Sounding letters of the alphabet

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The Sounds of the Alphabet: Learn Pronunciation with Speak Method
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With this alphabet chart, understand how to say the names of the letters and read about all the sounds of each letter from the alphabet. These are the basic phonetic sounds for American English. To learn important sounds using free videos online, go to Pronunciation in English: 500 Words.


Sound of Letter Name

All sounds of letter


A, a

ā-ee (long a to long e, also spell "ay")

, ā, ah, ā-uh, uh

cat, late, all, and, around

B, b




C, c


kuh, suh

cake, city

D, d




E, e


eh, ee, silent

bed, free, late

F, f




G, g


guh, juh

glad, large

H, h


huh, silent

hotel, what

I, i


ah-ee, ĭ

light, sit

J, j




K, k




L, l


luh, ul

lot, full

M, m




N, n




O, o

ō (oh)

ah, ō, uh, oo, ů

hot, slow, computer, fool, good

P, p




Q, q

Kyoo (kyū)



R, r


ruh, ur

race, stir

S, s


suh, zuh

stick, is

T, t


tuh, duh, N, silent, stopped tuh

table, better, mountain, interview, hot

U, u

Yoo (yū)

uh, yoo, oo,  ů

up, use, flute, full

V, v




W, w


wuh, silent

well, slow

X, x


ks, zuh

box, xylophone

Y, y


yuh, ee, ah-ee (i), ĭ

yes, happy, try, cylinder

Z, z





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Letter Sounds App

General Questions

What devices are compatible with the Letter Sounds app?

The Letter Sounds A-Z app is compatible with devices running the OS versions listed below.

  • Android 4.4 and later
  • Kindle Fire OS 4.4 and later
  • iOS 9.0 and later
  • Windows XP and later
  • OS X 10.9 and later

Is this the same app as the Letter Tiles app?

No, we have three different apps:

  • The Phonogram Sounds app is a free app that is included with our programs. Use the app to reinforce the sounds with your child as you are teaching or to learn the sounds before you teach them.
  • The Letter Sounds app is a free app for beginning learners that can be used to teach the first sound for each letter in the alphabet.
  • The Letter Tiles app is a movable tiles app that is available for purchase for use in place of the physical Letter Tiles, or on days that you want to use reading or spelling on the go.  The Letter Tiles app is available for tablets only. 

What does the Letter Sounds app teach?

The Letter Sounds app teaches the first sound for each letter of the alphabet.


Why can’t I install the app?

Please check that your device is compatible with the Letter Sounds app.

Why can’t I hear the sounds?

Make sure your speakers are on and that the volume is turned up. Test your system sound by playing a YouTube video or something else you know has sound. If your system sound is working, but you can't hear the app sounds, please contact us at [email protected] for assistance.

One of the features isn't working for me.

First, double-check that you are running the latest version of the app. If you continue to experience issues, please contact us at [email protected] for assistance.

Why don’t you have Letter Sounds for my device?

Contact us at support@allaboutlearningpress. com and let us know what device you have! We are always looking to support more of our customers. In the meantime, you can use the online demo above as a fully functioning workaround.

Other App Questions

Why don’t you teach all the sounds for each letter?

Great observation! The Letter Sounds app is for use with our Pre-reading program. It’s a first introduction to the most common sound for each letter of the alphabet. If your student is ready to learn the multiple sounds for the letters and other phonograms, check out our Phonogram Sounds app.

Why do you use /er/ for the sound of R?

Some sounds, like /r/, are difficult to capture on audio. Without a vowel sound before or after, they are unintelligible. We recommend that parents work with their children to ensure that the child is saying the sounds correctly. If the child is having any difficulty, you may want to demonstrate the sound in person.

Do you track data or record any of my personal information?

Absolutely not! The app installers only place the code that is required to run the app on your device. The only time we receive data of any kind is when the program checks for updates from our servers. This is only for updates. We do not receive any personally identifying information from your device.

Russian alphabet – Learn Russian in Moscow

About the Russian alphabet

Russian alphabet

How are Russian letters written and read? Where can I find them on the keyboard? How to write them by hand? Will I ever remember and understand them? Today we will answer all questions related to the Russian alphabet.

About the Russian alphabet

There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet:

  • 21 consonant - b, c, d, e, g, h, d, k, l, m, n, p, p, c, t, f, x, c, h, w, u;
  • 10 vowels - a, y, o, s, e, i, u, e, i, e;
  • 2 characters - ь (soft) and ъ (hard), they are not pronounced and do not indicate any independent sound.


The Russian alphabet became like this in 1918, after a major writing reform, but then there were only 31 letters, because "ё" and "й" were considered a variant of the letters "e" and "i", respectively. And already at 19In 42, the alphabet completely took on a modern look.


And some more interesting facts about the Russian language.

  • Vowels are used more often than consonants.
  • The letter "o" is used most often, followed by "a" and "i".
  • The most commonly used consonant is "n".
  • Most often, Russian words begin with the letter "p".
  • The least frequently used consonant letter in Russian is “f”.

How to pronounce letters

And how exactly these letters are pronounced, we suggest memorizing with the help of words that sound in Russian similar to English and many other languages.


Russian alphabet and world famous brands

Google Dell Xerox Zara Lipton Shell Yahoo
Letter Pronunciation Example in a word
[a/a] Adidas - Adidas
B b [be/be] Bond - Bond
in [ve/ve] Visa - Visa
Y [ge/ge] - Google
Y [de/de] - Dell
E e [ye/ye] Xerox
Yo yo [yo/yo] is pronounced like York

Russian example: "tree" [yolka/yolka]

W w [zhe/zhe] Gin - Gin
I and [i/i] Intel - Intel
[y/y] Tolstoy - Tolstoy
K k [ka/ka] Coca-Cola - Coca-Cola
L l [el’/el] Lipton
M m [em/em] Mac - Mac
H n [en/en] Nescafe - Nescafe
O [o/o] Opera - Opera
P [pe] Pepsi - Pepsi
R [er/er] Mars - Mars
C with [es/es] City - Citi
T [te/te] Tiffany - Tiffany
y [y/u] Kenwood - Kenwood
F [fe/fe] Ford - Ford
X x [he/he] Honda - Honda
C c [ce/tse] Pizza Hut - Pizza Hut
H h [che/che] Gucci - Gucci
W w [sha] Shell
w w [sha/shsha] is pronounced like shoes

Russian example: "schi" [schi/shshi]

s [s/y] Krylov
E [e/e] Brand (pronounced brand) - Brand
Yu Yu [yu/yu] YouTube - YouTube
I am [ya/ya] - Yahoo


The letters ya, e, yo, yu at the beginning of a word or after soft and hard signs denote two sounds at once: [ya/ya], [ye/ye], [yo/yo] and [yu/yu] respectively.


For ease of memorization, you can, for example, group all the letters of the Russian alphabet into four rows:

  • true friends (looks like English, sounds like English): A, K, M, O, T;
  • new friends (looks new but sounds familiar): B, D, D, Z, I, L, P, F, E;
  • false friends (looks the same but sounds different): B, E, N, P, S, Y, X;
  • strangers (both sound and look unusual): E, F, Y, C, H, W, SH, b, b, s, y, z.


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Letters and block letters of the Russian alphabet

Each letter has two styles: printed and written. Printed letters are used in books, on websites, when you are just learning the alphabet. Written letters are written by hand, they will be useful to you in further training, when you write texts, do exercises. In Russian, it is customary to write by hand in written letters.

A number of letters in the written version differ from the printed style. To master the written letters, it is worth training in special copybooks.


Letters of the Russian alphabet on the keyboard

The alphabetic layout on the computer keyboard is not arranged randomly, but obeys certain rules. So, in the central part of the keyboard are the most frequently used letters, and along the edges - those that are less common. But there are some subtleties that foreigners studying Russian should know.


The standard layout in the Microsoft Windows operating system on the keyboards of Russian computers looks like this:


If you prefer Apple, the layout may be slightly different:


Another phonetic layout option is also possible, where Russian and Latin letters, similar in sound, are connected on one key: S and C, D and D, R and R. This option is often used for those who are unfamiliar with the traditional Russian keyboard:


But since the number of letters in Russian and languages ​​using the Latin alphabet does not match, the number of keys in the second case is less. Therefore, special characters can “change” their location when switching layouts.

From the very beginning, learning the alphabet, learning the Russian language seems to be not an easy task. However, if you do not give up at this point, it will not be easier, but much more exciting.

We hope that this article was useful for you and in the future there will be no problems especially if you study Russian for foreigners . Courses are run online and offline. If you are not yet among our students, then sign up for a free trial lesson through the contact form and take the free online test .


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