Word making activity
18 Clever Word Building Activities for Kids
// by Eileen Zajac
Word building is something that is crucial in learning throughout a child's entire school career. It's even essential late into adulthood! The best part about word building is all of the interactive activities that come along. Helping to make it more fun and engaging for our youngest learners to our oldest.
It can be challenging to develop activities that fit well with each age group, which is why we're here. In this list, you'll find multi-sensory phonics word-building activities for students of all ages.
Provide a range of materials that provide excellent practice. Not only spelling practice, but most are also an ideal resource for motor practice as well. Whichever resource types you're searching for, the following 18-word building activities are excellent practice for students.
Elementary Word Building Activities
The beginning years of word building are essential for children to develop word skills. Having plenty of interactive resources is one of the most vital aspects of helping students to develop those skills. This is an ideal resource for a whole class activity.
Learn More: AxelsonAcademy
2. Compound Words
Compound words are great for learning how to build words. Students must also get a firm grasp on these words during elementary school. Not only do compound words help to build student vocabulary, but they also aid in their confidence in reading longer words.
Learn More: The Balanced Literacy Diet
3. Alphabet Sponges
Alphabet sponges are a perfect literacy center activity. Have kids not only build words but also create some really great art pieces that can be hung around the classroom. Use vocabulary cards to have kiddos write words.
Learn More: Facebook
4. Vocabulary Blocks
Honestly, this is one of my favorite phonics word-building activities. This is great because it's hands-on and is a totally independent word-building activity. You can easily create your own, simply download a free, blank dice template (like this one) and write the words or ending you want!
Learn More: PGSD
5. Cup Letter Tiles
Are you trying to up your center time this year? Well, this might just be the activity for you. Instead of using center word building cards, create these cups at the beginning of the year. This simple hands-on activity will help build motor skills and work on word development.
Learn More: Facebook
6. Big Word Building
In upper elementary, engaging, hands-on activity time is essential. Using task cards, this activity will help students to be able to break down large words into different parts. Helping their brain development along with their problem-solving skills.
Learn More: Facebook
High School Word Building Activities
13. Context Clues
Understanding and being able to decipher context clues takes lots of practice.
It's essential to provide students with both independent practice and plenty of practice during literacy centers. It can be challenging to find activities for older students, but this video lays out a few ground rules for them to follow.
Learn More: Khan Academy
14. Last Word Standing
Last word standing is an ideal resource for the High School classroom. This provides students with meaningful practice during English activities. This high-competition game will keep students engaged and ready to fight against their competition.
Learn More: MarcoOmnigamer
15. Flippity Word Master
Flippity word master is similar to the game known as Wordle. This challenging word activity is perfect for any grade but can be specially tailored to high schoolers. This game provides the building blocks for deciphering hard words.
Learn More: Flippity
16. Word Clouds
Creating a full-class word cloud is actually super fun. It's become one of my student's favorite activities. This activity for students is a way to get them up and moving while also building their vocabulary, background, and spelling skills.
Learn More: Zaidowda
17. 3 Picture Word Guess
Your high school students will actually find this activity much more fun than you may anticipate. Especially if you make it into a competition (face it, kids love a good competition).
Learn More: Direct Trivia
18. Pictoword
If your students have iPads, then Pictoword is a great game for them to play during centers or during downtime. It's both addicting and also extremely challenging.
Learn More: Educational App Store
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Category: Classroom Ideas
7 Wonderful Word Building Activities
In this post regular contributor, Lauren of Teacher Types, shares seven playful ideas for encouraging children in the early years of school to experiment with building words with a range of materials.
“My child knows the Alphabet… Now what?”
Word building is a crucial step between knowing the letters of the alphabet and being able to write. The ideas I’m sharing today allow children to use hands on materials to experiment with arranging letters in different ways to create simple words. This process is much easier for young children than holding a pencil in their hand and having to remember how to form the letter shape, as well as which letters go together to make the word.
I recommend starting with commonly used, high frequency c/v/c (consonant/vowel/consonant) words because they are easier to sound out (eg mum, dad, dog, cat).
1. Bottle top letters
A very cool recyclable, there are so many opportunities to learn with bottle tops, including beginning word building. I usually start with a small group of letters (s a t i p n), and then move onto the second group of letters shown above (I use the Jolly Phonics program). Each student in my class has their own zip lock bag with a bottle top collection (we are always very careful at pack up time to make sure we have each letter and no doubles!).
2+3. Magnet & Foam Bath Letters
Incidental learning can be such a powerful thing – and having letters around the home such as these can provide great opportunities for word building. We have lower case magnets on our fridge and capital foam letters in the bath. At school, we teach lower case letters first, however children are usually exposed to various capital letters before they start school.
4. Foam Letter Stickers
These foam letter stickers are such a lovely tactile material. I ordered these ones from Clever Patch and use them in the classroom all the time.
5. Alphabet Pebbles
You’ll notice with these Alphabet Pebbles that in addition to the single sounds I’ve also made two-letter blends (or diagraphs) such as sh, ch, th, ee and oo. This takes word building to another level. I purchased these pebbles from Bunnings and simply wrote the letters on with permanent marker.
6. Duplo Letters
Duplo is a fantastic tool for teaching word families. The top Duplo brick has one letter on each side of it, while the bottom two bricks stay the same. The child is able to move the top brick to create different rhyming words.
7. Magazine Letters
Who remembers doing this when they were at school? It’s an oldie but a goodie. Firstly, young children can enjoy looking and searching for various letters through the magazines and then begin sticking them together to make words. This is challenging as awhole class activity – but great for small groups or an activity you and your school aged child can enjoy doing together at home.
Extending the Learning
If your child is showing signs of writing readiness or interest in writing the words they are making with these playful materials, you can encourage them to copy the words they’ve created with a variety of interesting writing materials – whiteboards, markers, special pens, crayon resist, rainbow writing, chalk, typing on the computer etc.
Learning the English language can be tricky, and it’s helpful for parents to understand the process of how early reading and writing happens. It will come naturally for some children, and may take a little longer for others, but it is truly magical when you see that penny drop and your child begins reading and writing independently.
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Lauren Hunt is an Early Childhood Teacher who currently works part time teaching children in their first year of school. She is also mum to a two year old daughter. Lauren is passionate about play-based, hands-on learning and is certainly kept busy by her energetic toddler!
Features of word formation in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech Yu.V. Yurchenko. GSKOU (V type) No. 5, St. Petersburg
Yurchenko Yu.V.
GSKOU (V type) №5, St. Petersburg
The importance of studying word-formation processes is confirmed by the fact that they are one of the main indicators of the normal development of a child's speech. Word formation together with inflection, according to a number of researchers, is recognized as "... the most powerful stimulus, the main" spring "of the development of speech" (Bogoyavlensky D. N. 1986, Elkonin D.B. 1980 and others).
The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained during the study of the processes of word formation of nouns, adjectives and verbs, made it possible to determine the degree of formation of the processes of word formation of nouns, adjectives and verbs in preschoolers with OHP and normal speech development, to determine the main types of word formation errors, to compare these data and determine the extent to which the underdevelopment of word-formation skills and abilities affects the formation of all components of the speech system in preschool age.
Analyzing the data obtained during the study of the processes of formation of different parts of speech by older preschoolers with OHP, it is possible to distinguish 2 groups of children among preschoolers of the experimental group:
Group 1: children with an average level of formation of word-formation processes. They have a large number of errors in the formation of all parts of speech. Children of this category understand well and form only those words that are found in speech practice. Among the mistakes, the following can be distinguished: the wrong choice of the basis of the motivating word; replacement, enumeration of suffixes, prefixes; substitution of parts of speech; lexical substitutions; simplification of the sound-syllabic structure of words; accentuation disorder; violation of word agreement.
In the speech of such children there are a large number of agrammatisms, phonetic and phonemic errors. There is a lack of formation of non-verbal mental functions such as: attention, memory, thinking, etc. The guys could not remember and repeat the instructions, they were often distracted by foreign objects. Some children had concomitant neurological symptoms (additional movements, tremors, etc.).
Group 2: children with a level of formation of word-formation processes above the average. The indicators of preschoolers in this group are slightly higher than those of the children of the previous group. They have a small number of errors in the formation of nouns denoting feminine professions, and words with a hint of "receptacle" with the suffix "-nits"; in the formation of perfect and imperfect verbs; in the formation of possessive and qualitative adjectives (replacement, enumeration of suffixes and prefixes, simplification of the sound-syllabic structure of words, replacement of parts of speech, lexical substitutions, violation of accentuation, violation of word agreement). Refusals from word-formation actions were not observed in this group.
In the speech of such children there are single agrammatisms (when adjectives agree with nouns), rare substitutions, mixing of sounds. Among the non-speech mental functions, voluntary attention and verbal-logical thinking are less developed.
Summarizing all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions:
- Mastery of word formation by older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech is at a lower level than that of normally developing peers.
- The easiest and most accessible for preschoolers with OHP is the formation of verbs (adjectives) and nouns (with a diminutive meaning and denoting baby animals).
- The formation of adjectives (especially possessive ones) is accompanied by a large number of various errors.
The word-formation activity of preschoolers with OHP is characterized by a number of specific features:
- The correct formation of words is possible on the material of well-learned, frequently used words (with appropriate affixes).
- It is difficult to transfer the learned word-formation skills to a new, less commonly used lexical material in speech practice.
- The lack of context in situations requiring word formation significantly complicates the task of forming new words by preschoolers with speech underdevelopment, while for their peers with normal speech development, the formation of words out of context is not difficult.
All of the above features of children should be taken into account when developing methodological recommendations for conducting speech therapy work to correct word formation disorders in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. This work must be carried out not only with preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech, but also with children attending a mass kindergarten, and the work must be carried out in a differentiated manner, depending on the level of word formation skills.
Word formation as a type of speech activity
C on the other hand, word formation connects with a mechanism for creating derivatives words. From this point of view, word formation determine: E.S. Kubryakova "... as a region expressions of special formal semantic relations” [43], N.M. Shansky "...as a collection of methods, rules formation of new words” [99], V.N. Nemchenko "...as a certain action language mechanism associated with education new words” [61].
C the concept of "word formation" is closely related to the problem of morphological structure words, systems of derivative words. With this point of view, the term "word formation" used by for specific language process by differentiation (based on semantics and formal language features) derivatives words and word-forming morphemes . Predominantly with this value the term "word formation" is used in the present work. However, we potential is not denied use of the named term in other values.
1.2. Basic units and ways word formation
in modern Russian language
Vocabulary the composition of the Russian language is divided into two unequal parts. One piece make up non-derivative words , another - derivatives. According to the "Derivational Dictionary Russian language” A.N. Tikhonov [87], in Russian language 18039 non-derivative words and 126034 derivatives words, that is, one non-derivative word there are 7 derivatives. So basic unit of the system word formation is derived word .
The derived word consists of the simplest units (morphemes) and is included in more complex, complex: word-building pairs, derivational types, derivational categories, word-building chains, word-formation paradigms, word-formation nests [74].
1. word-formation pair (SP) - the simplest of the complex units. Word-building pairs, between whose members are identical semantic and formal relations, form one word-formation type.
2. derivational type (ST ) is a scheme for the structure of derivatives words that have three of the same features: 1) they are formed from the words of the same parts of speech; 2) they are formed with the help the same formant; 3) they have the same derivational meaning. In every derived word there are lexical (individual) and grammatical (generalized, categorical) values. In derivatives In the same words, in addition to these meanings, there is also a derivational meaning.
Derivative type - the main cell of the word-formation language systems.
3. derivational value is a semantic relation between the derived word and its producer. In order to reveal the word-formation meaning, need to abstract from the correlation of specific words, for example: boletus is mushroom growing under aspens; snowdrop - this is a flower growing under the snow; candlestick - this is a fixture under a candle; similar derivatives window sill, armrest . Let's get away from the specifics. meanings of the given words and formulate their common meaning is "an object, under that what is called producing word" .
Derivative meaning is expressed by derivational formant and is part of the lexical derived word meanings like to how the formant itself enters into the composition of the base of the derived word. TO one derivational type refer words jump, whistle, move : they have a common formant – suffix -nu-, formed from verbs jump, whistle, move , have the same derivational meaning "one once perform the action called producing verb."
“The word-formation system is understood as set of derivational types language in their interaction...”[74,137].
4. word-formation category (SK) - a more abstract unit, than a derivational type. To one derivational category include derivational types with a common derivational value, but with different formants, for example: derivational category of names action name nouns: Thu-enij-e, rub-to-a, walk-b-a .
5 . word-formation chain (chain) is a series of single-root words related to each other sequential derivative, e.g. : hole - hole-yep-th - holes-yav-and-th - to-hole - perforated - perforated-nij-e. Initial (initial) the chain word is non-derivative and performs producer function. Words follow links (leaky - to perforate, perforate - perforate, perforate - perforate, perforate – perforation ) except the last one simultaneously act as derivatives, as well as producing. The closing word chain, is only a derivative, not used as a producer. [74, 140].
5. word-formation paradigm is a set of derivatives, having the same producer, for example : wolf, wolch-its-a, wolf-onok, wolf-atin-a, wolf-th, wolch-isch-e, wolch-in-th. Features of word-formation paradigms are clearly visible when compared with a morphological paradigm. In morphology words referring to the same part speech and having the same lexico-grammatical features constitute the same set word forms, the same paradigm, for example: white – black – blue, white – black – blue, white – black – blue, white (white) – black (black) – blue (blue-his), white – black – blue-im, (o) white-ohm – (o) black - (o) blue.
B there is no such uniformity in word formation, because it operates many restrictions (semantic, stylistic, formal, lexical), as a result of which producing words, pertaining to one part speech and even to one thematic group, have far from the same set derivatives. Let's compare derivational paradigms of the same adjective: white, pre-white, white-ovate (cf. blue-evate-th), white-enk-th, do-bel-a (cf. do-sin-i), white-and-t, white-e-t, white-out-a (cf. black-from-a, blue-ev-a), white-yank-a (cf. black-ushk-a), white-and-l-a, white-ok.
comparison of derivational paradigms words of one thematic group we we see that the same derivational meaning is expressed by different derivational means, for example, the meaning of the abstract sign: white-out, black-ot-a, blue-ev-a . word-building paradigms are inferior to morphological ones degrees of regularity of components: paradigms declensions and conjugations are much more regular [74, 146].
Between derivational and
1) members of the word-formation paradigm are different words, and the members of the inflectional paradigms are one word in different grammatical forms;
2) each grammatical meaning corresponds certain affix in morphological paradigm (e.g. past tense the verb is expressed by the suffix -l- in all verbs), but the same derivational meaning can be expressed by different derivational affixes, for example, the meaning of the abstract feature is expressed using suffixes -izn- (yellow-izn-a), -from- (high-from-a), -ost (stupid-ost), -in- (shir-in-a) and others;
3) generating (source) word is not included into a word-formation paradigm, and morphology, the paradigm also includes the original (initial) form of the word.
B word formation takes place three class of derived words. So far we considered words that really exist in the vocabulary of the language and are extracted from it as needed (reproduced). These words are also called ordinary (from Latin usus - “rule”, “use”). These are common means of communication which are reproduced by different people in different speech situations. They belong language.
except words that really exist in the language, possible words that occur in speech, in a certain context and outside this context are not reproduced. They are usually individual innovations, owned by individuals, often writers and poets. It is known, for example, how many new words were created by V.V. Mayakovsky: sickle, hammered, double-edged, dragonfly et al. . M.E. has many individual words. Saltykov-Shchedrin: bedbug breeding, defoamer, dizziness et al. Most common name such words is the term " occasionalisms " (from lat. occasionalis - "accidental"). Such words are often incomprehensible out of the context in which they originated.
Principal feature of occasionalisms is what happens during their formation violation of the laws of action of derivational type. For example, noun walker , modeled after the words liar, dancer, runner . Nouns with the suffix -un are formed from the stem of the verb, and walker derived from the stem of the name noun walking. Chemical names substances with the suffix -in are formed from inanimate nouns: vanillin, saccharin, caffeine ; retreat from this rule is observed in Chekhov's occasionalism idiot .
Usual words are also opposed words are potential.
Potential (from Latin potencia - "opportunity") - these are the words possible, they can be produced modeled on highly productive derivational types directly in the process of communication, in the flow of speech when the need arises name any concept that does not have common name. Words like would potentially exist in the language. G.O. Vinokur wrote about these words: “In each language, along with those used in everyday practice words, there are, moreover, sort of "potential words" e. words that do not actually exist, but which could be, if the historical accident. Elephant with elephant - word real and historical. But next to him like its shadow, a potential the word kitiha , as feminine to kit" [17, 15].
AS name such a property of a person, how to maintain modesty, in spite of fame? Glory resistance - a word created on the model of the words heat resistance, frost resistance, fire resistance [54, 74].
Potential words are different from real words the nature of its meaning, which is made up of the values of the components its parts, there is nothing additional in it, individual. The meaning of derivatives real words, although it consists of the meanings of its constituent parts, have something extra, individual, own, which cannot be learned from the model of the word, but you need to know in advance. This is a derivative property. words call phraseology, or idiomatic , the semantics of the word.
Lexical the meanings of such words contain additional semantic components that are not nor in the meanings of producing words, nor in the meanings of generating affixes. Value components that are not expressed formally, they are called semantic increments. So, for example, in the meaning of the word preschool ("pertaining to the time before the arrival child to school") values " admission » and " children " is not expressed by any morphemes.
Various types of derived words phraseology semantics is characteristic in different degree. They do not have phraseology semantics derivatives, components area of syntactic derivation and modification
6. derivational socket - the largest unit, systems word formation. This is the totality of all related words, ordered by relationships productivity. Each derivational the nest has a strictly defined structure, each word in the nest is strictly a certain place. At the base of the building nests lies the principle of consistent subordination of some units to others: wild – wild ovate – pre-wild – wild-o – wild-awn – game – game-ok – savage – wild-k-a - wild-sv-o - wild – wild – wild – wild – wild nij-e – wild – wild – wild - wild-and-t-sya .
Derivative nest consists of derivational chains and word-formation paradigms. Chains and paradigms show syntagmatic and paradigmatic connections of words in the nest. Nests are headed by non-derivatives words. The source words are words of different parts of speech. Minimum nest composition - two words, for example, alphabet - alphabetical , alabaster - alabaster . minimum nest, thus coincides with word-formation couple.
B Russian language has nests, containing more than 100 words (call, earth), about 300 words (break), more than 300 (throw), about 500 (carry).
Judging according to the "Derivational Dictionary of the Russian language "A.N. Tikhonov [87], in Russian 12,621 nests, they contain 142,840 derivatives. Only 5,497 words are single words, that is do not give derivatives ( abrek, akyn, boom, suddenly, anthem, gin, frill, karakurt, lapta, mixer, bunks, omelet, paragraph, stew, octopus, shooting gallery, chakhokhbili, epilogue, etc. ).
for recent study of Russian word formation intensified significantly. Appeared a large number of monographs on problems of derivatology. Since the 70s years, the works of E.A. Zemskoy ("Modern Russian language. Word formation” [30]), N.M. Shansky ("Essays on Russian word formation" [99]), M.N. Yantsenetskaya (“Semantic issues theory of word formation” [110]) and others. In 1985, the "Derivative dictionary of the Russian language "A.