The sky is falling characters
The Story of Chicken Little: The Sky is Falling
© Written by Tasha Guenther and illustrated by Leanne Guenther
Fairy tale based on the original story first collected by Danish librarian Just Mathias Thiele.
There was once a big farm near a vast field, and here there lived a hen named Penny. She was great friends with everyone, and those who knew her gave her many names.
She was a tiny hen. The other chickens in the yard would tease her for her size. They often termed her “Chicken Little.” While Penny surprisingly loved this name, her favorite thing to be called was “Henny-Penny,” given to her by the other fowls that lived nearby. The rhyme was perfect, it was sweet, and she liked it very much.
One morning, as Henny-Penny was plucking worms in the henyard, an acorn dropped from a tree right onto her head! She had no idea what had hit her, however, and so she started shouting:
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”
She ran around in circles for a while, calmed herself, and then got right to waddling—she had to alert the king!
She waddled and waddled and waddled until she found her excellent friend Rooster-Booster.
“What’s the matter, Henny-Penny?” he asked.
“Oh, Rooster-Booster, the sky is falling! The sky is falling! And we must alert the king!” she cried.
“Oh, we must, we must!” he cried back.
Henny-Penny and Rooster-Booster waddled and waddled and waddled until they saw their wonderful pal Ducky-Chucky.
Now, Ducky-Chucky was basking in the sun near the pond’s edge when he noticed the two chickens fast-approaching.
“Henny-Penny, Rooster-Booster: hello! Fine day, isn’t it?” Ducky-Chucky giggled and splashed into the water.
“Oh, Ducky-Chucky, the sky is falling! The sky is falling! And we must alert the king!” Henny-Penny exclaimed.
“Oh, we must, we must!” Rooster-Booster chimed in.
Ducky-Chucky bounded from the pond and joined his friends immediately. As he shook his little webbed feet free of water, he felt the warm sun dry them quickly and wondered how the sky could fall on a warm summer’s day such as this one.
He looked at the concern on his friends’ faces, nevertheless, and shrugged his wonders away.
Henny-Penny, Rooster-Booster, and Ducky-Chucky waddled and waddled and waddled until they met up with the brawny Goosie-Brucie floating with ease at the other end of the pond.
“Oh, Goosie-Brucie,” Henny-Penny began, “the sky is falling! The sky is falling! We must alert the king!”
“Oh, we must, we must!” Rooster-Booster chimed in.
Ducky-Chucky looked back up at the blazing sun and again wondered how the sky could fall on a warm summer’s day such as this one.
Goosie-Brucie wanted to protect his fowl friends, and he wanted to join them on their journey to the nearby palace, but he had a question about the sky above.
“Henny-Penny…” he started. “How do you know the sky is falling?”
“Well, it fell right on my head!” she answered.
Goosie-Brucie puffed his chest feathers instantly and moved right along, shrugging his question away.
Henny-Penny, Rooster-Booster, Ducky-Chucky, and Goosie-Brucie waddled and waddled and waddled until they came to the farm fence. They noticed the eccentric Turkey-Perky pecking on the other side.
“Oh, Turkey-Perky, the sky is falling! The sky is falling! We must alert the king!” Henny-Penny squealed.
“Oh, we must, we must!” Rooster-Booster chimed in.
Again, Ducky-Chucky, now hot as ever and missing his pond, wondered how the sky could fall on a warm summer’s day such as this one.
Goosie-Brucie again asked aloud, “How do we know the sky is falling?”
“It fell right on my head, I say, I say!” Henny-Penny shouted in desperation.
Now, Turkey-Perky stopped pecking and turned to the group:
“Rooster-Booster, did you see the sky fall?”
“No, I did not,” the rooster replied quietly.
“And, Ducky-Chucky, you look strained: how are you feeling?” Turkey-Perky asked.
“Well, I am concerned, I am hot, and I wonder how the sky could be falling on such a beautiful day,” he replied.
“And Goosie-Brucie,” Turkey-Perky turned to the burly bird, “You do not see any sky falling, do you?”
“No, I do not,” the goose responded.
“Ha-ha! Well, then, I will come with you on your merry way, but we’ve all got some doubts, Penny!” the turkey said with glee. He was interested to see where this adventure would go.
Henny-Penny, Rooster-Booster, Ducky-Chucky, Goosie-Brucie, and Turkey-Perky waddled and waddled and waddled until they could see the palace just beyond the farmer’s field.
As they waddled over the last hill of the vast field, they saw a flash of reddish-brown before them. It was Mr. Fox!
None of the fowl friends had met this sly creature before, but they had heard rumors of his trickery and appetite. Henny-Penny and Rooster-Booster were oblivious, though, and desperate to keep moving. Ducky-Chucky suddenly shivered, forgetting the day’s heat, while Goosie-Brucie’s chest became even puffier; Turkey-Perky just stopped and smiled.
“Hello, hello, hello,” cooed the fox.
“Oh, Mr. Fox, the sky is falling! The sky is falling! We must alert the king!” Henny-Penny shouted.
“Oh, we must, we must!” Rooster-Booster chimed in. But the other birds stayed silent.
“Ah, yes, the sky is falling! And I know where the king is!” replied a delighted Mr. Fox. He licked his lips and gestured the birds to follow him past a large tree and back over the hill.
Henny-Penny and Rooster-Booster began to waddle and waddle and waddle in the direction of Mr. Fox. Turkey-Perky whispered something to Ducky-Chucky and Goosie-Brucie, and then the three waddled closely behind the rest.
As Mr. Fox led Henny-Penny and Rooster-Booster into a hole in the hill just under the tree, Ducky-Chucky bounded into action. There was a small patch of water beside the opening, and the duck giggled with delight as he splashed his feet loudly.
Rooster-Booster and Mr. Fox re-emerged from the hole, suddenly distracted by all the quacking and splashing. Goosie-Brucie looked at Turkey-Perky, who gave him the signal, and stood right under the tree over the hole. The goose puffed his chest out as hard as he could muster and bumped the trunk, causing the tree to shake. Several acorns fell, covering the hole and hitting Mr. Fox, knocking him out cold. Turkey-Perky pecked and pecked and pecked up the acorns until there was just enough room for the tiny hen to escape out of the hole. “Chicken Little” indeed! By now, she had seen the acorns collapse and knew what had fallen on her head earlier.
Henny-Penny, Rooster-Booster, Ducky-Chucky, Goosie-Brucie, and Turkey-Perky waddled and waddled and waddled back home to safety. Henny-Penny hugged her fowl friends and kissed Turkey-Perky on the cheek, grateful that the fox had not eaten them—and that the world was not ending! Instead, they all lived happily ever after.
Printable version of this story
My name is Tasha Guenther. I currently live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, while I finish my Ph.D. in Cultural Studies with a concentration in digital cultures at McMaster University. I am an avid academic essay/book chapter writer, but I also enjoy writing short stories and non-fiction pieces. You can read more of my DLTKsCrafts work here!
Alongside my learning, studying, and thinking about digital platforms and critical theory, I appreciate long conversations with close friends, reading poetry, and taking photos of my cat. Learn more about me here or connect with me on my Instagram, Twitter, VSCO, and Facebook accounts.
Chicken Little
None In this story, Chicken Little and her friends think the sky is falling! They rush off to tell the king, but will sly Foxy Woxy lead them astray? Poor Chicken Little! After getting bonked on the head with an acorn, she's convinced the sky is falling.
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Chicken Little
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Full Text
One day Chicken Little was playing in the yard when, whack!, an acorn hit her on the head. “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” she said. “I have to tell Cocky Locky.” “Cocky Locky! Cocky Locky! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Cocky Locky said, “It is? Well then, we have to tell Ducky Daddles!” “Ducky Daddles! Ducky Daddles! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Ducky Daddles said, “It is? Well then, we have to tell Goosey Poosey!” “Goosey Poosey! Goosey Poosey! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Goosey Poosey said, “It is? Well then, we have to tell Turkey Lurkey!” “Turkey Lurkey! Turkey Lurkey! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Turkey Lurkey said, “It is? Well then, we have to tell the king!” But on the way to tell the king, they met Foxy Woxy. “Foxy Woxy! Foxy Woxy! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We have to tell the king!” Foxy Woxy said, “I can help! Follow me! I know a shortcut to the king. ” Foxy Woxy led Chicken Little, Cocky Locky, Ducky Daddles, Goosey Poosey, and Turkey Lurkey right to his den. He licked his lips and said, “Step inside to see the king.” “Tricky Foxy Woxy! The king is not in there!” they shouted and ran away as fast as they could. At last they arrived at the castle. “King! King! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! A piece of it fell on my head!” “The sky is not falling. An acorn fell on your head,” the king chuckled as he plucked the acorn from Chicken Little’s head. And so Turkey Lurkey, Goosey Poosey, Ducky Daddles, Cocky Locky, and Chicken Little went back home. “Whew! The sky is NOT falling!”
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Mystery solved. Why an anvil falls in American cartoons and everyone slips on a banana peel an anvil from the sky and why everyone there runs after each other with a cut water pipe.

Photo: MedialeaksMedialeaks
Aleksey Zamsky, screenwriter of the Igor Grom comic book series (a continuation of Major Grom), posted a thread on his Twitter account that went viral in just a few minutes. The thing is that the author revealed three secrets of American cinema that worried so many social network users in childhood.
Video of the Day
Alexey Zamskiy
Original Three of the most common cartoon moments I don't understand are banana peel slips, an anvil character falling from the sky, and someone chasing someone with a cut water pipe. All of them turned out to be explainable, but not in the way I expected.Original
Let's start from the end: everyone remembers how in the old cartoons Tom and Jerry had a water pipe in their paws.
Moreover, this trope has taken root so much that the pipe has become a common weapon not only in cartoons. For example, it appears in almost every game in the Silent Hill series as an improvised, but powerful enough weapon.
Zamsky found the simplest explanation for the trumpet.
Alexey Zamskiy
Original It turned out to be the easiest thing with a pipe - why suddenly a pipe? And just one of the Warner brothers once chased the other (they had a rich relationship) on the set with such a pipe. And the first appearance of this scene in the cartoon is an “inside joke” of those who knew the joke itself.Original
The Warner family emigrated to the USA from the Russian Empire from the territory of the modern Vitebsk region. The four Warner brothers - Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack - opened the Warner Bros. studio in 1918. Studio and at first got along well, but closer to old age they began to get weird. Jack often abandoned business for the sake of holidays in France and quarreled a lot with Harry, because of which the position of the company began to deteriorate.
According to eyewitnesses, when Jack secretly made a particularly bad deal, Harry ran after him around the office with a piece of water pipe and yelled:
I'll kill you for this, you son of a bitch!
Then the author of the thread moved on to the question of the banana peel. One would assume she was chosen by the cartoon creators because she is slippery. But everything turned out to be a little more complicated.
Alexey Zamskiy
People slip on a banana peel not because it is slippery (it's just relatively difficult), but because it is everywhere. At the beginning of the last century, banana peels were EVERYWHERE in New York City, because in the pre-cold era it was the most common type of fast food. Original
Alexey Zamskiy
Banana does not need to be put on ice, it does not need to be cooked, it naturally has convenient packaging and is easy to transport. Initially, gag meant "to slip on a super-common object", that is, "how unlucky!" Original
Indeed, in the 1900s, bananas were actively promoted as fast food in the USA. Moreover, the companies involved in the sale of this fruit had to compete with the sellers of apples growing much closer. To do this, it was necessary to sell them at a similar price, and the owners of the companies often put pressure on the governments of Latin American countries from where their product was imported.
But one can argue with Zamsky about the fact that because of the peel it is difficult to just fall. TV Tropes, an encyclopedia of movie tropes, says that before the laws on garbage were passed, banana peels were not only lying around, but also starting to rot. And on a not very fresh banana skin, slipping is already quite real.
And finally, the anvil. This is a strange and very heavy object that falls from heaven on the head of a gaping cartoon character.
Alexey Zamskiy
And for dessert, of course, anvils. Now, there are MANY deaths from an anvil falling from the sky. Because America has always loved fireworks, but not always knew how to make them. Original
Alexey Zamskiy
So, instead of fireworks, they put one anvil on top of another, poured black powder into the recess in the support - and oops, two broads for the price of one! The first, when gunpowder slams, the second, when the anvil flies back and slams on the ground. But she flew where she had to, of course. People died. Original
This is a turn. The phrase anvil firing (which can be translated as "anvil firing" and as "anvil shot") in the UK refers to the process of testing a new anvil, when it is sprinkled with gunpowder and set on fire to test for strength. But in the USA, this is exactly what Zamsky wrote about. Moreover, some enthusiasts continue the glorious tradition to this day. In September 2011, the Science Channel even aired a show about it - Flying Anvils ("Flying Anvils").
However, this does not compare to the grandeur of the anvil fireworks that were staged in the 1860s. The author of the thread himself told about one such event.
Alexey Zamskiy
Original Digression: when the status of the capital and the only cannon was taken from the former capital of British Columbia, they had to launch 21 anvils into the sky instead of a 21-shot salute for the holidays. Is there anything in the world as majestic.Original
In general, Zamsky's tweets in many ways open your eyes to life. However, in general, a lot of interesting threads are published on Twitter. One of them not only entertains, but also proves that humanity has not yet lost everything.
And even more good and useful threads, unexpected facts and funny videos you will find on our telegram channel.
Dystopia in The Sims 3 Forward to the Future Expansion Pack
The article about Utopia in The Sims 3 Into the Future is posted here, and we continue with the Dystopia article.
First, call Emit Relewart. When he appears, in the relationship with him, you should choose option Time traveler , and in it sub-option - Help fix the Future
Completing this quest will not only change the Future, but also start a chain of adventures in Dystopia, and also add another point of the Advanced Technology skill (hereinafter referred to as simply AT) to your character. At Base should be Replace dew sample .
After staying in the Base for several sim hours, your character will return to Emit again. Now an option will appear in the relationship: Change Future to Dystopian . At the same time, Emit Relevart will again give the task. You will need to use Meteor magnet 3 times .
This magnet will appear in your character's backpack as soon as the player accepts the Future Guide quest. Next, a chain of various tasks will follow again, during which the Character will acquire PT skill points.
None of these tasks should be abandoned, they are not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. In case of refusal, the entire chain leading to the change of the Future to Dystopia will be interrupted.
Let's consider some of the tasks in more detail:
After three objects are attracted from the Cosmos - usually these are stones, the task will follow: Attend a meeting.
If you accept this quest, you can simply press a button to send your character to the Town Hall.
At the end of the meeting, which will last for several sim hours, without leaving the Town Hall, your character will receive a new task. Namely - Convince six characters that the sky is falling.
Completing this quest will earn another AT skill point. The character himself will also firmly believe in it, issuing the corresponding moodlet
It will take time to complete the task, because not everyone you meet from the very first minute of the conversation will allow himself to be convinced of the fall of the sky. Some will require you to make friends first. Not only the inhabitants of the neighborhood, but even Emit Relewart himself can be convinced of the fall of the sky. But, for example, in relationships with a younger student, there is simply no such option. This option is present only in relationships with adults.
Upon completion of this task, a window with the next task will appear - you do not even need to return to Emit Relewart. Here your character must with six of his tribesmen Scolding the environment . But there will be no reward for completing this task again.
Still, there is no need to refuse, in order to avoid breaking the chain of interesting adventures. And you also need to be prepared for the fact that not everyone you meet is capable of such “swearing”. For example, characters with the character trait Loves nature are simply not capable of such blasphemy.
Only characters with negative character traits will scold the environment. Due to this circumstance, it will take some time to complete the task. And again, in a relationship with a younger student, this option will not be available.
Once your character completes this quest, there is no need to return to the Future Guide. Emit Relewart himself will appear nearby, as if from under the ground. Even if it is not on a residential area, but, for example, in a park.
This is the end of the initial adventure. Here, even the Guide to the Future itself will be outraged by the arranged chaos.
Now your character's task: after returning home - if he is somewhere on a public lot - go to the Landing Oasis and see what happened there. This time you can visit the Oasis on your own, without calling Emit for this. The Sim must simply step into the area between the arcs of the Portal.
Unlike a flourishing Utopia, an Oasis in Dystopia will look rather depressing. Not a trace of Utopian beauty remained.
Trees stand as if burnt, all over the territory of the Landing Oasis, here and there heaps of garbage of different sizes are lying around. Huge, in which you can rummage, jump, play.
Rummaging through such heaps is also useful. You can find not only valuables, but even pieces of furniture.
Jumping in the trash and playing with the trash only slightly green up the scale Leisure , and slightly redden the scale Hygiene . There are no negative moodlets for the Sim. But more often there will be small piles, they have only one option Remove.
If a Sim has at least one nanite in their backpack, the option Purify with nanites will appear.
If there is not one, but several nanites in the backpack, a sign will appear with the possibility of choosing them: After that, running up to a garbage pile of any size, the Sim will wave his hands, and the pile will instantly disappear.
However, it is not necessary to take out the trash. There are a lot of such heaps and heaps scattered around the city. Your character will simply not be able to remove them all.
It is dangerous to be in the city - you can die from a fallen meteorite, from a lightning strike or from a fire. To protect yourself from the fall of space bodies, you can go to the Observatory and set up a protective grid over the city.
To protect the city from falling cosmic bodies, your character must take precious stones and metals to the Observatory. After completing the task, a protective grid will cover the city, and the "Protection" moodlet will be obtained, which lasts 24 hours and protects the city from meteorites for a day.
In the Dystopian Future, geysers can be found in the ground. You can stumble upon them purely by accident. And you can ask him in communication with Emit Tell about Dystopia. But this way may not lead to geysers ( we will tell about geysers below ). It will only allow the player, having led his character through interesting adventures, to get acquainted with all the features of the Dystopian Future.
But back to Emit. Instead of answering your character's request, the Future Explorer will send him to the Observatory Archives, with a final warning to be careful when exploring the Oasis.
After spending a few Sim hours inside the Observatory, when leaving the room, the Sim will receive the following task from Emit. Namely Dig into the excavations of the Wasteland.
Emit does not promise a reward for this work, but there is still no need to refuse, because we must pass all the tests in order to return the Oasis to its usual form again.
The first mound that is most likely to contain a Key Fragment will cause a Sim to develop a disease. But Emit Relevart will immediately come to the rescue, giving the task to get Treatment in the hospital.
Again there will be no reward. But a visit to the hospital is simply necessary, because the Sim has nausea from nowhere. This will be indicated by the moodlet. Upon leaving the hospital, the Sim will immediately receive a new task, which will again return him to the Wasteland, to the abandoned excavations. Now you need to collect and put together all the fragments of the key.
Helpful Hint: before you go looking, you need to look in the Sim's backpack, perhaps the required fragments are already available. Then it is not at all necessary to go to the excavations, it is enough to add the key fragments by clicking on the appropriate option.
After all the fragments are collected, Emit will ask you to make a key out of them and use the key to open the mysterious door to the broken ship. As soon as the Sim enters the wrecked ship, his task 9 will follow0078 to explore, and return to the Time Traveler.
The Sim doesn't even have to go down into the ship. As soon as the player accepts this task for execution, a button immediately appears that allows you to return the Sim to Emit.
Press it. After meeting up with Emit, the Sim listens to 's request to report what they saw inside the ship. But there are no corresponding options in the relationship. In the future, the sim is left to itself.
If the adventure chain ends here, select option Time Traveler in your character's relationship with Emit. There is a sub-option there: Help with research . When pressed, your Sim receives the next task from Emit.
A chain of small tasks will follow, the goal will be to find Skippy. The Sim will run around the Landing Oasis area until they finally catch three nanites.
Helpful Tip: In order to reduce the time when moving, it is best to purchase a jetpack in buy mode and move the Sim with it, and to catch nanites faster, it is better to use the Collector's Assistant (if, of course, you already have 40 thousand happiness points ). Nanite bought in Bottorga will not count. Only those caught in the wild count.
But back to the geysers. They can be explored by pressing option explore geyser
This is the option we need. If you press it, your character will descend into the crater. At the same time, a fiery tongue or a water column can rise from the crater.
A very beautiful sight. Especially in total darkness. There is no need to be scared, nothing will happen to your character. But if the fire blazes, the burns moodlet will appear. A Sim will crawl out of the ground all as if burned. At the same time, a sign will appear in the upper right corner:
If the water column beats, then its color will change to greenish.
9000 a sign will appear like this:
At the same time, there will also be a dizziness of
Other side effects of geysers can be “ Nast Lenigations ” and “ lightning magnet ”. If the first effect is completely harmless, then during the second effect there is a chance that lightning will often hit your character.
Exclusively in Dystopia, Sims can develop the hidden bug eating skill. To do this, you need to either catch an insect, or have it in your Sim's backpack (Insects in the backpack may remain if the Sim has previously caught them in the Utopian Future) . The insect in the backpack will have the option to eat.
The first time a Sim puts an insect in their mouth, they will most likely spit it out. One way or another, but the moodlet will still appear.
After tasting this food, Sims will enjoy eating bugs, as shown by the moodlet. Having mastered this "skill", the Sim can eat bugs anywhere and at any time.
Mutant fish with three eyes lives in green toxic water!
You can find it in the water, in those places where heaps of garbage float, and this fish is caught on an apple.
A fruiting apple tree can also be found in the Dystopian Oasis, it is not necessary to return the Sim to the Home Neighborhood.