Story about horses
True Horse Stories to Laugh and Cry By
Enjoy family friendly true horse stories right here. Bring your best story telling voice and grab the kids for some good ol’ fashioned story telling fun.
Wherever you find horses and horsemen, you’ll find stories forged from real life events that often take even the participants by surprise. You've heard the old adage, “truth is stranger than fiction”…. boy howdy, ain't that true!
Here you’ll find genuine horse stories of thrilling adventure, quiet solitude, heart break and unexpected mishap. You’ll even find stories of events that seemed to be touched by the hand of God Almighty himself.
Every horseman has a story. Sometimes we tell stories to brag about our horses and sometimes we tell them for the lessons they hold. Tales of caution warn other riders of what not to do, reminding us all that anything can happen, any place, anytime….even to experienced riders.
There is something special about true horse stories (like the bear in camp). I think it’s because we connect more deeply with the story teller. It’s that human connection that draws us in.
We horsemen are full of mistakes, triumphs, fears and determination; and right there beside the ever childlike, ever innocent, ever righteous horse that changes our lives.
These are my true horse stories, and stories of friends and other horsemen that I have had the privilege to know and ride with. Each story gives a glimpse into the events that shaped our real life experience as horse owners.
It is my expectation that you will be entertained by these horse stories. If you find that you are moved to tears and laughter, then I have done my job. Stories are meant to be told and shared. If you are enjoying them, spread the word so your friends can enjoy them too.
These are true horse stories. They are not always politically correct and they don’t all have happy endings, but they are full of life and they tell it like it is…or was…
True Horse Stories.

A Once in a Lifetime Love Most people only dream of true love…. I lived it. When I was fourteen, my Mother let me adopt a wild Mustang from the Bureau of Land Management. We drove three and a half hours inland to the holding corrals….
Shut Up and Ride! You'll laugh at the humor in this down home story of a Mother teaching her teenage daughter to overcome her fear of horses. And a few other valuable life lessons.
Hometown Horse Race I grew up in the small town of McKinleyville in Northern California. McKinleyville had a reputation of being kind of ‘backwards’. People used to tease and call it ‘Oklahoma by the Sea’, and that people from McKinleyville were all Okies and rabbit farmers…
Runaway Horse There’s an old expression that goes something like this; “A green horse with a green rider is a disaster waiting to happen.” Now that’s just as true today as it was a hundred years ago! In case you’re not familiar with the term ‘green’, its western slang for. ...
Horses in The Evening There is something so relaxing about watching horses while they eat. There’s a calm in the corral that can’t be found in the everyday hustle of the workaday world. Have you ever stopped to listen?...
Mustang Horses I Grew Up With Ever wonder what the BLM does with all those Mustang horses they round up? Well, the lucky ones are adopted out to loving homes. They say childhood is a magical time...
Are you looking for more stories and books on horses? Sharon's Corner Bookstore is loaded with great horse books for readers young and old. She's got everything from fictional entertainment to non-fiction how-to and instruction on everything equine - to entertain, educate, and enlighten you.
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Short Horse Stories with Morals|Bedtime Stories for Kids
Last updated date: 21st Feb 2023
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Bedtime stories for kids are a good way to ensure they develop listening, speaking and reading skills. It builds the habit of reading and English communication in them at a very early age. Kids are quite fascinated by animal stories and enjoy the idea of animals speaking or acting like humans. What more? If you can narrate animal stories to your children with morals, then there is nothing like that. So, if your child is fond of horses and if you are searching for horse stories with morals for kids, check out the following two tales. They will make your child’s storytime interesting and enjoyable.
The Snail and the Horse Story for Kids
This is one of the funniest horse stories for children. Once upon a time, in a vast jungle, there lived a horse. He was extremely proud of himself. One day, he came across a snail. When the horse noticed how slowly the snail crawled, he began to tease him. "Hey, snail! Would you like to have a race?" questioned the horse. The snail was angered by the horse's behaviour. “Okay! Let us do it. "We'll meet on Sunday and will start the race," the snail stated.
The Horse and The Snail Story
The snail returned home and invited all of the snails to discuss the situation. Everyone heard about the race as he told them about it. All the snails made a plan to fool the horse. Since all snails looked identical, they planned to use their cleverness to fool the horse.
When Sunday arrived, they were up and out quite early. They began hiding at a close distance from one another all the way from the starting point to the finish line. Soon, the race started. The horse took a few steps forward before looking down. He noticed the snail in front of him. The horse quickened its pace, but the snail was still ahead of him.
The horse began to run faster and faster. The snail was still ahead of the horse, no matter how hard he tried. After a lot of attempts, the poor horse finally gave up. The horse felt ashamed and exclaimed, " “Okay! I lose the race!" The snail started laughing, " Ha, ha, ha! So, will you ever make fun of anyone?" The horse asked the snail to forgive him and promised that he would never make fun of anyone in the future.
Moral of the Story
The story of the horse and the snail tells us not to make fun of anyone and how we should never boast about ourselves.
The Horse and the Donkey Story with Moral
You might have heard a lot of horse stories till now but this particular horse and donkey story for kids is an interesting one. It will also teach you an important moral lesson.
Once upon a time, there was a washerman who had a donkey and a horse. The washerman used to wash people’s clothes and made his earnings from that. One day, the washerman had loaded his donkey with a heavy bundle of clean clothes, while the horse carried nothing. The load on the donkey was very heavy.
The Horse and The Donkey Story
After walking for a long time, the heavy load of the clothes was hurting the donkey. So, he thought of asking for help from the horse. "Brother! These clothes are too heavy, would you mind sharing some of the loads? It is killing me." To this, the horse replied, “Why would I help you in that? I am not meant to do that. I am meant for riding, not for carrying any heavy load. It is the job of a donkey.”
The donkey was hurt and felt sad. He kept on walking with the heavy load on his back but soon, he was totally exhausted and fell down. Seeing him in this condition, the washerman felt bad. He soon realised his mistake and offered him water. He soon transferred all the heavy clothes from the donkey’s back and shifted them onto the horse’s back.
The horse was disheartened and soon realised that if he had helped the donkey in the beginning then he would not have to carry this load alone. He walked the rest of the mile and understood how difficult it is for the donkey to bear this heavy weight on his back. He soon apologised to the donkey and promised to be always kind and helpful to others.
Moral of the Story
The story of the horse and the donkey teaches us that we should always be kind to all and be helpful to those who are in need.
We hope you have enjoyed these horse stories with morals for kids. Do remember the morals that the stories taught us and try to apply them to yourself as well. It is important that we are kind and helpful to others and do not misbehave or make fun of others. If you like reading these and wish to add more stories and poems to your collection, visit our website today.
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Legends, stories about horses - My Horse
Site about horses - My Horse, horses, all about horses, different horses. > Interesting articles > Legends, stories about horses
Each person associates a horse with different images. For some, a horse is an opportunity to ride in the park, while for another, this animal personifies a friend and partner in life. But one thing is certain - the horse is a unique animal that no one ...
According to Feng Shui, the horse is the animal that brings good luck, luck, happiness and prosperity. This symbol is widely used all over the world, identifying in space the energy of courage, the right reputation, speed and fame, as well as awakening perseverance and endurance in a person before any trials.
What do we know about horses? These are the most noble, hard-working and pure-hearted animals, which are divided into breeds, differ in color and exterior, and also have their own history of origin and merits in society. Almost every nation and country has in ...
It is rare that an animal can be honored to go down in history. As a rule, these are favorites of great people, whose names are not subject to decay. A prominent representative of the animal world, who received worldwide fame thanks to his master, was Incitat, the horse of the Roman emperor Caligula. Ruled in Rome…
Among the numerous breeds of horses, heavy trucks are the largest and most powerful horses. Such horses are not designed for racing and jumping, their mission is to carry very heavy loads. In the Middle Ages, strong and large horses were indispensable, since other horses did not…
Horses, marvelous animals and not as simple as it might seem at first sight. There are many stories and stories about horses and ponies. In this article, we tried to collect the most interesting facts about horses. Read, watch, indulge yourself with new knowledge about ...
The horse is a herbivore. In the wild, the horse migrates from pasture to pasture, and grazes up to 20 hours a day. When there is enough food, the horse eats enough and gains weight, and when there is not enough food, he, accordingly, loses fatness and strength. How…
The modern horse belongs to the horse family, which also includes donkeys and zebras. The equine family belongs to the order of artiodactyls, which also includes tapirs and rhinoceroses, all of them are descendants of the order of condylartrs, long-extinct primitive mammals that became the ancestors of all ungulates ....
Akhal-Tekes have always been famous for their devotion to their master. If we turn to the ancient legend about the method used in raising the Akhal-Teke horse, then the devotion of these horses will not cause much surprise. This legend about the Akhal-Tekes is very similar to the truth. The foal was placed in a pen or pit, and . ..
There are two legends about the appearance of one of the most popular breeds, the Arabian horse breed, which is considered the most ancient. After all, drawings of horses of the Arabian breed are found on household items, on the walls of palaces and other monuments of ancient civilizations that existed 203 thousand years before ...
Works about horses. - Children's Library of Interests - LiveJournal
The most comprehensive list of horses we've ever compiled here. The list is divided into several sections, each section is in alphabetical order of the authors. All details can be found on the relevant links. Fairy tales and fantasy. Details here .
Folk : "Sivka-Burka", "Ivan-Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf",
Aveline, K. "The Tale of the Horse Who Wanted to Become Wooden".
Boyarina, A. "Denis Kotik and the Princess of Winged Horses".
Bisset, D. "The milkman's horse", "Under the carpet".
Gripari, P. "The story of Prince Remy, a horse named Remy and Princess Remy".
Ershov, P. "Humpbacked Horse".
Kestner, E. "May 35".
Kipling, R. "The cat that walked by itself".
Koval, Yu. "The Tale of the Green Horse".
Kravchenko, A. "Hello, horse!"
Kulmova, I. "Oh, Leocardia!"
Lebedeva, G. "Adventures of a Cucumber Horse".
Levin, V. "Horse in galoshes".
Levinova, L., Sapgir, K. "The Adventures of Kubarik and Tomatic, or Merry Mathematics. Part II. How Losharik was Searched for".
Lewis, K. The Horse and His Boy (from The Chronicles of Narnia)
Lindgren, A. The Lionheart Brothers.
Mäkelä, H. "The horse that lost its glasses".
Pogodin, R. "Where are you, where are the children?"
Pushkin, A. "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg".
Raud, E. "Igo-go-oh!"
Sabitova, D . "Circus in a box".
Tokmakova, I. "Happy, Ivushkin!"
Hein, K. "Wild horse under the stove".
Shashurin, P. "Konyok-Spark".
Schwartz, E. "The absent-minded magician".
Aimé, M. "The Horse and the Donkey" (from "The Tales of Purring Cat")
Yakhnin, L. "Igogo, or Journey with a Talking Horse".
Poems for preschoolers and preschoolers . Details here.
Belozerov, T. "Horses are galloping".
Vvedensky, A. "Horse".
Kvitko, L. "Horse".
Kondratiev, A. "Horse".
Levin, V. "Stupid horse" (or "Horse in galoshes").
Lunin, V. "I saw a miracle", "I really want a horse".
Moritz, J. "The Big Horse Secret", "Rain", "Pony".
Mucha, R. "About a white horse and a black horse".
Orlov, V. "Offended Horse".
Pivovarova, I. "Little pony at the doctor", "Dream", "Poems about a horse".
Sapgir, G. "Losharik"
Tokmakova, I. "I'm sad - I'm sick..."
Turbina, N. "Horses in the field".
Usachev, A. "Gift".
Black, S. "Foal".
Yasnov, M. "The mitten smells like a horse"
Novels and stories. Details - here (for younger children, "Horses as they are" - about the horses themselves and the relationship between children and horses) and here (from about 11 years old "On the role of the horse in our life" - more serious questions plus horses on war and in big sport).
Abramov, F. "What horses cry about".
Aitmatov, Ch. "Farewell, Gulsary!"
Alekseev, M. "Karyukha".
Almazov, B. "The most beautiful horse".
Astafiev, V. "Smell of hay", "Old horse".
Baruzdin, S. "Unusual postman".
Bedker, S. "Silas and Raven".
Belov, V. "Faithful and Malka", "Horses", "Courier", "One day in the spring".
Borovik, V. "Cockerel: A Tale of a Horse".
Brandt, L. "Bracelet-2".
Bunin, I. "The White Horse".
Vasiliev, B. "The Magnificent Six".
Guyot, R. "White Mane".
Gowge, E. "Little white horse in the silver moonlight".
Daursky, A. "Whirlwind of the Steppes".
James, W. "Mist: a cowboy's horse".
Durova, N. "Cavalry Girl".
Kashaftudinov, I . "High Blood".
Koval, Yu. "White horse", "Cherry".
Korzhikov, V. "No suspicious!", "Two horses", "Grishka and the Hunchbacked".
Korinets, Yu. "The smartest horse".
Krupin, V. "Horseshoe".
Kudryavtsev, F. "Then there were horses".
Kuzmin, L. "Sad Elizabeth"
Kuklin, G. "Igrenka".
Kuprin, A. "Emerald", "Red, bay, grey, black..."
Lindgren, A. "Emil's new tricks from Lennenberga", "Pippi Longstocking".
Marshall, A. "I can jump over puddles."
Marysaev, E. "Mashutka".
Matevosyan, G. "Green Valley".
Minchkovsky, M. "Jenny and Zhenya".
Nasibov, N. Urnov, D. "The Iron Message".
Nechaev, L. "Horse is blue".
Aldridge, D. "Broken Saddle", "Sports Proposal", "Amazing Mongolian".
Paustovsky, K. "Grey gelding", "Warm bread".
Perovskaya, O. "Pegusha", "Chubary".
Petushkova, E. "My horses, horses".
Pogodin, R. Horses.
Rannap, I. Alfa + Romeo.
Rasputin, V. "Igrenka" (From the story "Deadline").
Riha, B. "Rin the Wild Horse".
Roberts, M. "Foal".
Romanovsky, S. "Two in the saddle".
Ryabinin, B. "Ataman who couldn't swim".
Saltykov-Shchedrin, M. "Konyaga".
Sat-Ok, D. "White Mustang".
Seton-Thomson, E. Mustang Pacer.
Sokolov-Mikitov, I. "Fursik".
Soloveichik, S. "Despair".
Steinbeck, D. "Red pony".
Steffens, L. "Boy on horseback".
Strelkova, I. "One horsepower".
Sewell, A. "Black Handsome".
Tikhonov, N. "War horses".
Tolstoy, A. "Nikita's Childhood".
Tolstoy, L. "Kholstomer: the history of the horse".
Ushinsky, K . "Blind Horse"
Francis, D. "The Last Barrier", "Shackled in the Desert", "Favorite", "Courage".
Harriot, D. "All Creatures Great and Small", "All Creatures Beautiful and Wonderful", "Among the Yorkshire Hills".
Chernolussky, M. "Horse thief".
Shiryaev, P. "Grandson of Taglioni".
Shmelev, I. "Mary".
Sholokhov, M. "Foal".