Words to describe objects
words used to describe the shape of objects - synonyms and related words
an aerodynamic shape or design allows an airplane, car, etc. to move through the air in a smooth and fast way
as flat as a pancake
very flat
something that is asymmetrical does not have the same shape and size on both sides
big and round, or shaped like an onion
thick and square in shape
twisted into a shape or position that is not natural
shaped to follow or fit the shape of something else
mainly literary a convoluted shape or surface has many twists and curves
informal forming or full of curves
something that is deformed has a different shape from what is usual or natural and is not attractive to look at
made to fit the shape of something closely
thin and wide and not curving inward or outward
divided into two separate parts in a “Y” shape
square in shape, with four equal sides
in the shape of a small round ball
with a shape like a long narrow circle
with a point at the end
informal with a point on the end
used after some adverbs for describing the way that the different parts of something combine
arranged to form an even shape
with an even shape, or arranged with an equal amount of space between objects
rolled and folded in the shape of a tube
literary with a strong curved shape
shaped or moving with many bends and curves
a solid object or shape does not have any holes or empty space inside it
with edges or corners that are not as curved as usual
something that is straight does not bend or curve
without a bend or curve
a symmetrical shape or object has two halves that are exactly the same
narrower at one end
with three corners
bent into a shape that is not normal
wraparound objects curve around the sides of whatever they are fitted to
English version of thesaurus of words used to describe the shape of objects
Free thesaurus definition of words used to describe the shape of objects from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education.
Adjectives Words to Describe Shape of Objects
As we know a shape is a graphical representation of an object or its external boundary, outline as opposed to other properties such as color, texture, or material type.
Today we are going to look at commonly used Adjective words for describing different 2d and 3d shapes of objects. Using these you would be able to express and compare various objects based on their shapes and structure.
Following is a list of common adjectives to describe the shape:
- Straight: This is a straight line
- Wide: It is a wide road
- Skinny: She is skinny
- Square: There are four squares
- Steep: It is very steep to drive
- Narrow: You will come across a narrow road
- Round: It is a round shape object
- Shallow: The water is shallow deep
- High: Being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension
- Hollow: The vessel is hollow from inside
- Low: It has low altitude
- Curved: Not straight; having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend
- Deep: With head or back bent low
- Flat: Parallel to the ground
- Aerodynamic: Of or relating to aerodynamics
- Broad: Very large in expanse or scope
- Chubby: Children are bright-eyed, chubby, and shy
- Crooked: Having or marked by bends or angles; not straight or aligned
- Triangular: Having three angles; forming or shaped like a triangle
- Oval: A closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it
- Circular: Marked by or moving in a circle
- Cylindrical: Related to or having the shape or properties of a cylinder
- Angular: Having angles or an angular shape
- Two Dimensional: There are two major methods of two dimensional fractal generation
- Three Dimensional: Very large in expanse or scope
- Tapered: Gradually narrowed toward a point
- Globular: Having the shape of a sphere or ball
- Diminutive: Very small
- Dinky: Small and insignificant
- Foursquare: A plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon
- Gargantuan: Of great mass; huge and bulky
- Horizontal: Parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line
- Large: Above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
- Lengthy: Relatively long in duration; tediously protracted
- Level: A flat surface at right angles to a plumb line
- Little: Limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent
- Long: Primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified
- Midget: Very small
- Oblique: Slanting or inclined in direction or course or position–neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angular
- Orbicular: Having the shape of a sphere or ball
- Plain: Lacking patterns especially in color
- Plump: Straight down especially heavily or abruptly
- Pointy: With a pointy stick
- Portly: Euphemisms for `fat’
- Punny: Witty or punny dialogue
- Regular: Having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume can be determined with a suitable geometric formula
- End Meets: Open shapes never make the ends meet
- Diagonal: Is something with slanted lines or a line that connects one corner with the corner furthest away.
- Mark: A shape mark is a trademark that safeguards the shape of the product. It might be the shape of a product, a good, brand, logo, label, tag, etc
- Regular: used for uniform shapes
When two objects have same shape you can use the words like identical and similar to describe those objects.
How to use these words in sentences & while you speak:
For Example : “It is a two-dimensional figure”, “This Valley is very deep”, “I like this Straight statue”.
Don’t worry If you aren’t able to remember all the shape words, You can use this list as a reference till the time you master these shape and structure adjectives and get used to speaking and writing them in sentences.
Quick Links
- Adjectives to Describe Size
- Types of Polygons with Pictures
How to describe an object in English
Sometimes you need to know how to describe an object in English . It is important to describe its size, shape, surface, color and other parameters. Let's take a mushroom for example.
Below you will find a list of adjectives that will help you describe any object in size, shape and other parameters.
regular in shape
irregular in shape
shaped like a ball (star, heart ...) hearts ...)
Temperature (temperature to the touch):
cool - cool
stone-cold - cold as ice
ice-cold - very cold, icy
pleasantly warm - pleasantly warm
piping hot - piping hot
Feel (touch surface):
SMOOTH - smooth
rope - rough
SHARP - acute
blunt - stupid
Pointed - pointed
Fluffy - Fluffy
English description for beginners (example)
My Favorite Thing
I want to write about my favorite rucksack.
I bought it when I was on holiday in Italy three years ago. It was the most beautiful rucksack in the shop and I wanted to have it.
It is smaller than a school bag but it is more comfortable. It is gray and pink with a nice picture of a teddy bear on it. There are a lot of pockets inside so I can keep my keys, my mobile phone, my lunch box and a lot of other things in it. There is always a toy bear in one of the pockets because it is my lucky toy.
The rucksack is very comfortable and I always carry my books and notebooks in it.
Comparative constructions used when describing an object in English:
be bigger (than)
be a little bigger (than)
be as big as
After verbs be, feel, taste, smell, look and others - adjectives are used, just like in Russian.
- To feel smooth
- To smell fresh - to smell fresh
- To taste sweet - to taste sweet
How to describe an object in English.

You have become familiar with words and grammatical constructions and understood how to describe a subject in English. But that was a theory. The following exercises will help you learn how to describe the subject in practice.
Exercise 1. Paraphrase.
This exercise will help you learn to paraphrase, that is, to express the same idea in different ways.
EXAMPLE. Boots made of rubber are rubber boots. - Boots made of rubber are rubber boots.
- A bag made of paper is a paper bag.
- A bowl made of plastic is …
- A key made of metal …
- A ring made of silver …
- A watch made of gold …
- A chimney made of iron…
- A dish made of glass …
- A belt made of leather …
Exercise 2. Guess the object from its description.
Here is an example of such a riddle in English.
Description of the item in English (sample)
This object is not very large, it's as big as a tennis ball, sometimes a little bigger or a little smaller . It is round and quite regular in shape . When you touch it is feels smooth and firm . It is usually cool and smells fresh . You can eat it and it tastes sweet and sour . It can be red, yellow or green. What is it?
Answer - HERE
Exercise 3. Describe a knife, a bed, a stone, a pencil, a wardrobe.
Exercise 4. Arrange a competition by continuing the list of nouns that match the description.
- (a) tiny bell, …
- (a) bulky suitcase, …
- (a) sharp axe, …
- (a) narrow door, ...
- (a) broad river, …
- (a) fluffy cat, .
- (a) smooth cheek, …
- (a) rough sheet, ...
- (a) blunt pencil, …
- (a) pointed pen, …
- (a) heavy bag, …
- (a) straight path, …
We continue to learn to describe and move on to an artistic description of an object in English - Decription of an Object.
We continue to learn how to describe appearance?
This entry was posted in Written speech / Letter and essay.Dictionary of the most important words and phrases for describing a room in English
- Interior and furniture in English: basic vocabulary
- Useful phrases about furniture and interior in English
- How to practice vocabulary from the topic interior and furniture?
For fluent communication in English, it is important to learn as many English words as possible in order to keep conversations on various topics.
The topic of furniture and interior is one of the basic ones, it will be useful both in everyday conversation with friends and during communication with designers, realtors, colleagues. The article contains the most popular short words in English and useful phrases that will come in handy when talking about the design, arrangement of residential and office space.
Interior and furniture in English: a basic dictionary
To make it easier and faster to learn interior items, they can be divided into general vocabulary and semantic groups (rooms in which they usually contain furniture). Interior items and auxiliary words from this topic are added directly to each group.
General vocabulary
English word | Translation |
House | House |
Roof | Roof |
First floor | First floor |
Basement | Cellar |
Stairs | Staircase |
Mail box | Mailbox |
Door | Door |
Door handle | Door handle |
Peephole | Peephole |
Light switch | Switch |
socket | Socket |
Window | Window |
Blinds | Blinds |
Ceiling | Ceiling |
Chandelier | Chandelier |
Curtain pole | Cornice |
To describe interior items and their location in space, you need to know auxiliary words.
Next to | Close by |
Between | Between |
Opposite (to) | Opposite |
Behind | Rear |
In front of | Before |
To the left (of) | Left (from) |
To the right | Right |
Entrance hall
Hall or entrance hall is the first room that a person enters. Outerwear, shoes, keys are usually left in it. In the hallway there is often a utility closet, which stores large items used to clean the apartment.
English word | Translation |
Clothes hanger | Clothes hanger |
Hanger / clothes rack | Hanger (hangers) |
Doormat | Doormat |
Shoe cabinet | Shoe cabinet |
Bench | Bench |
Shoehorn | Shoe horn |
Ironing board | Ironing board |
Vacuum cleaner | Vacuum cleaner |
Broom | Broom |
Dustpan | Scoop |
Mop | Mop |
Fuse box | Electrical panel |
Living room
Living room is a common area of the apartment where the whole family usually spends time and communicates with guests.
English word | Translation |
Armchair | Armchair |
Rocking chair | Rocking chair |
Chair | Chair |
Sofa | Sofa |
Cushion | Cushion |
TV set | TV |
Coffee table | Coffee table |
Bookshelf | Bookshelf |
Clock | Clock |
Carpet | Carpet |
Lamp | Lamp |
floor lamp | Floor lamp (floor lamp) |
Rug | Carpet |
Houseplants | Houseplants |
Picture | Painting |
Vase | Vase |
Kitchen or kitchen is a storehouse of everyday English. The person in this room performs many processes related to the preparation of food and drinks. A lot of technology and other items are concentrated here. It is not enough to learn how the chair and dining table will be in English .
The collection below contains frequently used vocabulary related to the kitchen.
English word | Translation |
Cupboard | Cupboard |
Cabinets | Cabinets |
Counter | Worktop |
Sideboard | Buffet |
Stool | Chair |
Tablecloth | Tablecloth |
Table | Table |
Coffee machine | Coffee maker |
Dishwasher | Dishwasher |
Dishwasher pods | Dishwasher capsules |
Kettle | Kettle |
Fridge | Refrigerator |
Freezer | Freezer |
Cooker | Plate |
Gas stove | Gas stove |
Oven | Oven |
Cutting board | Cutting board |
Knife | Knife |
Fork | Fork |
Spoon | Spoon |
Grater | Grater |
Kitchen Utensils | Kitchen utensils, cooking appliances |
Oven racks | Oven racks |
Microwave | Microwave oven |
Toaster | Toaster |
Sink | Sink |
Tap water | Tap water (tap) |
Stool | Sponge |
Brush | Brush |
Gas meter | Gas meter |
Water meter | Water meter |
See also: Names of countries and nationalities in English
English word | Translation |
Bathroom | Bathroom |
Bath | Bath |
Shower cabin | Shower cabin |
Hot/cold tap | Hot / cold water tap |
shower curtain | Shower curtain |
Mirror | Mirror |
Washbasin | Washbasin |
Soap holder | Soap dish |
Towel-rail | Towel rack |
Bath mat | Bath mat |
Laundry basket | Laundry basket |
Washing machine | Washing machine |
Hairdryer | Hair dryer |
Toilet | Toilet bowl |
Toilet paper holder | Toilet paper holder |
The office is a room for work and study, so all the furniture in it is functional.
English word | Translation |
Desk | Desk |
Drawer | Desk drawer (pull-out) |
Table lamp | Table lamp |
Office chair | Work chair |
Bookcase | Bookcase |
Filing cabinet | Cabinet with drawers (for office) |
Shelving | Shelving unit |
Shelf | Shelf |
Safe | Safe |
Waste paper basket | Waste bin |
A bedroom or bedroom is a private area that is not normally entered by outsiders. In this room, a person, first of all, rests. But you need to know not only how it will be bed in English , but also the translation of other bedroom interior items.
English word | Translation |
Bed | Bed |
Bunk bed | Bunk bed |
Cat | Baby cot |
Cradle | Cradle |
Wardrobe | Wardrobe |
Closet | Built-in wardrobe |
Chest of drawers | Chest of drawers |
Night table | Bedside table |
End table | Side table |
Curtains | Curtains, curtains |
Drapes | Blackout curtains |
Carpet | Carpet |
Bedspread | Bedspread |
Pillow | Cushion |
Blanket | Blanket |
Pillowcase | Pillowcase |
Sheet | Sheet |
Read also: We improve the ownership of English: List of daily exercises
Useful phrases about furniture and interior in English
The theme . But to communicate with foreigners about the arrangement of apartments, it is important to have a sufficient vocabulary. It is necessary to know not only how it will be chair in English language, but also be able to use this word in conversation. Therefore, you should learn a few phrases that will help keep the conversation going about the apartment.
Phrase | Translation | Note |
Turn the kettle on | Turn on the kettle | Kitchen phrases |
To do the dishes by hand | Wash dishes by hand | |
To load the dishwasher | Loading dishwasher | |
Could you help me wash the dishes? | Could you help me wash the dishes? | |
Wipe down the kitchen counters. | Wipe kitchen countertops. | |
Clean out the fridge. | Clean the refrigerator. | |
Can you put the light on? | Can you turn on the light? | Phrases for the living room |
Can you turn the light off? | Can you turn off the light? | |
Is there anything good on TV? | Is there anything good on TV? | |
Scrub down the tub / shower. | Wash the tub/shower. | Phrases for the bathroom |
Take the dirty clothes out of the humper. | Remove dirty clothes from the basket. | |
Load the clothes into the washing machine. | Load clothes into the washing machine. |
How to practice vocabulary from the topic interior and furniture?
In order for learned words to remain in memory for a long time, they must not only be written down in a dictionary and taught, but also introduced into other tasks.