Shapes that kindergarten should know
Kindergarten math Math |
From the first moment they look at your cooing face, babies start trying to make sense of their new reality. They’re hungry, they cry, and food arrives. In its most rudimentary form, they’re learning the essence of mathematics: logical thinking and problem solving.
By the end of kindergarten math, your child should be able to:
- Count to 100 by ones (1, 2, 3..) and tens (10, 20, 30…).
- Use objects, like blocks, to count, add, and subtract up to 10.
- Identify circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares.
- Sort items by size, shape, weight, and length.
- Understand where things are located: The cat is behind you, the pirate is below deck, the rainbow is above your head, you are next to me, and the teacher is in front of the classroom.
“I can count to 100!”
Kids love to show you what they’ve learned, and there’s plenty to be proud of in kindergarten. Your child will learn to identify and write numbers from 0 to 20. Ask them to point to the number that shows how old they are. They’ll be able to count to 100 — the long way saying one number at a time — and the short way skipping from 10 to 20 to 30 and so on. They’ll answer questions like, “what’s after 73?” and “what’s the number before 15?” They’ll understand that the number 3 is bigger than the number 2 and that 49 is smaller than 50, which comes after it.
Giving and taking away
Kindergartners learn to add and subtract within 10, but not with a pencil and paper. They’ll use objects and drawings. If there are 7 toy cars in a pile on the floor and one is removed, how many are left in the pile? If Juan has 4 cookies and Michele has 2 cookies, how many cookies do they have together? It gets a bit more difficult when they’re asked how many more cookies would they need for a total of 9, but that’s okay, because that’s pretty advanced. Also, some kindergartners will understand the equations for addition and subtraction, such as 6 + 3 = 9, but it’s not essential this year.
Place value
In kindergarten, kids learn that numbers between 11 and 19 are made up of 10 plus some ones. They understand that 12 is the same as 10 and 2 more. Their teacher will use different objects to explain this, such as a giving students 16 beans and having them create one pile of 10 plus 6 individual beans. This is the first step on their path to understanding place value.
More or less
Children already see the world as things that are the same and things that are different. Kindergarten is a key year for measuring, classifying, and comparing, both developmentally and in math. Your child may sort her toys into groups of animals, board games, and trucks or arrange her stuffed animals from tallest to shortest. The good news is, when your child upends a dish full of seashells onto the floor to sort the pink ones from the white ones, you’ll now know he’s practicing important math skills.
Students learn to compare two objects by their length, weight, and size.
Who’s taller, my best friend or me? Which is heavier, this hollow ball or this solid rock? Remember when your parents marked your height on the doorjamb every year so you could see how much you grew? If you’re not doing that now, go ahead and start. It’s a great learning tradition to continue with your children.
Shape shifting
Your kindergartner should learn to identify the four basic shapes: circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles. During the year, kids learn to differentiate triangles from rectangles, and rectangles from squares. They learn to sort shapes into groups according to their similarities and count how many there are in each group.
Kindergartners start learning to identify, draw, build, and sort some 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. For example, a circle drawn on paper is 2-dimensional (also known as flat), but you can hold and bounce a ball, which is a 3-dimensional sphere.
Where are you?
One of the most important concepts in kindergarten is following directions, such as put your lunch boxes inside your cubby, shoes go into the basket, put your painting next to Ida’s, and please stand behind John in line. These words are new to kindergartners. They indicate where thing are in space. Not only are they crucial for doing what the teacher asks, they’re also important math terms. Other words your child should learn sooner rather than later? Below, above, beside, in front, on top, and under.
Enjoy this time as your little one revels in counting, comparing, and shapes. Before you know it, they’ll be studying radian measures of angles traversed counterclockwise around a unit circle, and you’ll be longing to add and subtract with cookies.
Print out our favorite five math worksheets for kindergartners.
21 Creative Ways to Teach 2D Shapes in Kindergarten – KindergartenWorks
Teaching shapes to kindergarten is part of many standards-based curriculums.
When you teach 2D shapes, you're covering some basic geometry skills your kinders will build from for years to come.
Let's look at how to teach 2D shapes and dig into some 2d shape activities and games to help you cover this topic.
How to teach 2D shapes
If you're wondering how to teach shapes to kindergarten - then here are the essentials you need to cover.
1. Teach the names
Teach the names of the shapes. You could consider this vocabulary, but they need to identify the name of each shape no matter the orientation (which way the shape is turned).
source: teachwithme.comYou can always use a fun hook like these 2D shapes owl craft to get them started on learning the names of the shapes.
I recommend these 2D shapes kindergartners should know the best: circle, triangle, rectangle, square and hexagon.
source: miss-kindergarten.comYou could easily add some free shape posters or poems to your daily routine until your kiddos know them by heart.
And this is totally my opinion - but forget teaching 2d shapes like the heart and the star (those are almost like "gimmes" in today's kindergarten).
Remember: if you use pattern blocks for any activities - don't shy away from teaching the trapezoid, rhombus and parallelogram. It's an easy way to get extra shape names with what you're already using.
2. Teach what makes a shape unique
Teach the unique characteristics of each shape. What makes the shape unique?
You can use 2D shape bingo, a hide-n-feel game or even a little mini booklet to help cover how to describe the 2D shapes.
I made a mini 2D shapes booklet to use with my guided math groups.
I like that students pick up on the basic book pattern:
- The first page asks a question based on a shape's attributes.
- The second page answers it.
But you can even create shape puppets to get them talking about what makes the shapes unique.
Consider using videos as well to teach describing 2D shapes - like how many sides and vertices each shapes has.
3. Teach what makes a 2D shape a 2D shape
Teach what makes the circle, square, triangle rectangle and hexagon all 2D shapes in a simplified fashion.
I like teaching this when I introduce 3D shapes (we compare the difference) and my students can already name and describe all of the 2D shapes for kindergarten accurately.
4. Teach shapes in the world
Teach real-life examples of shapes. Students should be able to pick out shapes in the world from the environment around them but also create real-world things by combining 2D shapes.
This quick shapes in the world video for kindergarten is perfect before going on a shape hunt. It reinforces a circle, square, and triangle in everyday items and has kids draw shapes in the air.
You'll find a few more examples of how to teach shapes in the world with some of the activities listed below.
Activities to do
Here are some fun ideas for how to teach 2D shapes with kinders.
There is a variety to pick from that can help accomplish the goals we mentioned above.
source: crayonbits.blogspot.comCreate a lift-the-flap riddle book with your students. Have them dictate the text and cut out shapes. Let them show what they know to make a class book.
Teach how to draw the shapes - by teaching how many points to draw. I learned this tip from our district's leading preschool teacher.
Kids that came from her preschool program came in knowing how to draw shapes in kindergarten and I learned this was her secret method of teaching them! {wink}
source: afaithfulattempt.blogspot.comIf you're teaching 2D shapes during Christmas, create a Rudolph at the window art project using construction paper shape pieces. It sticks to basic shapes. I love the finished product.
You could also use this free shape reindeer card activity and adapt it a bit since it was designed for first grade.
Take the shape your class is having the most difficulty with and let them get creative! Have them turn the shape into something in our world simply by adding details.
source: whatever shape manipulatives you have and create 2D shape scenes or real-world things. Snap photos with your phone and print them as example cards.
Students can try to recreate yours or build their own 2D shape real-world things.
If you only have pattern blocks, try to add in some circles, squares, and rectangles made out of craft foam from the dollar tree.
source: llittlefamilyfun.comSpeaking of making your own 2D shape manipulatives - this teaching 2D shapes dinosaur activity is a perfect example. Cut your own shapes and let your students create.
source: schooltimesnippets.comGrab toothpicks and marshmallows (or playdough) with these printable build a 2D shape cards. Students can focus on the number of vertices each shape has.
Play 2D shapes games
Play games that involve looking at shapes in different ways.
Play this little roll-a-shape 2D shapes in the world game. It's perfect for beginning kindergarten.
It's simple to play and students can do it independently. They roll a die, say the shape's name and color or trace a matching shape in the picture.
This shapes in the world printable board game is a simple way to play in small numbers.
source: you just need something that works on naming and identifying - then this quick shape game is what you're looking for. Add a pencil and paper clip as a makeshift spinner.
I've found a way to turn bingo into a super-effective way to work on describing shapes in kindergarten. So check out this describing 2D shapes bingo game that is free.
It's a classic game that's easy to share with parent volunteers too since they usually already know basic bingo rules.
source: firstgradealacarte.blogspot.
Here's an alternate naming shapes game that is styled after chutes and ladders. I think they'd like this format.
Go on a shape hunt around the classroom simply by following the directions in this secret agent shapes detective video.
Play what's hiding under the rug. This is the easiest game to teach and play with kindergarten. I love turning it over to pairs of students to play in our small group sessions so I can listen in on how accurately they are describing 2D shapes.
It's an ideal way to informally assess how well students are doing on this skill.
source: themeasuredmom.comLet students each play at their own pace and graph their results with this 2D shapes game.
Find the shapes hidden in these landscapes to bring back color to the black-and-white pictures. This interactive, online shapes game reminds me of the old school Highlights for Kids magazines {wink}
Let's wrap it up
There you have the basics of how to teach 2D shapes and creative activities, games, and videos for teaching 2D shapes in kindergarten.
I hope you've found exactly what you need to complete your lesson plans. It's my goal to help you organize, think and teach your best.
You may also enjoy this short list of 2D shapes videos.
If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.
More Math in Kindergarten
- 10 Activities for Describing 3D Shapes in Kindergarten
- Monster Numbers – Easy Tools to Teach 0-10
- Making 5 Fluency Ideas and Games
Rules for Parents
Dear parents!
In our kindergarten, we care about your children, their safety and development.
Therefore, we ask you to follow some rules that will help make attending kindergarten a pleasant experience for your child.
*** Do not forget that in the pre-school there is a monthly payment for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten. We ask you to pay the receipt on time, , by the 20th day of of each month, according to the contract.
Read about payment here
*** In our preschool institution, it is customary to treat each other politely , therefore, regardless of their age, it is necessary to address the teachers of the group with you, by name and patronymic, and teach this to your children.
Their "aunts" do not work in our kindergarten!
*** Reception of children is carried out from 7. 30 to 8.45 daily, except weekends and holidays.
Timely arrival in kindergarten is a necessary condition for the correct organization of the educational process.
*** If you bring your child after the start of any regimen or activity, please undress him and wait with him in the locker room until the next break.
*** In the morning, parents must hand over the child personally to the teacher , and in the evening, be sure to go to the teacher and say that you are picking up the child from the kindergarten.
*** If you need to bring or pick up a child outside school hours , please notify the teacher in advance. If your child is taken from the kindergarten by relatives or acquaintances, then you must write an application and sign it with the head.
*** If the child is unable to come to the kindergarten due to illness or other good reason, please inform the teacher by 9 am by contact phone, and in case of coming to the kindergarten after illness or vacation - the day before by 12 pm .
*** A child not attending kindergarten for more than 3 days must have a doctor's note.
Parents, remember! You must bring a healthy child!
An untreated child will not only get sick himself, but will also infect healthy children!
And if "snot" and coughing do not frighten you as a mother, then another mother may have her own opinion, different from yours.
*** Before you take your child to kindergarten, check whether he is dressed correctly , whether his suit corresponds to the season and air temperature. In properly selected clothes, the child moves freely, gets tired less. Make sure that the child's clothing is not too large and at the same time does not hinder the child's movements. Pay special attention to shoes . It should be light, warm and fit exactly to the size of the foot. Check buckles and laces. They must be such that the child can use them independently. In the group room it is not allowed to wear shoes without backs (flip-flops).
Dear parents! Slippers leave for the house. Children, of course, feel at home here, but let shoes be “not slippers” .
Requirements for the appearance of children
- Neat appearance, fully buttoned clothing and footwear;
- Washed face;
- Clean nose, hands, trimmed nails;
- Hair trimmed and carefully combed; for girls, the hairstyle is fixed with elastic bands, bows, etc.
- Clean underwear;
- Availability of sufficient handkerchiefs. The handkerchief is necessary for the child both indoors and on a walk. Make convenient pockets on your clothes for storing it.
To create comfortable conditions for a child to stay in kindergarten, you need:
- In closet there should be T-shirts, panties, spare tights, socks, a change of clothes in case of an "accident" while eating. Children ... are an independent people. Be sure to check the neatness of things, do not forget to take your pajamas and sportswear to the laundry, well, we don’t even mention the daily change of clothes. Clothing for staying in a group. It is not allowed to wear the same pair of jeans, trousers both for a walk and in the premises of the kindergarten.
- Two bags for storing clean and used linen.
- Comb (regardless of hair length).
- Sportswear and shoes with rubber soles for physical education.
- Linen, clothes and other things can be marked.
- It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to bring sharp, piercing, cutting objects to the preschool (scissors, knives, knitting needles, pins, nails, wire, mirror, glass bottles, bubbles, metal toys, swords, sabers, lighters, etc.
) .
The presence of such items is dangerous not only for your child, but also for other children attending the group. Therefore, be sure to check your child's pockets before leaving for kindergarten.
It is strongly recommended not to put on a child gold and silver jewelry.
We also ask not to give chewing gum, sweets, cookies and any food, vitamins, pills and other medicines, cosmetics and computer games and any valuable toy that you feel sorry for.
If you consider it necessary to give your child some treats with you, then please limit yourself to a few caramels in candy wrappers and warn the teacher about this.
- In a group, children are not allowed to beat and offend each other; take things from the teacher's table without permission, even your own, take personal things without permission, including toys of other children brought from home; spoil and break the results of the work of other children.
Children are not allowed to "strike back", as well as to attack each other. This requirement is dictated by the safety of the child.
- Do not forget to pay attention to the child's man-made work (drawings, crafts), praise the child.
Parents can attend classes at any time , informing the teacher conducting it a day in advance. Replacement shoes are not required, but remember about shoe covers!
General issues are discussed at parent meetings, not because there is nothing to say about everyone, but only because of ethical considerations.
- Disputes and conflict situations must be resolved in the absence of children. If you could not resolve any issue with the teacher of the group, contact the head.
In the presence of a child one should not discuss preschool teachers with relatives or acquaintances.
Dear parents!
The administration is responsible for the life of the child from 7.30 to 17.30, and after…
If you came at 17.20, and you want to take a walk and talk with the teacher, that way until 18.00, try to restrain your desires, since the educators have a working day until 17.30 .
REMEMBER : as soon as you come for the child, the caregiver relieves himself of responsibility for him!
How to choose a kindergarten: what is important for parents to know
How to choose a kindergarten: what parents need to know
How to choose a kindergarten: what parents need to know - RIA Novosti, 07/25/2018
Long procces. If you plan that your child should start going to kindergarten from September 1 of the current year, RIA Novosti, 02/14/2018 :33
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SN_Education, social navigator
SN_Education, Social navigator
Choosing a kindergarten is a complex, important and lengthy process. If you plan that your child should start going to kindergarten from September 1 of the current year, you must select a suitable preschool institution in advance and submit documents between February 1 and May 31.
"Social Navigator" has prepared a number of general tips that can make it easier for parents to choose an organization for preschool education.
At the moment, in large cities, the situation has developed in such a way that the choice of preschool education directly affects the school where the child will be and continue his education. This is primarily due to the fact that many kindergartens are assigned to schools. It’s worth thinking about it now, because the closer to the age when a child should go to first grade, the more difficult it is to find a suitable option.
Geographic factor
February 6, 2018, 12:45
Kindergartens of Russia - 2017
Of course, all parents start looking for a place for their child from what is within walking distance. This aspect is one of the most relevant when choosing a kindergarten, which is confirmed by the results of the ONF survey. A large distance between the house and the garden will create additional difficulties. This may affect the attendance of children. At the same time, the territorial accessibility of our kindergartens is assessed as high, more than half of the parents get to preschool institutions on foot. Some families who pay special attention to this issue even change their place of residence in connection with the birth of children.
Kindergarten staff
A well-located kindergarten is an important but not the key issue. The most important thing is the staffing. Here you need to pay attention to teachers: do they have a higher pedagogical education, an appropriate (preschool) education. Of course, the human factor cannot be ruled out, you need to try to get to know each other personally, to get to know the future teacher better.
December 15, 2016, 10:00 am
Kindergartens: strengths and weaknesses of early childhood education
It is worth choosing a kindergarten where there is a full-time psychologist. The importance of the constant work of a specialized teacher with your child cannot be underestimated.
You also need to pay attention to the presence of a nurse: in general, the situation here is positive. In approximately 75% of cases, there are people who are ready to provide first aid to children.
There is a staffing problem in the regions: local authorities are fighting queues for kindergartens not at the expense of new buildings, but by increasing the density of groups. Therefore, the number of children in one group can sometimes reach up to 45 people, with an average of 25. Therefore, it is worth choosing the kindergarten where the ratio of teaching staff and support staff (cooks, cleaners) is better in relation to children.
Next, you should pay attention to the program used by the preschool educational organization. Among the comprehensive programs (covering all five educational areas and aimed at the versatile development of the child's personality) are:
- "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.
- "Childhood" edited by T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntsevoy
- "Origin" edited by L.A. Paramonova
Of the partial programs (covering one of the educational areas and aimed at the local development of any ability or skill), the most common are: Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkin

The above programs are the most popular and most often used in kindergartens, however, each parent should choose the appropriate education plan for their child individually, based on the child's preferences, strengths and weaknesses.
May 29, 2017, 12:41
Kindergarten through the eyes of parents: fees, meals, additional services Almost every Russian child attends a kindergarten. This is an important stage in the life of the baby and his parents. What expenses the family bears, how they get to the kindergarten, whether they are satisfied with the nutrition of the preschool child - on the eve of the Child Protection Day, see the infographic of the "Social Navigator" of the MIA "Russia Today".
Also study the kindergarten itself and the organization of child safety. For example, the presence of a fenced area for walking, as well as specially equipped playgrounds.
Learn more
- How to improve social skills in children
- Website that teaches kids to read
- Dad reading to child
- Books for kindergarteners to read on their own
- Teaching preschoolers numbers
- Syllable blending activities
- Teach letter recognition
- Starts with the letter o
- Letters recognition for preschool
- Play with numbers
- Bedtime stories for newborns