The short a sound words
List of Short Vowel Words
pig illustration with list of short vowel words examples
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The English language provides a list of short vowel words that seem to be never ending. A short vowel word is any word that doesn't allow the vowel within it to generate that vowel's long vowel sound.
For example, the word "bug" is a short vowel word because there's no long "U" sound. A word doesn't necessarily have to have three letters to be a short vowel word, but it makes for the easiest example and three-lettered words make up the bulk of any list of short vowel words. Let's take a look.
Short Vowel Sounds in Words
Here's the reason why words with only three letters typically make the short vowel sound. Three letters usually don't allow for a second vowel to force the long vowel sound out. Exceptions include words like "bee" or "tea."
These words use a second vowel to force the long vowel sound from the first one, while other words like "ant" or "mat" use the placement of consonants to force a short vowel sound.
But, here's an important point to keep in mind. The words listed below are short vowel sounds, not short vowel spellings. That is, just because a word is short, doesn't mean it will automatically have a short vowel sound. And vowel as written doesn't always correspond with the sound it makes. Take the word "pretty." The E is sounded like a short I, and the Y is sounded like a long E. Phonetically, it sounds more like "prit-tee," not "pret-tai."
Likewise, we can't assume a long word will automatically have a long vowel sound. Let's look at the word "business." The U and E in "business" are also sounded like a short I, and the I is silent altogether. Phonetically speaking, we don't pronounce it "buss-eye-ness." It's more like "biz-niss. " With that in mind, let's explore more short vowel words, sorted by letter.
Short "A" Words
The short A sound is what you hear in words like "bat" or "map." Here are some other great examples of words with the short A sound.
act | apt | ask | bat | bad | bag | cat |
cap | cab | dad | dab | Dan | fan | fat |
fad | gap | gab | gal | gas | ham | has |
had | hat | jab | jam | lab | lad | lag |
lap | man | mad | mat | map | nap | pan |
Pam | pad | pal | ran | ram | rag | rat |
Sam | sad | sag |
sat | sap | tab | tan |
tad | tag | tap | van | vat | yam | zap |
Short "E" Words
The short E sound is what you hear in words like "gem" or "hem. " Here are some other great examples of words with the short E sound.
ben | bed | beg | bet | den | fed |
gem | get | gel | hen | hem | jet |
keg | led | leg | let | men | met |
net | pen | peg | pet | red | set |
ten | Ted | vet | yet | wed | wet |
Short "I" Words
The short I sound is what you hear in words like "dim" or "fib." Here are some other great examples of words with the short I sound.
bin | bid | big | bit | dim | did |
dig | dip | fin | fig | fit | gin |
gig | him | his | hid | hit | hip |
jib | jig | kin | kid | kit | lid |
lit | lip | nip | pin | pig | pit |
rim | rid | rig | rip | sin | sit |
sip | tin | tip | win | wit | zip |
Short "O" Words
The short O sound is what you hear in words like "con" or "nod. " Here are some other great examples of words with the short O sound.
bog | bop | con | cod | cog | cot |
cop | don | dog | dot | fog | god |
got | hog | hot | jog | jot | lob |
log | lot | lop | mob | mom | mop |
nod | not | odd | pod | pop | pot |
rod | rot | sod | Tom | tot | top |
Short "U" Words
The short U sound is what you hear in words like "bus" or "hum." Here are some other great examples of words with the short U sound.
bun | bum | bus | bud | bug | but |
cud | cut | cup | dug | fun | gun |
gum | Gus | gut | hum | hug | hut |
jug | jut | lug | mug | nun | nut |
pun | pug | pup | rub | run | rum |
rug | rut | sub | sun | sum | tug |
List of Short Vowel Words Printable
Click to View & DownloadUsing Short Vowel Sounds
Though the above list of words with short vowels is incomplete, you can use it to understand the basic usage for the short vowel sounds. These short vowel sounds are often used in larger words as well. You might see them in words that also contain long vowel sounds, or even in two-lettered words, like "in," "it," and "at." Longer words, such as "magistrate" or "fascinate," use both short long vowel sounds.
Some words use the short vowel sound and the long vowel sound, depending on the tense of the word. Words like "read," for example, are pronounced as the long vowel sound when the tense is present. For example, "We are reading this list of short vowel words."
However, when the tense is changed from present to past tense, the long vowel sound is taken away and the short vowel sound is introduced in the same word. For example, "I read the list of short vowel words, and understand much better now."
Pronunciation Pros
If you're teaching short vowel sounds to little learners, practice makes perfect. If you're teaching ESL students, here are some tips and resources for teaching ESL pronunciation. And, when you're ready for the flip side of the coin? Take a look at these examples of long vowel words too. You might also want to explore when "y" is a vowel.
Short and Long A Vowel Sound Words List
We have 26 alphabets in English Grammar out of which 5 are vowels (a,e,i,o,u) and rest 21 are consonants. Pronunciation of every vowel is different from the other which gives rise to different types of sounds wherever they are used.
Today we are going to discuss about vowel ‘a’ and learn different sounds it produces whenever it is used in a word.
One of the first encounters for a student is this concept of long and short vowel sounds, such as ‘a’. Short a, written phonetically as /æ/, makes the vowel sound of a, as in cap, tap, fat and bat.
Following ESL phonics extensive list introduces students to “short a” and “long a” sound words.
Short ‘A’ Vowel Sound Wordsact | apt | ask | bat | bad | bag | cat |
cap | cab | dad | dab | dan | fan | fat |
fad | gap | gab | gal | gas | ham | has |
had | hat | jab | jam | lab | lad | lag |
lap | man | mad | mat | map | nap | pan |
Pam | pad | pal | ran | ram | rag | rat |
Sam | sad | sag | sat | sap | tab | tan |
tad | tag | tap | van | vat | yam | zap |
Actor | Album | Camel | Dagger | Factory | Hammer | Atlas |
Panic | Rabbit | Saddle | Bandit | Ladder | January | Active |
Carefully go through the words given in above table and try to pronounce them. You’ll observe a pattern that we don’t have to stress on the vowel ‘a’ therefore we hear a soft ‘a’ sound.
Notice all three-letter words and vowel ‘a’ which is used between two consonants, these types of words are called CVC words.
Now Let us move to the long ‘a’ vowel words section where you would have to stress the vowel ‘a’ to pronounce the words correctly.
Long ‘A’ Vowel Sound WordsThe long /a/ sound is pronounced like the word ‘Alien’. It is quite similar to sound what you hear in words like “Acorn” or “Apron.”
There are four ways of spelling Long ‘a’ sounds:
1. Using Letter A: You can spell the long /a/ sound with just the letter a.
Alien | Agent | Apron | Acorn |
Basic | Data | Fatal | Basin |
2. Using Split Digraph A _ E : These words spell the long /a/ sound using a split digraph a_e where a is in the middle of the word and an e at the end of the word.
Bake | Cake | Shake | Make | Fake | Snake |
Fade | Made | Maid | Laid | Shade | Kate |
Same | Fame | Name | Game | Lame | Flame |
Cane | Mane | Main | Lane | Insane | Plane |
3. AI and AY Words: The long /a/ sound is spelled with the letters ai and ay, at the end of some words.
Aim | Fail | Snail | Pain | Chain |
Stain | Vain | Paint | Faint | Waist |
Claim | Sail | Tail | Wait | Strain |
Day | Hay | Lay | Pay | Ray |
Tray | Stay | Sway | Play | Pray |
4. Using EI Words: The long /a/ sound is spelled with the letters ei usually at the middle of the word.
Reins | Vein | Veil | Reign | Neigh |
Weigh | Sleigh | Eight | Freight | Weight |
Notice that whenever you pronounce these words you’ll hear a sharp ‘a’ sound that is why they are called Long ‘a’ vowel words.
We hope you have found this post useful for your child. Practice sounding out these words to help your child build his/her phonics skills.
Keep exploring EnglishBix to find more resources related to Elementary Grades.
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Phonetic analysis of the word. What it is? How to do it? Examples
What is phonetic analysis
Phonetic , or sound-alphabetic, word analysis is an analysis of the sounds and letters that make up this word.
There are 33 letters in Russian, from which we compose words and write them down on paper. When we pronounce a word, we hear sounds - this is how the letters in its composition sound. In some words, the same letter can mean two sounds at the same time or not sound at all. This is where sound-letter analysis comes in handy: it is needed so that we can analyze sounds and letters, write correctly, and also pronounce words.
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How is the phonetic parsing of a word done?
Full transcription of the word.
Vowel sounds: stressed or unstressed, which letter is indicated.
Consonants: voiced, sonorous or voiceless, paired or unpaired; hard or soft, paired or unpaired; which letter is indicated.
The total number of letters and sounds.
You can disassemble words by sounds and letters orally or in writing. These methods are slightly different from each other, so let's consider each one separately. We write down the word and all the sounds that are included in it.
Syllables and stress. We count and write down the number of syllables in a word, we denote the one on which the stress falls.
Sounds. From the next line in a column, we rewrite all the letters in the order in which they appear in the word. Opposite each of them we record the sound and enclose it in square brackets.
Vowel sounds. Next to each vowel we write whether it is stressed or unstressed. And then we indicate what letter it is designated.
Consonants. Next to each consonant, indicate whether it is voiced or voiceless. Further - paired or unpaired in deafness-sonority. After that, we write, hard or soft sound, and then - paired or unpaired in terms of softness-hardness. At the end, you need to indicate which letter denotes the sound.
Number of letters, sounds. We count and write down the number of letters and sounds in a word.
Now let's use this algorithm with examples.
Example No. 1. Written phonetic analysis of the verb search
Search [abysk'ivat'] - 4 syllables, 2nd stressed.
o - [a] - ch., unstressed.
b - [b] - acc., sound. couple, tv par.
s - [s] - ch., shock.
s - [s] - acc., deaf. couple, tv par.
k - [k'] - acc. , deaf. steam, soft par.
and - [and] - Ch., unstressed.
c - [c] - acc., sound. couple, tv par.
a - [a] - Ch., unstressed.
t - [t'] - acc., deaf. steam, soft par.
b — [–]
10 points, 9 stars
Example No. 2. Written phonetic analysis of the adjective spring
Spring [v'is'en':y'] - 3 syllables, 2nd stressed.
in - [in '] - acc., sound. steam, soft par.
e - [i] - gl., unstressed.
s - [s'] - acc., deaf. steam, soft par.
e - [e] - ch., percussion.
n - [n':] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, soft par.
and - [and] - Ch., unstressed.
th - [th'] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, soft unpaired
8 points, 7 stars
Example No. 3. Written phonetic analysis of a noun professor
Professor [praf'es:ar] - 3 syllables, 2nd stressed.
p - [n] - acc., deaf. couple, tv par.
r - [r] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, tv. par.
o - [a] - ch., unstressed.
f - [f'] - acc., deaf. steam, soft par.
e - [e] - ch., percussion.
s - [s:] - acc., deaf. couple, tv par.
o - [a] - ch., unstressed.
r - [r] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, tv. par.
9 points, 8 stars
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Sample oral phonetic analysis
If you need to do sound-letter analysis orally, follow this algorithm:
Syllables and stress.
Count and name the number of syllables in a word, indicate the one that is stressed.
Vowel sounds. Name the vowels in the order in which they sound in the word. For each of them, determine whether it is percussion or unstressed. Then specify the letters with which they are indicated.
Consonants. For each of the consonants, determine whether it is voiced or voiceless, and then - paired or unpaired according to deafness-voicedness. After that, establish whether the sound is hard or soft, as well as paired or unpaired in terms of softness-hardness. At the end of the analysis of each of the consonants, specify which letter it is designated in the word.
Number of letters, sounds. Count and name the number of letters and sounds in a word.
Let's practice oral phonetic analysis on the example of the same words that we have analyzed above.
Example No. 1. Oral phonetic analysis of the verb search
2. Vowels:
first - unstressed [a], marked with the letter about ;
second - shock [s], designated by the letter s ;
third - unstressed [and], marked with the letter and ;
fourth - unstressed [a], designated by the letter a .
3. Consonants:
[b] - voiced double, solid double, marked with the letter b ;
[s] - deaf double, solid double, marked with the letter from ;
[k'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter to ;
[c] - voiced double, hard double, marked with the letter in ;
[t'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter t ;
letter ь does not represent sound.
4. In the word search 10 letters and 9 sounds.
Example No. 2. Oral phonetic analysis of the adjective spring
2. Vowels:
the first is unstressed [i], marked with the letter e ;
second - shock [e], marked with the letter e ;
third - unstressed [and], marked with the letter and .
3. Consonants:
[v'] - voiced double, soft double, marked with the letter in ;
[s'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter from ;
[n'] - voiced unpaired (sonor), soft paired, marked with the letter n . The second n does not form a sound in a word;
[d'] - voiced unpaired (sonor), solid unpaired, marked with the letter and .
4. The word spring has 8 letters and 7 sounds.
Example No. 3. Oral phonetic analysis of the noun professor
2. Vowels:
first - unstressed [a], marked with the letter about ;
second - shock [e], marked with the letter e ;
the third is unstressed [a], designated by the letter o .
3. Consonants:
[p] - deaf double, hard double, marked with the letter p ;
[p] - voiced unpaired (sonor), solid paired, marked with the letter p ;
[f'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter f ;
[s] - deaf double, solid double, marked with the letter with . The second from does not form a sound in a word;
[p] - voiced unpaired (sonor), solid paired, marked with the letter p .
4. The word professor has 9 letters and 8 sounds.
Test yourself
Let's find out how well you understand what phonetic parsing is. Below you will find three tasks with which you can practice this skill.
Task 1
Disassemble the following words according to their sound composition: busy, guest, vacancy, pronounce, speaking.
Task 2
Perform oral phonetic analysis of words: box, hospital, go, union, marine.
Task 3
Read the short text below and make a written phonetic analysis of all the nouns in it.
We wandered in the forest in spring and observed the life of hollow birds: woodpeckers, owls. Suddenly, in the direction where we had previously planned an interesting tree, we heard the sound of a saw. It was, we were told, cutting firewood from deadwood for a glass factory.
For the first time, students start doing phonetic analysis of words in the 3rd grade of elementary school. Over time, tasks in the lessons become more complicated, so it is important to understand the topic in time. If after reading this article you still have questions, we invite you to the Skysmart online Russian language school for knowledge. In the classroom, the teacher will tell you what a phonetic (sound-letter) analysis of a word is and how to do it correctly in order to increase the grade at school.
Games and exercises for the development of phonemic hearing and perception
Games and exercises for the development of phonemic hearing and perception
A basic prerequisite for mastering writing is a developed phonemic hearing. Phonemic hearing, the main component of speech perception, is understood as the ability of a person to hear and distinguish between individual phonemes, or sounds in a word, to determine the presence of a sound in a word, their number and sequence. Thus, a child entering school must be able to distinguish individual sounds in a word. For example, if you ask him if there is a sound [m] in the word "lamp", then he must answer in the affirmative.
Why does a child need a good phonemic ear? This is due to the method of teaching reading that exists today at school, based on the sound analysis of the word. It helps us to distinguish between words and forms of words that are similar in sound, and to correctly understand the meaning of what is said. The development of phonemic hearing in children is the key to successful learning to read and write, and in the future - to foreign languages.
By the age of five, children are able to determine by ear the presence or absence of a particular sound in a word, they can independently select words for given sounds, if, of course, preliminary work was carried out with them.
How can phonemic awareness be developed in a child? The best way to do this is in the game. Many games for the development of phonemic processes are of a combined nature, which is expressed not only in the enrichment of the dictionary, but also in the activation of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, motor skills). I bring to your attention games that allow you to teach your child to listen to the sounds of speech in an interesting way.
- Game "Catch the right sound with a clap."
Instructions: If you hear the [k] sound in a word, clap your hands. Words: [K] wounds, pestilence [K] ov, hut, boots [K].
The same with any other sounds:
Sh - cat, hat, mask, pillow; C – dog, paints, horse, socks, nose…
R – hands, paws, Motherland, shelf, mug…; L - shovel, bark, words, pilaf ...
- The game "Come up with words for a given sound."
To begin with, it is better to give only vowel sounds (a, o, u, i) - watermelon, hoop, snail, needle, etc.
Then consonants (p, s, w, l, n, b, etc.)
- The game "Determine the place of the sound in the word."
Determine where: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word we hear the sound [K] in the words: mole, carrot, fist, sock. . .
Ш - hat, cat, shower; C - sun, paste, nose; H - teapot, bump, night; U - brush, puppy, help; L - moon, shelf, chair; P - locomotive, steam, rose; P - floor, foot, stop; K - falcon, varnish, roof, etc.
- Repetition of chains of syllables.
Syllables are given with different voice power, intonation. (sa-SHA-sa), (for-for-SA). Syllables can be set with any oppositional sounds, for example, s-sh, sh-zh, l-r, p-b, t-d, k-g, v-f (i.e. deaf-voiced, hard soft, whistling - hissing). Make sure that the child does not change the sequence in the chains. If it is difficult for him to repeat three syllables, give two syllables first: sa-sha, sha-sa,
sa-za, za-sa, la-ra, ra-la, sha-sha, sha-sha, etc. .
Examples of syllable chains:
Sa-za-za, za-za-sa, sa-za-sa, za-sa-za
Sa-sha-sha, sha-sha-sa, sa-sha -sa, sha-sa-sha
La-ra-ra, ra-la-la, ra-la-ra, la-ra-la
Sha-cha-cha, sha-cha-sha, cha-sha -sha, sha-sha-sha
Za-zha-zha, zha-za-za, za-zha-za, zha-za-zha (Similarly with other pairs of sounds)
- Slap syllables with sound "B" in the palms, and with the sound "P" on the knees (ba-pu-bo-po).
The same with sounds, for example, s-sh, sh-zh, k-g, t-d, r-l, ch-sh, etc.
- Say the word with sound "B": duck - bow - whale; "P": bank - stick - squirrel. Those. three words are given, among which only one with a given sound.
- Game "Who is more attentive".
An adult shows pictures and names them (it is possible without pictures). The child listens attentively and guesses what common sound is found in all the named words.
For example, in the words goat, jellyfish, rose, forget-me-not, dragonfly, the common sound is “З”. Do not forget that you need to pronounce this sound in words for a long time, highlighting it with your voice as much as possible.
- Guess the word game.
An adult pronounces a word with pauses between sounds, the child must name the whole word.
First, words of 3, 4 sounds are given, if the child copes, then it can be more difficult - from 2-3 syllables, with a confluence of consonants.
For example:
s-u-p, k-o-t, r-o-t, n-o-s, p-a-r, d-a-r, l-a-k, t- o-k, l-o-k, s-s-r, s-o-k, s-o-m, f-o-k, h-a-s
r-o-s-a, k -a-sh-a, D-a-sh-a, l-u-zh-a, sh-u-b-a, m-a-m-a, r-a-m-a, v-a -t-a, l-a-p-a, n-o-t-s, sh-a-r-s
p-a-s-t-a, l-a-p-sh-a, l-a-s-t-s, k-o-s-t, m-o-s-t, t- o-r-t, k-r-o-t, l-a-s-k-a, p-a-r-k, i-g-r-a, etc.
- Say all the sounds in the word in order. We start with short words, for example: HOME - d, o, m
- Extra Four Game
For the game, you will need four pictures with the image of objects, three of which contain the specified sound in the name, and one does not. The adult lays them out in front of the child and offers to determine which picture is superfluous and why. The set can be varied, for example: a cup, glasses, a cloud, a bridge; bear, bowl, dog, chalk; road, board, oak, shoes. If the child does not understand the task, then ask him leading questions, ask him to carefully listen to the sounds in the words. An adult can highlight the identified sound with his voice. As a variant of the game, you can select words with different syllabic structures (3 three-syllable words, and one two-syllable), different stressed syllables. The task helps to develop not only phonemic perception, but also attention, logical thinking.
- Throwing the ball game “One hundred questions - one hundred answers with the letter A (I, B ...) - and only with this one.
Throw the ball to the child and ask him a question. Returning the ball to an adult, the child must answer the question so that all the words of the answer begin with a given sound, for example, with the sound [I].
-What's your name?
- Ira.
- What's your last name?
- Ivanova.
-Where did you come from?
-From Irkutsk
-What grows there?
- Fig.
- Word chain game
This game is an analogue of the well-known "cities". It consists in the fact that the next player comes up with his own word to the last sound of the word given by the previous player. A chain of words is formed: stork - plate - watermelon. Remembered?
- Let's fix the broken phone game
It is best to play with three or even more people. The exercise is a modification of the famous game "Broken Phone". The first participant quietly and not very clearly pronounces a certain word in his neighbor's ear. He repeats what he heard in the ear of the next participant. The game continues until everyone has passed the word "on the phone".
The last participant must say it out loud. Everyone is surprised, because, as a rule, the word is noticeably different from those transmitted by the rest of the participants. But the game doesn't end there. It is necessary to restore the first word, naming in turn all the differences that have “accumulated” as a result of a phone breakdown. An adult should carefully monitor that the differences, distortions are reproduced by the child correctly.
- Make no mistake game.
An adult shows a picture to a child and loudly and clearly calls the picture: “Carriage”. Then he explains: “I will name this picture either correctly or incorrectly, and you listen carefully. When I make a mistake, clap your hands." Then he says: "Wagon - vakon - fagon - wagon." Then the adult shows the next picture or a blank sheet of paper and calls: "Paper - pumaga - tumaga - pumaka - bumaka." The game is very popular with children and is fun.
It must be emphasized that it is necessary to start with words that are simple in sound composition, and gradually move on to complex ones.
- The game “Be careful” An adult lays out pictures in front of a child, the names of which sound very similar, for example: cancer, varnish, poppy, tank, juice, bough, house, lump, scrap, catfish, goat, scythe, puddle, ski.
Then he calls 3-4 words, and the child selects the corresponding pictures and arranges them in the named order (in one line or in a column - according to your instructions).
- Game “Pick up by sound ” An adult puts the following pictures in one line: lump, tank, bough, branch, ice rink, slide. Then, giving the child one picture at a time, he asks to put it under the one whose name sounds similar. As a result, you should get approximately the following rows of pictures: clod bak bough branch skating rink slide house crayfish onion cage scarf crust catfish poppy beetle heel leaf mink scrap lacquer beech lash skein mark
- SHOP game
Games to highlight the sound on the background of the word.
Task: Dunno went to the store for fruit, came to the store, but forgot the name of the fruit. Help Dunno buy fruits that have the sound [l'] in their names. Subject pictures are exhibited on the typesetting canvas: apples, oranges, pears, tangerines, plums, lemons, grapes.
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