Square shape activities for preschoolers
15 Activities for Teaching Squares to Toddlers and Preschoolers
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by Rachel Cooper
Inside: These 15 square activities are great for toddlers who are learning their shapes. Excellent at home and in the preschool classroom!
As the school year progresses, we have moved on from teaching our toddlers circles to teaching them squares.
This is where we begin to incorporate counting with our shapes, because we count 4 sides to make sure it’s a square.
Like the circle, squares are everywhere in their everyday lives, so it becomes exciting for them to be able to recognize them.
These 15 activities help toddlers learn about this 4-sided shape at home and in the classroom.
👉 Grab your free squares printable packet towards the bottom of this post!
15 Activities for Teaching Squares to Toddlers and Preschoolers
- Stamping Squares – Grab your blocks for this fun square painting activity.
- Dot Marker Squares – Use do-a-dot markers to practice tracing the outline of a square. (My Life of Travels and Adventures)
- Square Stamping – Stamp geometric cube blocks with paint to create square art. (No Time for Flash Cards)
- Painting Squares – Preschoolers will practice painting each square with different colors to create an artistic masterpiece. (Teach Preschool)
- Square Snacks – For a fun way to learn about squares, have a snack time that consists completely of square shaped snacks. (Mrs Plemon’s Kindergarten)
- Shape Collage – Toddlers will practice their gluing skills by collaging tissue paper squares onto their paper. (Mess for Less)
- Square Sensory Bin – Create a sensory bin consisting of only square objects for preschoolers to explore. (Everyday Chaos and Calm)
- Geoboard Shapes – Practice fine motor skills by creating squares on a geoboard. (Gift of Curiosity)
- Color Sorting – Sort squares onto the tray by color for a color recognition activity.
(The Activity Mom)
- Contact Paper Shape Art – Use square pieces of contact paper to paint over and remove to reveal square shapes on the canvas. (Mess for Less)
- Trace and Color – Toddlers will practice tracing the lines of a square and coloring in with this square printable. (Worksheet Fun)
- Cutting Squares – Preschoolers will practice their scissor skills by cutting out the square from this free printable. (SupplyMe)
- Square Monsters – Create cute shape monsters using googley eyes, pompoms, and other materials. (Creative Family Fun)
- Playdough Mat – Toddlers will practice tracing the shape of a square with playdough using these free shape mats. (Free Homeschool Deals)
- Square Name Spelling – Practice literacy skills by spelling out toddler names or other words using square letters. (PBS)
FREE squares printable packet – 5 pages of printables to reinforce the shape of the square:
More shape activities:
Teaching Circles to Toddlers and Preschoolers
Toddler Shapes Art Activity
Setting Up the Classroom: Shapes and Colors Theme
Shapes Fine Motor Activities
Now available: Shapes fine motor activities pack. Fun activities that work on building fine motor skills all with a shapes theme!
Prep once and use over and over again.
•Shapes Roll and Color – Dice and Printable
•Shape Cotton Swab Painting – 2 Options
•Shape Manipulative Printables – 9 Shapes
•Shape Tracing Cards – 16 Cards
•Shape Dot Marker Printables – 15 Options
•Shape Craft Sticks Task Cards – 8 Options
•Shape Play Dough Mats – 13 Options
58 Total Pages
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Filed Under: preschool, Shapes, Toddlers Tagged With: printables, shapes, squares, toddler
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7 Fun Activities For Introducing Square Shape To Preschoolers
Teaching young children new things and watching their eyes light up can be utterly delightful. Introducing little learners to shapes can be quite tricky, given the fact that there are so many of them. Spatial recognition of different shapes forms an integral part of mental development.
One of the most fundamental shapes is the square. But do you often contemplate how to teach these young minds about the square shape? Well, several innovative methods are used, which you can use to teach your preschooler to identify the square shape and distinguish it from others.
Just like we covered the various activities for other shapes like triangles, in this post, we will dig deeper and look into one such method, which is introducing the square shape through various fun-filled activities.
Activities for teaching square shape to little learners1. Pop stick BuildersEmploying handy manipulatives is often a great activity idea to teach little ones. Being relatively harmless, pop sticks or earbuds can be a great take-in. To start this activity, hand over the kids with some pop sticks each.
Show them various objects which are square-shaped to let them retain what the shape is. Now, ask them to construct a square using the pop sticks offered to them. Wait for some time to comprehend if they could build one. You can later assist them to make a square to demonstrate. This activity makes them realize that a square always has equal sides subconsciously.
Kids often love to play spot the difference game. Implementing this strategy in an activity can make it engaging. Square Espy needs the instructor to produce a picture that has squares easily recognizable. For instance, a picture of a building with four square windows and a couple of square balloons on it. The teacher may show it to students and ask them to find out and count the number of squares in that picture. This activity amplifies the ability to recognize squares in little ones in real life effortlessly.
3. Square RhymesRhymes have always been one of the best sources for kids to grasp entities around them. The same is the case with squares too. Here is a Rhyme for instance:
From a sandwich to the window glass,
This is the shape having four sides is what I’m taught in class.
Four corners, equal sides, and in between, a whole lot of space,
Is what brings a square in place!
Apart from giving a sense of amusement, kids retain various attributes of a square. From the above rhyme, they can effortlessly recall that a square has four equal sides and four corners.
4. Squaring outTraditionally, whenever students need to mark answers among various options, they circle out their choice. Fascinatingly, the teacher can ask them to square out the answer instead. Say, the instructor needs to conduct a test, they can give out worksheets and ask the students to mark out answers in squares. To motivate them further, additional marks for correctly marked squares can be offered. This activity lets them retain what they have learned about squares. Moreover, this strategy can be applied at any time and in any activity.
To start with, the teacher would need at least three boxes and a set of balls. Three different shapes are drawn on the boxes, one being square. For example, a triangle, a circle along with a square. These three boxes are monsters, which need to be fed with the balls. Now a kid is called upon. Teachers ask them to feed square monsters with the ball. The little one needs to identify the right monster and feed it by putting a ball inside it. This activity lets learners distinguish between different shapes and squares. To make it further intriguing, different shapes including a square can be used to identify and feed the monster.
6. Assemble & Sort SquareThe activity is facile and the teacher may need beads and buttons that are of different sizes and shapes including square ones. The kid is the king of the square army and has to kick off a war. To get ready for the same, the king (student) needs to assemble square objects into their forces. To start with, the teacher gives the little one a bowl full of beads and buttons. The kids need to sort out all the square ones into another bowl, adding strength to their army. This activity not only teaches them to identify and distinguish squares among other shapes but also improves motor skills as they learn to hold tiny props.
You might have to get a few other adults or children to help you out with this set of activities. Cut out squares, triangles, circles, and diamonds. Color each shape differently, such that even the same shapes don’t have the same colors. Once you have got many of these, stick them on a large board (around 50 shapes overall). Let the child or children pick out all the squares by pointing them out and collecting the ones that they pointed out. See how many they get right.
You can also make this game more interesting and challenging by timing the students. For example, collect all the squares in under 1 minute. This will also boost up the kid’s reflex skills and build a skillset to identify the shape promptly.
Manipulatives – check these readily available learning toolsThe activities stated above can be effective in classrooms as well as at home. At a personal level, parents and mentors can employ some readily available daily-life entities to demonstrate as an example of the square. Be it a square photo frame, clock, or a stamp one must look into stimulating their little one to spot them.
- Paper Napkins are often square in shape, show these at dinners as an instance,
- The chessboard is full of black and white squares, see if the toddler can identify these. Parents can also ask them to count the number of squares
- Let the kid identify the slice of Bread being square during a breakfast
- Comprehending dice as a square can be a great idea.
Evidently, these are three-dimensional, each face is square.
- A slice/cube of cheese on their favorite Pizza can help them identify the shape
Learning new notions seldom starts at home. Taking this as an added edge, parents can guide toddlers to indulge in some home chores, making them grasp the square finer.
1. Sandwich Saucing:Kids often love having sandwiches in their meals. Parents may ask them to apply or pour sauce on it in a square shape and then apply it evenly. This makes them draw squares, implicitly practicing it.
At the time of cloth folding, parents can indulge their kids as well. Give them the handkerchiefs to fold. Try asking them to identify napkins by their shape and let them fold them. Wait for them to notice that these are still square after being folded. If not, try to remind them about the same.
Parents can ask the help of kids to make their favorite cookies at home by assisting in activities like giving shapes to the dough. They may ask little ones to prepare a square-shaped dough to be baked and see if they could realize and prepare.
Not only in sandwiches, clothing, or doughing but random questions can also be asked anywhere. For instance, while watching movies, parents may ask kids to identify square objects in the scene. These questions stipulate their subconscious mind to stimulate notions learned.
5. Finding squares in the room: Parents, guardians, and educators can ask children to find a particular square object in the room. For example: Can you look for a square cushion in this room? Or maybe, can you find the square diary? This will help children identify and grow their consciousness about the square shapes in the room and the house.
Remember to appreciate your toddler every time they get something right. For example, whenever they pick out the square correctly, clap or smile and praise openly. Make wall art out of the creative works produced as part of the experience. Once they have identified the square shape correctly, it is good to mix in a few shapes and test whether they can recognize the square from other shapes. Keep a watch out for our posts to learn how to teach your preschooler even more things in fun ways.
Didactic games as a means of developing spatial functions in constructive activities in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment
Author : Burachevskaya Olga Vladimirovna
Heading : Preschool education
Published by in Education and upbringing No. 1 (6) February 2016
Publication date : 02/03/2016
Article viewed: 2379 times
Download electronic version
Burachevskaya, OV Didactic games as a means of developing spatial functions in constructive activity in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment / OV Burachevskaya. - Text: direct // Education and upbringing. - 2016. - No. 1 (6). - S. 22-25. — URL: https://moluch.ru/th/4/archive/25/705/ (date of access: 02.12.2022).
The article considers the use of didactic games and manuals with The purpose of the development of spatial representations and spatial thinking in Preschoolers from OHR. Guidelines are given for organizing the constructive activities of preschool children. Didactic games are described that allow developing spatial functions in children with ONR.
Key words : didactic games, spatial perception, ideas, gnosis, praxis, orientation in space, spatial functions, general underdevelopment of speech (OHP).
The harmonious development of the child is impossible without the timely development of spatial functions. Spatial representations are of universal importance for all aspects of human activity, covering various aspects of its interaction with reality.
At preschool age, the formation of spatial functions is carried out in the course of practical activities. One of the practical activities of preschool children is designing. By children's construction, it is customary to understand a variety of buildings made of building material, the manufacture of crafts and toys from paper, cardboard, wood and other materials. Constructive activity is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a specific, pre-conceived real product that corresponds to its functional purpose [6].
In order to develop spatial functions in preschool children, didactic games can be widely used using developing didactic material. In the design process, it is important that the teacher, explaining to the children the sequence of actions, follow his speech, accurately and correctly use spatial concepts, clearly reflect in his speech the spatial relative position of elements, etc. It is desirable that the teacher more often ask the child himself to tell about what he does, stimulating the use of spatial concepts and constructions with spatial meanings in independent speech. Speech in this case also acts as a way to analyze a visual situation or motor actions, which, in turn, motivate speech activity and contribute to the formation of a system of lexical and grammatical means of the language, reflecting the whole variety of spatial relations between objects. It is necessary to encourage children to independently use spatial concepts for a more meaningful development of space and ensure the transfer of acquired knowledge and skills to other activities [3].
An interesting material for construction is educational and game manual "Logic blocks" Gyenesh (Fig.1). This manual is a didactic material of 48 logical blocks that differ in four properties: shape - round, square, triangular, rectangular; color - red, yellow, blue; size - large and small; thick - thick and thin. The use of logical blocks in games with preschool children with OHP allows you to model important concepts not only in mathematics and computer science (algorithms, information encoding, logical operations), but also contributes to the development of spatial functions (including in three-dimensional space). Games and exercises using this manual can be used both independently and with tasks in the albums "Let's play together", "Gyenes blocks for the smallest", "Search for a sunken treasure", "Holiday in the country of blocks", "Rescuers come to the rescue" [eight].
Rice. 1 Educational and game manual "Logic blocks" Gyenesh
developing object-game system "Honeycomb Kaie" (Fig. 2) is of great interest to preschool children. The set is designed to form constructive activities in children, during which the development of spatial functions and the intellectual development of the child, including his ability to technical and architectural creativity. At the same time, the set of V.A. Kaye allows you to set purely didactic tasks for the child: assembling compositions on the instructions of an adult or according to the example given in this manual. This game system consists of 84 three-dimensional elements, each of which has the shape of a hexagon and 21 variants of mosaic patterns on the front side, the reverse side is plain [9].
Rice. 2 Developing subject-game system "Honeycomb Kaye", didactic set "Kuisener's Sticks"
didactic kit "Kuisener's Sticks" (Fig. 2) is suitable for expanding the possibilities of constructive activity of preschoolers. A set of colored Kuizener sticks consists of 116 sticks (prisms), which differ in color (10 colors), length [5]. With the help of this didactic material, it is possible not only to divide the whole into parts, to measure objects by conditional standards, which helps to memorize the composition of a number from units, and brings it closer to mathematical actions. Laying out the figures from the albums "On the Golden Porch", "Cuisine Shop", "House with Bells", "Magic Paths", "Land of Blocks and Sticks", children develop spatial functions.
Of particular interest to preschool children with OHP are the didactic games of B.P. Nikitin and V.V. Voskobovich. A variety of didactic material allows you to solve problems of the development of spatial functions of varying complexity. As an example, consider one of Nikitin's most famous games "Fold the square" (Fig. 3). "Fold the square" is a simplified form of a puzzle where you need to assemble an even and whole square from different pieces. Didactic material "Fold the square" is presented in three options of varying degrees of complexity. They differ in the number of components of the square. The sample square is present only in the first version [7]. Folding squares from multi-colored pieces of various shapes, the child performs several types of work, unequal in content and degree of complexity. The performance of game tasks contributes to the development of intelligence, spatial imagination, logical thinking, mathematical and creative abilities of preschool children. The main objective of the “Fold the Square” manual is to learn how to fold a square from 2–7 parts, using the principle from simple to complex, to develop spatial orientation and creative design skills [9, and then 16 cubes. Work with each set of cubes is based on the above method.
Rice. 3. Didactic aids B.P. Nikitin
Didactic manual “Unicub” B. P. Nikitina (Fig. 3) helps children with preschool and spatial thinking and spatial thinking. Each of the 27 "Unicubus" cubes is painted in its own way in three colors. This provides truly unique design possibilities: the Unicube can be assembled in 60 different ways [7].
Rice. 4. Didactic aids of V. V. Voskobovich
Among the didactic games for the constructive activities of preschool children, a special place occupies “Square” V. V. Voskobovich . The square is made of dense fabric, on which triangles made of light plastic in contrasting colors are pasted on both sides. The square can be two- or four-colored (Fig. 4). Designed for the development of fine motor skills, spatial imagination, logic in children. There are several options for games for the development of spatial representations with the Voskobovich square: the child makes figures according to the model; an adult tells a fairy tale to a child, in the process of telling the story, making the key figures of the fairy tale with the help of a square, then the child must assemble the figures himself; a child, with the help of an adult, can invent a fairy tale about the transformation of a square; together with the child, you can come up with what else this or that figure looks like [4]. To begin with, the child is introduced to the square in a playful way, then the general algorithm for folding any figure is highlighted: the children perform the folding of the form together with the teacher as shown; they get acquainted with the scheme of phased addition; independently fold the forms using the scheme; pronounce actions during folding; fold shapes from memory. “Geokont” or “Multi -colored web” V. V. Voskobovich (Fig. 4) - didactic allowance with the coordinated film applied to it. Plastic studs are fixed on the playing field, on which multi-colored "dynamic" rubber bands are pulled. As a result of this design, subject silhouettes, geometric shapes, patterns, numbers, letters are obtained. As a result of didactic games, spatial functions, sensory abilities (learning color, shape, size), thought processes (designing according to a verbal model, building symmetrical and asymmetrical figures, searching for and establishing patterns), and creativity develop.
AT Set “Transparent ice floes” V. V. Voskobovich (Fig. 4) 30 square transparent records. One plate is completely painted in blue, while on the others only part of the square is painted over. The tasks in the instructions are divided into three groups. In the first group of tasks there are tasks for the analysis of geometric shapes and the ratio of part and whole, in the second - for making squares from various parts and various figures, and in the third - "Vertical Dominoes". Tasks are aimed at mastering the structure of geometric shapes, their size; development of the ability to make geometric shapes from parts, understanding the relationship between the whole and the part; the development of the ability to construct object silhouettes by imposing or applying plates, the development of the skill of spatial orientation, attention, memory, imagination, the ability to analyze and compare, develop creativity, speech, fine motor skills of hands [1].
The child puts each other's plates on top of the other, combines the shaded parts and makes geometric figures or subject silhouettes from them. Object silhouettes can also be obtained by applying geometric figures on the plates to each other, spatial problems are solved.
A separate place in the development of spatial functions is occupied by geometric puzzle games "Tangram", "Pythagoras", "Mongolian game", "Columbus egg", "Vietnamese game", "Magic circle", "Pentamino", "Puzzle of Archimedes", "Abris", "Sphinx" and others (Fig. 5). All these games represent parts of a figure cut in a certain way: a square, a rectangle, a circle or an oval for drawing up planar images of objects, animals, birds, houses, ships, etc.
Rice. 5. Geometric puzzle games
Constructing from various materials, preschool children with OHP include the maximum number of analyzers in their work, which in turn allows achieving positive results in the development of spatial functions [2]. These tasks are always interesting for children, increase efficiency in the classroom, develop the creative and speech abilities of children.
- Akhaltseva, E. N. Formation of spatial representations in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech // Speech therapist - 2008. - No. 4. - P. 4–21.
- Burachevskaya, O.V. Techniques and methods of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of spatial perception and spatial representations in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech / O.V. Burachevskaya // Young scientist. — 2015. — № 9. - S. 1235-1238.
- Burachevskaya O. V. Formation of spatial representations in preschool children through construction / O. V. Burachevskaya // Questions of preschool pedagogy. - 2015. - No. 2. - S. 55–57.
- Komarova, L. D. Games and exercises for teaching mathematics to children aged 5–7 years / L. D. Komarova — M., 2011.
- Maliovanova, E. L. The development of spatial representations as a prevention of academic failure // Preschool education - 2008. - No. 11. - P. 67–74.
- Methods of teaching fine arts and design / V. A. Ezikeeva, T. S. Komarova, E. V. Lebedeva, N. B. Khalezova — M., 1991.
- Nikitin, B.P. Intellectual games / B.P. Nikitin - Samara, 2000.
- Pavlova, T. A. Development of spatial orientation in preschoolers and primary school children. - M., 2004.
- Journey to the land of smart games!: [Electronic resource] URL: http://www.corvet-igra.ru (date of access: 11/29/2015).
Basic terms (automatically generated) : preschool age, child, figure, didactic material, game, square, function, didactic manual, cube, spatial orientation.
orientation in space, representation, general underdevelopment of speech (OHP).
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More than 10 thousand schoolchildren from Tver take part in the festival "Ticket to the Future"
An exhibition-testing was organized at the festival for schoolchildren.
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“The region should develop a unified system of career guidance, training and retention of personnel,” the head of the region believes.
“For us, the employment of graduates of educational institutions in the Tver region is a priority.”
An exhibition-testing was organized at the festival for schoolchildren. Participants can take free career guidance tests, as well as get to know the labor market in an interactive way.
The exhibition includes 14 sites where enterprises, higher educational institutions and professional educational organizations of the region are represented. Among the exhibitors are the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant, ZAO Kalininskoye, Converse Avia and others. Each student will have the opportunity to get acquainted with at least three professions, which will help build an individual trajectory of professional development.
Schoolchildren will learn about the latest technologies in construction, communication in social networks, how the welding production of cars works and much more.
This year, all municipalities of the Upper Volga region are participating in the Ticket to the Future project. Applications for participation were submitted by more than 550 teachers-navigators, and the number of registered schoolchildren on the electronic online platform BVBINFO.RU is more than 16 thousand.
The full cycle of "Ticket to the Future" involves several interactive formats for students, parents and teachers: these are online diagnostics, lessons, professional tests, a multimedia exhibition-workshop, a festival of professions, individual recommendations.
In particular, in October the premiere of the career-guidance series Ticket to the Future took place in the Russia – My History Park. The screening was attended by schoolchildren from Tver and the Tver region, representatives of the education sector, navigators and project partners - more than 120 people in total. Schoolchildren were able to take part in various master classes and visited the interactive multimedia exposition "Laboratory of the Future", which included 15 exhibition halls, where the professional directions of the "Ticket to the Future" project were presented.