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Meet Your Family's At-Home Educational Needs

Get access to a learning system that includes a complete educational program through interactive apps, websites, and books to provide comprehensive academic learning as well as life and leadership skills for all ages.

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Preschool through 1st

2nd through 5th

6th through 12th

All Products

Preschool through 1st

2nd through 5th

6th through 12th

Pre-school — 1

st Grade

Spark an early interest in learning with colorful, educational apps, websites, and books that help little ones learn about the world around them.

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nd — 5th Grade

Inspire curiosity through the Ask Me series, the Explore & Learn sets, and National Geographic kids’ eBooks.

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th — 12th Grade

Encourage self-discipline with coordinating apps, websites and books to give students an edge on reports, quizzes, and homework.

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Young Leaders

Develop leaders with LEAD’s comprehensive courses focusing on personal development, life skills, and success.

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Gain new parenting tools and resources with the Advantage4parents site.

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Grow together with The Family Bible Library focusing on 36 building blocks of character using Bible stories and devotions to illustrate each one.

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Products with this icon are a part of the Southwestern Advantage Global Academy – a monthly subscription that gives you access to a host of apps, programs, and websites the entire family can enjoy across multiple platforms.

Products with this icon are a part of the Southwestern Advantage Global Academy – a monthly subscription that gives you access to a host of apps, programs, and websites the entire family can enjoy across multiple platforms.

What our Customers are Saying

“Great company! Second time I’ve purchased educational books from here!”

Fawn H.

“The books I purchased from student rep Elyse are great and I can’t wait to use them with my kids!”

Jackie K.

“These educational products are perfect for anyone who homeschools or just wants to be able to help their kids with schoolwork!”

Ashley B.

“The whole product line is awesome. We plan to order more!”

Mike M.

Fawn H.

“Great company! Second time I’ve purchased educational books from here!”

Jackie K.

“The books I purchased from student rep Elyse are great and I can’t wait to use them with my kids!”

Ashley B.

“These educational products are perfect for anyone who homeschools or just wants to be able to help their kids with schoolwork!”

Mike M.

“The whole product line is awesome. We plan to order more!”

2451 Atrium Way
Nashville, TN 37214
Toll-free (888) 551-5901


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You may also email Customer Care at customercontact@southwestern. com to verify a student dealer.

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Visit our website for a full list of Southwestern Advantage FAQ.

How do I contact Southwestern Advantage?

Customers: If you have a question about your products, please call our Customer Care Center at 1-888-551-5901 from 8a-5p (cst) Mon-Fri or email

College Students: If you are wanting to learn more about being a student rep with the Southwestern Advantage Sales and Leadership Program, visit, and read what current student reps have to say at
Media/Press: Please contact Communications Director Trey Campbell at 888-602-7867.

What is the purpose of the Southwestern Advantage Learning System?

Our learning system is an integrated suite of print, software, and online resources designed to develop both academic skills and success principles in students from pre-K through college prep. Elements of our learning system are tailored by our student reps during presentation and delivery to further the educational goals of the families who purchase. Read our blog post for a full explanation of why families use our learning system.

How much do your products cost?
Our prices are available by calling us directly. The reason for this is that prices may slightly vary depending on the location and cost-of-living/business expenses incurred by a student rep as they run their own independent business. Southwestern Advantage supplies the products to reps at a wholesale rate, and they sell it at suggested retail prices. These prices also vary base on what line of products are purchased, the packages selected, and shipping/taxes. For example, products purchased in Nashville near the warehouse may be priced differently than products purchased in Alaska or Canada. If you have a question about pricing, you're welcome to call our Customer Contact Center.

Is the person at my door really contracted to sell your products?

Student reps in our program are provided with a double-sided ID badge and lanyard which includes Southwestern Advantage company contact information. They also carry a book bag sample case with the Southwestern Advantage logo which contains Southwestern Advantage sample products and company branded business supplies. You may also input the first or last name of the person and/or their company account number on our website by clicking here

How long do I have to cancel an order?

Federal Trade Commission guidelines provide U.S. customers with a 3 business day cancellation window from the date of the sale to cancel an order (10 days for Canadian customers). Please keep your receipt, as it helps us refund your deposit much, much easier.

Why can I not purchase the products online?

This is the subject of another blog post - click here for our explanation.

Why is my check made out to the student rep and not Southwestern Advantage?

Since student reps are running their own independent business, they purchase products at wholesale from Southwestern Advantage and sell them at suggested retail to consumers. This is how all legitimate direct selling companies operate. 

As an example, if you purchase an appliance at a store, the check would be made out to the retail store selling the appliance and not the manufacturer. 

A student visited me who was from another country. Is this normal?
Yes. Many international students participate in this program. Just like American students, they are trained up-front on what the expectations of the program are before coming to the US. They attend an initial information session (conducted in English), usually on their campus, followed by multiple follow-up interviews. They make clear the expectations they have of Southwestern Advantage and what the company, in turn, can expect from them. Whenever possible, the parents are also met with personally, and a parents seminar is held in the late spring to fully educate them on the program as well. Every step of the way, the students are told this program is not a fit for everyone and what they should expect in order to be prepared mentally, physically and emotionally for this line of work.

How do I know I will receive my order?

Southwestern Advantage guarantees delivery of all orders. The student rep has contracted with Southwestern Advantage to deliver all products. If a rep is physically unable to make a delivery, our Customer Care Center will ship the product directly to you.

What if I move between the time of my order and when my products are delivered?

Contact our Customer Care Center and they will provide the rep with your new address or ship the product to your new address if distance becomes a factor in personal delivery. 

Why are the products sometimes delivered near the end of summer?

Unlike some programs, Southwestern Advantage does not require student reps to purchase products up-front in order to participate. Instead, customer orders and deposits are taken over the course of the summer. These orders and deposits are sent to Southwestern Advantage to cover the wholesale product cost. Orders are then shipped in bulk to the student rep, and then personally delivered as the fall semester begins. Most individual orders can be shipped directly to customers in lieu of a personal delivery.

Is there any affiliation between my local school system and Southwestern Advantage, the student rep, or the products?

None. The student represents our company products, which are supplemental educational resources meant for use outside of the classroom. Neither they, nor our products, are affiliated with your local school system. Given the opportunity by the homeowner, student reps are to inform each family of this up-front. This disclaimer is also clearly stated on their business cards, marketing materials, and receipts left with customers. Each rep carries a company-branded book bag, dual-sided ID badge with our company name, contact information, student ID number, and company-branded business supplies and sample products.  
While becoming a part of your community, you can expect our student reps to be knowledgable on your local educational systems, both public and private. Understanding the local school systems is a practice that allows students to better serve the educational wants, needs, and goals of the families they visit. 

Are the products sold in Canada in Canadian dollars or US dollars; and how will this affect a credit/debit transaction?

All products sold in Canada are in Canadian dollars. Credit card companies convert payments into US dollars because Southwestern Advantage is a US-based company. The amount appearing on a statement is converted back into Canadian. Small discrepancies are typically due to changing conversion rates.  

What was that $19.95 charge about?

The online component of the Southwestern Advantage Learning System is a web-subscription comprised of 6 educational websites and apps. Many purchases include this web component, and if so, should be clearly shown on your receipt and explained by your student rep. Charges for the online subscription begin only when a customer creates their online account, agrees to the terms of service, enters their billing information, and clicks through the email verification.

What is it like to sell Southwestern Advantage products?
Visit to read hundreds of stories from current and former students about their experience working in the Southwestern Advantage Sales & Leadership Program.

What is 'Share The Advantage' and how did I just help?

'Share The Advantage' is an outreach program made possible by Southwestern Advantage student reps and their customers. For every online membership that a customer purchases, product donations are given to organizations that help serve the needs of children. As customers, you make this possible. On behalf of our company and the organizations we've visited, THANK YOU!   
Click to learn more about our 'Share The Advantage' donation program.

Have a question that isn't listed?

Call us at 888-602-7867 or email us by clicking here.

IBDA RANEPA | Articles about MBA


Moscow will host seminars by world-famous screenwriter Robert McKee, author of the book "The Story of a Million Dollars". McKee not only trains screenwriters for the film industry, his master classes are attended by creative teams of large corporations who want to learn how to speak with their brand audience. Robert McKee knows how to tell a story and why big companies need it.

There are many big names and brands among his students, Robert McKee taught the skill of storytelling to creatives from Microsoft and General Electric, Apple and IBM. According to Robert McKee, storytelling is very important for business. No one is selling goods or services, everyone is selling a lifestyle. The screenwriter believes that if you correctly tell about how a person’s life will change with the acquisition of this or that thing, and the person believes, then the purchase or subscription will become a matter of time.

Business people, unlike creative people, have a hard time deviating from the usual patterns. They believe that you just need to show the benefits of the product. McKee teaches them to show emotions and stories. The bed for the newlyweds is not just "beautiful, stylish and made of solid solid wood", but a truly warm place where they can keep their love and conceive their first child.

According to Robert McKee, the audience cannot be divided according to geographical or political principles, it is impossible. The audience can be classified by age, gender and genre preferences. And there are no other objective criteria. Just as American films are popular in America, Europe, and Russia, iPhones are in demand everywhere: people in any country want one thing - pleasure, comfort and happiness. Even in such simple things as a convenient phone or a good movie.

Quotes from The Million Dollar Story

When talented people write well, there is only one reason: they are driven by the desire to evoke an emotional reaction from the audience.

As Justice Holmes argued, we must trust the marketplace of ideas.

To exceed the expectations of the audience, you must master the chosen genre and its conventions to perfection.

Each scene reveals its own value or values.

You can make an event meaningful only by associating it with a character.

Why do we spend such a significant part of our lives, one might say, inside stories? Because, according to literary scholar Kenneth Burke, stories are a means of existence.

"Scriptwriting is certainly a form of 'art' that always appears at the same point - at the present time"

Hardin Tibbs, founder of Synthesys Strategic Consulting, independent consultant, teacher at the EMBA program "Strategic Management and Leadership" of the IBDA RANEPA:

See also:

  • need?
  • #SWW-2018: 3 new and useful technologies
  • Has your career growth stalled? There is a solution
  • Five secrets of a reactive career from business gurus

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  • "Internet voting"

    This year, 26 applicants in 2 nominations enter the fight for the honorary title: "Best General Store" and "Best Specialty Book Store (Including Online Stores)".

    Maybe your vote will be decisive in choosing the best! As a result of Internet voting the stores with the most votes will be awarded a special diploma.

    Internet voting will last until October 19. We invite you to take part in Internet voting and wish victory to the most deserving bookstores in Moscow!

    Start voting

  • "Internet voting"


    "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

  • "The Best General Bookstore in Moscow"

    LLC "Vestnik"

    B. Serpukhovskaya house 12/11 building 2

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    Dodo MagicBookRoom

    St. Myasnitskaya, 7/2

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    Books and Wonders MagicBookRoom (Dodo)

    St. Dolskaya, 1, visitor center of the museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno"

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    Moscow House of Books (Joint Center "MDK")

    Novy Arbat St., 8

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    New book Kuzminki

    Volgogradsky prospect, 78/1

  • "The Best General Bookstore in Moscow"

    House of Books on Voikovskaya (SUE "MDK")

    Leningradskoe shosse, 13, building 1

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    Book House New (SUE "MDK")

    Shosse Entuziastov d. 24/43

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    House of Books in Orekhovo (SUE "MDK")

    Kashirskoe highway, 88\26, building 2

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    House of Books on Preobrazhenka

    Preobrazhensky Val, 16

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    Chitai-city Otradnoe

    Dekabristov Street, 12

  • "The Best General Bookstore in Moscow"

    Read City South

    Kirovogradskaya street, 9 building 4

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    Republic in GUM

    m. Revolution Square, st. Red Square, 3 (TD GUM, 3rd floor of the 3rd line)

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    Republic in the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka

    Lubyanka metro station, 5 Teatralny pr-d, building 1 (Central Children's Store on Lubyanka, 5th floor)

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    Republic in the business center "Metropolis"

    metro station Voykovskaya, Leningradskoe sh. , 16A, building 2 (BC "Metropolis")

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    Republic on Serpukhovskaya

    Metro station Serpukhovskaya, Stremyanny per., 38

  • "The best general bookstore in Moscow"

    Republic on Tverskaya

    m. Mayakovskaya, st. 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 10

  • "Internet voting"


    "The best specialized bookstore in Moscow"

  • "The best specialized bookstore in Moscow"


    Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 20

  • "The best specialized bookstore in Moscow"


    Khokhlovsky lane, house 7-9, building 3

  • "The best specialized bookstore in Moscow"

    Children's bookstore "I love to read"

    St. Pokrovka, 11

  • "The best specialized bookstore in Moscow"

    House of foreign books

    Kuznetsky Most, 18/7

  • "The best specialized bookstore in Moscow"


    125464, Moscow, Pyatnitskoe highway, 7, building 1

  • "The best specialized bookstore in Moscow"

    School of the Seven Dwarfs on Pervomaiskaya

    Moscow, 7th Parkovaya st.

    Learn more