What are fun
What is Fun Anyway? • Mike Rucker, Ph.D.
What is Fun? The Oxford English Dictionary (O.E.D) defines fun as “amusement, especially lively or playful.” As an adjective, the word is described as “amusing, entertaining, enjoyable.” “For fun” or “for the fun of it” means “not for a serious purpose.”
The standard definition of fun suggests some overlap with the concept of play. In fact, these two words are often mentioned together (e.g. fun and games). However, play often appears to be the overarching term, where fun is more specific to experiencing enjoyment. For example, when defining play, play researcher Scott Eberle, Ph.D., writes that fun is one of the basic elements of play. He also observes that we play because the act of play promises fun. If there were no fun in play, we would likely not play (Eberle, 2014). This suggests a relationship between the concepts of fun and play, a possible causality perhaps: fun is a natural byproduct of play — fun is intrinsic to play.
Eberle also argues that although there are many ways to develop knowledge, self-assurance and vigor, none of them are as fun as play.
Another academic concept that is used when discussing fun is “flow.” When Gayle Privette of the University of West Florida attempted to distinguish between peak experience, peak performance and flow, she defined peak experience as mystic and transpersonal, peak performance as transactive and flow as having fun (Privette, 1983).
Casual and Academic References to Fun
Definitions of fun are generally discussed as a result of an act and/or engaging in an activity. Some authors focus on the fun side of things/activities and talk about the hedonic aspects of certain activities. As such, in academic writing, fun is often equated with hedonism. For instance, Barry Babin, William Darden, and Mitch Griffin (1994) took the hedonistic value of shopping (e.g. shopping for fun) and contrasted it with shopping’s utilitarian value, which is more concerned with usefulness and task completion. Utilitarian shopping can almost be regarded as work. Shopping for fun, on the other hand, is personal, subjective to the shopper and often entails playfulness. The participant values the experience itself because the endeavor is entertaining. In short, many activities can be analyzed for their ability to induce fun — emphasizing entertainment and enjoyment of the process rather than its practical value.
When activity is done for fun, it often involves increased arousal, perceived freedom, fantasy fulfillment and escapism (Hirscham, 1983). The saying “time flies when you’re having fun” indicates that the concept is also connected with our perceptions of temporality and can influence the subjective component of time. This popular anecdote is a cultural artifact that further alludes that flow and fun are related social constructs.
People sometimes also talk about “short-term fun” and contrast it with “long-term gains,” suggesting that fun could obliterate the lasting success of an individual. Fun and play often get negative press, especially when adults engage in fun activities excessively. It sometimes gets implied that people’s efficiency and productivity could decline if they overtly prioritized fun. Modern research, however, does not support that negative proposition of fun (e.g. R. Fluegge-Woolf, 2014).
Can Fun Be Universally Defined?
Although fun is often connected with play, few would argue play is the only time we have fun. For instance, for many, work can be fun as well. A task like gardening can be perceived as monotonous to one person while being perceived as fun by another. But, does work cease to be work if we have fun? Actually, fun in the workplace is increasingly being researched. Researchers are exploring strategies that help make our work lives more fun. For instance, there are evolving applications of gamification. Gamifying work involves creating strategic tactics in an attempt to make arduous tasks more fun. New studies have confirmed that a fun work environment creates more productive and creative employees, therefore showing that both parts of the “work hard, play hard” phrase
can actually coexist (R. Fluegge-Woolf, 2014).
Your perception of whether something is fun depends on your mindset, ability and skills, the environment as well as those around you (your relationships). For example, taking public transportation can be a tedious, mind-numbing activity if you are heading to work. If you’re headed to a concert with a group of friends, though, it can be the ride of a lifetime: spending time together, chatting while excitedly anticipating the show — in laymen’s terms, “a ton of fun.”
What is clear is that fun is a subjective construct. What seems fun to one person might be perceived differently by somebody else. Therefore, perhaps the most relevant question is: How do you define fun? What is fun to you?
Sources & further reading:
Babin, B. J., Darden, W. R., & Griffin, M. (1994). . Journal of Consumer Research, (4). 644-656.
Eberle, S. G. (2014). . American Journal of Play, 6(2), 214-233.
Hirschman, E. (1983). Journal of Social Psychology, 120(1), 63-76. doi:10.1080/00224545.1983.9712011
Privette, G. (1983). Peak experience, peak performance, and flow: A comparative analysis of positive human experiences. Journal of Personality And Social Psychology , 45(6), 1361-1368. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.45.6.1361
Fluegge-Woolf, E. (2014). . Management Research Review, (8), 682. doi:10.1108/MRR-11-2012-0252
53 Fun Things You Can Do This Weekend
Are you worn-out and jaded from the same old routine? Why not try and plan some fun weekend activities?
It is common for people to start being a little stereotypical or monotonous over a period. However, one must identify when such time comes and take steps to bring back the same gusto in their life.
If you have fallen victim to such dull life, then contemplate fun things to do this weekend.
You can plan something with your family or friends and get out of your regular boring comfort zone. Or you may also check the local adverts and plan for fun things going this weekend in your city. It would surely require some effort on your part.
After all, no one will pick you up from your couch in front of the TV. That part is only to be done by none other than – YOU!
However, if you have run out of ideas or options, we have some great ideas about fun things to do over the weekend. Peruse the coming sections to check out cheap, entertaining, fun, and amazing ideas that we have jotted down.
Here are some fun things to do on weekends:
Get Moving
1. Go For a Walk:
One of the simplest and most fun things on weekends is going out for a walk. It’s healthy and doesn’t cost a penny.
2. Go For a Run:
Once again, running will not require spending any money, only your energies. You can keep your body healthy and at the same time admire nature’s beauty.
3. Learn to Juggle:
Juggling is fun and improves concentration. You can learn more about juggling through Lifehack’s guide that can help you learn the basics.
4. Go Swimming:
Swimming is good for your health and keeps you fit. If you fall in love with it, you might make it a regular fun thing to do on a Sunday.
5. Drum:
Drumming with or without equipment can help you remain occupied in a fun way. You can work out a groove and enjoy it at the same time.
6. Dance:
Resolve to have extreme fun this weekend with dancing. You can use a radio, speaker, or TV and start dancing to your favorite tune. Who knows, it might become one of your top fun things to do on a Saturday.
7. Community Sports:
If you are looking for fun stuff to do this weekend, why not check out the community sports in your vicinity. It gives you the opportunity to play your favorite sport and know you community in a better way.
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Check Out Your Local Community
If you want something to do this weekend, then head out to the nearest local park and watch nature in action.
9. Head to the Playground:
There is no age discrimination at a playground. If you want to enjoy this weekend, why not spend it within the bounds of your community garden and have fun on the joy rides?
10. Do Some Gardening:
Gardening is one of the best fun activities this weekend if you are not committed elsewhere. It also helps you gain a lot of positivity.
11. Car Boot Sales:
Plan a car boot sale yourself or visit your neighbor who organized it. Interact with your community and keep yourself occupied with this fun activity.
12. Check your Community Calendar:
There is always something exciting going on in the community, and you can check your council’s website for further details on any upcoming events.
13. Join a Film or Book Club:
You can plan to join a book club or film club to keep you occupied in a fun way over the weekend. It also opens up the possibility of meeting some exciting people.
14. Visit Friends:
Meeting friends and old colleagues help you get out of the rut and have fun. Plan an outing with them or invite them over for lunch or dinner.
15. Volunteer Work:
You can consider doing volunteer work to contribute to society and feel good. Nothing gives more satisfaction than giving back to the community.
16. Visit Free Museums:
On visiting your local council’s website, you can procure details about the free museums in your vicinity and make plans to spend time there on weekends.
17. Visit a Zoo or Wildlife Reserve:
As you plan for fun things this weekend, consider visiting a zoo or wildlife reserve if you have kids in your family.
18. Become a Dog Walker:
Why not be a good neighbor and help them become a dog walker. Besides having a good time, you can expect to make some money too!
19. Volunteer at a Race Track:
Every race track needs marshals for their regular events, and you can volunteer to help them over weekends.
Stay Indoors
20. Make Some Bread:
Making your own bread can be a great mood booster over weekends. It is a simple and cost-effective habit that keeps you occupied. You can learn how to bake a loaf here.
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21. Make Popcorns:
Take a break and make some popcorns. This cooking errand will surely help to lift your mood. Here is how to make Popcorn.
22. Organize a Budget Food Contest:
Make your weekends fun by organizing food content. Make it competitive by keeping small rewards. It will make things more exciting and fun.
23. Netflix:
If you do not wish you move out of the comfort of your home since you are tired, you can plan to watch Netflix. There are numerous movies and TV shows that can keep you occupied. Choose the video based on your choice and spend your weekend leisurely.
24. Free Films on YouTube:
If you don’t want to spend on OTT platforms such as Netflix, simply start YouTube and type “full movie” in the search bar. It will display numerous movies that you can enjoy over the weekend.
25. Go On a YouTube Marathon:
YouTube is amazing when it comes to finding interesting videos. You can go on a YouTube marathon and search for “most funniest” or “most scariest” videos and turn your weekend into a fun day.
26. BBC iPlayer (Europe Only):
If you reside in Europe, you can avail yourself of the advantage of BBC iPlayer. Numerous programs can keep you occupied over the weekend and offer valuable insight.
27. Play Free Online Games:
If you are a computer geek, use the online gaming arena and play free games. It will keep you relaxed over the weekend. If you want some inspiration, then check Lifehack’s Relaxing Games guide.
28. Search Wikipedia:
Wikipedia is a source of immense knowledge. There are so many things that we still do not know. Use your weekends productively by searching for credible information from this knowledge source.
29. Craigslist/Freecycle:
Craigslist and Freecycle have become pretty useful in finding information about the interesting events nearby. You can use the local version of these websites and scout for anything that interests you.
30. Blog:
If you want to share your knowledge with the world, why not start your blog using WordPress? You get the opportunity to present your views and pass the information to the readers. Make the best use of your weekends by writing blogs and connecting with people worldwide.
31. Have a Board Game Day:
Not interested in using your mobile or laptop? Try the traditional board games. Call your friends or family members to join you in classic chess games or snakes or ladder. You can choose the game of your choice to make it a fun weekend.
32. Make a Homemade Pizza:
There will be nothing more exciting for you if you are a foodie than making a pizza at home. Use Lifehack’s guide to make the perfect homemade pizza.
Get Creative
33. Make a Paper Fortune Teller:
You can try this fun activity for the weekend as it’s good for all ages. It is a simple activity that amuses every participant. Here is a free guide to trying paper fortune tellers.
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34. Play Pen and Pencil Games:
Many games can be tried with the help of a simple pen or paper. Tick-tac-toe, battleship, or hangman are a few such examples.
35. Play the Sentence Game:
It is a fun game where the participants take turns to write a sentence on a piece of paper and pass it on to others. The resultant story sometimes becomes pretty hilarious. It’s a fun activity that can become very exciting for everyone.
36. Make a Kite:
Kites are amazing, and making them yourself becomes fun too! You can use this simple guide to making a homemade kite, and when you are done, you can fly them anywhere you want.
37. Have a Go at Origami:
Use this traditional Japanese art to have fun over the weekend. It requires paper and a certain skill. You can master this game from websites like Origami Instructions.
38. Draw:
Let your imagination take over your weekend. Take a paper and start drawing whatever your mind tells you to. Experiment a little with colors, too, and have fun.
39. Write a Letter:
People don’t write letters anymore. Why not use your free weekends to bring back the forgotten art. It is bound to impress and even awe your friends or relatives when they receive it.
40. Raid Pinterest for DIY Ideas:
Social media has opened wild doors, and you can open any of these doors to keep you occupied over weekends. Pinterest is one such portal that presents awesome design ideas. You can even get creative DIY ideas from here that you can try over weekends at home.
41. Volunteer at Your Local Theater:
Check with the local theatre in your neighborhood if they need any volunteers, from being an usher to giving out tickets. It might also be a great experience for you.
42. Audition for a Play:
Why not become an artist in a local play. Give auditions over the weekend and check if you would be fit to play any part that you find exciting.
43. Creative Writing:
Write whatever comes to your mind. Use your thoughts and imagination and bring them to life on paper. You may even use a computer to type away and use your creativity.
Have fun with kids
44. Play Hide and Seek:
Kids can keep you occupied for hours. Hide and seek is often the most favored game by small kids. It also gives great fun to adults. So use your weekends to plan fun hide-and-seek activities with your kids.
45. Hopscotch:
While you might already know how to play hopscotch, your kids might have never heard about this game. Teach them and in the process, have fun playing it too. Here is a basic guide to hopscotch.
46. Build a Fort:
You can literally build a fort anywhere in your home. You just need a few places to fix up a blanket or a set of cardboard boxes. Be creative and make an awesome mini-for for your little ones. Have fun over the weekends by becoming a child yourself. Check out this video on how to make one:
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47. Have a Kip:
You cannot imagine what short naps can do. It works wonders in restoring your energy. Even a short kip can make you feel fresh and rejuvenated.
48. DIY or Cleaning:
Look around and see if you have any pending home errands like washing clothes, cleaning shelves, or fixing the sink. Use your weekends productively by working on such tasks. Involve your kids so that they learn and have fun with it.
49. Make Bubbles:
Kids love bubbles, and you can try to make them in different ways. Use this quick guide to learn how to make bubbles with household products.
Learn Something New
50. Listen to the Radio or Podcasts:
Get yourself a good radio or start listening to podcasts. They provide ample information and are a very good source of entertainment.
51. Read:
There is hardly any better way to enjoy your quiet time at home over the weekend. Pick up a novel you forgot to read since you were so busy. Here is a list of 20 books for inspiration.
52. Learn a Foreign Language:
It’s really fun learning a new language. Take up courses that teach French, Italian, or any other language that excites you. You can even check out Babbel or Verbalplanet, which offers various language courses.
53. Take an Online Course:
Websites like Coursera and Teachable offer innumerable options for learning across various domains. You can browse through and choose the skills you find interesting and then register to use your weekends to learn them.
Final Words
Many of us feel relaxed on weekends, but others have no idea how to make weekends fun. It is for them that we have prepared this list. Peruse the detailed options and choose the ones that tickle your minds.
You can even create your fun activity besides the ones mentioned above. After all, it’s about what makes you feel good on your fun day!
Get Inspired By the Most Successful People
What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend: A Short Guide to Making the Most of Your Days Off
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08/23/2022 09:13 am GMT
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Why - Lermontov. The full text of the poem is why
Catalog of poems
Mikhail Lermontov - poems
Mikhail Lermontov
Why I love you,
and I know: youth will not spare your
treacherous treasure.
For every bright day or sweet moment
You will pay fate with tears and longing.
I'm sad... because you're having fun. Mikhail Lermontov wrote the lyric poem "Why" in 1840. The name implies the answer to the question that the hero of the work so wants to find. There is an assumption that it was dedicated to his beloved Maria Shcherbatova. The plot of the poem is the separation of two heroes, fatal circumstances and the impossibility of being happy. Everything is built in the form of a monologue and thoughts of the hero about his own feelings and the fate of his beloved. Her image seems so delightful and bright. The poet is attracted by the beauty, freedom, originality and independence of this beauty from public opinion. The inner world of the lyrical character is also revealed to readers. He appears as a sincere, holistic person who is capable of strong feelings and deep feelings. He has a great desire to save the blooming, beautiful youth of a cheerful and cheerful woman. He sincerely wishes her happiness, but understands that it is impossible. Sadness, bitterness, anxiety, the realization that the situation is hopeless and the premonition of parting with his woman are the main feelings of a man in love. There is a sound of the motive of confrontation of a sincere and free person against people from secular society. There is gossip and gossip all around. In the future, the heroine will be doomed to pay with bitter tears and insidious rumors for her happy days and joyful moments. The miniature poem is made in the form of an answer to the question "Why?". The protagonist gives a short answer twice in the first and last lines. The first line means that the man is sad because he is in love. And in the last one, the beloved does not feel the approaching danger, she has fun.
But the hero understands that she will soon be very upset, so he feels all the pain and sadness in advance. Behind both answers lies Lermontov's worldview. Present and future tenses appear in the work. The present is intertwined with love feelings, denoted by the words: I love, I know, sad. And the future is connected with the subsequent fate of the main character: if you pay, you will not be spared. Loneliness and longing are felt throughout the entire poem. The poet wrote a masterpiece poem related to love lyrics. It consists of only six lines, but it has a deep meaning. Free people must resist the gossip of the crowd.
On love
4 lines
Golden Age
Poems by Mikhail Lermontov - Love
Poems by Mikhail Lermontov - Short
Mikhail Lermontov - 4 lines
Poems by Mikhail Lermontov - Golden - Golden - Golden - Golden century
Other poems by this author
— Tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing
Moscow, burnt by fire,
About the war
The death of a poet
Vengeance, my lord, vengeance!
I will fall at your feet:
I love my homeland, but with a strange love!
My mind will not defeat her.
About the motherland
Sail (A lonely sail turns white)
A lonely sail turns white
In the blue mist of the sea!
Azure steppe, pearl chain
About the motherland
I go out alone on the road...
I go out alone on the road;
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Devil in the ribs: how the Ukrainian TV series "Daddy" demonstrates that you can live happily even in retirement
Evgeny Lazarenko
TV Mag Browser
On January 13 STS started showing the Ukrainian comedy series "Daddy" from the Kvartal 95 studio. TV Mag columnist Evgeny Lazarenko talks about why retirement age is not a sentence.
Shaggy-haired grandfather Alexander Nikolayevich Merkulov is so tired of going to the security services that he lays out coffin money in envelopes and sticks his head in a noose. Just a glance at an old poster, where he appears as Hamlet, returns the hero's thirst for life - and the former artist of large and small theaters goes to the barbershop. There, grandfather's grumbling is replaced by approval when he is poured whiskey at the expense of the institution. In such a mood, and with a hipster-cut beard, it is tempting to continue the banquet. In a nightclub, after a dozen or two shots, Alexander Nikolaevich unsteadily, but enthusiastically recites To be or not to be - and a busty Liza flies to a foreign speech. She takes the retelling of the tragedy about the prince of Denmark as a biography of her grandfather, and his hut as a museum, where she wakes up with the hero in the morning. Realizing a fatal mistake, Lisa is still trying to get her rich boyfriend back, but he is not a fool - he has to pass off his grandfather as a daddy. Moreover, the house of a neighbor-millionaire, who has screwed up from criminal prosecution, is in charge of it.
Watch the new 16-episode lyrical comedy series "Daddy" from Monday to Thursday at 19:00
In symbiosis with a young woman, the old man gets more paternal functions - this is how the adventurous comedy merges with the novel of education. Liza finds adventures on an elderly ass - Merkulov teaches her wits: you look, for once a book that has appeared in the everyday life of a fluttering heroine will lead her to personal happiness. What will grandfather find happiness in is another question: it seems that the scriptwriters thought that he would have enough variety of booze until the end of his days, and family ties can be easily replaced by a cheerful friendship with a cunning provincial. Despite the fact that there are some bonds, Lisa turns out to be closer to her daughter - she is drawn to the reeling of patriarchal foundations.
It is not the first time for Ukrainian cavalrymen from studio "Kvartal 95" to puzzle the Russian viewer with an unconventional approach to life situations. Most recently, "Servant of the People" was held on TNT , where the artistic director of "Quarter", and now the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky played a school teacher whose craving for justice led to the presidency. We don't take it that way. In "Daddy" , oligarchs and corrupt officials are also scourged, however, it is not considered shameful to dispossess these ghouls in circumvention of the law. When a couple of heroes finally move into the house of a runaway rich man, the situation begins to resemble Korean movie "Parasite" , last year's Cannes favorite, only with a polar moral assessment - no retribution awaits grandfather and Lisa.
The rights to show the series “Daddy” were acquired by the STS channel from the Swedish company Eccho Rights
Stanislav Boklan, who played Merkulov , a Ukrainian TV star, now reigns on two Russian channels at once: in parallel, on "Russia 1" goes "Serf" , where his hero is harsh and vile to shiver.