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[ ih-mur-juhnt ]
/ ɪˈmɜr dʒənt /
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coming into view or notice; issuing.
emerging; rising from a liquid or other surrounding medium.
coming into existence, especially with political independence: the emergent nations of Africa.
arising casually or unexpectedly.
calling for immediate action; urgent.
Evolution. displaying emergence.
Ecology. an aquatic plant having its stem, leaves, etc., extending above the surface of the water.
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Origin of emergent
1350–1400; Middle English (<Middle French ) <Latin ēmergent- (stem ofēmergēns) arising out of, present participle of ēmergere to emerge
e·mer·gent·ly, adverbe·mer·gent·ness, nounnon·e·mer·gent, adjectivere·e·mer·gent, adjective
un·e·mer·gent, adjective
Words nearby emergent
emergency boat, emergency brake, emergency medical technician, emergency medicine, emergency room, emergent, emergent evolution, emergent norm, emergicenter, emerging, emerging market
Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
Words related to emergent
appearing, budding, coming, developing, efflorescent, emanant, emanating, outgoing, rising
How to use emergent in a sentence
Throughout the year, with cases staying stubbornly high, doctors warned about the consequences of non-Covid-19 patients were postponing care for chronic or emergent conditions.
Flattening the curve worked — until it didn’t|Dylan Scott|December 31, 2020|Vox
Readily available digital technologies can be used to provide local and remote computing power, enable information retrieval and analysis, and disseminate emergent knowledge.
Digital Technologies Will Help Build Resilient Communities After the Coronavirus Pandemic|Yolande E. Chan|September 30, 2020|Singularity Hub
In this approach, quantum mechanics is emergent from a deterministic hidden-variables model which acknowledges that everything in the universe is connected with everything else.
Your Guide to the Many Meanings of Quantum Mechanics - Facts So Romantic|Sabine Hossenfelder|September 3, 2020|Nautilus
Names like that emerge in the wave of secondary scholarship reacting to a new idea, and emergent names aren’t always bad.
Why Mathematicians Should Stop Naming Things After Each Other - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Laura Ball|September 2, 2020|Nautilus
To that end, the call to Crusades was possibly an intentional measure taken by the Pope with the aim to politically unite the Eastern Orthodox church with the emergent Catholic church of Europe.
History of the Crusades: Origins, Politics, and Crusaders|Dattatreya Mandal|March 23, 2020|Realm of History
Emergent procedures provide their benefit right away and have the awesome potential to rescue a patient from the brink of death.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Risky Heart Surgery|Dr. Anand Veeravagu, MD|November 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We Could Be King is, of course, part of a larger emergent genre, that of the high school football hagiography.
Two New Films Preach Our Nation’s Corrosive Gridiron Gospel|Steve Almond|September 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As with any emergent technology where an action is involved, the brand becomes the verb.
The Zen of Yo|Dale Eisinger|August 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Her latest book is The New Arab Man: Emergent Masculinities, Technologies and Islam in the Middle East.
IVF for Just $300 Could Be a Reality Soon|Randi Hutter Epstein|August 31, 2013|DAILY BEAST
In his new book, Present Shock, the media theorist Douglas Rushkoff takes a stab at describing an emergent cultural phenomenon.
Not Much New in Douglas Rushkoff’s Reading of the Future|Jacob Silverman|March 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Britain is an emergent mass of land rising from a submarine platform that attaches it to the Continent of Europe.
The Cornwall Coast|Arthur L. Salmon
She was to act in the same manner if emergent cases required a prompt decision.
The Revolt of The Netherlands, Complete|Friedrich Schiller
Notopodia reduced to small lobes at base of neuropodia above, these lobes smooth, bearing no emergent setae in the type.
Journal of Entomology and Zoology, Vol.
11. No. 1.|Various
So the burden of national crises is squarely upon the dominant classes who fight so foolishly against the emergent ones.
A Preface to Politics|Walter Lippmann
What if diabolic shapes lurked there, ready to become stealthily emergent?
The History of Sir Richard Calmady|Lucas Malet
British Dictionary definitions for emergent
/ (ɪˈmɜːdʒənt) /
coming into being or noticean emergent political structure
(of a nation) recently independent
an aquatic plant with stem and leaves above the water
Derived forms of emergent
emergently, adverbCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Scientific definitions for emergent
[ ĭ-mûr′jənt ]
Rooted below a body of water or in an area that is periodically submerged but extending above the water level. Used of aquatic plants such as cattails, rushes, or cord grass.
The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Examples of emergent
Two are undergoing or waiting to undergo so-called "emergent repair" maintenance work on structures posing an immediate threat to students.
From Huffington Post
This is what promotes emergent literacy and a love of language.
From Huffington Post
Complex systems, like a smartphone, often have several properties that are emergent, in other words they emerge from pieces of the system working together.
From Wired
The question we must ask, of course, is whether emergent supersymmetric behavior -- however intriguing -- tells us anything about the nature of fundamental particles.
From Ars Technica
For all of the risks and unanswered questions, immersive environments can also be extremely useful coaches for the emergent hybrid reality.
From Slate Magazine
Their emergent patterns are the passive consequence of temperature, pressure, humidity, and rate of fall.
From NPR
Developed an emergent level of skills, techniques, and processes with media and materials in the making of artworks.
From CNN
These emergent properties make self-organized robot flocks ideally suited to a wide range of applications involving efficient search and object delivery, especially in inhospitable environments.
From National Geographic
Of course, this emergent impulse is obvious in popular uprisings against repressive rule.
From Huffington Post
What's needed, then, is a language to measure the quality of conditions: the emergent combination of effective strategies and motivation that spark improvement.
From Fast Company
An emergent technology had collided with a body of law that wasn't necessarily ready to handle it.
From CNN
Emergent properties arising via thermodynamic and morphodynamic constraints are abundant in non-life: the hardness of minerals; the malleability of metals; the surface tension of liquids.
From NPR
But when the order of the media cosmos was annihilated, freedom did not rush into the vacuum, but an emergent order with its own logic.
From The Atlantic
We sense where the game is going and the crowd is going and amplify the emergent behavior.
From OregonLive.com
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
emergency room
emergency services
emergency stop BETA
emergency vehicle BETA
Herpes: symptoms and treatment, doctor's advice
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- Herpes: causes, symptoms, and treatment of the virus
"Cold" on the lips is familiar to almost everyone. It is worth catching a runny nose or getting nervous, as an unpleasant harbinger immediately appears - a tingling sensation somewhere near the mouth.
The herpes simplex virus is present in the body of 95% of people. And only a few have immunity, the reasons for which are still not understood.
The virus enters the body in early childhood: at 3-4 years old, when the antibodies against the herpes virus transmitted to the baby by the mother are depleted. Most often, infection occurs if the child is kissed by carriers of the infection. In addition to a kiss, the virus can enter the body, for example, with saliva. It penetrates into the mucous membranes, reaches the nerve endings, rises into the cranial cavity, where it "hides" in the nerve plexus, called the trigeminal ganglion, and "sleeps" there until it is reactivated.
Herpes "wakes up" with a decrease in immunity
Causes of recurrence of herpes on the lips: stress or emotional upset; various other diseases, in particular colds, flu, diabetes, HIV; poisoning or intoxication; alcohol, caffeine and smoking; excessive ultraviolet radiation; hypothermia or overheating; the onset of menstruation; overwork and exhaustion; malnutrition/diet or indigestion; other individual factors for each person.
After "waking up" the virus is sent back to the skin. When moving through a nerve, the virus causes inflammation of the nerve tissue.
The development of herpes can be divided into several stages. At the first stage, the person feels unwell. Pain, tingling appear at the site of the appearance of the "fever", the skin turns red. At the stage of inflammation, a small, painful vesicle filled with fluid forms. After a while, the vial bursts and a colorless liquid containing billions of viral particles flows out of it. An ulcer appears in its place. At the final stage, the sore is covered with a crust.
Most often, herpes appears on the lips, but lesions can also appear on the face, around the ears, or in the oral cavity.
What to do if you have a "cold" on your lips
At the moment, no medicines and treatments have been developed that would completely destroy the herpes simplex virus in the human body. But a few tips for those suffering from herpes can be given.
Strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene! Since herpes is contagious, wash your hands with soap and use separate dishes and towels.
Don't bring your hands to your eyes! And don't wet your lenses with saliva! Herpes can affect the mucous membrane of the eye.
It is not recommended to touch a viral rash, kiss. The virus can be transmitted by wearing one lipstick or smoking one cigarette.
If you try to remove a blister or crust over an ulcer, the virus can spread to other parts of the body.
Give up oral sex! A virus from affected lips can cause genital herpes in a partner.
A young mother must also take certain precautions to protect her baby from contracting herpes. If you have cold sores, wash your hands with soap every time before touching your baby. And in no case should the affected surface come into contact with the skin of the child.
How to minimize discomfort
Starting to use anti-herpes drugs should begin as soon as you feel a tingling sensation. Medications won't get rid of the virus, but they will stop it from progressing and speed up your recovery. There are drugs that prevent the development of the virus: tablets, ointments for external use, which help the healing of blisters and ulcers, reduce discomfort.
When applying the ointment, use cotton swabs to avoid transmitting the virus from the lips to the skin of the fingers.
Herpes requires the attention of specialists! A "cold" on the lips can be a symptom of serious diseases: a sharp decrease in immunity, cancer, HIV infection.
If you suffer from relapses of herpes - consult a doctor. The specialist will not only relieve you of unnecessary worries and eliminate the danger to health, but will also help you choose a comprehensive program for the prevention and treatment of herpes.
To make an appointment with an immunologist or a dermatologist for the program of diagnosis and treatment of herpes, call the Family Doctor clinic +7 (495) 775 75 66 (clinic hours: Mon-Fri from 8. 00 to 21.00, Sat-Sun from 9.00 to 20.00), or make an appointment and diagnostics through the online appointment form
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“What appears in the underground eventually becomes wild pop” / People and Regulations / Nezavisimaya Gazeta
Borzov did not see iconic musical events this year. Photo provided by the press service of Nike Borzov
Nike Borzov became a hero of the 2000s, riding a small horse, riding a star, talking about three words familiar only to him, and then he seemed to go into the shadows. But five years ago, he loudly returned to the music scene, releasing the albums "From the Inside", "Everywhere and Nowhere", "Favorites". Now the musician is preparing to present a new disc "Molecule", which includes his acoustic experiments. On the eve of the release of the album, Natalya KHROMENKOVA talked with Nike BORZOV about the "new Middle Ages", "gloomy serenade" and the fierce sound of cajon, strict laws and a new slogan that should decorate the country's flag.
- The ancient Greeks started a new life every seven years and took a new name. It is very difficult for a musician to start a new life: listeners get used to the role and do not tolerate changes. But now, after a long silence, you returned to the stage again, having presented two albums at once last year, and now you are preparing to release another record. Do you often start a new life? Isn't it difficult?
- Every day. I don’t even think about how it happens, but over time you get used to it. True, every morning everything is erased, and it is difficult to concentrate and understand what happened yesterday. Sometimes you fall asleep like this and think: “I didn’t do it, I forgot about it” - and you start to worry. I don't go to bed without finishing something important, and every morning I wake up reborn, renewed and clean. I now go to bed before two in the morning, and get up before 10 in the morning - this is nonsense for me. I'm a completely different person, it's been a week now.
– Tell us about your new album. As far as I know, this is an acoustic album with cajon accompaniment. How did his concept come about, what awaits us in December?
- I would not call this album "Molecule" completely new: it does not consist entirely of fresh material, this is a different vision of my old songs, plus a couple of new compositions, of course. When starting the album, I knew for sure that these songs would not be included in the next numbered disc - according to the concept, they do not fit. But here, in acoustics, they took their place well and fit perfectly into the tracklist. "Molecule" is a kind of reflection of my feeling of people's reaction to the acoustic program, our acoustic sets with cajon. But the album in this new ethno-techno style was born by itself: our feet brought us to the studio, and our hands recorded it. I can't say that a new stage has begun: it started a long time ago, even before the release of the album. It turned out such a program rearranged for guitars and percussion. I had to change beats in some places, plus I could not resist and recorded bass guitar, even violins and button accordion.
– Do I understand correctly that it was the cajon that became the axis of the album? Did you dance with the musicians from this instrument?
- When I saw and heard the cajon, I wanted to include it in our acoustic concert sets. The feeling of an analog ancient drum machine and the ability to extract a dynamic sound only with your hands. It's like they played a long time ago, at the very beginning of music, fierce and frenzied, with wild fury - you can't play a drum machine like that. It turned out a completely different story, a new parallel form of life. It's like we live in the Middle Ages and suddenly came up with rock and roll.
- Michel Houellebecq has a novel called Elementary Particles where he compares people to electrons, mesons or something else. What did you put in the title of the album? Where did it come from?
Nike Borzov changed electric guitar to acoustic and cajon. Photo by Anton Belitsky/PhotoXPress.ru |
– The name came from a song, I really wanted to add it to the record, this acoustic program started from it. The song is weird and not for me. A kind of gloomy, minor serenade. I really liked the song, although some of my friends or acquaintances did not like it. And then I thought: if the album comes out double, then one more song is needed, so I remembered the song "Eva", I wrote it at the end of 1980s, and it was supposed to be on my first lost solo album in 1991. "Eva" has always seemed rustic to me, but recently I have changed my mind. Despite its simplicity, there is more to it. I perceive the main character as the first woman in a man's life, whom he really loves and is ready to change for her sake.
– You often travel, for example, you spent two months in India. Once I asked Goran Bregovic (although he is a Serb, he lives in Paris and often tours) where his homeland is, and the musician replied: “It is a thin coat in winter and a shabby jacket in summer.” And where's your house?
- About the jacket and coat - a good topic. To feel at home, I need my own studio - a small one, with various gadgets and devices, so that I can relax, and when necessary, urgently record what I need.
– You've had a busy concert year this year: you've often performed both solo and at festivals. How has the atmosphere at the concerts changed?
- The people are becoming more and more choosy, even compared to the last decade. Taste, depth of perception are becoming fashionable, and I hope that this will soon manifest itself among the masses. At the same time, musicians are becoming more and more professional, of high quality, I spoke about this 10 years ago, but now it is coming out, becoming more and more noticeable. What appears in the underground eventually becomes wild pop.
– Why do people come to concerts now? What are they looking for: inspiration, emotions, relaxation?
– I won’t judge everyone: people are still different, and even if someone says one thing, they can think completely different and not reveal the truth. I hope that the audience still come to listen to the music.
- When releasing the disc "Favorites", you noticed that Dolphin is your musical brother, your albums even rhymed: you looked in one direction, Dolphin - in another. Are there other musicians that you could call your musical brothers?
- Yes, in principle, there are many such people. With those who take a steam bath because of the quality, who record a good sound, strong material, it's nice to perform with them, the same "Bi-2", for example. "Spleen" sounds high quality, Borya Burdaev with his Octopus Maiden project, and "Brother Grim" also writes very nice songs in Russian. There are many good musicians, those who work without a second thought.
– The end of the year is the time to take stock. Can you name the most important event of the year in both Russian and world music? What do you remember about this year? And, of course, what is the most important event of the year for you personally?
- I don't even remember in world music. For me, this year, of course, is associated with the Molecule album, exactly a year has passed since the beginning of work on it. For me, the main result is that I finished the record. And from a universal human point of view ... These redistribution of information sources have begun again. It seems that normal people come to you, they say good things, and then disappointment, and not a damn thing has changed. In my opinion, this year for Russian show business is another year of failed hopes.
– You noticed that on the new record you and the musicians seem to have created rock and roll in the Middle Ages. Don't you feel that today we are returning to the dark ages, behind the Iron Curtain, when the music sounded from the underground?
- Yes, today there is such a return, and again, as with previous albums, I am in trend. Nevertheless, the 1970s and 1980s in our country were a time of serious musical leaps. And if there are concerts in houses of culture and apartments, I don't mind, as long as the music grows. More quality is better, but less freedom. But in general, I am for a different concept of a social climate, a consistent rational construction of a society that is pleasant for everyone in our country and around the world. I am for complete freedom of perception. I believe that laws are written for those who cannot live like human beings. If you misbehave, it's still easy for you to sit on a reservation, behind bars, like an animal.
- Suppose they brought you the Constitution and said: "Leave one law." What would you leave?
- I didn't read the Constitution, it's all fantasy. It is necessary to make a Red Book instead of the Constitution and bring in children, the elderly, farmers - owners of their own land, the middle class, good mood, favorite work, quality food - make the Constitution out of this.
– How can musicians change the world? And do they need to guide society at all?
- I am not a politician. At concerts, I don’t call for anything like that, I don’t incline. I am very neutral towards politics. For me, it's not the effect that matters, but the cause. In my songs I describe the root of the situation I am writing about, although sometimes it sounds very surreal, but I can’t do it any other way.