Words rhyming with wait
232 best rhymes for 'wait'
1 syllable
- Date
- Plate
- Hate
- Straight
- Great
- Gate
- State
- Mate
- Rate
- Fate
- Ate
- Late
- Bait
- Skate
- Stayed
- Prayed
- Fade
- Laid
- Played
- Grade
- Blade
- Trade
- Rape
- Made
- Tape
- Shade
- Paid
- Shape
- Slate
- Aid
- Nate
- Sprayed
- Trait
- Freight
- Ape
- Kate
- Crate
- Cape
- Make
- Fake
- Shake
- Break
- Lake
- Sake
- Cake
- Drake
- Take
- Snake
- Stake
- Wake
- Bake
- Babe
- Raid
- Grape
2 syllables
- Debate
- Create
- Relate
- Escape
- Afraid
- Estate
- Betrayed
- Await
- Translate
- Dictate
- Irate
- Donate
- Grenade
- Invade
- Mistake
- Update
- Awake
- Deflate
- Checkmate
- Lightweight
- Inflate
- Rotate
- Vacate
- Equate
- Cremate
- Vibrate
- Sedate
- Parade
- Dilate
- Inmate
- Roommate
- Narrate
- Locate
- Innate
- Negate
- Migrate
- Castrate
- Upstate
3 syllables
- Hesitate
- Generate
- Separate
- Celebrate
- Contemplate
- Penetrate
- Elevate
- Dominate
- Demonstrate
- Meditate
- Graduate
- Concentrate
- Educate
- Levitate
- Dedicate
- Intimate
- Masturbate
- Suffocate
- Tolerate
- Motivate
- Recreate
- Operate
- Calculate
- Imitate
- Activate
- Heavyweight
- Detonate
- Interstate
- Alternate
- Formulate
- Terminate
- Advocate
- Medicate
- Syndicate
- Lemonade
- Violate
- Navigate
- Escalate
- Renegade
- Decimate
- Overweight
- Compensate
- Gravitate
- Isolate
- Illustrate
- Regulate
- Innovate
- Adequate
- Infiltrate
- Estimate
- Emulate
- Stimulate
- Dissipate
- Resonate
- Impregnate
- Complicate
- Conjugate
- Renovate
- Mutilate
- Candidate
- Devastate
- Replicate
- Salivate
- Cooperate
- Decorate
- Speculate
- Fascinate
- Featherweight
- Cultivate
- Radiate
- Dislocate
- Instigate
- Ventilate
- Indicate
- Amputate
- Reinstate
- Orchestrate
- Moderate
- Understate
- Desecrate
- Duplicate
- Predicate
- Liberate
- Integrate
- Aggravate
- Animate
- Irritate
- Confiscate
- Calibrate
- Marinate
- Delegate
4 syllables
- Appreciate
- Eliminate
- Manipulate
- Annihilate
- Decapitate
- Communicate
- Assassinate
- Discriminate
- Eradicate
- Elaborate
- Degenerate
- Disintegrate
- Obliterate
- Evaporate
- Alleviate
- Exterminate
- Anticipate
- Retaliate
- Ejaculate
- Collaborate
- Investigate
- Articulate
- Associate
- Appropriate
- Evacuate
- Procrastinate
- Participate
- Accelerate
- Intimidate
- Regurgitate
- Deliberate
- Incinerate
- Inadequate
- Confederate
- Reciprocate
- Evaluate
- Initiate
- Incorporate
- Congratulate
- Hallucinate
- Affiliate
- Reiterate
- Humiliate
- Negotiate
- Accumulate
- Exaggerate
- Regenerate
5 syllables
- Underestimate
- Differentiate
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Words That Rhyme With "Wait"
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1 syllable:
ait, ate, bait, bate, blate, cate, Chait, crate, date, eight, fait, fate, fete, frate, freight, gait, gate, grate, great, haet, hait, hate, kate, late, mate, pate, plait, plate, prate, rate, sate, skate, slate, spate, state, straight, strait, Tait, Tate, thwaite, trait, Waite, weight
2 syllables:
abate, ablate, affreight, amate, arete, await, belate, berate, collate, conflate, create, debate, deflate, delate, derate, dictate, dilate, disrate, distraite, elate, equate, est, estate, fellate, foredate, inflate, innate, instate, irate, Koweit, Kuwait, lightweight, misdate, mismate, misstate, negate, notate, oblate, orate, ornate, outwait, postdate, predate, prorate, pupate, reflate, regrate, relate, restate, sedate, spectate, sufflate, tinplate, translate, unplait, unstate, update, upstate
3 syllables:
acerate, commutate, conjugate, desecrate, discreate, disinflate, increate, interstate, intrastate, mistranslate, multistate, overate, overrate, overweight, procreate, recreate, reinstate, retranslate, silverplate, telerate, uncreate, underrate
4 syllables:
demodulate, interrelate, recriminate, remunerate
5 syllables:
rhymes | Speech therapy for all
Sep 20, 2011, the author Ekaterina
developed a speech therapist
Kondrashova Galina Nikolaevna
MDOU “Kindergarten No. 3” 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 The game "Rhymes"
We played rhymes - we picked up words.
Let's play with you now.
Show a picture and suggest a word -
Which one we will take with us.
I’ll say an accordion, and you tell me ... (potato),
I’m holding a shirt, you see ... (a bug),
I took a basket, you bought ... (a picture).
I see: a ram is grazing in the field,
And a little boy is carrying - ... (drum),
An ant is crawling along the path with a reed,
And after him flies ... (sparrow).
Violinist gives us concerts on "Bis"0003
All children are treated by our…(doctors).
Game " Good Elephant".
A good elephant lived in the world,
He wrote stories.
He wrote good books,
And gave them to his friends.
He liked to play rhymes,
So that he would not be bored with his friends.
Here is a picture, here... (basket, car, etc.),
Here is a camomile, here is ... (bug, piece of paper),
Here is my house, here is yours ... (volume, catfish),
Here is a cannon, here is ... (fly, drying, mug),
Here is a donut for you , but ... (book, mouse, lid),
Here is a neighbor, but ... (lunch, clarinet, vinaigrette).
So that we don't get bored,
We'll pick up rhymes.
(The game can continue indefinitely until the child gets bored.)
Gifts game.
Monkey has a birthday,
Everyone brings congratulations:
The cockerel brought her a cannon,
And the horse - ... (cracker, rattle, spinner, etc. ).
White bear - chocolate,
A Hedgehog - ... (marmalade, lemonade, etc.)
The game "We play - we select rhymes."
A monkey and a cuckoo, a cockerel and a cat
We decided to play rhymes with the children a little:
The monkey suggested: a bear, ... (then the children choose pictures).
The cuckoo crowed: reel,…
The cat also purred: hand,…
The cockerel crowed: sack,… .
Task: Find rhymes. Children are offered pictures: bear, bump, donut, boy, reel, rattle, pillow, feeder, palm, potato, accordion, midge, bag, pot, strap, top. They choose a picture and substitute the word into the poem.
Miniature rhymes
A mouse rustled in the pantry,
Under the pine lay - ... (cone).
Garik lives in our house,
He has a blue ... (balloon).
Our capricious Masha,
In her plate ... (porridge).
There is an old house in the village,
We got caught in the net - ... (catfish).
They took a volume from the library,
In winter, the guys sculpt - ... (com).
Mice are very fond of cheese,
There are a lot of -… (holes) in good cheese.
The wind blew very strongly,
There was a terrible ... (hum) everywhere.
A sheep lives with a farmer,
Runs in the desert - ... (lizard).
Mom was cleaning the floor,
Dad was waiting: when will ... (goal).
A pack fell on the deck,
Because there was - ... (rolling).
A daughter is writing a letter to her mother,
At the end of the story is - ... (dot).
The tailor chose red silk,
So he knows about fashion...
They played in KVN for a day,
Everyone liked the hall - ... (jokes).
There was a nut on the shore,
The fish was dragged away - ... (seagull).
Porridge is smoking in a bowl,
With tea is - . .. (a cup).
It was very bad in a fairy tale,
Until a -… (miracle) appeared.
The boy is crying very loudly -
He hurt with glass ... (finger).
Onions grew in the garden,
May ... (beetle) crawled in the garden.
There was not enough honey for the bear,
The bee showed ... (sting).
In the raspberry forest the bear grumbled,
Next to him there was a stream… (murmured).
Arkady slept lightly at night,
He was afraid of the dark... (terribly).
The athlete put on his jacket,
He holds in his hands ... (racquet).
The children are waiting for the holidays -
Red summer ... (ongoing).
The oldest in the group is Venya,
He has a friend - ... (Zhenya).
Green bunch of parsley
Gluttonous ate ... (bug).
The woman screamed loudly -
Scared her - ... (toad).
People in fairy tales love to feast,
Everyone in the world needs . .. (peace).
Concrete is being made at the construction site,
In the subway they will require -…(token).
I bought a fashionable Klim vest,
I bought ... (ticket) to the theater.
There lived a boy Zhora,
He has a little sister... (Laura).
Tanya-baby is the most boastful of all,
On her hat - ... (brooch).
The old leopard dreamed of stars.
He wanted to fly to ... (Mars).
Lost to Seryozha fant,
The girls tied ... (bow).
A jar fell off the table,
Now Sveta has a pain...(a wound).
Vasya was on duty in the class,
He cleaned the floors with a rag ... (washed).
There lived an old dog in the world,
He regularly served ... (carried).
They gave Ram a pipe,
And a sentry ... (booth).
Ilya has beautiful hair,
And pleasant, resonant… (voice).
The leader issued a victory cry,
Do not interfere with him . .. (rain).
You can't take someone else's,
And, of course, you can't ... (lie).
To make the hairstyle glossy,
We will need ... (wax).
Yaga did not get the crown,
Carried her away ... (crow).
The picture was painted by the creator,
He depicted on it ... (palace).
Nightingale can not hear the trill,
Muffles it ... (drill).
I saw a wonderful dream,
That I went to ... (Don).
A dark night has come,
My ... (daughter) is falling asleep.
Cat's beautiful paws -
Fluffy shoes (slippers).
Vitya didn't take a satchel to school,
He studied there all day...(dance).
A ship has come to a distant port,
A sailor is carrying a friend...(cake).
The soldier does not need sleds,
He will study ... (tanks).
The incident happened once -
They overturned a copper ... (basin).
Grandfather loves tobacco,
A granddaughter - . .. (zucchini).
Exotic mango fruit.
An unfamiliar dance…(tango).
There are bushes in the yard,
They are very…(thick).
There is a hill near the house -
Ice on it ... (crust).
Someone dug a big grotto-
It turned out to be ... (mole).
A goose lives in the poultry house,
Runs in the forest ... (hare).
Glasha danced the polka,
She sang a song loudly ... (Klasha).
Grandfather went to chop wood,
And grandma - onions ... (weed).
The boxer cut his eyebrow with a blow,
And immediately ran ... (blood).
Brought the ship of athletes to the port,
They went to ... (court).
There was a crumb left on the table,
I fed the birds ... (Proshka).
The roses ran away from the flowerbed,
Very prickly... (roses).
In the morning dew fell -
Go out to the meadow ... (spit).
Horses competed at the races,
Children rode in the park . .. (ponies).
The cat licked all the sour cream,
He wiped it with his paw ... (mouth).
There was a donut on the table -
I caught the smell ... (mouse).
In the realm of fairy tales, a ball is gathered -
There were both old and ... (small).
The big boss needs a folder,
And, of course, in winter, of course… (hat).
If children are walking in the park,
Do not break at the bushes ... (branches).
Kitty's muzzle warms in the sun.
“Whiskas” is filled with delicious ... (bowl).
Natasha baked a cake,
Our…(Rex) loves them very much.
The clown took off his funny cap,
Grandfather planted in a fairy tale ... (turnip).
There is a school desk in the last row,
There is a pen, a textbook and ... (map) on it.
We will put on a mask for the carnival,
A soldier will put on a battle ... (helmet).
The mouse saw the crust -
Dragged it into . .. (mink).
Artur began sawing the log,
He hurt himself…(knee).
A drop was falling down from the sky,
He is not afraid of her... (heron).
Faith's cutting was not successful,
Now it is in the magazine ... (troika).
Mila made a salad,
Washed her…(robe).
The cold is very terrible for a hare,
But even more terrible ... (hunger).
Bought sour cream Gleb,
Bought Vasily ... (bread).
Slowing down time,
The old ... (year) is leaving us.
The hop blossoms luxuriantly in spring,
... (bumblebee) sits on it.
That guys start fights,
Don't believe it! It's just - ... (lies).
A puppy ran in the meadow,
Lena wove for him ... (wreath).
There lived a giant in the world,
And he had ... (pelican).
Strict norm for a soldier:
Always ironed ... (uniform).
Arseniy pultik took in his hands,
He wanted to see . .. (cartoon).
The border guards have a post,
Under guard they have ... (bridge).
Daddy calls Ira:
“My daughter is…(honey)”.
Fedya loves fat very much,
Everything is for him, poor fellow, ... (not enough).
They like kitty serials,
Buy in "Trek" ... (discs).
Vika brushes her teeth in the morning,
Then she paints brightly…(lips).
A cloud floated across the sky,
In the river splashed ... (pike).
The baker bakes bread for the table for us,
Gives out medicine - ... (healer).
There is sand on the river bank,
And there is ... (wood) around.
The boat did not reach the target,
It ran into ... (stranded).
Petya hands with soap soap,
All microbes quickly ... (washed away).
A cat was sitting on the window
And meowing… (a little bit).
The children were running, jumping
And in the evening everyone . .. (tired).
Look - a steam locomotive,
He's wagons ... (carried).
On a large green branch
Squirrels are sitting ... (children).
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Author: Ekaterina
Hello! My name is Ekaterina and I am glad to welcome you to the site " Speech Therapy for All " If you liked the materials of the site, then you can subscribe to new publications by RSS or Email. Also join our speech therapy group at Facebook and Vkontakte .
The author has published 485 articles.
Previous material from the rubric -
- Phonetic warm-ups
- The specifics of correctional and developmental work in the conditions of a social rehabilitation center for minor children
- Experience in diagnosing children with general speech underdevelopment [1 language level]
Headings: Speech therapist to help Tags: speech therapy games
Open Youth Cup of Ukraine - 2017.

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Date: 2017-05-02
Editors: Alexander Kudryavtsev (Nikolaev), Alexander Mudry (Chernivtsi)
The editors are grateful for testing questions: Yana Azriel, Victoria Ananyan, Irina and Taras Vakhriv, Rostislav Gimchinsky, Anastasia Goncharova, Vladimir Gorodetsky, Alexander Ziyuchenko , Andrey Kokulenko, Nikolai Konstantinov, Yulia Loboda, Yulia Lunev, Igor Mazin, Vadim Makarenko, Konstantin Malyutin, Boris Monosov, Dmitry Ovcharuk, Andrey Ostroglazov, Daniil Pakhomov, Artem Rozhkov, Arkady Rukh, Alexei Skuratov, Dmitry Slousch, Alexander Tolesnikov, Alexei and Maria Trefilovs, Igor Tyunkin, Andrey Tsyapa and Alexey Shmatkov.
Show answers
Question 31: The works of Pausanias were topographically accurate. Name a person who in his work was guided by the instructions of Pausanias.
Answer: [Heinrich] Schliemann.
When opening the royal tombs in Mycenae in 1876, the famous archaeologist used the "Description of Hellas" by Pausanias.
Source(s): https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pausanias_(geographer)
Author: Alexander the Wise (Chernivtsi)
Question 32: After the famous FIRST, William of Normandy was practically no longer called the SECOND. "FIRST OF THE SECOND" took place in 303. What two words that begin with the same letter have we replaced with the words "FIRST" and "SECOND"?
Answer: Battle, bastard.
Prior to the victory at the Battle of Hastings and the conquest of England, the nickname of King William I was "Bastard", as he was the illegitimate son of the Duke of Normandy Robert II. The Battle of the Bastards, one of the most important events in George Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, took place in 303 after Aegon's Landing, on which the chronology of the novels is based.
1. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_I_The Conqueror
2. http://ru.gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Bastard_Battle_(event)
Author: Alexander the Wise (Chernivtsi)
Question 33: It is said in Normandy that in windy weather HE sometimes managed to overtake even galloping horsemen returning from the abbey. Name HIM.
Answer: Tide.
On the Norman island of Mont Saint-Michel is the famous abbey of the same name. The island at low tide turned into a peninsula, and pilgrims could get on dry land. In the event that the tide was accompanied by a wind blowing towards the coast, its speed could reach 30 kilometers per hour.
Source(s): http://masterok.livejournal.com/329697.html
Author: Alexander Kudryavtsev (Nikolaev)
Question 34: . The eruption of the Toba volcano, which occurred about seventy-five thousand years ago, caused a catastrophic earthquake with a magnitude of more than nine points, and the subsequent cooling nearly destroyed the human population. Answer accurately enough: where was the epicenter of the only thirteen-magnitude earthquake?
Answer: In Chicxulub crater.
Credit: In the Yucatan Peninsula; in the Yucatan; in Mexico.
The power of the eruption of the Toba volcano was 20 times greater than the power of the eruption of the Tambora volcano, the result of which was the "Year without summer". The TNT equivalent of the earthquake caused by the eruption of the Toba volcano was 800 megatons. The TNT equivalent of an earthquake caused by the fall of the Yucatan asteroid is 100 teraton. It is believed that this asteroid caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Source(s): https://en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Richter_magnitude_scale
Author: Alexander Kudryavtsev (Nikolaev)
Question 35:
Smoke powder consists of small black grains. What is the name of multi-barreled pistols with a rotating block of barrels?
Answer: Pepper box.
Credit: Pepperbox.
The gun looks like a device for grinding black pepper, and black powder looks like ground pepper.
1. http://super-orujie.ru/blog/43924842171/Belgiyskaya-"perechnitsa"
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoke_Powder
Author: Alexander Kudryavtsev (Nikolaev)
Question 36: In one of the episodes of The Big Bang Theory, physicist Sheldon Cooper, noting the outstanding achievements of the FIRST, proposed to "transplant" him to the place of the SECOND. Name the FIRST and SECOND.
Answer: [Stephen] Hawking, [Abraham] Lincoln.
We are talking about a marble statue in the Lincoln Memorial depicting the 16th President of the United States sitting in an armchair. Cooper proposed to "transplant" Hawking from his chair to Lincoln's chair, thus recognizing the scientist's contribution to the development of modern science.
Source(s): The Big Bang Theory, S10E09
Author: Alexander the Wise (Chernivtsi)
Question 37:
In these illustrations you can see the first, second, third, fourth and fifth. Answer with two words starting with adjacent letters, who was the father of the illustrator John Tenniel.
Answer: Dance teacher.
The legs of the heroes are located in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth dance positions.
1. http://www.alice-in-wonderland.net/resources/analysis/picture-origins/#ballet
2. http://balletomir.com/basics-of-classical-dance/pozicii-nog-v-klassicheskom-tance.html
Author: Igor Korshovsky (Ternopil)
Question 38: Scientists from the University of Leicester, after examining various illustrations for a well-known fairy tale, noticed that ALPHA is usually quite large. Based on the properties of the material, they calculated that with the heroine's weight of 55 kilograms, ALPHA could not be more than twelve millimeters. Name ALPHA as accurately as possible.
Answer: Heel height of the glass slipper.
Credit: Cinderella's heel height.
Physicists have calculated what kind of load Cinderella's glass shoes can withstand at the moment when she runs away from the Prince. To prevent the shoes from splitting while running, the height of their heel should be no more than twelve millimeters.
Source(s): https://ria.ru/science/20170102/1484829235.html
Author: Alexander the Wise (Chernivtsi)
Question 39: They write that this pseudonym was also chosen because it was consonant with the word with the meaning "to engage in horse acrobatics" and thus hinted at the fearlessness of its owner. Name this alias.
Answer: Voltaire.
The pseudonym was consonant with the French word "voltige" [voltizh], from which the word "voltage" comes. There is still no consensus on the origin of this pseudonym. The most popular version is that it is an anagram.
Source(s): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltaire
Author: Alexander Kudryavtsev (Nikolaev)
Question 40: When Skorzeny was assigned to find the place where Mussolini was imprisoned, he staked on his understanding of the character of the Italians. Having secretly arrived in Italy with his people, Skorzeny ordered one of them to go into a crowded tavern, categorically declare that Mussolini was mortally ill, and wait for THIS. Call THIS an indeclinable word.
Answer: Bet.
Skorzeny knew that the Italians are fierce debaters, and decided to take advantage of this. Hearing in the tavern words about Mussolini's illness, the local merchant immediately made a bet that the Duce was alive and well, and, in support of his words, told him where to look for him.
Source(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSuWPw39GU8
Author: Alexander the Wise (Chernivtsi)
Question 41: A report about a not-so-spectacular match was headlined "THIS Marseille and Bordeaux". Some historians call SUCH the Napoleonic Wars, during which hostilities were fought outside of Europe. What rhyming words did we replace with the word SUCH?
Answer: Zero world.
The match was not very interesting and ended in a goalless draw. During the Napoleonic Wars, hostilities were also carried out on the territory of modern Argentina, the United States, South Africa and Indonesia.
1. http://football.ua/france/149785-lyga-1-nulevaja-myrovaja-marselja-y-bordo.html
2. http://telegrafua.com/world/13165/
3. N.V. Starikov, "Geopolitics: How it's done" - St. Petersburg: "Piter", 2013, p. 33.
Author: Alexander the Wise (Chernivtsi)
Question 42: Stick insects resemble tree branches, and representatives of one species of spider resemble THEM. Name a resident of Kiev who became famous for "IMI".
Answer: [Valery Vasilyevich] Lobanovsky.
THEY are dry sheets. The front of the newly discovered spider is brown and looks a lot like a dried leaf, and its abdomen is extended into a petiole. Kiev Dynamo player Valery Lobanovsky was a recognized master of the strike called "dry leaf".
1. https://www.moya-planeta.ru/news/view/uchenye_vpervye_nashli_pauka_pohozhego_na_suhoj_list_26046/
2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobanovsky,_Valery_Vasilyevich
Author: Alexander the Wise (Chernivtsi)
Question 43: In 1983, a well-known company commissioned a clone of the game Space Invaders, in which the player repels alien attacks. Enemy flying saucers in the ordered version are painted in three colors. What word in the name of this option was replaced by the word "Space" [space]?
Answer: Pepsi.
Enemy flying saucers are painted in PepsiCo's corporate colors of red, white and blue. The game, called Pepsi Invaders, was commissioned by Coca-Cola.
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepsi_Invaders
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU77VBlmWno
Author: Alexander Kudryavtsev (Nikolaev)
Question 44: The legend tells that in 1847 the American Captain Hanson Gregory sailed a ship and ate pastries. Suddenly a storm broke out, forcing the captain to take the helm with both hands. In order not to throw food on the floor, the captain did something. What is Hanson Gregory considered to be the inventor of?
Answer: Donuts.
Credit: Donata.
According to the legend, the captain stabbed a pastry on the spoke of the steering wheel. In reality, everything was different. The captain did not like that in the prototypes of donuts that did not have a hole, the middle was not baked well.