Story tales for babies
Jack and the Beanstalk
This is the video description for Jack and the Beanstalk This is the video description for Jack and the Beanstalk HOMER is an early learning program for kids ages 2-8. It includes access to hundreds of interactive stories and a personalized learn-to-read plan. Try it free for 30 days! Jack’s tired of milking his old cow, so he decides to sell her at the market. On the way, a peddler convinces Jack to trade the cow for magic beans, and his mother’s none too happy about it. When she tosses the beans out the window and a beanstalk shoots up into the sky, Jack just can’t resist finding out what’s at the top—a giant castle! There he finds a goose that can lay golden eggs, and . . . what’s that? “Fee fi fo fummy!” It’s a giant that thinks Jack smells “yum, yum, yummy!” But when the giant follows Jack down the beanstalk, Jack and the giant find a way to become friends. show full description Show Short DescriptionFairy Tales
Browse our collection of fairy tales including those made famous by The Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen
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Jack and the Beanstalk
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Harold's Fairy Tale
Little Red Riding Hood
The Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs
One membership, two learning apps for ages 2-8.
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Once upon a time, a boy named Jack got himself into the biggest, most humongous heap of trouble ever. It all started when Jack’s mama asked him to milk the old cow. But Jack decided he was tired of milking cows. “No way, no how. I’m not milking this brown cow now,” said Jack, and he decided to sell the old cow, so he’d never have to milk it again! Jack was on his way to market to sell the cow when he came across a peddler. “Hi, Mr. Peddler,” said Jack. “Where are you headed?” asked the peddler. “I’m going to sell my cow at the market,” Jack answered. “Why sell your cow?” asked the peddler. “Trade her for beans!” “Beans?” asked Jack. “Not just any kind of beans,” said the peddler, “magic beans.” “What do they do?” asked Jack. “They do magic!” said the peddler. “Magic? Sold!” said Jack, and he traded the cow for three magic beans. Jack got home and told his mama he had sold the cow so he wouldn’t have to milk her anymore.
“Oh dear, you did what?” Jack’s mama asked. “I sold her for magic beans,” said Jack. “You sold a cow for magic beans?” Jack’s mama couldn’t believe what Jack was telling her. “There’s no such thing as magic beans,” she said as she threw the beans out the window. “Well, I did make them disappear, but that still doesn’t make them magic!” Suddenly, the ground rumbled and began to shake. A magic beanstalk grew up right before their eyes! Jack saw it and immediately began to climb the tall beanstalk. “Get back here this instant!” called Jack’s mama, but Jack wasn’t listening. Jack climbed up and up and up and up the beanstalk. At the top of the beanstalk, Jack found a giant castle. He walked up to the giant door, cracked it open, and went inside. Inside the castle, Jack saw the most amazing thing he had ever seen. It was a goose. But it wasn’t just any old ordinary goose. This goose laid eggs made of gold! “That is so cool,” thought Jack. “Think of all the things you could do with golden eggs!” And then, Jack got the worst idea he’d ever had—he was going to take the goose! Jack lifted the goose off of its perch.
Just then, the biggest, most fearsome, and only giant Jack had ever seen came into the room. The giant saw that his goose wasn’t in its usual spot! “Fee fi fo funch, if you took my goose, I’ll eat you for lunch!” “Oh no,” thought Jack. “That giant’s going to eat me! I’ve got to get out of here without him seeing me!” Quietly and carefully, Jack took the goose and made his way toward the door. He was almost out of the room when—honk! The goose cried out and the giant spotted Jack! “Fee fi fo fummy, give that back or I’ll call my mummy!” roared the giant. “Ahhh!” screamed Jack. He ran toward the beanstalk. Jack ran as quickly as he could down the beanstalk, but the giant was following close behind. Just as Jack put his feet back on the ground, the giant picked up Jack in his enormous hands. “Fee fi fo fummy, I bet you taste yum yum yummy!” said the giant. Just as the giant was about to eat Jack, the ground began to shake, and there, standing right behind the giant, was an even bigger, taller, more humongous lady giant! “Two giants!” thought Jack.
“They’ll eat me now for sure!” “Put that boy down, Willifred,” the giant mama told her son. The giant put Jack back down on the ground. “Now what have I told you?” she asked. “Don’t eat other kids,” said the giant sheepishly. “That’s right, we don’t eat other kids,” said the mama giant. “But he took my goose!” cried the giant. Just then, Jack’s mama came out of the farmhouse. “What on earth is going on here?” she asked. “Well,” Jack began, “there was this castle, and inside was the coolest goose ever—it lays golden eggs! As I was taking it, this giant kid came in and was all ‘fee fi fo fum’ and then I—” “You mean you took this boy’s goose?” Jack’s mama interrupted. “Yeah, but it lays golden eggs!” Jack paused and thought about it. “Huh. Now that you mention it, I guess that wasn’t very nice,” said Jack. Jack looked at the giant. “I’m sorry I took your goose. I know I shouldn’t take things that don’t belong to me.” “That’s OK. I suppose I should’ve asked you to give me back the goose without trying to eat you.
I’m sorry too,” said the giant. “Hey, do you want to play baseball?” Jack and the giant became good friends, using the beanstalk to visit each other whenever they wanted. “You know,” Jack said, “if it weren’t for those three magic beans, I never would have learned how to play giant baseball.” “You’re right,” said the giant. “I’d say the whole adventure was a giant success!”
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Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site
None The work is done at this construction site. Time to wish the trucks goodnight. It’s the end of the day at this construction site and time to wish all the trucks a restful night. Tomorrow will bring on another day of rough and tough construction play.
Bedtime Stories
Find your child's favorite bedtime stories. With a collection of animated stories, you are sure to find a story your child will love. From classics like Kitten's First Moon to new favorites like Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site.
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Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site
Kitten's First Full Moon
Night Boy
Happy Birthday Moon
One membership, two learning apps for ages 2-8.
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Down in the big construction site, the tough trucks work with all their might to build a building, make a road, to get the job done—load by load! The sun has set; the work is done. It’s time for trucks to end their fun. So one by one they’ll go to bed to yawn and rest their sleepy heads, then wake up to another day of rough-and-tough construction play! Working hard to help his team, Crane Truck raises one last beam. Reaching, stretching, lifting high, he swings the beam into the sky. He’ll set it down right on its mark, then off to bed; it’s almost dark. He slowly folds his boom back in, and then with one last sleepy grin, he tucks himself in nice and tight . . .Sigh! . . . then cuddles up and says goodnight. Shh. Goodnight, Crane Truck, goodnight. Spinning, churning, all day long, Cement Mixer sings his whirly song. Now . . . yawn! He’s weary and so dizzy from the fun that keeps him busy. With one last spin, he pours the load. He’s ready now to leave the road. He takes a bath, gets shiny bright, pulls up his chute, turns off his light. He cuts his engine, slows his drum, and dreams sweet dreams of twirly fun. Shh. Goodnight, Cement Mixer, goodnight. Dump Truck loves to work and haul. He carries loads both big and small. He moves the dirt from place to place, then dumps it with a happy face. One final load spills on the heap. Crrrunch! Now Dump Truck’s tired and wants to sleep. He lowers his bed, locks his gate, rests his wheels; it’s getting late. He dims his lights, then shuts his doors, and soon his engine slows to snores. “Hey! Pipe down!” Shh. Goodnight, Dump Truck, goodnight. Pushing with his mighty blade, Bulldozer works to smooth the grade. He clears the way to level ground and fills the air with thunderous sound. Rooaaar! No one’s as tough and strong as he! But now he’s sleepy as can be. He puffs some smoke out of his stack, turns off his engine, stops his track. He curls into his soft dirt bed and dreams of busy days ahead.
Shh. Goodnight, Bulldozer, goodnight. Scooping gravel, dirt, and sand, Excavator shapes the land. He digs and lifts throughout the day. Arr! But now it’s time to end his play. A few more holes to dig and soon, he’ll roll to bed beneath the moon. Yawn! He twirls upon his bumpy track, pulls up his boom, stretches his back. He sets his scoop down on the ground and snuggles up without a sound. Shh. Goodnight, Excavator, goodnight. These big, big trucks, so tough and loud, they work so hard, so rough and proud. Tomorrow is another day, another chance to work and play. Turn off your engines, stop your tracks, relax your wheels, your stacks, and backs. No more huffing and puffing, team. It’s time to rest your heads and dream. Construction site, all tucked in tight. The day is done; turn off the light. Great work today. Now, shh, goodnight.
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That teaches them to read and love reading
Fairy tales for the little ones - read for free online
Fairy tales for kids - fascinating and instructive works of folklore and famous authors, whose work can attract attention and interest even the most restless kids. A variety of stories dedicated to heroic heroic deeds, the world of magic and witchcraft, animals, will awaken the imagination of even the smallest. Through these fairy tales, kids will comprehend the world around them, learn kindness, justice, honesty and responsibility.
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Russian folk storiesBedtime storiesAbout animalsAbout the bearFor children 2 years oldFor children 3 years oldFor kidsAbout good and evil About MashaAbout grandmother Junior group
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The puppy was sleeping on a rug next to the sofa. Suddenly, in his sleep, he heard someone say:
— Meow!
The puppy raised his head, looked - no one was there.
“I must have dreamed this,” he thought, and lay down more comfortably.
And then someone said again:
— Meow!
Who is there?
Puppy jumped up, ran around the whole room, looked under the bed, under the table - there was nobody!
I climbed onto the windowsill and saw a Rooster walking outside the window in the yard.
"That's who didn't let me sleep!" thought the Puppy and ran into the yard to the Rooster.
— Did you say “meow”? asked the Rooster Puppy.
- No, I'm saying... The rooster flapped its wings and yelled: - Ku-ka-re-ku-oo!
— Can't you say anything else? - asked the Puppy,
- No, only "crow", - said the Rooster.
The puppy scratched his hind paw behind his ear and went home. ..
Suddenly, at the very porch, someone said:
— Meow!
"It's here!" said the Puppy to himself and quickly began to dig under the porch with all four paws.
When he dug a big hole, a little gray Mouse jumped out.
— Did you say meow? the Puppy asked him sternly.
“Pee-pee-pee,” the Mouse squeaked. — Who said so?
- Someone said meow...
- Close? Mouse got excited.
“Right here, very close,” said the Puppy.
- I'm scared! Pee-pee-pee! squeaked the Mouse and darted under the porch.
The puppy thought.
Suddenly, near the doghouse, someone said loudly:
— Meow!
The puppy ran around the kennel three times, but found no one. Someone stirred in the kennel...
“Here he is! the Puppy said to himself. “Now I'll catch him…” He crept closer…
A huge shaggy Dog jumped out to meet him.
— Rrr! the Dog growled.
— I… I wanted to know…
— Rrr!
— Did you say… “meow”? whispered the Puppy, tucking his tail.
- Me? You're laughing, Puppy!
The Puppy rushed with all his might into the garden and hid there under a bush.
And then, right above his ear, someone said:
— Meow!
The puppy looked out from under the bush. Directly in front of him, on a flower, sat a furry bee. "That's who said "meow"! thought the Puppy and wanted to grab it with his teeth.
- Z-z-z-z! buzzed the offended Bee and painfully stung the Puppy on the tip of the nose. The Puppy screeched, ran, and the Bee followed him!
Flies and buzzes:
- Oh, sorry! I'm sorry!
Puppy ran up to the pond - and into the water!
When he surfaced, the Bee was gone.
And then again someone said:
— Meow!
— Did you say “meow”? Puppy asked the Fish, which swam past him.
The fish did not answer, waved its tail and disappeared into the depths of the pond.
— Kwa-kva-kva! laughed the Frog sitting on the leaf of the lily.