Story about fairy tail

Examples of Fairy Tales: 17 Famous Stories to Know


    woman read a book to the children in a tent with fairy tales example list


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What's your favorite fairy tale? These memorable short stories often involve magic and legendary deeds. The fantastical characters found in a fairy tale include elves, fairies, witches, and dragons. Fairy tales are traditional stories told and retold through generations that are usually spun from folklore. Many were finally written down and have had lasting fame.


Cinderella grew up with an evil stepmother and stepsisters. They would not let her go to the prince's ball, but her fairy godmother made it happen with magic. Cinderella danced with the prince and they fell in love. Since she had to leave by midnight, she ran and lost one slipper. The prince found the slipper and searched for her. After he found her, they were married and lived happily ever after.


Elves and the Shoemaker

A shoemaker and his wife were very poor. One day they ran out of leather, so they went to bed. In the morning, they found a pair of shoes and a passerby bought them. The next night, another pair of shoes appeared. The third night, they hid and saw two elves making shoes. In gratitude, they made clothes for the elves, as winter was approaching. The elves were very happy and went on to help someone else.

Emperor's New Clothes

A vain emperor hired two people to make him some new clothes. They tricked him, telling him the cloth was not visible to people unfit for his position or who were very stupid. At first, the people pretended to see the clothes, but a child says that he is not wearing clothes and people start to agree. The emperor realized he was swindled but continues the parade anyway.


Frog Prince

A frog asked a princess why she was crying. She replied that she had dropped her golden ball into the pond. The princess promised anything if he would get it for her. The frog got the ball for her, and asked to eat from her plate, live in the castle, and that she be his friend. She agreed, and the frog turned into a prince as he had been under a spell from a witch. They married and lived happily ever after.

The Gingerbread Man

A little old woman baked a gingerbread man, and when she took him out of the oven, he ran away. The woman, her husband and some of their animals chased him. No one could catch him. He came to a river and a sly fox told him he could jump on his tail and he would take him across. He did and the fox went deeper and the gingerbread man had to jump on his back and then on his nose. When he got to his nose, the fox ate him.


Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Goldilocks saw a cabin in the woods and entered. There, she found three bowls of porridge. One was too cold, one too hot and the other just right, so she ate that one. Goldilocks then found three chairs, one too hard, one too soft, and the little one was just right and she sat in it and broke it. Of the three beds, one was too hard, one too soft and one just right, so she fell asleep. The bears came home and frightened her and she ran away.

Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel's wicked stepmother took them into the forest and left them there. Soon, the children came upon a house made of sweets and they ate some. The evil witch that lived there locked them in a cage and was going to make a soup out of them. Gretel got out of the cage and pushed the witch into the boiling water. The children found treasure at the house. They took it home and they were never hungry again.


Jack and the Bean Stalk

Jack took the family cow to sell and traded it for magic beans. His mother was angry and threw the beans out of the window. The next morning a giant beanstalk had grown. Jack climbed the beanstalk and found a giant there who had gold coins. Jack stole them and took them home. Later, Jack returned and saw a hen that laid golden eggs and he stole that, too. The third time he tried to steal a magic harp and the harp cried out. The giant chased Jack down the beanstalk, but Jack chopped it down and the giant fell.

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood's mother sent her to Grandma's house with a basket of goodies and told her not to talk to strangers. A wolf asked her where she was going and she told him. He went to Grandma's house, locked Grandma in the cupboard and put on her clothes. Little Red Riding Hood was surprised at Grandma's eyes, ears and teeth, remarking on how big they were. The wolf said the teeth were better for eating, and he pounced. She screamed; when some woodcutters heard her cry, they ran in and rescued her.


The Pied Piper of Hamelin

The town of Hamelin was overrun with rats. The Pied Piper offered to get rid of the rats for 50 pounds, and the mayor agreed. He started playing his pipe. The rats followed him, and he led them into the harbor. He went back for his money, but the mayor only paid 20 pounds. The Pied Piper wanted to teach him a lesson, so he played his pipe and all the children followed him out of town. The mayor sent men to find the children, but they never found them again.


Geppetto was a poor carpenter who carved a puppet that became alive. He named him Pinocchio and sent him to school. One day Pinocchio joined a puppet show, but the puppet master wanted him for firewood. He begged to be spared and told him about his poor father. He was spared, and the puppet master gave him five gold coins for his father. Pinocchio learned how to be honest and tell the truth and eventually became a real boy.

Princess and the Pea

A prince wanted to make sure he married a real princess. He devised a test for an unexpected guest who claimed she was a princess. He placed a pea beneath 20 mattresses and 20 feather beds, believing that only a princess could be sensitive enough to feel the small pea. The next morning, the princess said she did not sleep because of something hard in her bed. The two were married and lived happily ever after.

Sleeping Beauty

A princess was born, and an old fairy placed a spell that she would prick her finger on a spindle when she was 16 and die. The good fairies made another spell so that she would only sleep for 100 years and a prince would awaken her. When she was 16, the witch, disguised as an old lady, showed her a spinning wheel, and the princess touched the spindle and fell asleep. The good fairies decided to make everyone sleep. After 100 years, a prince from another land found her and kissed her. Everyone awoke, they married and lived happily ever after.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White's evil stepmother wanted to be the fairest in the land and was jealous of Snow White's beauty. The stepmother ordered a huntsman to kill Snow White, but the huntsman spared her life. Snow White came upon a cottage that belonged to seven dwarfs, who let her stay. Soon the wicked stepmother found her, disguised herself and took her a poison apple. Snow White fell into a deep sleep, and the dwarfs made a crystal coffin for her. Prince Charming came by the cottage, saw her, kissed her, and she awoke. They were married and lived happily ever after.

Three Little Pigs

Three pigs set out to build their own houses. One pig built a house of straw and the second a house of sticks because they were lazy. The third took the time to build a strong house with bricks. When the big bad wolf came, he huffed and puffed and blew the straw and stick houses down. He couldn't blow down the brick house, and the pigs put a pot of boiling water in the fireplace. The wolf fell into it and died.


A woman wished for a baby, even a tiny one. A fairy granted her wish and gave her a seed to plant. When it bloomed, a tiny baby was inside. A toad fell in love with the baby and kidnapped her. A swallow rescued the baby and took her away to warmer lands. There, Thumbelina found another tiny person just like her. He asked her to marry him and she became queen of the flowers.

Ugly Duckling

One duckling did not look like his brothers and sisters, and he was sad. He decided to run away. When he came across a cottage, he stayed there for a while but the children scared him. The duckling left and spent the winter in the pond. In the spring, he saw his reflection and realized he was a swan.

Importance of Fairy Tales

The Most Popular Fairy Tale Stories of All Time — Fairy Tales for Kids

From rags to riches and beasts to beanstalks, these are the fairy tale stories that shape our happily ever afters.

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Once upon a time

Fairy tale stories are part and parcel of childhood. Endlessly retellable (and spoofable—we’re looking at you, Shrek) and filled with sometimes-questionable life lessons, fairy tale stories for kids have evolved through the years thanks to children’s books, movies, and, in no small part, Disney characters. Here are some of the most popular fairy tales for kids that have captured the hearts of children and adults alike. You’re probably familiar with them, but there’s plenty you may not know about their origins and evolution. And if you can’t get enough of magic and fantastical lands, you’ll want to get your hands on the best fantasy books of all time.

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Once there was a hardworking girl with a wicked stepmother and a heart of gold. She got a makeover from a fairy godmother, scored a dance with a prince, and snagged a happily ever after in a pretty sweet castle. This story crossed the globe for thousands of years, winning hearts wherever it went. Although the most familiar version of “Cinderella” was recorded by 17th-century French writer Charles Perrault, the well-respected scholarly website Sur La Lune Fairy Tales estimates there may be as many as 1,500 traditional variants of the tale around the world. Those include “The Girl with the Rose Red Slippers” from ancient Egypt and a ninth-century Chinese version. The story has inspired countless modern retellings, including Walt Disney’s iconic 1950 cartoon, the blockbuster film Pretty Woman, the novel and movie Ella Enchanted, and too many others to nameSee which Cinderella quote made our list of favorite Disney movie quotes.

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Beauty and the Beast

When kind and virtuous Beauty falls in love with the beast despite his outward appearance, he’s transformed into a handsome prince. Who among us has not felt unworthy of a lover yet longed to have our inner value recognized? Who has not dreamed of romantic love with the power to redeem and transform? No wonder “Beauty and the Beast,” originally a French story, is the second most frequently visited fairy tale for kids on Sur La Lune Fairy Tales. Of all the many retellings, our favorite is probably French director Jean Cocteau’s surreal 1945 film version, La Belle et la Bête, but the Disney version is certainly the most prevalent (and lucrative). So far, Beauty and the Beast has rung the company’s cash register as a cartoon, a Broadway musical, a soundtrack album, and most recently, a live-action film starring Emma Watson.

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Little Red Riding Hood

In this fairy tale for kids—probably intended as a warning to follow directions—Red sets off alone to visit her grandmother with instructions not to step off the forest path. The rebellious Red promptly disregards this advice, attracting the attention of a talking wolf who sets out to eat and impersonate Grandma. What happens next depends on which version you read. In the 17th-century French version recorded by Charles Perrault, Red gets gobbled up by the wolf. The End. In other tellings, across Europe, North America, China, Japan, and Ghana, she’s saved at the last minute by a guy with an axe or the wolf chokes on her hood or he eats both Grandma and Red but is forced to vomit them up unharmed. Of the many recent retellings on page and on-screen, our favorite is the animated film Hoodwinked! with Anne Hathaway voicing a wonderfully sassy Red.

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the first animated full-length Disney film, setting the pattern for all those to come. According to Film Site, the movie “took almost four years and an astronomical (at the time) $1.7 million to create” and was also the first film soundtrack ever to be released separately as an album. Despite still being low-key terrifying, Disney’s version did spare its evil queen her original Grimm fairy tale punishment of being forced to dance to her death in red-hot shoes.

Despite ample criticism of the less-than-active main character—as feminist critics have put it, she is “an object to be displayed and desired … patriarchy’s ideal woman, the perfect candidate for queen”—Snow White remains a massively popular tale. Modern retellings, like Snow White and the Huntsman; Mirror, Mirror; Once Upon a Time; and more have provided much-needed updates to the character. As for fairy tale books, we like Snow White, a graphic novel retelling set in 1930s New York City. If you’re looking for more great reads, check out our picks for the best short books.

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Jack and the Beanstalk

Young Jack trades the family’s only cow for a handful of magic beans. When a giant beanstalk sprouts overnight, Jack seizes the chance to climb to a giant’s castle and steal all of his magical possessions. The story we know is from England, and Jack himself is English. (Need proof? Consider the famous line “fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman.”) But as Sur La Lune Fairy Tales points out, there are fairy tale stories based on this tale found among Europeans, Scandinavians, and Indigenous groups across Canada. And don’t forget Asia’s tale of the branch of the Bodhi of Buddha, which quickly grows skyward once planted.

As for modern adaptations, Jack (along with some of these other fairy tale characters) has a major role in the musical and movie Into the Woods and has had his story told through the live-action films Jack and the Beanstalk (2010) and Jack the Giant Slayer (2013). But unlike other fairy tale stories that have been told and retold (and retold again), this one still poses an exciting action-adventure opportunity for filmmakers.

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Sleeping Beauty

If you found Snow White annoyingly passive, meet Sleeping Beauty, whose main claim to fame is, obviously, her century-long snooze. According to Sur La Lune Fairy Tales, this fairy tale for kids dates to the “Volsunga Saga” from 13th-century Iceland but is found all across Europe, especially France, Italy, and Germany. It even appears in The Arabian Nights. In 1890, Russian composer Tchaikovsky wrote the musical score for a much-loved Sleeping Beauty ballet, and years later, the folks at Disney borrowed some of his music for their 1959 animated film version. Here’s a piece of Disney trivia you probably don’t know: Sleeping Beauty originally underwhelmed at the box office, and Disney achieved much greater success with 2014’s Maleficent, which retold Sleeping Beauty from the perspective of the vengeful fairy.

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Puss in Boots

Plenty of fairy tale stories have animal helpers, but in this one, the animal is the star. Puss is a bold, swaggering trickster who masquerades as the servant of a great nobleman. The story was probably first recorded in 16th-century Italy, but Puss seems to have acquired his swashbuckling boots about 100 years later in France, in the same book of stories that features Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Beauty and the Beast, and he’s been rocking them ever since. In an age when the poor mostly went barefoot, shoes were an important status symbol, and clearly those boots were made for walking because Puss has managed to travel astonishingly far around the world. Scholars say the story “has been found in all parts of Europe, across Siberia, [and] onward to India, Indonesia, and the Philippines.”

More recently, the irrepressible Puss found new fans and stole the show in 2001’s Shrek movies. Voiced by Antonio Banderas, his signature introduction—”Puss…in Boots”—became instantly recognizable. The character was so beloved that he got his own spinoff movie, the 2012 flick Puss in Boots. If you have young kids, pick up one of the fiction books based on the lovable feline.

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Hansel and Gretel

In a time of famine, Hansel and Gretel are abandoned in a great forest by their wicked stepmother. Unable to resist eating pieces of a real gingerbread cottage, the hungry children are captured by the cannibal witch who lives there; in the end, they must shove her into her own fiery oven to escape. This narrative about the dangers of unwholesome appetite and children’s drive for survival is one of the most frequently visited fairy tales stories on Sur La Lune Fairy Tales—even without any publicity from Disney. Some scholars believe that the Great Famine of 14th-century Europe inspired the familiar German version of “Hansel and Gretel,” recorded by the famous Brothers Grimm some 500 years later. Regardless, this gruesome story is one of the most widely told around the world; variants include “The Story of the Bird That Made Milk” in southern Africa, the southern Indian tale “Kadar and the Cannibals,” and the Russian folk tales of Baba Yaga.

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Whether from Disney’s 2010 hit Tangled or 2002’s Barbie as Rapunzel from Mattel, you know the story: The girl with the climbable curls is isolated in a tower by a wicked witch. But as many fairy tale stories go, a handsome prince soon arrives to save the day. The original Grimm version of Rapunzel is grimmer (naturally) than the banter-filled cartoon movie (though fans of Into the Woods will be familiar with it): Rapunzel winds up in the witch’s clutches in the first place because her pregnant mother couldn’t stop stealing magic herbs from the old crone’s garden. Later, using Rapunzel’s hair as a lure, the witch catches the prince and throws him to the ground, where thorns pierce his eyes. She leaves him to wander alone for years in the wilderness. But it is a fairy tale, so eventually, Rapunzel runs into him by chance; her tears fall onto his face, miraculously restoring his vision and leading the couple to their belated happily ever after.

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  • Sur La Lune Fairy Tales: “Cinderella”
  • Sur La Lune Fairy Tales: “Beauty and the Beast”
  • Sur La Lune Fairy Tales: “Red Riding Hood”
  • Scholastic: “Lon Po Po: A Chinese Fairy Tale Lesson Plan”
  • Kid World Citizen: “Little Red Riding Hood: 3 Multicultural Versions”
  • Filmsite: “Filmsite Movie Review 100 Greatest Films: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)”
  • Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar: “The Madwoman in the Attic”
  • Sur La Lune Fairy Tales: “Sleeping Beauty”
  • Oh My Disney: “10 Things You Didn’t Know About Sleeping Beauty
  • Sur La Lune Fairy Tales: “Puss in Boots”
  • Sur La Lune Fairy Tales: “Hansel and Gretel”
  • Pook Press: “Hansel and Gretel”
  • Sacred Texts: “Story of the Bird That Made Milk”

Originally Published: January 11, 2022

Fairy Tail season 4 - the release date of the series in Russia is known

Fairy Tail - the English name of the famous manga by Hiro Mashima. The first chapter was published in 2006, and filming of the film adaptation did not begin until 3 years later. Now fans of the popular Japanese fairy tale are waiting for the continuation and want to know when the 4th season of the Fairy Tail anime will be released. All information about the TV series can be found on this page! And if you don't find something, you can always leave us a comment! nine0003

Part 3 of the popular anime Fairy Tail is coming to an end, and the release date of season 4 is of interest to every fan of this wonderful story. And just the other day they announced the Centenary Quest! There is no exact date yet, but now you can wait for the continuation, presumably in 2023 !

Brief background…

The talented manga artist Hiro Mashima began work on his work 13 years ago. The author did not know then that his idea would result in a multi-volume collected works, and the anime version would find loyal fans around the world. nine0003

Here are a few facts about the fantasy series that even hardcore fans don't know:

  • Fairy Tail combines comedy, adventure, fantasy, romance, action and drama. And only Japanese viewers know that the fairy tale was created in the shonen genre. This means that the series will be of particular interest to guys aged 13-18. Each new episode published in a specialized magazine will immediately attract the attention of a male youth audience.
Are you waiting for the Centenary Quest? nine0018
  • Shounen is a genre that has three distinct features. The first is a dynamic intriguing plot. The second is the main character in the center, a protagonist guy with big eyes, a captivating smile and a sharp haircut. He is always damn lucky and self-confident, never gives up on the way to his goal. The third is a beautiful and very sexy girl in the supporting roles, who stimulates the protagonist to heroic and decisive actions.
  • In October 2018, the 280th episode of the 3rd part of the shonen manga was released. The ingenious work already has 63 volumes, more than 540 chapters, and the release dates for all episodes of the 4th season of the anime called Fairy Tail are scheduled for the next 2022. nine0020

    Note! Japanese publications that print shonen fairy tales are considered the most popular in Japan. In 2014, the Fairy Tail manga broke all records, sales of its volumes at that time exceeded 25,000,000. Mashima's work received the most prestigious awards and awards, and the release of the 4th season of the popular Fairy Tail anime will put an ellipsis in this long and exciting stories.

    Continuation of the comedy drama "Fairy Tail"

    Preparing for the Centenary Quest

    All members of the magic guild were defeated during the battle with Tartarus. The heroes scattered in four directions of the world. Lucy became a correspondent, Natsu wandered in search of inner strength. nine0006 However, a year later, friends reunited , and happiness knew no bounds. The leaders set out to once again unite the guild into a single powerful fist!

    The fans were looking forward to the next chapter of the beautiful anime. In the sequel, you will see the reunion of magicians, true love, sincere friendship and devotion to the union. In the upcoming season, viewers will find an eventful fairy tale, many sad and funny scenes, and most importantly, the flowering of Japanese love sakura. The creators of the popular Fairy Tail manga know the release date for season 4, and we will definitely wait for the continuation of this incredible fantasy story. nine0003

    Season 4 episode schedule

    Fairy Tail |
    No. Title Release date
    season 4 episode 1 - unknown (waiting for announcement)
    season 4 episode 2 - 2023
    4×03 - 2023
    4×04 - 2023
    4×05 - 2023
    4×06 - 2023
    4x07 - 2023
    4×08 - 2023
    4x09 - 2023
    4×10 - 2023
    4x11 - 2023
    4×12 - 2023

    Trailer Fairy Tail [TV-1]


    The action takes place in a world where real magicians exist. Magic is part of everyday life here. This world is divided into countries, in each of which there are organizations called guilds. Members of such guilds are sent on various tasks of varying degrees of difficulty. But this story is about one of them - "Fairy Tail", which is considered the most problematic of all. nine0003

    The most motley company gathered in it: the owner of dragon slayer magic, the owner of ice magic, a stern girl who successfully handles cold weapons. They and many others go under the command of Makarov, God's chosen wizard.

    • Main
    • Secondary


    Horie Yui

    Erza Scarlet

    Oohara Sayaka

    Gray Fullbuster

    Nakamura Yuuichi


    Kugimiya Rie

    Lucy Heartfilia

    Hirano Aya

    Natsu Dragneel

    Kakihara Tetsuya

    Wendy Marvell

    Satou Satomi

    Alzack Connell

    Shimoyama Yoshimitsu

    Alzack Connell

    Shimoyama Yoshimitsu

    Bisca Connell

    Arai Satomi

    Bisca Moulin

    Arai Satomi


    Kawahara Yoshihisa

    Elfman Strauss

    Yasumoto Hiroki


    Seto Saori

    Fried Justine

    Suwabe Jun'ichi

    Gajeel Redfox

    Hatano Wataru

    Gerard Fernandes

    Namikawa Daisuke

    Juvia Lockser

    Nakahara Mai

    Kana Alberona

    Kitamura Eri

    Laxus Dreyar

    Konishi Katsuyuki

    Levy McGarden

    nine0002 Ise Mariya

    Lisanna Strauss

    Sakurai Harumi

    Makarov Dreyar

    Tsuji Shinpachi

    Mirajane Strauss

    Ono Ryouko

    Panther Lily

    Touchi Hiroki

    Ultear Milkovich

    Sawashiro Miyuki

    Zeref Dragneel

    Ishida Akira

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    Fairy tail anime series and where can I watch it online? nine0035

    Add episode

    Series 175

    Natsu vs. Two Dragons

    Series 174

    Four dragons

    Series 173

    Dragon Slayer Battle

    Series 172

    A fragrance just for you

    Series 171

    Sea battle

    Series 170

    Baby cams

    Series 169

    Wendy vs. Sherria

    Series 168

    Lexus vs Alexey

    Series 167

    One against a hundred

    Series 166

    Devil's Realm

    Series 165

    Malice hidden behind the veil of night

    Series 164

    Kagura vs. Yukino

    Series 163

    Mirajane vs Jenny

    Series 162

    Elfman vs Bacchus

    Series 161


    Series 160

    Bad sign

    Series 159

    Lucy vs. Iskra

    nine0002 Series 158

    The Night the Stars Shed

    Series 157

    New Guild

    Series 156

    Air maze

    Series 155

    Blooming Capital Saffron

    Series 154

    More than enough time

    Series 153

    In the Star Spirit World

    Series 152

    Ahead of the planet

    Series 151


    Series 150

    Lucy and Michelle

    Series 149

    I can hear the voices of my friends

    Series 148

    Angelic Tears

    Series 147

    Palace of Eternity

    Series 146

    Time Spiral

    Series 145

    Real nightmare

    Series 144

    Outright despair

    Series 143


    Series 142

    Not a battle, but a mess

    Series 141

    Pursuit of the "Clock of Eternity"

    Series 140

    The emergence of the new Oración Seis

    Series 139

    The time has come

    Series 138

    Target of the Crusade

    Series 137

    Beyond expected

    Series 136

    Return of Pure Evil

    Series 135

    In the footsteps of the Myth

    Series 134

    Labyrinth Songs

    Series 133

    Traveling Companions

    Series 132

    Keys to the starry sky

    Series 131

    Fury of the Legion

    Series 130

    They came for Lucy

    Series 129

    Severe mahach! Natsu vs. Laxus

    Series 128

    Father reminder

    Series 127

    Horror! Lucy became invisible

    Series 126

    Evil Shock Gang

    Series 125

    Magic Ball

    Series 124

    Seven Year Gap

    Series 123

    791 Fairy Tail

    Series 122

    Holding hands

    Series 121

    The right to love

    Series 120

    Dawn on Skywolf Island

    Series 119

    Deep down

    Series 118

    Man without coat of arms

    Series 117

    Thunder Roar

    Series 116

    Holy Power

    Series 115

    Frost Spirit

    Series 114

    Elsa vs Drevmon

    Series 113

    Skywolf Island Tree

    Series 112

    Unspoken words

    Series 111

    Tears of strong love!

    Series 110

    Dead End of Despair

    Series 109

    Lucy's Fire

    Series 108

    Man's Gate

    Series 107

    Arch of Incarnation

    Series 106

    World of Great Magic

    Series 105

    Fire Dragon vs Fire God

    Series 104

    Lost Magic

    Series 103

    Upcoming Makarov

    Series 102

    Iron Soul

    Series 101

    Dark Wizard

    Series 100


    Series 99

    Natsu vs Gildarts

    Series 98

    Who will be lucky?

    Series 97

    Best partner

    nine0002 Series 96

    Taking life

    Series 95


    Series 94

    Farewell Edolas

    Series 93

    I'm here

    Series 92

    For all the living

    Series 91

    Dragon Sense

    Series 90

    The same guy

    Series 89

    Deadly Dragon Cannon

    Series 88

    Majestic streams of the star river

    Series 87

    Here it is, life!!!

    Series 86

    Elsa vs Elsa

    Series 85

    Code ETD

    Series 84

    Fly to your friends!

    Series 83


    Series 82

    Welcome home

    Series 81


    Series 80

    Key of Hope

    Series 79

    Fairy hunting

    Series 78


    nine0002 Series 77


    Series 76


    Series 75

    Daily Endurance Run

    Series 74

    Wendy's new big mission?

    Series 73

    Rainbow sakura

    Series 72

    Fairy Tail Wizards

    Series 71

    Friendship conquers death

    Series 70

    Natsu vs Gray

    Series 69

    Dragon Call

    nine0002 Series 68

    Guild for one person

    Series 67

    I'm with you!

    Series 66

    Power of feelings

    Series 65

    Fairies - from Pegasus

    Series 64


    Series 63

    My star shining in the night sky

    Series 62

    Yura, the tenth God-chosen

    Series 61

    Super Air Battle! Natsu vs Cobra

    Series 60

    nine0002 March of Destruction

    Series 59

    Memories of Jellal

    Series 58

    Star Spirit Battle

    Series 57


    Series 56

    Deadly Grand Prix

    Series 55

    The girl and the ghost

    Series 54

    Sky Priestess

    Series 53

    Appearance of the six suppliants!

    Series 52

    To arms, allies!

    Series 51

    nine0002 Love and luck

    Series 50

    Special task. Beware of your beloved!

    Series 49

    The day of the fateful meeting

    Series 48


    Series 47

    Triple Dragon

    Series 46

    Battle at Kardia Cathedral

    Series 45

    The Coming of Satan

    Series 44

    Thunder Palace

    Series 43

    Defeating friends for their own sake

    Series 42

    Fairy Tail Battle

    Series 41


    Series 40

    The Fall of Titania

    Series 39

    Pray under divine light!

    Series 38


    Series 37

    Heart Armor

    Series 36

    Paradise game

    Series 35

    Voice of Darkness

    Series 34


    Series 33

    Paradise Tower

    Series 32

    Spirit King

    Series 31

    The star that cannot return to heaven

    Series 30

    New generation

    Series 29

    My decision

    Series 28

    Fairy Law

    Series 27

    Two Dragon Slayers

    Series 26

    Fire Wings

    Series 25

    A flower that blooms in the rain

    Series 24

    To not see these tears

    Series 23

    15 minutes

    Series 22

    Lucy Heartfilia

    Series 21

    Master of Ghosts

    Series 20

    Natsu and the Dragon Egg

    Series 19


    Series 18

    Reach this sky!

    Series 17


    Series 16

    Last Battle on Galuna Island

    Series 15

    Eternal magic

    Series 14

    Do what you want!

    Series 13

    Natsu vs.

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