Vocabulary words easy
Easy words you should know - Vocabulary List
Learn words with Flashcards and other activities
Other learning activities
PracticeAnswer a few questions on each word. Use this to prep for your next quiz! Vocabulary JamCompete with other teams in real-time to see who answers the most questions correctly! Spelling BeeTest your spelling acumen. Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it!
Teaching tools
QuizCreate and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary. Assign activitiesAssign learning activities including Practice, Vocabulary Jams and Spelling Bees to your students, and monitor their progress in real-time.
a mineral that contains metal valuable enough to be mined
an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view
a terrestrial or aquatic flesh-eating mammal
regard highly; think much of
the social force that binds you to a course of action
a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner
worthy of or requiring trust; held accountable
a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words
the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
a society in an advanced state of social development
single-celled organisms that can cause disease
the part of a scene behind objects in the front
able to bend easily
the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect
show a reaction to something
someone from whom you are descended
a remark expressing praise and admiration
having all necessary qualities
move forward
the quality of having a superior or more favorable position
to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
a copy that corresponds to an original exactly
an item of information that is typical of a class or group
a language user's knowledge of words
having or showing profound knowledge
any animal that feeds chiefly on grass and other plants
an extinct terrestrial reptile of the Mesozoic era
a warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin covered with hair
extinct elephant widely distributed in the Pleistocene
small invertebrate with jointed limbs and a segmented body
Created on June 3, 2013 (updated June 3, 2013)
Easy list - Vocabulary List
Learn words with Flashcards and other activities
Other learning activities
PracticeAnswer a few questions on each word. Use this to prep for your next quiz!
Vocabulary JamCompete with other teams in real-time to see who answers the most questions correctly!
Spelling BeeTest your spelling acumen. Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it!
Teaching tools
QuizCreate and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary. Assign activitiesAssign learning activities including Practice, Vocabulary Jams and Spelling Bees to your students, and monitor their progress in real-time.
be fully aware of; realize fully
an expression of approval and commendation
dearly loved
an analytic or interpretive literary composition
knowledge on which to base belief
state of well-being characterized by contentment and joy
pleasing or delighting
an important, honorable person
providing assistance or serving a useful function
formless state of matter before the creation of the cosmos
the act of guarding someone or something against attack
cooperative labor done by a group
the ultimate agency predetermining the course of events
walk with a lofty proud gait
inspiring admiration or wonder
Created on December 11, 2013
12 ways to expand your vocabulary and start speaking beautifully
September 2Education
"Just reading more" won't help.
0You can listen to the article. If it's more convenient for you, turn on the podcast.
1. Get rid of parasitic words
Make room for new expressions. Eliminate “uh”, “well”, “how to”, “this is the most” and the like, as well as obscene language and clichés, from your speech. Send overly capacious expressions to them, like “real”, “fuck” and “cool”.
The trouble with them is that they can replace a significant part of the lexicon and make speech poor.
Notice unwanted words behind you. Record your own speech on a camera or voice recorder, imagine that you are at an interview or presentation. Reread your social media posts.
Analyze all this and write down the words and expressions that you want to get rid of. Share this list with a friend or colleague, ask him to pull you up every time he hears forbidden vocabulary.
2. Add variety to your reading
Logically, in order to know more words, you need to read more. But do not cling only to high literature. Flip through low-brow novels, scroll through social media posts, blogs from people you don't know, and magazines that don't suit your interests.
You should know equally well what "indifferent", "emancipation" and "simulacrum" means and what "hype", "crowdfunding" and "punchline" are.
3. Learn the meaning of unknown words
Do not be lazy to look into the dictionary and do not hesitate to ask the interlocutor if you do not understand what he is talking about. There is no shame in confessing your ignorance. This is better than pretending to understand everything, continuing an unproductive conversation and losing the chance to learn something new.
4. Communicate with people who are different from you
Your usual social circle is constantly “cooked” in the same lexicon, because you have the same interests and topics for discussion. You have probably noticed that when someone from your company finds another job or meets new people, his speech changes. He sprinkles with unusual words, jokes, and even the manner of speaking can become completely different.
Every new person changes you. Therefore, strive to constantly expand the circle of your acquaintances. Chat at the gym, shop, go to more events, and connect online. Don't push away those who are different from you.
5. Carry a notebook with you
In it, do not hesitate to note interesting words that you come across and unwanted expressions that you notice in yourself. But just taking notes is not enough - review them regularly and draw conclusions.
6. Learn a foreign language
This will make you pay attention to your mother tongue. You will become more careful with grammar and syntax, you will begin to carefully select words.
In addition, while studying a foreign language, you are already practicing the mechanism of memorizing new words, as well as introducing them into the active vocabulary.
7. Write
Start a personal diary or blog on social networks. Every day, describe your thoughts and events in great detail. Write about your goals and desires, invent stories and stories. When chatting with friends, avoid broken messages and do not use emoji instead of words.
First, writing is a great way to apply and reinforce what you have learned. Secondly, if you write by hand, it will help you remember new words even better.
8. Memorize aphorisms, poems, quotes
It is much more pleasant to learn catchphrases that touched the soul than to memorize vocabulary items one by one. Mark and write down everything that is hooked. Learn, repeat and reread. Over time, there will be more interesting expressions in your vocabulary.
It's not just about embellishing speech. Imagine how great it will be to show off your knowledge in a conversation. Just do not be zealous with quotes and high-flown lines: you may be mistaken for an upstart.
9. Use flashcards
If you can't remember a very difficult and interesting word, use the flashcard method. Many people know this method from school.
On one side of the card you write the word, on the other side you write its meaning. First you need to try to remember the answer yourself, and then turn the element over and check yourself.
This method is very simple and effective: the memorization process begins with preparation. Therefore, it is better not to use applications, but to create cards yourself and write on them by hand. Yes, and you can take a small pile with you anywhere.
10. Practice
- Make sentences where each word starts with the next letter of the alphabet. For example: “The stork was a great harmonica player. Even the raccoons howled plaintively and nodded their curious muzzles, enjoying the charming songs. That skill became fatal, fatal. The gloomy heron ambitiously threw poison at the frail, selfish youth.
- Make up stories from words that belong to the same part of speech. Describe your morning using only nouns. “Call, wake up, alarm clock, turn off. Rise, search, clothes. Approach, window, opening, freshness. Cheerfulness, inspiration, joy. By the same principle, make up stories with only verbs, adjectives or participles. This activity seems simple only at first: if you set yourself the goal of adding more and more details, you will have to learn how to carefully select words and pull them out of the passive vocabulary.
- Compose tautograms. This is the name of the sentences, all words of which begin with the same letter. Here is an example from Nikolai Kultyapov's Olgin Ostrov: Onuphry's father, Osip Ostromirovich Ordynsky, graduated from Oxford full-time. He unequivocally refused to remain far from the Fatherland, going back. The obsessed Ordynsky announced a survey of individual districts, regions, vast outskirts.
- Choose synonyms and antonyms for words. This exercise can be done anywhere and anytime. Bored in line or at lunch - come up with a synonym for the word. For example, “beautiful” is picturesque, wonderful, gratifying, beautiful, and so on. Do the same with antonyms.
11. Play
You can learn new words while having fun. Solve puzzles, solve puzzles and crossword puzzles - it's practically a vacation. Apart from the hard work of the brain, of course.
12. Follow the "Word of the Day"
Install applications like "Word of the Day" on your smartphone, subscribe to relevant blogs and mailing lists. As a rule, in such headings, complex and unusual lexemes are presented with an explanation and an example of use.
This will help if you can't find the time to look up new interesting words and their meanings. All you have to do is learn them and put them into practice.
Read also 🧐
- How to change your speech to sound more confident
- 20 words that even literate people spell wrong
- 10 expressions that have no place in your vocabulary
5 exercises to develop vocabulary
How pleasant it is to listen to eloquent and competent speech when a person knows how to choose the right words and accurately describe his thought. And illiterate, “poor” speech, which is quite difficult to understand, cuts the ear just as much. It is a large vocabulary that is a sign of intellectual development and can help you in learning, working or speaking in front of a large audience.
Before starting the study of exercises to increase vocabulary, let's look at the types of vocabulary:
- Active vocabulary.
These are the words that we use in everyday life when communicating with friends, family, colleagues. When writing letters, SMS in chat, social networks. When we speak, we do not think about the words and do not put effort into constructing sentences.
- Passive vocabulary. These are words that we know, but do not use in conversation. As a rule, the passive reserve can be 2-3 times greater than the active one. On occasion, we can search in our head and find the right words, but we do this very rarely.
- External vocabulary. These are words we don't know. Usually these are specific words from the professional field of activity.
It is rather difficult to set clear boundaries in the vocabulary. Children's vocabulary can average 1000 words, adults have 10 times more. Erudite people who are constantly engaged in self-development, read a lot of books and constantly study, have a vocabulary of up to 50,000 words. Therefore, we have selected such universal exercises to expand the active vocabulary that schoolchildren, students or specialists can perform.
- Alphabet exercise. You need to come up with a sentence in which all words will begin with the next letter of the alphabet. Example: "Alina runs in the thick of trees." Try to make long sentences using words from A to Z.
- Noun exercise. Make up a story and tell it using only nouns. "Morning. Water. Walk. Dog. Tea. Breakfast. Underground. Job. Meeting. Tasks. Dinner."
- Exercise "Verbs". Repeat the previous exercise, only using verbs instead of nouns.
- Exercise "Adjectives and adverbs". Also invent a story, just voice it now with the help of adjectives and adverbs.
- Exercise "Monophone". Remember all the words that start with the letter A and come up with a sentence with them, keeping the meaning. And do this with all the letters in the alphabet.
These exercises will be difficult to complete at first, so don't give up too soon. Each time, it will be easier for you to come up with stories and look for the right words.