Words rhyme with talk

246 best rhymes for 'talk'

1 syllable

  • Walk
  • Chalk
  • Dog
  • Hawk
  • Stalk
  • Fog
  • Log
  • Caught
  • Fought
  • Brought
  • Broad
  • Taught
  • Bought
  • Lot
  • Drop
  • Top
  • Thought
  • Wat
  • Squawk
  • Gawk

  • Balk
  • Kalk
  • Falk
  • Ought
  • Op
  • Fraud
  • Blog
  • Sought
  • Kong
  • Bog
  • Cog
  • Snog
  • Sawed
  • Flawed
  • Called
  • Haunt
  • Fault
  • Tossed
  • Caused
  • Talked

  • Walked
  • Watched
  • Soft
  • Salt
  • Lost
  • Crossed
  • Cost
  • Want
  • Snot
  • Cocked
  • Mod
  • Naught
  • Wrought
  • Thawed
  • Clawed
  • Haut
  • Gnawed
  • Awed
  • Dong
  • Jawed

  • Laude
  • Fraught
  • Baud
  • Quod
  • Fop
  • Pawed
  • Bald
  • Aunt
  • Honk
  • Frost
  • Mosque
  • Flaunt
  • Tonk
  • Taunt
  • York
  • Vault
  • Halt
  • Short
  • Bored
  • Snort

  • Court
  • Lord
  • Sword
  • Sort
  • Glaub
  • Fob
  • Staub
  • Forced
  • Clogged
  • Sport
  • Crawled
  • Paused
  • Fork
  • Swamp
  • Spawned
  • Loft
  • Wronged
  • Coughed
  • Longed
  • Malt

  • Walt
  • Dawned
  • Mauled
  • Sprawled
  • Swapped
  • Stalked
  • Stalled
  • Logged
  • Pawned
  • Croft
  • Hauled
  • Oft
  • Chalked
  • Warned
  • Dogged
  • Scoffed
  • Glossed
  • Daunt
  • Walled
  • Scrawled

  • Gaunt
  • Bogged
  • Jaunt
  • Scald
  • Oct
  • Galt
  • Yawned
  • Wond
  • Conte
  • Auld
  • Hawked
  • Quashed
  • Pronged
  • Aust
  • Ford
  • Formed
  • Cord
  • Launched
  • Pork
  • Poured

  • Fort
  • Swamped
  • Ward
  • Stored
  • Morgue
  • Scored
  • Warp
  • Port
  • Horde
  • Warped

2 syllables

  • Tupac
  • Sidewalk
  • Warlock
  • Boardwalk
  • Mohawk
  • Airlock
  • Catwalk
  • Seahawk
  • Blackhawk
  • Sleepwalk
  • Nighthawk
  • Jaywalk
  • Bulldog
  • Hotdog
  • Leapfrog
  • Eggnog
  • Acog
  • Kellogg
  • Bullfrog
  • Gundog

  • Applaud
  • Beyond
  • Distraught
  • Abroad
  • Onslaught
  • Outlawed
  • Forethought
  • Begot
  • Rethought
  • Treetop
  • Defraud
  • Ragtop
  • Maraud
  • Seesawed
  • Assault
  • Kiosk
  • Toward
  • Record
  • Support
  • Ignored

  • Afford
  • Exhaust
  • Appalled
  • Asphalt
  • Belonged
  • Default
  • Installed
  • Prolonged
  • Enthralled
  • Uncalled
  • Aloft
  • Defrost
  • Cobalt
  • Recalled
  • Lacoste
  • Exalt
  • Accost
  • Embossed
  • Beaumont
  • Renault

  • Oswald
  • Crisscrossed
  • Ringwald
  • Northolt
  • Resort
  • Report
  • Award
  • Keyboard
  • Abort
  • Reward
  • Passport
  • Aboard
  • Absorb

3 syllables

  • Tomahawk
  • Underdog
  • Poppycock
  • Dialogue
  • Catalog
  • Monologue
  • Analog
  • Synagogue
  • Epilogue
  • Catalogue
  • Dialog
  • Juggernaut
  • Afterthought
  • Overwrought
  • Cosmonaut
  • Argonaut
  • Holocaust
  • Microsoft
  • Somersault
  • Thunderbolt

  • Overhauled
  • Pentecost
  • Uninvolved

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Near rhymes with talkB-Rhymes | B-Rhymes

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 stalk s_tawk 1941 Definition
2 stalked s_tawk_t 1941 Definition
3 dak dawk 1932 Definition
4 squawk s_k_wawk 1932 Definition
5 gawk gawk 1921 Definition
6 taught tawt 1846 Definition
7 taut tawt 1846 Definition
8 distraught dis_t_rawt 1846 Definition
9 caught kawt 1837 Definition
10 scaup s_kawp 1837 Definition
11 brought b_rawt 1826 Definition
12 bought bawt 1826 Definition
13 walk wawk 1822 Definition
14 auk awk 1777 Definition
15 crosstalk k_rostawk 1761 Definition
16 beanstalk beens_tawk 1761 Definition
17 chalk chawk 1734 Definition
18 hawk hawk 1734 Definition
19 daud dawd 1731 Definition
20 claude k_lawd 1731 Definition
21 daub daw_awb 1731 Definition
22 daube daw_awb 1731 Definition
23 claud k_lawd 1731 Definition
24 applaud uhp_lawd 1731 Definition
25 broad b_rawd 1720 Definition
26 abroad uhb_rawd 1720 Definition
27 truck t_rak 1705 Definition
28 instruct ins_t_rak_t 1705 Definition
29 reconstruct reekuhns_t_rak_t 1705 Definition
30 tuck tak 1705 Definition
31 obstruct obs_t_rak_t 1705 Definition
32 destruct dis_t_rak_t 1705 Definition
33 construct kuhns_t_rak_t 1705 Definition
34 stuck s_tak 1705 Definition
35 struck s_t_rak 1705 Definition
36 stock s_tok 1705 Definition
37 besought bisawt 1701 Definition
38 sought sawt 1701 Definition
39 dux dak_s 1695 Definition
40 induct indak_t 1695 Definition
41 puck pak 1695 Definition
42 pocked pok_t 1695 Definition
43 pock pok 1695 Definition
44 pluck p_lak 1695 Definition
45 koch kok 1695 Definition
46 klux k_lak_s 1695 Definition
47 kluck k_lak 1695 Definition
48 pox pok_s 1695 Definition
49 duct dak_t 1695 Definition
50 duck dak 1695 Definition
51 adduct uhdak_t 1695 Definition
52 croc k_rok 1695 Definition
53 cox kok_s 1695 Definition
54 coq kok 1695 Definition
55 concoct konkok_t 1695 Definition
56 cock kok 1695 Definition
57 cluck k_lak 1695 Definition
58 clock k_lok 1695 Definition
59 abduct aabdak_t 1695 Definition
60 crocked k_rok_t 1695 Definition
61 cruck k_rak 1695 Definition
62 crux k_rak_s 1695 Definition
63 doc dok 1695 Definition
64 doch dok 1695 Definition
65 crock k_rok 1695 Definition
66 dock dok 1695 Definition
67 deduct didak_t 1695 Definition
68 box bok_s 1685 Definition
69 block b_lok 1685 Definition
70 brock b_rok 1685 Definition
71 glock g_lok 1685 Definition
72 bock bok 1685 Definition
73 bloch b_lok 1685 Definition
74 bloc b_lok 1685 Definition
75 unblock anb_lok 1685 Definition
76 gogh gok 1685 Definition
77 buck bak 1685 Definition
78 ought awt 1682 Definition
79 aught awt 1682 Definition
80 harcourt harrkawt 1657 Definition
81 cakewalk ke_ikwawk 1642 Definition
82 sleepwalk s_leepwawk 1642 Definition
83 sidewalk sah_idwawk 1642 Definition
84 catwalk kaatwawk 1642 Definition
85 boardwalk bawr_dwawk 1642 Definition
86 norwalk nawrwawk 1642 Definition
87 unthought anthawt 1639 Definition
88 bethought bithawt 1639 Definition
89 thoughts thawt_s 1639 Definition
90 thought thawt 1639 Definition
91 nought nawt 1639 Definition
92 overwrought uh_uuvuhrrawt 1639 Definition
93 fraught f_rawt 1639 Definition
94 fought fawt 1639 Definition
95 wrought rawt 1639 Definition
96 maude mawd 1621 Definition
97 maud mawd 1621 Definition
98 trot t_rot 1610 Definition
99 tug tag 1610 Definition

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Rhymes with 'verses'

✔ The best rhyming words for 'verses': strokes - spirits - quiet - sins - dashing - tops - dilapidated - dusty - dry - bad - deaf - workshops - suitors - husks - not bad - shepherds - roosters - nonsense ... Only 99 rhymes.
















crumbs 9000









deaf and deaf











9000 9000 butts






old women




are good 9000 blunders



dirty tricks














Why are the rhythmes of the edition of the edition of the TRUMEF?

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  • A unique algorithm allows you to use endings, abbreviations and even made-up words to search.
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How to choose a rhyme?

The search for words in the works of great poets is carried out according to the editions of the 50-60s of the last century. As a result of the search, separate lines of various poems are displayed.

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Timofey J. Skorenko.


One day I had a desire to write something like a small textbook that could give something new to both beginner and professional poets. The result is in front of you.

I honestly tried to present the material in the simplest language, so to speak, colloquial, without going into details and without using too many technical terms. But it didn’t work out, because without theory you can’t go anywhere. Yes, it is much easier to write poetry when it comes from within, rather than starting from theory. Nevertheless, in order for the poem to be not just sincere, but beautiful and filled with meaning, you need at least a little understanding of the technique. Forgive me in advance - I also introduced a lot of any terminology into use.

Among other things, I believe (I emphasize - this is my personal opinion) that poetry should not only be listened to in the author's performance, but also well read. Poems must survive the author. At least not for long. And now it is fashionable to write "masterpieces" that can only be perceived in the form of groaning and screeching of the author. Once, at a literary get-together, I heard a "poetess" who hoarsely shouted terrible nonsense about a girl who had gouged her eye out on a gas stove. I got sick. I beg you, refrain from delirium, invest in poetry a meaning that is slightly veiled, but not abstract.

I will give three main pieces of advice at the very beginning : 1) to write good poetry, you need to read a lot of good poetry! This is the most important rule.

2) If you wrote from the heart, it does not mean that the poem is good. Any poem needs to be re-read and corrected, shredded after some time - and no one but you will do this. Poems are rarely written the first time. Have you seen Pushkin's drafts? There are more fixes than normal clean lines! And you, sorry, are not Pushkin. And I'm not Pushkin. Therefore, we should not see anything behind the corrections at all.

3) Find a new, unhackneyed theme for your poem . And if you are writing on a traditional topic (love or autumn, yes, your imagination is tight?), find new words and ideas for this . I am writing this for only one reason: I will not teach you what to write about . This is up to you.

So let's get started. Sister, scalpel!

Chapter 1. Rhyme.

Of course, one of the most important factors in versification is rhyme. By the way, I can only say this when speaking about Slavic languages: for example, ancient Greek poems or even modern English-language poems most often do not have rhymes. Well, this is a matter of taste of the author or the development of culture. Slavic language culture implies the presence of rhyme.

I will not write about what rhyme is and how it is used - this is perfectly clear without me. But what is good and bad rhyme - we will analyze.

The only thing I would like to add at the very beginning is the golden rule of poetry: rhyme should either be everywhere, or it should not be anywhere . If it is in pieces, then it seems that the poet is simply incompetent. I didn’t know how to rhyme, well, I left it to my will. In addition, when you read poetry in front of serious gentlemen from the jury of any poetry or music festival, with a poorly delivered rhyme, something like this happens. The jury members listen and suddenly stumble upon a place where the rhyme is missing, or it is bad. The next two or three verses, while you are reading or singing, they no longer listen to you, but happily discuss your mistake, completely losing the meaning of the story. This, of course, should be avoided.

By the way, the same applies to the syllable. But about the syllable - later.

1.1. Poems without rhyme.

Of course, in Russian versification there are poems without rhyme. Moreover, there are quite a few varieties of non-rhyming poems.

The first variety is white verses, verses without rhymes. White verse must contain the size . Classical examples of white verse can be the works of A. Koltsov:
I will sit at the table and think:
How can one live alone in the world?
The young man does not have a young wife,
The young man does not have a faithful friend.
(A. Koltsov)
Examples of white verses are also found in other classical poets, for example:
A storm appeared in the darkness of the night;
A menacing ray sparkled in the sky;
Thunders rumbled in black clouds,
And noisy rain roared in the forest...
(N. Karamzin)
The famous "Song of Hiawatha" by Henry Longfellow was written in blank verse. Technically, white verse is very simple: it is enough to observe the size and follow the meaning. In view of the simplicity of technical execution, white verses must contain something that will “eclipse” the absence of rhyme. For Koltsov, such an element is the stylization of folk art, a workshop, by the way. By the way, Longfellow's "Song of Hiawatha" is also a stylization of the epic (actually, this is the epic).

In modern poetry, blank verse is not very common:
And we will go with you, walk along the tram rails,

We will sit on the pipes at the beginning of the ring road.

, with a warm wind, you will have a chamber smoke from the factory,

pythevnoye Star of the Yellow Tapelka of the Traffic Light ... (I. Dyagileva)
, the so -called , , 2, 2, 2 IN ancient poetry and later European poetry, when the tradition of rhymed poetry had not yet developed. An example of an unrhymed verse:
About that. what awaits us, stop thinking,
Accept, as a profit, the day bestowed on us
by Fate, and do not shy away, my friend,
No round dances, no love caresses.
White verses, in contrast to non-rhyming ones, are a deliberate departure from established rules and poetic traditions, ignoring rhyme as a kind of artistic device. Note that in a rhymeless verse, the size is also respected.

The apogee of non-rhyming poetry (even if I treat such things very coldly) are free verse (French vers libre - free verse). Ver libre has neither rhyme nor syllable. It is essentially prose divided into lines. Free verse appeared much earlier than other types of poems and developed in parallel with them. Ver libre reached a high level in American poetry. I will give a few examples from classical free verse in Russian translations.
I glorify and glorify myself,

And what I accept, you will accept.

For every atom that belongs to me belongs to you.
I, an idle vagabond, call my soul,

I wander around doing nothing and, bending lazily,

I look at the summer blade of grass.
My tongue, every atom of my blood is created from this soil, from this air;

Born here of parents born here of parents also born here,

Now, thirty-seven years old, in perfect health, I begin this song

And I hope not to finish before death.
Dogmas and schools let them wait.

Let them step back a little, they are good where they are, we will not forget them either.

I accept nature as it is, I allow it at any time, always

To speak freely with primal force.

(W. Whitman, translated by K. Chukovsky)
This is the first chapter of the famous “Song of Myself”, which in many respects laid the foundation for modern vers libre. However, most of the free verses I have encountered have no connection with the real world in their content and are reminiscent of the philosophy of Schopenhauer.

Here is another example:
And don't think that


this actor



at the back of the stage.


of which you do not see


Won with those scenes

of which you do not hear. (W. Lowenfels, translated by V. Rogov)
I can only say one thing about free verse: to write a really good free verse, you need to be a true genius. Behind beautiful rhymes and consistency of style, any semantic flaws can be hidden, but in the absence of means of technical decoration of a poem, it is very difficult to accurately maintain the meaning and logic of what the reader should see in the poem. Therefore: don't write free verse! This is difficult and most often says not about your high level, but about the fact that you simply do not know how to work with the rhyme.

So-called prose poems are close to vers libre - small emotionally rich lyrical works in prose without signs of meter and rhyme. Distinctive features - melody and melodiousness.
In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

(I. S. Turgenev)
Poems in prose, I note, are rather outdated. Many literary critics do not classify such works as poetry. In general, I agree with this point of view. It is rather lyrical and beautiful prose.

Other types of non-rhyming poem are haiku , tanka and a few others. Specific Japanese poetry, to be honest, is completely unsuitable and, moreover, not intended for translation into Russian and interpretation. Firstly, these verses reflect a philosophy that is completely alien to us, and secondly, the difference between these types is lost in translation, although it is present in the original. From my point of view, writing haiku or tanka in Russian is just stupidity, about the same as if a Japanese would write rhymed quatrains in Japanese about Russian nature and birch trees. The specificity of Japanese poetry is justified by the language in which there are no long and short syllables, stressed and unstressed syllables and, therefore, there are no stops.

Haiku (haiku, hai-kai) - a genre of Japanese poetry; unrhymed three-line, derived from the tank and consisting of 17 syllables (5 + 7 + 5). They originated in the 16th century during the extraordinary flowering of Zen Buddhism, which had state status. Only a trained master who had gone a long way to improve and hone his literary skills could write true haiku. Knowledge of haiku and the ability to compose them eventually became an integral part of the upbringing of a Japanese samurai warrior, who was supposed to have equanimity of spirit, detachment and the ability to admire the beauty of the mortal world. Basho (1644-169) were the classics of Japanese poetry who created unsurpassed examples of haiku. 4) and Ransetsu (1654-1707).
On a bare branch
Raven sits alone.
Autumn evening.
Tanka (miika-uta) is also a genre of Japanese poetry. Non-rhyming five-line, consisting of 31 syllables (5+7+5+7+7). Differs in poetic elegance and conciseness.
To the night moon
I lifted my gaze and asked:
"My dear
is on his way,
Oh, when will we meet again?"
Less well-known types of Japanese versification include kata-uta (5+5+7 pattern), uta sendoka (double kata-uta, 5+5+7 | | 5+5+7 with caesura between kata-uta), bussoku-sekitai ( a form derived from haiku, 5+7+5+7+7+7), hanka (a poem written without observing certain laws of syllabic strophic, but completed with a tanka stanza ... 5+7+5+7+7) , naga-uta (a poem built on a pairwise alternation of five and seven-syllable verses, ended with a kata-uta stanza 5+7+5+7+5+7... 5+7+7). Standing apart is the non-solid (endless) form ima-io-uta 7+5+7+5 | | 7+5+7+5 | | . ..with a big caesura after every 4th verse. It contradicts the general law of Japanese stanza, which requires the number 5 in the first place. The form took root under Chinese influence. As an example, I will give kata-uta:
My flock's house is not a house.

Oh, I'm in it as a guest... where are you?

Where is death, or where is life?
Free verse, tanka, haiku and similar forms have no syllable or meter, this is poetry of purely foreign origin. The roots of white versification are primordially Russian: this is how the "Lay of Igor's Campaign" is translated from Old Slavonic into modern language. In the original, it was written simply in continuous text, without paragraphs and division into words, only a few initial letters highlighted parts of the poem. But it was fairly easy to read, with the right accents and line breaks. From the classic white verses, one can also cite Gorky's "Song of the Petrel".

In principle, you can find at least a dozen more varieties of poetic forms that are not burdened with rhyme (for example, ancient Roman poetry), but I will not give them here, because the purpose of this treatise is to teach Russian versification specifically. In general, rhyme need !

Well, in fact, you can use non-rhyming elements. For example:
Waiter, pineapple for us

Cut thinly on a dish,

Sit next to me, drink, eat,

But here I didn't come up with a rhyme... (A. Bal)
This is a humorous poem about the mediocrity of some poets. As a matter of humor and theme, the absence of rhyme is not only appropriate, but even funny and necessary.

The absence of a rhyme is also acceptable in some songs, when the melody is sustained in such a way that it "obscures" the incorrect construction of the poetic line. For example,

Suitable for roof edge

And waves from the roof. Hear:

"Good bye, my baby!"

And tears off the body,

And spreads its wings,

And flies into the sky. (A. Shcherbina)
The song is very funny, and the characteristic melody allows you to bypass both the rhyme and the syllable (although there are hints of both). Such a technique - a combination of non-rhyming and rhyming lines - is called arithmia .

A very peculiar variety of rhymes, which, nevertheless, cannot be classified as full-fledged, was introduced into use by I. Rukavishnikov in the 1920s. These are the so-called semi-rhymes . Semi-rhymes are based on the consonance of line endings, but they are not a full-fledged rhyme, since they do not obey the general rules of rhyming, do not respect the number of rhyming syllables, and are distinguished by artificial negligence. The following lines can serve as examples of a semi-rhyme:
Your face is pleasant to my eyes.

I want to hug your belt with my hand.

Look at me, look at me lovingly.

And maybe love will enter me. (I. Rukavishnikov)

I am wounded by the snake of search.

I will grieve you, you, in love.

I need to put a lot of urns in the crypt.

And I will wound my soul with stormy betrayal.

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