Verb for every letter of the alphabet
Verbs Alphabet Orders: List of Verbs Alphabet Orders in English | Verbs In Alphabet Order A | English Grammar Verbs
- a
- b
- c
- d
- e
- f
- g
- h
- i
- j
- k
- l
- m
- n
- o
- p
- q
- r
- s
- t
- u
- v
- w
- x
- y
- z
Regular verbs, Irregular verbs, Unchanging verbs in all forms listed by alphabet orders.
Present Tense | Past Tense | Past Participle | Present Participle |
abandon | abandoned | abandoned | abandoning |
abase | abased | abased | abasing |
abash | abashed | abashed | abashing |
abate | abated | abated | abating |
abbreviate | abbreviated | abbrivated | abbreviating |
abdicate | abdicated | abdicated | abdicating |
abduct | abducted | abducted | abducting |
abet | abetted | abetted | abetting |
abhor | abhorred | abhorred | abhorring |
abide | abided | abided | abiding |
abjure | abjured | abjured | abjuring |
abnegate | abnegated | abnegated | abnegating |
abolish | abolished | abolished | abolishing |
abominate | abominated | abominated | abominating |
abound | abounded | abounded | abounding |
abridge | abridged | abridged | abridging |
abrogate | abrogated | abrogated | abrogating |
abscond | absconded | absconded | absconding |
absent | absented | absented | absenting |
absolve | absolved | absolved | absolving |
absorb | absorbed | absorbed | absorbing |
abstain | abstained | abstained | abstraining |
abuse | abused | abused | abusing |
abuse | abused | abused | abusing |
abut | abutted | abutted | abutting |
accede | acceded | acceded | acceding |
accelerate | accelerated | accelerated | accelerating |
accentuate | accentuated | accentuated | accentuating |
accept | accepted | accepted | accepting |
acclaim | acclaimed | acclaimed | acclaiming |
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Verbs That Start With X, Y and Z
Verbs That Start With XYZ
Aleksandra Nekrasova / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Used under Getty Images license
What's the definition of a verb? Well, it has so many facets that the best we can say at a short glance is that it's a word that carries out the action of a sentence. Of course, verbs also do other things like help other verbs and link other components of a sentence together. But, by and large, they're the action-givers of a sentence. Explore some of the most popular verbs that start with "x," "y" and "z," then learn a bit more about the function of this all-important part of speech.
24 Verbs Starting With X, Y and Z
While there aren't a lot of verbs that begin with the last three letters of the alphabet, the English language does include more than just a few. Review a total of two dozen verbs that start with "x,' "y" and "z," along with a short definition and some synonyms that can be substituted for each one.
Verb | Definition | Synonyms |
x-ray | to photograph the internal make-up of something using electromagnetic radiation | radiograph, take a picture of the inside |
xerox | to make a paper copy with office equipment | photocopy, duplicate, reproduce |
yak | to talk a lot about nothing of importance | babble, blather, chat |
yammer | to talk on and on | babble, chatter, yap |
yank | to pull sharply | jerk, pluck, wrench |
yap | to make a sharp, shrill bark | yelp, yip, woof |
yawn | to open one's mouth widely and breathe in | gape, gaping |
yearn | to desire something strongly | crave, desire, hanker |
yell | to raise your voice and shout | bawl, bellow, scream |
yellow | to become yellow, often due to age | tinge, age, turn |
yelp | to utter a short, sharp cry or bark | yip, squeal, shriek |
yield | to give in | acquiesce, submit, acquiesce |
yip | to emit a yelp | bleat, screech, yap |
yodel | to sing or call with abrupt alternating changes between ordinary register and falsetto | warble, descant, quaver |
yoke | to join together | bond, attach, secure |
yowl | to utter a long, mournful cry | bawl, bay, wail |
zap | to hit something with a vigorous strike | bash, slam, thwack |
zero-in | to concentrate directly on a target | focus, fixate, hone-in |
zest | to remove small pieces from the rind of a citrus fruit for flavoring | flavor, season, grate |
zigzag | to move in a pattern on a line with sharp turns and angles | twist, cross-cross, snake |
zip | to move quickly | dash, hurry, zoom |
zone | to divide an area for a certain purpose | partition, carve, cut |
zonk-out | to fall asleep suddenly | blackout, pass out, crash |
zoom | to move quickly | buzz, dash, whiz |
Types of Verbs
English verbs that start with "x," "y" and "z" are action verbs, which means that they are used to indicate the sentence's action. However, you may find yourself needing to use a helping verb to extend the meaning of a main verb that begins with one of these letters. You may even come across or write some sentences that have other types of words that start with these letters that simply need to be linked to another word. Fortunately, there are a few different types of verbs.
- Action verbs are, by far, the most common verb type. If you are with someone who yammers on and on, you just might find yourself needing to yawn. These terms are examples of action verbs that start with "y." They're performing specific actions.
- Helping verbs are used quite often. They work in conjunction with a main verb to extend its meaning. While there aren't any "x," "y" or "z" helping verbs, these words can be paired with main (action) verbs that start with this letter. For example, "Yanni is yodeling." Here, the helping verb (is) is paired with yodeling.
- Linking verbs are a little different. They don't describe any action, so don't have to be paired with a main verb. These verbs link the subject of the sentence to additional information. Linking verbs are often "to be" verbs (is, are, were). An example would be, "Zane and Zuzu are zebras."
10 Example Sentences
Why not try to use more verbs from the end of the alphabet in your conversations or writing? You can find ways to fit them in. Consider the formula for a simple sentence: subject + verb + direct object. In the sentence, "Xavier xeroxed many copies," "Xavier" is the subject, "xeroxed" is the verb, and "many copies" is the direct object. Review a few more sample sentences for inspiration.
- Please x-ray his right shoulder.
- Why does he yak all the time?
- Yank that loose thread off my skirt.
- Don't yawn during practice.
- I yearn for brighter days.
- We watched his eyes yellow from jaundice.
- The young married couple must yoke themselves together.
- They watched the yellow Ferrari zigzag up the road.
- When are they going to zone the land for our house?
- Please zoom in on those foolish children.
Valiant Verbs
Verbs are a pretty valiant bunch, aren't they? They have the strength to carry the subject of the sentence to full fruition. If you're just joining YourDictionary's verb series at the end, start back at the beginning with verbs that start with "a." Or, don't stop with just verbs. Explore words from other parts of speech that start with the letters at the end of the alphabet. Use the word list tool on WordFinder by YourDictionary to explore words that start with "x." Then, move on to words that begin with "y." Finally, consider terms that start with "z. " May your newly strengthened vocabulary and love of English language learning carry you on some epic journeys.
Basic Hindi verbs. Frequently used verbs of the Indian language
This page contains the main verbs of Hindi with translation into Russian. Verbs are an important part of learning any language because every minute we perform actions, simple and complex. Make a plan for learning the verbs from this list and in a month you will know all the commonly used Hindi verbs.
Take in Hindi
लेना (lēnā | lana)
Wake up in Hindi
जगाना jagana | jagana
Be in Hindi
होना hōnā | hona
Believe in Hindi
विश्वास करना viśvās karnā | viswas karna
See in Hindi
देखना dēkhnā | dekhna
Include in Hindi
समावेश करना samāvēś karnā | samavesh karna
Turn on the light in Hindi
बत्ती जलाना battī jalānā | batty jalana
worry in Hindi
उत्तेजित होना uttējit hōnā | utajit hona
Meet in Hindi
मिलना milnā | milna
Turn off in Hindi
बंद करना band karnā | gang karna
Speak Hindi
बोलना bōlnā | bolna
Cooking in Hindi
पकाना pakānā | pakana
walk in hindi
चलना chalnā | chalna
Give in Hindi
देना dēnā | dena
Give in Hindi
उपहार देना upahār dēnā | upahar dena
Do in Hindi
करना karnā | karna
Add in Hindi
जोड़ना jōṛnā | jodna
trust in hindi
भरोसा करना bharōsā karnā | bharosa karna
think in hindi
सोचना sōchnā | juicy
wait in hindi
pratīkṣā karnā | pratiksha karna
wish in hindi
इच्छा करना ichchhā karnā | icchha karna
Marry Hindi
शादी करना śādī karnā | shadi karna
live (somewhere), live in Hindi
रहना rahnā | rehna
Call in Hindi
फ़ोन करना fōn karnā | von karna
Know in Hindi
जानना jānnā | gianna
Mean in Hindi
मतलब होना matlab hōnā | matlab hona
Go Hindi
जाना jānā | jana
Have in Hindi
रखना rakhnā | rakkhna
Search in Hindi
खोजना khōjnā | khojna
Put in Hindi
लगाना lagānā | lagana
Feed in Hindi
खिलाना khilānā | khilana
Eat, eat in Hindi
खाना khānā | khana
fly in hindi
उड़ना uṛnā | udna
love in hindi
प्यार करना pyār karnā | pyr karna
Change to Hindi
बदलना badalnā | badalna
Moch in Hindi
सकना saknā | sakna
wash in hindi
धोना dhōnā | dhona
Start in Hindi
शुरू करना śurū karnā | shuru karna
Wear in Hindi
पहनना pahannā | pahanna
like in hindi
पसंद करना pasand karnā | pasand karna
late in hindi
देर होना dēr hōnā | der hona
stay in hindi
ठहरना ṭhaharnā | theharna
Reply in Hindi
जवाब देना javāb dēnā | jawab dena
Rest in Hindi
आराम करना ārām karnā | aram karna
Open in Hindi
खोलना khōlnā | Kholna
Send in Hindi
भेजना bhējnā | brajna
Purify in Hindi
छीलना chhīlnā | chilna
Err in Hindi
गलती करना galtī karnā | galti karna
Write in Hindi
लिखना likhnā | likhna
drink in hindi
पीना pīnā | pin
Win in Hindi
जीतना jītnā | jitna
prepare in hindi
तैयार करना taiyār karnā | tayyar karna
Drink in Hindi
पिलाना pilānā | pilana
Show in Hindi
दिखाना dikhānā | dikhana
Buy in Hindi
खरीदना kharīdnā | kharidna
Put in Hindi
रखना rakhnā | rakkhna
Receive in Hindi
प्राप्त करना prāpt karnā | prappt karna
Remember in Hindi
याद करना yād karnā | yad karna
help in hindi
मदद करना madad karnā | madad karna
Understand Hindi
समझना|samajhnā | samajhna
Attach in Hindi
जोड़ देना jōṛa dēnā | joda dana
Accept in hindi
स्वीकार करना svīkār karnā | svikar karna
Bring in Hindi
लाना lānā | lana
come in hindi
आना ānā | ana
Taste in Hindi
चखना chakhnā | chakhna
Trying to do in Hindi
कोशिश करना kōśiś karnā | koshish karna
Continue in Hindi
जारी रखना jārī rakhnā | jari rakhna
Ask for in Hindi
माँगना mām̐gnā | mannaa
Wake up Hindi
जागना jāgnā | jagna
travel in hindi
घूमना ghūmnā | ghumna
work in hindi
काम करना kām karnā | kam karna
Please in Hindi
खुश करना khuś karnā | khush karnaa
rejoice in hindi
खुश होना khuś hōnā | khush khona
Speak Hindi
बात करना bāt karnā | bat karna
Tell in Hindi
सुनाना sunānā | sunana
Cut in Hindi
काटना kāṭnā | katna
sit in hindi
बैठना baiṭhnā | baithna
Say in hindi
कहना kahnā | kahna
Listen in Hindi
सुनना sunnā | sunna
Hear in Hindi
सुनना sunnā | sunnah
laugh in hindi
हसना hasnā | hasna
Save in Hindi
रखना rakhnā | rakkhna
sleep in hindi
सोना sōnā | sona
Ask in Hindi
पूछना pūchnā | puchna
Wash in Hindi
धोना dhōnā | dhona
Spend in Hindi
खर्च करना kharch karnā | kharch karna
Dance in Hindi
नाचना nāchnā | start
Respect in Hindi
सम्मान करना sam’mān karnā | samman karna
Delete in Hindi
हटाना haṭānā | hatana
wonder in hindi
ashcharyachakit hona
Smile in Hindi
मुस्कुराना muskurānā | muskurana
Drive in Hindi
प्रबंधन करना prabandhan karnā | prabandhan karna
Calm down Hindi
शांत होना śānt hōnā | shant hona
Tired in Hindi
थकीत होना thakīt hōnā | Thakit Hona
Learn Hindi
सीखना sīkhnā | sikhna
learn hindi
पढ़ाना paṛhānā | padhana
want in Hindi
चाहना chāhnā | chakhna
Walk in Hindi
चलना chalnā | chalna
Clean in Hindi
धोना dhōnā | dhona
Read in Hindi
पढ़ना paṛhnā | padhna
Feel in Hindi
महसूस करना mahasūs karnā | mahasus karna
English alphabet with pronunciation, transcription and translation (letters and sounds)
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language. Letters, their sound, writing, speaking - all this is considered as part of the first stage of teaching English. In this article, we will introduce you to sounds, tell you how many letters are in the English alphabet, how to learn English letters and sounds correctly, highlight life hacks that simplify the process.
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Pronunciation of the English alphabet with the names of letters in English and Russian:
Below is a table where we set out the English alphabet with translation — transcription and pronunciation in Russian.
| ||
Letter | Transcription | pronunciation of |
A a | [eɪ] | hey |
B b | [biː] | bi |
C c | [siː] | si |
D d | [diː] | di |
e | [iː] | and |
F | [ɛf] | ef |
Gg | [dʒiː] | ji |
H h | [eɪtʃ] | h |
I i | [aɪ] | ai |
J | [dʒeɪ] | jay |
K k | [keɪ] | cay |
L l | [ɛl] | el |
M m | [ɛm] | em |
N n | [ɛn] | en |
O o | [əʊ] | ou |
P p | [piː] | pi |
Q q | [kjuː] | cue |
R r | [ɑː] or [ɑɹ] | a:, ar |
S s | [ɛs] | es |
T t | [tiː] | and |
U u | [juː] | y |
V v | [viː] | and |
W w | [ˈdʌb(ə)l juː] | double |
x | [ɛks] | ex |
Y y | [waɪ] | wye |
Z z | [zɛd], [ziː] | zed, zee |
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How many letters are in the English alphabet
The modern English alphabet contains 26 letters. English sounds were first recorded in the Anglo-Saxon runic alphabet as early as the 5th century. Christian missionaries brought to the island not only their religion, but also the Latin alphabet, which began to replace the runic alphabet around the 7th century. For a long time, these two alphabets existed in parallel.
The modern English alphabet (The English alphabet [ˈalfəbɛt]) is based on the Latin alphabet or "Latin". So what is the number in the English alphabet? Unlike the Russian language, which has 33 letters, the English alphabet consists of 26 letters:
- 6 letters can represent vowels: “A”, “E”, “I”, “O”, “U”, “Y »;
- 21 letters can represent consonants: "B", "C", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N" ”, “P”, “Q”, “R”, “S”, “T”, “V”, “W”, “X”, “Y”, “Z”.
Below we have added a table where you can see the entire English alphabet with the numbering of letters in order.
| ||
Direct number | Letter | Reverse number |
1 | a | 26 |
2 | B b | 25 |
3 | C c | 24 |
4 | D | 23 |
5 | e | 22 |
6 | F | 21 |
7 | G g | 20 |
8 | H h | 19 |
9 | I i | 18 |
9 | I i | 18 |
10 | J | 17 |
11 | K k | 16 |
12 | L l | 15 |
13 | M m | 14 |
14 | N n | 13 |
15 | O o | 12 |
16 | P p | 11 |
17 | Q q | 10 |
18 | r | 9 |
19 | S s | 8 |
20 | T t | 7 |
21 | U u | 6 |
22 | V v | 5 |
23 | w | 4 |
24 | X x | 3 |
25 | Y y | 2 |
26 | Z z | 1 |
By the way, the letter Y can stand for both a vowel and a consonant, and therefore refers to both vowels and consonants.
Americans and British pronounce almost all letters of the English alphabet the same way, except for the last one. The American alphabet differs in that the letter Z is pronounced as "zi" [ziː], and in the British - "zed" [zed].
Sounds of the English alphabet
We start learning English letters even before we come across foreign language lessons. We know them even before we start learning English: we meet them at work, when we play computer games or surf the Internet. English words are found everywhere: on advertising posters, in the names of goods, in store signs.
Although the letters may be visually familiar to us, they are not always pronounced the way they are written. The alphabet of the English language for beginners with pronunciation, numbering and translation will help here, because even those who are fluent in foreign languages find it difficult to speak correctly. A typical situation is to spell an English word, for example, to give an email address, your name or street in English. This is where the difficulties begin, and we try to explain ourselves with images and associations: i - “like a stick with a dot”, H - “like a Russian n”, s - “like a dollar”, v - “like a tick.
From here it is better to memorize not only letters, but also their pronunciation. The latter is written by transcription and enclosed in square brackets. At first, it will be easier for you to memorize transcription with Russian pronunciation, but gradually you need to give it up and focus only on English transcription.
How to learn the English alphabet
Learning the alphabet is not just memorizing the order of the alphabet in English, Russian or Spanish, or knowing how many non-letters there are. To know the alphabet is to be able to pronounce sounds, as well as to write lowercase and uppercase letters correctly. In order to learn the entire alphabet of the English language easily, quickly and forever, follow these rules:
- Memorize both uppercase and lowercase letters of the English alphabet at the same time, pay attention to how English letters are written.
- Learn both the name of English letters and the correct pronunciation, use the alphabet with transcription. It is easier to remember this at the same time than to relearn it later.
- Use all available resources: use audio recordings, videos of examples of correct pronunciation, printed texts, Internet resources.
- Learn the English alphabet in order, as in the alphabet. Then change tactics: start studying the letters backwards, randomly, grouping.
- Exercise regularly, preferably every day for at least a few minutes. If you are tired of learning the same letters, take any children's book in English. Maybe you will not understand the meaning of what is written, but you will definitely be able to recognize and name this or that letter.
Another good way to learn the alphabet is to memorize a special rhyme. It is very short, but it will help to know every letter by heart:
Do you know your ABC?
You can learn along with me!
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P U, V,
W, X, Y and Z
Now, I know my ABC's.
Next time won't you sing with me?
And the last piece of advice. Divide all letters into three large groups and learn them in three stages: the first group is 6 vowels: Aa, Her, Ii, Oo, Uu, Yy. Do not forget about transcription and remember that in English vowels can change their sound depending on the type of syllables, stress and other conditions; the second group of letters includes those that are written and pronounced similarly to Russian letters. They are easy to remember: Bb, Cc, Dd, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp, Ss, Tt, Xx; the third group consists of those letters that sound and are written unfamiliar to native Russian speakers: Ff, Gg, Hh, Jj, Qq, Rr, Vv, Ww, Zz.
Methods and methods of memorizing the English alphabet
There are many ways to learn the English alphabet from scratch, which are suitable for both adults and children.
The most popular way to learn the English alphabet is through tables. You can print the English alphabet tables from this article or search for others: English alphabet by numbers; English alphabet with numbering of letters, etc. Hang them over your desk and browse and read aloud whenever you have a free moment. The main thing is to memorize the alphabet with the pronunciation of sounds.
One of the most effective ways is to make colored cards with the letters and words that begin with them and post them in a prominent place. These cards can be made by yourself or bought in the store. It is better to use well-known words, for example, the names of animals.
You can train with special exercises, for example, this one: get a special notebook and write down letters in several lines in it - both uppercase and lowercase letters of the English alphabet. And when writing, dictate to yourself aloud the name of the letter. This exercise includes all three main types of memory: auditory, visual and motor.
Don't forget about games that will help you learn the English alphabet. For example, Spell the word or “Spell the word” - whoever spells it wrong first loses. And you can also read the alphabet at speed, write letters correctly by ear, pronounce the letters written on the card, and so on. The audio alphabet of the English language with pronunciation has proven itself well. A student can independently master the letters and sounds just by listening to the recording. The main thing is to be systematic.
Interesting facts about the English alphabet
Learning the sounds and letters of the English language will be more fun if you know a few interesting facts about the alphabet:
- The English alphabet can be called by its first letters "ABC";
- The English word alphabet comes from the Latin alphabet, where alpha and beta were the first letters of the alphabet. But even before the Latin alphabet, they were the first letters of the Phoenician alphabet (alef and bet), which arose in 1050 BC.
- The article the is the most common word in the English language.
- The most common letter in the English alphabet is E, and the most common consonant is T. The letters S and T are most common at the beginning of English words. The rarest letters in the alphabet are Q and Z.
- There are only 5 vowels in the English language and as many as 20 vowel sounds! For example, the letters Y and W can be pronounced as vowels (try, my, cow, few). The same letter can be read in several ways, for example, in the words cat [kæt], place [pleis], dark [daːk], air [ɛə].
- All 26 letters of the English alphabet can be put into a sentence or pangram that shows what each letter of the font will look like: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." analogue - "Eat some more of these soft French rolls and drink tea").
English speakers remember their alphabet much more often than Russian speakers, because in English the pronunciation of a word often does not match its spelling.