Free child learning
Free, fun educational app for young kids
Joyful learning starts here!
Inspire a lifetime of learning and discovery with our free, fun educational program for children ages two to eight.
100% FREE! No ads, no subscriptions.
Kids will love to learn.
Focused on the whole child
Our program engages kids in core subjects like early literacy, reading, writing, language, and math, while encouraging creativity and building social-emotional skills.
Five whimsical, charming characters—including narrator Kodi Bear—guide kids through activities and stories.
Original interactive activities, books, animated videos, games, and creative lessons captivate children’s attention.
Developed by experts
Khan Academy Kids was developed in collaboration with learning experts at Stanford and aligned with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and Common Core Standards.
100% Free
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Adaptive Learning Path
Our personalized learning path dynamically adapts, ensuring each child is presented with activities, books, educational videos, and creative lessons that allow them to learn at their own pace, creating an individualized experience for every learner.
Independent Learning
Kids can also learn independently in the Khan Academy Kids Library—a curated collection of activities, books, videos, and coloring pages. Our book reader allows kids to follow along with recorded audio narration or read on their own across our fiction, non-fiction, and fiction leveled books.
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“Every day I am amazed @khanacademykids is free, and I am so grateful for how much it has contributed to my kid’s development.”
J. Hernandez, via Twitter
“Parents: If you are looking for an educational app for your 2-5 yr old, download @khanacademykids - seriously most research-based, engaging, non-annoying app. AND IT’S FREE.”
T. Peltier, via Twitter
“My 4-year old is working on @khanacademy’s app @khanacademykids this morning and loving it. The combo of school facts along with social/emotional content is outstanding.”
M. Nemerow, via Twitter
Award-winning program.
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Joyful learning starts here!
Inspire a lifetime of learning and discovery with our free, fun educational program for children ages two to eight.
100% FREE! No ads. No subscriptions.
Kids will love to learn.
Focused on the whole child
Our program engages kids in core subjects like early literacy, reading, writing, language, and math, while encouraging creativity and building social-emotional skills.
Five whimsical, charming characters—including narrator Kodi Bear—guide kids through activities and stories.
Original interactive activities, books, animated videos, games, and creative lessons captivate children’s attention.
Developed by experts
Khan Academy Kids was developed in collaboration with learning experts at Stanford and aligned with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and Common Core Standards.
You’ll never see ads. You’ll never need a subscription.
100% Free
Unique for every learner.
Adaptive Learning Path
Our personalized learning path dynamically adapts, ensuring each child is presented with activities, books, educational videos, and creative lessons that allow them to learn at their own pace, creating an individualized experience for every learner.
Independent Learning
Kids can also learn independently in the Khan Academy Kids Library—a curated collection of activities, books, videos, and coloring pages. Our book reader allows kids to follow along with recorded audio narration or read on their own across our fiction, non-fiction and fiction leveled books.
Parents love us.
“My 4-year old is working on @khanacademykids this morning and loving it.
The combo of school facts along with social/emotional content is outstanding.”
M. Nemerow, via Twitter
Award-winning program.
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Unique for every learner.
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Districts and preschools looking to use Khan Academy Kids can get more info here.
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Second Grade Lessons
Hundreds of lessons covering math, English, & more!
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Teacher Tools
New Nonfiction Books
Powerful new tools for teachers.
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14 books featuring inspiring women.
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Studies show Khan Academy Kids boosts pre-literacy skills.
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family activities.
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What's new.
Second Grade Lessons
Hundreds of lessons covering math, English, & more!
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Teacher Tools
Powerful new tools for teachers.
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New Nonfiction Books
14 books featuring inspiring women.
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Studies show Khan Academy Kids boosts pre-literacy skills.
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Fun, educational off-screen
family activities.
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Circle Time
YouTube videos with interactive stories and lessons.
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Circle Time
YouTube videos with interactive stories and lessons.
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Parents & Teachers — e-learning for kids
Our vision is to be the source for childhood learning on the internet available from anywhere and without charge. Learning has to be fun! E-Learning for kids integrates gaming and learning to make our courseware more effective. To make the learning fun we present our courses as a-learning journey; while acquiring all their new skills, the children travel around the world learning more about the 7 continents, countries, cities, oceans and cultures.
With e-learning for kids we offer free, best-in-class curriculum based learning for children ages 5-12 in Math & Science, including Environmental skills, Health, and Life skills.
We currently offer 550+ e-lessons and are continuously developing new ones. This includes the entire primary education grade KG to 6 in math and science. Our complete Math World curriculum offers 336 e-lessons and our Science World curriculum offers 213 e-lessons..
All e-lessons are currently in English, we’ve started the translation of Math World and Science World into Spanish.
The design and development of courses are guided by learning topics that are part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum which is internationally recognized and used in 138 countries. The IB offers an education that focuses on teaching children to think critically and independently. The IB prepares students to succeed in a world where facts and fiction merge in the news, and where asking the right question is a crucial skill that will allow them to flourish.
online and offline for free!
All the e-learning for kids lessons are available online via internet at no cost! There is no need to sign-up. Your child/children/students can start immediately, either online of offline.
How to start online: visit our Math World portal for our Math courses, or our generic portal for courses in different subjects.
How to start offline: if you do not have internet access at home or at your school for all workstations, we offer our lessons free for offline local access via a download link. Please fully complete the appropriate form below which outlines terms of use, so we can review and process your request.
The following buttons will bring you to PDFs showing the learning goals for Math World and Science World per lesson. This will help you find the lesson you are looking for.
Math World learning goals overview
Science World Learning goals overview
The following buttons will bring you to PDFs that will help you install the courseware material on your computer(s) locally for usage without the need of internet.
Installation guide HTML on Windows
Installation guide HTML on Mac
let's start!
At our homepage children can start the lessons by clicking the button “Kids - Start Here”. Then they choose a specific topic (Math, Science, Environmental skills, Computer skills, Health, Language and Life skills) and/or a specific grade (K, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6).
In the International Baccalaureate Curriculum the grades K to 6 corresponds with ages:
Grade 4 (age 9-10)
Grade 5 (age 10-11)
Grade 6 (age 11-12)
Grade K (age 4-5)
Grade 1 (age 6-7)
Grade 2 (age 7-8)
Grade 3 (age 8-9)
help picking the right GRADE
It’s very important children start at the right level, have fun in learning and work at their own pace. Please help the children selecting the level that is not too easy, but also not too difficult for them. There are two ways to do this.
You can either check the learning goals yourself to determine the correct level for your child(ren).
Or you can let the child take several lessons to determine his or her level. For example, if your child has the age of 6, please let him or her take one lesson in grade K, one lesson in grade 1, and one lesson in grade 2 to determine at which level he or she is.
general faq
Are the courses designed for a specific curriculum?
The design and development of courses are guided by learning topics which are part of the International Baccalaureate curriculum which is used in 138 countries. In addition to this, we have developed a number of courses which supplement a typical primary school curriculum. Many topics are universal in nature (e.g. multiplication) and fit in any primary school curriculum around the world.
How to use e-learning for kids courseware?
Depending on the proficiency level of a child in specific subject areas, as well as the availability and quality of education, the courseware can be used to:
Support an existing classroom curriculum
Provide additional practice
Supplement an existing curriculum
Support homeschooling
How can I help to improve the courses? What do I do when I found an error/a problem/a bug in the lessons?
We are striving to make great e-Learning courses but if you have noticed something which can be better in certain courses, please let us know by using the following contact form.
How can I access the courses? What if I don’t have access to the Internet or if it is too expensive or unreliable?
If you do not have Internet access at your school for all workstations or at home, we offer our lessons via a download link for offline local access. Please fully complete the appropriate form below to receive the download packages.
Do students need a username and password in order to take courses from the EFK site?
A username and password are not needed for the courses.
Can EFK track or contact the students who are taking the courses?
No, our tracking only tells us the country information, the number of unique users, and similar generic information about our website visits.
Can you provide direct access to a module instead of sending your students to our site?
Absolutely, when taking the courses online, click on the module you’d like to send to your students. You will then see the URL specific for that lesson that can be shared with the students.
What happened to the courses that were previously available on your website? I cannot find them anymore.
In 2020 we had about 750 courses online on our website, most in English, but also some in Spanish, French, Portuguese. About 200 of the courses were developed in flash. As all computer browsers stopped supporting flash in 2020, we’ve taken those courses offline. Of course we first checked the learning goals, and most of the learning goals in our flash-courses, were already covered in our Math World and Science World courses. Only Computer Skills aren’t available in Math World and Science World, so we hope to develop new courses for these soon. More information about this, can be found via the below “More information” button.
technical FAQ
What are the minimum system requirements for running the courseware?
Our courses are online and offline available in both HTML (Math World & Science World) and Flash (Math World, Science World, and all other courses).
Minimal requirements for browsers that are using flash:
Operating System: Windows 7
RAM: At least 512 MB
Flash Player: Flash Player 8 or above
Microsoft Internet Explorer: 7.
0, 8.0 (recommended), 9.0
VGA Monitor Resolution: 1024 X 728 px.
Processor: Pentium IV 1.6 GHz
Speaker and sound drivers installed
Plug-ins: Flash MX2004
Settings: Set privacy settings to medium or medium-high. Accept third-party cookies and allow session cookies. Enable JavaScript.
Popup blocker: Enabled
HTML lessons can be used in any of the more recent browsers.
Do the EFK courses run on the Macintosh Operating System?
Yes. All online courses are available on the internet, and are thus available on Macintosh.
Our course material can also be placed locally on Mac computers. It sometimes can bring some difficulties getting it started on a Mac computer due to the standard flash-settings on a Mac. If you’ve downloaded our offline packages and are unable to get the course material to work, please make sure you’ve checked the How To Install documents, and contact us via the following form so we can help you make sure it works.
Do the EFK courses run on a Learning Management System and are they SCORM compliant?
No. The EFK courses are not SCORM compliant. At the moment EFK is working on the introduction of an LMS integrated with the EFK courseware.
Is there a preferred browser to use when taking the EFK courses? Does it matter if using a PC or a MAC?
No there is no preferred browser. It also doesn't matter if you use a PC or a Mac.
programming, drawing, preparing for school
Gifted children live in every city, but teachers who are ready to go beyond the school curriculum are far from being everywhere.
Polina Kalmykova
for affordable education for all
Author's profile
But the Internet is full of resources for learning - independent and under the guidance of experienced teachers. You can learn anything: build robots on your knee, create art installations from ordinary things, or program in Minecraft.
I have selected 11 sites that provide quality and interesting education for children and teenagers - the selection includes paid courses and free alternatives.
Choose what your child needs right now
- Get ready for school
- Get to know the arts
- Learn to code
- Pull up school subjects
Get ready for school
Tilly How much: 10 tasks per day - free, full access - from 83 R per month
Age: from 2 to 7 years old
Tilly has developed courses for children from two years old and for preparing those who are older for school. Children learn to distinguish colors, learn the names of the cubs of different animals, and train to determine whether an object is flat or three-dimensional in a picture.
And for future first-graders, classes help to understand the system of sounds and letters of the Russian language and mathematical concepts that will be needed at school: addition and subtraction, even and odd numbers, the number line and the composition of the number.
Classes are held in the form of interactive exercises. Children watch theory slides and listen to the speaker's comments, and then perform tasks: they try to substitute the desired mathematical sign in an example or find where the stress falls in a word.
Read, Count, and Explore Space: 14 Educational Apps for Kids
Classes are designed to meet Federal State Educational Standards, which call for families to be involved in the learning process. Therefore, part of the exercises - for example, from the speech therapy unit - children can only perform with their parents. Once a day, Tilly sends homework: this helps the child to study regularly, and parents do not waste time looking for suitable exercises.
Everything is like in school: first theory, then practice How much: for free
Age: from 5 years old
family leisure. Some of them, for example, the special project “History of Russia. XVIII century" - will help you deal with the school curriculum in a playful way, while others will simply tell you how to have fun and educationally: watch cartoons about art, solve old riddles from "Murzilka" or "Chizh" or color illustrations from old books.
Get to know art
DSHI-online Price: free
Age: from 7 to 17 years old
The creators of the "Children's Art School Online" decided to look at the world around children from the point of view of art and talk to schoolchildren in a language they understand.
For example, they offer to study the basics of photography at a master class on selfies, and at a course on creating a non-standard avatar, children will learn about the history of a portrait in world painting. Teachers will tell children who love to dance how to conquer Tik-Tok, and parents will be helped to find a common language with a teenager — for example, by turning the mess in his room into an art installation together.
English, programming and logic: 9 educational online games for kids will not receive access to new lessons. At the same time, teachers are still in touch: they check the work and help students deal with emerging issues. Microcourse "Animated canvases" will help the child to take a high-quality photo for the flash mob #isolation
Get to know art
Animation and me Cost: Free
Age: 14+
Animation and Me is a course that will teach your child how to create cartoons. It consists of 30 lectures recorded by legendary animators - Yuri Norshtein and Konstantin Bronzit - and young professionals who talk about modern techniques in animation.
Lectures are divided into two blocks. First, children get acquainted with the theory - the history of animation and the basics of the profession. And then they will learn about the practical skills that any multiplier needs. The lessons themselves are not long - 20-25 minutes, but after each one they give homework: it will help you get your hand in before you start creating a real cartoon.
Board games for kids
No one will check your homework, but you can compare your work with others: completed tasks are placed directly below the video with lectures. And in the project groups on Vkontakte and Facebook, cartoons of guys who have already completed the course are published.
Finished homework for the lecture "Acting": it was necessary to depict five standing people in calm poses, but in such a way that they differed from each other How much: free
Age: from 6 years old
The Pushkin.Youth project is an educational course for students and schoolchildren based on the Pushkin Museum. All of them are devoted to the history of art and culture, but take place in different formats: from open lecture halls and project workshops to a full-fledged 4-year curriculum.
Usually classes at the museum are held face-to-face, but some of them are recorded on video: you can watch lectures by art historians on social networks. Now the museum is closed for quarantine, so classes are held live and are available to everyone. To get a link to the conference on Zoom, you need to leave contacts in a special form or just write to the guys on Instagram.
Free courses in Russian: 16 online platforms
Schoolchildren and students who are constantly studying at Pushkinsky conduct online tours of the museum, launch flash mobs and marathons and create their own games . If a child is just getting acquainted with art, you can start with entertainment: games will help you understand that museums are not boring, and flash mobs are a great way to join the company of other enthusiastic teenagers.
Every year on March 11, Pushkinsky.Youth students take the places of guides and acquaint visitors with the life and works of the Pushkin MuseumParenting Featured Articles
Everything you ever wanted to know about kids and money is in our twice-weekly mailing list along with the rest of the money stuff
Learn to program
Price: for free
Age: 4 years and older
Programming courses on this site are more like puzzles: students use blocks with ready-made commands to solve game problems: for example, help an artist draw a picture from a stencil or a bird — get out of the maze.
What to do? 06/15/17
I want my child to have enough to study. How to save for education?
Even those who cannot read yet can study. Actions on simple levels are indicated by icons, but the essence remains the same: to solve the problem, you will have to figure out in what order to perform actions, how cycles work, and how variable numerical values change the behavior of characters on the screen.
If you are tired of the same type of tasks, you can make your own project: program a mini-game or make colorful characters dance to the music. For inspiration, it is convenient to use the archive of other people's work: all projects are published with open source so that students can exchange ideas and experiences with each other.
Learn to program
Aitigenio Price: from 550 R for a two-hour lesson, the first lesson is free
Age: from 8 years old
This online school is suitable for children who want to try their hand at programming, but do not know where to start.
There are no ready-made programs in ITGenio: the course is individually adjusted to the interests and abilities of the child, and the direction of learning can be changed at any time - for example, switch from game programming in Scratch to programming in Minecraft or completely engage in Photoshop or 3D modeling .
Classes are not held in groups, but one-on-one with a teacher: you can choose a convenient time and study at your own pace.
If a child gets bored with programming, you can try your hand at creativity - for example, learn 3D modeling How much it costs: from 4300 R per month
Age: from 8 years old
"School of programmers" is not an entertainment course, but full additional education with a program for several years. Classes are held according to the schedule in the mode of webinars: students communicate live with teachers, write and submit code for verification, and immediately receive feedback. There are a lot of lessons: every week 4 hours are allotted only for compulsory classes, and each student can also choose electives according to interests, for example, web design, information security or robotics.
Students in grades 2-11 can enter the school, the program depends on age. To enroll, you will have to pass exams: those who fail to cope with tasks in mathematics, logic and algorithms are unlikely to be enrolled in the course.
You can enroll in the main department of the "School of Programmers" only at the beginning of the academic year. For those who want to see how the classes are going and learn something new right now, an additional registration for special courses and free lessons is opened during the year.
Children who attend the "School of Programmers" from the fifth grade will have mastered two programming languages by the eighth grade: Python and C++Pull up school items
Children and science How much: free
Age: from 7 years old
The Children and Science project is not an addition, but an alternative to school lessons in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. Online courses for the portal were created by the best Russian teachers who do not want to work with outdated textbooks and programs. Previously, only students from several elite Moscow schools could attend their author's classes, but now they are available to anyone with an Internet connection.
Each course consists of video lectures, notes, game assignments and a final test that will help assess how well the child has mastered the program. Each student chooses the pace and trajectory of learning for himself: for some, it is enough to look over the notes to catch all the most important things, and for some, they want to watch several related lectures on different subjects before moving on to the next thematic block.
What students can get for good studies
The "Children and Science" project will not be able to completely replace school classes: so far, the portal has only one or two lessons for each class. Most of all classes are in mathematics: among them there are also topics that are not even mentioned at school, for example, “Game Theory” and “Probability Theory and Statistics”.
Pull up school items
Letovo.Online How much: free
Age: from 11 years old
Letovo is a special private boarding school, which is more important to find a talented child than a family that can pay for education. Children are accepted on the basis of a strict competitive selection, and scholarships that can cover up to 100% of the cost of education help to solve the financial issue. Although Letovo is located in Moscow, children from all over the country can enter there: for students from other cities, there is a campus with accommodation buildings on the territory of the school.
To help talented children prepare for exams and make a good education accessible, Letovo teachers have created an online school. On this portal, students can check their level of knowledge in school subjects: the test will show which topics have gaps and offer materials that will help improve the result.
Letovo.Online also invites children to try their hand at solving Olympiad problems, and if this still doesn’t work, you can watch webinars where teachers explain the logic of solving competitive tasks. Or join an online circle to prepare for the Olympiads with other schoolchildren. True, you won’t be able to start right away: the next set will be only in September.
Olympiad problem in Russian: the illustration shows how to find the correct answerPull up school items
Foxford How much: free during quarantine
Age: from 7 years old
Classes in Foxford are like a real school, only in an online format: children come to the webinar according to the schedule, listen to the teacher and look at the blackboard , ask questions that can be answered immediately, and after the lesson they do their homework.
Foxford has no compulsory classes to go to, even if they are deadly boring. From a huge database of courses in all school subjects, you can create your own program, including, for example, preparation for the Unified State Examination in computer science, a course on diseases, and online physical education training.
After which university can you find a well-paid job?
There are also ready-made collections of paid courses. For example, specialized programs for schoolchildren who have already decided on their future profession, or classes that guarantee admission to the university of their dreams: if the applicant fails the exams, the money for studying will be returned. And if you like studying at Foxford more than going to school, you can switch to home schooling and join the external study program: then the curator will monitor the child’s progress instead of the class teacher, and experts from the OGE and USE and university teachers will prepare for the exams.
At Foxford, classes are not limited to school subjects: on video courses you can even learn how to sew soft toys or assemble robotsFree online education for children: distance courses for children free, free online courses for children, online courses for schoolchildren free
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Free online courses for children
Children are the most important creatures in the life of every parent. For this reason, every father and mother spend a lot of time, effort and money on teaching their child. Free online courses for kids will save you all three.
Free distance learning for schoolchildren
The workload of modern schoolchildren and even kindergarteners is sometimes unbearable. Dozens of homework assignments need to be combined with ordinary life, but at the same time keep up with the curriculum. Parents have to be torn between earning money and taking care of their children. Now everything has become much easier: free online education for children is a reality. Our courses are designed for children of all ages, suitable for preschoolers and schoolchildren. They will help fill in the gaps in several areas:
- physics;
- local history;
- Russian;
- literature;
- fine arts.
In addition, online lessons will allow:
- save time, money and effort;
- will captivate the child with school subjects;
- will turn into a good habit;
- will establish contact between generations - some courses are designed for joint study;
- prepare for state exams;
- just to learn something interesting about the Planet.
Learn more