T describing words
500+ Adjectives Starting with T in English • 7ESL
T is one of those letters that has been around for a long time. It can be traced back to Hebrew and Semitic alphabets and remained prominent in Latin and Greek. Because of that, there are an especially large number of adjectives that start with T.
Table of Contents
Adjectives that Start with T
Adjectives are words that are used to describe people, places, things, and ideas. All of these things are considered nouns. Adjectives also describe pronouns (such as “him,” “her,” “them,” etc.
The letter T is the sixth most common letter in the English language. It is the most commonly used consonant, so we naturally have a large number of words that begin with T. Some estimates show almost 13,000 words (although the letters
S, C, A, and U have got more). Of course, the most frequently used word in the English language is “the.”
Below are 100 descriptive adjectives that start with T.
- Taboo
- Tabular
- Taciturn
- Tackled
- Tacky
- Tactful
- Tactical
- Tactile
- Tactless
- Tactual
- Tailored
- Taking
- Tall
- Tame
- Tameless
- Tan
- Tangent
- Tangled
- Tangly
- Tanned
- Taper
- Tapered
- Tapering
- Tardy
- Targeted
- Tarnished
- Tart
- Tasty
- Tattling
- Taunt
- Tawdry
- Taxable
- Taxidermic
- Taxing
- Tearless
- Teary
- Technical
- Tectonic
- Tedious
- Teeming
- Teeny
- Telegraphic
- Tellable
- Telling
- Telltale
- Temporal
- Ten
- Tend
- Tender
- Tenderfoot
- Tenfold
- Tense
- Tensioned
- Tentacled
- Tentative
- Tented
- Tenth
- Testable
- Testicular
- Testing
- Testy
- Textile
- Textured
- Theatric
- Thee
- Their
- Thematic
- Theoretic
- Thinkable
- Thinly
- Thornless
- Three
- Thriving
- Throng
- Through
- Thumbed
- Thundering
- Thundery
- Thwart
- Tidal
- Tight
- Timesaving
- Tinted
- Tiptoe
- Tiptop
- Tiresome
- Tissued
- Titanic
- Titular
- Tonic
- Tooled
- Toothy
- Top
- Topic
- Topical
- Topping
- Torturous
- Touchable
- Touching
- Towering
Below are 50 adjectives that start with T that indicate something positive.
- Talented
- Tame
- Tangy
- Tantalizing
- Tasteful
- Tasty
- Teachable
- Technical
- Telling
- Temperate
- Tempting
- Tenacious
- Tender
- Tenderhearted
- Terrific
- Thankful
- Theological
- Therapeutic
- Thorough
- Thoughtful
- Thrifty
- Thrilling
- Tidy
- Timeless
- Timely
- Tireless
- Tolerable
- Tolerable
- Tolerant
- Top
- Traditional
- Trained
- Training
- Transcendent
- Transcendental
- Transformative
- Transformed
- Transparent
- Treasured
- Treatable
- Tremendous
- Trendy
- Triumphant
- True
- Trusting
- Trustworthy
- Trusty
- Tuneful
- Twinkling
- Typical
Below are 50 adjective words that start with T that indicate something negative.
- Taboo
- Tacky
- Tactless
- Tardy
- Targeted
- Tarnished
- Tart
- Tasteless
- Tattered
- Taunt
- Taunting
- Taxing
- Tearing
- Teasing
- Temperamental
- Temporary
- Tempted
- Tenacious
- Tense
- Tepid
- Terrible
- Terse
- Thievish
- Thorny
- Thrashed
- Threatened
- Threatening
- Thrifty
- Thunderous
- Tightfisted
- Timid
- Tiring
- Toneless
- Tormented
- Torpid
- Torrential
- Torrid
- Torturous
- Toxic
- Tragic
- Trapped
- Trashed
- Trashy
- Traumatic
- Treacherous
- Tricky
- Trivial
- Tuneless
- Twitchy
- Tyrannical
Below are 30 adjectives that start with T that describe a personality.
- Tactful
- Tactless
- Tense
- Testy
- Tender
- Thankful
- Thorough
- Thrilled
- Timid
- Tolerant
- Touchy
- Tranquil
- Transfixed
- Trusting
- Tricky
- Truthful
- Trustful
- True
- Tacky
- Troublesome
- Talkative
- Tenacious
- Territorial
- Terse
- Temperamental
- Temperate
- Tempted
- Theatrical
- Thriftless
- Transcendent
Below are 50 adjectives that start with T that describe a person.
- Tan
- Tantalizing
- Talented
- Tall
- Tedious
- Terrible
- Tearful
- Tempting
- Teasing
- Tender
- Terrifying
- Tense
- Thriving
- Threatening
- Thankless
- Thwarted
- Thinking
- Thoughtless
- Threatened
- Tired
- Tight
- Tightlipped
- Tiring
- Touching
- Touched
- Tough
- Troubling
- Trustworthy
- Treasured
- Trusted
- Tremendous
- Turbulent
- Tumultuous
- Teen
- Teenage
- Teenaged
- Terrific
- Thick
- Thickset
- Thin
- Tiny
- Tousled
- Traditional
- Taiwanese
- Thai
- Tibetan
- Tunisian
- Turkish
- Tattooed
- Tattooing
T Adjectives | Image
List of 500+ Adjectives that Start with T
Adjectives that Start with Ta
- Tabbed
- Taboo
- Tacit
- Tackled
- Tacky
- Tactful
- Tactical
- Tactile
- Tactless
- Tactual
- Tailless
- Tailored
- Tainted
- Taintless
- Taking
- Talented
- Talentless
- Talkative
- Tall
- Tallish
- Tame
- Tan
- Tangent
- Tangible
- Tangled
- Tanned
- Tannic
- Tantric
- Taper
- Tapered
- Tapering
- Tardy
- Targeted
- Tarnished
- Tart
- Tartan
- Tartaric
- Tarty
- Tasteful
- Tasteless
- Tasty
- Tattered
- Tattling
- Tattooed
- Tattooing
- Tatty
- Taunt
- Taunting
- Taut
- Tax-free
- Taxing
- Taxpaying
Adjectives that Start with Te
- Teachable
- Tearful
- Tearing
- Tearless
- Teary
- Teasing
- Technic
- Technical
- Technocratic
- Technologic
- Technological
- Techy
- Tectonic
- Tedious
- Teeming
- Teen
- Teenage
- Teen-age
- Teenaged
- Teensy
- Teensy-weensy
- Teeny
- Teeny-tiny
- Teeny-weeny
- Teetotal
- Teleological
- Telepathic
- Telescopic
- Televisual
- Tell-all
- Telling
- Telluric
- Temperate
- Tempestuous
- Temporal
- Temporary
- Tempted
- Tempting
- Ten
- Tenable
- Tenacious
- Tenantable
- Tend
- Tendentious
- Tender
- Tenderhearted
- Tender-hearted
- Tender-minded
- Tenebrous
- Tenfold
- Ten-minute
- Tense
- Tensile
- Tensional
- Tensioned
- Tensionless
- Ten-speed
- Tentative
- Tented
- Tenth
- Tenuous
- Tepid
- Termagant
- Terminable
- Terminal
- Termly
- Ternary
- Ternate
- Terrestrial
- Terrible
- Terrific
- Terrified
- Terrifying
- Territorial
- Terroristic
- Terse
- Tertian
- Tertiary
- Testable
- Tested
- Testicular
- Testimonial
- Testing
- Testy
- Tetanic
- Tetchy
- Text-based
- Textile
- Textual
- Textural
- Textured
Adjectives that Start with Th
- Thankful
- Thankless
- Theatric
- Theatrical
- Thee
- Their
- Theistic
- Thematic
- Themed
- Then
- Theocratic
- Theoretic
- Theoretical
- Therapeutic
- Thermic
- These
- Thespian
- Thick
- Thicketed
- Thick-headed
- Thickset
- Thick-skinned
- Thick-skulled
- Thick-witted
- Thigh-high
- Thin
- Thinkable
- Thinking
- Thinly
- Thin-skinned
- Third
- Third-class
- Third-degree
- Third-party
- Third-person
- Third-rate
- Third-string
- Thirsty
- Thirteenth
- Thirtieth
- Thirtyish
- This-worldly
- Thixotropic
- Thoracic
- Thorny
- Thorough
- Those
- Thoughtful
- Thoughtless
- Thousandth
- Thrashed
- Threadbare
- Threadlike
- Threatened
- Threatening
- Three
- Three-dimensional
- Three-eighths
- Threefold
- Three-phase
- Three-quarter
- Three-square
- Three-tiered
- Three-way
- Thrifty
- Thrilled
- Thrilling
- Thriving
- Throated
- Throaty
- Throbbing
- Thrombotic
- Throng
- Through
- Throw-away
- Thuggish
- Thumbed
- Thumping
- Thundering
- Thunderous
- Thundery
- Thwart
- Thwarted
- Thyroid
Adjectives that Start with Ti
- Tibetan
- Ticketless
- Ticking
- Tickling
- Ticklish
- Tidy
- Tied-up
- Tieless
- Tight
- Tightfisted
- Time-consuming
- Time-dependent
- Time-independent
- Time-lapse
- Timeless
- Time-like
- Timely
- Time-saving
- Time-serving
- Time-tested
- Timid
- Timorous
- Tin-glazed
- Tinny
- Tin-pot
- Tinselly
- Tinted
- Tiny
- Tippy
- Tipsy
- Tiptoe
- Tiptop
- Tip-top
- Tired
- Tireless
- Tiresome
- Tiring
- Titanic
- Tit-for-tat
- Titian
- Titular
Adjectives that Start with To
- Toad-like
- Toasty
- Toe-to-toe
- Token
- Tokenistic
- Tolerable
- Tolerant
- Toll-free
- Tonal
- Tone-deaf
- Tonetic
- Tonic
- Tonsorial
- Tooled
- Toothed
- Toothless
- Toothsome
- Toothy
- Top
- Top-class
- Top-down
- Top-flight
- Top-heavy
- Top-hole
- Topiary
- Topic
- Topical
- Topless
- Top-level
- Topmost
- Topping
- Top-priority
- Toppy
- Top-quality
- Top-shelf
- Tormented
- Torpid
- Torrential
- Torrid
- Torsional
- Tortious
- Tortuous
- Torturous
- Total
- Totalistic
- Totalitarian
- Totemic
- Tottery
- Touchable
- Touched
- Touch-first
- Touching
- Touch-tone
- Touchy
- Tough
- Touristic
- Touristy
- Towering
- Towy
- Toxic
Adjectives that Start with Tr
- Traceable
- Traceless
- Tractable
- Tractive
- Traditional
- Tragic
- Trainable
- Trained
- Training
- Trampy
- Trancelike
- Transfinite
- Transfixed
- Transformative
- Transformed
- Transitional
- Transitive
- Transitory
- Transmissible
- Transmissive
- Transmittable
- Transparent
- Transportable
- Transverse
- Trapezoidal
- Trappable
- Trapped
- Trashed
- Trashy
- Treacherous
- Treaded
- Treasonable
- Treasonous
- Treasurable
- Treasured
- Treatable
- Treeless
- Treelike
- Tremendous
- Tremulous
- Trenchant
- Trenchless
- Trendless
- Trendy
- Trepid
- Trick
- Tricky
- Triclinic
- Tricuspid
- Tricyclic
- Triennial
- Trine
- Trippy
- Triune
- Trivalent
- Trivial
- Trochaic
- Troglodytic
- Trojan
- Trophic
- Tropic
- Tropical
- Troubled
- Trouble-free
- Troublesome
- Troubling
- Troublous
- Truant
- Trucial
- Truculent
- True-blue
- Trueborn
- True-born
- True-hearted
- True-life
- Trusted
- Trustful
- Trusting
- Trustworthy
- Trusty
- Truthful
- Trying
Adjectives that Start with Ts, Tu
- Tsarist
- Tubal
- Tubby
- Tubed
- Tubeless
- Tubercular
- Tuberous
- Tuff
- Tufted
- Tufty
- Tulip-eared
- Tumescent
- Tumorigenic
- Tumorous
- Tumultuous
- Tunable
- Tuneful
- Tuneless
- Tunisian
- Turbid
- Turbulent
- Turfy
- Turgid
- Turkey-like
- Turkish
- Tusked
- Tutelary
- Tutorial
Adjectives that Start with Tw
- Twee
- Tweedy
- Tween
- Twelfth
- Twilit
- Twin
- Twisty
- Twitchy
- Two
- Two-ply
- Two-sided
- Two-thirds
- Two-tier
- Two-time
- Two-tone
- Two-up
- Two-way
- Two-wheeled
Adjectives that Start with Ty
- Typeset
- Typical
- Typographic
- Typographical
- Typological
- Tyrannical
- Tyrannous
Adjectives Starting with T | Images
Categories Vocabulary, WordsAdjectives That Start With “T” | List of Adjectives
Adjectives That Start with T
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You might not know it yet, but “T” is one of your favorite letters. From your talented friends to a tranquil lake, “T” is the start of some tremendous adjectives that will never feel tiresome. Adjectives are words that describe nouns (people, places, things, and ideas), and they’re essential for writing, conversation, and just existing as a person. “T” offers some of the most trustworthy, tasteful adjectives to turn to for every mood, occasion, and personality.
Positive Adjectives That Start With “T”
If you’re looking to stay positive, adjectives that start with “T” offer a tantalizing mix of options to choose from. From your trendy friends with their outfits always on-point to the perfectly transcendent cookie, your life is full of things that deserve a positive adjective.
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
tactful | diplomatic; able to convey criticism without hurting others | courteous, thoughtful, judicious |
talented | having a natural aptitude or skill for something | gifted, adept, brilliant |
tantalizing | interesting, exciting | alluring, enticing, persuasive |
tasteful | suitable, attractive; in good taste | refined, charming, exquisite |
tasty | flavorful; appealing to the taste buds | delicious, appetizing, delectable |
tenacious | persistent; stubborn; holding fast | strong, unyielding, determined |
tender | soft; delicate | affectionate, loving, fragile |
tenderhearted | sympathetic; soft-hearted | affectionate, sensitive, kindhearted |
terrific | extremely good; intense | awesome, wonderful, tremendous |
thankful | grateful; pleased | appreciative, indebted, obliged |
therapeutic | curative; possessing healing powers | restorative, corrective, beneficial |
thoughtful | considerate of others | mindful, careful, attentive |
thrilling | exciting; tantalizing | electrifying, gripping, sensational |
thriving | highly successful; prospering | prosperous, flourishing, burgeoning |
tidy | neat, clean, or orderly | organized, well-kept, uncluttered |
tiptop | of the highest quality | excellent, best, superior |
titanic | possessing enormous size and strength | colossal, enormous, Herculean |
titillating | exciting in an agreeable way | arousing, charming, alluring |
top-notch | first-rate | excellent, outstanding, superior |
tough | strong and durable | sturdy, resilient, solid |
transcendent | exceptional; surpassing the ordinary | extraordinary, fantastic, sublime |
tranquil | peaceful; relaxing setting | calm, easygoing, sedate |
tremendous | extremely good; large in scale, size or magnitude | enormous, overwhelming, astounding |
trendy | stylish, up-to-date with the latest fashion trends | fashionable, contemporary, voguish |
trusty | reliable, consistent | faithful, dependable, credible |
trusting | a tendency to believe others; accept at face value | credulous, believing, confiding |
Negative Adjectives That Start With “T”
As much as you might want to stay positive, some things (and people) simply warrant a negative descriptor. From tyrannical teachers to terrible workdays or tiresome errands, every day brings new opportunities for trying times.
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
taboo | deemed by society to be unacceptable or improper | banned, prohibited, outlawed |
tacky | shabby in appearance; not fashionable | cheap, gaudy, dingy |
tactless | insensitive to the feelings of others | careless, unthinking, unsympathetic |
tardy | late, overdue | delayed, unpunctual, overdue |
tasteless | insipid or dull; lacking in aesthetic quality | boring, distasteful, uninspired |
tattered | torn, shredded; worn-out | dilapidated, ripped, threadbare |
tawdry | gaudy; showy but cheaply made | tasteless, vulgar, tacky |
taxing | physically or mentally demanding; burdensome | onerous, tedious, stressful |
tedious | long and tiresome, often marked by monotony | boring, banal, dull |
tense | characterized by mental or nervous strain | high-strung, stressed, wound-up |
terrifying | extremely frightening | alarming, ghastly, horrid |
terrible | unpleasant; grievous | horrible, abhorrent, atrocious |
testy | touchy; irritably impatient | annoyed, cantankerous, grumpy |
thorny | prickly, covered with thorns; difficult | problematic, spiky, nettlesome |
threatening | ominous; intended to be deliberately hostile | menacing, alarming, sinister |
tiresome | causing someone to feel annoyed or exhausted | irritating, exasperating, laborious |
tiring | fatiguing; causing one to become exhausted | demanding, exhausting, exacting |
tortuous | complex and difficult to follow; full of twists and turns | convoluted, circuitous, complicated |
toxic | poisonous; having a damaging impact | harmful, noxious, pernicious |
tragic | extremely mournful; suggestive of tragedy | sad, calamitous, pathetic |
traitorous | characteristic of someone who betrays trust | treacherous, deceptive, double-crossing |
traumatic | psychologically painful | frightening, appalling, unspeakable |
treasonous | involving the betrayal of one’s country | disloyal, traitorous, betraying |
troublesome | causing difficulty or bother; leading to annoyance | worrisome, bothersome, irksome |
truant | neglectful of duty or obligation; absent (typically from school) | gone, missing, irresponsible |
trying | annoying, difficult; straining one’s patience or endurance | bothersome, strenuous, troublesome |
tyrannical | oppressive, overbearing, cruel; abuse of power | despotic, authoritarian, brutal |
Neutral Adjectives Starting With “T”
Most things in life aren’t as binary as good and bad. You often need those neutral adjectives to describe tight pants, torrential storms, and tepid waters.
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
tailored | (in clothing) fitted and well-cut with a neat appearance | bespoke, custom-fit, custom-made |
taloned | armed with claws or talons | clawed |
tame | not wild; domesticated | docile, domesticated, harmless |
tangential | digressive from a main point; barely touching or slightly connected | unrelated, divergent, extraneous |
tangible | can be perceived through the sense of touch | touchable, palpable, concrete |
tangled | interlaced or mixed up; complicated | intricate, twisted, complex |
tantamount | equivalent to or virtually the same as | commensurate, comparable, identical |
taut | stretched or tightly drawn | tense, rigid, firm |
teachable | capable of learning; (of a subject or idea) able to be taught | amenable, qualified, trainable |
teeming | overflowing with; swarming | abundant, brimming, replete |
telling | revealing, having significant impact | cogent, significant, trenchant |
temporal | relating to time; relating to material, worldly affairs | earthly, secular, physical |
temporary | lasting only a limited period of time | impermanent, ephemeral, short-lived |
tepid | lukewarm; lacking enthusiasm | halfhearted, mild, unenthusiastic |
thin | skinny, slim | slender, narrow, fine |
tight | snug; fitting closely together | compact, cramped, taut |
timely | occurring at an opportune time; at just the right time | convenient, appropriate, auspicious |
tiny | very small; minuscule | microscopic, miniature, little |
tolerant | accepting; putting up with | open-minded, permissive, lenient |
total | the entire amount; all of something | absolute, complete, comprehensive |
torrid | scorchingly hot; passionate | arid, sizzling, fiery |
tropical | something particular or native to the tropics; warm and humid | equatorial, steamy, sweltering |
tubular | round and hollow | cylindrical, pipe-like |
turbid | opaque; obscure in appearance, meaning or impact | murky, cloudy, muddy |
turgid | swollen, inflated | bloated, distended, puffy |
twinkly | shining, gleaming, sparkling | bright, glistening, shimmering |
twisted | crooked; contorted | gnarled, knotted, tangled |
typical | ordinary; as expected | conventional, usual, normal |
Adjectives Starting With “T” To Describe People and Personalities
You’ll never find two people with the same personality. One person might be talkative, while another is taciturn. You may have a tired friend or a timorous colleague. Whoever you come across, there are trustworthy adjectives to describe every personality.
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
taciturn | reserved in speech, inclined to silence in conversations | quiet, aloof, laconic |
take-charge | able to take responsibility or control | commanding, can-do, enthusiastic |
talkative | verbose, chatty; enjoys speaking to others | chatty, articulate, gregarious |
tall | having stature, height | towering, elevated, rangy |
teetotal | related to abstaining from intoxicating drink | abstinent, sober, temperate |
temperamental | liable to sudden, frequent mood swings | moody, irritable, erratic |
terse | effectively concise and pithy | brief, brusque, incisive |
thickheaded | stupid, dull-witted | unintelligent, ignorant, dense |
thick-skinned | insensitive to insults, criticism, or reproach | tough, hardened, impervious |
thorough | extremely attentive to detail; having mastery of a craft or talent | comprehensive, intensive, meticulous |
thrifty | frugal, careful with spending | stingy, economical, scrimpy |
tightfisted | cheap, stingy | frugal, parsimonious, penny-pinching |
tight-lipped | characterized by speaking very little or suppressing one’s emotions | quiet, reticent, guarded |
timid | easily frightened; demonstrating a lack of bravery or courage | shy, cowardly, feeble |
timorous | full of fear | timid, apprehensive, afraid |
tired | sleepy, in need of sleep | exhausted, weary, fatigued |
tireless | having seemingly endless energy | energetic, determined, indefatigable |
torpid | inactive or sluggish; dull, apathetic | lethargic, lazy, indolent |
trenchant | incisive or vigorous in expression | pointed, salient, clear |
trepid | fearful or apprehensive | scared, timorous, timid |
troubled | beset by conflict or problems | distressed, worried, disturbed |
truculent | aggressively hostile, eager to argue or fight | belligerent, combative, pugnacious |
truehearted | loyal, faithful, honest | sincere, dedicated, honorable |
trustworthy | deserving of confidence or trust | reliable, dependable, authentic |
twitterpated | overcome by romantic feelings | smitten, infatuated, obsessed |
Example Sentences for Adjectives That Start With the Letter “T”
With a nearly total supply of adjectives that start with “T,” it’s a good idea to look at some sentence examples to learn how to properly use all these adjectives.
- The talented musician could expertly play any song on the piano with just one listen.
- No matter how often she fell, her tenacious attitude meant she always got back up to try again.
- At long last, it was finally time to throw away the tattered shirt.
- After her hard day, all she needed was a tasty burger to boost her spirits.
- I need more tangible instruction to really learn a concept.
- The list of strange seasonal drinks told me this wasn’t your typical coffeehouse.
- He kept telling side stories that were tangential to the main lesson.
- The dog was timid at first but quickly warmed up to me.
- He had become thick-skinned after receiving so much criticism over the years.
- He found the process of building furniture extremely tedious.
- The tranquil forest was more relaxing than the busy city.
- Her trendy friends always knew what was in style.
- The company offered some top-notch service.
- The transcendent pie improved my day.
- She was back in tiptop shape after a good night of sleep.
- After studying for so long, they really needed that timely break.
- The duct tape was just a temporary fix until they could contact a mechanic.
- The tangled yarn was a real pain to work with.
- Her muscles were tense after lifting weights for an hour.
- The team was thankful for a day off.
Tons of Terrific “T” Words
Now that your brain is full of tasty adjectives that start with “T,” you’re ready to add even more parts of speech to you vocabulary. Knowing as many “T” words as you can will give you an edge in all your word games and improve your writing and conversation skills.
- Nouns That Start With “T”
- Verbs That Start With “T”
- “T” Words for Word Games
10 best board games where you have to explain words
We somehow looked at the top sales and realized that there are an incredibly many games for explaining words. And it's clear: these are simple rules, a funny process, you can play at any age and with almost any number of players, because you can always team up. Of course, in addition to the classics, there are new board games where you have to explain words, concepts and sensations in unexpected ways. We have collected the most popular and absolutely cool ones here. nine0003
Age : from 6 years old
Number of players : from 3 to 16
This is a pantomime explanation familiar to everyone since childhood. There are already quite a lot of crocodiles: ordinary, on the road, for children (usual from 12 years old, and for children from 6). There, words and phrases are written on cards.
Age : 5+
Number of players : 4 to 12
On the contrary, a game where words are explained with words, but without cognates. For rooms or situations where it is not very appropriate to stand and portray a tram, it is better to take such an explainer game. There are also a lot of them: from children from 5 years old to adults from 10 years old.
Age : 14+
Number of players : 4 to 16
It combines two ways of explaining words, and even three are obtained: words, pantomime and one word. The third is the most difficult way, but after you have already explained the same cards to each other in two other ways, this one is easier, and by the word "beard" you can guess Tolstoy. nine0003
Age : 4+
Number of Players : 3 to 16
A very popular game in the West, which has already become almost a classic in our country. It also needs to explain the words in three ways that fall on the field: gestures, drawing, or explanation without cognates. There are versions for companies, on the road, and children's kits go as far as 4 years.
Age : from 10 years
Number of players : from 2 to 16
Let's take more! The Russian game Ekivoki offers to explain words in as many as 7 ways! Guess what? Ekivoki are kind, very beautiful and really funny. There is plasticine and the opportunity to show the talents of a tenor or soprano.
Valera time
Age : 16+
Number of Players : 3 to 8
When everyone played Equivoki and thought that the ways to show words and phrases were exhausted, we got the game Valera's Time. She soared to the top of the funniest games, queues lined up in stores, and publishers did not have time to produce rubber dolls. What? Ah, yes, here, another way is to explain words with the help of an inflatable male doll Valera. It is possible to burn the whole crowd.
Age : 16+
Number of players : 2 to 4
An inhuman frenzy, from which it reduces the jaws. Again we use additional items: here these are expanders for the teeth. Here you need to explain the words, let's say, by putting a plastic thing into your mouth, which somewhat changes your diction.
Honey mushrooms
Age : 18+
Number of Players : 3 to 7
If you like the theater of one or two actors and absolute madness, try Honey mushrooms. Not mushrooms (from mushrooms, by the way, there is nothing like that), but a board game where you need to explain to one player (he is a doctor) what the other two show with gestures (they are your glitches). nine0003
Age : from 12 years old
Number of players : from 3
With a headband and a character card, you can transform into... anyone! You can become a real character or a fabulous one: Terminator, Nutcracker, Alexander Lukashenko. Now you need to guess who you are. Read to your friends the situations in which you find yourself, and try to understand from their answers what is written on your card. nine0003
Emotional Intelligence
Age : 12+
Number of Players : 3 to 14
Let's get back to quiet games. Emotional intelligence is practically an educational game in which you have to read phrases with different emotions. And opponents have to guess what you are experiencing, abstracting from the texts. Such a guessing game by facial expressions, and it was invented by a real mime.
Fans of explainer games will also be interested in Pantomime Games. If you are not sure which game is suitable for your holiday or as a gift for a specific person, call - our operators will help. nine0003
Adjectives characterizing a person from the good side
Heading: For every day Here is the most complete list of adjectives that positively characterize a person. The list does not include obscene words and words that are professional terms used by a narrow circle of people for professional purposes (not in colloquial speech).
The list does not include such words as: “beautiful”, “blue-eyed”, “stately”, “slender” and the like. They describe appearance, but (although they are adjectives used to describe a person) they are not related to character and are unable to shed light on personality traits. nine0003
Please note: there are words in the list that can be both an adjective and a participle (depending on the context in which the word is used at any given time).
Also, remember that some words are neutral in color and characterize a person from the good side only depending on the context in which it is used. But in the same way, it can be used not as a characteristic of positive personality traits, but simply as a statement of fact (without a specific coloring). nine0003
If you need the most complete list of adjectives that characterize a person (both positively and negatively), you can find it at the link above.
- Adventurous (positively characterizes if used in a good way)
- Adequate
- Gambling (here in the meaning - a positively gambling person, for example - an athlete or passionate about study, work, i.
e. - very enthusiastic)
- Active
- Neat
- Altruistic (altruistic)
- Ambitious (if positively ambitious, in a good sense, we are talking about healthy ambitions of an adequate person)
- Apolitical
- Ascetic without violating the rights of others)
- Artistic
- Aristocratic
- Alert
- Harmless
- Fearless
- Fit -shaped
- Darovite
- Delicious
- Democratic
- daring. as impudent)
- Active
- Diplomatic
- Disciplined
- Valiant
- Kind
- Kindest
- Light (here, not light in weight. For example: easy to communicate, easy to get on with, etc.)
- Lyrical (neutral characterizes, but in some cases it is a positive property)
- Logical
- Polished
- Loyal
- Loving
- Affable
- Inquisitive
- Curious (for some situations, professions, this personality trait is positive)
- Loving
- Slow-speaking
- Insensitive (under certain circumstances, such a character trait can be positive)
- Mannery
- Skilled
- Seasoned (here in the meaning - very experienced, knowledgeable in something)
- Melancholic (neutral characterizes in something) In some cases, it is a positive characteristic.
For example, when it is required to exclude people of choleric temperament from the candidates under consideration ... in this case, characterizing him as "melancholic" will do him good)
- Not militant
- Infant (a useful property for ... for example - a surgeon and other specialists where a certain share of insensibility is required in order to fulfill their professional tasks)
- Nejadema
- Non -burned non -burned
- Non -burned non -burning
- Non -burn useful property for a man, rather negative for a woman)
- Gentle
- Independent
- Disinterested (a useful feature when it is required to be disinterested in something in order to be objective)
- Strong (not necessarily physically strong, for example: a person who is strong in spirit, mentally strong, strong in mind, etc.) e.)
- Skeptical
- Modest
- Scrupulous
- Loquacious
- Complicated (for example, complexly organized, etc.
this can be both a negative characteristic and a positive one. This word can be described from a good side only if attached to it positive coloring in the context)
- Close
- Sounded
- Slender
- Scientist
- Caster
- Sustainable (for example: mentally, emotionally, professionally, etc.)
- Fantasizing
- Lucky (from the word "luck")
- Fatish (depending on the context - in some cases it serves as a positive, negative or neutral characteristic)
- Philosophical (for example: philosophical-minded, philosophical-reasoning, etc.)
- Phlegmatic (neutral characteristic, but phlegmatic can be considered a virtue when a person of exactly the phlegmatic type is required, and all other types are undesirable)
- Photogenic
- Fundamental (here in the meaning - strong, strong)
- Charismatic
- Cold-blooded
- Hospitable
- Economically competent (economically prepared)
- Expert
- Extravagant (sometimes this word can be positively described, sometimes negatively.
Depending on the context)
- Energetic
- Emotional 90
- Outrageous
- Elite
- Spectacular
- Humorous
- Homornaya
- Young
- Legally competent/illiterate
- Yurkiy
- YARY (about any fraud. , an ardent hater of fools)
- Furious (here, as above - a fierce fan of his profession, for example)
- Clairvoyant
- All of the above words can positively characterize both a man and a woman, a teenager and in many cases a child. To do this, you need to change the ending of each word, changing the gender of the word from masculine to feminine.
- This list of words is useful when creating a profile, resume, self-presentation, cover letter (when looking for a job), essays and is applicable wherever it is required to describe a person (his character traits, behavioral characteristics, personality traits, etc.
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