Preposition list 4th grade
Ms. Caroline's Grade 4 Website
5.5 Workbook #2 p363, 370
PrepositionsA preposition begins a group of words called a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase ends with a noun or pronoun called the object of the preposition. The preposition shows how the object of the preposition is related to other words in the sentence. A prepositional phrase can be used to tell where, when, how, or which one.
Preposition: We took a rocket
outer space.
Prepositional Phrase:
into outer space
Object of the Preposition: outer space
Sometimes you can combine two sentences with prepositional phrases.
The astronauts studied the moon. They saw craters there.
The astronauts studied craters on the moon.
Common Prepositions:
about, above, across, after, along, around, at, behind, below, beneath, between, by, for, from, in, into, of, on, over, through, to, under, upon, with, without
MES Preposition Games | Preposition Maze | Preposition Practice TurtleDiary |
Place It game | Identify Prepositions | IXL Identify Prepositions |
IXL Identify Prepositions and their Objects | IXL Identify Prepositional Phrases | IXL Prepositions: Review |
TurtleDiary Find the Preposition | Preposition Fill in the Blank - Turtle Diary | Complete the Sentence |
Pirate Octopus on a Hunt | Learn Prepositions | Matching Columns |
Verbs & Prepositions | Preposition Spin Off | Bravo Billionaire! |
Sentence Monkey - Prepositions & Adjectives | Sentence Monkey - Prepositions Practice1 | Sentence Monkey - Prepositions Practice2 |
Sentence Monkey - Prepositions Practice3 | Sentence Monkey - Prepositions of Place | Sentence Monkey - Prepositions of Time |
Sentence Monkey - Prepositions & Nouns | Build a Story |
Prepositions | 4th Grade Spelling
Prepositions tell us where or when something is in relation to something else.
Take a look at this sentence:
We drove the car to the beach
'to' is a preposition.
There are only about 150 prepositions in the English language. We use most of them a lot.
Types of Prepositions
Prepositions can show direction:
Look to the right and you'll see a bridge.
Tip: The bold words in the example sentences are the prepositions. 👆
Prepositions can show time:
We've been dancing since this morning.![]()
Prepositions can show location:
We bought hats at the swap meet.
Prepositions can show space:
The stuntman jumped onto the moving car.
Spelling Prepositions
Many prepositions are quite easy to spell. Take a look:
to, at, on, for, in, up, of
Other prepositions have more than 3 letters, so we need to practice spelling them.
Here's a list of prepositions with example sentences:
We talked about the movie
The helicopter flew above the trees
She swam across the river.![]()
The hummingbirds hovered among the flowers.
Jessica ran around the block.
Tom ducked before getting hit.
The box is behind the couch.
The shark swam beneath the boat.
The cat squeezed between the pillars.
The girl ran inside the house.![]()
We played outside of her school.
The comet travelled through space.
She was heading towards the exit.
The scissors are underneath the rag.
He stopped within inches of hitting the tree.
I built this business without any help.![]()
Great job learning about prepositions. Now, practice spelling them on your own. 😃
Classes of prepositions in Russian
Today we will figure out what prepositions are in Russian, what categories these parts of speech have and how to write them correctly - together or separately. Go!
What are prepositions and what are they like
Preposition is a service part of speech that expresses the syntactic dependence of some words on others in phrases and sentences.
Prepositions are placed before nouns, numerals and pronouns in different cases. At the same time, this part of speech is not used with words in the nominative case. Prepositions are divided into 3 categories: by origin, by composition and by meaning. Let's take a look at each of them.
Classes of prepositions by meaning
By meaning, the prepositions of the Russian language are divided into prepositions of time, place, reason, purpose, concession, object and mode of action. Consider them in a table with examples.
Types of prepositions according to their meaning | ||
View | Prepositions | Example |
Time | In, to, before, after, through, after, during, in continuation, in conclusion | By noon, after lunch, during pm, during weeks, etc. |
Places | In, before, due to, behind, to, over, under, in front of, at, through, near, past, about etc. | In village, over mountains, over sea, through clearing, near houses, etc. |
Causes | Because of, from, by, for the sake of, thanks to, due to, in view of, due to | Due to mist, due to fear, for honor, thanks to help, etc.![]() |
Targets | For, for, by, on, to, for the sake of, for the purpose of, for the purpose of For colors, for conversation, for security, etc. | |
Concessions | in spite of | Despite advice, despite persuasion, etc. |
Action object | oh, oh, oh, oh, about | About me, about farmstead, about field, about weather, about work |
Comparisons | C, like, like, like | Animal like cats, bright like sun, etc. |
Action | With, without etc.![]() | With sadness, without embarrassment , etc. |
Test yourself
Read the word combinations below and determine which category of meaning the prepositions in them belong to.
Brought from distant countries, called for a conversation, the size of a sparrow, turned away with resentment, go to the well, meet after the ball.
Types of prepositions by composition
By composition, prepositions are divided into simple, complex and compound.
Simple prepositions consist of one word: in, over, under, against , etc. - under , etc.
And the third type - compound - these are prepositions that consist of two or three words, but are written without a hyphen: during, at the expense of etc.
Test yourself
Read the word combinations below and determine what kind of composition the prepositions in them belong to.
He rose above the water, watched for a month, looked out from under the snow, disappeared into the dawn, a plant like a poppy, stopped near the gate.
Types of prepositions by origin
By origin, prepositions are usually divided into derivatives and non-derivatives.
Derived prepositions are those prepositions that come from other parts of speech.
In total, they have three subspecies: nominal, verbal and adverbial. The former were formed from nouns, the latter from gerunds, and the third, as you might guess, from adverbs. Derived prepositions are unambiguous - each of them belongs to only one type in the classification by meaning.
The examples below show that the same words can be both prepositions and other parts of speech in different sentences. It is important to distinguish between them so as not to be mistaken in morphological analysis.
Non-derivative prepositions are prepositions that have not been formed from other parts of speech.
They have always been prepositions and are not like words in other parts of speech. Non-derivative prepositions are often polysemantic, that is, they can refer to two or more types by meaning.
For convenience, we have collected everything you need to know about derivative and non-derivative prepositions in the table below. Save it and use it when you need it!
Check yourself
Read the word combinations below and determine what kind of origin the prepositions in them belong to.
In front of the house, about traveling, near the city, including residents, thanks to the advice, during autumn, around the pond.
Demo lesson in Russian
Take the test at the introductory lesson and find out what topics separate you from the "five" in Russian.
Continuous and separate spelling of prepositions
And now let's talk in more detail about the very tricks of this part of speech, which we talked about at the beginning of the article. The fact is that some of the prepositions can be written together or separately. And if you do not know the peculiarities of their spelling, this can become a problem. To figure out when prepositions should be written together, and when - separately in Russian, the table with a list of rules and examples below will help.
How all prepositions are written in Russian | ||
Kind of prepositions | How to write | Example |
Plain | In a word | In dreams, over abyss, for protection |
Complex | Through a hyphen | snow, rain |
Compounds derivatives | Slitno
Separate In some cases, if the preposition is formed from a noun in the oblique case: during, in continuation, in conclusion, in connection with, due to, for the purposes of, due to, in accordance with, in relation to, at the expense of, in the form of, to the extent . Please note: during work, but: arrived on time | As advances, due to flood, due to circumstances |
Test yourself
Let's see if you understand well what prepositions are and what they serve. Below you will find tasks for self-examination on this topic. Go through them to see if the material is worth repeating.
Task 1
Read the phrases below, find prepositions in them and determine which categories they belong to in all three classifications: by meaning, by composition and by origin.
Above the snow, due to illness, about the weekend, under the table, because of joy, in spite of adversity, to the station, to rest, until tomorrow, to communicate, like a bird, without fatigue.
Task 2
Read the word combinations below and identify which ones use prepositions and which ones use other parts of speech similar to prepositions. Open parenthesis.
(Not) looking at the noise, (not) looking in her direction, (in) during the evening, (in) the stream, (to) the work account, (to) the bank account, (to) opposite the house, got up (on) against, (on) meeting friends, (on) meeting a dream.
This part of speech is full of pitfalls, but if you understand it, you will never again have to puzzle over how to write: “during” or “in the flow”. If you want to forget about mistakes in prepositions, start studying additionally with a teacher. In the courses at the Skysmart online Russian language school, you will be able to understand the most difficult topics. This will help improve school grades and get more points at the OGE in the future.
Prepositions of place in English in the table (Grade 4)
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Average rating: 4.6
Total ratings received: 231.
Students get acquainted with such a topic as prepositions of place in English from grade 4. For many, these grammatical points cause difficulties. English prepositions that convey a spatial relationship seem much more complicated than Russian ones.
Table “Prepositions of place in English”
To learn how to use prepositions of place correctly, it is important to understand their meaning. The easiest way to do this is with a detailed table with examples.
Some prepositions of place have a similar meaning, but are used in different situations. For example, between - between 2 objects or people, among - among several objects or people (more than 2).
Prepositions | Value | Examples |
above over | above, above, above | The lamp is above the small table. The lamp hangs over a small table. She put on a jacket over her nice dress. She put on a jacket over her beautiful dress. |
across, through | through, through | The hospital is across the road. The hospital is across the street. We drive through the tunnel. We are going through (through) a tunnel. |
along | along | They like walking along the beach. They like to walk along the beach. |
among between | among several items between 2 items | Julia was among her friends. Julia was among her friends. The cat is between the sofa and the armchair. The cat is between the sofa and the armchair. |
around round | around, around around, behind | Jack looked around and went into the shop. Jack looked around and entered the store. The Mood goes round the Earth. - The moon revolves around the earth. Turn round the corner and you will see a nice garden. |
at | y, near to in (small town, village) at (time designation) | Sam stood at the window. Sam was at the window. Mum was at the school meeting. Mom was at a school meeting. I was born at small town. – I was born in a small town. Jill came home at 6 o'clock. Jill came home at 6 o'clock. |
behind | for | The girl was behind the door. The girl was at the door. |
below under | below under | This town is below the sea level. This city is located below sea level. The ball is under the sofa. - The ball is under the sofa. |
beside by near next to | near, near, nearby | My granny sat beside me. The house stands by the lake. - The house is by the lake. We live near Moscow. – We live near Moscow (in the suburbs). The cafe is next to the shop. – The cafe is next to the shop. |
beyond | for | Our school is beyond the river. Our school is across the river. |
to inside | in, inside | The book is in the box. - The book is in the box. We walked inside the house. - We went inside the house (into the house). |
in front of | ahead of | A cat sat in front of the house. The cat was sitting in front of the house. |
on upon | on surface | Put the cup on the table. - Put the cup on the table. The hat was upon his head. - He had a hat on his head. |
opposite | opposite | Two houses stood opposite each other. |