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Muck Amok/Follow Those Footprints
Binky's Music Madness/Brain Freeze
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Set Lasers to Profit/Villains Helping Villains
Golden Snub Nosed Monkey Man
Batman & Pentatonix
Wild Kratts: Amazin' Amazon Adventure
Hero's Journey
I am Lou Gehrig/I am Marie Owens
Didgeridoo and Carmen Too/Not Home on the Range
Secret Super Digger/Pucker Up and Blow
Get Up and Move!
Super Puppy Saves the Day
The Claymation Problem/The Grumpy Judge Problem
Star Light, Star Not So Bright/The Opera-matic
Lost in the Bronx/New Neighbors
A Trip to the Dentist
Snout and About/Zadie's Shell Shuffle
Super Rosie/On with the Show
Friends Help Each Other/Daniel Helps O Tell a Story
Daniel's Tiger Twirl/You Can Play Your Own Way
Special Delivery/Campout Confusion
Family Sports Day/The Cake-Off
Super Rosie/On with the Show
Chili Jamboree/Hoof Dancing Is Hard
The Waiting Game/Planet Purple Party
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I am Theodore Roosevelt/I am Eleanor Roosevelt
A Leg Up / Sneezitis Solution
Heartthrob Hamster/Astronuts
The Squirrels/Fern & Persimmony Glitchet
Puppypalooza Part 1/Puppypalooza Part 2
And Then They Were Puppies/A Case of the Sillies
Mystery of the North Pole Penguins?
Queen for a Day/Jolly Special Friend
Water, Water Everywhere/Commander Cressida Story Contest
Batman & Pentatonix
Wild Kratts: Amazin' Amazon Adventure
Hero's Journey
I am Theodore Roosevelt/I am Eleanor Roosevelt
Queen for a Day/Jolly Special Friend
I am Theodore Roosevelt/I am Eleanor Roosevelt
A Leg Up / Sneezitis Solution
Heartthrob Hamster/Astronuts
The Squirrels/Fern & Persimmony Glitchet
Puppypalooza Part 1/Puppypalooza Part 2
And Then They Were Puppies/A Case of the Sillies
Mystery of the North Pole Penguins?
Queen for a Day/Jolly Special Friend
Wild Kratts: Amazin' Amazon Adventure
Hero's Journey
I am Theodore Roosevelt/I am Eleanor Roosevelt
Queen for a Day/Jolly Special Friend
Flutter by Butterfly/Pretty in Pink
I Have Muscles Where?
Landon's Circus Adventure
The Camp Problem/The Two Homes Problem
Sidewalk Art/Gnome at Home
Lucas Left Out/The Sweetest Treat
The Hair Dance
The Sleepover/Secret Tunnels
Trouble in Chalk Town/Story Time Garden
O Gives Daniel Space/Daniel and Miss Elaina Bake Pretzels
Daniel and Margaret Play School/Treasure Hunt at the Castle
Summerween/Make it Snow
Abuela's Birthday/Cat Mail
Trouble in Chalk Town/Story Time Garden
Art Show Today/The Lavender Lights
Flying Flapjacks/Pickle Penguin Problem
Zoo Night/Charkie Escapes
I am Confucius/I am Sacagawea
Back on Track / Switcheroo-er
Outdoor Nature Warrior/Hide and Go Screech
Arthur Sells Out/Mind Your Manners
Going Toe to Toe with a Dinosaur/Sassy Ladies on Ice
Oscar Strikes Back
The Cobra King
C'est Cheese/C'est La Vie A Paris
What's Up with Saturn's Rings?/Sunspot's Night Out
Batman & Pentatonix
Wild Kratts: Amazin' Amazon Adventure
Hero's Journey
I am Confucius/I am Sacagawea
C'est Cheese/C'est La Vie A Paris
I am Confucius/I am Sacagawea
Back on Track / Switcheroo-er
Outdoor Nature Warrior/Hide and Go Screech
Arthur Sells Out/Mind Your Manners
Vintage Queen Size Sesame Street Alphabet Quilt Bedspread Big
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Sesame Street actor Bob McGrath dies deadline. According to the artist's representatives, he died peacefully at home surrounded by his family.
McGrath first appeared on Sesame Street in the 1960s (in '69 he played neighbor Bob Johnson) and appeared in it periodically until 2017, ending with the episode "Having a Ball".
As a co-founder of the show, McGrath also wrote songs for the show, including the title track. After stepping away from filming, the actor continued to work with Sesame Workshop, which runs the franchise, appearing at public events and giving lectures on early childhood education.
Bob McGrath also returned for the 2019 Sesame Street 50th Anniversary TV special hosted by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Preview image: Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images
Bob McGrath
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City 9000.

The roots of the current space city go back to ancient times. The most ancient settlement on the territory of the present city was the Bolshevo settlement of the 11th century. Scientists suggest that an ancient trade route from the Moscow principality to Vladimir-Suzdal passed through this area. The first mention of the villages of Bolshevo and Kostino can be found in cadastral books of 1573-1574. In 1715, one of the first industrial enterprises in Russia arose here - a linen and cloth manufactory.
The modern history of the city begins with 1918, when the Gun Factory was transferred from Petrograd to the territory of the dacha village of Podlipki. In 1928, the Podlipki settlement was classified as a workers' settlement and named Kalininsky in honor of the prominent Soviet party and statesman M. I. Kalinin (1875-1946). On December 26, 1938, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 1458/7, it was transformed into a city with the name Kaliningrad.
Bolshevskaya Commune
One of the brightest pages in the city’s history is the fate of Bolshevskaya Labor Commune No.24 years. The need to create a commune was caused by the uncontrolled growth in the number of homeless children after the revolution of 1917 and the Civil War (1918-1921). The task of the teachers was to train teenagers in working specialties, for which a carpentry and shoe workshop was created, which by 1933 had grown into a knitwear, shoe, woodworking and metalworking industry. Production brought tangible profits, housing issues were successfully resolved, a pioneer camp and a training center were built, and the pupils of the commune were encouraged to be interested in sports and art. The number of Communards exceeded 4,000 people. The development of the commune contributed to the fact that in 19In 39, the village of Kostino received the status of a city. However, on January 1, 1939, the commune ceased to exist. Many of its leaders and pupils were repressed. All its production areas, buildings, housing and other funds, by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, were transferred to the People's Commissariat of Light Industry.
In the 1930s, the future general line of the city's development began to emerge — laying new paths in science, even if only in the military industry.
Two secret enterprises were located in Kaliningrad - plant No. 38 of L.V. Kurchevsky - the creator of the world's first dynamo-reactive recoilless artillery gun and aviation KB-29 V.A. Chizhevsky, engaged in the development of an aircraft for round-the-world flights (on the basis of the Chizhevsky Design Bureau, the Design Bureau and Plant No. 289 of P.O. Sukhoi were created).
On February 28, 1940, from the Kaliningrad airfield, located on the site of the present NPO IT, the country's first apparatus with a liquid-propellant jet engine and the first in the world with a two-propellant rocket engine with ignition, cooling and organization of in-chamber processes took off.
Youth front-line
brigade of plant No. 88
The Great Patriotic War became the hardest test for the city. But even then, the activity to create new models of weapons, with the help of which our people broke the back of fascism, did not stop for a minute. On June 3, 1942, the history of today's Tactical Missiles Corporation begins (at that time Aviation Plant No. 455, and now the main manufacturer of missile weapons). And in August 1942, the Central Artillery Design Bureau (the famous Grabin Design Bureau) was organized. TsAKB developed anti-aircraft and aircraft guns, guns for tanks. The most famous of these guns is the 100-mm anti-tank gun ZIS-3 (St.
The fifties are a new stage in the history of the city. Enterprises begin to develop, on the basis of which a powerful rocket and space complex was subsequently formed. Such outstanding scientists as S. P. Korolev, A. M. Isaev, M. K. Yangel, V. P. Glushko, V. P. Mishin, V. F. Utkin, Yu. A. Mozzhorin and many others worked here. other.
In 1960, the settlement of Kostino (to the south of the original core of the city) was included in the city. In 1963, the workers' settlements of Pervomaisky and Tekstilshchik, as well as the holiday village of Bolshevo, were transferred to the administrative subordination of the Kaliningrad City Council. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 8, 19In 1996, it was renamed Korolev in honor of the scientist and designer in the field of rocket science and astronautics, Academician S.P. Koroleva (1907 - 1966).
The city of Korolev is rightfully considered the center of Russian cosmonautics. The main enterprises of the Russian space industry are located here, including the famous Mission Control Center and the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S.P. Korolev.
Komintern Street
The city has a rich history of international cooperation: participation in the Soyuz-Apollo, Interkosmos, International Space Station and Sea Launch space programs. The city of Korolev is not only scientific, but also one of the historical and cultural centers of the Moscow region. K. S. Stanislavsky, A. P. Chekhov, V. Ya. Bryusov, M. A. Voloshin, B. L. Pasternak, A. A. Akhmatova, M. I. Tsvetaeva, I. I. Levitan, K. A. Korovin, M. V. Nesterov, P. M. Tretyakov, S. N. Durylin. At 19In 22, the Head of the Soviet State V. I. Lenin rested and worked at the state farm of the Cheka Kostino.
Bolshevo station
A large number of well-known scientists and inventors work in the city, including academicians, about a hundred doctors and more than a thousand candidates of science. According to the level of education of the population, the city of Korolev occupies one of the first places in Russia: approximately 67% of the inhabitants have a higher or secondary technical education. Since the beginning of the 90s, the city of Korolev has been included in various associations of municipalities. In the field of economy, education, culture, healthcare, the city cooperates with 52 cities from 26 countries of the world.