What was the three little pigs house made of
The Three Little Pigs Houses
[en español]
Materials you will need for all the houses are
- the top of a milk carton (adults should cut the top off for the kids) or use a single serving carton and you won't need to cut it,
- scissors,
- tape or glue,
- a marker
- OPTIONAL: brown paper (we used cut up paper bags)
STRAW HOUSE (three different options of materials):
- some sort of straw... We used packing material, you could also use
raffia or dried weeds from outside (this is great fun to collect on
a nature walk),
OR - use yellow tissue paper or crepe paper, cut into 4 or 5 inch strips. Twist the strips of it into pieces of straw (just roll/crunch them between your palms, like making snakes out of playdough)
- OR
- use the
Straw Template I've provided.
Just cut the sheet into pieces to fit around your house.
WOOD HOUSE (three different options of materials):
- some sort of twigs... Use popsicle sticks, toothpicks or real twigs
from outside (this is also great fun to collect on a nature walk),
OR - Roll pieces of paper bag around a straw and tape/glue to make logs or use newspaper to make your logs and then paint them brown. For more detailed directions, see the instructions for Abe Lincoln's cabin.
- OR
- use the Wood Template I've provided. Just cut the sheet into pieces to fit around your house.
- Suggestion from Nicole, one of our viewers: One idea
I had for making the bricks on the brick house was to cut a sponge into
a square and dip it in tempera paint, then sponge the bricks on the
milk carton top.
- Suggestion from Jean, one of our viewers: I have just
printed the sheets for the "Three Little Pigs" story and I have a suggestion
for the brick house, I plan to use legos.
OR - use the Brick Template I've provided. Just cut the sheet into pieces to fit around your house.
- Tasha (age 6) insisted that the toilet paper roll pig and pig paper bag puppet weren't good because the pig wouldn't be able to get in the front door of the house (unlike her big sister, this fact did not bother Kaitlyn - age 2 - in the least. She was quite happy with a tiny house and a big paper bag pig puppet to go with it).
- Anyways, Tasha made this craft up and I thought I'd share it with you quickly, just in case you have children who are aware of proportion, too!
- Take a cork from a wine bottle and paint it pink or wrap it in pink
construction paper.
- Cut out a white paper snout (or use a white dried bean), white paper eyes (or use googly eyes) and pink triangle ears (pink construction paper or colour white paper with a pink marker)
- Glue all this to the head.
- Cut out a spiral tail (cut a pink circle and then cut it in a spiral shape) Glue the tail to the back.
- Glue 4 beads or 4 dried beans to the bottom as legs. (arrange the legs on a piece of paper, put glue on top of them and set the pig on top of the glue... This is lots easier than putting the glue on the pig and trying to stick the legs on).
- I'm assuming your container has been opened at some point... Staple or tape the part that you opened closed again.
- Cover your house with paper.
- We used brown paper bag, cut it in a long strip
the width of our carton and wrapped it around the carton.
- We then taped it (you could glue).
- You could use white paper instead.
- We used brown paper bag, cut it in a long strip
the width of our carton and wrapped it around the carton.
- Draw a door on the house (and windows if you want) with a marker
- Apply glue on one side of the house. Glue your chosen material/template piece onto the side.
- Do this with all the sides.
- Cut a piece of brown (or white paper) to be a roof size (ours was about 8 inches x 5 inches for a 2L carton, but it will differ depending on whether you use a 2L, 1L or single serving carton).
- Fold your roof down the middle and then unfold again.
- Cover your roof (top) with the chosen material/template piece. You can actually use a different kind of roof material if you want to.
- Put glue on the top of your carton and carefully place your roof on top.
- You can take a sheet of cardboard (one panel from an
empty cereal box will work well) and glue your house to
- Add ground:
- Cover the cardboard with grass (wadded up bits of
tissue paper or construction work well for this)
or - make a fall scene by adding a few bits of orange/red/yellow
tissue paper or construction paper leaves
or - make a winter scene with cotton balls.
- Cover the cardboard with grass (wadded up bits of
tissue paper or construction work well for this)
- Add trees:
- Take pinecones, paint green (if you want) and glue
to the scene as trees.
or - Take a twig. Cut bits of green (or fall coloured) paper and glue to the twig as leaves. Make a mound of playdough or cut a smidge of floral foam and glue it on the cardboard and stick your twig in it.
- Take pinecones, paint green (if you want) and glue
to the scene as trees.
- Make a path from small pebbles or sand (apply glue to the cardboard and pour sand/pebbles over top. Let dry and then go outside and gently tip is over to remove excess).
- Add a cork pig if you like.
- Close the template window after printing to return to this screen.
- Set page margins to zero if you have trouble fitting the template on one page (FILE, PAGE SETUP or FILE, PRINTER SETUP in most browsers).
Straw Template
Wood Template
Brick Template
Print friendly version of these instructions
The Three Little Pigs - Cycles of Change Rehab Center
Many of us are familiar with the English children’s fairy tale, The Three Little Pigs. There were three little siblings pigs that each built houses made of straw, wood, and bricks. Along came a big bad wolf that knocked successively on each home, telling the pigs to open up the door or he will blow their houses down. Naturally, the pigs don’t open the doors to their places. However, the wolf blows down the house made of straw, and then the house is made of wood. Luckily, the residing pigs managed to find refuge in the third house, which was made of brick and belonged to their brother. The wolf made his way over to the house made of brick, knowing that there were three little pigs inside, and he demanded that they open the door. The third little pig refused (while his brothers cowered in terror), and the wolf said, “Then I will huff and puff and blow your house down!” Well, it’s hard to blow down a house made of bricks, and in the end, the wolf decides to get into the house by crawling down the chimney, unaware that the third little pig has outsmarted him. The horrible wolf falls into a pot of boiling water, and the pigs eat him for dinner instead of the other way around.
Due to laziness, the first two little pigs did not build substantial houses. The third little pig worked very hard and made sure that he built a place that had a solid foundation. If we compare the story of The Three Little Pigs to Gresham’s Law and Alcoholics Anonymous, we can see an analogy between the different materials and methods that the pigs used to build their houses and various ways of working a 12-step program. And we can deduce that the wolf is a metaphor for drug addiction and alcoholism.
The three ways of working the 12-step program include a feeble way, which really amounts to not working the program at all. This could involve a person who goes to meetings but doesn’t work their steps or a person who hits a few sessions a month and manages to stay clean and sober, but according to the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, suffers from being “restless, irritable and discontented.” This is a dry drunk syndrome, and it’s a miserable way of life. A recovering alcoholic/addict who weakly works the program is like the little pig that built a house of straw! In the end, the wolf or addiction was able to blow the house down. People who ineffectively work the program are prone to relapse.
Then there are the people who work the program in a medium manner. Perhaps they go to regular meetings and have performed their steps. But other disorders might have popped up, including sexual addiction, gambling, or kleptomania. They are oblivious to these defects and still manage to stay clean and sober and consider themselves honorable members of the 12-step fellowship. Often these are the people who try to pick up newcomers at meetings or who try to use the program for their own devious motives. These people are comparable to the little pig that built a house of wood. And yes, the wolf managed to blow that house down, too!
And finally, the people who work a strong program are very similar to the little pig that toiled away and built a house made of bricks. This little pig provided refuge for his brothers and maintained serenity even when the wolf was at his door. In the end, the third little pig overcame the wolf. If we compare a person who works a strong 12-step program to that third little pig, we can ascertain that person will probably maintain their recovery while being happy and clear-headed, even when there is danger lurking around the corner.
At Cycles of Change, we offer a comprehensive 12-step approach, along with an evidence-based protocol that will help you build a strong foundation in recovery. We will teach you how to work a 12-step program the healthy way and help you learn tools that will help you find serenity, clarity, as well as lifelong sobriety.
Detailed content of the play "The Three Little Pigs and the Gray Wolf" • Theater "Modern"
The play-tale about the three little pigs tells about the adventures of two brothers Nuf-Nuf, Nif-Nif and their little pig sister named Naf-Naf.
All summer long the three merry little pigs spent their time carefree: basking in the sun, somersaulting in the green grass and splashing in warm puddles. Autumn came and it got colder. Naf-Naf suggested that everyone build a house together for the winter, but Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf decided not to rush to build a house. The brothers decided that they would live separately, each in their own house, but for now, they preferred to enjoy the last warm autumn days, play and jump in the meadow. Naf-Naf did not wait for her careless brothers and started building her house. She kneaded clay, dragged stones and slowly built herself a solid, reliable house in which she could hide from rain, wind, frost and other troubles. The brothers were surprised at such an impressive building and began to ask Naf-Naf why she needed such a solid stone house. “To protect yourself from the wolf,” said Naf-Naf. Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf laughed at their sister, “there is no wolf here,” said the piglets.
The brothers decided not to spend much time building houses. Nif-Nif built a house of straw in one day, Nuf-Nuf built a house of dry leaves and twigs in two. When the work was done, the piglets continued to play tricks on their sister, they imagined how easily they would deal with the wolf, although they had never seen him.
Loud laughter and songs of cheerful piglets were heard by an angry and hungry Gray Wolf passing by. The piglets were terribly frightened and, squealing throughout the forest, rushed to their houses. Nif-Nif was the first to reach his thatched dwelling. “Come on, open the door, otherwise I’ll blow it and your house will fly apart!” The wolf shouted and blew with all his might on the house of Nif-Nif. The house scattered in all directions, as if after a hurricane.
Frightened Nif-Nif rushed to run and in a minute was already in Nuf-Nuf's house. The cunning wolf decided to pretend to be a sheep by putting on a sheep's skin. He knocked on the door and in a thin voice asked for a lodging for the night. The piglets opened the door ajar, but when they saw the sharp teeth of the wolf, they got scared and managed to close it back. “Come on, open the door, otherwise I’ll blow it and your house will fly apart!” shouted the Gray Wolf, blew with all his might on Nuf-Nuf’s house and it scattered in all directions.
The piglets ran away in horror and managed to get to the Naf-Naf house. The little sister let them into the house and quickly closed the massive oak door with a bolt. She had nothing to fear in her stone house.
No matter how hard the Gray Wolf tried, he could not get inside, neither through the windows nor through the door. He decided that he would guard the house. “Sooner or later, the pigs will come out, then I’ll eat them,” the wolf thought and began to wait.
The night passed, but the gray did not go away. Morning came and Naf-Naf came up with a cunning plan to get rid of the wolf, she dressed up in a fox costume and invited the wolf to dance. Naf-Naf's outfit was so good that the wolf did not notice the change. In the meantime, the piglet brothers sneaked out of the house unnoticed and smeared glue on a pole next to a growing tree. Naf-Naf, in the form of a fox, skillfully performed her role. She twirled the wolf in a dance and, passing by a tree, leaned it against the glued trunk. No matter how hard the wolf tried to unstick from the tree, nothing worked for him. He realized that he was wrong and asked for forgiveness from the three little pigs. The piglets were very kind and therefore, of course, they forgave, released and released the Gray Wolf. Since then, the wolf and the three little pigs have become friends.
From now on, the piglets, two brothers and a sister, began to live together under one roof, in their cozy stone house.
Three little pigs-2020. From what to build a reliable house? -Surgut News
Partner material
Everyone knows the plot of the tale of the three little pigs. Two of the three brothers approached the issue of housing construction not responsibly enough, as a result of which they had to escape from the wolf under the roof of the house of the most intelligent of the brothers - Naf-Naf. Now, of course, no one will come up with the idea of building a house from straw or wooden sticks, but the plot with the choice of materials for the walls does not lose its relevance. Brick, timber, frame, aerated concrete? The wolf will not eat the owner with any choice, but other equally unpleasant problems may arise with the operation of the finished house.
Let's imagine that the plot of the fairy tale was moved to 2020 and help the brothers make their choice.
Nif-Nif and frame house.
The advantages of a frame house are in the low cost of materials and installation, light weight, which allows the house to be installed on piles or strip foundations, as well as in relative accessibility and high speed of installation. Such a house can be assembled with your own hands.
The sequence of work is simple - a wooden frame and sheathing are erected on the foundation, the walls can be filled with mineral wool, foam plastic or other materials. In order to prevent such a house from rotting, burning and being eaten by insects, the walls are impregnated with special solutions. It is possible to build a small frame house in a season; under a nice sheathing, there will be no visual difference with a house made of more solid materials. But it is there, even if it is not visible to the eye.
A frame house is short-lived - the service life of such a house is no more than 25 years. After this period, the wooden base begins to rot and be undermined by insects and rodents. It ignites more easily during force majeure, it has much worse sound insulation compared to other wall materials, and the impregnation of the walls, and the materials themselves, are far from environmentally friendly.
It is also important to find a developer who will assemble the frame house correctly. If, like Nif-Nif, he has hooves instead of hands, then even a new house may have problems with thermal insulation. A frame house is rarely year-round without significant expenses for space heating during the cold period. Well, sooner or later, you will most likely find an animal worse than a wolf under the skin - a mouse.
Nuf-Nuf and a log house.
Timber houses really look like from a fairy tale. The color of the tree, its smell - lovers of eco-friendly housing will be delighted. Wood is lighter than brick or aerated concrete, so a not very deep foundation or piles are suitable for houses made of timber. Lumber of poor quality and drying requires a long shrinkage - from one year, but most modern houses made of timber are built from profiled ordinary or glued timber of good drying. Such materials allow you to equip the interior decoration of the house after the construction of the house under the roof, and the new generation beam itself minimizes the cost of filling gaps due to its shape and grooves, and allows you not to spend much on interior decoration - the tree itself is beautiful.
However, such a tower also has disadvantages. Firstly, high-quality timber is not cheap, and with a complex house design, its price can be comparable to a house from the same gas blocks. Secondly, the tree requires care. Termites and fungus do not sleep. To protect the wood, impregnation treatment will be required, regularity - at least once every 5 years, depending on the climatic conditions of the construction region. Thirdly, fire hazard - everything is clear and without jokes, without a competent electrician you can’t cope here. Well, the last and one of the most important disadvantages of a house made of timber, which few people think about when looking at beautiful interiors in the popular style - the heat-insulating properties of wood with a standard timber width of 200 mm are two times worse than brick walls. Without additional finishing in a real Russian winter, it will be cold in the house, which means that the house will need to be insulated from the outside or from the inside. Thus, the charm of a completely wooden eco-friendly house as its advantage pales a little.
Naf-Naf and the brick house.
Brick is the strongest and most durable material for house walls. Porous ceramic brick has high heat and noise insulation properties, does not absorb moisture and does not burn. A brick house looks aesthetically pleasing and, with the right construction technology, will stand unchanged for decades. However, there are nuances that the fairy tale with a happy ending about piglets kept silent about.
Naf-Naf, unlike his brothers, would hardly have built a house in one summer or even in one year. Brick is heavy and needs a solid foundation. That is, in reality, at such a pace of construction, the wolf from the fairy tale would have managed to eat everyone. But fortunately, we live in the real world and we have time.
Important: the construction of a brick house must proceed in compliance with all technologies, otherwise the house may crack after shrinkage. A brick house at first glance seems to be more expensive than alternative options, but if you study the issue in more detail, it will turn out not at all. Maintenance of a brick house does not require special care, unlike others: frame or wooden houses, for the maintenance of which it is necessary to constantly allocate funds and time.
But still, if your goal is a reliable house for year-round living that will serve you for decades - brick is your choice.
Happy ending
If you, like Naf-Naf, decide to opt for building a brick house, LSR. Wall" - one of the largest manufacturers of building materials in Russia, offers its diverse range of ceramic bricks and clinker.
Distinction of ceramics “LSR. Wall" from competitors in the unique properties of bricks.