What is your favorite color of the alphabet
on a scale of 1-10, what is your favorite color of the alphabet? | Hypixel
- #1
remember that one horrible joke that everyone used to say
it went around something like this
"on a scale of 1-10, what is your favorite color of the alphabet?"
Dedicated Member
- #2
Mine is Monday
Dedicated Member
- #3
Acantite said:
remember that one horrible joke that everyone used to say
it went around something like this
"on a scale of 1-10, what is your favorite color of the alphabet?"Click to expand.
My favorite color of the alphabet is the Prius
- #4
Mine's cantaloupe
Dedicated Member
- #5
mine is Qatar
- #6
Well-Known Member
- #7
Forum Expert
- #8
Stop it! You're saying it wrong! It's 'On a scale of 1 to 10 spell out your favorite color in the numerical alphabet"
Active Member
- #9
- #10
Captain America
- #11
Minepl*x yea no
Well-Known Member
- #12
Active Member
- #13
"Cory in the House".
Well-Known Member
- #14
My favourite colour is triangle.
- #15
Your all doing it wrong, clearly the only answer is Pancakes, thats cuz aliens dont wear hats. Sheesh you people, really quite obvious.
Well-Known Member
- #16
Mine are Moranges.
- #17
nani the freak is happening right ima???!?!
watashi is wakaranai
- #18
Wakanda 4 ever
Active Member
- #19
- #20
the best colour of the alphabet is quite obviously a hexagon
whats your favorite color of the alphabet, true or false? | Hypixel
- #1
mine is eight
- #2
- #3
I like spring rolls
New Member
- #4
the feet are the tastiest imo
Active Member
- #5
I like the screams if orphan children that I am harvesting there organs for mvp++
New Member
- #6
Tebosss said:
I like the screams if orphan children that I am harvesting there organs for mvp++
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I'm calling the police
- #7
Tebosss said:
I like the screams if orphan children that I am harvesting there organs for mvp++
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cursed reply
Active Member
- #8
Why are the police here
- #9
Well well well time to ruin this.
Let's analyze this, what is your favorite color of the alphabet? In many preschool shows different letters of the alphabet are different colors, most often pretaining to the rainbow, if we assign the alphabet this way we have this:
A-D = Red
E-F = Red/Orange
G-H = Orange
I-J = Orange/Yellow
K-L = Yellow
M-N = Yellow/Green
O-P = Green
R-S = Green/Blue
T-U = Blue
V-W = Blue/Purple
X-Z = Purple
Next part says "true/false?" this is something that we can skip since the creator does not give a logical answer to the true/false question when he says "Mine is eight" so the structure of the answer we should give does not include a true/false answer thus making it a red herring.
Next he says "Mine is eight" this is referring back to that alphabet as he a giving a numerical id of the letter, in this case the 8 letter would be translated as H which according to our chart is Orange.
So there we have it, OP's favorite letter is J and favorite color is Orange, I guess I have to answer this now huh.
Mine is 15.
Last edited:
Dedicated Member
- #10
Emerald said:
Well well well time to ruin this.
Let's analyze this, what is your favorite color of the alphabet? In many preschool shows different letters of the alphabet are different colors, most often pretaining to the rainbow, if we assign the alphabet this way we have this:
A-D = Red
E-F = Red/Orange
G-H = Orange
I-J = Orange/Yellow
K-L = Yellow
M-N = Yellow/Green
O-P = Green
R-S = Green/Blue
T-U = Blue
V-W = Blue/Purple
X-Z = PurpleNext part says "true/false?" this is something that we can skip since the creator does not give a logical answer to the true/false question when he says "Mine is eight" so the structure of the answer we should give does not include a true/false answer thus making it a red herring.
Next he says "Mine is eight" this is referring back to that alphabet as he a giving a numerical id of the letter, in this case the 8 letter would be translated as J which can either be Orange or Yellow depending on how you want to cut the colors.
So there we have it, OP's favorite letter is J and favorite color is Orange/Yellow, I guess I have to answer this now huh.
Mine is 15.
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I agree with this and all, but wouldnt it be h not j
Dedicated Member
- #11
anyway, mine is &
- #12
AmazTING said:
I agree with this and all, but wouldnt it be h not j
Click to expand.
You're right, I was thinking 12th position
Colors in English with transcription and translation
The purpose of the article is to teach your child colors in English in an easy and fun way. The world is changing rapidly, it is difficult to predict what skills and abilities will be useful in 5 years, but it is important to give the child a quality education, which is impossible without immersion in the interesting and mysterious world of the English language.
Learning while playing, playing while learning! We are trying to make sure that the kid gets into the world of Alice from Wonderland and Peter Pan, goes to help the brave Robin Hood, dance at the ball with a beauty or a handsome prince ... All this is the world of the good old English fairy tale and bewitching English. Welcome!
The topic "Colors" is basic at the initial stage of language learning, it is exciting and important. Having studied the colors, you will be able to compose phrases, combine colors with objects, figures, characterize your favorite toys, products, clothes ...
The word "color" in English meet and " color " [ˈkʌlər] [kale], what's the difference? It's simple: "colour" is British English, and "color" is American English. The American versions of some words are a little shorter, have fewer letters than the British, and Americans may omit some (unpronounceable) letters in writing.
Also each color has shades. Hue - shade - [ʃeid] [shade] - a kind of color that differs from the main one in brightness or intensity.
Basic colors in English:
- green - [gri:n] [gri:n] - green
- blue - [blu:] [blu:] - blue, blue
- yellow - [ˈjeləʊ] [elo] - yellow
- red - [red] [red] - red
- gray - [ɡrei] [grey] - gray
- orange - [ˈɒrin(d)ʒ] [orange] - orange
- black - [blæk] - [black] - black
- violet - [ˈvaiələt] [violet] - violet
- pink - [pink] [pink] - pink
- purple
- brown - [braʊn] [brown] - brown
To make speech more expressive, there are other commonly used colors:
- white - [wait] [white] - white
- beige - [beiʒ] [beige] - beige
- silver - [ˈsilvə] [silve] - silver
- scarlet - [ˈskɑːlit] [rock] - scarlet, bright red, crimson
- burgundy
- maroon - [məˈruːn] [maroon] - maroon
- turquoise - [ˈtɜːkwɔiz] [tekvoyz] - turquoise
- light green - [lait gri:n] [light green] - light green, light green
- golden - [ˈɡəʊld(ə)n] [golden] - golden
- emerald - [ˈem (ə) r (ə) ld] [emerald] - emerald
- lilac - [ˈlailək] [lilac] - lilac
- cream - [kriːm] [cream] - cream
- tan - [tæn] [tan] - tan, tan
- magenta - [məˈdʒentə] [magente] - purple
- marine - [məˈriːn] [marine] - marine
- khaki - [ˈkɑːkɪ] [khaki] - khaki
- vinous
- azure - [ˈæʒə] [azhe] - azure
- coral
- aquamarine - [ˌækwəməˈriːn] [aquamarine] - aquamarine
- copper - [ˈkɒpə] [kope] - copper
Speaking about shades (light, dark, bright, pale), you need to put a word in front of the color indicating its shade:
- light - [lait] [light] - light
- pale - [peil] [pale] - pale
- dark - [dɑːk] [yes: k] - dark
- deep - [di:p] [di:p] - deep, rich
- cool - [kuːl] [cool:] - calm, cool
- dirty
- dull - [dʌl] [gave] - dull, dull
- mat - [mæt] [mat] - matte, dull
- moderate - [ˈmɒdərət] [moderet] - moderate, mild
- natural - [ˈnætʃ(ə)r(ə)l] [nechrul] - natural, natural
- pastel - [ˈpæst(ə)l] [pastle] - pastel
- shiny - [ˈʃaini] [shiny] - shiny
- soft - [sɒft] [soft] - soft, gentle
- vivid - [ˈvivid] [vivid] - bright
- warm - [wɔːm] [vo:m] - warm
- bright - [brait] [bright] - bright, light
- neutral - [ˈnjuːtr(ə)l] [neutral] - neutral
- colorful - [ˈkʌləfəl] [calafel] - colorful
- multicolor
If the color of the object is not too pronounced, you can use the suffix -ish to create such color shades as:
- greenish0026
- reddish - [ˈrediʃ] [radish] - reddish
- yellowish
Complex colors - colors with additional words (bright red, pale green), in Russian they are written with a hyphen. There are two spellings in English:
1. The name of the color is before the noun - a hyphen is needed:
- pale-blue skirt0026
- deep-red carpet - [di:p red ˈkɑːpɪt] [deep red capital] - dark red carpet
- gray-green stones - [ɡrei gri:n stəʊnz] [grey green stones]
- yellow-brown snake
- blue-green lake
- light-gray asphalt - [lait ɡrei ˈæsfælt] [light gray asphalt] - light gray asphalt
- pale-green leaves - [peil gri:n li:vz] [peil green leaves] - pale green leaves
- deep blue sky
2. The name of the color comes after the noun and acts as a noun:
- the skirt is pale blue
Questions about colors in English
We ask the question “What is your favorite color?” What is your favorite colour? - [wɒt iz jɔː(r) ˈfeiv(ə)rit ˈkʌlə] [Is this from your favorite kale]?
And answer this question: My favorite color is blue . - [mai ˈfeiv(ə)rit ˈkʌlə iz blu:] [mai favorite kale from blue].
- What color is this tomato? - [wɒt ˈkʌlə iz ðɪs təˈmɑːtəʊ] [Here is kale from zis tomato]? - It is red - [it iz red] [it from red].
- What color is this banana? - [wɒt ˈkʌlə iz ðis bəˈnɑːnə] [Here is the kale from zis benane]? - It is yellow - [it iz ˈjeləʊ] [it from elo].
- What color is this lime? - [wɒt ˈkʌlə iz ðis laim] [Here is kale from zis lime]? - It is green - [it is gri: n] [it from green].
Hair color in English
To describe hair color (hair) we use the following colors:
- fair hair0026
- blonde hair - [blɒnd heə] [blond hee] - blonde hair
- black hair - [blæk heə] [black hee] - black
- brown hair - [braʊn heə] [brown hee] - chestnut
- dark hair - [dɑːk heə] [dak hee] - dark
- red hair
- flame red - [fleim red] [flame red] - fiery red
- gray hair / white hair - [grei heə / wait heə] [grei hee / white hee] - gray
- sandy blonde - [ˈsændi blɒnd] [sandy blonde] - sandy blonde
- matt blonde - [mæt blɒnd] [mat blonde] - matt blonde
- blonding cream - [blɒndiŋ kriːm] [blonde cream]
- light brown - [lait braʊn] [light brown] - light blond
- dark brown
English for children
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Memorize the colors of the rainbow in English
Memorize the colors of the rainbow: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits. And immediately we offer an analogue for memorizing the seven colors of the rainbow in English: Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain - we remember colors by the first letters of words.
- RED - [red] [red] - red
- ORANGE - [ˈɒrin(d)ʒ] [orange] - orange
- YELLOW - [ˈjeləʊ] [yellow] - yellow
- GREEN - [gri:n] [gri:n] - green
- BLUE - [blu:] [blu:] - blue
- INDIGO - [ˈindiɡəʊ] [indigo] - indigo, blue
- VIOLET - [ˈvaiələt] [violet] - violet
Eye color
We call the eye color (eyes) in English:
- eyes gray
- hazel eyes - [ˈheiz (ə) l aiz] [hazel eyes] - brown
- dark eyes - [dɑːk aiz] [yes: k aiz] - dark
- black eyes - [blæk aiz] [black eye] - black
- green eyes - [gri:n aiz] [gri:n aiz] - green
- blue eyes - [blu: aiz] [blue: aiz] - blue
See also:
- English alphabet for children
- Learn to count in English
- English greeting phrases
Arrange colors in alphabetical order
Below you will find a list of colors in English with transcription, pronunciation and translation, arranged in alphabetical order.
- aqua - [ˈækwə] [aqua] - sea wave
- aquamarine - [ˌækwəməˈriːn] [aquamarine] - aquamarine
- azure - [ˈæʒə] [azhe] - azure
- beige - [beiʒ] [beige] - beige
- black - [blæk] [black] - black
- blue - [blu:] [blu:] - blue, blue
- bottle-green
- bright - [brait] [bright] - bright, light
- bronze - [brɒnz] [bronze] - bronze
- brown - [braʊn] [brown] - brown
- burgundy
- burnt - [bɜːnt] [bent] - crimson
- camel - [ˈkæm(ə)l] [camel] - camel
- cherry - [ˈʧɛri] [cherry] - cherry
- chestnut - [ˈʧɛsnʌt] [chesnut] - chestnut
- chlorine - [ˈklɔːriːn] [chlo:rin] - chlorine color (light green)
- chocolate - [ˈʧɒkəlit] [chocolite] - chocolate
- cocoa - [ˈkəʊkəʊ] [cocoa] - cocoa
- colorful - [ˈkʌləfəl] [calafel] - colorful
- cool - [kuːl] [ku: l] - calm, cool
- cool aquamarine
- copper - [ˈkɒpə] [kope] - copper
- coral
- cream - [kriːm] [kri:m] - cream
- crimson - [ˈkrimzn] [crimzn] - crimson
- dapple-grey - [ˈdæplˈɡrei] [deple grey] - dappled gray
- dark - [dɑːk] [yes: k] - dark
- dark blue - [dɑːk bluː] [yes: to blue:] - dark blue, blue
- dark cyan - [dɑːk saɪˈæn] [yes: k saien]
- dark green
- dark gray - [dɑːk grei] [yes: to gray] - dark gray
- dark khaki0026
- dark magenta - [dɑːk məˈʤɛntə] [yes: to magenta] - dark purple
- dark orange - [dɑːk ˈɒrinʤ] - [yes: to orange] - dark orange
- dark orchid
- dark red - [dɑːk rɛd] [yes: k red] - dark red
- dark salmon
- dark violet - [dɑːk ˈvaɪəlit] [yes: to violet]0026
- dark yellow
- deep blue - [diːp bluː] [di:p blue:] - dark blue
- deep brown - [diːp braʊn] [di:p brown] - dark brown
- deep green - [diːp griːn] [di:p gr:n] - dark green
- deep pink - [diːp piŋk] [di:p pink] - dark pink
- deep sky blue - [diːp ˈskaɪˈbluː] [di:p sky blue:] - dark sky blue0026
- denimblue - [ˈdɛnim bluː] [denim blue:] - jeans
- dull - [dʌl] [gave] - dull
- dusty - [ˈdʌsti] [dusty] - dull, faded
- dusty white - [ˈdʌsti wait] [give white] - off-white
- emerald - [ˈɛmərəld] [emerald] - emerald
- fallow - [ˈfæləʊ] [felau] - light yellow
- forest green0026
- fuchsia - [ˈfjuːʃə] [fushe] - fuchsia
- garnet - [ˈgɑːnit] [ga: nit] - garnet
- gold - [gəʊld] [gold] - gold
- golden - [ˈgəʊldən] [goulden] - golden
- green - [griːn] [gri:n] - green
- gray - [grei] [grey] - gray
- green yellow
- hot pink - [hɒt piŋk] [hot pink] - warm pink
- indigo - [ˈindigəʊ] [indigo] - indigo
- ivory - [ˈaivəri] [ivory] - ivory
- jade - [ʤeid] [jade] - jade
- khaki - [ˈkɑːki] [ha:ki] - khaki
- lavender - [ˈlævində] [lavender] - lavender
- lawn green - [lɔːn griːn] [lo:n gri:n] - green grass
- lemon - [ˈlɛmən] [lemen] - lemon
- light blue - [laɪt bluː] [light blue:] - light blue
- light coral - [lait ˈkɒrəl] [light coral] - light coral
- light cyan - [lait saɪˈæn] [light cyan] - light greenish blue
- light green - [lait griːn] [light green] - light green
- light gray - [lait grei] [light gray] - light gray
- light pink - [laɪt piŋk] [light pink] - light pink
- light yellow - [laɪt ˈjɛləʊ] [light yellow] - light yellow
- lilac - [ˈlailək] [lilac] - lilac
- lime - [laim] [lime] - lime, light green
- lime green - [laim griːn] [lime gri: n] - lime green
- linen - [ˈlinɪn] [linen] - linen
- livery - [ˈlɪvəri] [liveri] - dark chestnut
- lively red - [ˈlɪvəri rɛd] [lively red] - bright red
- magenta - [məˈʤɛntə] [magenta] - purple
- maroon - [məˈruːn] [maryn] - burgundy
- mastic - [ˈmæstik] [mastic] - mastic resin color
- mauve - [məʊv] [move] - mauve
- mazarine - [ˌmæzəˈriːn] [mazarine] - dark blue-purple
- medium blue - [ˈmiːdjəm bluː] [midiem blue:] - shade of blue
- medium green0026
- medium gray
- medium purple
- midnight blue - [ˈmidnait bluː] [midnight blue:] - midnight blue
- milk white - [ˌmilk ˈwait] [milk white] - milky white
- mint - [mint] [mint] - mint
- mint cream - [mint kriːm] [mint kri:m] - mint cream
- misty rose - [ˈmisti rəʊz] [misty rose] - dull pink
- murrey - [ˈmʌri] [mari] - dark red
- navy - [ˈneivi] [navy] - dark blue
- nutmeg - [ˈnʌtmɛg] [natmeg] - nutmeg color
- off white - [ɒfwait] [off white] - off white
- olive - [ˈɒliv] [olive] - olive
- olive drab - [ˈɒliv dræb] [olive drab] - olive dull
- olive green
- orange - [ˈɒrinʤ] [orange] - orange
- orange red
- orchid
- pale green
- pale pink [peil piŋk] [peil pink]
- pale yellow - [peɪl ˈjɛləʊ] [pale yellow] - pale yellow
- peach - [piːʧ] [peach] - peach
- pearl - [pɜːl] [pearl] - pearl
- petunia
- pewter - [ˈpjuːtə] [pyute] - pewter
- pink - [piŋk] [pink] - pink
- pumpkin - [ˈpʌmpkin] [pumpkin] - pumpkin orange
- purple - [ˈpɜːpl] [pepl] - purple0026
- raspberry - [ˈrɑːzbəri] [roseberry] - raspberry
- red - [rɛd] [red] - red
- rose - [rəʊz] [rose] - pink
- rosy brown
- royal blue - [ˈrɔɪəl bluː] [royel blue:] - royal blue
- rust - [rʌst] [growth] - rust color
- salmon - [ˈsæmən] [salmen] - salmon
- sand - [sænd] [sand] - sand
- sandy brown - [ˈsændi braʊn] [sandy brown] - sandy brown
- seafoam - [siː fəʊm] [si: foam] - sea foam
- sea green - [ˈsiːgriːn] [si: gr: n]
- sea shell - [ˈsiːˌʃɛl] [si: shel] - sea shell
- sienna - [sɪˈenə] [siene] - ocher
- silver - [ˈsilvə] [silve] - silver
- skyblue - [skaibluː] [sky blue:] - sky blue
- slate - [sleit] [slate] - slate gray
- slate blue - [sleit blu] - slate blue
- slate gray - [sleit grei] - slate gray
- smoke blue - [sməʊk bluː] [smoke blue:] - pale blue
- snow - [snəʊ] [snow] - snow white
- spring green0026
- steel blue
- steel gray
- tan - [tæn] [tan] - tan, brownish yellow
- teal - [tiːl] [ti:l] - greenish blue
- terracotta - [ˈtɛrəˈkɒtə] [terekote] - terracotta
- tomato - [təˈmɑːtəʊ] [tomato] - tomato
- turquoise - [ˈtɜːkwɔiz] [tekvoz] - turquoise
- vinous
- violet - [ˈvaiəlit] [vayelit] - violet
- wheat
- white - [wait] [white] - white
- yellow - [ˈjɛləʊ] [elo] - yellow
- yellow green
How to learn colors in English with a child
Multi-colored food
It is extremely easy to introduce this technique into teaching - we group vegetables, berries, fruits and any products by color and each one calls it a color in English. Colored pencils and paper will also come to the rescue here. We draw: green apple, cucumber, green peas, lime, lettuce or any other greens and each time we name the color GREEN .
- Go to the next color block: lemon, melon, banana, corn, pear, cheese - color YELLOW .
- In any order, come up with a new color block: tomato, strawberry, cherry, cranberry, rowan, raspberry RED - nothing tastes better.
- Draw an orange, pumpkin, tangerine, carrot, nectarine, apricot - ORANGE .
- Next color group: plums, blueberries, blackberries, grapes - VIOLET .
- We continue: potatoes, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, toffee, brownie cake - BROWN .
Children are very fond of expanding the horizons offered to them, they have a desire to share with others what they already know themselves, they will be happy to seat their favorite toys in front of them and arrange an English language school for their little wards. Do not interfere, sit down and listen carefully to the proposed lesson.
Coloring geometric shapes
Here, in addition to colored pencils, it is important to add associativity. For example, let's paint the circle yellow (association with the sun), the child's subconscious can easily cope with this. And according to the same scheme - we call the color YELLOW .
- Green triangle - evergreen tree, pine - GREEN .
- Brown rectangle - that's right, a chocolate bar. What colour? — BROWN .
- Orange triangle - carrot - ORANGE .
- Three uncompromising circles of traffic light colors - RED , YELLOW , GREEN .
- Blue wavy lines - a sea of colors, we know - BLUE .
- The black rectangle symbolizes the TV screen - BLACK .
- Orange oval looks like a loaf - ORANGE .
- A large green oval will look very similar to a watermelon, color - GREEN .
- Arc - a rainbow and seven colors at once, we call the whole spectrum, we recall the popular color counting rhyme.
You will most likely come up with your own ideas along the way, that's great. Give the child the opportunity to offer their options.
Colored paper
If you think that some game requires a lot of preparation, we simplify: take colored paper, cut out figures of different colors, write the names of the colors. And your flower study guide is ready.
We are standing among the paintings,
We are walking on grass of color green .
I love the color of the sky blue.
The sky is painted with blue paint.
We are not tired at all
Painting the sun with yellow .
Clouds float away,
Overtaking ships.
White sail, white light.
White white , and no doubt.
Bright, juicy, powerful color,
Our favorite red is red .
Juicy aspen color in summer,
Bright green green .
Aspen turns yellow in autumn.
Yellow-yellow in autumn yellow .
The armor of heroes shines
Gray-silver color gray .
Orange - color and orange - fruit -
His name is orange.
Everyone in the world knows him,
they call him orange.
There is no red color in English,
Red will be replaced by red red .
Christmas tree, lime, dill, peacock -
Around green color green .
All the wheat in the fields is ripe
Golden yellow colors yellow .
Black and white horses
They rush into the distance without looking back,
You look, remember:
Black and white black and white .
Flamingo pink, sunset pink,
Pre pink pink agate.
Strict violet color
In English violet .
Gray cat, don't be shy!
You are beautiful colors gray .
There was a race among the penguins.
Put on all tailcoats strict - black .
Mr. Frog
Dressed in green green .
Strict Frau enters
In a brown suit - brown .
There is a throw on the sofa
Bright red color red .
Mischievous pig
Pink pink .
Who is the most evil among the animals?
Gray wolf named Gray .
We baked for lunch
Strawberry pie red .
I love blueberries.
Berry blue blue .
What's for lunch today?
Tomatoes red ,
Cranberries, cherries red —
Nothing tastes better!
I like cocoa
Light brown brown .
I like to swim very much
In the blue river blue .
We galloped around the yard
Two kangaroo girlfriends,
A train of children followed
Beige colors beige .
We are sitting under the sun
On the green grass green .
What's for the picnic today?
Pink sausages pink .
Forks, spoons - silver,
But it is tableware.
Everything looks very stylish
And shines under the color silver .
Songs and videos
We also recommend songs and videos. Audio and video lessons are a good way to expand your knowledge of English vocabulary.
Regardless of which method you choose, the main thing is that you and your child like it, and these tips have become an easy springboard for you into the colorful world of the English language.
A person's character by colors: what color determines the character
Your color is not necessarily the one that prevails in your wardrobe, or the one that you paint the walls in your apartment from year to year. To determine your color, you should listen to yourself. Think about what colors inspire you. The color that you imagine in your dreams determines your character
Elizabeth of Heaven
So, choose your favorite color and find out what it means.
The color of active people. Not just active, but bright, desperate. It is from such people that heroes and revolutionaries are made. Before us, most likely, is a born leader, able to captivate with his ideas. A person who does not tolerate routine and stagnation.
Cheerful, easy-going and enterprising individuals choose it! They are always looking for new ways and believe that there are not so many hopeless situations. Infect with their optimism and enthusiasm all around. They often like hiking and singing around the campfire. They always know what to do with children and how to amuse adults. Originals and fidgets.
As a rule, a yellow lover is a calm, balanced and optimistic person who knows his own worth. Accurately defines goals and routes to them. He knows how to keep a clear head in the most difficult situation. Often these are honest and morally strong people. They are not ready to sacrifice principles for the sake of momentary gain. Patient and observant. They have an enviable willpower.
The color of peace and hope. It is chosen by people striving for harmony, tranquility and justice, who cannot imagine themselves without constant development and movement forward. Lovers of green, most likely, will study all their lives, because they make high, if not overestimated, demands on themselves.
They often have remarkable patience and a sharp mind.
Impressive and, most likely, very kind and helpful people. Not without a penchant for science and discovery. From the flow of various information, they are able to highlight the essence. It seems that it is they who can fairly judge any most intricate dispute without offending any of the parties. However, no one canceled the tendency to soar in the clouds! Among blue lovers there are many desperate travelers and extreme people.
These people are as incomprehensible as the ocean itself. Character can become their main problem: you need to be able to control your emotions. They are punctual and prudent, value prosperity and comfort. Much attention is paid to sensual pleasures. They can sit for hours in front of a waterfall, sea, fire and cherry blossoms and admire the picture. Often they themselves are seriously busy with creativity. At the same time, they are often not too easy to lift.
Not a quick decision maker. They need to think everything over properly, to "sleep with the idea." They are not accustomed to endure a fiasco and therefore carefully prepare the ground for innovation. Therefore, they rarely fail.
Severe in appearance, "violet" - merry fellows in the company, witty and groovy. They highly value freedom and independence.
Strict and obligatory. They love to impress others. Sexual and passionate natures.
Before us are individuals with a certain theatrical character, able to charm and fall in love with themselves. However, as a rule, they have one enviable feature - the ability to say a firm no.
Fundamentally honest people. Most likely, for them to lie is to go against themselves. Willingly respond to requests for help and support. At the same time, they strive for success and love public recognition. Dreamy and responsive.
They are not afraid to shock the audience and seem to feed on emotions from the effect produced. Like water fish, they need the admiration of others!
Restrained nature. They look at the world with severity and realize its imperfection. However, these are not mere bystanders. They strive to correct the situation for the better and often they manage to change the established order.
Principled and serious personalities, reliable comrades. Due to their conservatism, they do not always understand humor and can be seriously offended by pranksters.
The expression “gray eminence” seems to have been invented about lovers of this color.