Spell rhyming words
221 best rhymes for 'spell'
1 syllable
- L
- Bell
- Tell
- Well
- Hell
- Yell
- Smell
- Shell
- Sell
- Fell
- Dwell
- Swell
- Del
- Gel
- Mel
- Quell
- Knell
- Schnell
- Stell
- Snell
- Pelle
- Kell
- Zelle
- Krell
- Chell
- There
- Where
- Care
- Swear
- Air
- Hair
- Tear
- Dare
- Share
- Stare
- Fair
- Pair
- Bare
- Prayer
- Chair
- Rare
- Scare
- Spare
- Square
- Snare
- Glare
- Flare
- Lair
- Mehr
- Blare
- Claire
- Sare
- Guerre
- Nair
- Frere
2 syllables
- Rebel
- Hotel
- Farewell
- Excel
- Chanel
- Motel
- Expel
- Michelle
- Repel
- Intel
- Propel
- Cartel
- Adele
- Prequel
- Dispel
- Nobel
- Gazelle
- Compel
- Odell
- Doorbell
- Stairwell
- Ul
- Fidel
- Nutshell
- Manuel
- Miguel
- Foretell
- Bombshell
- Pastel
- Carmel
- Cordell
- Cowell
- Unwell
- Nouvelle
- Raphael
- Misspell
- Orwell
- Noel
- Barbell
- Chappelle
- Randell
- Befell
- Retell
- Ferrel
- Impel
- Dumbbell
- Outsell
- Seashell
- Farwell
- Nextel
- Bethel
- Darnell
- Nevel
- Raquel
- Martel
- Cornell
- Giselle
- Lapel
- Marcel
- Cassell
- Morel
- Ravel
- Accel
- Roswell
- Rockwell
- Carvel
- Towell
- Rodwell
- Rochelle
- Resell
- Patel
- Moselle
- Morrell
- Ezell
- Corel
- Chadwell
- Carel
- Abdel
- Somewhere
- Nowhere
- Compare
- Nightmare
- Aware
- Beware
- Prepare
- Despair
- Unfair
- Warfare
- Declare
- Repair
- Welfare
- Affair
- Wheelchair
- Elsewhere
- Healthcare
- Hardware
- Software
- Impair
- Ensnare
- Daycare
- Armchair
- Footwear
- Pierre
- Midair
- Childcare
- Swimwear
- Fanfare
- Sportswear
- Altair
- Montclair
- Voltaire
- Stoneware
- Mcnair
- Threadbare
- Foursquare
- Sinclair
- Belaire
- Forebear
- Forswear
- Frontiere
- Belair
- Timeshare
- Malware
3 syllables
- Parallel
- Clientele
- Nfl
- Carousel
- Kal
- Cel
- Personnel
- Danielle
- Duracell
- Decibel
- Infidel
- Aol
- Url
- Isabel
- Citadel
- Gabrielle
- Afl
- Undersell
- Isobel
- Annabel
- Everywhere
- Anywhere
- Unaware
- Millionaire
- Underwear
- Billionaire
- Solitaire
- Silverware
- Delaware
- Debonair
- Questionnaire
- Disrepair
- Tupperware
- Medicare
- Dinnerware
- Legionnaire
- Javier
4 syllables
- Mademoiselle
- Html
- Obamacare
5 syllables
- Quantifiable
- Multimillionaire
- Extraordinaire
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Words That Rhyme With "Spell"
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1 syllable:
bel, bell, belle, cel, cell, dell, Delle, dwell, ell, Elle, fel, fell, gel, gell, Hel, hell, jell, Kell, knell, mel, mell, nell, Nelle, pell, quell, schnell, sell, selle, shell, smell, snell, stell, swell, tell, well, yell
2 syllables:
adel, Adele, agnel, artel, arvel, bandshell, bedel, befell, boatel, bretelle, Burrell, Cabell, cadelle, cartel, carvel, Cattell, Cavell, chandelle, Chanel, compel, cordelle, Cornell, crenelle, Daniele, Darnell, dentelle, dispel, dynel, echelle, ecuelle, Estelle, excel, expel, farewell, ferrel, Fidel, foretell, Fresnel, gabelle, gazelle, Giselle, grandrelle, grinnell, Hillel, hotel, impel, indwell, intel, irell, Janelle, jurel, lapel, Lyell, Mantell, Manuel, marcel, Marcelle, Marvell, micelle, Michele, Miguel, misspell, morel, Moselle, motel, nacelle, nevel, Nobel, noel, Noelle, nouvelle, Odell, outsell, outtell, pastel, patel, Ponselle, procell, propel, Purcell, quenelle, rappel, Raquel, rebel, repel, resell, respell, retell, Rochelle, rondelle, Roselle, rozelle, ruelle, samiel, sarcelle, sardelle, spinel, tourelle, unsell, unshell, unspell, unwell, upswell, varvel, vervelle, vielle
3 syllables:
aquarelle, askarel, bagatelle, chanterelle, chevronel, clientele, damoiselle, Danielle, demoiselle, fontanelle, Gabriele, immortelle, Isabell, karrusel, lenticel, Mirabel, moschatel, muscadel, muscatel, nonpareil, organelle, personnel, pipistrelle, Rafael, Raphael, villanelle
4 syllables:
chlorospinel, mademoiselle, materiel, mesdemoiselles, spirituel
5 syllables:
Repeatedly chanted magic words are like mantras - special sound forms, the purpose of which is to change your consciousness and sense of reality.
When choosing or changing individual spell words, focus all your attention on your desire. But do not forget that there are special words or phrases that are not an integral part of the text of spells, however, it would not be superfluous to add a phrase to any kind of spells that the action performed will not harm anyone. If you're not sure what the spells should sound like, you can use any song as a reference. Try to feel each word and comprehend the impact it has on your mind. Do not be afraid of words: pronounce each clearly and clearly. You have a difficult path of knowledge ahead, but know that we all make ridiculous and annoying mistakes until we achieve significant success. As for me, the best example of my mistakes with magic words occurred after I learned all about what words to say in spells. I created a spell to help make me more attractive, and one of the phrases included in it began with the rather harmless words "young face." I spent about two months battling teenage acne until it finally dawned on me what the real source of the problem was. I dropped the phrase “young face” from the phrase, and the acne disappeared on its own. Each of us determines for himself the direction of magic in which he can especially excel. For some people, this is the realm of magic words. If you consider yourself to be a magician of the word, then you may want to make it the most important catalyst for the events taking place in your life, and independently come up with all the magic words and spell verses to bring your desires to life. Section: The magic of beauty |
Read online “Magic for every day. Spells and Rituals for Modern Life, Dorothy Morrison - Litres, Page 2
Days of the Week
Each day of the week is ruled by a different deity and therefore has a unique energy field and vibration. For this reason, some practitioners like to choose a day for spells that is in harmony with the intention. Working with the vibrations of a particular day, one can increase efficiency, power and success.
The first day of the week belongs to the Moon. Her energies are best suited to affairs related to women, housing and the hearth, gardening, travel and medicine. It is also favorable for rituals aimed at mental development and prophetic dreams.
Mars rules Tuesday. The energy of this day is in harmony with the male vibration, that is, with conflict, physical endurance and strength, passion, hunting, sports and any competition. It is also good to use for rituals aimed at medical operations or politics.
This day is ruled by Mercury. The vibration of the environment gives strength to rituals aimed at inspiration, communication, writing, poetry, oratory, and everything related to learning. Wednesday is also a good time to start working on understanding and improving your own personality.
Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. The vibrations of this day correspond to any material goals. Use them for rituals aimed at achieving success, receiving an award, or solving legal problems. On this day, it is also good to take on cases in which luck or excitement is important.
Friday belongs to Venus with its warm and sensual energy that brings a feeling of satisfaction. On this day, it is good to do what gives pleasure, provides comfort, is associated with luxury, as well as art, music and aromas (incense and perfumery). The sensual influence of Venus will enhance the magic aimed at matters of the heart.
This day of the week is under the influence of Saturn. Saturn is the planet of karma, so Saturday is suitable for spells related to reincarnation, karmic lessons, mysteries, wisdom, and long-term projects. On this day, it is good to take on matters related to aging, death, or the fight against disease.
This day is ruled by the Sun. On Sunday it is good to deal with business partnerships, promotion at work, business projects and everything that contributes to professional success. It is also a good idea to cast spells aimed at strengthening friendship, mental or physical health and returning joy to life.
Colors play an important role in the physical world. They affect our sense of self, the way we act, the decisions we make, as well as our energy and productivity levels. For example, a police officer is more likely to stop a red or yellow car. Women who prefer red and black are more likely to intimidate someone than those who wear blue, green or pastel colors. We usually consider a man in a gray suit to be conservative, while neon colors speak of liberal views.
We don't understand how color defines our lives. The reason is that it acts directly on the emotions and causes changes that are invisible to the eye. Not surprisingly, colors have a significant effect on magical work as well.
The following information will serve as a starting point for incorporating color into your work. These are just general recommendations that you can easily adjust to your own tasks and needs.
Wear white to relieve stress and focus on life goals. Use it for tasks that require clarity and spiritual guidance, as well as for invoking the virgin aspect of the Triune Goddess. If necessary, white can be replaced by any other color in magical work, because it contains all the colors of the spectrum.
A must-have color for workaholics. Helps to soberly assess the amount of work performed. Use it for rituals aimed at reducing stress, bringing in knowledge, and discovering logic in situations where there seems to be none.
Wear this color when you are confused, want to achieve clarity or lose control. It is also well suited for magical work related to calmness, peace, serenity, healing, and pleasant dreams.
Wear yellow when your opinions and needs don't seem to matter to others. This color is good for rituals relating to communication, creative endeavors, success and joy. It is also suitable for calling the elements of Air and God.
Helps increase ambition, overcome challenges and feel independent. Works well with spells aimed at growth, fertility and prosperity. Use green to invoke the element of Earth.
Gold bestows a sense of prosperity and security. Some practitioners place a golden candle on the altar as a symbol of God.
If you have an excess of energy and need to slow down and collect yourself, brown is your color. Try adding it to spells related to common sense, bringing stability to your life, or dispelling a potentially dangerous situation.
Wear red when you have to deal with a difficult situation. It is especially useful for shy people in management positions. Use this color when your focus is on passion, sexual desire, vitality, strength and energy. Red also helps to invoke the element of Fire or the mother of the Triune Goddess.
Helps to relax even in stressful situations. Promotes spells related to intelligence and mitigation of raging energy. Allows inner beauty to become visible from the outside.
Wear orange to relieve stress and increase motivation. Use it for attraction rituals and efforts related to academic work, business projects, and applications.
This color is peaceful, unobtrusive and soothing. Wearing it, you inform others that you are not a danger. Use peach for magical work related to kindness, tenderness, sympathy, empathy, and good intentions.
Helps to gain the respect of others. (This is a terrific color for job interviews.) Use purple for rituals related to spirituality, mental ability, psychic power, and to invoke the Akashic element.
Pink stimulates self-love and helps you become your own best friend. This color is good for spells aimed at romantic or friendship and harmony.
Silver helps to calm inner anxiety and achieve a peaceful state of mind. Some practitioners place a golden candle on the altar as a symbol of the Goddess.
This color helps to organize and structure life. Use it to work with the element of Water and to invoke female deities.
Wear this color when looking for collaborations. It promotes efforts related to intuition, self-confidence and inner confidence.
This shade helps to balance the human and spiritual selves. If you wear it, there will be a feeling that you are able to overcome any obstacles on the way. Use this color when it comes to practical matters, decision making, balance or trust.
This color is usually associated with the clergy and ministers. Black makes others stop gossip behind your back and interfere in your affairs. Use it when the task you are working on involves separating something, wisdom and hiding something from prying eyes, and also to refer to the Crone aspect of the Trinity Goddess.
Words are one of the most powerful magical tools. Their strength lies in the constancy of their use for communication. Without words, we cannot share facts or opinions. With their help, we express ourselves, our feelings and emotions. By repeating words with positive intent, we can change lives for the better, both our own and those around us. You just need to choose the words and pronounce for the desired purpose.
The spell should not be frilly or fancy. The main thing is that the text clearly expresses the request. For example, when casting a protection spell, you could say:
Lord and Lady, protect me
from evil, visible and invisible.![]()
These are simple but understandable words. They give the spell power and direction.
Although the example given is effective and leaves no room for cosmic misunderstanding, rhyming couplets (a poetic form in which the words of two consecutive lines rhyme) are common among magicians. This tradition probably goes back to antiquity. The Wiccan Manual defines it as follows:
To remember the spell,
rhyme your efforts.
How and when this habit was formed is unknown. But, most likely, it grew out of the need to memorize spells in those days when it was unwise and even dangerous to write them down. In addition, the rhyme enhances the magical effect, which explains why this tradition has not died out to this day. Here are some reasons why you should use rhymes and couplets in magic.
1. Direct statements work well with spells, but rhyming couplets provide a richer, smoother flow. It's like dry paint. Touch this paint with your finger and draw something on paper. Will leave a trace of color. But only after adding water, the color will reveal itself in all its glory. The paint gains a new consistency, flows over the sheet and covers a larger area in less time. The same is true with rhyme and incantation.
2. The couplets give rhythm to the spell. Rhythm amplifies the flow, helps you enter the altered state of consciousness needed for magick, and gives the practitioner a point of focus. We learn these properties of couplets when we jump rope as children. The rhyme allows you not to stray from the rhythm and at the same time helps you move to another dimension, in which the movement of the legs simply ceases to be realized. By using rhyming couplets in the course of magical work, we can move into the space between the worlds - the place where magic begins - without ceasing to act physically.
3. The rhyme works like a kind of glue that holds the pieces of the spell together and holds them together. This is important because it ensures that the spell achieves its purpose. The rhyming words that form into a spell amplify the magical message we send into space and increase our chances of success.
In short, rhyme is a powerful magical tool, and it is easy to use it to give strength to your studies. Let's take the protection spell given earlier as an example. It can be easily rebuilt:
Lord, Madam, protect me
from the evil that I do not see and I see.
Like the first version, this one is accurate and understandable. However, the flow, force and rhythm that rhyme brings give it additional power. In addition, this option is easy to remember, which is useful for practitioners who work without an open book under their noses.
Any person can write couplets. You don't need to be a talented poet to do this. A spell doesn't have to be a literary masterpiece. First write down the request, then think about how to give it a poetic form. Keep it simple and don't get lost looking for the right words.
Working with couplets may take some extra time, but it's worth it. After all, the deeper you get into the spell, the more powerful it becomes.
Working with spells, we combine the power of our intellect, instinct and imagination with special words, images and forces of nature. Sometimes we even take the energy of certain deities and use it to enhance magic. Energies flow into each other and mix to change the course of spiritual thought and attitude to everyday life. Focused through the symbol, they are able to create the physical reality we are looking for.
Symbols are present in all aspects of our being. They come in many forms: images, objects, gestures, words. The power of the symbol lies in its ability to influence the subconscious and change the way the consciousness perceives the world.
For example, if I ask you to define a beetle, you will most likely tell me about a beetle. However, if I ask you about the Beatles, the conversation will obviously take a different direction. This is how the symbol works - instantly and independently of conscious thought and will. Since the symbol functions simultaneously at different levels, it is able to translate the most complex ideas in a form accessible to consciousness.
By channeling energy through symbols, consciousness turns them into a list of possibilities sent directly to the higher self. The Higher Self reviews the list and decides what transformation is needed to achieve the goal. It chooses the appropriate course and activates the spell. After that, the information is transferred to consciousness. Suddenly we find ourselves doing whatever is necessary to make the sorcery work.
Glyphs not only speed up spells, but also have their own effective automatic magic. Working with them saves a lot of time. If you've never used symbols for magical purposes, give it a try. This is the fastest way I know of to reshape the personal universe and reshape personal reality.
Natural friends
Flowers, trees, stones, herbs —
We are happy to share the Earth with them.
They live, laugh, breathe.
Some leave - they don't hear us.
Others remain nearby,
to smile at us once again.
They reach out
and drive away our boredom.
They bring us their gifts,
that are worth every praise.
The veil of space lifts
and receives spells.
Magic will return,
witchcraft will spread.
The witch's speech is heard everywhere,
her words flow pleasantly:
"Thank you all, I am here,
my natural friends!"
Chapter 2
Gifts of Nature
The effectiveness of spells largely depends on the firmness of intention and the directed flow of energy. The vibrations of plants and stones, as well as rhythm and symbols, are good helpers. First, they help keep the practitioner focused on the goal. This is important, as nothing harms a spell more than a wandering mind. Second, they harmonize energy, allowing work to begin and progress smoothly. But most importantly, the energy of stones and plants enhances the magical intention and determines the work. That is, it helps to tell the cosmos what we want and, to some extent, how we want to get it. Since plants and stones have value both in themselves and as symbols, including them in witchcraft enhances any action.
Medicinal herbs
Medicinal herbs are perhaps the most commonly used plants in magical work. Perhaps because, unlike other plants, they have great innate power. Herbs are unpretentious and do not require special care. They survive without problems under basic natural conditions. They need a handful of earth, air, a couple of drops of water and some sunlight. It doesn't matter if you water them, fertilize them, talk to them, love them. Herbs have a life of their own, self-seeding and growing where they like, no matter what. Unlike other plants, they are independent. Taming their violent energy and using it for magical purposes greatly enhances spells.
Charging Herbs
To further increase the effect of selected herbs, they can be charged and given the desired magical qualities. If you don't know how to do it, here is the instruction.
1. Place the plant in a bowl or saucer (use exactly the amount needed for your spell). Place your hands over the bowl and feel the energy emanating from the plant. Touch it with your working hand, close your eyes and concentrate on the magical goal.
2. Take a small amount of herbal material in your hand and rub it between your fingers. Feel the exchange of energies between you and the plant, charge it with magical intent.
3. While rubbing the plants between your fingers, cast the spell appropriate to your goals. For example, if you charge a dandelion for creativity, this option is suitable:
Free, wild dandelion,
give creativity a cup.![]()
Repeat this until you feel a surge of strength and tingling in your fingers. Repeat this process with other herbs as needed.
There are various ways to use herbs for magical purposes. Here are some of them.
• Herbs enhance magic. Carry a stem or several with you so that the Universe can better hear your intentions.
• Distribute herbal powders or sachets around the house. If the powder is mixed with unscented talc or cornstarch, it makes a good body powder. (Note: if you are sensitive or allergic, test the powder on a small patch of skin first.)
• Burning herbs quickly fills a space with magical intent. Add them to incense or dip candles in them.
• Herbal tincture allows you to transfer the energy of the plant into a liquid form. This practice opens up several possibilities at once. The tincture can be used for wet cleaning, added to a bath or tea. (Note: before ingesting any plant, check with trusted sources to find out if it is safe for humans. Some herbs are poisonous.) Herb oil can be used on the body, soaking candles, and processing ritual materials.
• To change a situation, scatter grass seeds into the wind, focusing on the changes you are looking for. With the germination of seeds, they will begin.
• Growing herbs provides a constant living connection to the cosmos. It reminds the universe that herbal sorcery is continuous and endless.
Many spices are powerful additions to magical work. The following is a list of potential herbs that most people have access to.
Perfect for work related to passion, love, luck and money. Use it also to relieve depression, grief and melancholy.
Use for spells to increase psychic ability, health, strength, and to achieve success.
This popular spice vibrates at a high spiritual level and is almost indispensable for good practice. Use it to achieve prosperity, love, passion, success, increase physical energy and predictions.
With protective properties, this plant also helps in childbirth, in love affairs, grants restful sleep, healing and longevity.
Bay leaf
Suitable for everything related to sports, competition and victory, to eliminate negative energy and protect against diseases. Also useful when working with wishes, divination and love spells.
Use this popular spice in spells for love, money, luck and health.
Many practitioners consider wormwood to be a witch's herb, because by drinking wormwood tincture and smoking its leaves, you can achieve an altered state of consciousness that enhances psychic awareness. The tincture is also used to clean mirrors, crystal balls and pendulums.
Suitable for a variety of magical purposes. Try to use it for luck in gambling, for prophetic dreams and sound sleep, protection, love and breaking witches' spells.
This herb is made famous by the Native Americans who burn it in the form of incense sticks, the smoke from which removes negative energy and its residue from open spaces, from buildings and from people. Sage is also suitable for spells related to health, luck, wisdom, longevity, and wishes.
Although the energy of flowers is lighter than the energy of herbs, it is no less powerful. The vibrations of the flowers come from the delicate texture of the petals and have little to do with the strength of the plant itself. Some practitioners believe that the energy of flowers provides even more opportunities than the energy of herbs.
Flowers are emotional symbols. We use them during various events that mark the transition: birthdays, weddings, funerals. We send them as a sign of favor, love and affection. Flowers evoke a strong emotional response in people, and emotions are the matrix from which any magic comes. Therefore, the use of colors increases the power and effectiveness of the spell.
Charging Flowers
To charge flowers and build their energy into magical work, use the information in the section on herbs. The following are techniques that also work well for buds.
• Rinse a few buds thoroughly and separate from the stems. Place the buds in a glass of water and leave overnight under the full moon. Drink water to discover the magical properties of flowers. (Note: as with herbs, make sure they are not poisonous.)
• Write a spell on a piece of paper. Place this leaf under a vase or flower pot containing the plant of your choice. When the buds open, the magical work will be completed.
• Scratch a wish on the candle and place it next to the bud. Burn the candle, changing it as needed, until the bud opens. The spell will take effect.
The following is a list for your convenience of some of the colors frequently used in magical work.
Sweet Pea
Try it to strengthen friendships. It also helps to know the truth.
No other flower can surpass jasmine in matters of love and self-respect. It also helps to invoke female deities.
The fragrance of this flower promotes joy, relieves depression, helps to increase mental awareness, financial position and attracts good luck.