Words rhyming with before
190 best rhymes for 'before'
1 syllable
- For
- Sore
- Swore
- Your
- Door
- War
- Bore
- Whore
- Tore
- Core
- Floor
- Score
- More
- Store
- Pour
- Nor
- Or
- Gore
- Shore
- Roar
- Thor
- Chore
- Drawer
- Snore
- Lore
- Vore
- Fall
- Spore
- Hors
- Glore
- Ball
- Wall
- Y'all
- Crawl
- Paul
- Mall
- Lol
- Small
- Hall
- Call
- Tall
- All
- Brawl
- Stall
- Saul
- Sprawl
- Gall
- Scrawl
- Raul
- Drawl
- Thrall
- Squall
- Shawl
- Thall
- Nall
- Whorl
2 syllables
- Explore
- Ignore
- Restore
- Implore
- C4
- M4
- Decor
- Indoor
- Deplore
- Fillmore
- Gilmore
- Igor
- Filmore
- Adore
- Hardcore
- Therefore
- Recall
- Pitfall
- Wherefore
- Befall
- Mentor
- Encore
- Galore
- Pinball
- Abhor
- Ashore
- Labore
- Spitball
- Backdoor
- Uproar
- Sophomore
- Mordor
- Offshore
- Outdoor
- Seashore
- Install
- Postwar
- Eyesore
- Rapport
- Lazor
- Prewar
- Senor
- Ador
- Lakeshore
- Furor
- Lenore
- Folklore
- Rushmore
- Seymour
- Drugstore
- Amore
- Downpour
- Dior
- Kenmore
- Claymore
- Centaur
- Outscore
- Lahore
- Xicor
- Baseball
- Football
- Downfall
- Nightfall
- Rainfall
- Freefall
- Eyeball
- Snowball
- Softball
- Fastball
- Oddball
- Meatball
- Handball
- Hardball
- Foosball
- Menthol
- Lysol
- Awol
- Stonewall
- Nepal
- Wormhole
- Appall
- Warhol
- Forestall
- Atoll
- Glycol
- Vauxhall
3 syllables
- Carnivore
- Herbivore
- Pedicure
- Metaphor
- Anymore
- Dinosaur
- Nevermore
- Baltimore
- Matador
- Furthermore
- Salvador
- Dumbledore
- Labrador
- Commodore
- Sycamore
- Singapore
- Theodore
- Antiwar
- Troubadour
- Ecuador
- Cortisol
- Evermore
- Underscore
- Superstore
- Uninstall
- Guarantor
- Barrymore
- Bangalore
- Albacore
- Basketball
- Waterfall
- Fireball
- Overall
- Cannonball
- Volleyball
- Tylenol
- Powerball
- Racquetball
- Protocol
- Ethanol
- Overhaul
- Rohypnol
- Senegal
- Montreal
- Quetzalcoatl
4 syllables
- Neanderthal
- Cholesterol
- Albuterol
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Words That Rhyme With "Before"
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1 syllable:
boar, Boer, Bohr, boor, bore, buhr, chore, cor, core, corps, crore, cure, door, dor, Dorr, drawer, dure, Faure, floor, flor, for, fore, four, frore, glore, gor, gore, hoar, Hoare, jure, kor, laur, lor, lore, lure, mohr, moor, Moore, mor, more, Muir, mure, nor, o'er, oar, ore, Orr, poor, poore, pore, pour, pure, roar, Ruhr, saur, schnorr, score, shore, snore, soar, sore, splore, spoor, spore, store, stour, sure, swore, Thor, tor, tore, torr, tour, vore, war, whore, wore, yore, you're, your
2 syllables:
abhor, abjure, Abor, adjure, adore, afore, allure, amour, Amur, ashore, assure, bandore, Bator, Belfort, bonjour, brisure, brochure, cocksure, coiffeur, coiffure, colure, couture, craquelure, d'accord, danseur, Darfur, dastur, decor, Delore, demure, deplore, detour, Dior, doublure, endure, ensure, enure, explore, forbore, fourscore, friseur, Gabor, galore, gravure, guipure, hachure, hardcore, Hazor, ignore, immure, implore, impure, inpour, inshore, insure, inure, Johore, Lahore, langur, lazor, Lenore, livor, manure, maror, mature, mazdoor, Mysore, Nagpur, noncore, obscure, offshore, outpour, outroar, outscore, outsoar, perdure, postwar, prestore, prewar, procure, rapport, restore, secure, senhor, senor, sobor, Tagore, tanbur, therefor, Timor, unmoor, unsure, velour, velours, velure, wherefore, yizkor
3 syllables:
accoucheur, alongshore, antiwar, anymore, assignor, coinsure, comprador, confirmor, embouchure, guarantor, heretofore, immature, Jabalpur, Jubbulpore, Livermore, Messidor, mirador, obligor, overscore, overwore, pasticheur, piefort, premature, reassure, reinsure, theretofore, Thermidor, underscore
4 syllables:
capeador, forevermore, hereinbefore, photogravure, recognizor, rotogravure, thereinbefore, underinsure
5 syllables:
Mnemonics, or How to subjugate your memory | Media Portal
Teacher of the course of mnemonics, 4th year student of IPiO Nelly Meshcheryakova assures that you can develop your memory quite quickly.
Lecturer of the course of mnemonics, 4th year student of IPiO Nelly Meshcheryakova assures that you can develop your memory quite quickly and at any age.
At least once, but each of us forgot where he left his car keys, did not remember the birthday of his closest relatives and friends or the phone number of a colleague in time. According to psychologists, between the ages of 40 and 65, people experience a persistent decline in memory, and in fact its development and maintenance in the right form is one of the remedies against Alzheimer's disease. Why are there adults - because of poor memory, children lose interest in learning.
Lecturer of the course of mnemonics at the educational center for schoolchildren "Unium", 4th year student of IPiO Nelly Meshcheryakova assures that you can develop your memory quite quickly and at any age. And then you will not only learn entire lectures on an unloved subject, but even master several languages.
« We are used to writing down any information in electronic or notebooks. But you can put it in your brain. Then we will not depend on the batteries in the phone or the Internet in the tablet. And mnemonics will help with this.
Mnemonics - a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of memorizing information. That is, mnemonics turn numbers and letters into vivid images that literally cut into our memory.”
Why do we need mnemonics? In order not to memorize, but quickly and with pleasure memorize phone numbers, bank cards, names and dates of birth of friends and acquaintances, information on study and work, foreign words, sequences of words (for example, a list of products) or even entire texts.
KD Ushinsky wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly” .
“Speech therapists have long used mnemonics in their work: for each word or small phrase, a picture is invented and sketched or displayed, and the entire text is thus sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams-drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information,” Nelli commented.
In addition, mnemonics helps in the development of connected speech, associative thinking; visual and auditory memory, visual and auditory attention, imagination. In a word, mnemonics can greatly simplify life if you know how to use it.
You might think that mnemonics appeared recently, but it has existed for several millennia, surrounds us everywhere, and we have used its methods in practice more than once. So, in mnemonics, the compilation of phrases for memorization is quite widespread. The most famous among them is "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits." It "encodes" the colors of the rainbow: each starts with the same letter as the word in the phrase. The phrase about the order of the planets works in a similar way: “You can fly beyond Mars by making a jewelry turn near our planet.” Or the order of cases "Ivan gave birth to a girl ..."
« Mnemonics includes a set of tricks and methods for easier memorization. Mnemonic memorization consists of four stages: coding into images, memorization (combining two images), sequence memorization and fixing in memory. But the foundation of mnemonics is associations, so the key to success in memorization is to learn how to create correct and “strong” associations. Only then can we move on.”
Consider the most important principles of mnemonics. Developed memory is based on two main factors - imagination and association. In order to memorize something new, you need to correlate this new thing with something, that is, make an associative connection with some already known factor, calling on your imagination to help. An association is a mental connection between two images. The more diverse and numerous the associations, the more firmly they are fixed in memory. Strange, illogical associations contribute to better memorization.
Nelly shared five rules for creating a "correct" association:
1. Association is the first thing that comes to your mind . It is necessary to create an image in your head that will evoke another in your memory and help you remember the information you need. The created association will become a hook when memorizing new information.
(pictured - Nelli Meshcheryakova)
2. The association must be illogical and absurd. The more unusual a situation you create, the more it burrows into your brain. I repeat, the image is at the head of everything. If you can create an image of an object in your head, then you are already halfway to success.
3. Images must be large, voluminous, colored, detailed. Turn on all your senses to imagine the picture as vividly as possible.
4. The association should be funny - let this be the first thing that comes to your mind.
5. The association should be only about yourself, because only what happens to you arouses the strongest interest and therefore is better remembered. When you read a paragraph on history and imagine yourself conquering Rome, then you will definitely remember more facts from this text.
To memorize the rule effectively, you need to set the created association in motion. "Movement" helps to vividly present the image. It makes the process of memorization not only simple, but also interesting.
« For example, you need to remember two words: "cavalry" and "attic". You imagine that you go up to the attic and see cavalry there - horses with long bangs are standing, and warriors are sitting on them. They have their heads down to their chests because they don't fit in your tiny attic. You look at them and think: I came here for jam, but what did they forget here? And they answer you: “Exactly - what have we forgotten here?” - and fly out the window.
And the jam flies after them, and you bitterly regret it. Having applied all the rules for building the right association, the brain firmly remembered these two words.
Which mnemonics methods to use depends on what you want to achieve: learn to memorize numbers, words, facts or learn a foreign language.
“There are no universal methods for developing memory. But there are a few tricks that everyone can practice every day.”
Nelly's mnemonics techniques:
"Chain" is one of the basic techniques for memorizing a certain number of objects. The method is simple: imagine a bright image, and then glue it with the next one. The images are connected in association in pairs. The sizes of the images are approximately the same in each pair. When you have formed a connection between the first and second image, the first image is removed from consciousness by transferring attention to the second. After that, a relationship is formed between the second and third images, and so on. When a chain of images is remembered, three to five images appear in consciousness at once.
Let's say you need to buy cheese, powder and a light bulb in a store. Introducing a huge package of powder. A light bulb flies into it and white powder scatters across the plank floor. Cheese is strung on a light bulb ... and so a whole tower is built. Glues should be as effective as possible. They say that this way you can remember a list of at least a hundred items. What you really need to go to the store.
Reception "Matryoshka" . Experts say that it serves as the most optimal way of mnemonics. It is based on the combination of images in pairs, and the previous appearance of the association should always be greater than the next, that is, the impression is necessary that the first type of word includes the one following it. After their connection, it disappears from the consciousness, the main image becomes the subsequent one, which mentally increases, and an association is created between the words standing next to each other. So, the images are constantly being introduced into each other, like a “matryoshka”. A classic example of this action, when it is necessary to connect two seemingly incompatible images, is “beauty and the beast”.
Hanger method is suitable for memorizing numbers. For each number, you need to come up with several associations or “hanger” words: 0 - bagel, 1 - stake, 2 - swan, 4 - chair, 8 - snowman ... You can pick up rhyming words: zero - salt, two - owl ... We replace figures with pictures and come up with a coherent story. Voila - the phone number was stored in memory for a long time.
Cicero method. According to legend, Cicero, when preparing for his speeches, took a walk and mentally placed important points of his speech everywhere. Then, remembering the situation at home, he remembered the key phrases.
This method will help you memorize words in English class, sequence of events in history lessons, new concepts in biology and chemistry lessons. Any subject can be used. Everyone regularly sees the same visual images. These are items in the apartment, office. These are objects on the street you often walk on, at home, at work, in the classroom. So, you choose 10 items that you will use for memorization. After that, for each subject, come up with a subject for memorization. And an association with it. For example, you take a word in English and think of how it is related to a flower on the windowsill.
What if you urgently need to memorize a few foreign words?
" With the help of mnemonics, it's possible to learn hundreds of English words in one day" , says Nelly.
For example, we need to remember the word "pillow" - a pillow. We select a sound association - "fish-saw". We connect the pillow and the sawfish. And we come up with a story: a pillow maniac comes to you with a sawfish and starts sawing your pillow with a terribly unpleasant “peeeee” sound. Feathers scatter in different directions - otherwise it was a gift from your beloved grandmother and you are terribly sorry for her.
So, by applying the rules for constructing an association, we memorized an English word. To reproduce this story in memory, you only need 3 seconds. And when you hear the word "pillow" ("pillow") - you will remember the combination "fish-saw", and it will hook the word "pillow" out of memory.
If we turn to theory, then three types of associations are used in mnemonics: sound (pillow-saw), semantic (cavalry and attic) and visual. The latter is used in elementary school lessons.
« Difficult to write, dictionary words are represented graphically: for example, the word "cassette" can be drawn as a cassette, in the holes of which two letters "C" are hidden.
There are many examples of visual association: in the word "weather" instead of the letter "o" you can draw the sun. Unverifiable "o" in the words "carrot", "cucumber", "crow", "milk" can be remembered by drawing a crow with earrings in the form of two "o" or a bottle of milk with three rings thrown over it. The drawn carrot twists two hoops around the waist, and the cucumber drives the hoop in front of him. Now the spelling of these words will remain in the memory forever. Even the rules can be drawn. For example, the rule “The particle “not” with verbs is written separately” can be depicted as a football player-verb hitting the ball-particle.
And if you need to remember some dates, then you can use image numbers that you can string like beads on the thread of your memory. For example, the year of the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible (1552) is depicted as follows: one - in the form of a spear, five - stars sparkling on the helmets of Russian soldiers, two - a swan flying from the Syuyumbike tower. To make the date even better in memory, you can make a proposal from the names invented for the numbers of the drawings. The funnier it is, the better the desired date will be remembered.
The difference between mnemonics and cramming is that in the second case, a person reads and then repeats many times, memorizing in this way. And thanks to mnemonics, information is remembered immediately, but then it needs to be repeated following a certain algorithm.
« In mnemonics, as in any other skill, it is important to practice regularly. After all, memory is a muscle that must always be kept in good shape. I recommend exercising regularly. Over time, this will become a habit, and you will no longer be able to remember differently, as you did before. I immediately tell my students that it is better not to expect miracles. To get the desired result, you need to work hard" .
" If you want to get acquainted with the theory in more detail, I recommend reading the "Textbook of mnemonics" by Kozarenko V.A. There are many exercises in the book "Memory. Training memory and concentration techniques", its author is R. Geisselhart. Study
Unfortunately, in Russia and here in Tatarstan mnemonics is not yet widely used. brain.Mnemonic technology reconfigures the connections between the brain's nerve centers, increasing the amount of memory.So memorizing a thousand English words in a day is quite realistic and accessible to anyone - you just want to.
Illustrations from open sources, http://pamyatplus.ru/, personal archive of the author
Sentences with the word “before”
We found 80 sentences with the word “before”. Synonyms for "before" Meaning of the word. Characters. "before" - morphemic analysis.
- Paton taught me how to behave in front of a camera and in front of a microphone, he initiated me into the intricacies of this craft.
- Never before before did I feel that special admiration that gives the general way of the game, where before you life itself.
- For every penny I reported to GORONO, but I still had to report to Oleg.
- At a speed of 20.5 knots, the Black Swan slipped in front of the bow of the freighter, which suddenly surfaced ahead of it out of the darkness.
- Each of us, and even more so I, will have to answer to future Russia, to Russian people, and finally, to by those who are dear to us.
- I have read in many books that just before a person dies, his whole life passes before his eyes.
- He saw what was revealed before Russia, before its tsar, before the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.
- Let this be an extra incentive for me to work with a sense of greater responsibility to myself, to my conscience, before people.
- Procopius and Ivan who were in Mezen, before the threat of execution, "obeyed" before the authorities.
- What was the battle with enemy mechanized corps in front of Minsk UR today and where is the enemy who was yesterday in Slutsk and in front of Minsk UR?
- And before yourself, and friend before friend, and before coach.
- A true noble does not bow down to 0177 than, the more before conclusion by analogy.
- Forgotten, devalued and trampled on all the previous merits before society, before literature, before homeland.
- And the problems that arose before him, could not but arise one day before the liquidator who served at Galichon.
- The one who ruled the earth would never take off his hat to before anyone, except before ladies, and would not come to the dying Molière.
- His merits before society, before Muscovites, before citizens are so significant that we decided to give him this title.
- Despite 's fear of exams, he still managed to pull himself together and give a worthy performance in front of examiners.
- He servilely trembled before God, because only before He could tremble.
- We loved her and bowed to her like before artist.
- His inner life so surpassed his outer one that this one disappeared before that one, like the flame of a candle before the sun.
- Before God, perhaps, before mind, beauty, nature, but not before people, among people you need to recognize your dignity.
- I reject this defense, for I stand on my knees in front of the country, in front of the party, in front of all the people.
- Regulation to masses, to Europe obliges parties.
- Free and happy lie in a psychiatric hospital, and I have a circle of obligations: to the team , to the family, to myself.
- Before eyes flashed the dusty quarters of Kabul, the endless deserted road in front of the checkpoint , the frightened face of the lieutenant.
- He did not stop either in front of whose right, or before what people's sacrifice.
- I reject this defense, for I stand on my knees before the country, before the party, before the people.
- Before leaving Tokyo, Yamamoto put in a good word for Hori before the minister and Prince Fushimi, chief of the naval general staff.
- I didn't even read the second work, and most importantly, I was shy before Sychevsky, as before the writer.
- The people who created it fulfilled their moral duty to their brother , to art and to their people.
- Another before the war, he flaunted before us in uniform, spurs and epaulettes, seducing young ladies with his mustache and perfume.
- God was not only always in them, but, as Kholmogorov himself said, before them: before their mental and before their bodily gaze.
- He spoke almost incessantly both in Catherine's Hall and on the street, now in front of workers, now in front of military units.
- My uncle was not to blame for anything either before the people, or before the state.
- Before God, before Law, before Fatherland, before Tsar.
- We say this honestly, we are not disingenuous before our own people, or before abroad.
- Worship before of them was created in my soul, as before higher beings, surrounded by some inaccessible halo.
- They take off before him, like before master, caps.
- In the Soviet Union, the vast majority of Soviet people did not experience any fear: neither before the present, nor before the future.
- Grandmother slept in front of the very door and died there at night, before having wetted himself and frozen to the floor.
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- But even before the authority of the Council was tested before the masses , the authority of the Executive Committee had to be tested before the Council.
- He does the same in the book about Joan of Arc: in the same way before the Holy Virgin is exposed, as before those forest, sinful virgins.
The leaders have not yet managed to find a common language.
- He is not humiliated in front of printers, nor before paper manufacturers.
- Our attention was drawn to people standing in long lines in front of stores, especially in front of grocery stores.
- I am ashamed in front of everyone, and in front of students, and in front of teachers.
- The main thing was that his conscience was clean before God , before the government and before each person.
- Moreover, this responsibility was not before God, not before conscience, but before the emperor and the state.
- We no longer bow before her wisdom, before her power, or before harmony.
- At the same time, the debt to comrades and the interests of the country to the face of a direct threat to life receded into the background.
- Before the face of the plague, before the end of the millennium, before the beginning of terrible cataclysms.
- He felt so embarrassed in front of the famous artist that, as a token of atonement for his guilt, he wanted to fall on his knees in front of him.
- She was flattered;
- And then, one day, I found myself in front of a door , in front of which I might not have been, if I hadn't had a glimmer of hope at the right moment.
- The peasantry, as well as the workers, face more serious questions.
- Such thoughts sometimes took possession of us, and we were helpless in front of them, as well as before death, which carried away our comrade so quickly.
- Grigory has grown before his uncle, like a leaf before grass, and Afanasy Andreevich is already ordering him to put two bluethroats in a small cage.
- It put Hitler before a tough dilemma: should we strike in the East before to deal with Great Britain?
- Slightly slowed down the pace of in front of "Flora" by Leonardo da Vinci, but only stopped in front of "The Man in the Golden Helmet" by Rembrandt.
- And sure enough, Babushkin's voice was extraordinary: Breiting's roar before is the same as the dragonfly's chirping before the cawing of a raven!
- Before the Center spread even more than before Armenia.
- The woman easily crossed the three steps of the porch and found herself in front of a door, which immediately before was opened for her by an important chamberlain.
- I still have before my eyes the image of my mother standing in front of the open window of the palace.
- Let this be an extra incentive for me to work with a sense of great responsibility to myself, to my conscience, to people.
- answered with something intangible, answered with its ever-increasing mysticism.
- And look, don't be in front of that mouse and don't make a puddle, as in three years at the performance of in front of the royal family.
- Both friends and enemies of her in those difficult days bowed before the feat she accomplished and before the greatness of the trials ahead of her.
- Just like me, they suffer and suffer from fear before death, before themselves and before You, Lord, whom they do not want to name.
- Before a common goal, before the face of a common danger, the leaders failed to find a common language.
- I apologized to him, explaining that before the intrigues of the ora was powerless.
- This idolatry before the personality of Stalin, as well as more or less before everything in the Soviet Union, has assumed irrational forms and proportions.
- Or maybe he didn't experience anything at all, but played comedy and in front of deputies, and in front of TV cameras, and then in front of you and Gorbachev?
- Yes, this is a high rank that requires great responsibility, responsibility before God, before the people , before people.
- When the review was over and the hundred became in front of the Grand Duke, he said: "The right-flank harness-junker, before the hundred formation.
- It was now no longer about equality before God and not about equality before the law, but about economic equality.
- I tried to focus before how to appear before a psychiatrist.
- Before photographing, a black plywood board was hung around the neck on a twine in front of the chest, on which the personal camp number was written with chalk.
- I consider it my duty to myself and before the German people to paint his portrait as faithfully as it is in my power.
- She was apparently very afraid before her death, and only with great effort restrained herself not to show her fear before the rabble.
- We did not before fools retreated a thousand kilometers, but before the strongest army in the world.
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Source - introductory fragments of books with LitRes.
Synonyms for "before". Meaning of the word.