Short story for toddlers with pictures

Picture Books | Bedtime Stories

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Looking for books to read to kids? Enjoy our HUGE collection of free picture books for children, here at Storyberries!

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Environment Gardens Insects Mindfulness Picture Books Picture Books

One day Mr Barry decides to throw out his old sofa, Darla. But before he knows it, a whole community of friends pops up!

5 Min Stories Age 7-12 All All Fairy Tales Animals Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Feel Good Fairy Tales Modern Fairy Tales Picture Books Picture Books

The people of Hamelin are happy. Until one day, a horde of multicoloured butterflies descend upon the town.

5 Min Stories Age 0-3 All Animals Baby Books Birthdays Friends Picture Books Picture Books Rhyming Stories

Koah Koala is having his first birthday! He's about to discover how fun it is to be One!

5 Min Stories Age 7-12 All Picture Books Picture Books Reading

Veronica Peach loves crazy hats, silly voices and BOOKS! One day, she decides to ride around town on her flashy racing bike, reading stories to children. ..

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Dogs Feelings and Emotions Friends Picture Books Picture Books Senses

Baxter the Puppy loses his beloved Oliver in Paris. He will have to follow his nose to find him!

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Beach and Sea Early Readers Early Readers Friends Funny Funny Stories Picture Books Picture Books

Making friends is pretty hard for a friendly shark with a toothy smile. But he's going to try!

5 Min Stories Age 0-3 Age 4-6 All Baby Books Family Feelings and Emotions Growth Mindset Love Mindfulness Picture Books Picture Books

A story about the beauty and love your special light can bring to others, and how it spreads from one person to everyone!

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Cats Feelings and Emotions Insects Picture Books Picture Books

Scowly Puss feels bored and blue. Luckily Antony the Ant appears, to tell him what to do!

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Early Readers Early Readers Friends Picture Books Picture Books

Ou Ou wants to make new friends, but everyone thinks his quills are too sharp. Will he be able to overcome their rejection?

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Health Picture Books Picture Books

Matko is too large to get through a gate - but works out a way, respecting and honouring her own shape.

5 Min Stories Age 7-12 All Animals Environment Picture Books Picture Books

Animals live in all sorts of homes. .. and we share our home with all of them.

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Counting Numbers Picture Books Picture Books

Kayal bounced her ball too high! You'll never guess where it bounces!

5 Min Stories Age 0-3 Age 4-6 All Baby Books Picture Books Picture Books

Ted is a big boy and wears big boy undies! But something goes wrong when the washing happens!

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Circus Early Readers Early Readers Friends Picture Books Picture Books

Little Mouse, Littler Mouse and Tiny Mouse have a wonderful day at the Carnival.

5 Min Stories Age 0-3 Age 4-6 All Animals Baby Books Early Readers Early Readers Mothers Picture Books Picture Books

Leah is trying to think of the best present in the world for her mother. Her whole family is here to help her think of the perfect gift!

5 Min Stories Age 0-3 All Baby Books Early Readers Early Readers Mothers Picture Books

Some mummies help us, and some mummies love us. What does your mummy do?

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Picture Books Picture Books

A family talks together about all the things they love to do!

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Picture Books | Bedtime Stories

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Short Picture Books

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Environment Gardens Insects Mindfulness Picture Books Picture Books

One day Mr Barry decides to throw out his old sofa, Darla. But before he knows it, a whole community of friends pops up!

5 Min Stories Age 7-12 All All Fairy Tales Animals Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Feel Good Fairy Tales Modern Fairy Tales Picture Books Picture Books

The people of Hamelin are happy. Until one day, a horde of multicoloured butterflies descend upon the town.

5 Min Stories Age 0-3 All Animals Baby Books Birthdays Friends Picture Books Picture Books Rhyming Stories

Koah Koala is having his first birthday! He's about to discover how fun it is to be One!

5 Min Stories Age 7-12 All Picture Books Picture Books Reading

Veronica Peach loves crazy hats, silly voices and BOOKS! One day, she decides to ride around town on her flashy racing bike, reading stories to children. ..

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Dogs Feelings and Emotions Friends Picture Books Picture Books Senses

Baxter the Puppy loses his beloved Oliver in Paris. He will have to follow his nose to find him!

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Beach and Sea Early Readers Early Readers Friends Funny Funny Stories Picture Books Picture Books

Making friends is pretty hard for a friendly shark with a toothy smile. But he's going to try!

5 Min Stories Age 0-3 Age 4-6 All Baby Books Family Feelings and Emotions Growth Mindset Love Mindfulness Picture Books Picture Books

A story about the beauty and love your special light can bring to others, and how it spreads from one person to everyone!

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Cats Feelings and Emotions Insects Picture Books Picture Books

Scowly Puss feels bored and blue. Luckily Antony the Ant appears, to tell him what to do!

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Early Readers Early Readers Friends Picture Books Picture Books

Ou Ou wants to make new friends, but everyone thinks his quills are too sharp. Will he be able to overcome their rejection?

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Dolls Picture Books Toys

A little girl is best friends with Azizi her doll, and has lots of fun with her every day.

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Animals Health Picture Books Picture Books

Matko is too large to get through a gate - but works out a way, respecting and honouring her own shape.

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Being Sick and in Hospital Football Human Body Hygiene Picture Books Sports

Divya has the sniffles before an important football game. What happens when she goes to the game anyway?

5 Min Stories Age 7-12 All Animals Environment Picture Books Picture Books

Animals live in all sorts of homes... and we share our home with all of them.

5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Counting Numbers Picture Books Picture Books

Kayal bounced her ball too high! You'll never guess where it bounces!

5 Min Stories Age 0-3 Age 4-6 All Baby Books Picture Books Picture Books

Ted is a big boy and wears big boy undies! But something goes wrong when the washing happens!

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Stories with pictures for children

Instructive stories about animals about a horse

Konstantin Paustovsky

Hare paws

01457 min

Vanya Malyavin brought a hare with burnt paws to the veterinarian. But he drove him away, referring to the fact that

Short stories about animals

Viktor Dragunsky

What Mishka likes

01845 min

The protagonist and his friend Mishka listened to how the singing teacher played Chopin's works. They really liked it.

Short stories Instructive stories about animals

Konstantin Paustovsky

Badger nose

0375 min

The delicious smell of human food seduced the curious forest dweller. Did the badger eat the fried potatoes?

Short stories about animals

Nikolai Nosov

About the turnip

062711 min

4. 38

Fascinating and instructive story about friendship, solidarity and responsibility. Boy Pavlik, together

Instructive stories for children 5-6 years old For children 7-11 years old

Konstantin Paustovsky

Disheveled sparrow

09113 min


Tale "Disheveled sparrow" about victory and justice. Sparrow Pashka was rescued by a policeman

Instructive stories about birds

Nikolai Nosov

Living hat

0593 min


This funny story happened to two boys.

Short stories Instructive stories about animals

Victor Dragunsky

Puss in Boots

03716 min


Short stories Instructive stories about animals in suits.

for children 5-6 years old for children 7-11 years old

Viktor Dragunsky

Main rivers

06076 min


The protagonist of Viktorov Dragunsky's stories, Deniska Korablev, gets into an awkward situation.

Instructive stories for children 5-6 years old For children 7-11 years old

Nikolay Nosov

On the hill

0663 min


The guys built an ice slide all day long. Only Kotka Chizhov did not want to help them. But as soon as the guys

Short stories Instructive stories

Nikolai Nosov


0635 min


The story is about two friends - Kotka and Pavlik. After unsuccessful fishing, they climbed to the collective farm

Instructive stories

Konstantin Paustovsky

Steel ring

04310 min


Instructive stories

Mikhail Prishvin


0412 min.

Short stories about birds

Nikolai Nosov


035311 min


children 7-11 years old

Nikolai Nosov


02413 min


Nikolai Nosov's story "Entertainers" tells a funny story that happened to Petya and Valya.

Instructive stories for children 5-6 years old for children 7-11 years old

👍 Cat-fisherman. Fairy tales and pictures of Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev 🐱

Recommend for reading:

Put the book on your shelf

Somehow the Cat went to the river to catch fish and at the very edge of the fox met.

Fox waved her fluffy tail and said in a honey voice:
— Hello, gossip, fluffy cat! I see you are going to fish?
- Yes, I want to bring fish to my kittens.
The fox lowered her eyes and asked very quietly:
— Maybe you can treat me to a fish too? Otherwise it's all chickens and ducks...
The Cat chuckled:
— So be it. I'll give you the first fish.
- I don't know how to thank you.
- Okay, okay. The Cat went on, and the Fox skipped after him and whispered to himself:
— My first fish, my first fish!..
And then, from behind the trunk of a shaggy spruce, a big shaggy Gray Wolf came out to meet them. — Great, brother! Wolf croaked. - Do you go fishing?
- Why, I want kittens ...
- Well, for me ... will you throw fish, brother? And then all goats and sheep, goats and rams ... I would like something fast!
The Cat chuckled:
— All right. The first fish is for Fox, and the second is for you!
- Well done, brother! Thank you!
- All right, all right. And everyone went on, closer to the river. The Cat is walking through the forest, the Fox is running after him, whispering to himself: “My first fish, my first fish!”
The wolf hobbles behind, muttering:
— And the other one is mine! And the second is mine! Suddenly, a Bear came out of the thicket itself. I saw a Cat with a fishing rod, how he roared:
- Hey, son! Are you catching fish?
— I want kittens…
— Listen, son, won't you give me, an old man, some fish? I love fish to death! And then all the bulls and cows, with horns and hooves ...
The cat grinned into his mustache, says:
- I promised the first fish to the Fox, the second to the Wolf, and you will already have the third.
- Let the third, only so that the largest!
- Okay.
And we went further and further, closer to the river. The Cat is walking ahead, the Fox is running after him, the Wolf is sneaking behind the Fox, the Bear is stomping behind everyone.
- The first fish - mind you, mine! the fox whispers.
— And the second one is mine… — the Wolf mutters.
- And the third one - like this - is mine! - Bear growls.
So everyone came to the river.
The cat took off his bag, put a bucket next to him, began to unwind the fishing rod. The Fox, the Wolf and the Bear settled down in the bushes nearby: they are waiting for their share of the catch.
Buddies in the bushes also keep their eyes on the float. Are waiting.
The fox whispers:
— Catch, fish, big and small...
And suddenly the float trembled.
The fox gasped:
— Ah, my fish is biting!
The float on the water danced, jumped; circles ran from him in all directions.

— Pull! Pull! Get my fish! Lisa screamed.

The cat got scared and pulled. The fish flashed silver and with a splash went under the water.

- Broke! Wolf croaked. - Hurry, stupid, raised a cry ... Well, now it's my turn! Mine won't break!

Put the cat on the hook of a new worm and cast the line again.

The Wolf rubs its paws, saying:
— Catch, fish, big and big... Catch...
Just then the float shuddered and went for a walk on the water. The cat has already taken the rod in its paw.
- Don't pull! Wolf growls. - Let the fish hold on tight.
The cat released the fishing rod, and the float suddenly stopped immediately.
— Now drag it! Wolf commanded.

The cat pulled the fishing rod - a bare hook dangles at the end of the fishing line.

“I waited,” Fox giggled. - Your fish ate the whole worm!

The cat put a new worm on the hook and cast the line for the third time.

— Well, it's quiet now! the Bear barked. - If you scare away my fish - I'll tell you! .. Here it is !!!

The whole float went under the water, the fishing line stretched like a string: it is about to break ...

— Ho-ho! - Bear rejoices. - That's mine! As punished, the biggest!

The cat is barely holding on to the shore: the fish will drag him into the water.

A scary, mustachioed muzzle has already appeared out of the water…

That's a catfish!

— I'm the first, this is mine!.. I won't let you!!! the Fox suddenly shrieked and rushed into the river.

— Noooo, naughty… Mine will be! the Wolf growled and dived after the Fox.

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