Silly pirate songs
Song Lyrics and Sound Clip
This song is available on Jack Hartmann's Hip-Hop AlphaBop 2.
Suggested activities from Jack Hartmann:
Topic - Sequencing, auditory memory comprehension and brain/body connections
Activity – I wrote this song in Nov. 04 to give children a song to really have fun with as they develop important listening, comprehension and movement skills.
On parts, once there was a pirate…and yo,ho,ho, ho, hee…make
fists with both hands, elbows out to the sides & swing arms back &
forth – like a pirate!
For surfer – both arms out balancing like your on a surf board.
For shark – both arms straight out front and chomp/clap two times.
For helicopter – one arm high above head & swing around.
For octopus – both hands out front and wiggle fingers.
For submarine – shoot one arm up like a periscope.
For singing mermaid – both arms spread out like a star singer and
sing la, la, la.
For police boat – one arm out front hand open with palm out like a
traffic policeman stopping traffic.
On a pirates life is…touch your head like your thinking & then
shake pointer finger like your saying no and then finally both arms
hands up in frustration on “there are too many interruptions.”
Get a pirate eye patch & hat to add fun!
Children can retell story, characters & sequence.
Draw some pirate pictures too. Enjoy lots of giggles & fun!
Chorus line
Once there was a pirate who sang a pirate song
Then interrupting the pirate, a surfer came along
You’d hear…Yo, ho, ho, hee,hee, hee
Hey dude, surfs up
A pirates life for me
Yo, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee
Hey dude surfs up
A pirate’s life for me
Repeat Chorus Line
A big shark came along
You’d hear…Yo, ho, ho ho, hee, hee, hee
Chomp, chomp, hey dude, surfs up
A pirates life for me
Yo, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee
Repeat Movements
Repeat Chorus Line
A helicopter came along
You’d hear… Yo, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee
Swoosh, swoosh, chomp, chomp, hey,
dude surfs up
A pirates life for me
Repeat chorus Line
An octopus came along
You’d hear… Yo, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee
Wiggle wiggle, swoosh, swoosh, chomp, chomp,
Hey dude, surfs up
A pirates life for me
Yo, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee
Repeat Movements
Repeat Chorus Line
A submarine came along
You’d hear…
Yo, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee
Up periscope, wiggle, wiggle, swoosh,
Swoosh, chomp, chomp, hey dude, surf up
A pirates life for me
Yo, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee
Repeat Movements
Repeat Chorus Line
A singing mermaid came along
You’d hear… Yo, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee
La, La, la, up periscope
Wiggle, wiggle, swoosh, swoosh chomp, chomp
hey dude, surfs up
A pirates life for me
Yo, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee
Repeat Movements
Repeat Chorus Line
A police boat came along
You’d hear…Yo,ho,ho,hee,hee,hee
Stop-freeze, la,la,la, up periscope
Wiggle, wiggle, swoosh, swoosh,
Chomp, chomp, he dude surfs up
A pirates life for me
Yo, ho, ho, ho, hee hee, hee
Repeat Movements
A pirates life for me
A pirates life is…not for me!
There are too many interruptions!
See more of our Pirate, Writing, Reading and Silly Song Lyrics
Many thanks to Jack Hartmann for permission to display these lyrics.
© Jack Hartmann & Hop 2 It Music. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
10 Best Pirate Songs for Toddlers & Children Kids With Video
Pirates are often painted in a bad light, but they are free and adventure-loving souls. They are masters of sailing the seven seas. It may surprise you, but Pirate songs can actually teach kids a lot. Here are some Pirate songs your child can enjoy.
If your kids love pirates, here are some fun, kid-friendly pirate songs that you can sing with them:
1. We Are the Pirates
This song will have you and the kids singing and humming it for days after.
About the Song: The song will help your little ones learn a few things about ships and sailing.

This is one of the fun pirate songs for preschoolers.
About the Song: This song is about each child finding a pirate ship in different weather conditions. The children then climb aboard a ship to go on a grand adventure with the captain over the deep blue sea.
3. Silly Pirate Song
A silly pirate song is just what this is. It is fun and has a catchy tune.
About the Song: The Silly Pirate Song is great if you want your pirate-loving kids to work on their memories. It requires them to remember the sounds that all the interruptions the pirates face. These include a surfer, a shark, a helicopter, an octopus, a mermaid, a submarine and a police boat.
You can add in some of the actions to make it even more fun!
4. If You Want to Be a Pirate
This cute and simple song is one for the very young pirates.
About the Song: Your kids will learn the basics of what pirates do, from swabbing decks to digging for treasure.
5. Port Side Pirates
This song provides a bit of fun Pirate music for the kids.
About the Song: Sailors use different terms to refer to left and right (port and starboard, respectively). This catchy tune will have your kids learn one of the basics of sailing in no time.
6. The Pirate Song
This is one of the best pirate songs for kids to learn fun actions.
About the Song: This song is a favourite amongst little children as it comes with fun actions and simple lyrics. You can play it to entertain kids any day, including your pirate-themed party by getting them to sing and dance along.
7. A Pirate Went to Sea
Kids can clap, dance and sing-along to this fun song.
About the Song: With this song, you will help your kids improve their beat recognition and rhythm. It is a great song for helping them to develop their coordination.
8. The Big Ship Sails Through the Alley Alley O
If you want old pirate songs, you can always go for this lovely tune.
About the Song: The simple yet fun actions in the video make it great for young kids. It also offers a bit of education, as the Alley Alley O refers to the Manchester Shipping Canal’s opening.

This pirate song is great for kids who are very young. It is a fun way to teach them alphabets.
About the Song: The song is very educational. It teaches your little ones the phonetics of each alphabet and also a word related to pirates and sailing to go with it.
10. Talk Like a Pirate
If you are looking for a catchy tune that you can stomp your feet and dance along to, this song is perfect.
About the Song: Your children will learn how to talk like real pirates with this Disney pirate song. It teaches them perfect pirate phonetics.
These enjoyable pirate songs for kids are bound to get them excited. After all, most kids love pirate stories and entertainment.
Also Read:
Party Songs for Children
Rainbow Songs for Children
Good Morning Songs for Children
10 ridiculous songs of the 90s: performers, authors and clips
The President and the Amazon, Zhu-Zhu album cover
Vulgarity, nonsense, primitiveness, insults, racism, cruelty to animals - all this was sung in the hits of our today's heroes, to which in the 90s millions danced merrily at school discos. Many of these songs continue to be popular today and are heard at concerts. And we hardly ever hear from anyone. So, 10 most ridiculous Russian songs 90's.
1. Arkady Ukupnik "Sim-Sim, open up!"
- Released: 1994
- Lyricist: Yuri Varum
Arkady Ukupnik is a talented composer who wrote many hits for Russian performers. Lekha (Alena Apina), Strong Woman (Alla Pugacheva), Wall (Larisa Dolina), Love Doesn't Live Here Anymore (Vlad Stashevsky), Don't Tell Me (Natalia Vetlitskaya), Rowan Beads "(Irina Ponarovskaya) - this is only a part of his songs. AT 90-e Ukupnik himself decided to conquer the stage by choosing a freakish image. Only the lazy did not scoff at the image and solo songs of Arkady. Nevertheless, many of his compositions became hits: “I will never marry you” (“Passport”), “Daisy”, “Petruha” and others.
Special attention deserves the work "Sim-Sim, open!" from the 1994 album of the same name. The text for this imperishable was written by Yuri Varum (1949-2014), the father of Anzhelika Varum. According to the plot, the lyrical hero has been legally married for a month, but the young woman refuses to fulfill her marital duty. " Sim-Sim open, Sim-Sim surrender. Don't be afraid and don't be shy. I’m not a rapist, believe me, Sima, but it’s unbearable to live like this anymore ,” Arkady sings in the chorus, persuading the girl throughout the song.
In the 2000s, Arkady Ukupnik left his solo career, but continued to write songs for his colleagues. He is also the creator of music for a number of Russian films, including for the trilogy "Love-carrot" with Kristina Orbakaite in the title role.
2. Adrenaline "Toddle Slowly"
- Released: 1998
- Lyricist: unknown
The song "Walp Quietly" by the group "Adrenaline" became popular in 1998, thanks to getting into numerous pirated collections. Remember the cassette booths in the markets in the 90s? “Toddle…” sounded from each. No one knew what the performers looked like, but the army-themed lyrics of the song bounced off their teeth.
Vratze about the plot. The girl escorted the guy to the army, they say, “ serve my beloved, don’t grieve about me. If something happens suddenly, write about everything ". The young man did just that, saying that “ broke his legs ” and asked to pick him up. « Wander slowly, but forget me. Your little legs will grow, you will live somehow , ”said his beloved. Real drama! But all ends well. The protagonist recovered, returned home and sent the very girl who wanted to renew relations with him to “waddle quietly”.
The Adrenaline group continues to exist, the musicians record new songs, tour and, of course, everyone at concerts is waiting for their main hit. 9Igor Sorokin This, of course, is about the song “Wait”. Igorek does not sing in it, but rather tells, the music is extremely primitive, but there was an anchor in the form of a scandalous chorus. The main character does not know how to cook and asks her mother to wait, who " cooks cool " (what exactly is a big question). " Let's wait for your mother " - Igorek answers her. This phrase became a meme (although there was no such word then), it was repeated by everyone and sundry until the next trash hit appeared.
Igorek has released nine albums during his career and to this day continues to perform with his imperishable music.
4. “Haru Mamburu” brought his leg together
- Released: 1994
- Lyricist: Maxim Pokrovsky
not one hit. This song was released on the self-titled album 1993 years old However, no one knows what it is about. For the text "Haru mamburu" is a collection of incomprehensible words. According to the frontman of “Nogu brought down” Maxim Pokrovsky , he just “muttered” her. Nevertheless, fans of Pokrovsky and company managed to learn the lyrics by heart and continue to demand this hit at every concert of the group.
5. Cabaret duet Academy "For beer"
- Release year: 1995
- Text author: Aleksey Vishnya
"For Beer" is one of the most famous songs of the cabaret duet "Academy", consisting of Lolita and Alexander Tsekalo . The team relied on the performance of comic and ironic love songs. One of them is the bloody drama "For Beer", the first performer and author of which is Alexey Vishnya .
According to the story, “ a young lover came to his wife when the husband went for beer ”, “ the student kissed and caressed his wife ”, “ and the husband did not go for beer " (was standing outside the door). As a result, " the husband killed both with an ax, and then went for beer ." The stars of the "Mask Show" starred in the video for this song. The song "For Beer" is a thing of the past, the creative and family duet of stars has long disintegrated, and Lolita performs only "Tu-tu-tu, na-na-na" from the Academy's heritage at her concerts.
6. The President and the Amazon "In the face with a teapot"
- Released: 1997
- Author of the text: unknown
"The President and the Amazon" is almost a solo project Alsu Bulgarina , who was assisted by two dancers on stage and in clips. Alsou was remembered for her image (pink dress and red wig) and childish voice (helped by computer gadgets). "The President and the Amazon" became popular in 1997 after the release of the album "Zhu-Zhu". In addition to the title track, the disc contained the hit "Children's Dance". If this song came out now, animal rights activists would grab their heads. The artist sings that “ the hippopotamus cannot dance ”, “ the baboon cannot kiss " and " giraffe can't hug ". For this, the singer offers to give each of them " in the face with a teapot ". After that, according to the version, the performers, the listed animals will learn to do what they did not know how to do.
In the same year, Alla Pugacheva invited Bulgarina to speak at the Christmas Meetings. Under "In the face with a teapot" the whole beau monde danced, including the prima donna herself. As the official biography of the "President and the Amazon" says, at that time "Children's Dance" was one of Pugacheva's favorite songs. Like, Alla Borisovna ordered it on the radio more than once. Alsu read this in an interview with a star, and also heard from the program director of one of the radio stations.
The author of the text of "Children's Dance" is unknown. This song belongs to the category of so-called student folklore and exists in a variety of versions. One of them in the program "Ships came into our harbor" in 2010 was performed by Eleonora Filina , the third wife of Eduard Uspensky .
Alsu Bulgarina left show business, but remained in the entertainment industry. In particular, she was engaged in renting fake show cakes (as a rule, strippers hide in them).
7. Forbidden drummers "Killed a Negro"
- Released: 1999
- Lyricist: Ivan Trofimov
The song "Killed a Negro" is both luck and a curse of the group "Forbidden Drummers". This track, the text of which was written by ex-member of the group Ivan Trofimov, became a hit in 1999 due to wide rotation on Nashe Radio and MTV. Now, of course, no one would promote such a song. Alas, other compositions of this group did not work. And for most listeners, "Forbidden Drummers" is associated with "Killed a Negro." The text is very strange. It uses clichés associated with the African American population: basketball, hip-hop. The main character does not go to deal with them, because he was killed. However, then a sorcerer appears who performed a healing rite. True, after that the victim turned into a zombie. " But he got up and went. Zombies can also, they can play basketball , ”sings the soloist of the group Viktor Pivtorypavlo.
"Forbidden drummers" still exist today. The musicians have repeatedly emphasized that they are extremely negative about racism, but this is just a joke song.
8. Ahi-sighs "Young fool-fool"
- Release year: 1999
- Lyricist: Dmitry Ivanov
with his "Youngster" ("Fool-fool"). This track went to the youth thanks to the swear chip. The lyrics of the song, written by keyboardist Dmitry Ivanov, are very mundane. The soloists sing about a young girl who, in their opinion, is not intellectually developed enough. The chorus consists of one phrase " No boom-boom in my head! The youngster is a fool-fool ! (repeated several times).
The debut album, in order to sell better, was called "100% fool-fool". However, there were no other hits on it. As well as on the next two records of "Ahov-sighs". After a couple of years they sank into oblivion.
9. Gone with the Wind "Kakao"
- Released: 1999
- Lyricist: Dmitry Chizhov0005 Dmitry Chizhov , appointing his wife Tatyana Morozova as a soloist. The song “Poltergeist” was the first to go to the people, and then “Cocoa” thundered, for which the group received the “Song of the Year”.
The lyrics of this song are amazing. The girl on the balcony is reading a magazine. But something is missing for her, and she decides to cook cocoa. In the chorus, the name of this drink is repeated 16 times (we counted). In the second verse, the girl's lover wanted cocoa. Further, the word "Cocoa" is repeated 32 times. End of song.
Despite the divorce, Chizhov and Morozova have maintained warm relations and sometimes even perform together with their hits. They also tour separately.
10. Hot Heads "Banana burst bomb"
- Released: 2000
- Lyricist: Vadim Bogatyrev
producer Vadim Bogatyrev . She also got on various pirated compilations and sounded at all school discos.
According to the plot of the song, the performers advise the girl who was abandoned by the guy to dance and repeat the phrase “Bomb burst bananas” many times. Actually, this is the chorus. The video features girls and women eating bananas. Someone saw a piquant subtext in this. However, see for yourself. The Hot Heads group still exists today.
Lyrics of the song Svoi people - Silly and bold translation, lyrics, video, clip
You and I have love almost like the best movie
Everything is so beautiful and determined, almost extreme
I am glad and happy, the dream came true, I am not alone
I love you and I know for sure that I love you too
Now I don’t have enough words, blood is raging in my veins
After all, I will not get tired of repeating to you, my love
How I love you, there is no stronger feeling
Let my words thunder because it's not a secret2.
I can't even believe myself now0221 I am grateful for my life, God and you
But yesterday you were full of desire to stay
In the wrong hands, but decided not to break
Beloved, please stay with me
I promise as long as I live that I will be forever yours
But now I want to gently take your hands
And in the dance of unearthly love again to tell youChorus:
I love you! (I love you)
I can't live a day! (I can't live a day)
Let the dream fly! (let the dream fly)
May she keep our love3.
I'm going home like I had a fight with you
Moods - zero, I smoke one, for one
As if he is not himself, around - sucks
Thoughts are swirling, I'm in trouble with my head
I walk like a blind man, in the heart of the summer heat
But I lose my peace and freeze sometimes
So, I'm semi-alive, although they say that the hero is
I go cheerful and angry, what is the matter with me?
Only twenty years old, and gray-haired, I cover my face with my hand0221 The wind is dashing, as if whispering wait
And I'm drunk on beer, I'm eager to fight with myself
There is a terrible howl around, I am pierced by an arrow
I didn't know that my voice could be like this
I raise my eyes, the rain from the sky is a wall
I miss you even though you are with me
I miss you and I don't need another like this
I've been breaking hearts, now I'm trying in pieces
Gather your own, dedicate to little man
Your odes, years, values and soul
I swam for so long - now I see land
I cherish you, I will not violate what
violated I will change, although I didn’t know anything about it myself
He lied to himself that he was not tired of walking alone, God
It aches in the soul, there is no you dearer
Sad, but not like before, the heart beats from the inside
Tears do not flow - they have dried up for a long time
I love you even though I'm not used to it
I love and am not afraid to declare publicly5.
Thirtieth, frost, minus fifteen, snow
Tickets to the Crimea, compartment, wine, her pleasant laugh
Long tracks, ten hours before dawn
Yesterday's year is over, we rejoice somewhere
Who said that our dreams are difficult to translate into reality?
Previously, with coincidences, I considered - an accident
Who said there are no fairy tales? There is and it is proved
Just smile at those who were not expected
Just yesterday I was dreaming, planning my fate
Today I hold the hand of the one for whom I live
Yesterday there was an accidental love, and today happiness
I used to dream in the window of a tram, but today “fuck!”
Here I am, completely different, I do not freeze on problems
I think about loved ones, about loved ones, about other dilemmas
Hello, I just change everything to something other than
Believe in love, holding the world in the palm of your hand ...
I love you! (I love you)
I can't live a day! (I can't live a day)
Let the dream fly! (let the dream fly)
May she keep our love STUPID and bold1.
We love you and I almost like the best movie
Everything is so beautiful and decisively Extra
I'm glad and happy, a dream come true I'm not alone
I love you and I know exactly what I like
Now I do not have enough words, raging in his veins the blood
After all, you do not tire of repeating, my love
How I love you, there is no strong feelings
Thunder my words because it is not a secret2.
I can't believe it even now himself
I am grateful to my life to God and to you
But you yesterday was full of desire to remain
In the wrong hands, but decided not to break
Darling, please, stay with me whether
I promise, is still alive, that will be forever yours
But now I want a hands gently take you
And the dance unearthly love to tell you againChorus:
I love you! (I love you)
I can't live a day! (I can't live a day)
Let the dream of flying! (Let the dream flies)
Let it be our love keeps3.
Go home, as if you had a row with
Mood - zero, smoke one, for one
As if not himself around - sucks
Thoughts whirling swarm, I foul of the head
Chagall's like a blind man, in the heart of summer heat
But I lose the rest and sometimes freeze
So, I floor - living, though asserting that the hero
Go cheerful and evil, what with me?
Only twenty years old, and gray, cover your face with his hand
Wind dashing as if whispering wait
And I'm drunk from beer, raring to fight with yourself
Around terrible howl, I pierced by an arrow
I did not know that this is my voice
I raised my eyes, the rain from the sky wall
I miss you, even though you're with me
I miss you and do not have another such
I break hearts, now I try to piece
Build your own, dedicate little man
His odes years, values and soul
I've been swimming - now saw land
I value you, not break what broke
Change itself although it knew nothing
Lied to myself, that is not tired to walk alone, oh
Aches my heart, you don't have expensive
It's sad, but not as much as before the heart beats inside
Tears do not flow - they have long dry
I love you, but I'm not familiar
I love and am not afraid to say publicly5.
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