Social skills lessons for kindergarten
20 Evidence-Based Social Skills Activities and Games for Kids
Oct 14 2020
Positive Action Staff
SEL Articles
Activities and games for socialization are a great way for your child to learn how to behave around their peers, no matter if he is a toddler, preschooler or if he just started kindergarten. Games can teach skills like taking turns, managing emotions, and reading body language.
Use these evidence-based social skills activities to help your child build their social behaviors and learn how their actions affect others. With these games, they can become more independent and maintain healthy relationships throughout their lives.
1. Staring Contest
Many children have trouble maintaining eye contact in conversation. A staring contest can help kids make and keep eye contact in a way that allows them to focus on that task, rather than trying to communicate simultaneously.
If your child still feels uncomfortable, you can start smaller. Place a sticker on your forehead for them to look at and then build toward having a conversation.
2. Roll the Ball
It’s never too early to start building social skills, and a game of roll the ball suits children as young as toddlers. Kids take turns rolling a ball back and forth between them, laying the foundation for other social skills.
Kids learn to carry this skill into taking turns in conversation or when doing joint activities. They also learn self-control by aiming the ball toward their friend and rolling it hard enough to reach them yet with limited force.
3. Virtual Playtime
Sometimes, your child can’t have play dates in person, but they can still spend time together over video chat and other online spaces. Video chats help kids make eye contact by looking at their friend on the screen.
Learning to adapt to new situations becomes a valuable trait, whether with social distancing or in their future workplace. Coming up with new ways to spend time together increases problem-solving abilities, which adds to a set of vital social skills.
4. Emotion Charades
Emotion charades involves writing different emotions on strips of paper. Your child picks one out of a hat or bucket. Then, they must try to act out that emotion.
Emotion charades can help children learn to recognize emotions using facial and body cues. You can even adapt social skills activities like this to create a game similar to Pictionary, where children draw the emotion.
By depicting and acting out emotional expressions and reactions in social skills activities, children learn emotion management, which plays an important role in creating positive relationships and communicating feelings.
5. Expression Mimicking Games
When you play this game with your child, you're teaching social skills with expressions. Mimicking your expressions allows your child to understand what certain expressions mean and recognize them when others make them in real conversations.
When kids with social challenges learn to read facial expressions, they become more comfortable in situations involving them.
6. Topic Game
You can play several variations of the topic game, but the most common one involves choosing a topic and naming things that fit into that category using each letter of the alphabet. For example, if you choose animals as the topic, you might come up with:
- A: Aardvark
- B: Baboon
- C: Chicken
The topic game teaches kids to stick to one subject and follow directions until they complete the activity. It also helps them make connections and get creative with letters that have fewer options.
7. Step Into Conversation
Step Into Conversation is a card game made for children with autism. The game presents structured social skills activities, like starting a conversation and talking about specific subjects based on cards.
The game helps kids learn how to talk to others appropriately and carry a conversation with perspective and empathy.
It teaches good manners and self-control by showing them how to politely enter a conversation, when to talk, and when to listen.
By using socialization games like this one, you give structure to conversations to develop the social skills necessary to handle different situations in their daily life.
8. Improvisational Stories
Many children tell stories even outside of intentional social skills activities. With improvisational stories, you add another challenge that requires them to collaborate and create a narrative without thinking about it beforehand.
For this activity, place cards with pictures or words face down. The child picks three of these cards, and they must include these objects or topics in the story they tell. The game ends when all the cards are gone, or the kids reach the end of their story.
You can use this activity as a multiplayer game where children take turns adding to the story and building on each other’s ideas, or one child can tell you their own story.
9. Name Game
With this simple game, kids roll or toss a ball to someone after they call out their name. Social skills activities like this one work well for helping even toddlers learn their peers’ names. It shows that they are attentive to others, and it’s a step toward getting to know other people.
10. Simon Says
Simon Says builds social skills for kids' self-control, listening, and impulse control as they copy their peers' movements and follow instructions. It also helps keep the attention on the game and rewards good behavior for those who follow the rules throughout the game.
11. Rhythm Games
You can incorporate rhythm games as a social skills activity both at home and in the classroom. These music-making games let your child be creative while following directions and recognizing patterns.
A 2010 study by Kirschner and Tomasello shows that joint music-making helps social behavior. In a game where children must “wake the frogs” with music, the researchers found that kids who followed the rules by making music were more likely to help others who tried waking the frogs with non-musical means.
12. Playing with Characters
These social skills activities involve tapping into your child’s natural tendency to play. Using stuffed animals or dolls, you can interact with your child through the toys.
Having conversations through toys teaches kids to recognize behaviors and communicate their feelings. They practice their social skills through the toys in an imaginary, low-risk environment, without worrying about the toys’ hurt feelings.
13. Play Pretend
Kids will typically create a scenario in which they pretend to be someone or something else. For example, they might play house and take on the roles of parents, become a doctor, veterinarian, teacher, or cashier. Each of these situations allows them to explore different social skills activities.
As they pretend to parent another child, for instance, they must learn to recognize and respond to emotions, deescalate situations, and adapt to new situations.
14. Token Stack
You can adapt token stack from board games like checkers to create social skills activities that teach children how to have a considerate conversation. Every time the child speaks and responds appropriately, they add another token to their stack.
They face the challenge of trying to stack their tokens as high as possible while taking turns speaking. This activity makes them focus on having a calm conversation and giving thoughtful responses to questions and statements.
15. Decision-Making Games
Social skills activities like decision-making games come in many forms. By using strategy games or activities as simple as sorting and matching, your child learns persistence, thoughtfulness, and cooperation with others.
These games help kids with indecision, as they ask the child to make a choice, even if it’s not right the first time. It demonstrates low-risk consequences and encourages them to try again if they make a mistake.
16. Building Game
When children work together to build something, like a tower using blocks, they must communicate, take turns, and understand each other to bring their creation to life.
Kids will work together to come up with a method to build their item. When they apply it, they learn to try again if the creation falls and celebrate each other’s unique abilities when they finish the project successfully.
17. Community Gardening
Community gardening works differently than other social skills activities in that it teaches children to nurture a living thing.
Gardening with others increases social competence by having your child take care of something and learn responsibility, as they cannot neglect their plants. This activity also gets kids outdoor and can help calm them.
18. Team Sports
Children can participate in team sports through their school, on a recreational team, or even play with friends in their backyard. Team sports show kids how to work together toward a common goal and keep their focus on the game.
They also learn to recognize emotions, like when someone gets hurt or scores a goal, and react appropriately when they win or lose.
19. Productive Debate
A productive debate works well for older kids to learn how to manage emotions and work on positive expression, even in challenging situations. They learn how to have difficult conversations calmly, without turning them into an argument or trying to insult the other person.
People who can debate and listen to their opponent develop more of the skills needed to become leaders in the classroom and workplace.
20. Scavenger Hunts
During scavenger hunts, children work together to find objects or get a prize at the end of the activity. By working toward their goal, they learn teamwork, organization, and positive decision-making. They can choose to split up, move as a group, and collaborate to reach the end of the game.
They also get rewarded for cooperating. These activities help them with creative problem-solving abilities by making up clues for other players to solve.
What’s Next?
Using evidence-based social skills activities and games helps your child build social skills while doing something they enjoy. You can adapt any of these activities to something that engages your child and allows them to get creative with their socialization.
However, activities and games can only go so far. The Positive Action social skills curriculum is designed to work in tandem with activities like these and more to help your child identify their self-concept and shift this introspection to their social interactions. We feel social skills start within.
Explore our sample lessons for even more ways to encourage your child’s social-emotional learning, or contact us to find out how our program can improve your child’s social skills and have fun doing it today!
8 Skills for Kindergarten Success
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Kindergarten is a big transition for kids! The expectations are new, and some of the social interactions are new, especially for students who didn’t attend pre-Kindergarten programs. We want kids to share, take turns, make transitions, and so much more (all while learning new academic concepts as well). To help kids make the transition, we practice these 8 Kindergarten social skills that contribute to school and social success!
1 – Sharing
This Kindergarten social skill probably seems like a given, but it’s so important for Kindergarten success! Students spend a lot of time in free play with their peers and working alongside one another. Sharing toys and sharing materials is a must. Click here to read more about a sharing activity I do in my social skills group.
2 – Taking Turns
Taking turns goes hand in hand with sharing, but there’s a distinct difference that many incoming Kindergarteners don’t know just yet. When we’re sharing, we have common materials that are available to everyone at the same time. For example, students might be sharing a box of Legos while they all build independently or together.
When we’re taking turns, one person is using an item or items while another person waits. For example, students might take turns using the swing. Or they might take turns reading a particular book. This is when students might need specific instruction on waiting strategies while they wait for their turn!
3 – Accepting No
Newsflash: sometimes kids will hear no, especially at school. Sometimes, they might ask for a turn with something and someone might say no. Or they may want to do something in the classroom and hear a no from a teacher. Accepting no is another important Kindergarten social skill! We can teach kids calming strategies to use in the moment when they experience disappointment, frustration, or anger over a no answer.
4 – Listening & Following Directions
Listening and following directions are huge skills for not just Kindergarten success, but school success as a whole – and we end up teaching this way beyond Kindergarten sometimes! First, we teach kids what listening actually looks and feels like in their bodies. Eyes on the speaker, body still, mouth closed, hands empty, and ears ready to listen. Our bodies feel calm, open, and in anticipation!
Of course, listening has to come before following directions! And lots of directions will be coming to them. Some of our students may need a little extra instruction & practice following one-, two- and multi-step directions that they will undoubtedly receive in the classroom.
5 – Following Rules
Following rules probably also seems like a given, but this doesn’t just apply to school rules. Kids will have the freedom to play with one another during recess. Following game and social rules will be a learning experience for many Kindergarteners, and they may need explicit instruction in social rules. We practice this by playing games, changing rules to familiar games, and talking about how we feel when others don’t follow the rules.
6 – Stating Needs
Need some personal space? Ask for it with words. Need help? Let an adult know. That phrase “use your words,” comes up a lot in Kindergarten, but sometimes our newest students need explicit instruction in this because they don’t have the words yet. Practicing asking for a break, some space, or help is big for Kindergarten success!
7 – Transitioning Activities
It’s hard to stop doing something we enjoy and move on to something else – even for some adults! We can help students tune in to transition signals like teacher reminders, visual calendars, and timers so that they aren’t surprised by transitions. And when it is hard to move on, we can use some of those calming strategies we use to deal with no responses too.
8 – Being Flexible
Not getting what we want is hard. But being able to accept alternatives, roll with changes, and accept mistakes are all important Kindergarten social skills! Setting up an accepting and safe classroom environment where upcoming changes are communicated and mistakes are welcomed is key!
What other Kindergarten social skills do you focus on during the first semester? What are your favorite games to teach these skills? Get my Kindergarten Social Skills Curriculum here.
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Formation of social skills of children of senior preschool age in social and personal development in preschool educational institutions
For a number of years we have been living in a situation of reforming the domestic formation, which occurs rather chaotically, since it is difficult to distinguish it fundamental idea. For many years, preschool education in Russia has been focused on ensuring the cognitive development of children. Development at the same time identified with the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, which led to its explicit simplification (simplification). However, the very purpose of preschool age is not so much in the acquisition of knowledge by the child, but in the formation of the basic properties of his personality: self-esteem and the image of "I", emotional needs sphere, moral values, meanings and attitudes, and also socio-psychological characteristics in the system of relations with others people. nine0002
The modern picture of childhood has also undergone various changes over the last two decades: there has been a noticeable change in toys, children's play, psychological and physical status of the child; a new children's literature and “dense” information space. There have been changes in the social environment of the child, which today consists mainly of adults: small families and the absence of yard children's communities leads to a failure in the transfer from one child to another of the components of the children's subculture. Important also the ever-accelerating pace of life for both children and parents. Here are the main characteristics of the new conditions of childhood. nine0005
Unfortunately, early childhood education professionals and often parents are not fully aware of the scale of change, are at a loss or in denial the right to the existence of new phenomena of childhood.
Teachers of preschool institutions do not yet fully understand the importance of successful socialization of children to preserve their mental and social health. Although adults are increasingly concerned about such problems of socialization of children as non-constructive behavior, problems of their communication with adults and with each other. nine0005
There are various opportunities for the socialization of the child: media, family, child garden. The family today is losing its potential, losing culture in maintaining the game, communication with peers and so on. The system of preschool education is an institution that responds to the challenge of destroying the socio-cultural situation of development child, holding game forms of activity, which are very important for his development. Therefore, a modern preschool educational institution should become a place where the child will have the opportunity of a wide socio-practical independent contact with the most significant and close ones for its development areas of life. nine0005
Accumulation by a child under the guidance of an adult of valuable social experience and the development of his social skills is the way that contributes, firstly, revealing the age potential of a preschooler and, secondly, the successful entry into adulthood. The modern world is so arranged that one of the conditions for success is the ability to work productively in a team, to find ways interaction and understanding with people. From which it follows that the age potential cannot be realized in the absence of social maturity (competence) of the child at a certain stage of his development. nine0005
In its most general form, social competence can be represented as understanding of the relations I” - “society, the ability to choose the right social guidelines and organize your activities in accordance with these guidelines or as social skills that allow a person to adequately fulfill the norms and rules of life in society.
And our task is to correctly and skillfully help him acquire social competence, the essence of which is the formation of social skills .
But there is a contradiction between the social need to form social competence in a child, starting from early childhood and insufficient development of organizational, content and methodological aspects successful solution of this issue in preschool institutions, which led to search for ways to solve the problem under study within the framework of the project. Essence of the project was to identify pedagogical means and forms of organization of activities preschool educational institution for the formation of social child competence - preschooler.
It is appropriate to quote here the words of the director of the Federal Development Institute education, head of the working group on the development of new standards Alexandra Asmolova: “What should kindergarten give first of all? Allow normal culturally appropriate and knowledge-intensive organization of the process of socialization of the child on different stages of preschool age.
At the stage of preschool childhood, the effectiveness of social and personal development during largely determined by the formation of preschool children's social skills that enable them to succeed in children's daily activities and gain recognition in the community of peers. That is why the subject of special the concern of preschool teachers is the organization of the educational process, providing for the mastery of preschool children with elementary social skills through a variety of play activities, contributing to the development in preschoolers of the value qualities of the personality and focused on establishing harmonious relationships between peers. nine0005
The theme of the project is “Formation of social skills of preschool children in the process of social and personal development in a preschool educational institution” fully reflects current trends in the modern system of preschool education and orients teachers to develop new content and implement it in educational activity for preschool children game activity resources as optimal conditions for effective social and personal development of preschoolers. nine0005
Theoretical substantiation of the project “Formation of children's social skills senior preschool age in the process of social and personal development”.
Social skills is a broad concept that is usually covers any skill or behavior that affects other people or influencing other people. Considering social skills such a point of view, it becomes clear how great a value can to have their inferior development. nine0005
Already at the stage of preschool age, children begin to realize that “it is good and what is bad. Children understand that society has rules and regulations regulating the behavior of others. Gradually they develop the ability observe simple rules and regulations and demonstrate mastery of elementary social skills in specific children's activities, such as through adults as well as on their own. Organization of the educational process the formation of social skills in children is carried out successfully if the resources of children's activities available to the age of preschoolers are used, and, primarily gaming .
It is well known that play is the leading activity of a child preschool age. It is in the process of playing activity that preschoolers gain initial experience in performing elementary game actions accepting and fulfilling a socially oriented game role, demonstrate developed social skills.
As elementary social skills of preschool children, we viewed:
- the skill of establishing contacts with peers and the ability to maintain them; nine0049 - the ability to take part in collective affairs, to accept and provide assistance;
- the ability to coordinate and coordinate their actions and opinions with the actions and opinions of peers.
- the ability to negotiate with peers in a conflict situation.
The role of play in the formation of social skills in preschool children.
The socio-cultural situation reflected in the game creates favorable conditions for the formation of elementary social skills in preschool children defining a common goal, planning a sequence of actions, selecting the necessary means and the choice of ways to achieve the result. Thanks to gaming situations that arise in the game, the child gradually under favorable conditions skills of obedience to game settings and rules are formed, he is accustomed understand and accept the opinions and actions of other participants in the game, show them skills of benevolent and tolerant behavior. Children gradually begin demonstrate elements and models of social behavior in the game, jointly experience various emotional states, learn to achieve a common result, evaluate yourself and others. nine0005
Conditions for the development of cooperation between children are created in various ways children's activity, but the priority of play activity is unconditional, because a variety of game content, the integration of various activities in the game, bright the manifestation of emotions by children allows them to successfully accumulate the experience of cooperation. The nature of the game situation puts the child in a position that requires high the level of formation of his social skills in the choice of methods and forms interaction, coordination of goals, joint planning, distribution roles, achieving a common result. nine0005
II. Practical part.
The aim of the project was to create socio-pedagogical, psychological conditions for the formation of social skills in children of senior preschool age in the process of playing activities.
An important condition for the formation of social skills of older preschoolers we saw the development of social partnership between teachers and parents in social and personal direction of work, as well as the integration of the activities of all kindergarten professionals and educators. This is explained by The effectiveness of the acquisition of skills by children depends on the possibility of their transfer to everyday life. nine0005
The project was designed to help children through the difficult process of getting into the world of people, to develop the ability to adequately navigate in the social environment, realize the inherent value of one's own personality and other people.
The objectives of the project were:
1. Study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the subject of the project.
2. Creation of socio-pedagogical conditions for social development preschoolers.
3. Development of social and personal skills in gaming activities. nine0049 4. Interaction with adults on the topic of the project.
2.2. Stages of the project
1. Organizational (May - August 2012).
2. Main - (September - April 2012-2013).
3. Final - (May 2013).
2.3. The content of the project
Organizational stage.
1. Creation of socio-pedagogical, psychological conditions for the formation of social skills in children of senior preschool age in the process social and personal development. nine0049 2. Development of a system of classes for the social and personal development of preschoolers.
3. Selection of psychological games, exercises for children in this area work.
4. Organization of preliminary work with parents and educators.
5. Diagnosis of social skills using the methodology of Dybina O.V., Anfisova S.E., Kuzina A.Yu., presented in the manual “Pedagogical diagnostics competencies of preschoolers” (specifically used the method of diagnosing social and personal competence). nine0005
Main stage.
Purpose: the process of forming social and personal skills through
- conducting game trainings with children of the senior group according to the programs: S. Kryukova “Let's live together!” and Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P. “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing.”
- Psychological games and exercises for the development of social skills.
- Consultations for teachers on the topic: “Diagnostics of the formation personal qualities of a preschooler”. nine0113
- Carrying out the training “Methods of resolving children's conflicts”.
Tasks of the main stage.
- The ability to understand the emotional state of a peer, adult and tell about it.
- The ability to obtain the necessary information in communication.
- The ability to listen to another person, respect his opinion, interests.
- Ability to engage in simple dialogue with adults and peers. nine0113
- The ability to calmly defend one's opinion.
- The ability to correlate one's desires, aspirations with the interests of other people.
- Ability to take part in collective affairs.
- The ability to treat other people with respect.
- Ability to accept and provide assistance.
- The ability not to quarrel, to react calmly in conflict situations.
The above tasks were implemented through game complex activities , which provides for the integration of content, forms and methods in educational process of formation in preschool children of social skills.
Implementation of the educational activities of a teacher-psychologist with children in the formation of social skills in preschoolers was carried out through game trainings with children of the senior group according to the programs: S. Kryukova “Let's live together!” and Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P. “I am surprised, angry, afraid, I brag and rejoice." nine0005
The following main methods were used: simulation, communication and role-playing games, psycho-gymnastics, creating problem situations with their playing out, elements of group discussion, methods of self-regulation.
The method of mini-projects was also used, representing a set of actions, culminating in the creation of a creative product. Seemed appropriate associate a mini-project at preschool age with play activities, because in At this age, it is play activity that dominates, and learning takes place in the process of the game. A game situation was proposed as a “problem”, a solution which assumed research creative searches, some kind of interaction. Children needed to be included in the discussion of the project, to distribute efforts for performance, each to coordinate part of his work with the general. The children were learning use the material and equipment, observing the sequence, skill coordinate their interests with the interests of partners, support partners, yield to their desires or prove the validity of your remark. nine0005
In addition, some psychotherapeutic techniques were used: emotional reaction of negative experiences, withdrawal and reduction social fears, search and playing out a way out of difficult situations.
The development of social skills took place in three stages: acquisition of knowledge, trial applying this knowledge, acquiring stable skills.
Work with educators was structured as follows: in the morning and evening periods of time, complexes of various didactic exercises, entertaining games, story-didactic games and story-role-playing games, walks of a social orientation, which created the conditions for a successful consolidating and improving children's initial social skills in the process of social - personal development. Entertaining game situations round dance games, ecstatic games (from the Greek “admiration”), various artistic activities, expeditions were also used in work with children. When organizing independent activities of preschoolers, teachers provide preschoolers the opportunity to demonstrate the formed social skills in the game, artistic and creative, musical and labor activity, in communication and etc. nine0005
Educators in their work used the following techniques in the game :
- a certain common task, game or connection of one's role with the roles of others participants (its significance for the development of the game). Cultivating the position of a partner in common activities, understanding of their responsibility to a group of participants for the quality of their work, as well as their role in obtaining the overall result. nine0113
- Pre-acting by the teacher during the activity anticipated possible situations leading to disruption of the transformation process (“and if…”), with a discussion of appropriate ways of mutual regulation, corresponding social norms .
- Differentiated approach to children, taking into account the degree of their activity in situations of interaction and focus on achieving a common positive result. nine0120
- requiring interaction, joint decisions).
- Systematic organization of activities that objectively require associations of participants; distributing it into a number of component operations, each of which can be evaluated; union of all partial results to the grand total.
- All-round support for the activity of each child in situations interactions between partners, correction of negative manifestations, treatment attention to the importance of each participant's proposals in obtaining quality overall results. nine0113
- Block of interactive games for cohesion;
- Block of interactive games for teaching effective ways of communication;
- Block of interactive games reflecting the claim to social recognition;
- Block of interactive games aimed at removing conflict.
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science Russia) dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow On approval of the federal state educational standard of preschool education”..
2. “The formation of social skills in preschool children in the process social and personal development” [Text] / teaching aid under ed. N. Yu. Maidankina . - Ulyanovsk, 2012. nine0112 “Pedagogical diagnostics of competencies of preschoolers” [Text] / teaching aid, ed. O. V. Dybina - M., 2010. - “Pedagogical interaction with kindergarten” [Text] / methodological allowance ed.
N.V. Miklyaeva . – M. 2013.
- Source:
- Source:
To solve the problems raised, a number of conditions were created:
Four blocks of interactive games were used:
Consultations were organized for parents “Communicate with the child. As?" and “How to play with a child” in the club “School of a young family”, acquaintance with novelties pedagogical process, parents were invited to a common parent meeting, which emphasized the importance of the formation of social skills as conditions of social and personal readiness for school, a presentation was held programs to develop social skills in group meetings. nine0005
Work on the formation of social behavioral skills in preschool children age is impossible without active cooperation with the music director, head of the art studio, physical education instructor.
Mutual visits with children's garden No. 2 Iskorka, an interactive game and a joint children's activities in making work Autumn bouquet, as well as joint physical education leisure. There was also an expedition to the forest “Let's help the forest be clean!” nine0005
At the end of the year, the results of the work done were summed up:
1. Children became more sociable, friendly, they learned to set and maintain contacts, avoid conflict situations.
2. Children learned to listen to each other in the classroom, became more organized, disciplined, attentive, observant.
3. Improved communication skills and abilities.
4. The number of negative emotions and conflict situations has decreased. nine0049 5. Children learned the ability to negotiate, take turns, listen to the opinion of comrades.
6. Children have become more united.
The problem of the formation of social and personal skills is relevant and can be successfully be decided in the play activities of children while integrating the interaction of all kindergarten professionals.
Application. Presentation.
Essential Kindergarten Skills - Child Development
Today's parents want to give their children all the life skills they need as early as possible so they won't be left out when other children play together in the future. They also believe that these skills help children learn, play and make friends. So what are life skills? It is how we learn through experience and comprehensive training, how we manage our behavior within or outside the family. Thus, life skills develop important social-emotional competencies. nine0005
However, these competencies do not emerge in children on their own. They are taught, they are acquired gradually, over time, in the process of observing others living in accordance with social norms that they respect and adhere to in the family. Socio-emotional competencies are not inherent in man by nature. It is a learned skill that includes hundreds of choices throughout the day that we make to meet the expectations of our body, mind, soul, peers, family, and teachers. It is important to develop this skill by the time the child goes to kindergarten. nine0005
Children begin to acquire life skills long before school by living everyday situations with adults. For example, when you buy groceries for your preschooler, he observes how you make choices (based on whether it is healthy or not), look at prices, compare items, talk about why you choose this one and not other brand; how you treat the staff in the store, how you respond to the demands of children to buy more cookies, how you greet friends, use your mobile phone, etc. In this way, going to the store turns into a real social-emotional lesson. nine0005
Below we look at the skills that children typically develop during preschool years.
Body care - independent dressing and undressing (in this case, the child begins to choose the right clothes according to the weather and expected activity), use of the toilet, washing hands, ability to use simple cutlery and utensils, scissors and pencils, and other stationery for creative activities, including drawing.
Social interaction skills. nine0265 Play is an exercise in social skills and emotional intelligence, and being able to play with other children is a vital skill. Fluency in language (correct pronouns and verb tenses) helps children express themselves in order to interact with the world around them. Learning to wait your turn, think before you act, and be able to talk to adults are essential (and incredibly useful) in kindergarten.
Information management. nine0265 In kindergarten, children should be able to follow their teacher's instructions in order to acquire knowledge through active listening. Focusing on one task (the process is more successful if the task is self-selected by the child) for a longer period of time can make the task more rewarding and educational. The longer the child is deep in the process of completing the task, the more effective the result. Knowing how to print and being curious about new words are expected early literacy skills.