Spelling games for 8th graders
20 Amazing Spelling Activities for Middle School
// by Michelle Mandel
Doubting how to spell basic words happens more often than you can imagine. Teachers and parents are faced with the fact that middle schoolers find spelling challenging. This can lead to low self-esteem and sometimes even bullying. Here are some innovative ways to help them improve their spelling skills quickly and easily!
1. Don’t miss out on the insightful article by Howard Miller "Innovation to Strategies" - A must-read.
What happens when students are writing and get stuck because they don’t know how to spell a word? Here is a great resource for educators and parents to understand the root problem.
Learn More: Research Gate
2. "Go Fish Anyone?”
Students create their own decks of Go Fish cards using grouped spelling patterns.
Students play the game by collecting the same spelling pattern such as words that end with “ought, augh, or eive.” It’s a splash of a way to review spelling.
Learn More: Read Write Think
3. Vocabulary increases spelling A-Z
Did you know that 70% of reading comprehension problems are due to a lack of vocabulary?
Get on board with this activity that can help your students with spelling exercises.
Improve spelling and reading comprehension all in one resource.
Learn More: Spelling City
4. Mnemonics to Improve your spelling
If you use Mnemonics which helps your brain to decode and retain info in a simple way using images, sentences, or words you will be learning a great skill for life. This is a great activity for 8th grade.
I alone felt Eli’s loneliness
Have a piece of the pie.
Rhythm helps your two hips move.
Learn More: Though Co.

A fun spelling activity for the class or at home. Letter dice can be so much fun and just by rolling the dice children can play in teams or individually these great games to improve spelling and word formation. Time to roll and learn.
Learn More: Averweij
6. Phonograms “Kan” improve spelling
Phonograms are letters or groups of letters that form sounds. Learners can “decode” words and focus on spelling by teaching their brains the right phonograms. Spelling and reading will be a piece of cake.
Not only will this kick start the spelling, but it is also perfect for primary grades.
Learn More: Study
7. The amazing advantages of letting middle schoolers become Rappers!
Have your middle schoolers rap their way into being great spellers. Kids love music, so why not let the juices flow where they can write their own tunes to improve their skills.
Let them practice their lines and watch them shine with Spelling Beats.
They can become DJs and rappers to show off their raps in class and spelling issues will become a thing of the past!
This is a fun spelling activity they will love.
Learn More: Spelling Beats
8. The great wall of words!
Middle schoolers love doing class projects. A spelling wall with a list of spelling words is just what each classroom could use.
These are groups of words that are printed or written in a big font and can be easily seen from all points of the class or even displayed in the hall.
Learn More: Maneuvering The Middle
9. A good speller is a good reader!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling opened up a new world to young readers and learning new words like beadily and exasperation made things a bit tricky. But, by getting your students hooked on excerpts of stories they will slowly become good spellers too. The magic of reading will bring the words to life and improves their reading skills.
Learn More: Scholastic
10. Become a Wizard at sight words
Middle school students should be learning approximately 400-500 new sight words per year.
Now, we read less and learning sight words has declined. Get back on track and help our middle schoolers with some super sight word activities that anyone can do at home or in the classroom.
Learn More: Study
11. Worksheet Game Time to improve Spelling
One of the best ways to improve our spelling is to use all different skills. With these hands-on activities, 6th-8th graders can practice these techniques daily while having fun.
From Hangman “High” to learning how to use Word Families to loads of spelling games both on and offline.
Learn More: The Butterfly Teacher
12. Spelling Games for Online Fun!
Take 5 and have a break playing some popular game online to improve your spelling. 6th - 8th graders will love these fun activities that can be played alone or in the classroom using a digital whiteboard. Great fun and a nice way to start or end the day.
Learn More: Pogo
13. Memory time
Get out your spelling list from 6th-8th and create your own flashcards. Test your family and friends to see how well they can spell off the spelling list. A fun way to encourage memory recall and retention. Spelling memory activities can increase brain power.
Learn More: Spelling Words Well
14. Write a rainbow
Get out your colorful highlighter and markers and write the prefixes and suffixes or the key letter groups that you are forgetting - highlighting them is a fantastic way of studying. Use Coloured paper to enhance your work.
Learn More: Teaching With A Mountain View
15. Song time
Music is a great tool and this is a spelling mistakes song that is great for 6th graders to help reinforce their skills.
Learn More: KidsTV123
16. Know your Dolch Words
75% of all the words used in children’s books come from DOLCH lists.
Find the list that corresponds to your child and play a variety of games like Sight Word Throw and Let’s go fishing. You can print flashcards and set phrases to work within a fun and entertaining way of doing spelling practice.
Learn More: Bested Lessons
17. The Morphs are invading!
Understanding Morphology can help to teach vocabulary.
Especially if you have the students color code the flashcards to help them learn.
Students really need to know how to dissect words inside and out.
Make some amazing flashcards and have fun.
Learn More: Keys To Literacy
18. Reach for the Stars
Middle school is the best age to really improve your spelling and become a spelling buff. With Spelling Stars, you can play games, get lists and have a blast while practicing your skills.
Learn More: Spelling Stars
19. Jabberwocky
Nonsense poems are great to help students relax a little while learning or revising phonetics and phonic instruction. The use of these silly words is very beneficial and effective in teaching decoding spelling patterns and sounds.
Learn More: Twinkl
20. Hungry for some Spelling Soup or feeling Flippity? Make your own game!
Make your own game for your classroom. Have the students create games using the templates from Flippity. These are colorful templates where you can make quizzes, trivia, or interactive worksheets to improve spelling.
Learn More: Flippity
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Category: Classroom Ideas
The Best Classroom Spelling Games And How To Teach Spelling With Them
Too often students dread spelling and think of it as boring, rote memorization. Classroom spelling games to the rescue!
I use classroom spelling games to bring variety to spelling review and spelling practice. You can even use them for a spelling warm up. Students love them anytime, but they are especially welcome after a tough tutoring session or a long week. Keep students guessing and pop spelling games into your literacy stations from time to time.
When you use spelling games, students:
- Get multiple opportunities to spell and check their words
- Are more engaged in spelling review and may get more out of it
- See or hear other students spelling the word. This makes students check what they know. If it’s incorrect, they can mentally correct it. If it is correct, it reinforces what they know.
- Can, in some cases, manipulate words physically, for example, sliding letter tiles together to form words.
- Build speed and fluency often.
Convinced that spelling games have a place in your classroom? It’s time to get some (or some more) classroom spelling games!
It’s great to have a mix of spelling games that cover different skills. I also like to have a mix of game types including spelling board games and other games students recognize remixed for spelling review.
Start with 5 days of spelling games in the Spelling Game Challenge (it’s free!)
Then try these classic games adapted as classroom spelling games:
1. Go Fish is a spelling variation of the classic card game. The dealer passes seven cards to each player and spreads the extra cards, face down, in the center. The goal is to get sets of 4 of the same word. Player 1 asks another player for a word in their hand. The other player has to hand over any cards with that word. If the player doesn’t have any cards with the words, Player 1 has to “go fish” and choose a card from the center. If they get the word they asked for, they can ask another player for the same word or ask for another word. If they do not get the word they ask for, the next player goes. The game ends when one player has all of their cards in sets.
2. Memory is another classic card game adapted for spelling review. You’ll need a set of word cards with two of each word. Lay the cards out in a grid, word-side down. Player 1 turns over two cards and reads both words aloud. If the words match, the student keeps the cards. If not, they flip the cards face down again. Player 2 does the same. The game ends when all the cards are matched up. The player with the most word pairs wins.
3. Spelling Snap turns the fast-paced card game into a tool for spelling review to practice speed and fluency. You’ll need a word deck with 2–4 cards for each word. Player 1 player deals out all the cards, face down, so that each player starts with half the deck. Then both players flip the top card on their pile at the same time. If the cards match, the first person to say “snap” wins all the cards that have been flipped over. To practice reading the word, have the player say the word on the matching cards instead of Snap. The game ends when one player has all the cards, or after a set amount of time has passed, at which point the person with the most cards wins.
4. Jenga Game. Looking for a game with high frequency words or any other spelling words? Pile on the fun with The First Grade Diaries’ spelling version of Jenga. Get your students reading the words, before they remove them and then stack them on top.
5. Spelling Snakes and Ladders. This spelling board game is perfect for spellers to practice CVC words and digraphs.
6. Word family tic tac toe. This game found on Kids Activities Blog can be used with any spelling list and is a great way to practice reading and writing if you get your students to make their own boards.
7. Spelling battleship. Relentlessly Fun, Deceptively Educational turned the traditional game of battleship into a spelling game. Kids love this one!
8. Who can spell the most words? Do you have students who like Connect Four? Try this spelling game by No Time For Flashcards.
9. Phonics Bingo. This advanced code bingo set includes 91 spelling patterns in 20 different games.
10. More Spelling Bingo. If bingo works for you, why not get done-for-you boards with even more spelling words and patterns included?
You can also add these unique spelling board games and activities:
11. Guess my group. This game is one of a variety of activities that are part of Spelling Activities for Any Word List. Students classify words and play a guessing game with a partner for more spelling review.
12. 3D word search. Another classroom spelling game from No Time For Flashcards. One of my students loved playing word search games on the iPad, and this was a great no-tech replacement. There are even great ideas to adapt for different levels.
13. Spell It. One game board, lots of lists to make spelling review fun! And there are versions for beginner and advanced words for more versatility.
14. Tap the Right Spelling. Students tap the right spelling pattern for a given word. Great for advanced code students.
15. Roll and Write Games. This fun partner game that gets kids writing and saying spelling words can also be adapted for individual play.
Check out this video tutorial of classroom spelling games for more ideas.
What are your favorite classroom spelling games?
Spelling games | Educational and methodological material on the Russian language on the topic:
1.Check Dunno.
Dunno played with words, making one word out of two. Check if he
composed the words correctly?
Paul+Osa = stripes
Kol+Osa = colosses
Tooth+I = teeth
oak+b+I = Dubya
2. Who quickly correct the errors. (Subject: Capital letter)
The cards have misspelled text.
Task: Find and correct all capitalization errors as quickly as possible.
3. Read the offer. (Topic: Case endings.)
Cards are made from an album sheet on which sentences are written, but instead of nouns, the corresponding figures are placed.
Assignment: while reading a sentence, students use pictures to name nouns in the appropriate case, choosing the correct ending.
4. "Choose three words" (The game is used to reinforce any topics in the Russian language)
Purpose: To follow the formation of spelling skills, taking into account the stage of work on spelling.
The choice of words depends on the topics studied or covered.
Nine words are written on 9 cards:
1st set: fish, blizzard, stocking, oak trees, jam, scarecrow, streams, plague, mushroom.
2nd set: entrance, warehouse, crow, hail, filming, treasure, gate, rise, sparrow.
Pied KI
Blue 9000 9000
Explain spellings by choosing test words.
6. Game "Ball"
Didactic task: Repeat the formulation of clarifying questions and case endings.
Game objective: Help the proposals get to the Ball.
Contents of the game:
Ball in the Grammar Kingdom today. There were many proposals for it. But the sentry will not let them into the palace until each noun from those who have appeared has its conjugation indicated. Help the proposals get to the Ball. What questions does the clock noun ask?
A table is drawn on the board, the halves of which are separated by a sentry. The proposal is analyzed by one student, tips from the class are accepted.
Cherry blossoms in May Mother gave her son a book Swallows are returning from Africa A hare feeds on tree bark Sister came to her brother Sasha wrote a letter A fox hid behind a bush, etc. H a s o v o y In (what?) May blooms (what?) bird cherry. etc.
7. Game "Find the ending"
Didactic task: Repeat the case endings of nouns.
Game task: Find the endings of some words in sayings.
Content of the game:
“The ending is a very changeable, moving part of a word. She can easily get lost. Find the lost endings for these proverbs.”
- Pick the berries... you will find the box.
- Drop by drop... and the stone hammers.
Without a primer and grammar... Mathematics cannot be learned...
8. The game "Nicknames"
Purpose: formation of the process of inflection and word formation, consolidation of phonetic and grammatical analysis of words, spelling of proper names.
Move: Form animal names from the following words:
Make proposals.
Highlight the part of the word that you used when composing nicknames (suffix, ending).
9. Game "Team chain game"
Didactic task: Complete the appropriate nouns in the accusative case.
Game objective: Make the chain as long as possible.
Contents of the game and Materials:
- Listening to music, mom...
- I am writing a dictation, a letter,...
- They are building a tower, a house,... etc.
10. The game "Hard - soft"
Purpose: to create conditions for repeating the spelling of hard and soft characters.
Students are divided into two teams. One team is called “Stone”, the other is called “Water”. The “Stone” team gets up if I read a word with a hard sign, if I read a word with a soft sign, the “Water” team gets up.
Words: congress, drive in, blizzard, pours, entrance, pour, announcement, stakes, runners, detour, ears of corn, drink, shooting, etc.
11.Game: Be careful.
Purpose: to activate memory, attention, vocabulary, based on knowledge of the rules.
Write out from the proposed poems with combinations of zhi, shi:
1. Siskins lived in a hut,
Mice, hedgehogs, swifts,
Walruses come to visit them
Both giraffes and snakes.
2. Vest, animal, belly,
Giraffes, painting, lives,
Briar, tires, reeds,
Cars and pencils,
Circle, serve, make friends and live,
Hurry, make laugh,
Hiss and sew.
All combinations of ZhI and SHI
Only with the letter I write!
12. Game: Slovoznaikin, give me an answer.
Purpose: to determine the level of development of children, to develop memory, thinking, speech.
Children are invited for a certain time to remember and write down as many proverbs and sayings, riddles and quatrains as possible, in which words and a given rule are found - "Spelling of words with combinations of zhi, shi." For example:
Proverbs and sayings:
Life is given for good deeds.
You can't hide an awl in a bag.
If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
To live life is not a field to cross.
Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you won't stick it together.
Two birch horses
They carry me through the forest.
These red horses,
And their name is ... (skis).
He is tall and spotted
With a long, long neck,
And he eats leaves,
Leaves of trees (giraffe)
She sewed a fur coat - she sewed a skirt,
She sewed a hat - she sewed a slipper!
Good seamstress Natasha!
13. Game: Change the letter.
Purpose: to intensify the mental activity of students, develop spelling and phonetic vigilance, attentiveness, logical thinking.
Children are offered the original word with a spelling, they change either one or two sounds in it sequentially, while maintaining the combination -chk-, and receive new words. The one with the most words wins.
daughter pen
barrel river
night candle
bump stove
point kidney
cloud daughter
wheelbarrow night
14. Game: Name one object.
Purpose: to develop methods for checking unstressed vowels.
The teacher says a word denoting many identical objects, and the students name one such object and explain what vowel should be written in the root of the word. For a correct answer, the row receives a point. The winner is determined by the number of points.
Sample material: words: doctors, eyes, rooks, gardens, basins, balls, sides, rains, yards, moles, seas, knives, fruits, fields, horns, etc.
15. Game: Capital letter.
Purpose: to reinforce the rule of capitalization in words.
Equipment: each student has a set of signal cards.
The teacher invites the class to listen carefully to the poem. Then the students mark with signal cards, all the rules for writing a capital letter, which are mentioned in the poem. Next, you need to protect each of your answers, that is, explain which rule is fixed. The winner is the one who manages to protect all signal cards.
An ordinary letter has suddenly grown, The letter
Has grown above the letters - girlfriends At the line at the beginning,
They look with respect So that we notice the beginning.
In the letter of a friend, First name, last name
But why? Are written with her,
For what merits? To be more noticeable and more visible,
To sound loud and proud
The letter did not want to grow by itself, Your name
The letter is entrusted with an important task: The name of the street, city.
Put in the word Large letter -
Not in vain and not easy Not at all empty,
The letter is so tall.
In a big letter -
Respect sign. (S. Izmailov)
16. Game: Half a minute for a joke.
Purpose: to fix the spelling of the capital letter in animal names.
Equipment: the board contains the names of those animals that are found in Yu. Chernykh's poem: a dog, a chicken, a cow, a cat, a horse.
The teacher asks the children to listen carefully to the poem and say what is wrong with it. The correct answer is rewarded with a game token. Some children add nicknames to the names of animals on the board, while the rest do this work in a notebook.
Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman
With a little granddaughter.
They called their red cat
And they called Crested
They called the foal,
And they also had
Burenka hen,
Murka dog,
And two more goats -
Sivka and Burka.
17. Didactic game "Be careful."
Purpose: to activate memory, attention, vocabulary, based on knowledge of the rules.
From the proposed poems write out words with combinations of zhi, shi:
1. They lived in a hut of siskins,
Mice, hedgehogs, swifts,
Walruses come to visit them
And giraffes and snakes.
2. Vest, animal, belly,
Giraffes, painting, lives,
Briar, tires, reeds,
Cars and pencils,
Circle, serve, make friends and live,
Hurry, make laugh,
Hiss and sew.
All combinations of ZhI and SHI
Only with the letter I write!
Constellation of excellent students - Lexical games
1. What are these objects
Purpose - to clarify the semantics of the word, its lexical role in speech.
Give a quick and accurate answer
About each drawing - an object:
Who made it, from what
And where is it most needed? (needle, hook, thread, shovel, etc. )
2. Think up or remember a riddle
Purpose - to clarify the semantics of the word, to learn to compare it with other similar meanings.
It is necessary to answer what the objects named by these words are like. For example, a rainbow is like a gate. The teacher can push the children to the correct answer without limiting their creativity. You can remember the riddles about these objects.
Nettle, like (fire)
Dipper, like (duck)
Birch, like (sisters)
Sugar, like (snow)
Sugar, like (honey)
Calendar, like calendar
Red fox, like (flame)
Not fire, but burning.
Duck in the sea, tail on the fence.
Sisters are standing in the field -
Dresses are bleached, hats are green.
White as snow, in honor of all.
He got into his mouth and disappeared there.
It is hard and white, like chalk.
And you ate some of it.
The fat man is losing weight every day
And he will never get better.
Behind the trees, bushes
A quick flame flashed.
Flashed, ran -
There is neither smoke nor fire.
3. Riddles - “additives”
The goal is to teach to select rhyming words that are semantically the same with the sentence.
Add rhyming words:
Trying to weave a cunning trail 9I have missing sock,
Dragged him ... (puppy)
Who alone has a horn?
Guess ... (rhinoceros)
Plane prepared
He went to ... (flight)
Palace on a pole
Singer in the palace
And his name is .... (starling)
4. Fill the basket
The goal is to teach to distinguish between genus and species concepts.
Draw two baskets on the board. One team is invited to pick up pictures depicting vegetables in a basket, the other - fruits.
5. Gather a bouquet
The goal is to teach to distinguish between genus and species concepts.
One team is invited to collect a bouquet made up of the names of wild flowers, the other - from garden flowers. Pictures can be used in the game.
In similar tasks, you can classify the names of any objects (furniture, species of birds, animals, trees, etc.)
6. Name three objects
The goal is to teach to distinguish between genus-species concepts.
The leader, who has the ball, calls out one word, for example, furniture, and throws the ball to any of the players. The catcher must name 3 items related to the named word (chair, table, cabinet).
Topics suggested by facilitators may vary (flowers, clothes, trees, etc.)
7. Make no mistake
The goal is to teach to distinguish between words-objects and words-concepts.
Children stand in a circle leading in the middle. He throws the ball alternately and at the same time says the word. If it denotes an object that can be touched (table, friend, book), then the players catch the ball. If the word does not denote a tangible object (thought, friendship, desire), then the players cannot catch the ball. Those who make mistakes leave the circle.
8. Say it right
Purpose - to clarify the semantics of the word.
K.I. Chukovsky, in his book From Two to Five, told us how little children speak. They have not yet studied Russian and therefore form words incorrectly. Fix them.
dresses - Clothes Squarer - policeman
people - Strogenok - Rubaniki
Aquarcs - Copata wrinkles - Shovel
Hammer Cup
Dandelion started - drunk with tea
Reluke - spider rain - the rain from the rain
Maselin - Vaselin no, I am Vezha - as opposed to the ignoramus
Mugs - Pallet Springs - Polit Lovets
90009. What is the subject?
Purpose - to learn to select words-definitions (descriptions).
The teacher names the object, and the students have to say what it is. For example: lingonberries, hedgehog, plane, leaf, hare, etc. The correct answer receives a token. Whoever gets the most tokens wins.
10. Guess by description
The goal is to teach to recognize words by their descriptive semantics.
One student leaves the class, the rest together with the teacher think of a word that has a motivated name (strawberry, dandelion, first grader, snowdrop). To the student who returned to the class, the children describe the conceived object according to its features, except for the reflective name. The student, according to whose description the subject was guessed, leaves the class as a driver.
11. Ten questions
Purpose - to teach to understand the generalized meaning of words, their ambiguity.
Answer tricky questions:
1. You can beat the drum with sticks. What drum can't be beat? (To the drum of a car, to a drum of a revolver)
2. If you tinker, the knot can be untied. What knot cannot be untied? (Railway junction)
3. You can eat meat and other foods with a fork. What fork can't be eaten with? (Bicycle fork, chess knight move)
4. The fabric can be used to make a shirt. And from what kind of fabric can nothing be sewn? (Roadbed, railway bed)
5. You can comb your hair with the comb. And what comb can not be combed? (Crest of the sea wave)
6. Locks are unlocked and locked with keys. What keys can't be unlocked? (spring clef, treble clef, bass clef).
7. The cartridge can be placed in the gun and fired. What ammo can't be fired? (Electric chuck)
8. The beard can be shaved off and there will be no beard. What kind of beard can't be shaved off? (Key beard)
9. You can take an apple and eat it. What apple can't be eaten? (Eyeball)
10. Wheels can be put on the axle. And on what axle can not even one wheel be put on? (On the earth's axis)
12. Name several objects with one word
Purpose - to teach to determine the ambiguity of a word.
The teacher names words that have several meanings, having warned the children in advance that several objects, phenomena are called each of these words, for example: leaf, wing, cabin, head, automaton, hero, crane, earth, picture, porridge, class, key , leather, knee, horse, forest, line, world, milk, nose, window, table. Pupils must descriptively or in phrases explain what objects are named.
13.3 Do you know Russian folk tales?
The goal is to learn how to choose synonyms.
The Russian folk tales that you read very often tell about amazing miracles. Try to compare them with the achievements of science and technology that you are familiar with.
One of the two envelopes contains cards with descriptions of fairy-tale wonders (Humpbacked Horse, Flying Carpet, Golden Cockerel, Scooter Sledge, Miracle Mirror, Firebird Feather, Ball of Thread showing the way; Sadko with the harp at the bottom of the sea ), and in another card with the names of cars, devices
Whoever does the matching correctly and reads it aloud will be declared the winner.
14. Guess riddles
The goal is to clarify the polysemy of words.
Guess the riddles:
Pioneer - at school,
Farming - in the field
And in any chain it is
It is called ... (link)
I am an antonym to the word heat,
I am at the door, I am in the castle
I am in the musical line,
I will unscrew the nut
And I can, if I want,
Send a telegram
And solve the riddle ...
People always have it,
Ships always have it.
They are usually for sewing,
And I saw them on a hedgehog,
They happen on a pine tree, on a Christmas tree,
A are called .... (needles)
I am in a notebook
Oblique and straight,
In its other meaning
I am a plank for drawing.
And, finally, sometimes
I will line you up.
It swims slowly in water,
It flies back and forth in the loom.
15. Antonyms
The goal is to learn to select antonyms.
Pairs of words that we can pick up on the opposite basis are antonyms. Add rhymes.
I am in the river, in thick shade
And in bottles of lemonade
And my name is... (coolness)
I am the opposite of the word summer,
I am wearing a snow coat.
I love frost myself.
Because I ... (winter)
I never go without a beginning,
A close relative of the pier,
A crown for everything,
I am called ... (end).
I am the opposite of laughter
Not for joy, comfort
I happen, involuntarily.
From misfortune and from pain.
From resentment, failure.
Guess? This is ... (crying)
I am the antonym of noise, knocking,
Without me, you will suffer at night.
I am for rest, for sleeping.
Yes, and I am needed at school,
I am called .... (silence)
Pick up antonyms - rhymes:
I will say the word "high",
And you will answer ... (low)
I will say the word "far"
And you will answer ... (close)
I will tell you the word "coward" .
You will answer ...(brave man)
Now I will say "beginning"
Well, answer ...(end).
17.3 finish the folk proverbs yourself
The goal is to learn to select antonyms.
Substitute the word - antonym, completing the proverb:
Learning is light, not learning is... (darkness)
Know more, but speak ... (less)
The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit ... (sweet)
Do not be afraid of the clever enemy, be afraid of a friend ... (stupid)
The best thing is new, best friend ... (old)
18. Choose sayings about hardworking people
Purpose - to learn to analyze sentences with antonyms by motivated meaning.
Explain the meaning of the proverbs, find antonyms in them:
1. If you get up early, you will step further.
2. Finished the job - walk boldly.
3. Fish and grouse - lose your money.
4. Sleep a lot - live a little.
5. He is too lazy to be lazy, and not just move.
6. Boring day until evening, when there is nothing to do.
7. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
8. A cuckoo is not a hawk, an ignoramus is not a master.
9. One flour, but not only pens.
10. You can't even catch a fish from a pond without effort.
11. Runs from work like a dog from flies.
12. White hands love other people's work.
13. Loafers and loafers also celebrate on Mondays.
14. It's not a concern when there is work, but it's a concern when it's not.
19.3 replacing a word with similar meaning
The goal is to learn to select synonyms.
The teacher names the word (army, shine, big, fight, be afraid, quit, fast, polite, hot, rattle, children, doctor, eat, interesting, beautiful, freeze, clothes, cry, win, work, rejoice, etc. ) Children pick up synonyms (army, shine, huge, fight, etc.). The one who names the last synonym wins.
20. Winged words
Purpose - to clarify the motivated meaning of the sentence - phraseological unit.
Option one.
The teacher says a phraseological unit, and the children explain it
Option two.
The teacher pronounces a phrase that conveys the meaning of some phraseological unit, and the children must name this phraseological unit.
21. Unusual in the ordinary
The goal is to teach to reveal the "figurative" meaning of the word.
The teacher asks to pick up the word:
words are ordinary, direct in meaning, associated with it in speech, and unusual - figurative in meaning.
22. Profession
Purpose - to clarify the semantics of the word.
Children think of some profession and list the actions associated with it. Other students must guess and name the hidden profession.
23. Decorate word
Purpose - to clarify the semantics of the word.
It is necessary to decorate the noun with adjectives. Teams in turn, without repeating, call adjectives that fit him. The team whose players name the most adjectives wins.
24. The opposite word
The goal is to teach how to make a sound-letter analysis of a word and clarify the concept of “word” as a semantic unit of speech.
The teacher calls words quickly. Children must write them down, on the contrary, rearranging the letters. And the reverse situation - the teacher calls the inverted word, the children write down its normal meaning.
25. Puns
The goal is to learn to distinguish between homonyms.
Homonyms are words that are different in meaning, but have the same sound and spelling. A pun is a play on words, a joke based on a comic play on the similarity of equivalent words. The children are read Y. Kozlovsky's poem "Cancer and Goose":
Cancer the goose repeated ONE:
-You hit the claw ON THE BOTTOM
And on the shore FROM THE RIVER
Get out, SPEAK wisdom!
I'll listen out, CANCER...
Cancer replied: - YOU ARE A FOOL!
Find homonyms in it. What do they stand for?
26. "Translation"
The goal is to learn to select synonyms.
Ask the children to “translate” a line of a song, verse, story into “another language”. It is necessary to replace the words in the line with others that are similar in meaning (synonyms), so that the general meaning is preserved.
For example,
“Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, golden, crimson,
Cheerful, motley wall
Standing over a bright glade...”
Trees with colorful foliage on a sunny day
reminiscent of a palace on a sunny day of autumn.
27. "Negative"
Purpose - to learn to select antonyms.
Ask children to make a "negative" line from a song, verse, story, i.e. replace the meaning with the opposite one, using antonyms.
For example, Frost and Sun! "Negative": The moon, but the heat!
Wonderful day! The night is dark.
You are still dozing, I am still awake
Dear friend?! And, as an enemy, I live
Wake up, open and fall asleep,
are closed in the eyes of the eyes ... ”But I can’t close the eyes
And that's my problem.
28. "Stupid Dictionary"
The goal is to teach word creation, "to discover new" semantics of the word.
It is necessary to explain an ordinary word in a new way, to come up with a witty meaning.
For example, a watchman - a rally
mediocrity - a person who was not given a gift on his birthday
horizon - a beach umbrella
a monster - a volcano
29. What words are hidden in the grid of letters? (Cress-cross)
The goal is to develop word creation.
To solve such a watercress, you need to carefully look at the grid of letters: words can be read from right to left and left to right, from top to bottom and vice versa, diagonally and even break.
The winner is the one who finds the most words.
E | L | E | D | S | M | K | C |
x | 3 | B | E | 3 | D | S | O |
O | C | M | E | C | I | C | C |
R | O | C | A | B | B | D | W |
E | I | P | A | R | O | O | I |
K | H | A | R | E | L | F | b |
A | C | R | A | M | H | D | K |
T | E | H | b | C | H | E | D |
from left to right: ice, smoke, stars, moon, dew, steam, earth, shadow, snow;
from right to left: yawn, litter, no;
from top to bottom: echo, ferret, river, sun, steam, time, wave, rain, icicle; from bottom to top: Lara, rye, darkness, court, yard, etc.