , he thought with anger and bitterness.