When will there be a full moon on my birthday
What it means to be born on a Full Moon
The Full Moon is well known for driving people to lunacy, aggression, and in extreme cases, even lycanthropy. While it is unlikely that being born under a Full Moon will literally turn you into a werewolf, it is true that the Moon is intimately tied to a person’s emotions - and may have more control over you than you think.
When a Full Moon occurs, the Moon is located directly opposite the Sun. That means that your Sun Sign, which controls the mind, and your Moon Sign, which controls the heart, are in conflict with each other. As a person who is born under the influence of the Full Moon, your life tends to be driven by internal struggles between what you know is logical, and what your heart truly wants. Worse, you might have a multitude of different desires, pulling you in all sorts of different directions. This is the reason why you may come off as inconsistent or indecisive to others.
This can be an asset in some cases, as your friends may find your unpredictability to be attractive and exhilarating. In situations where stable and consistent behaviour is expected, however, people might consider you to be flaky, or even two-faced.
Despite this, it may be counterproductive to suppress your emotional side. Generally, people who were born on a Full Moon are more attuned to rhythms - both in the natural world and internally. You can become more successful if you harness your natural ability to ride the highs and lows of your emotional cycle, and leverage it to live a life balanced in between the extremes of your personality.
This is especially important since as a child of the Full Moon, your emotional energies can be very potent if you channel them appropriately. The trick? Allow yourself to give into the pull of your emotions and desires, especially the ones that might seem too unconventional or crazy. Being able to listen to yourself and follow your truest, strongest impulses is what’s going to pull you out of the stagnation that can come with wanting so many contradictory things. Being honest with yourself allows you to feel more grounded, since your energies are going to be more harmonious and focused on what makes you truly happy. This energy is what draws people to Full Moon children - but in different ways depending on your personality.
If you’re an extrovert, your energy will be channelled outwards. Extroverted Full Moon children tend to have a powerful, luminous presence. When you walk into a room, people notice - like we notice whenever the Full Moon rises into the night sky. You are capable of being extremely active, fun, and wild - all traits that make people gravitate towards you.
For those of you who are introverts, your Moon energies tend to be channelled inwards. People might not be conscious of it, but you have this subtle inner glow that is inexplicably attractive. You have a touch of quiet lunacy about the way you hold and express yourself, which intrigues people and makes them want to be around you - and they probably won’t even understand why, which just adds to your mystique.
You’ll also want to pay attention to the phases of the Moon, since they’re intimately linked with your internal energy. During the Waxing Crescent Moon, you should take advantage of the momentum of the rising lunar force and begin planning for the future. Set ambitious goals, but also break them down into small, realistic steps. You are more likely to come up with a successful plan during this period. Of course, you should review these goals periodically, and the Waxing Gibbous Moon is a great phase for that.
If you’ve prepared sufficiently during the Waxing Moon phases, you are likely to feel more energetic and inspired when the Full Moon rolls around, like you can do anything as long as you set your heart to it. Really listen closely to your heart during this phase - it’s likely that all sorts of impulses and desires are going to rise to the surface of your consciousness. You may feel compelled to take risks and do all sorts of crazy things that will horrify your rational side.
That may not be such a bad thing, however. Combined with your increased energy, optimism, and alertness, you are actually more likely to succeed in whatever goals you choose to pursue during this Moon phase. It still pays to be careful, though - it’s possible to get too drunk on the brilliance of the Full Moon, which can make you overestimate your chances of success.
On the flip side, people who were born on the Full Moon generally feel tired and lethargic when the Moon is waning, especially during the Waning Gibbous Moon and the Waning Crescent Moon. Your ebbing energy makes this period an excellent time to let go of any anger, tension, and anxiety. This lethargy reaches a peak during the New Moon, since the Moon’s energy is completely blocked by the Earth during that period. This may be a good time for you to rest, reflect, and regain your energy. Don’t try to do anything overly ambitious or taxing. Having regular downtime to just chill is essential - without it, you won’t be able to shine your brightest during your Full Moon moments. If you’ve been experiencing an unusual rate of failure recently, it may be because you’ve been driving yourself too hard. In that case, a nice New Moon mini-vacation might be just what you need to pull yourself back together.
The most dangerous Moon phases, however, are the First Quarter and the Third Quarter Moons. During Half Moons, you are equally under the influence of the moon’s darkness and light. All your internal conflicts will surge to the surface – and if you can’t find your inner balance, this can lead to a complete mental breakdown.
For a child of the Full Moon, the most crucial key to success is the ability to balance your inner contradictions. You need to be able to ride with the flow of your natural energy cycles, instead of fighting it all the way, or letting it take control of you completely. If you can master the art of maintaining an active equilibrium between emotions and logic, between your dark side and your bright side, between the external and the internal - that’s when you know that you have awakened to the full potential of a Full Moon child.
At this stage, you are exceptionally competent at executing any task and bringing it to full completion. Being practiced in reconciling different aspects of your contradictory self, you are known for your skill at negotiating complex social situations, where you can connect people to each other even if they hold vastly different views and perspectives. Since you’ve learned how to listen to yourself, you’re also great at listening to and understanding others. You are highly emotional, spontaneous, and empathetic, and most importantly, you never apologize for being who you are.
Explore the other Moon Phase below and see how they relate to the phase you were born on. Try your friends and family to see if there personalities fit the Moon Phase they were born on.
Click Here to see if you were born on a Full Moon?
What it means to be born on a New Moon
The New Moon, also known as the Dark Moon, seems like the phase where the Moon is weakest. But even though the New Moon is invisible in the sky, it may still have a strong influence on children born under its darkness.
During the New Moon phase, both the Sun and Moon are lined up perfectly, which means your Sun sign is the same as your Moon sign. In other words, your mind and your heart are in perfect harmony. As the exact opposite of a Full Moon child, you don’t let inner conflict trouble you too much. You are very in tune with what you want - and what you want is usually that next new shiny thing on the horizon.
Children of the New Moon love trying out new things, new trends, new places. To others, it seems like you are always overflowing with an abundance of exciting new ideas, to the point where it can be hard to keep up with your vitality and enthusiasm. You have that childlike innocence, wonder, and curiosity, which most people lose as they mature.
All of this means that you are extraordinarily creative - the quintessential “ideas person”. On top of that, since you’re always so certain about what you want, you’re someone with a strong personality and drive. You tend to be quick about taking action in order to turn your desires into reality. That, however, doesn’t necessarily translate into productivity.
While children of the New Moon are known for their boundless enthusiasm, it still remains a fact that you were born when the Moon’s energy is at its weakest. That means that while you’re good at aggressively going after what you want, you tend to have trouble sustaining that energy. You usually have a strong burst of motivation and energy at the beginning, but it fizzles out quickly. You keep starting up new creative projects, but never finish them - because you keep getting distracted by newer and shinier ideas.
It’s a dangerous cycle to get trapped in, especially since you tend to lack self-awareness. Being born under the invisible Dark Moon means that your self is cloaked in darkness. You can’t see the kind of person you are. Combined with your intense focus on what you want, you may be known for being selfish, callous, or unable to see things from other people’s perspectives. You tend to have a bad habit of giving others advice that has worked for you personally, without considering that they might be in a different situation from you.
To truly develop as a person, you need to understand how to take advantage of the different Moon phases. The Half Moon phases - the First Quarter Moon and Third Quarter Moon - are great phases for you to evaluate your opinions and plans with a healthy level of self-doubt. The Full Moon, on the other hand, is the perfect time for you to look inwards and engage in some personal reflection, since that’s when your heart’s grasp on your mind is weak. On the flip side, the abundance of energy on a Full Moon also means that you’re going to be very distracted, so it isn’t the best time to work on projects that require focus. This is also true to a lesser extent when the Moon is in any high-energy phase, like the Waxing Gibbous and the Waning Gibbous Moons.
Unlike others, children of the New Moon are the most powerful and threatening during the New Moon, and low-energy phases like the Waxing Crescent and Waning Crescent Moons. That’s when your mind and heart are in perfect alignment. Furthermore, low levels of energy mean that instead of being restless and distracted, you are capable of laser-sharp focus. Creative, strong-willed, and with the focus to actually execute your plans - that is the key to an unstoppable New Moon child.
Explore the other Moon Phase below and see how they relate to the phase you were born on. Try your friends and family to see if there personalities fit the Moon Phase they were born on.
Click Here to see if you were born on a New Moon?
- Today's Moon Phase
- Moon Phase Calendar
- Full Moon Calendar
Lunar birthday and moon phase
In our natal chart, the Moon and the Sun are especially significant fundamental energies. The Sun manifests Yang energy in us, making us an individual person who strives for a goal, and the Moon manifests Yin energy, making us subtle and receptive natures.
Lunar birthday
Now it is difficult to find a person who does not know his solar zodiac sign on his birthday. But there is also the Moon sign of the zodiac - this is the position of the Moon in a certain sign of the zodiac, at the time when a person was born. As there is no day without night, an astrological portrait of a person based only on the solar sign of the zodiac will be completely incomplete, this is especially true for women, because the Moon personifies the feminine and she controls the personal qualities of all women.
The characteristics of our personality depend on the phase of the Moon in our natal chart. The entire lunar cycle is connected with the circle of reincarnations of a person, receiving astral information and accumulating karma in his past lives. In this regard, the further the date of birth is from the date of the new moon, the more experienced he is in the manifestation of the astral world. To calculate the lunar birthday, use our service.
A person born on the waxing Moon — his task in life is to master the outside world, and the realization of his knowledge, skills and abilities. Such people already at birth will be focused on vigorous activity, by all means strive to achieve success and a high position in society. People around and surrounding events are not interesting to them.
A person born on the waning moon - his period of accumulation of experience and external activity is coming to an end, the time of summing up is coming. Such a person is most of all busy searching for eternal philosophical answers to the questions - who am I in this world?, what is the meaning of life?, how was the Universe born? He has little interest in the external environment and his social achievements. His efforts boil down to ensuring that he has an interesting occupation in life and a small circle of friends. Self-esteem and self-respect for him has a higher priority than his assessment of the personality of the people around him. He is oriented most inward to himself.
Person born in the first phase (quarter) of the Moon
People born in the first phase (quarter) of the Moon are assertive and active. They have many different abilities, and therefore it is difficult for them to focus on one thing. They have a tendency to strive to stand out and therefore often face difficulties because they do not have the ability to interact with different social groups of people. In the analysis of current events, they usually focus not on facts, but more on their feelings. Very subjective. And they often fail, because they cannot really assess their strengths. The most active life period is after 30 years. During this period, these people become more realistic, they can already decide on their favorite professional direction, and by the age of 45 they easily achieve success.
A person born in the second phase (quarter) of the Moon
People who were born in the second phase of the Moon from childhood are already adapted to the outside world. Such people are considered the most successful in social relationships. They are easy to achieve success, practical and concrete, they see profitable opportunities and know how to realize them. They quickly and easily discover their potential and succeed with ease. Often by the age of 30 they are already firmly on their feet and have a stable income.
Person born in the third phase (quarter) of the Moon
People born in the third phase (quarter) of the Moon have more potential than they realize in practice. In the first half of their lives, they are quite successful and, like all people of the waning phase of the moon, they very quickly find their favorite pastime in their lives. But over time, they become less and less interested in social success. And after about 40 years, and sometimes even later, they find completely new goals in their lives, begin to engage in their self-knowledge and eventually begin to lose interest in any type of social activity. They are drawn to such sciences as philosophy, or they are often very religious. If the Moon at the time of their birth had tense aspects or confrontations, then such a change in their goals can be dramatic, as a result of the collapse of their personal life, and possibly a career, or disappointment in their former ideals.
Person born in the fourth phase Moon (quarter)
People born in the fourth phase of the Moon at first glance look like they are immersed in themselves. And in childhood, they often get sick. In life, they are not assertive due to the fact that they do not have the necessary amount of energy that is necessary for self-affirmation. They are forced to do work that they do not like, do not like, but after about 30 years they can quit everything and do what they love, even if their loved ones do not approve of it. From such people who were born in the fourth phase of the moon, hermits and monks very often come out.
Full Moon
People who were born on a full moon often grow up in dysfunctional families, or have conflict with their parents. In childhood, they discover many of their abilities, and they are highly valued by the environment, but as a rule, by the age of 30 this reserve begins to deplete, and for which they are very worried. In search of inspiration, they can change a lot of different jobs, change their place of residence and at the same time they will not stop at anything. And only somewhere around the age of 55 do they begin to have the first results that will lead them to satisfaction.
New Moon
The New Moon is the first day of the Lunar month. This is the time when all the results of the cycle of reincarnations are summed up, and on the first lunar day it is considered the first incarnation of a person.
A person born on such a day cannot prove himself, he only gets acquainted with the whole world around him. The similarity of such people is that they look immersed in themselves, their environment hardly understands them. To calculate the lunar birthday, use our online calendar, for this, fill out the form with the date of birth.
The crisis usually occurs already at the moment when they are born. On the day of the new moon, mortality in children at birth has the highest rate. Such children often get sick in childhood, they have problems with digestion and immunity. In people born on the first lunar day, life forces accumulate throughout their lives and over time everything normalizes.
Lunar calendar
How to make the Moon your ally and good helper in different spheres of life? How to find out what lunar day is today, and what does it promise us? Lunar calendar from Calend.ru tells about it every day!
More about the lunar calendar
November 26
The data are given for the time zone of Moscow.
Until 12:00 the third day of the lunar cycle:
3rd lunar day (neomenia) - in the sky a newborn lunar crescent
Moon phase : First quarter, waxing moon.
Characteristics of the day : From this day on, the lunar crescent appears in the sky - neomenia (new moon) begins. Energetically, the day is very strong, today you can do a lot. The growth of energy provokes pressure and aggression, so tune in to self-defense and be vigilant so as not to be among the victims.
Influence on personality : Today you are full of strength and energy. At this time, the events of the month are being bookmarked, so tune in to the positive with all your might so that the events of your life will develop well in the near future. Be active - the energy spent today on the right thing will return a hundredfold.
Relationships : It is not recommended to sort things out on the third lunar day. The active energies of the day include an emotional battle for leadership. It is advisable to restrain aggression and show diplomacy and gentleness, remaining at one's own opinion. The energy of this day is so great that words have powerful power, and any evil word can lead to unpleasant situations. Remember that he who sows evil will himself reap the bitter fruits of his crops.
Business and money : At work, show determination and perseverance. In business, show fighting qualities. Today it is necessary to be the leader, not the follower. But others can have a militant attitude. Hold back the negative. Nobody intends to give up positions. On this day, the boss, clients, partners, most likely, will not be benevolent. Feel free to take on the most difficult tasks, do not succumb to difficulties. Today you can do a lot! Success will bring trading activities, there may even be new prospects. But with finances, it is better to be careful - the day is not suitable for solving money issues, and, therefore, losses are possible.
Health : Diseases that began on this lunar day and injuries received require immediate action. Today the bath is extremely useful. Physical activity will also benefit and can be very intense. Nature itself will help the body cleanse itself of stagnant energy, saturate the blood with oxygen, and all this will have a beneficial effect on well-being and health. The day is good for practicing martial arts. It is especially useful today to master aikido - the day is the most suitable for winning, using the energy of the enemy (not only physically, but also psychologically).
Hair cutting Favorable. Even if it doesn’t turn out exactly what you wanted, the hair will grow back quickly. Dare!
Marriage : Marriage is considered to be discouraged today as it can bring turbulent events and unpredictable situations into family life.
Birthday : Those born on this day can become good athletes, military, researchers, and also succeed in any professional field where pressure and determination are needed. Sofya Kovalevskaya, Ilya Prigozhin, Alexander Lukashenko were born on this day.
General recommendations : Today is a day of activity, so you can devote yourself to the cause completely, with minimal breaks for food and sleep. Passivity is contraindicated and even dangerous. If until now you have been dreaming, today it is time to act. However, the first half of the day has a general unfavorable background, various troubles associated with communication can occur. Keep the negativity, and the second half of the day will bring worthy results.
Warnings : The day is full of dangers, so be careful. Once again, let us remind you that passivity today is unfavorable. Use forces for peaceful purposes. Sign of the day - spilled oil means that you have gone astray. No, associations with Bulgakov have nothing to do with it, but it’s worth remembering the oil.
Dreams : Dreams of these lunar days rarely come true.
On this day of the moon happened: An agreement on the collapse of the USSR and the creation of the CIS was signed in Belovezhskaya Pushcha
After 12:00 - the fourth day of the lunar cycle:
4th lunar day. First quarter, waxing moon
Moon phase : First quarter, waxing moon
Description of the day : In general, today is a passive and not very favorable day. It has a dual character - positive and negative at the same time, it is believed that evil is contained in it.
Influence on the personality : Temptations are possible today - maybe you will even be offered a choice between good and evil, and, making a choice, you will be drawn to the negative. In the afternoon, the likelihood of a conflict situation increases, the mood drops. In any case, stay calm, avoid quarrels, ignore provocations.
Business and money : Your efforts to improve the scope of your business will pay off in a very short time and bring well-being many times more than will be invested that day. Today, calm work is favorable: with information, documents, archives.
Today is not the time to start new business and sign contracts, put off new beginnings for more favorable days.
Review the state of your affairs - the mistake can still be corrected, today is the last opportunity for this in this lunar cycle. Financially, the day is not considered active. Bosses, partners and clients think about their own problems and are not at all inclined to do other people's business. Postpone making life-changing decisions until another day - for example, today you should not quit your job. The first half of the lunar day is favorable for trading, but, we repeat, it is better to postpone the resolution of monetary issues. There may be a delay in financial receipts, and therefore today you probably will not receive the amounts you expected.
Health : Any ailments or illnesses that have begun should be immediately attended to and treated, otherwise complications may occur.
Sauna, banya, bath with sea salt will be very useful today - water procedures will give new strength, and negative energy will be neutralized. Try to spend this day in nature, or at least take a walk in the park for your pleasure. It is also good to enjoy good music alone with yourself.
Haircut : Today the meeting with the hairdresser is quite timely, the haircut will promote health - if you consider only the lunar phase. The moon is waxing and hair will grow faster.
Marriage : It is believed that this day is not favorable for marriage and engagement. Otherwise, family life may be filled with quarrels, there will not be complete harmony in the family. It is likely that loneliness will arise together, the house will become cold, and it will be very difficult to achieve the warmth of mutual understanding.
Birthday : People born on this day require increased attention, care and educational efforts of their parents. And this attention must be paid to them so that fate turns its bright side to them. People born today, from childhood, may not be completely understood both by others and by themselves. But if they manage to solve the inner riddle, they become amazing people. On this day of the Moon were born: Elvis Presley, Lyubov Orlova, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Sergei Rachmaninov, Lyudmila Zykina, Vera Mukhina.
Relationships : The day is full of peace of mind when it is easy to make contact. Today it is good to do quiet household chores, relax calmly with your family, take a walk in nature. This day is not favorable for active communication and showdown, on the contrary, it is good for forgiving yourself and others. It will be great if you visit your relatives and parents today. Show them a caring attitude, give them love and tenderness, express gratitude for everything they do for you, say that they are the best for you. It is best to spend this day with your family, people close to you.
General advice : Today is an ideal day to do your daily business, spend it calmly, take your time to deal with current affairs, work with information, put papers in order. Turn on wisdom and caution, do not make hasty decisions, by all means avoid meeting with evil. The day is effective for finding missing things and people. A good day for trading, a bad day for traveling. Any activity must be thought out.
Warnings : Group work is contraindicated today - the presence of negative energy can lead to conflict and clash.