What is power word
700+ Power Words That Will Boost Your Conversions
Do you want to improve your conversions without spending a ton of time testing different designs and layouts? You could see a 12.7% increase in your conversion rates simply by sprinkling a few power words into your copy. In this post, we’ll share a list of 700+ power words that you can cut-and-paste to boost your website conversions.
Exclusive Bonus: Download our 700+ Power Words Cheatsheet to Boost Your Conversions.
What are Power Words?
Power words are words that smart copywriters use to trigger a psychological or emotional response. They’re called “power words” because they are so persuasive that people simply can’t resist being influenced by them!
But power words aren’t just for copywriters. They can be used by any marketer–even inexperienced ones–to motivate people to take a specific action on their website.
Whether you want to entice your visitors to read a blog post, opt into your email list, or click the “Buy Now” button on your sales page, power words are arguably the quickest and easiest way to increase your conversion rates.
In fact, Teespring increased their conversions by 12.7%, just by adding a few power words to their call-to-action!
Are you ready to add some power words to your marketing arsenal? Here are over 700 of them that you can use to trigger just about any emotion, for any conversion goal…
Greed Words
Greed is the natural human tendency to want more stuff than we actually need.
These power words can trigger that tendency by playing on scarcity and loss aversion, or simply by making something sound more valuable.
Bargain Before Best Big Billion Bonanza Bonus Cash Cheap Deadline Discount Dollar Don’t miss out Double Economical Exclusive Expires Explode Extra Fast Feast Final First Fortune | Frenzy Frugal Gift Giveaway Greatest Guilt-free Hurry Inexpensive Instantly Jackpot Last chance Limited Luxurious Marked down Massive Monetize Money More Nest egg Never again New Now Pay zero Premiere | Price break Prize Profit Quadruple Quick Reduced Rich Running out Sale ends soon Save Savings Six-figure Skyrocket Soaring Special Surge Treasure Triple Ultimate Up-sell Value While they last Whopping |
How to Boost Conversions with Greed Words
Rich Page tested two different headlines on his exit popup. The first headline read, “Is Your Website Optimized for High-Sales? Grab my free conversion toolbox and start succeeding!”
In the second popup, he tweaked the headline to include a few power words (circled in red below).
This version converted much better than the first, and with this optimized popup, he was able to increase his signup rate from 12% to 50%!
Read the full case study here.Another great use of greed power words is using them to promote giveaways and online contests. Learn how to run an online contest to grow your traffic and generate leads.
Curiosity Words
According to curiosity-drive theory, curiosity is a naturally occurring urge that simply must be satisfied, similar to how we satisfy hunger by eating or thirst by drinking.
These power words will make your blog post headlines, email subject lines and landing page headlines impossible to resist.
Astonishing Backdoor Banned Be the first Become an insider Behind the scenes Bizarre Black market Blacklisted Bootleg Censored Class full Classified Closet Concealed Confessions Confidential Controversial Cover-up Covert Crazy Cringeworthy Dark Elusive Extraordinary Eye-opening Forbidden Forgotten Hidden Hilarious | Hush-hush Illegal Illusive Incredibly Insane Insider Interesting Invitation only Key Limited Little-known Login required Lost Members only Myths Odd Off the record Off-limits On the QT Outlawed Priceless Private Privy Psycho Remote Restricted Ridiculous Secret Secrets Shh! | Shocking Smuggled Sneak peek Spoiler Strange Stunning Supersecret Thought-provoking Top secret Trade secret Unauthorized Unbelievable Uncharted Unconventional Under the table Under wraps Underground Undiscovered Unexplained Unexplored Unheard of Unique Unlock Unsung Untold Unusual Wacky Withheld Zany |
How to Boost Conversions with Curiosity Words
Take a look at this example from a thank-you page on Mary Fernandez’s site after someone opts in for their email list.
The goal was to increase click-throughs to their private Facebook group by making subscribers curious to see what’s on the “other side.”
How many power words can you spot?
If you counted seven, you’re right!
Sloth Words
Sloth is the avoidance of work: people are not motivated to do more than the absolute minimum work to achieve their online aims.
Use these power words to make your lead magnets sound more digestible, to make your products sound more useful, and to make your headlines more enticing.
Accessible All-inclusive Basic Building blocks Cheat sheet Child’s play Cinch Clear Complete Components Comprehensive Copy Downloadable Easy Economical Efficient Effortless Elementary Elements Factors Fail-proof Fill in the blanks Formula Free | Freebie Gift Guide How-to In less than In record time Index Ingredients Instant Itemized Kickstart Light List Manageable Manifest Mere Minutes Model Mold No nonsense No problem No sweat Nothing to it Now | On demand Painless Pattern Picnic Piece of cake Plain Printable Quick Ready Replicate Report Roadmap Simple Simple as ABC Smooth Smooth sailing Snap Straightforward Steal Steps Swipe Template Tools Uncomplicated |
How to Boost Conversions with Sloth Words
Here’s an example of a blog post headline we’ve used that works like gangbusters…
Can you spot all the power words?
Did you get all five?
Lust Words
Lust is usually thought of as sexual, but it’s actually just an intense desire for any item. When we lust after something, we crave it so badly that we stop thinking rationally.
Use these tantalizing power words to amplify that craving.
Alluring Brazen Captivating Charismatic Compelling Crave Depraved Desire Dirty Enchanting Engaging Exotic Exposed Fascinating Flirt Forbidden Hypnotic Intriguing | Lascivious Lick Lonely Lovely Lust Magnetic Mind-blowing Mischievous Mouthwatering Naked Naughty Obsession Passionate Pleasurable Promiscuous Provocative Riveting Scandalous Sensual | Sex Shameless Sinful Sleazy Sleeping Spank Steamy Stimulating Striking Sweaty Tantalizing Tawdry Tease Thrilling Uncensored Urge Wanton Whip Wild |
How to Boost Conversions with Lust Words
List25 uses a lust word combined with curiosity words to make for an irresistibly provocative headline…
Did you spot the three power words in the featured headline on the right?
Vanity Words
You may not think of yourself as “vain”, however, researchers have found that vanity is one of the chief driving forces that lead to purchase decisions.
The fact is, we buy into things because of how we think they will make us look: both to others, and to ourselves. And it’s not just that we want to look good physically, but we also want to look successful.
Use these power words to show how your offer (whether it’s a product, service, or lead magnet) will make your visitor look more attractive and more successful.
Ahead of the game Amazing Amplify At the top Attractive Awe-inspiring Beautiful Bold Booming Boost Boss Brassy Bravery Brazen Bright Brilliant Cheer Clever Conquer Courage Crowned Daring Dazzling Defiance Drop-dead Effective | Elegant Elite Enchant Epic Fearless Fortunate Foxy Genius Good-looking Gorgeous Guts Handsome Hero Jaw-dropping Jubilant Kick ass Knockout Legendary Lucky Magic Mind-blowing Moneymaking Notable Noteworthy Optimal Prosperous | Quick-witted Remarkable Sassy Saucy Sensational Smart Spectacular Spine Staggering Strong Stunning Successful Super-human Triumph Turbo charge Ultimate Unbeaten Undefeated Valor Vanquish Victory Wealthy Wonderful Wondrous You |
How to Boost Conversions with Vanity Words
Snack Nation uses one carefully chosen power word to increase conversions on their popup…
Do you know what power word it is?
Yes, “hero”! They know that their customers love getting positive attention and praise from their co-workers, so of course they would love to be seen as the “office hero”.
(Bonus points if you also noticed that the words “without lifting a finger” is a great sloth power phrase, even though we didn’t include it in this list.)
Trust Words
Have you ever stopped to think that trust is really what content and email marketing is all about?
Whether you are writing blog posts, creating signup forms, sending emails, or tweaking your product pages, the real purpose behind all of that is to build trust between the consumer and your brand.
Use these power words to speed up the trust-building process.
According to Accredited Anonymous Approved Authentic Authoritative Authority Backed Because Best Best selling Bona fide Cancel anytime Case study Certified Dependable Don’t worry Endorsed | Ensured Expert Fully refundable Genuine Guaranteed Improved Ironclad Lifetime Moneyback No obligation No questions asked No risk No strings attached Official Pay zero Privacy Professional Protected | Proven Recession-proof Recognized Refund Reliable Research Results Safety Scientifically proven Secure Studies show Tested Track record Try before you buy Unconditional Verify Well respected Worldwide |
How to Boost Conversions with Trust Words
In this test at Teespring, the power words “don’t worry” were added in the fine print below the call to action button and tested against a control…
The result from just this one tiny tweak in wording was a 12. 7% boost in conversions! (That’s huge!)
Anger Words
Anger has a huge influence on our perception, reasoning, and decisions. It makes us irrational, which can lead to choices that actually have no bearing on the thing that initially made us angry.
Stirring up the emotion of anger in your visitors and customers is a bad idea, when it is targeted at your company. However, it can also work for you, if the anger is directed at something else.
Think about what makes your prospect angry about your industry. Stir up those emotions with these power words, and then provide the solution.
Abuse Agitate Annoy Arrogant Ass kicking B.S. Backstabbing Beat down Boil over Broke Brutal Buffoon Bullshit Bully Corrupt Coward Crooked Crush Diatribe Diminish Disgusting Evil Exploit Fear | Force-fed Foul Greedy Hate Hostile Know it all Lies Loathsome Loser Lying Maul Miff Money-grubbing Morally bankrupt Nazi No Good Obnoxious Payback Pitiful Pound Preposterous Provoke Punish Raise hell | Rant Revolting Ruthless Screw Sick and Tired Smug Sneaky Sniveling Snob Snooty Snotty Stink Stuck up Thug Underhanded Vicious Victim Violent Waste Weak Worst Wounded |
How to Boost Conversions with Anger Words
Advertisements that use anger have been shown to be highly effective. In a study by researchers from Dartmouth and Cornell, anti-smoking TV commercials that used anger to appeal to the viewer’s emotions were more persuasive than those that used sadness.
This ad from Harley Davidson received a lot of praise for blatantly stating the angry, rebellious thoughts on people’s minds in regard to the economy.
Did you find all the power words?
Fear Words
Fear is perhaps the most powerful motivator of all. It’s that primal instinct that keeps us safe, that keeps us alive.
If you want to inspire your readers to take action–whether that’s sharing your blog post, downloading your lead magnet, or buying your product–use these power words to make them fearful of what might happen if they don’t.
(Just make sure you don’t completely paralyze them with fear: also provide an actionable solution to their problem.)
Agony Annihilate Apocalypse Armageddon Assault Backlash Beating Beware Blinded Blood Bloodbath Bloodcurdling Bloody Bomb Bufoon Bumbling Cadaver Cataclysmic Catastrophe Caution Collapse Corpse Crazy Cripple Crisis Danger Dangerous Deadly Death Destroy Devastating Disastrous Drowning Dumb Embarrass Epidemic Fail Feeble Fired | Fool Fooled Frantic Frightening Gambling Gullible Hack Hazardous Hoax Horrific Hurricane Insidious Invasion IRS Jail Jeopardy Lawsuit Looming Lunatic Lurking Meltdown Mired Mistake Murder Nightmare Painful Pale Panic Peril Piranha Pitfall Plague Played Plummet Plunge Poison Poor Prison | Pummel Pus Reckoning Refugee Revenge Risky Savage Scary Scream Searing Shatter Shellacking Silly Slaughter Slave Smash Strangle Stupid Suck Suffering Tailspin Tank Targeted Teetering Terror Terrorist Torture Toxic Tragedy Trap Trauma Vaporize Victim Volatile Vulnerable Warning Worry Wounded Wreaking havoc |
How to Increase Conversions with Fear Words
Jon Morrow, known for his fear-inducing blog posts, uses power words to get his visitors to read and take action.
Here’s an example:
Did you spot the power words?
Conclusion (Power Word Style!)
Don’t be a slave to the endless grind of tweaking and testing when you can simply copy the words that the experts use.
Power words are a cinch to implement, and they work like magic. With this complete list, you are now equipped to turbo charge your conversions in record time!
What are your favorite power words? Can you think of a few we missed? Let us know in the comments!
Exclusive Bonus: Download our 700+ Power Words Cheatsheet to Boost Your Conversions.
List of 200 Words That Will Boost Your Conversions
We’ve all heard the old axiom about the pen proving mightier than the sword. As it turns out, it’s true.
Power words prove the rule. A power word (also sometimes confused as a trigger word) is a word that evokes an emotion and a response. It instills in people the desire or need to respond to whatever you’re presenting them with.
That’s great for entrepreneurs and marketers. If you can use power words to boost your conversions and build your following, your business will become healthier as a result.
But what exactly constitutes a power word? And how can you use these words effectively?
We’ve come up with a list of 200 power words that boost conversions and help persuade customers. However, we’re not just going to throw a long list of words at you.
Instead, we’re going to tell you exactly how each set of words can contribute to conversion rate improvements. Whether they inspire greed or vanity or they’re best used in headlines or on landing pages, we’ll clue you in so you’re not left with guesswork.
First, though, we’ll help you better understand the definition and function of power words so you can use them more effectively to your advantage. Let’s dig into power words and how they work.
What Are Power Words?
Think of power words as the wrecking balls of content marketing. They’re incredibly effective. Instead of destroying things, however, they build them up.
You’ve probably encountered lots of power words over the last week, whether you’ve heard them used in television commercials or seen them in Facebook Ads. Marketers use power words to convince people to respond immediately to a call to action.
Of course, any word could be considered powerful. So how do you identify (and use) them?
In most cases, power words have at least one of five qualities. They’re:
- Unique
- Action-Driven
- Descriptive
- Inflammatory
- Surprising
Consider these two words:
- Event
- Scam
The first word is pretty mundane. It could refer to just about anything, from a four-car pileup on the highway to a concert with your favorite musical artist.
The second word, however, immediately evokes a response. You hear the word and you want to know what’s happened, who’s affected, and what can be done to stop the problem.
You don’t yet know what the scam involves or who it’s hurt, but you feel something just by looking at the word.
Now, let’s put it in context with a headline:
“Investment Scam Bilks Millions of Dollars From Retirees”
That’s a newsy headline, but you get the point. Now we have a click-worthy headline because we’ve used more than one power word in context.
If your word fits one or more of the five qualities we mentioned above, you’re probably looking at a power word.
Of course, it’s not always that simple. You have to know where to put those words and how to use them to evoke as much emotion as possible. That’s what we’re going to cover in the rest of this article.
Why Should You Use Power Words in Your Marketing Strategy?
As consumers, we see lots of words every day. In fact, we’re inundated with words, whether we’re reading emails, a novel, or the closed captions on a YouTube video.
Because of this saturation, we need every word to count in our marketing copy. If it doesn’t elicit a reaction, it’s the wrong word.
Power words help bring about action by evoking emotion. They cause readers to feel something viscerally, so they’re compelled to click, buy, or otherwise act.
There are lots of emotions, though. Good marketing copy should cause readers to feel specific emotions that cause them to make decisions immediately.
The best power words trigger emotions like curiosity, anxiety, excitement, and awe.
What Power Words Help Trigger Emotions for Improved Conversions?
Now that we’re clear on the definition of power words and why you should use them in your marketing copy, which words are most effective? We’re going to provide you with 200 examples in the context of specific emotions and situations.
The type of emotion you want to evoke will depend on the situation.
For instance, if you’re targeting consumers who are already brand-aware, you’ll want to engender excitement and urgency. You want them to buy right away.
However, if you’re targeting consumers at the top of the sales funnel, your power words should trigger emotions like curiosity, greed, and anger. It’s not necessarily time for the consumer to buy, but you want him or her to click.
Keep in mind that the term “power word” is sometimes a misnomer. Like “keyword,” it can refer to a phrase instead of a single word. For instance, a popular power word is “Right Away” because it implies urgency. Don’t be put off by the fact that it’s two words.
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Capture Greed
Everyone is a little greedy, whether they want the last slice of apple pie or they desire a higher salary. Appealing to greed can help you become a better marketer.
Depending on the types of online courses and other digital products you sell, you might be able to capture greed among your audience and convince them to convert. It’s all about suggesting a bargain or helping people attain what they want.
Some of the most effective greed power words include:
1. Save Money
2. Bargain
3. Free
4. Earn More
5. Get More
6. Bonus
7. Profit
8. Lucrative
9. Cash
10. Inexpensive
11. Extra
12. Reasonable
13. Budget
14. Marked Down
15. Reduced
16. Sale
17. Slashed
You might notice that we’ve substituted a few complex words for their simpler alternatives. Inexpensive, for instance, is often more favorable than “cheap.” Why? Because “cheap” implies poor quality.
Think about how your power words will impact people in different ways before you use them.
Inspire Curiosity
Did you ever read the Curious George books when you were a kid. If so, you learned that curiosity is a virtue. We all have it — and we all want to satisfy it.
Think about curiosity for a moment. It’s what inspired you to start your business, to learn more about your existing skill set, and to expand your education. It might be the reason you’re reading this article right now.
When we hear or read something intriguing, we’re hard-wired to check it out. We want to know more.
You can use that instinct to boost your conversions through power words. Our favorite curiosity power words include:
18. Secret
19. Unveil
20. Discover
21. Learn
22. Harness
23. Uncover
24. Join
25. Confidential
26. Hidden
27. Insider
28. Private
29. Secluded
30. Covert
31. Under-the-Radar
32. Clandestine
33. Exclusive
34. Distinct
You’ll notice a pattern with all of these words. They’re designed to get people to click based on something you’re going to reveal or share. Just make sure you can back up your promise.
Evoke Laziness
Sometimes, it’s okay to be lazy. In fact, laziness can lead us to find better ways to accomplish specific goals.
Let’s say, for instance, that you’re preparing a spreadsheet. Would you rather input all the numbers manually or use shortcut keys to do it quickly? Would you rather calculate the equations or run a formula?
When laziness meets efficiency, everyone wins. Power words can help people embrace their laziness and take advantage of opportunities to find faster, better ways to accomplish what they want.
There are lots of power words for laziness, including:
35. Quickly
36. Shortcut
37. Guilt-Free
38. Hack
39. Easily
40. Without [Negative Consequence, such as “Effort, Time, or Pain]
41. Instantly
42. Reduced
43. Save Time
44. Results
45. Fast
46. Rapid
47. Swift
48. Pronto
49. Snap
50. Accelerated
The goal here is to show people that they can get something done faster and easier without sacrificing the end result. If you can hit a pain point or overcome an objection in the process, you’re ahead of the game.
Feed Consumers’ Lust
We often think of lust in the context of romantic love, but Merriam-Webster defines lust as “an intense longing. ” That could be for anything that satisfies a craving or desire.
With that said, sex does sell. Many people make purchasing decisions because a beautiful woman or handsome man was used in the television commercial for the product.
Additionally, a product that promises to improve one’s desirability can sell quickly. You just have to find the right power words to get your point across.
For instance, maybe you create online courses for men who want to improve their dating etiquette. You could use lust power words to convince them you have the answers to their questions.
A few of the best lust power words include:
51. Craving
52. Desire
53. Sinful
54. Sexy
55. Covet
56. Yearn
57. Forbidden
58. Sensual
59. Wanton
60. Ache
You can use these power words together or by themselves to help boost your conversions and instantly improve your copywriting.
Appeal to Vanity
No matter how humble we feel, we usually have at least one or two sore spots when it comes to vanity. Whether it’s losing weight, getting fitter, improving one’s hair color, dressing better, or otherwise improving one’s physical appearance, we all have the desire to look nicer.
You can use that knowledge to your advantage.
Many prosperous marketers have used power words related to vanity to help sell more products — and not just in the beauty and fitness industries. No matter your Knowledge Commerce product, if you can appeal to your target customers’ vanity, you might sell more products.
For instance, a photographer might want tips on how to take more appealing self portraits. The same goes for an artist.
On the other hand, a public speaker might want to look better for those occasions when he or she steps in front of an audience. It’s a natural inclination.
Following are some of the best power words for appealing to vanity:
61. Beautiful
62. Attractive
63. Legendary
64. Cute
65. Youthful
66. Aglow
67. Alluring
68. Graceful
69. Dazzling
70. Exquisite
71. Refined
72. Fair
73. Enticing
74. :Lovely
75. Handsome
Make People Feel Powerful
When you make someone else feel powerful, you gain their trust. It’s a little-known fact in marketing that helping people feel powerful is more effective than exerting power over others.
In other words, you want to appeal to your target customer’s sense of power and self-possession. People who feel weak often don’t buy products because they’re insecure and vulnerable.
Power words that make other people feel powerful include the following:
76. Forceful
77. Elevated
78. Supreme
79. Paramount
80. Potent
81. Mighty
82. Able
83. Command
84. Influence
85. Control
86. Prevail
87. Accomplished
88. Conquer
89. Clever
90. Omnipotent
91. Potential
92. Ascend
93. Prestige
94. Upper Hand
Simplify Consumers’ Lives
We all want to find a simpler way to accomplish the goals we set and get what we want. It’s not always possible, but we’re on the lookout for a solution.
When you imply or suggest that your product offers an easier, simpler alternative to the generally accepted method of achieving a goal, more people will buy from you. That’s why it pays to use power words that suggest you can simplify consumers’ lives.
Some of the best power words that suggest simplicity include:
95. Simple
96. One-Time
97. Never
98. Ease
99. Accomplish
100. Reduce
101. Cut Down
102. Clarify
103. Save Time
104. Speedy
105. No-Frills
106. Shorten
107. Decipher
108. Decode
109. Unravel
110. Beat
111. Break Down
112. Free Up
113. Relieve
114. Assist
115. Aid
116. Eliminate
117. Control
118. Expedite
Exude Authority
While you don’t want to make your audience feel inferior, you do want to gain their respect for your company and products. That’s why it’s essential to exude authority when you prepare marketing materials.
Authority often comes from outside sources, so you can use power words when referencing third-party statements. For instance, if an expert has given you a testimonial, you might use a power word to introduce it.
Similarly, you can use your own data or someone else’s to prove that something is important enough for your audience to stop and pay attention. Adding a power word gives the data or statistic more gravitas, which instantly helps you gain authority.
If you want your audience to see your business as authoritative, use power words like these:
119. Dominate
120. Unparalleled
121. Ideal
122. Proven
123. Scientifically Shown
124. Data
125. Percent
126. Agree
127. No Doubt
128. Foolproof
129. Guarantee
130. Promise
131. Accurate
132. Definitive
133. True
134. Legit
135. Confirmed
136. Actionable
137. Unquestionable
138. Actual
139. Definite
140. Flawless
Suggest Safety
Everyone wants to feel safe, whether we’re tucked in our beds at night or trying out a new sport. When you use power words related to safety, you make your prospects feel more secure dealing with your business.
Most importantly, you don’t want your prospects to think they’re taking a risk by buying from you or by testing out your strategies and tips. They should feel as though you’re protecting them from harm by providing safe, actionable information.
Try these power words related to safety:
141. Safe
142. Secure
143. Sound
144. Free of Danger
145. Preserve
146. Guard
147. Protect
148. Healthy
148. Smart
150. Cautious
151. No Risk
152. Absolute
153. Sure Thing
154. Unmistakable
155. Genuine
156. Clear
157. Trusted
158. Freedom
159. Haven
160. Retreat
161. Protection
Build Trust
It might sound the same as safety and authority, but trust is actually an entirely separate concept. You build trust with your prospects and customers over time, so trust-related power words should remain consistent across your marketing copy as well as your informational products.
The idea is to suggest that other people can rely on you over and over again to deliver what you promise.
Try these power words related to trust:
162. Complete
163. Ultimate
164. Best
165. Super
166. Truly
167. Results
168. Should
169. Superior
170. Worthwhile
171. Advantage
172. Delightful
174. Effective
174. Supported
Ignite Anger
Anger and rage can ignite passion and fuel action. You might already know this if you’ve ever gotten angry and taken immediate action, whether you yelled at someone or told other people about the experience.
While anger is technically a negative emotion, it’s also very persuasive. For instance, if you tell people that someone is taking advantage of them, they’re going to want to know who the perpetrator is and how they can stop the injustice.
Similarly, if they know that they’ve been duped, they’ll want to remedy the problem. When you provide the solution, you build trust (as noted above).
You can help ignite anger in a safe way using these power words:
175. Rebel
176. Despicable
177. Spiteful
178. Agonizing
179. Hate or Hated
180. Furious
181. Deplorable
182. Untrustworthy
183. Steal
184. Scam
185. Jealous
186. Desperate
187. Vengeful
Engender Fear
You might think that engendering fear in your audience would be a bad thing. After all, why would you want to scare people?
The reality, though, is that there are different levels of fear. You don’t want your prospects to fear for their lives, but a little anxiety can go a long way to boosting your conversion rates.
For instance, maybe you create online courses about photography. Your potential customers are worried that their customers or family members won’t like their images.
You can hit that pain point using fear-based power words. Let them know that you recognize their anxiety, but that you also have a solution.
Try these fear-related power words in your marketing copy:
188. Danger
189. Take Advantage
190. Miss Out
191. Lost Opportunity
192. Embarrassing
193. Mistake
194. Panic
195. Threat
196. Abuse
197. Disappointment
198. Cowardly
199. Distressed
200. Inferior
Power Words Examples
Now that we’ve given you 200 power words to chew on, let’s take a look at a few examples. How can you use these words to boost conversions?
For the purposes of this article, we’ll use a specific example. Let’s say that you create online courses on public speaking. Following are a few ways in which you might use power words for headlines, product names, landing pages, and calls to action.
Power Words in Headlines
When it comes to headlines, you want to grab your prospect’s attention fast. The easiest way to do this is by presenting the promise right up front.
You can take a boring headline and spice it up with power words. Adjectives and powerful verbs help create momentum and encourage people to click. Combine these headlines with powerful CTAs to boost your conversion rate even further.
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Power Words in Product Names
When naming a Knowledge Commerce product, use power words to suggest what your product will deliver once the customer converts. How will you help improve or accentuate the customer’s life?
Power words help elevate a boring product name to one that evokes emotion and demands attention.
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- Public Speaking Success: Gain Clarity, Vision, and Focus
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Power Words on Landing Pages
Whether you use power words on your landing page headlines, body copy, or bullet points, you can benefit. Landing pages are designed to be conversion machines, so you don’t want to give up the opportunity to make a sale or gain a new email subscriber.
Don’t be afraid to A/B test your choices. Landing pages often don’t work as well as you’d hoped on the first try. Mix them up and compare results so you’ll know what words work and which don’t.
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Power Words on Calls to Action
Your call to action (CTA) needs to be powerful if you want to get the click. Using power words can help attract attention and encourage prospects to click through rather than click away.
Remember that a CTA has fewer words than a headline or other similar piece of copy. You can make it longer if necessary, but shortening it with snappy power words can make your job much easier. Additionally, you can add commas between power words to pack and even stronger punch.
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Using power words isn’t just some psychological hack. It’s a proven way to boost conversions on your Knowledge Commerce products. To help you out, we’ve given you 200 power words that you can use in your headlines, product names, landing pages,and calls to action right now. Mix and match to your heart’s content.
Keep in mind that certain power words evoke specific emotions. We’ve categorized our words into several different areas, including curiosity, laziness, vanity, powerfulness, authority, simplicity, safety, trust, anger, fear, lust, and greed. Sometimes, these emotions overlap.
Start by reviewing the power words we’ve listed. Which ones do you think would appeal to your target audience?
Next, apply them to the different areas listed above. Some might work best in headlines or subheads, while others could prove more powerful in calls to action or product names. You can experiment and A/B test your choices to figure out what works best with the people who buy your products.
Use Kajabi to Turn Your Knowledge And Content Into Products You Can Sell
There’s nothing more powerful in this world than education. When you feed your mind, you can reach goals you never before thought possible.
That includes entrepreneurship.
If your goal is to run your own business by selling the knowledge you’ve accrued over years of studying or experience, we’re here for you. At Kajabi, we empower entrepreneurs to harness their knowledge and sell it for profit.
Best of all, there are consumers out there waiting for your own Knowledge Commerce product. No matter your skills, talents, or education, you have something you can sell. We just provide you with the tools to do so.
In fact, we’re so confident in our ability to turn you into a profitable entrepreneur, we offer a 14-day, risk-free trial to help launch your online business. Start building your own online courses today.
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Tune in to the Kajabi podcast, Kajabi Edge to hear interviews with Kajabi Heroes.
Read the 2022 State of the Creator Economy Report to get the latest data on industry trends and growth for knowledge content creators.
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Synonyms and antonyms "powerful" - analysis and associations for the word powerful.

- masculine
- feminine
- neuter
- Translation
- Associations
- Anagrams
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Hypernyms
- Morphological analysis
- Declensions
- Conjugations
Translation of powerful
We offer translations of powerful in English, German and French.
Implemented using the Yandex.Dictionary service
- English
- German
- French
- powerful - strong, strong, powerful
- more powerful
- strong support
- potent inhibitor
- mighty fortress
- great - large, massive
- great potential
- massive explosion - massive explosion
- robust - robust
- robust set
- heavy - strong
- heavy armor
- vibrant - energetic
- leistungsstark - strong, productive
- especially the most powerful - besonders leistungsstarke
- powerful system - ein leistungsfähiges System
- stark - strong
- quite the most powerful - stark genug
- powerful explosion - eine gewaltige Explosion
- powerful earthquakes - schwere Erdbeben
- machtvoll - strong
- sehr stark
- massiv - rugged
- hochleistungsfähig - high performance
- wuchtig - heavy
- puissant - strong, thick
- very powerful tool - outil très puissant
- powerful support - un appui solide
- massif — strong, sharp
- d'enfer - strong
Relationship with other words
Words ending in -powerful:
- helpless
- high power
- low power
- feeble
- equal power
- fat
What can be done powerfully?
hit push off work dissect hum roar dash dash swing move push push thrust heave row pull push off sound pulsate earn swing pull strike exhale attack smell move beat clap inhale hum rise roar bark breathe act impact thump push row stretch intervene turn around jump move manifest send lean shudder snort eat rumble cut rattle shake compress cause sound sneeze push rumble seize run strike fileSynonyms of the word powerful
authoritativebig weighty powerful influential almighty omnipotent sovereign hefty hefty healthy strong mighty powerful dense imperative strong mother omnipotent
Hypernyms of the word powerful
Scope of the word powerful
TechniqueMilitary termGeneral vocabularyNanotechnologyMathematics
Morphological analysis (part of speech) of the word powerful
Part of speech:
nominating 9 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9 9 9 EL Question The only one Multip.
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