What to do on playdates

Indoor Playdates Ideas for Kids

Children love to play, and nothing beats their excitement when it comes to playdates. Playdates are the perfect way your child can socialize and make new friends without involving a lot of labor or extravagant work. The best part of playdates is that parents get to watch their little ones have fun with their friends without a lot of wrangling! However, organizing both a safe and fun environment for little kids to play in is overwhelming.

Fun Indoor Playdate Ideas for Children

A lot is happening in an indoor playdate between planning fun activities and ensuring the kids are entertained.

Here is a list below to help make planning playdates for your kids easier and enjoyable.

With this list, you are guaranteed to focus on having fun with your kids.

Craft Together

If you have an imaginative and curious child, crafting is your go-to activity for a playdate.

You do not need expensive craft supplies because common household materials are suitable to cultivate your creative spirit.

Your kids can follow their imagination with interesting crafts with materials like buttons, feathers, and wooden pieces.

When children craft together, they develop their social skills and learn to cooperate and work together with others.

Video Games

Video games are a fun and exciting playdate activity for kids to exercise and develop vital skills.

These skills include problem-solving, hand-eye coordination, reading skills, and improved imagination and creativity.

If the kids are uninterested in every activity, you can always rely on video games to keep them entertained.


Painting provides long hours of entertainment for kids and is a great outlet to express and hone their creativity.

Painting is fun in groups, so it won’t be hard to find a project that every kid will enjoy working on.

Your child and friends can experiment with different styles, colors, and media using their vivid imagination.

Who knows, with watercolors, chalk pastels, or acrylic paints, they may be the next Vincent van Gogh or Leonardo da Vinci?

Fun Science Experiments

Science experiments are very intriguing for kids, and this excellent learning activity also provides entertainment to little kids.

Examples of popular experiments are the DIY lava lamps, frozen slime recipes, and edible chocolate play-dough.

5. Build an Indoor Fort

Children can build an indoor fort right in the comfort of their homes.

An overnight blanket fort-camping experience is a perfect way for children to connect and put their ingenuity to work.

Find the best spot within the house where everyone will feel comfortable while playing and rolling around.

Also, let them get creative with the pillows, sheets, and blankets.

Sing-Along Dance Party

Have each child select their favorite song and see who can master the hilarious dance.

Some kids might be shy at the start of the game, but they will eventually warm up to the idea.

You can also make the game fun by asking one to be the DJ and playing games like freeze dance.

Everyone starts dancing at the start of the music, but they must halt in their positions immediately after the music stops.

Any kid who continues moving after the music ends is out of the game.

The game continues till one child is left, and the person is declared the winner.

Baking Party

Throw a baking party and ask the kids to bake their favorite dessert.

Cooking intrigues children, and they perceive it as a combination of both science and magic.

To make it fun, you can add a touch of mystery by including food coloring and telling them it will give them superhero powers.

Children will surely love the idea of having superpowers after their baking activity.

8. Indoor Camping

Indoor camping out is not only exciting, but it’s also a great way for your little one to have a sense of adventure.

Indoor camping is safe, and the children can have the thrill of camping out while still within reach of you.


Playdate Tips and Tricks

When planning a successful playdate for your little one, preparation is key.

For optimum fun, you will need to properly research and prepare so the playdate can run smoothly without problems.

Here are five playdate tips and tricks to consider if you want every child interested throughout the playdate.

Select a Time

You would need to set a definite start and end time for your child’s playdate so that everyone can know when to bring their kids.

Usually, for five-year-olds, the maximum time to keep them interested in any activity is three hours.

However, plan several games and activities for kids to carry out within the set-out playdate time as their attention span is still relatively short.

For example, if you want kids to focus during a science experiment, then plan it at the beginning, and after that, move to more games.

Prepare Your Home

If your child’s friends come to play at your house, put away the games you know your child does not like sharing.

However, if you have duplicates of any particular game, lay them out prominently so everyone can have a toy to use.

With food, note that children rarely eat much when active and running around, so prepare small healthy snacks, like apple chips or banana smoothies.

Also, consult with other parents for their kid’s potential allergies.

Plan Backup Activities

Before the playdate, please find out the activities other children enjoy to prevent boredom.

Also, if your child and his new friend are slow to warm to one another, these backup activities will come in handy.

Stay Nearby, but Do Not Hover

Children may need your help during the playdate, but they will also need space to socialize independently.

So, stay within earshot to help out only when necessary.

To avoid tantrums and boredom, keep the playdate short or have at least a 30-minute break.

A few minutes before the game ends, inform your little one and their friends that it is almost time to leave.

Number of Kids

The number of children to have at the playdate depends on your little one’s personality.

If your child is quiet and introverted, inviting 20 of their friends and classmates would not be an enjoyable experience for them.

Even with an extroverted kid, you would still need to check the number of kids invited to their playdate.

Up to five children are usually recommended for outgoing children so they can remain focused and interested.


There are numerous playdate ideas to select for your little one, and sometimes they need structured play.

Children benefit greatly from playdates as it helps them hone important skills.

Sometimes interacting out of their normal social situations makes them uncomfortable; however, it’s good to step out of their comfort zone.

It will pay off in their adult years. Remember to make the game fun and exciting!

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