Social stories about following directions
Social Stories for School Behavior
Try using a social story to teach your student about classroom behaviors and how to act appropriately when at school!
No matter how your child or student is learning, whether it be virtually, in-person, or a hybrid approach, there are a variety of appropriate school behaviors they may be expected to use.
One way of teaching expected behaviors is to utilize a social story template customized to your student’s situation and interests!
Students in most classroom settings have a set of expected behaviors their teacher would like them to follow such as: raising a hand to speak or ask a question, listening when classmates are speaking, staying seated at appropriate times, and being courteous to classmates.
All of these topics and more are covered by the Watson Institute’s educational consultants who have provided downloadable social stories as well as PowerPoint presentations for educators to use when teaching or reinforcing these topics with students.
Incorporating a student’s special interest area (SIA), such as a favorite cartoon character or superhero, may also help to reinforce the lesson in each story and encourage the student to practice appropriate behaviors.
These behavior social stories may benefit your students. They can be downloaded, saved and edited to suit your needs. The * notation indicates the story is formatted in a Power Point presentation and the ** notation indicates a Power Point with sound narration. Each Power Point has animation included on each slide. Some occur automatically – some occur on a “click”. Feel free to send comments or questions to [email protected]
Beethoven Social Story (behaviors of concern: hitting, language, and pushing)
What is a Teacher’s Job
Psychologist and Her Job
My Principals -Their Job and How We Talk Together
When I’m not First in Line
Using Glue
Some Students Learn Fast and Some Learn Slow
Math at School
Ignoring Unacceptable Behavior
Complete My Work Quickly – Do it All by Myself
How to Start Work by Myself
Keep Working and Stay Focused
Appropriate Work Behavior
Listening While Others are Reading
Good Sitting
Staying Where the Teacher Tell Me
Moving Fast
Work Like the Steelers
In Dinosaur Land (Being Calm and Relaxed)
Dinosaur Land*
Dinosaur Land**
Showing Respect at School
Working Quietly
Working quietly**
Working quietly*
Singing in the Classroom
Work Time and Choice Time
A Time for Videos
Fidget Rules
When Do We Use Contractions?
Can Do
Can Do**
Let’s All Work Together
Completing Assignments
Completing School Work
Getting Sick and Missing Work
What Can I Do When…
When I Raise My Hand
Summer Solstice
Sometimes Teachers HAVE to Correct or Help Other Students
Superflex and Spider Man Can Help Me (Topic-talk nice and hands to self) (Interest Area Spider Man) (Characters based on Madrigal & Garcia Winner)
Following the Rules (behavior of concern: talking out; Special Interest Area: George Lucas)
Taking the MAP Test
Getting Help Can Be Easy and Great (Special Interest Area: Spongebob)
A Story About Barbie and Going to Classes (Behavior of concern: staying in restrooms, leaving areas, unexpected verbalizations, transition delays. Special Interest Area: Barbie)
If you have questions or concerns about the Watson Institute’s use of this information, please contact us.
Free Social Stories About Going to School | And Next Comes L
Looking for back to school social stories? Grab one of these free social stories about going to school. They're great for kids who are moving to a new school, starting kindergarten, learning about school rules, or transitioning to middle or high school.
Ah, back to school season is here!
It is almost time to switch from summer mode to school routines. Say goodbye to sleeping in and say hello to hauling your children out of bed so you can attempt to get to school on time.
Attempt is the key word...
We rarely make it to school before the bell rings.
It's just a warning bell anyway, right?
Maybe it's even your child's first year at school or they are moving to a new school. Whatever the situation, you are going to love this list of free social stories about going to school! They will help your child get excited to return to school and reinforce school expectations and rules.
This collection of back to school social stories was last updated on August 10th, 2022. Ten new stories were added and some dead links were removed.
Free Printable Back to School Social Stories
Whether you need a social story for a specific type of class like music or art or you just need a generic back to school social story, these free printable social stories below are super handy.
I've rounded up some options for you to explore so you can find the best social story for you and your child. Or you can use ideas from different stories below to write your own custom back to school social story (free social story templates here to help).
Please note that just because a social story is listed here does not mean I endorse its content. Many social stories tend to be poorly written and/or teach autistic masking. And I haven't read all of these stories word for word myself. So please read through the stories carefully before using them with your child.
1. Time for School: Back to School Social Story from Educating Everyone 4 Life on Teachers Pay Teachers - A simple illustrated social story that uses stick figure like drawings and really simple text.
2. Going to School Social Story from Lindsey Etzelmiller on Teachers Pay Teachers - This social story is in PowerPoint format so you can edit and change it as needed. It uses a mix of photos and illustrations and appears to focus on Kindergarten.
3. Going to School Social Story from Teaching RICH Kids on Teachers Pay Teachers - At 16 pages in length, this story looks like it's going to have lots of detail.
4. Going to P.E. Social Story from Lindsey Etzelmiller on Teachers Pay Teachers - This story focuses on explaining the rules and expectations for P.E. or gym class. It uses really simple stick figure drawings. Plus, it comes in PowerPoint format so it should be editable too.
5. Going to Music Class Social Story from Lindsey Etzelmiller on Teachers Pay Teachers - A story dedicated to attending music class. Like the story above, it uses simple stick figure drawings and comes in PowerPoint format.
6. Going to Art Social Story from Lindsey Etzelmiller on Teachers Pay Teachers - This story is about going to art class and uses the same simple stick figure drawings as the music and P.E. stories about. It is also in PowerPoint format.
7. Going to a New School Social Story from Love Autism on Teachers Pay Teachers - As you can guess by the title, this social story is all about going to a new school. It uses simple colorful illustrations throughout.
8. School's Out Social Story from Socially Skilled Kids on Teachers Pay Teachers - This story is obviously not for back to school, but for the end of the school year instead. It comes with different covers and ending pages so you can customize it a bit.
9. Going Back to School & Going to a New School Social Stories from ISEA - You can also find social stories about school routines, riding the bus, using a school voice, and more here. It does focus on a specific school and specific teachers so you'll likely just use these stories as inspiration for creating your own. Remember, you can find free social story templates here.
10. Social Story About Going to School from - I like how interactive this story is. There are spots for kids to circle, write, or draw. It also uses lots of photos, not clip art, showing diverse kids.
11. Back to School Social Story from Little Mama Jama - A very basic social story. It doesn't have much detail, but it uses full color photos so that's nice.
12. I Will Follow School Rules Social Story from The Full Spectrum on Teachers Pay Teachers - A simple illustrated story describing some common school rules that children are expected to follow.
13. Starting School Social Story (Editable Freebie) from Mrs. Learning Bee on Teachers Pay Teachers - First of all, this story is editable. It also uses illustrations showing diverse kids which is great. I believe this story is geared towards starting kindergarten specifically.
14. Hallway Rules Back to School Social Story from Teaching with a Side of Fun on Teachers Pay Teachers - This illustrated story comes in color or black and white.
15. Eating Lunch at School Social Story from Megan Parker on Teachers Pay Teachers - This story focuses on eating lunch specifically at a cafeteria so may not apply to your situation. We don't really have school cafeterias here, but I know they might be more common elsewhere in the world. The story includes simple illustrations.
16. Beginning School: A Social Story from Kinder Delights on Teachers Pay Teachers - A simple illustrated story that covers a lot of different topics including eating lunch, using the bathroom, and traveling to school. It does use a really strange font for the title that kids might find difficult to read.
17. Back to School Social Story from The SLP Next Door on Teachers Pay Teachers - This illustrated social story includes both a printable version and a digital version.
18. Back to School Social Story from Smartie Pants on Teachers Pay Teachers - This story looks very busy visually with the border and clipart, but might still be worth checking out.
19. Back to School Social Story with Extra Poster & Coloring Book from Denise Wilson on Teachers Pay Teachers - I like that this social story comes with extra goodies to reinforce learning.
20. Time for School Social Story from Miss Evans' Emotional Toolbox on Teachers Pay Teachers - This illustrated social story has lots of pages. So it looks like it could be quite detailed!
21. The School Year is Ending Social Story from Miss Evans' Emotional Toolbox on Teachers Pay Teachers - Need something for the end of the school year? This illustrated social story looks quite detailed.
Free Social Stories for Transition to Middle or High School
Whether your child is heading to middle school (which we don't have here), high school, or some kind of secondary school, here are some social stories to help.
1. 5 Middle School Social Stories Freebies from Literary Lounge on Teachers Pay Teachers - This pack of five social stories covers the following topics: friendships, homework, organization, study skills, and digital citizenship.
2. Starting Middle School Social Story Example from Autism Parenting Magazine - Scroll down to example #3. There isn't a PDF or printable version available. It is simply text. You can also find a social story about riding the school bus here.
3. Middle or High School Lunch Social Story from There's a Swing in There on Teachers Pay Teachers - This story is only two pages so not sure how detailed it will be. But it's geared towards middle and high school aged kids.
Video Social Stories About Going to School
The video social stories below cover a variety of school topics including going to high school, riding a bus, and classroom rules.
Like the stories above, some of the wording in these videos aren't always great. But I wanted to make sure you had lots of different options for helping your child transition back to school.
I know there were a lot of stories to choose from above, but hopefully one of these free social stories about going to school will do the trick for you.
Center for Social History / Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kirillova Ekaterina Nikolaevna, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher
Novichenko Irina Yurievna, Ph.D.
+7(495) 954-44-89
e-mail: [email protected]Main directions scientific activity:
Social history - the most important sphere of historical knowledge that has survived in the recent past (as in domestic and foreign historical science) systemic crisis, however overcoming it and entering a new stage of development. Main tasks The center of social history in scientific terms is the development of research in areas of social history where the following areas are seen as promising:
- new possibilities of social history: methodological and technological expansion of research space;
- mechanisms and models of socialization in their historical development, through the prism individual destinies of specific people and at the level of historical and sociological generalizations;
- history of labor and social relations;
- social responsibility and social partnership in history;
- historical trends in the development of self-organization and self-help social associations;
- historical urban studies.
Separate task The center is the publication of the journal "Social History" (executive secretary I.Yu. Novichenko).
The purpose of the publication is to give a general an idea of new ideas in the field of social history, the experience of applying interdisciplinary and comparative approaches in the study of specific problems social history of Russia and other countries, draw attention to the study social history in Russia.
The publication is a joint initiative of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IVI RAS), the Center for Economic history of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University (Moscow State University), Center for the Study of Contemporary Russian History and Political Science of the Institute Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IRI RAS), Center for Gender Studies of the Institute Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEA RAS), State Public Historical Russian libraries.
Main publications:
- Modeling social environment: the European experience of the Middle Ages and the New Age / Otv. ed. E.N. Kirillov. M.: IVI RAN, 2015. 194 p. 12 p.l. ISBN 978-5-94067-441-2.
E.N. Kirillova
- Kirillova E.N. Craft and trade corporations in the early New time. Reims, XVI-XVIII centuries. Saarbrücken: LAP, 2011. 375 p.
- Kirillova E.N. Early Modern Corporations: Artisans and merchants of Reims in the XVI-XVIII centuries / Ed. ed. ON THE. Khachaturian. M.: Nauka, 2007. 341 p. ISBN 978-5-02-035249-0
- Kirillova E.N. Personal choice and behavior patterns: social tactics and strategies in history // Modeling the social environment: European experience of the Middle Ages and modern times. M.: IVI RAN, 2015. S. 5-11.
- Kirillova E.N. Social transformations in craft and trading environment of a French city // Social ties and their transformations in Western Europe in the 17th century / Rev.
ed. S.A. Vasyutin, O.V. Kim. Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2014. pp. 422-451.
- Kirillova E.N. Unskilled labor in manufacturing era // Modern and recent history. 2014. No. 5. S. 29-36.
- Kirillova E.N. Age - relative value: people of different ages in the "Book of Crafts" of Paris // Dialogue with time / Ch. ed. L.P. Repin. 49. 2014. P. 268-280.
- Kirillova E.N. Widow's right in craft and trade Corporations in the Early Modern Age // Dialogue with Time / Ch. ed. L.P. Repin. 31. Special issue: Norms and deviations in gender history and historiography / Ed. release A.Yu. Seregina, A.V. Stogov, A.G. Supriyanovich. 2010. S. 54-73.
- Kirillova E.N. Refusal of craft: motives, consequences, Assumptions // Middle Ages. Studies in the history of the Middle Ages and early New time / Ch. ed. P.Yu. Uvarov. Issue. 70(1-2). 2009. pp. 242-256.
- Kirillova E.N. Effect of regulation on marital status and welfare of artisans // Dialogue with time.
Almanac of intellectual history / Ch. ed. L.P. Repin. 23. Special issue: Marriage and family in context of gender history. M., 2008. S. 212-225.
I.Yu. Novichenko
- Novichenko I.Yu. Charles Kingsley and the English Christian 19th century socialism. M.: ROSSPEN, 2001. 296 p.
Responsible editor:
- Famous and unknown David Borisovich Ryazanov (1870-1938): on the occasion of his 140th birthday. Materials of scientific conference. The first Ryazan readings / Ed. ed. I.B. Tsvetkova, I.Yu. Novichenko. M.: GOPB, 2011. 256 p. 16 p.l. 1000 copies ISBN 978-5-8183-1790-8.
- Social practices law enforcement and enforcement in world history. Collection of articles / Otv. ed. T.L. Labutina, I.Yu. Novichenko. M.: IVI RAN, 2009. 227 p. 14.1 p.l. 200 copies ISBN 978-5-94067-280-7.
- Social history. Yearbook, 2007 / Ed. ed. I.Yu. Novichenko, A.K. Sokolov, K.M. Anderson. M.: ROSSPEN, 2008.
367 p. 29.67 p.l. 800 copies ISBN 978-5-8243-0932-4.
- Novichenko I.Yu. English Christian Socialists and adult education (1850-1860s) // Religious education in Russia and Europe in the 19th century. Ed. E. Tokareva and M. Inglot. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, 2014. S. 202-241.
- Novichenko I.Yu. Western European law and Russian legislation on private companies // Centers and peripheries of the European world order / Resp. comp. A.V. Doronin. M.: Political Encyclopedia, 2014. S. 304-335.
- Irina Novichenko. Harry Stevens, the British “Correspondent” of David Rjazanov’s Institute: On the History of Collecting at the Marx-Engels Institute (1927-1931) // A Usable collection. Essays in Honor of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014. P. 108-141.
- Novichenko I.Yu. English labor history of the second half of the XIX in.
and Soviet historiography // History of Britain: modern research. M.: IVI RAN, 2013, pp. 406-429.
- Novichenko I.Yu. Global Work History: Transformation directions // Problems of historical knowledge. M.: IVI RAN, 2013. S. 232-241.
- Novichenko I.Yu. English workers of the second half of the 19th century. and Soviet historiography // Questions of history. 2013. No. 10. P. 158-170.
- Novichenko I.Yu. Pan-European Conference on Social History, Glasgow, April 11-14, 2012 // Social History. yearbook, 2012. St. Petersburg: Aleteyya, 2013. S. 342-348.
- Novichenko I.Yu. Studying English cooperation in Russia (second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries) // Domestic English studies of the 19th - first quarter of the twentieth century M.: IVI RAN, 2012. S. 116-142.
- Novichenko I.Yu. English Christian Socialists and cooperation, mid-19th century // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 12: Political sciences.
2012. No. 1. P. 50-67.
- Novichenko I.Yu. Foreword // Known and Unknown David Borisovich Ryazanov (1870-1938): to the 140th anniversary of his birth. Scientific conferences. The first Ryazan readings / Ed. ed. I.B. Tsvetkova, I.Yu. Novichenko. M.: GOPB, 2011. S. 3-8.
- Novichenko I.Yu. English Christian Socialists and cooperation, mid-19th – early 20th centuries // Proceedings of the International Scientific conference "Politics in texts - texts in politics: the science of the history of ideas and teachings." Part one. Reports. M.: ROSSPEN, 2011. S. 141-154.
- Novichenko I.Yu. Public organizations in Moscow (1950s-2000s): formal and informal practices. (Chapter 4) // "Soviet inheritance". Reflection of the past in social and economic practices Modern Russia / Ed. L.I. Borodkin, H. Kessler, A.K. Sokolov. M.: ROSSPEN, 2010. S. 76-114.
- Novichenko I.Yu. Foreword // Social practices law enforcement and enforcement in world history.
M.: IVI RAN, 2009. S. 5-14.
- Novichenko I.Yu. Social practices of informal social activities in Moscow, 1960s - 1970s // Social practice of law enforcement and law enforcement in world history. M.: IVI RAN, 2009. pp. 135-152.
- Novichenko I.Yu. Creators of the English collection of IMEL // Historian and Society: Domestic English Studies 1917-1991. Moscow: IVI RAN, 2008. S. 294-319.
- Novichenko I.Yu. "Destiny" of the right to freedom of association in Russia: the middle of the 18th - the first third of the 20th century // Socio-political and intellectual transformation of society in critical eras. M.: IVI RAN, 2008. pp. 86-105.
- Novichenko I.Yu., Pushkareva N.L., Volodin A.Yu. Seventh pan-European conference on social history (Lisbon, Portugal, 26 February - March 1, 2008) // Bulletin of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, 2008. No. 3. P. 213-218.
- Novichenko I.Yu. Society and power: legal regulation activity of public organizations in Russia // Economic history.
Review. Issue. 14. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2008. S. 62-92.
- Novichenko I.Yu. Soviet power and informal associations citizens // Social history. Yearbook, 2008. St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2009. pp. 164-186.
- Irina Novichenko . A Christian Labor Movement in Eastern Europe? // Between Cross and Class. Comparative Histories of Christian Labor in Europe 1840-2000 / Ed. by Lex Heerma van Voss, Patrick Pasture, Jan de Maeyer. Bern: Peter Lang AG, 2005. P. 305-333.
The phenomenon of unification in history
The phenomenon of unification in history / Rev. ed. E.N. Kirillov; Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. — M.: IVI RAN, 2019. — 388 p. — ISBN 978-5-94067-469-2. In the collection prepared following the results of the conference “Historical... Read more
08 May 2019
Kirillova E.N. History of the Craft in France in the 13th-18th Centuries: Becoming a Master
This book deals with the history of the craft in France and the acquisition of knowledge—learning the craft and, in general, professional reproduction in the classical Middle Ages and the early modern period.
It consistently considers plots related to the history ... Read more
Apr 24 '11 2019
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New study shows that intelligence in autism continues to develop into adolescence and adulthood
New study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry found that among 126 autistic people, intelligence quotient (IQ) increased by an average of 7.48 points between the ages of 12 and 23.
New Study Finds Digestive Disorders Are Linked to Repetitive Movement in Autism, but Not to Social Skills and Communication
Ohio State University Research USA, has shown that there is probably a link between autism, repetitive behavior and digestive problems.
Children with the most severe symptoms of autism associated with repetitive behavior were much more likely to suffer from severe constipation, abdominal pain and other digestive disorders.
"High-functioning" autistic girls are much less likely to be correctly diagnosed due to stereotypes and the fact that they can better mask their symptoms
existing stereotypes, their symptoms may be interpreted differently, or they may be mistaken for something else. Another possible explanation is that girls are better at hiding autism, at least at an early age.
Diagnostics and tests, Scientific research
Have you ever encountered problematic behaviors such as tantrums, hostility, angry outbursts or aggression when trying to support someone on the autism spectrum? Did you have the feeling that this case arose “out of the blue”? A possible explanation is that you simply did not notice the factor that triggered the outbreak, or the reason is that it has been “accumulating” for a long time.
In the latter case, this "something" could be rumination.
AVA-therapy and behavior, methods and treatment, psychiatry, concomitant diseases
Fund projects, specialists
Useful document from the United States in Russia
The American Academy of Pediatrician issued the American Academy of Pediatric updated clinical report "Identification, evaluation and correction of disorders in children with autism spectrum disorder". Why is this document, whose translation into Russian was organized by the Association of Psychiatrists and Psychologists for Evidence-Based Practice (APSIP) as part of the Exit Foundation's project "Information Set" Autism - IT ", is of interest to the community of pediatricians in Russia? Natalia explains Ustinova - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Social Pediatrics and organization of multidisciplinary care for children Research Institute of Pediatrics Central Design Bureau of the Russian Academy of Sciences, reviewer of the interactive educational module on the topic "Early identification of risks of autism spectrum disorders in children at the age of 18 months in the practice of a pediatrician.
Diagnostics and tests
More and more countries and regions are legalizing and practicing the so-called “supported decision making”, which allows people who were previously recognized as disabled to make important life decisions9017
Tyler Borjas can now vote, buy a house or travel whenever he wants. That's because the judge agreed earlier this month that Borjas, 25, who was diagnosed with autism as a child, is capable of making his own decisions.
Discrimination and rights
people with autism, parents, specialists
11 Autical people explain their experience with repeating movements and actions of
Motor stereotypicals are found not only for autistic people, but under autism. "stims" are often unusual, more obvious and attract the attention of others. It is difficult for many to understand why a person repeats the same aimless movement.
We asked several people with autism to explain what stimming means to them.
First Person, Sensory and Motor
Creator of the project of yoga classes for children with special needs on the use of yoga and mindfulness meditation for schoolchildren107
Special Yoga (UK) offers yoga programs for children and adults with special needs. We provide individual, family and school yoga classes. We also run educational programs to share our experience with educators, parents, family members, and healthcare professionals.
Methods and treatment, Education and training, Sensory and motor skills communicate
This is perhaps the most common question I hear from educators: “How can I work with a child who does not speak?” Many of us have students who do not speak and do not have effective means of communication. We can also work with students who use alternative means of communication, such as a tablet app, pictures or sign language.
Learn more