What is reading for comprehension
Comprehension | Reading Rockets
Comprehension is the understanding and interpretation of what is read. To be able to accurately understand written material, children need to be able to (1) decode what they read; (2) make connections between what they read and what they already know; and (3) think deeply about what they have read.
One big part of comprehension is having a sufficient vocabulary, or knowing the meanings of enough words. Readers who have strong comprehension are able to draw conclusions about what they read – what is important, what is a fact, what caused an event to happen, which characters are funny. Thus comprehension involves combining reading with thinking and reasoning.
Target the Problem: Comprehension
What the problem looks like
A kid's perspective: What this feels like to me
Children will usually express their frustration and difficulties in a general way, with statements like "I hate reading!" or "This is stupid!". But if they could, this is how kids might describe how comprehension difficulties in particular affect their reading:
- It takes me so long to read something. It's hard to follow along with everything going on.
- I didn't really get what that book was about.
- Why did that character do that? I just don't get it!
- I'm not sure what the most important parts of the book were.
- I couldn't really create an image in my head of what was going on.
A parent's perspective: What I see at home
Here are some clues for parents that a child may have problems with comprehension:
- She's not able to summarize a passage or a book.
- He might be able to tell you what happened in a story, but can't explain why events went the way they did.
- She can't explain what a character's thoughts or feelings might have been.
- He doesn't link events in a book to similar events from another book or from real life.
A teacher's perspective: What I see in the classroom
Here are some clues for teachers that a student may have problems with comprehension:
- He seems to focus on the "wrong" aspect of a passage; for example, he concentrates so much on the details that the main idea is lost.
- She can tell the outcome of a story, but cannot explain why things turned out that way.
- He does not go behind what is presented in a book to think about what might happen next or why characters took the action they did.
- She brings up irrelevant information when trying to relate a passage to something in her own life.
- He seems to have a weak vocabulary.
- She cannot tell the clear, logical sequence of events in a story.
- He does not pick out the key facts from informational text.
- He cannot give you a "picture" of what's going on in a written passage; for example, what the characters look like or details of where the story takes place.
How to help
With the help of parents and teachers, kids can learn strategies to cope with comprehension problems that affect his or her reading. Below are some tips and specific things to do.
What kids can do to help themselves
- Use outlines, maps, and notes when you read.
- Make flash cards of key terms you might want to remember.
- Read stories or passages in short sections and make sure you know what happened before you continue reading.
- Ask yourself, "Does this make sense?" If it doesn't, reread the part that didn't make sense.
- Read with a buddy. Stop every page or so and take turns summarizing what you've read.
- Ask a parent or teacher to preview a book with you before you read it on your own.
- As you read, try to form mental pictures or images that match the story.
What parents can do to help at home
- Hold a conversation and discuss what your child has read. Ask your child probing questions about the book and connect the events to his or her own life. For example, say "I wonder why that girl did that?" or "How do you think he felt? Why?" and "So, what lesson can we learn here?".
- Help your child make connections between what he or she reads and similar experiences he has felt, saw in a movie, or read in another book.
- Help your child monitor his or her understanding. Teach her to continually ask herself whether she understands what she's reading.
- Help your child go back to the text to support his or her answers.
- Discuss the meanings of unknown words, both those he reads and those he hears.
- Read material in short sections, making sure your child understands each step of the way.
- Discuss what your child has learned from reading informational text such as a science or social studies book.
What teachers can do to help at school
- As students read, ask them open-ended questions such as "Why did things happen that way?" or "What is the author trying to do here?" and "Why is this somewhat confusing?".
- Teach students the structure of different types of reading material. For instance, narrative texts usually have a problem, a highpoint of action, and a resolution to the problem. Informational texts may describe, compare and contrast, or present a sequence of events.
- Discuss the meaning of words as you go through the text. Target a few words for deeper teaching, really probing what those words mean and how they can be used.
- Teach note-taking skills and summarizing strategies.
- Use graphic organizers that help students break information down and keep tack of what they read.
- Encourage students to use and revisit targeted vocabulary words.
- Teach students to monitor their own understanding. Show them how, for example, to ask themselves "What's unclear here?" or "What information am I missing?" and "What else should the author be telling me?".
- Teach children how to make predictions and how to summarize.
More information
Find out more about comprehension issues with these resources from Reading Rockets, The Access Center, and LD OnLine:
Other recommended links:
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The Importance of Reading Comprehension
Many children in the United States haven’t fully developed their reading skills. Between 2017 and 2019, the number of children in grades 4 through 8 reading at or above their grade level decreased. In other words, the number of children who lack the necessary reading skills increased.
The National Reading Panel Report identified five components vital to developing reading skills: phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Although each component is important in developing a child’s reading ability, the following information focuses on four comprehension strategies that are used to help increase the reading comprehension of young children and older children who are struggling with reading.
Comprehension refers to the ability to understand written words. It is different from the ability to recognize words. Recognizing words on a page but not knowing what they mean does not fulfill the purpose or goal of reading, which is comprehension. Imagine, for example, that a teacher gives a child a passage to read. The child can read the entire passage, but he or she knows nothing when asked to explain what was read. Comprehension adds meaning to what is read. Reading comprehension occurs when words on a page are not just mere words but thoughts and ideas. Comprehension makes reading enjoyable, fun, and informative. It is needed to succeed in school, work, and life in general.
There are different strategies to use to enhance comprehension. It takes patience and continuous guidance when using these strategies. When working with children, remember to model the strategy as well as provide guided practice. As their skills increase, slowly decrease your guidance. The goal is to get children to use the strategies automatically. The following are strategies that can be used to help build reading comprehension in children:
This strategy involves asking children to make informed predictions based on what they obtain from the story or text. Predictions require asking children to make guesses about what might happen. Predictions are made based on what they see, hear, or read relative to the book’s cover, title, pictures, drawing, table of content, and headings.
When asked a question, such as “What do you think this book will be about?” or “What do you think will happen to/if …?,” children make predictions or guesses when answering. Predicting builds interest and understanding of the text, and it establishes a purpose for reading. This strategy keeps children actively engaged by connecting, reflecting, and revising their predictions.
Making Connections to Prior Knowledge
Making connections to prior knowledge involves connecting a new idea to knowledge and experiences already known. It requires getting children to relate their own experiences to something in the story. The goal is to get children to use their prior knowledge to help make sense of the text they read. Prior knowledge can include their experiences or knowledge of words, places, animals, or events. For example, the children know the word “bones” because of a previous discussion on bones because of a classmate’s broken arm. When they read a new word, such as “skeleton”, their prior knowledge of bones will be used to help them understand the new term.
Children start by making connections between text and their personal experiences (text-to-self). As they grow older, connections are made between different books, texts, or ideas by identifying similarities. In other words, to increase comprehension, get children to make text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections before, during, and after they read. For example, a discussion of the new or difficult vocabulary words before reading the text can help increase children’s comprehension. When reading, they can then activate their prior knowledge of the new terms.
Visualizing is also a strategy used to increase reading comprehension. It requires getting children to create in their minds a mental image of what they read from the text. Children can mentally envision what they are reading. The mental image helps children understand, recall details, remember, and draw conclusions from the things they encountered while reading. For example, ask children to make a drawing based on what they read. Also, while reading a passage to children, ask them to close their eyes and listen. Ask them to create a movie in their mind of what the words are describing.
This strategy involves getting children, when reading, to identify the main idea in the text and putting the idea into their own words. Children must sort through the information to determine what information is important and what is unimportant. They take the most important information and put it in their own words and use as few words as possible to explain the text. This strategy is not to be applied only at the end of the story. Instead, children should be taught to summarize throughout the story.
Without comprehension, children gain no meaning from what they read. Comprehension strategies are used to increase children’s understanding of the text to help them become active readers by engaging with the text. Learn more about Alabama Extension’s Parent-Child Reading Enhancement Program to enhance a child’s reading ability.
10 books for understanding the world order
Those who believe that people have stopped reading books are mistaken. This is confirmed by our “Bookchain” column, in which our reviewers share the treasures they have read over and over again.
Today, experts again went beyond the format, which involves the description of two books - one for business, and the other for the soul. Many recommended publications are much more than just for business or pleasure. There is even a book about the intestines! So happy reading!
Sasha Ardabiev, creative director of SHMA!
"Anything Can Be Negotiated" by Gavin Kennedy.
The worst thing you can do is accept the first offer!
Thanks to this book, I discovered the universe of negotiations, and I still use the acquired experience to this day. From the very beginning of reading, you can immediately begin to practice the examples given by the author, ranging from discounts on products in any store to large deals in other countries.
The book describes specific examples that are considered as tasks at the beginning of each chapter: you solve these cases, and then the author describes the correctness of your actions. There are many cases in which you have to find a compromise not only in work, but also in the market or in a bar, so I recommend reading this book to everyone, and managers of your company in the first place.
The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
All adults were once children. (But few of them remember this).
The most famous work of Exupery is notable for the fact that the author himself illustrated his book. I think that it can be read at any age. At first I read it as a child, and then I re-read it at a more conscious age and gave it to my nephew of six years. The book attracts with its simplicity, which carries a great depth of thought.
The image of the little prince reminds the reader that there is no need to part with the childish part of the openness and sincerity that we forget when we grow up. It is our children's thoughts, ignorance and interest that give impetus to creativity: when you need to think it out yourself, imagine how it works, what it consists of. Actually, it is the same in advertising, design and in any other creative activity, where sometimes you need to find beautiful and memorable metaphors.
Vadim Ustyuzhanin, managing partner of the agency JAMI
"Manager Career", Lee Iacocca.
This is a classic of business literature, despite the slightly inexpressive title, written in the most lively language. It reads in one gulp, like a novel, and contains a huge amount of unique managerial experience.
Lee dynamically describes his career at Ford, Henry Ford's dismissal at the pinnacle of success, and "revenge" - tough crisis management at the head of rival Chrysler.
The book is remarkable in that it does not contain either ready-made formulas or moralizing recommendations, but the very texture of the presentation gives an attentive leader answers to a lot of burning questions. From it you can get an idea of how one of the most effective managers made mistakes, set priorities, what principles guided him in certain respects.
Today, professional management literature is dominated by populist molasses for lazybones, which can be exaggeratedly reduced to the formula "put talented people in a beautiful loft, give them smoothies, a ping-pong table and complete freedom of expression, and you will get a strong team and an effective business ".
Iacocca actually shows that old-school management, where victory is created by responsibility, planning and control of key indicators, teamwork and healthy passion.
"Time-does-not-wait" by Jack London.
In my opinion, one of the most pleasant works of London. The book describes the life of Elam Harnish, a tireless gold digger from the Klondike, nicknamed "Time-does-not-wait", and later a major financial tycoon in San Francisco. If you like the spirit of Dreiser's Trilogy of Desire or Ayn Rand's without their inherent decadence, you will definitely enjoy the novel.
The harsh northern nature, the struggle with the elements and one's own weaknesses, the indestructible willpower on the way to the goal - this is a real hymn to quick and creative action. “Time-does-not-wait” is one of those books that I re-read with pleasure from time to time, and I would definitely give it to my son to read.
Irina Dobreva, General Director of the agency OMI
The Subtle Art of Giving a Fuck Mark Manson.
The subtitle of Mark Manson's book "The Subtle Art of Giving a Fuck" is "The Paradoxical Way to Live Happily". And this way is indeed paradoxical. Do you know why? In recent decades, the number of books, publications, instructions, theses and videos on how to live happily and successfully has gone off scale. “Be the best. Be happier. Be smarter and richer” and so on…
The paradox is that “focusing on the positive, on the best, on the excellent, only reminds us of what we lack; about dreams that didn't come true. " Will a truly happy person stand in front of a mirror and repeat to himself that he is happy? The paradox and pathos of the author is that he changes our attitude to troubles and failures, because accepting your negative experience is positive.
I came across this book, published in 2017 by Albina Publisher, before the new year. I read it and decided: let me give this book to my wonderful relatives and friends who have been worried all their lives because of ... everything. Because they are good, responsible, because they are perfectionists, because they worry, because they strive to make themselves, their lives and everyone around them better, and that is why they suffer and make others suffer.
When you're in the cynical advertising business (and at the same time you're trying to build a company where people are friends to each other), you reassure the beautiful employees of the financial department with the following words: “Yes, just think, there is no profit, they are strangled by taxes, rent is growing! This is complete bullshit! Do not be nervous! It's just paper money! Your health, your children and parents, your good mood are a hundred times more important! Here is a book for you, read it, be inspired!”
By the way, the last, ninth, chapter of the book is called “. .. And then you will die. The sunny side of death. I will quote the author and complete my essay: “Listen to Aristotle, even to psychologists from Harvard, even to Jesus Christ, even to the notorious The Beatles: they will all say that happiness has only one source - concern for what is greater than you; faith that you are doing something important for people and your life is only a part of some great and incomprehensible process.
Geography's Revenge by Robert Kaplan.
Geography's Revenge is a book by the famous American publicist and geopolitician Robert Kaplan published in 2012. It was recommended to me to read it by professor-political scientist Alexander Anatolyevich Slinko.
It is impossible to retell this almost 400-page work in a short annotation. Read! From Ancient Greece, China, India, the Persian Empire and the Greater Middle East to the Carpathians, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the paths of mountainous Kurdistan, two Korean states, Mexico, Turkey. .. The whole world, all historical processes and all political conflicts are presented through the prism of geography.
Quote: “Yale University professor Nicholas Spykman… military strategist of the early World War II era, wrote in 1942 that geography does not argue, it simply exists: “Geography is the most fundamental factor in the international politics of states, because it is the most immutable. Ministers come and go, even dictators die, but mountains stand firm.”
"What Maps Can Tell About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against the Inevitable" is the book's subtitle. And it is really not only about the past, but also about the future. This book allows you to feel the geography of the planet, talks about how mountains, rivers and oceans influenced the fate of ancient civilizations, states and peoples; about how geography affects all political processes today, and what to expect in the future.
Geography's Revenge "...demonstrates a deep understanding of world politics and serves as a powerful reminder that the planet's geophysical structure shapes human conflicts past and present as much as competing religions and ideologies. " Read, and the mosaic will form into a single panel! It's not easy to read, but it's worth it!
Dmitry Chudovsky, Marketing Director Zorka.Mobi
Fundamentals of Marketing, Philip Kotler.
Since I have to choose one, I'll probably choose old Kotler. It was with this book that my acquaintance with marketing began many years ago. Yes, it is old in itself, from the 80s, with all the consequences - how to do marketing for a startup, for example, it does not tell. However, its purpose is different. Classic, you can't call it otherwise!
The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway.
Very strong work. One of those that needs to be read between the lines. Despite all the tension that you experience while reading, there is no tragic ending in the book, and the continuation of the story depends entirely on the reader's imagination. And marketers, as a rule, like to be creative. (smile) The story better than any sources (unlike boring textbooks from the university course in philosophy) explains the concept of stoicism. I recommend!
Victoria Bormotova, creative director Publicis ProHealth
“Your charming intestines. How the most powerful organ governs us, Julia Enders.
If you think you are in control of your body, forget it! You are controlled by your gut, which decides what mood you will be in today, what your new partner smells like, whether to trust him, and how many kilograms you will gain by the summer, despite the fact that you want to lose weight.
Unfortunately, except for medical students and a small number of hypochondriacs, people have little idea of WHAT happens inside the body. This book easily and naturally dispels the main myths regarding nutrition, refutes some healthy lifestyle postulates, and in general can become an excellent Sunday reading, no worse than any detective story.
Written by a doctor, the vicissitudes of the food journey from top to bottom are presented in a very accessible and sometimes even ironic way, which proves that popularization of medical topics can be very exciting. In addition to anatomical details, you can find references to history, literature, psychology, as well as serious research in physics and chemistry.
By the way, in this series there is also a book about the secrets of the human skin and a journey deep into your heart.
“Zuleikha opens her eyes”, Guzel Yakhina.
They say that many of our country's problems stem from the fact that the descendants of those who were in the camps will never forgive the descendants of those who guarded them there... Seriously, this book is very multi-layered. After reading it, you can start a long discussion about feminism and the difficult fate of Muslim women or national prejudices, or you can just keep quiet and remember those who stayed on Solovki, in Siberia, who were driven away by their families for resettlement and tried to start a new life there.
This book is also about love. About that very painful, uncomfortable, defying all the laws of common sense love that occurs once in a lifetime. Another layer of this book is about motherhood, the other is about the heroes of the revolution who could not adapt to the meat grinder of the 30s of the last century.
When you finish reading the last page, you want to immediately open the first one and re-read it again - this time more slowly, with taste, savoring the excellent Russian language and the “openwork” of the story.
What to read for intellectual development
Intellectual development is not only trigonometric equations and Newton's laws. We have compiled for you a list of the best fiction and non-fiction books that will help develop memory, improve thinking and increase intelligence. Expanding your vocabulary and developing the ability to think figuratively will be a nice bonus if you manage the whole list.
Ryan North. How to invent everything. Create a civilization from scratch
An intelligent person is often distinguished by a subtle understanding of the world order. The book How to Invent Everything. Create a civilization from scratch” will just help you better understand how humanity moved from a hoe and subsistence farming to high technology and the ability to buy cola at the nearest supermarket. The book also tells about how to filter water, create antibiotics, assemble a radio and a steam engine. And even tell you the recipe for beer! In general, an indispensable book in the household. And in the event of a sudden apocalypse, it will also help restore civilization with your own hands.
How to invent everything. Create a civilization from scratch
Ryan North
Series: The pleasure of science
13 reviews Filter water? Create an antibiotic? Build a radio and a steam engine? Prepare beer, and even store it in the refrigerator? It's easy, as long as you don't forget to take the How to Invent Everything Survival Guide with you. This book will make you smarter, smarter and help you become the most powerful person on Earth. Even if you don't have to go back in time to do it.
857 rubles $1,045 - 18%
Paulo Coelho. Archer
Paulo Coelho is a master of penetrating prose. For several decades, his books have become a revelation for those who are looking for the meaning of life and trying to understand their nature. Coelho's new work "The Archer" is written in the best traditions of the Brazilian writer. This is an inspiring philosophical parable about finding your place in life, touching and poetic. The plot revolves around the great archer Tetsuya and his young apprentice. The master shares the rules that must be followed by a person who decides to become a shooter. Of course, the bow, arrows and target are a metaphor for the life of each of us. The book will tell you how to walk your great path without fear and regret.
Coelho Paulo
Series: Coelho. Favorites
8 reviews• From the best-selling author of The Alchemist, Eleven Minutes and Adultery
• First published in Russian
• A new journey into the depths of self-knowledge
A new book by Paulo Coelho about finding your place in life. It's time to find answers to difficult questions and find inspiration to achieve the intended goal.
Tetsuya is a carpenter, but in the past he was a great archer, who has never been better and is unlikely to be. He tells his young student about the rules that must be followed by a person who decides to become a shooter. Bow, arrows, target - it's all a metaphor for our life, the great path. But how to get through it so as not to feel fear and regret? Remember that every action has a consequence. And hard work and determination will lead to success and help you find your place in life.
The bright illustrations and concise storytelling of the book set the right atmosphere for inspiration. Alexander Bogdanovsky, who is known for classical translations by Coelho and other world authors, worked on the translation.
$529 645 rubles - 18%
Oliver Sachs. The man who mistook his wife for a hat
Always wondered how the human brain works and what illusions it is capable of? Then the book "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" should definitely be on your bookshelf. Its author, Oliver Sacks, is a well-known British neurologist who also has a talent for explaining the most complex biochemical processes in a simple and interesting way. The book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat includes several case histories of Sacks' patients. The doctor tells in an accessible language how a damaged brain can change the perception of the world and how the life of people with such diagnoses develops. The book is interesting not only from the point of view of science - many of the stories will not leave you indifferent.
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Oliver Sachs
Series: The Split Self
7 reviews mistook his wife for a hat" and "An Anthropologist on Mars" became international bestsellers and withstood a huge number of reprints. In his book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, Oliver Sacks explores the strange, elusive connections between the mind and the brain. Sachs tells amazing and often funny stories from his practice in a lively, accessible language, showing with examples how various brain injuries can change the perception of the world in a bizarre way and how people overcome these disorders using the colossal reserve capabilities of their body.
$512 575 rubles - 11%
Vladimir Nabokov. Camera Obscura
Nabokov was nominated four times for the Nobel Prize in Literature. The writer's books are famous for their unpredictable plot and subtle work with the emotions of the characters. The novel "Camera Obscura" is fully consistent with Nabokov's corporate style and can rightfully be considered one of the most outstanding works of the 20th century. The protagonist of the novel "Camera Obscura" is the art historian Bruno Kretschmar. His life has turned out remarkably: an outstanding career, a beloved daughter and wife. However, everything changes when Bruno meets a poor young girl working as an usher at the cinema. He falls in love and this feeling seems to him the only real one in the world. However, the name "Camera Obscura" is not accidental - everything that happens is just a twisted and inverted image of reality.
Camera obscura
Vladimir Nabokov
Series: Nabokov building
18 reviews No matter how beautiful the image in the camera obscura is, it is just an inverted picture of the real world. Nabokov's great novel, many of whose ideas were developed in Lolita, which he wrote twenty-two years later.
One of the key to this novel is the theme of life display. And one of the main means of reflecting life is art, and above all, since we are talking about the 20th century, cinema. Art critic Bruno Kretschmar, a successful connoisseur of painting and a respectable head of the family, meets Magda Peters in the cinema hall, a poor young girl who works as an usher and dreams of becoming an actress. The passion that flared up in him seems like a breath of fresh air, the only real feeling in the world of eternal lies, dogmas, conventions and rules. But, in fact, this is only an illusion, a twisted and inverted image of reality in the camera obscura.
And for this knowledge Bruno will have to pay too high a price. The era of great illusions gives limitless opportunities for contemplation and fantasy, but sooner or later the magical movie show ends, the beam of the movie projector goes out, and the audience is left in complete darkness.
525 rubles 625 rubles - 16%
Hawking Jane: Being Hawking
We are sure that you are familiar with at least one work of Stephen Hawking. If not, we recommend starting with
Being Hawking
Jane Hawking
Series: Civilization
10 reviewsOn March 14, 2018, the outstanding physicist, brilliant scientist Stephen Hawking passed away. The world knew him as a man of science, but what was he like in life? Who, if not a wife, the closest and dearest person, can tell about the real Hawking, showing what kind of husband and father he was.
The true story of the first wife of an outstanding scientist.
John Fowles. Magus
Magus is the fundamental work of the outstanding British writer John Fowles. You can read it over and over again and each time find new meanings laid down by the author. The novel tells about the secrets of the Greek island of Fraxos, where an eccentric millionaire performs merciless psychological experiments. John Fowles himself said that The Magus adapts to the reader and can be interpreted in any way. However, this does not stop the author's fans in search of the true meaning and makes them re-read the novel again and again. Can you solve the mysteries of the island of Fraxos? And what will meet you at the end of this adventure?
John Fowles
Series: Large letters
5 reviews John Fowles is one of the most prominent and popular British writers, a modern classic, author of The Collector and The French Lieutenant's Mistress. "The Magus" serves as a kind of visiting card for Fowles. In this novel, on a lost Greek island, a mysterious "magician" performs merciless psychological experiments on people, torturing them with passion and non-existence. The realistic tradition is combined in the book with elements of mysticism and detective story. Erotic scenes are perhaps the best written about carnal love in the second half of the twentieth century.
RUB 1,272 $1445 - 12%
David Lynch. Catch a big fish
In intellectual development, there will definitely come a period when you will need to catch a "big fish". It can be anything: the inspiration to create a brilliant work, a business idea that will bring in millions, or the courage to change your own life. The famous director David Lynch unraveled the secret of catching the "big fish" and wrote a book about it. According to him, the key to changing reality is in transcendental meditation. Lynch has written a meditation book that will help anyone who wants to get acquainted with this practice and develop creative abilities. Together with the author of Twin Peaks, you will see what was previously invisible, hear what was always beyond the audible, and open a door that you did not even suspect existed.
Catch the big fish
David Lynch
Series: Self-development bestsellers
10 reviews In the 2000s, the famous director, previously known for his pathological shyness, suddenly turned into a "traveling speaker" who traveled to lectures in more than 30 countries. In 2009, he also visited Moscow, speaking to the students of VGIK. All those present at this meeting noted his self-confidence, openness, energy. What made the director change? What got rid of creative crises, attacks of aggression and panic states?
According to Lynch himself, this is due to transcendental meditation, which he does twice a day. The text of the book "Catch a Big Fish" is in many ways similar to a meditative one. He immerses the reader into the inner world of the great director, makes him see the world around him through his eyes, experience his feelings, find out what he put into this or that image in his films. At the same time, the book provides answers to many questions that torment creative people. It tells you where to look for truly brilliant ideas, how to keep inspiration, how to interact with colleagues.
To Catch a Big Fish is certainly one of the most extraordinary books on creativity. And one of the most helpful.
636 rubles 775 rubles - 18%
Erich Fromm.

Erich Fromm had a significant impact on the development of sociology, psychology and philosophy of the 20th century. Most likely, you are familiar with his book The Art of Loving, where the scientist explores the phenomenon of love and tells how to love and be loved from a psychological point of view. "To have or to be" is no less interesting work, where the focus is on a materialistic society and relationships formed on the principle of "You - to me, I - to you." Fromm explores the difference between being and having. The first implies the true experiences of every moment of life in its entirety, the second puts material culture at the forefront. Erich Fromm in his work "To have or to be" tries to understand what is still more important, and to help the reader understand this issue.
To have or to be?
Erich Fromm
Series: Exclusive Classic
17 reviewsIn his famous work "To have or to be?" Erich Fromm clearly demonstrates the consequences of relationships formed according to the principle "You - to me, I - to you", and tries to answer the question that ultimately confronts everyone: what is still more important - the possession of objects of material culture or the true, meaningful being, when a person truly lives every moment of his life, realizing it and enjoying it in its entirety?
$255 319 rubles - 20%
Medicine for smart people.

Forewarned is forearmed! This also applies to health. The book “Medicine for the smart. Modern Aspects of Evidence-Based Medicine for Thinking Patients” was written by the best Russian doctors about the most common diseases that active young people may face. “Medicine for the smart. Modern Aspects of Evidence-Based Medicine for Thinking Patients” will help to better understand how the body works, and therefore maintain health and youth for as long as possible. The book will help you achieve a comfortable life and understand the latest advances in medicine. It contains recommendations from doctors of almost all specializations, including endocrinologists, cardiologists, neurologists, dermatologists and others.
Medicine for smart people. Modern Aspects of Evidence-Based Medicine for Thinking Patients
Alexey Paramonov, Sergey Butriy, Vasily Shtabnitsky, Ruslan Absalyamov, Vyacheslav Babin, Irina Babina, Elena Bahrekh, Natalya Vasilyeva, Vera Voronina, Zamira Gasanova, Yuri Eliseev, Vera Kachurina, Artem Loktev, Marina Sviridonova , Kirill Serdobintsev, Teona Rozina
Series: Intellectual scientific pop. Medicine is not for everyone
This book was conceived by the authors - the stars of domestic evidence-based medicine - as a guide to the main diseases that can overtake a modern active young person. The one who is not accustomed to relying on only one opinion, who wants to keep his health under control and aims to enter a mature and old age strong, physically healthy and without cognitive impairment.
That is why the publication includes such sections as:
- pulmonology,
- endocrinology,
- therapy,
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Kaina Lesky. Creative storm. Let yourself create a masterpiece. A non-standard approach to successfully solve any problems
Creativity is the basis of a successful career and business. Kaina Lesky's book will help you pump up the creative process and curb inspiration. The creative process happens in all people in a similar way and is like a storm: to come up with something worthwhile, you need to try very hard! Professor of Architecture Kaina Lesky is convinced that she has found a universal way to improve creative thinking. The ability to make non-trivial decisions is necessary for both scientists and office workers, so the book will be useful to everyone! It will help overcome doubts and creative uncertainty and bring creativity to a new level.
Creative storm.