Three pigs song

Rap Song Lyrics and Sound Clip

This song is available Jim Rule's Share This World.


Now everybody knows about the little pigs three
But this time it goes a little differently.
You see I made a couple changes. I set it all to rhyme.
Let’s begin our story,” Once Upon A Time...”

THREE LITTLE PIGS were living large and at home
Til the day mom said, “Yo! I want to be alone!”
Go build your own houses now that you are big.
It’s time for each of you to be an independent pig.”

She told her little piggies, “I think I’d better warn ya......"

The first little pig built a house made of straw.
He didn’t use a hammer and he didn’t use a saw.
He finished in a hurry and he laughed”,HA, HA!
I’m done! I’m done! Now I’ll go and have some fun!”

The second little pig built a house made of twigs......

The third little pig built a house made of bricks .......

Now the piggies all knew never talk to strangers.......

“HOWL! I’m the Big Bad Wolf and I’ve come to town.......

He walked up to the door of piggy number one.......
“Little pig, Little pig, let me come in.”
“Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin”
“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.
I’m the Big Bad Wolf and I don’t mess around.

So he blew down the straw house in one big breath.......

“Little pig, Little pig......"

So he blew down the twig house in one big breath.......

“Little pig, Little pig......"

But the strong brick house stayed right where it stood.......

Well, he went down the chimney but the piggies really got him.......

He jumped right out the chimney and ran so far away
That nobody’s seen that wolf to this very day.
And the little pigs were famous every where they went
But the third little pig still charged her brothers rent.
I told you she was smart. And now you know the story of
THE THREE LITTLE PIGS Oink! Oink! Oink! Bye Bye!



See more of our Fairy Tale and Rap Song Lyrics


Many thanks to Jim Rule for permission to display these lyrics.
© Jim Rule. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Lots Of Little Pigs | The Laurie Berkner Band

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Mmmm… Once upon a time there were lots of little pigs
And some of them thought they’d build themselves a straw house
So they built it, they built it big and strong
So the wolves wouldn’t get them (and they shut the door – Ka-chung!)

On the next day some more little pigs decided to build themselves
A stick house. So they built it – they built it big and strong
So the wolves wouldn’t get them (and they shut the door – Ka-chung!)

On the last day the rest of the little pigs decided to build themselves
A brick house. So they built it – they built it big and strong so the
Wolves wouldn’t get them (and they shut their big brick door- Ka-chung!)

In the meantime, the wolves were sleeping in the forest.
Then the wolves woke up and they stretched a big stretch,
And they sniffed a big sniff, and they said, “I smell pigs!”

So the wolves marched on over to the straw house
And they knock knock knocked on the door
And they said, “Little pigs little pigs, let me in!” And the pigs said,
“Not by the hair on our chinny-chin chins!”
“Then we’ll huff, and we’ll puff, and we’ll blow your house in!”
So they huffed, and they puffed, and they blew that house in

And the pigs ran over to their friends, over at the stick house.
So the wolves marched on over to the brick house
And they knock knock knocked on the door
And they said, “Little pigs little pigs, let us in!” And the pigs said,
“Not by the hair on our chinny-chin chins!”
“Then we’ll huff, and we’ll puff, and we’ll blow your house in!”
So they huffed, and they puffed, So they huffed, and they puffed
And they blew that house in

And the pigs ran over to their friends over at the brick house
So the wolves marched on over to the brick house
And they knock knock knocked on the door
And they said, “Little pigs little pigs, let us in!” And the pigs said,
“Not by the hair on our chinny-chin chins!”
“Then we’ll huff, and we’ll puff, and we’ll blow your house in!”
So they huffed, and they puffed, and they huffed, and they puffed
And they huffed and they puffed but they – oh! Couldn’t blow that house in!
So the wolves went around to the back of the house
And they climbed up the chimney
But the pigs heard them and put a pot of boiling water

Underneath the chimney and the wolves landed in the water


And they burned their bottoms and they went running back to the woods
Where they cooled off in a lake – ahh! And they looked at each other
And said, “We didn’t want to eat those pigs anyway (not me)
Let’s go back and have a party. ” (okay) So they did.

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