Sight words for 3 years old
8 Ways to Teach Sight Words to Preschoolers (2023)
Learning sight words is a critical skill for kids to learn how to read!
Teaching children how to learn sight words can be a challenge.
Because it all comes down to memorization. There is not a way to sound out these words. In case you are unfamiliar, sight words are words like that don’t follow the traditional rules of spelling or can’t be sounded out phonetically. Some examples of sight words are who, does, and come.
To give your preschooler a great jump start to reading, I have come up with 8 EASY ways that you can teach your preschooler sight words!
#1. Start With TWO Letter Sight Words
Does anyone have a toddler that says no to absolutely everything?
You’ll be hearing it all over again when you start teaching sight words because the word “no” is one of the easiest ones to recognize!
When you start out teaching a child sight words, it’s important to start small and build up to longer words. Starting with TWO letter words for them to memorize is going to be a lot easier than FOUR letter words.
Here are some two-letter sight words that you can start with: of, to, is, in, it, he, on, as, at, be, or, by, we, an, do, if, up, so, no, go
Once your little one has mastered the two-letter words, you can move onto three or more letter words!
While some of the words on this list can be sounded out and others can not, I think it’s easier to have your child just memorize the words so they can say it at a glance.
Here is a list of sight words for each age/grade level?
I use the above sight word checklist when I am deciding what new words to teach my daughter!
#2. Choose Sight Words In Your Child’s Favorite Books
I have a quiz for you.
How many sight words can you find in this sentence below from the book, Where the Wild Things Are?
“His mother called him “WILD THING!” and Max said “I’LL EAT YOU UP!” so he was sent to bed without eating anything. ”
I found 12 sight words in that one sentence!
- (his, him, wild, and, said, eat, you, up, so, he, was, to)
Sight words are referred to as high-frequency words because some of them are the most common words in the English language!
When you are reading to a child, and they are starting to learn sight words, make sure to point out the words in their favorite books. They will be more interested in learning the sight words if it’s in a context they enjoy! We have a subscription to Highlights Magazine, and my daughter loves pointing out which words she recognizes.
Your kids will feel so proud when they can read a few words in their favorite stories. It will encourage them to want to learn more!
#3. Practice Daily
Just like teaching your kids the alphabet, numbers, and shapes, it takes repetition for them to understand the material!
At least a few minutes of work on sight words each day will help them immensely when it comes to memorizing sight words.
Here is what works best for my daughter:
I write the sight words that we have previously learned on a small dry erase board, which I limit to about 25 max.
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We take some time and review those words plus add one or two new words depending on how well she does during the review.
Check out this short video of how I review the sight words with my daughter!
To ensure that she remembers the sight words we learned, I make sure to include ones that we learned in the past.
Tip#4: Make Reading Fun!
If I just focused on the above activity over and over again, I think I would struggle badly getting my kids to learn how to read.
It’s essential to come up with EXCITING ways to teach your kids how to read!
Here are FOUR ways to make learning sight words engaging!
Activity #1. Shaving Cream Sight Words
Shaving cream is such an amazing sensory activity! Your kids will be so excited to use shaving cream for a learning activity, it won’t even feel like they are learning!
I use men’s foaming shaving cream because I think it works the best! But other types can be used as well.
How to do this activity:
1. Spray foam shaving cream on an art tray.
2. Spread it out so the shaving cream is all over the tray!
3. Write a sight word that you are working on in the shaving cream and ask your child if they know what it is.
4. Repeat this process over and over again! Let your child erase the words so they get a chance to play in the shaving cream!
Activity #2.

Do-A-Dot painters are one of my MUST-HAVE supplies to have on hand at your house.
They are so much fun to play with and they are pretty much MESS FREE! Can’t beat that right?
Do-A-Dot markers can be used for so many fun and learning activities. This specific activity was great because it worked recognizing a specific sight word while getting to paint!
(Each grade level coming soon!)
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Want to check out my other MUST-HAVE Supplies? Take a look at my list HERE!
Activity#3. Play Sight Word Games
My new thing is trying to turn games into a learning activity!
My kids love to play board games, so why not add a little bit of learning into the mix while getting to play?
How to do this activity:
1. Materials you need- Don’t Break the Ice Game, dot stickers, and a marker.
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2. On white dot stickers, write some sight words that you are working on with your little one. I wrote one that my daughter already knew so she could play the game and be successful!
3. Explain to your kids that they have to tap lightly on the ice with the hammer instead of trying to hit it as hard as they can because a lot falls at once that way. Tell them they can play the regular way after you practice the sight words. 🙂
4. Ask them to find a specific word and tap on it with the hammer or they can tap on a word of their choice and tell you what it says!
5. After they say or find all the words, then you can play the normal way!
Activity #4. FUN Worksheets
My daughter loves to color, so I created this Popsicle themed Color by Sight Word Worksheet for her to do.
Here are some excellent workbooks available on Amazon that have activities ready to go!
- 100 Write and Learn Sight Word Practice Pages
- Wipe Clean: Learning Sight Words
- The Best Sight Word Book Ever!
Don’t want to buy an entire workbook? I am constantly working on new FREE resources to make available for you.
Click here to grab your FREE Popsicle Color by Sight Word WORKSHEET!
Also, take a look at the other FREE RESOURCES that I have while you are there!
#5. Build Sentences with Sight Words
Building sentences using sight words is a GREAT way to show your child how the specific word is used in real life.
You can do this by verbally saying sentences or you can also do it in an interactive way.
We have a bunch of Thomas the Train, train tracks at home, so I thought it would be fun to work on sentence building with sight words with them!
How to do this activity:
1. Materials you need- Thomas the Train tracks, labels, and a marker.
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2. On labels, write some sight words that make sense in a sentence that you kids know or you want them to learn!
3. Spread them all apart so they have to work on building the sentence so it makes sense. They will have to read each word then create the sentence!
#6. Add A New Word Each Day
Once your child can recognize words, you can start introducing at least one new sight word each day. In the beginning, you want to start slow.
Since sight words are based on memorization, that’s why learning one word a day is perfect for this age level.
While you should introduce one new word a day, remember to review past sight words that you practiced with them before. It’s crucial to go over these sight words so they won’t forget them.
Remember they are still preschoolers, repetition is key!

You never want to rush the learning process.
Forcing preschoolers to sit and complete work when they are not ready may cause the child to think negatively about learning.
You want your child to be EXCITED to learn.
Don’t get frustrated if they don’t catch on right away or if it takes them a few days to master a word. It will happen with time, and they will feel successful if you encourage them!
There are times that my daughter can just not grasp on to a word.
For example, she had trouble memorizing the word “find.” I asked her every day for TWO weeks about this word, and she still wasn’t getting it. I decided I was going to take a break and come back to it later. I introduced the word to her again after about a month, and now she has no problem with it!
As parents, we have to be patient with our children while they are learning.

We are supposed to be their biggest cheerleaders! Tell your child how proud you are when they learn a new word. They will feel your excitement and, in return, be more excited to keep on learning new material!
#8. Join An Online Learning Program
One great website that works on early reading skills is Kickstart Reading.
Kickstart Reading– This is such a fantastic reading program! I also have a promo code that you can use to get some money off of your subscription! You will receive a FOREVER plan for $39.00(normally $57.00). This is a program that focuses solely on reading, which I think is better than anything else out there. Your little ones will learn about phonetics, sight words, vowel sounds, digraphs and MORE!
Here is a short demonstration of just one of the segments included on Kickstart Reading. This is my 5-year-old daughter working on word blends.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
Deciding when to start your preschooler’s journey into reading is a fun but challenging adventure!
It’s important to start slow, begin with two letter sight words, and stay positive with them! Try to mix up the activities that you do with them to learn sight words to keep them engaged and excited to learn!
I would love to help you on your journey to teaching your preschooler sight words. Whether you need some creative ideas or you need more helpful suggestions, please leave a comment below.
If you have any great ideas that you would like to share as well on what helped you teach sight words to a preschooler, please share them with us!
FREE Printable List of Kindergarten Sight Words & How to Teach Them
If you’ve got a child in kindergarten, you’ll want to get familiar with kindergarten sight words and learn how to teach your child to read & learn sight words.
As a child play therapist and teacher, I understand how important it is to understand what sight words are, as well as understanding which activities, games, and apps are best to use to teach them.
This post has been updated to include more Kindergarten Sight Word Resources for parents and teachers (like this Kindergarten Sight Word Bundle Packet).
Sight words are words that kindergarteners will see the most. Sight words are a commonly used term that usually refers to a set of words that reappears on almost any page of text.
Kindergarten Sight Words and How to Teach ThemThese high-frequency words are seen often. In fact, between 50-75% of your child’s text will include sight words from pre-primer & primer Dolch word lists.
What are sight words?
To become a great reader, children must master their sight words. It is essential to learn their sight words and to continue to practice them. Once your child has mastered them, it is time to move onto the next list.
When your child is looking at these words on a daily basis, they will learn them quickly. Repetition is the key to fluency (reading smoothly, without a lot of pauses), so practicing these words over and over will help to achieve that goal. Here is a FREE printable list of Kindergarten Sight Words (click here, and I will send you the list)
You are welcome to download this free printable sight word list to help your child prepare for kindergarten.Or if you really want the complete package, get this Kindergarten Sight Word Bundle Packet. As a child play therapist, I put this packet together so you can help your child learn sight words. You can print it over and over again to help your child learn his or her sight words.
How many sight words are there?There are 52 sight words that are typically taught in kindergarten.
The Kindergarten Sight Words are:
all, am, are, at, ate, be, black, brown, but, came, did, do, eat, four, get, good, have, he, into, like, must, new, no, now, on, our, out, please, pretty, ran, ride, saw, say, she, so, soon, that, there, they, this, too, under, want, was, well, went, what, white, who, will, with, yes.
These are the 52 most commonly seen words in kindergarten level books. When a child is able to master those words, it not only makes it easier for them to read the words, it also improves their fluency or how quickly and smoothly they can read a passage.
To begin, simply introduce your child to the list (show your child, hang it up, read them).
Read all of the words to your child (every day) and explain that he will be learning a new word every day (or every other day). Be excited about it.
On day one, see if your child knows any of the words. If they do, put a sticker, a checkmark, or a smiley face to the left of the word (there is space for that). If not, that’s OK! He will.
Every single day, go over the new word, as well as the OLD words that they know. I start by going over the old words with the sticker and then picking a new word. I say it, spell it, say it again, and ask my child to repeat it.
During the day, we will talk about that word and go back to the wall where it is hanging to look at it. I do this at least three times. I keep my chart in the pantry, so anytime our kids eat a snack or want to grab something, they see the words.
Continue to add a sticker, checkmark, or a smiley face to their new words, until the whole list has been completed. From then on, you can just review them every day or every few days.
As the days go on, find these words in other areas (words in books, service words on signs, flash cards before bed…)
Tracing kindergarten sight words gives children a chance to engage with the words in a new and different way. By combining multiple learning styles in one lesson, kids are more likely to learn and recall their sight words. Here are a couple of methods for creating kindergarten sight words to trace.
- Rainbow Writing: At the beginning of the school year, have students trace the sight words in three different colors. This repetition helps them develop motor memory while also solidifying the spelling of the word. As the school year progresses, have students write the words independently in three colors. They can overlap the colors or write them three separate times.
- Dry Erase Words: Kids love writing with different writing tools, so dry erase markers always make things more fun!
– Print out the kindergarten sight words you’d like students to practice on a sheet of heavy cardstock.
– Slip the cardstock into a transparent page protector and clip it to a clipboard.
– Then, with a dry erase marker, students can trace the sight words on the page protector.
If they make a mistake, it can be erased with a tissue or an old sock!
Technology has made even the youngest students digitally savvy. If you have access to a computer or tablet and a printer, have your students type their kindergarten sight words and print them out.
Kids love working in word processing programs and learning how to type. They can print the words in different colors, fonts, and sizes. Use the sight words they printed to decorate the room or as part of their reading folder.
If you minimize the page size, you could even use their printed words as Kindergarten sight word flashcards!
Learning sight words are important, but kids need to learn how to identify those words in sentences.
For early readers, being able to pick out kindergarten sight words in sentences means they have a complete understanding of the word.
Not only can they trace and write the word, but they can pick it out amidst other words. This is an important skill as they continue to develop their reading abilities.
How do you find them?One way to help kids identify their sight words in sentences is to play a modified version of I Spy. Instead of looking for objects, they are tasked with finding sight words. Give them a highlighter or highlighter tape to cover the word once they have found it.
Since kindergarteners have a limited reading vocabulary, make the sentences as uncomplicated as possible. Even three-word sentences allow students to practice finding and identifying sight words. If you want to make it more challenging, add a couple of sight words in each sentence!
KINDERGARTEN SIGHT WORDS WITH PICTURESKindergarten sight words are basic words that are seen the most frequently in grade-level books. Many of the words are hard to illustrate because of their simplicity. One way to create flashcards of kindergarten sight words with pictures is to have students decorate them or create an illustration that helps them remember the word.
For example, they may draw someone crawling under a table, or they might draw a picture of a toy that has fallen under a bed to illustrate the word “UNDER. ”
Whatever image helps them remember the word is fine to use. The goal is to help them learn the words so there is no right or wrong.
KINDERGARTEN SIGHT WORD FLASHCARDSKindergarten sight word flashcards are especially helpful for quick practice. They can be useful for reviewing words at home or on the go.
Some people even uploaded them as virtual flashcards to a tablet or smartphone to be practiced while in the car, visiting relatives, or on vacation.
It doesn’t matter if you print them out to review alone, study them from a device, or turn them into a game; sight word flashcards are a great way to reinforce kindergarten vocabulary.
When using Kindergarten Sight Word Flashcards, start with three sight words. When your child knows these three words, add one additional word at a time to the existing words the child already knows.
If you add more, your child will likely become frustrated – and we want this to be fun! Continue adding one word at a time until your child can recognize all Kindergarten sight words.
Learning is always more effective when it’s turned into a game! Here are some of our favorite sight word games and apps.
Sight Word Games- Go on a Word Hunt: Look for sight words in your Kindergartener’s favorite book! Count how many you can find. You could also print out a list of kindergarten sight words and put a checkmark next to each one you find.
- Sight Word Hopscotch: Draw a hopscotch board on the sidewalk with chalk and write different sight words in each square. As your child hops from square to square, have him call out the sight word he’s jumping to.
- Sight Word Water Balloon Smash: Fill water balloons and write sight words on each balloon in a permanent marker. On the sidewalk, write the sight words in chalk. Have your child choose a balloon, match it to the word on the sidewalk, and smash it on the chalked word. Not only is it a lot of fun, but it’s also a great way to stay cool.
- There are more Games in this Kindergarten Sight Word Bundle Packet, like these puzzles, etc.
- Sight Words by Photo Touch – Free. This no-frills sight word app lets kids match the sight words and progress through the different levels.
- Sight Words List by Innovative Mobile Apps – $1.39. Bright and simple, this app lets you use pre-built lists of sight words or create your own. There are also challenges where kids can pick the sight word out of a group of words. The clear font makes the words easy to read.
- Sight Words: Kids Learn by Teacher Created Materials – Free. This sight words app features more frills than the two above. The pictures are colorful, the font is clear, and there are multiple games to help students practice their sight words.
- Print this FREE Kindergarten sight word list – Hang it by your door or on your refrigerator. Review the list daily until your child can read them fluently and confidently.
You’ll also want to think about helping them even more by using this Kindergarten Sight Word Bundle Packet.
This printable packet is easy to use; you can download it and print it over & over to help your child. The kids love it & they learn so much from the repetition of seeing the same words again & again. It’s a great way to help your child learn their sight words, which helps them to learn to read well.
See these other posts to get your child ready for school
- Teach kids their name and number with ONE tip
- How to read to your preschooler
- 5 practical, time-saving tips for school mornings
© Content and photographs are copyright protected. Sharing of this article is encouraged and appreciated, copying and/or pasting articles to any social media is strictly prohibited.
Vision test at home - how to test your eyesight on a computer? Online tests
Experts from the Lucky Look optician network told how to check your eyesight at home - on a computer or phone.
Sign up for a free vision test
- Effectiveness of home vision test
- Visual acuity test
- Test for nearsightedness and farsightedness
- Astigmatism test
- How to deal with home vision test results
You should understand that an examination at home is not a substitute for a complete eye examination by an ophthalmologist. It is rather an auxiliary tool that allows you to detect changes in the state of your vision in time and understand that it is time to seek help from a specialist.
Only timely detection of violations and their prompt correction can minimize harm to health and protect the body from possible negative consequences. It is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year even if nothing bothers you. But this is primarily your area of responsibility - to monitor the state of your vision and quickly respond to the changes noticed.
Therefore, the methods proposed by us are not a substitute for a face-to-face visit to a specialist, but can be used as an additional tool for self-diagnosis!
What will the eye test at home show?
The same applies to the diagnosis of various disorders - myopia, hyperopia and other vision pathologies. Only a doctor can determine this, and the diagnosis will be made after a comprehensive examination of the organs of vision.
But you can suspect that you have these disorders based on the results of a home check and contact a specialist to confirm or refute the diagnosis.
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Visual acuity test according to the Sivtsev table
The well-known table with letters was developed by the Soviet ophthalmologist Dmitry Sivtsev, it is also perfect for home checking.
The table includes 12 lines with letters of different heights. The top line is the largest, the lower the line, the smaller the size of the letters. Accordingly, the more lines a person clearly sees, the sharper his vision.
Two values are indicated next to each line - D and V. The first, D, indicates the distance from which a person with good eyesight is able to clearly see all the letters of the selected line. The value of V characterizes visual acuity.
You will need a printed table for verification. A4 format is enough, but it is important to first change the page settings to landscape orientation. The table must be hung on the wall, while focusing on the 10th line - it should be at the level of your eyes. It is better to dim the light in the room, and additionally illuminate the table. Step back about 5 meters and proceed to the vision test.
If you are unable to print, you can check your visual acuity online: display the test chart for vision on the monitor and step back 5 meters. If possible, move the computer higher so that the table is at eye level.
If you have not had vision problems before, start checking immediately from line 10 - this is what people with 100% vision see. Can't make out some or all of the letters? Smoothly move along the table above, until the line on which you can clearly distinguish all the letters. Each eye must be checked separately, it is better to close the second eye with the palm of your hand during the test, but make sure that the covered eye does not close.
With 100% vision there will be the following indicators: no more than one error in the rows V=0.3-0.6 and no more than two errors in the rows V>0.7. If you make more mistakes in any of the rows, visual acuity is reduced. In this case, it is worth contacting an ophthalmologist as soon as possible for a complete diagnosis.
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Lines 11 and 12 are not indicative. If you can clearly see all the letters of these lines, then you have an excessively high visual acuity, but you can talk about this only if you examine the letters without strain, squinting and excessive eye strain. This condition is not a pathology, but rather indicates the features of your vision or the structure of the eyes.
How to prepare for the test?
Give your eyes a proper rest before the test – spend at least half an hour without a computer, tablet, phone or book. It is better to do simple household chores that do not require significant visual load.
If you wear glasses or lenses, it is recommended that you remove your correctives at least 10 minutes before the test.
How often should I repeat the home visual acuity test?
If you do not experience any change in your visual acuity in your daily life, check once every one to two months.
Peculiarities of testing in children
If you want to test your child's vision, you can find a special analogue of the Sivtsev table on the Internet, where pictures are shown instead of letters. However, in the case of children, we strongly advise you to visit an ophthalmologist and not rely on the results of a home vision test.
Duochrom test for visual impairment
The duochrome test allows you to suspect nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hypermetropia) using a two-color image. This check can be carried out online, on a computer or phone. If you wear glasses or lenses, stay in them for the duration of the test - the test can also show if your corrective is correct.
Sign up for a free eye test
The distance to the monitor during the eye test should be 50-70 cm. Determine the desired distance and look at the picture: if the letters on a green background seem clearer to you, this may indicate the presence of farsightedness. And vice versa - clearer letters on a red background may indicate the presence of myopia.
Let us clarify once again: a home vision test in front of a computer will not replace a full-fledged examination by an ophthalmologist, so even if you have passed the test and suspected any violation, the specialist will have the final say.
How to prepare for the test?
Give your eyes a little rest - relax, close your eyelids and sit for at least 5-7 minutes. If you are using corrective aids, remain in them for the duration of the test.
Testing only makes sense if you are in good health. Any ailment - headache, fever or illness - can affect the results.
How often should the home test for myopia/farsightedness be repeated?
This test method does not require frequent repetition. It is enough to pass the test a couple of times a year. It is also possible to take the test if you have changed the means of correction, but only after the vision has adapted to the new glasses or contact lenses.
Home astigmatism test
The simplest and most straightforward home astigmatism test is the Siemens star. Expand the image to full screen, step back 3-5 steps and start checking. Each eye must be tested separately, as in the case of a visual acuity test, cover one eye with the palm of your hand, but do not squint.
Normally, a person sees a circle with both eyes. However, if you have astigmatism, you may notice during inspection that the picture has changed shape to an ellipsoid. With this visual disturbance, it seems that the rays blur and overlap each other, not reaching the center.
Sometimes a person notices an inversion: the background becomes black and the rays become white. This effect can also indicate the presence of astigmatism.
However, various factors can affect test results, including lighting and eye moisture! Therefore, you cannot rely on an online test alone; it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis at an ophthalmologist's appointment.
Sign up for a free vision test
How to prepare for the test?
Check your eyesight for astigmatism in the morning. Corrections must be removed at least 10 minutes before the test. The room should be sufficiently lit, and the brightness of the monitor should be dimmed to medium values.
How often should the test be repeated?
Incorrect perception of the Siemens star can indicate not only astigmatism, but also other visual impairments. You should repeat the test every few months, but make sure that the conditions - lighting, distance from the monitor, well-being - do not change.
What to do if you suspect vision problems after a home check
Visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible and check your visual acuity and other parameters on professional equipment. As we have already said, it is simply impossible to check your eyesight normally at home. To diagnose or rule out possible problems, the doctor assesses not only your visual acuity, but also the general condition of your eyes
To exclude the presence of vision problems or respond in time to their appearance, undergo a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist at least once a year.
Is it possible to see better than a unit: how visual acuity is determined.
From childhood, many remember the words of the famous song: "and the eye is like an eagle's." These birds of prey have amazing visual acuity and can see prey from great heights. Their vision is 3-4 times greater than the capabilities of the human eye. In this article, we will tell you what visual acuity is, what is the best vision a person can have, and how to determine visual acuity at home.
What is visual acuity
Visual acuity is the ability of the eye to distinguish separately two objects located at a minimum distance from each other. In simple words, this is how well we see objects, inscriptions and people at a distance. The greater the distance, the higher the visual acuity.
Visual acuity allows us to see well people, objects and inscriptions at a distance.
Special retinal cells called cones allow us to see objects in detail. They are located in the central part of the eye in the macula. The diameter of the cones determines how well we can see far away. The smaller the cone diameter, the higher the visual acuity. Our eye perceives two objects separately if the image of these objects falls on two different cones, between which there is one inactive, sleeping cone.
Visual acuity is the simplest indicator of the state of the visual system. Often people turn to an ophthalmologist when they notice that they do not see as well as before.
Sharpness and clarity of vision are not the same thing. For example, people with cataracts may have visual acuity of 90-100%, but the quality of vision will be poor: fog, faded colors.
How visual acuity is determined
To determine visual acuity, tables with optotypes are used - letters or signs of various sizes. The first such table was created in 1862 by the Dutch ophthalmologist Hermann Snellen.
Golovin and Sivtsev tables
In Russia, visual acuity is determined using the Golovin and Sivtsev tables, named after their creators, Soviet ophthalmologists. The Sivtsev table consists of seven letters of the Russian alphabet of various sizes, arranged in 12 rows. You know this table well - it begins with capital letters "Sh" and "B". You could also see Golovin's table in the ophthalmologist's office; it consists of Landolt rings - circles with gaps resembling the letter "C".
On the left in the tables, the distance from which a number of signs are visible with normal visual acuity is indicated. The first row of the table should be visible from a distance of 50 m, the second - from 25 m, and the tenth - from 5 m.
Previously, the table was printed, and the patient had to be at a distance of 5 m from it. Now more often they use an ophthalmic sign projector - with it you can check visual acuity at any distance from the screen and carry out other tests, for example, to identify the dominant eye.
Visual acuity numbers
On the right in the tables are the numerical values of visual acuity. In Russia and Europe, the value of 1.0, or 100%, is accepted as the norm. The standard visual acuity of 1.0 is next to the tenth line. The magnitude of visual acuity decreases with the number of lines. According to the table, if a person sees line 9, his visual acuity is 0.9; eighth line - 0.8; and the first is 0.1.
In Russia, the standard value of 1.0 or 100% is accepted as the norm of visual acuity.
How is the test
The eyes are checked one by one. Usually start with the right eye. The left eye is closed with an opaque white flap. The eye must be covered, but not closed, otherwise it will affect the result.
Visual acuity is determined by the row where all the signs were correctly named. You can make one mistake in rows 3 to 6, and two in rows 7 to 10. In this case, the doctor will make a note that visual acuity is incomplete. You need to recognize a letter or sign within 2-3 seconds - more time will already indicate a deviation.
If visual acuity is less than 0. 1
If a person does not see the top line of the table, then his visual acuity is less than 0.1. Then either the patient comes closer to the table until he sees the first line, or the ophthalmologist, showing the fingers of his hand, approaches the patient himself until he can name the number of fingers. The distance is then measured and the value calculated.
Visual acuity test with light
If the patient does not see the fingers near the face, then the perception of light is checked. The doctor uses an ophthalmoscope, a device similar to a flashlight. The patient must determine which side the light is on. If he can do this, visual acuity is equal to light perception with the correct light projection. If not, then visual acuity is light perception with incorrect light projection.
When the patient cannot distinguish between light and dark, his visual acuity is zero.
Natural and absolute visual acuity
When checking natural visual acuity, it is determined how the eye sees without lenses and glasses. In the event that a person sees less than 10 lines, an additional study is carried out to determine the absolute visual acuity to determine how well a person can see with glasses or lenses. To do this, put on special glasses with removable glasses and select a correction that gives maximum visual acuity.
What is the best vision
There are 12 rows in Sivtsev's table, but only 10 are used for a standard visual acuity test. So what are the remaining two rows? It's super vision!
Visual acuity of 1.0 is a conditional standard. In some people, the vision exceeds one - they see the eleventh and twelfth lines of the table. In numerical values, the sharpness can be 1.2 - 120%; 1.5 - 150%, or even 2.0 - 200%.
The record for the sharpest vision was set at 1972 in Germany. The person with the best eyesight in the world is Veronica Seider. At that time, the girl was 21 years old. Veronica was able to see in detail the face of a person from a distance of 1600 meters. This is 20 times more than the average person. Although less than that of an eagle: the bird sees prey from a distance of 3000 meters.
How to check visual acuity at home
You can determine visual acuity at home. How to do it:
- Print the Sivtsev table on three A4 sheets.
- Hang on the wall at eye level.
- Move 5 m away from the table.
- Cover the left eye with the palm of your hand.
- Start reading table rows.
- Open the left eye, cover the right eye with the palm of your hand.
- Reread table rows.
Bottom line: the row that you can read last is an indicator of your visual acuity.
Online check at monitor
You can conduct a quick online test at a computer monitor. Look at the image below. Who do you see?
A person with normal vision will see Albert Einstein, and a person with myopia will see Marilyn Monroe. If you move away from the computer screen for some distance, then the great scientist will turn into a famous actress.
What is the "leading eye"
At home, you can test to identify the dominant eye - the eye that dominates the process of seeing. The brain perceives information coming through the dominant eye as dominant. It is like the dominance of the right hand or the left hand. In most people, the right eye is dominant, which does not always coincide with the main hand.
Knowing your leading eye is important for sports that require aiming: archery, darts, and others. It is also necessary before surgical treatment of cataracts, when performing laser correction and choosing lenses. Most often, the Miles test is used to determine the leading eye.
Miles Test
- Choose a small, stationary object, such as a wall clock.
- Stretch your arms out in front of you and put your palms on top of each other so that there is a small hole between them. To do this, put your thumbs on top of each other, and connect the rest of your fingers together.
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